How To Make Peace With Your Past Mistakes And Move On With Your Present.

3 replies
We have all gone through our past for us to be in the present. The past can be a good place where we can enjoy those good memories or it can be a dangerous place where it is full of regret, sorrow, shame or guilt. The past is a dangerous place and if you want to go there it is good to go with someone you trust.

If you are feeling regret, sorrow, shame or guilt this means you have some unfinished business with your past. If you are going through this this pain it does not mean it is the end of the road for you. The pain that you are feeling is a gift. For you to get this gift you have to resolve your past. Through this you will find your life preparing you for greater things to come.

How to Make Peace With Your Past.

1. Know what you are feeling â€" What are you feeling right now, is it guilt, shame, sorrow or regret?

2. Now that you have identified your pain you should know that pain is part of the human
3. Begin the healing process
4. Take your Journal.
5. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist.
6. Alone time

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#make #mistakes #move #past #peace #present
  • Profile picture of the author Tokama2542
    Just stay positive and move on. After all, you wouldn't become the person you are today if it weren't for these mistakes you have committed in the past...
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  • Profile picture of the author bleght
    Accept and move on. The rest is just different techniques to get yourself in the mood to do that or to convince yourself to do that. Remember that everyone makes mistakes, appreciate the lesson the mistake has provided you and try to forget about it. Keep yourself busy and stay positive with your attention on the future or present, not the past.
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  • Profile picture of the author professorrosado
    When we understand that life is learning, then we come to accept and appreciate mistakes and all negatives as the pavement that leads to our true success.

    Stop fighting with your teacher (life).

    Don't be foolish and feel embarrassed or allow others to belittle you and your learning process (at least you're doing something).

    Persevere and you will find that all of it helped you to achieve the greatest success of all!

    The Rev. Dr. Gilberto Rosado - credit me if you scrape this and use it! LOL!
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