Are you tired of online Zen Moments and Fortune Cookie like motivational phrases?

2 replies
Just the other day I stumble upon one of those allegedly deep thoughts, you can find all over the Net. I see that my wife collects and share them restlessly on Facebook. So, it was something like "save you heart for love not for business." I said to myself, oh this is so deep, I have to write it down immediately. I respect any idea and thought. I believe that every person has invested some time and effort in writing or publishing something. So, it is worth some respect, as well. However, this hyperproduction of meaningless Zen moments and those motivational phrases in the form of fortune cookies are getting us nowhere. I also understand that not all of us can be thinkers and influencers. Yet, what's the joy and use of these lines that are supposed to motivate, but instead they can only frustrate you?

Some motivational phrases stick with your forever. They give you real strength and courage to endure and prevail when it is tough. On the other hand, you have these "snacks" for your mind that don't give you what you want. Who am I to judge? Rest assured that I'm not some kind of a crusade trying to make the Net be the empty motivational phrases free. I'm just saying, isn't a little bit annoying and pointless? That's all.
#cookie #fortune #moments #motivational #online #phrases #tired #zen
  • Profile picture of the author debburns47
    Ha, ha, yes I think you're right, we have gone a bit over the top with all the memes. I think we are so over-exposed to insightful quotes that we quite hard to impress these days.

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    • Profile picture of the author neshaword
      Originally Posted by debburns47 View Post

      Ha, ha, yes I think you're right, we have gone a bit over the top with all the memes. I think we are so over-exposed to insightful quotes that we quite hard to impress these days.


      I always leave an open door for a surprisingly good thought these days. When I stumble upon one, I appreciate and share it with all of my heart. But this hyper-production of fast-food-wisdom is unbearable. Guess, that's the reason all those timeless quotes are still popular to this very day. They have proven their worth.

      Always good to hear from you.

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