Billionaire MIND? Habits that makes you RICH
For the leaders I tracked, the five-hour guideline often fell.
into three containers: reading, reflection, and experimentation.
1. Read
According to an HBR article, "Nike founder Phil Knight so reveres his library that in it, you have to take off your shoes and bow."
Consider the extreme reading habits of other billionaire entrepreneurs:
Mark Cuban reads more than three hours every day.
Arthur Blank, co-founder of Home Depot, reads two hours a day.
Billionaire entrepreneur David Rubenstein reads six books a week.
Dan Gilbert, the self-made billionaire,Cleveland and owner of theCavaliers, reads one to two hours a day.
2. Reflect
Other times, the five-hour rule takes the form of reflection and thinking time.
AOL CEO Tim Armstrong makes his senior team spend four hours per week just thinking.
Jack Dorsey is a serial wanderer. LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner schedules two hours of thinking time per day.
Brian Scudamore, the founder of the $250 million company O2E Brands, spends 10 hours a week just thinking.
3. Experiment
Finally, the five-hour rule takes the form of rapid experimentation.
The biggest example of experimentation might be Thomas Edison's. Even though he was a genius, Edison approached new inventions with humility.
He would identify every possible solution and then systematically test each one of them.
According to one of his biographers, "Although he understood the theories of his day, he found them useless in solving unknown problems."
Just Jess -
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