Top Tips for Effective Communication!

by Dann1
4 replies
Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills you can have. It can determine how successful you are in your relationships, your career, and your entire life!

Tip #1 - Show respect to everyone you speak to. Whether they are your boss, your friend, your neighbour, a child, or a complete stranger.

Tip #2 - Think before you speak. We often say things that we immediately regret, and a lot of us say things that we afterwards realise we could have said slightly differently. So think!
#communication #effective #tips #top
  • Profile picture of the author Sara20
    Hello, thank you very much for this good and quality information, I like it vey much)
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  • Profile picture of the author tanya7zhou
    Originally Posted by Dann1 View Post

    Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills you can have. It can determine how successful you are in your relationships, your career, and your entire life!

    Tip #1 - Show respect to everyone you speak to. Whether they are your boss, your friend, your neighbour, a child, or a complete stranger.

    Tip #2 - Think before you speak. We often say things that we immediately regret, and a lot of us say things that we afterwards realise we could have said slightly differently. So think!

    See this awesome article on the 10 Essential Tips for Effective Communication for more!
    Agreed. Valuing people is an important trait. The Golden Rule; " to others as you want them to do to you..."

    Yet we forget that many times, and allow ego to take over and ruin others, while ruining ourselves at the same time. That is why we regret and do not pause to think of our actions or the damage we are causing to others.

    It's not over until it is Over!

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  • Profile picture of the author gingerninjas
    Communication is the key to success that is for sure. Thanks for sharing this article
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  • Profile picture of the author cynthiaSEL
    Originally Posted by Dann1 View Post

    Show respect to everyone you speak to.
    You're right, being respectful makes a difference! I would add, "and kindness."
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