Results Come First in Small Spurts, Then in Surges

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Anytime you take on a new goal and start applying daily consistent habits of practicing and improving on that goal, you'll see gradual up and down progress mainly characterized by small growth spurts. Those who persist for long enough will also get see their surges in growth.

A few examples of slow + fast growth:

- You go to the gym every day, slowly improving weights and performance, every once in a while you'll have an extreme day where you'll jump to a much higher set of weight class.

- Your Youtube channel would slowly grow incrementally, sometimes more and sometimes less, every once in a while you'll upload a video that performs better than everything that day, week or month combined!

- You meditate every day for 20-60 minutes, most meditations show gradual improvement with some odd bad ones, every once while you'll have an incredible meditation that changes everything.

The way I control these surges and create more of them is simply by condensing the amount of action I take each week as much as possible, I take massive action on anything that I do, my focus is always on massive quantity, not quality.

This means working out every day for 1+ hours, meditating for 60 instead of 20 minutes, uploading 5 videos every day etc.. the reason for this behaviour is that massive action prompts faster cycles of up, down and surges. I have a surge in at-least 2-3 areas of life every week because all my habits are set to max intensity.

For example this past week I've had a surge in my Instagram growth (jumped from 800 to 3,100 followers in less than 2 weeks), I've had a surge in my fitness (massive progress on weights and physique) and also had a surge in meditation (reached a new peak time for being completely present and thoughtless).

So the faster you want results to come the more massive action you need to take, there really are no laws or limitations regarding this. Don't believe the people who tell you about "the law of diminishing returns" attempting to keep you at a lower action level. As long as maintain your drive and don't get sloppy experience always equals experience.

The reason I'm so addicted to surges in my health, mindfulness, knowledge, fame and income is because they show you what is next to come. If you keep it up for long enough, your surges will end up becoming your daily growth and your new surges will be exponentially higher than before.

Every time I have a surge I feel like I've just leveled up in a video-game, which is actually a fairly accurate comparison to how it actually is. The pleasure comes from seeing to what exponential levels of success you can take your financed, fame, health, mindfulness, knowledge and more.

Oh wait.. you're not consistent yet? What the hell are you waiting for? The pleasures of life come to those who stay consistent and reach the levels where they deserve them!


#results #small #spurts #surges

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