How to write out think and grow rich statement for recurring income?

by chini
1 replies
Hi in think and grow rich, Napelon hill mentions to write out a statement like:

By the first day of January, 19.., I will have in my possession $50,000, which will come to me in various amounts from time to time during the interim.
In return for this money I will give the most efficient service of which I am capable, rendering the fullest possible quantity, and the best possible quality of service in the capacity of salesman of (describe the service or merchandise you intend to sell).

I believe that I will have this money in my possession. My faith is so strong that I can now see this money before my eyes. I can touch it with my hands. It is now awaiting transfer to me at the time, and in the proportion that I deliver the service I intend to render in return for it. I am awaiting a plan by which to accumulate this money, and I will follow that plan, when it is received.


I'm looking to create a recurring income goal which is:

I xxx by the 1st November 2017 will have in my possession $100 USD a day in consistent and recurring income that will come to me at various amounts from time to time between now and then. In return for this money I will...........


Is that how you would write it for recurring income? I feel i might need a accumulated amount rather then word it like that.

Any suggestions/ideas would be very much appreciated!

#grow #income #recurring #rich #statement #write
  • Profile picture of the author Ryan Tran
    Once you wrote, you just remind yourselve that you have to do to make money. But its not all. You have to do, to do from a little thing to make it become larger. Then your dream would come true.
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