Million Dollar Idea Failed Find out Why..

by Clint
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I remember one day I was out with my buddy you is having a little
get together with some close friends of ours. We were sitting
around a fire when he told me that he had an idea that would turn
him into a millionaire.

He said this idea was sure to become a success that everyone would
love idea so brilliant that he did not want to share it with
anybody until he had it perfect.

The Development of a $1,000,000 Idea

The coming weeks and months he was working so hard on his project
and ended up investing around $5000 in the development of this
project. And throughout these days and months that went by you
could see the glimmer in his eye of passion and excitement, but he
still would not let us in on his brilliant idea.

So to say the least are hope and excitement for our friend success
started to grow not to mention our curiosity of what his big idea
was. So me and my friends continually asked what it was he was
working on, until one day he finally reveal his idea to us.

Revolutionary Idea Revealed

Come to find out not only was he keeping it secret to us his idea
was so revolutionary not even the rest of the world know about it.
This is when my concern for the success of his idea started to show
through, because you see, even if you have a brilliant idea product
or method history has proven that it typically takes a long grace
period for people to accept new ways of seeing things and such was
the case with my friend's amazing idea.

You see, although my friend's idea was brilliant. It would not
change the fact that he would have to introduce a new way of seeing
things in order for his idea to succeed.

The Launch Day

When it came time to launch his idea people were not open to accept
his idea and all the money, work and effort that he put in at first
seem to be a waste. But although my friends idea eventually failed
he realized that he did not do the proper market research to make
sure everyone was ready and accepting to his idea.

He went back to the drawing board and redid his entire idea
focusing around what the market desired instead of just what he
believed the market needed. And he finally achieved his success.

We all see this world through different eyes. What we might see as
a perfect opportunity or whatnot another may see nothing of value.

The 5K Lesson Learned

So the moral of the story is to Make sure you do your due diligence
and research your market properly. Find out what they desire, what
they are willing to accept an offer that to them and they'll take
it in with open arms.

Build That Relationship

Build your list and develop that relationship with the community in
your niche and you will be able to deliver them their dreams.
#dollar #failed #find #idea #million

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