What is your per month income goal?
Before I begin though, I want to let you know more about me and what this is not.
I don't wish to know what you make or how many income streams you have or anything like that. I also don't want to know anything that you don't feel comfortable sharing and if your income goal falls under that side then please ignore this post.
Now a little about me.
I am a copywriter and an inspiring entrepreneur. I am FINALLY able to see the big picture and starting to put those ideas into actions. I do work a 9-5 currently but I am happy with my life, wife and child.
Now, onto the actual question.
At what income would you feel like you were fulfilled or would make you happy. I see a lot of my marketer, trader, ecom experts and other friends on Facebook with really great incomes but at different levels.
I have some that are doing 20k per month which is damn good in my eyes 100k per month which is insane, and then people who make those numbers in a day. Literally. I do have some friends that make a few million a month.
I am very proud of those people because they inspire me to do better but I wonder if one actually is ever content with any income amount.
Like I think when I am blessed enough to hit 20-50k mark per month, idk how much more I would do. I would see myself traveling more and just helping more people without worrying about growing my own income. I am not saying that I wouldn't want to sustain my success, but I wouldnt be more concerned with more so more income once I am financially comfortable.
So my question is, how much would it take for you to be comfortable /happy and would you just keep working on more businesses, or just put your time into other things.
Sorry for such a long post by the way.
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Brian B.