You Can't Be A Successful Entrepreneur ...

by Jonathan 2.0 Banned
17 replies

Almost anyone can be successful at "IM". If anything
-- use those "negative comments" ... To motivate you into
taking more action.

: )

Feel free to inspire /motivate other Newbie Marketers with
their Goal(s).
#entrepreneur #successful
  • Profile picture of the author myob
    The statistics show otherwise. Almost everyone fails at "IM", usually because they just don't have what it takes.

    "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it."
    - W. C. Fields
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      The statistics show otherwise. Almost everyone fails at "IM", usually because they just don't have what it takes.
      Absolutely --- more than likely all of the most successful Entrepreneurs experienced a certain amount of "failure" until they were successful.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it." - W. C. Fields
      (Lol.) Or ... Keep going no matter what -- there's no point in giving up.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
      Originally Posted by myob View Post

      The statistics show otherwise. Almost everyone fails at "IM", usually because they just don't have what it takes.

      "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it."
      - W. C. Fields
      so, pray tell, exactly what does it take
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by hardraysnight View Post

        so, pray tell, exactly what does it take
        Conscientious effort to learn the business. I mean hundreds and hundreds of hours. For example, I have asked newbie business owners "Who many hours a day do you spend learning more about how your business works? How many books have you read? How many really successful people (in your business) have you talked to? How much do you practice the skills you need to be successful?"

        For example, when I first opened my retail store, I wanted to learn how to advertise. For the first two years every ad I ran lost money. So I decided to learn how to make my advertising pay. I read dozens of books on small business advertising, read several classic books on copy writing, i went to the library and went through magazines looking at ads that were running every month for over a year (that took a few weeks of a few hours a day). I copied the ads that were obviously making a profit, and studied what they had in common. And I kept advertising...wasting money on trial and error.

        It took an additional two years of advertising my store before I could make it work. Continuous study,testing, Conscientious effort.

        The only think that kept my store open that first few years was my ability to sell, and my knowledge that I simply needed to figure it out.

        I didn't read my written goals every day. I didn't repeat my aphorisms, and I didn't need the approval or encouragement of others. I just needed to figure it out and work.

        I didn't really mean to direct this at you, but you asked the question, ad I thought I'd answer it (even though it wasn't directed at me).
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Conscientious effort to learn the business. I mean hundreds and hundreds of hours. For example, I have asked newbie business owners "Who many hours a day do you spend learning more about how your business works? How many books have you read? How many really successful people (in your business) have you talked to? How much do you practice the skills you need to be successful?"

          For example, when I first opened my retail store, I wanted to learn how to advertise. For the first two years every ad I ran lost money. So I decided to learn how to make my advertising pay. I read dozens of books on small business advertising, read several classic books on copy writing, i went to the library and went through magazines looking at ads that were running every month for over a year (that took a few weeks of a few hours a day). I copied the ads that were obviously making a profit, and studied what they had in common. And I kept advertising...wasting money on trial and error.

          It took an additional two years of advertising my store before I could make it work. Continuous study,testing, Conscientious effort.

          The only think that kept my store open that first few years was my ability to sell, and my knowledge that I simply needed to figure it out.

          I didn't read my written goals every day. I didn't repeat my aphorisms, and I didn't need the approval or encouragement of others. I just needed to figure it out and work.

          I didn't really mean to direct this at you, but you asked the question, ad I thought I'd answer it (even though it wasn't directed at me).
          Dare l say it Claude, but there is great wisdom in what you just said, you just keep going til you figure it out.

          With no motivational books, or dream boards in sight.

          Same is true for most things online, a handful make substantial amounts and most don't.

          As l know, it is not that that person has a magic wand up their sleeve or wealthy parents or dumb luck, it is just that they chained themselves to their Laptops, (literally, slept near their laptop) and worked very hard for 5 years or so.

          Then enjoyed being wealthy for the rest of their lives.

          Mindset also hinders success, or when in a rut, you tend to work harder at things that are not effective, instead of giving it some hard thought and finding a smarter or better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    really depends on what you dfine as success.. a lot of peopleare stuck in la la land thus doomed to fail ..or never really give im a shot .

    every business today has to engage Internet marketing at some point to get customers.. because most of their customers attention is online
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      really depends on what you dfine as success .
      For me it's making $500,000/Month by inspiring and empowering as many People as humanly possible. That's my ultimate goal. My current venture is something of the foundation for that ambition. (Using my noodle.) Hehe.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        For me it's making $500,000/Month by inspiring and empowering as many People as humanly possible. That's my ultimate goal. My current venture is something of the foundation for that ambition. (Using my noodle.) Hehe.
        hehe ..people empower themselves ..but you can inspire people of course ..

        My story arch is on the low side right now the bottom ..with my foundation built and the whole filled in ..looking for for how to start from nothing with no help at this point .. and build the life i want.. but I may have to do it publicly order to inspire others .

        from where i sit .. the monatary line for success is way lower.. but to each their own..

        right now oddly enough there is very little stress eccept when i have to sleep(somewhere ) after being in constant distress for almost ten oir 15 years ..

        so going through what i am going through now oddly enough am just looking at it partly as an observer.. that it makes for real good inspiration as ibuild the life i want and the wealth i desire ...

        as i said in another post the word entrepreneur is was to broad a term to apply to everyone running any sized business.. so it is rendered almost useless
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    I started IM, in December 2008, and spend the first 2.5 years working on a website, then tried lists, and creating products, and then software, and PLR, and PPC.

    And a few small successes, but overall a failure fest.

    Actually succeeding online, (which l am presently working on) is relatively easy, just have a fanatical/delusional belief that you will find something that works, and gamble practically everything for those ends.

    IF you are in a stupid job, and fail then you will fall back on that, since it is relatively easy or it works, (not really for you, more for the CEO).

    But burn all your bridges then you will have to make it work, or find something that does.

    I agree with Odahh, society is all about school then a job, so try to get out of that rat rung, and society can treat you unfairly.

    Someone in a stupid job, cannot understand someone online who has been at it for 5 years without much to show for it.

    But they don't understand the Law of Trial and Error, or try something til you are reasonably confident that you understand it back to front, then try something new if it is too expensive or not your thing.

    It is unenviable that you will find it, and inevitable that you will be near a beach on your balcony, typing on your Laptop telling the idiots still in their stupid jobs, that you are glad that you didn't listen to their dead parrot advise.

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  • Profile picture of the author sownsow
    Me personally I have quit 10,000 times (in my mind) with internet marketing.

    I really can't come up with a logical reason that someone who's been on the internet trying to make money for as long as I have is not making a CONSISTENT 5 figure monthly income, but I'm not.

    For whatever reason I feel that I've been doing it too long to give up now.

    I think the main contributor to most people's lack of success online is their inability to focus on one thing.

    I've been in more IM biz opps, MLM's etc than I can even remember. At least 30, 40, possibly even 50 over the last 14 years.

    Even today I struggle, I prefer top tier biz opps because it better suits my inconsistency, because if I go a month without making a sale that 3k or whatever I made stretches.

    For some reason I've been addicted to becoming a top performer in biz opps (but haven't). I've never really done much CPA or affiliate marketing, which would probably be better for me because I don't really like people that

    I've dabbled with a bit of everything online, and this "dabbling" in my opinion is the greatest reason for my lack of results.
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by sownsow View Post

      Me personally I have quit 10,000 times (in my mind) with internet marketing.

      I really can't come up with a logical reason that someone who's been on the internet trying to make money for as long as I have is not making a CONSISTENT 5 figure monthly income, but I'm not.

      For whatever reason I feel that I've been doing it too long to give up now.

      I think the main contributor to most people's lack of success online is their inability to focus on one thing.

      I've been in more IM biz opps, MLM's etc than I can even remember. At least 30, 40, possibly even 50 over the last 14 years.

      Even today I struggle, I prefer top tier biz opps because it better suits my inconsistency, because if I go a month without making a sale that 3k or whatever I made stretches.

      For some reason I've been addicted to becoming a top performer in biz opps (but haven't). I've never really done much CPA or affiliate marketing, which would probably be better for me because I don't really like people that

      I've dabbled with a bit of everything online, and this "dabbling" in my opinion is the greatest reason for my lack of results.
      14 years, sporf,....l thought that 9, (how long l have been at it, before l found something) was a long time?

      But l did flyers for a few years, then realized that it would take me almost 10 years to make over $1000 a month.

      Then switched to Fonts, since others raved about the money.

      Then a year later, realizing that it wasn't as easy as it seemed, and a lot of work, (usually took 5 weeks for one) l was, well, up s**t creek!

      Then l did some critical thinking, and found a way of doing flyers a lot faster than l thought possible. Which reduced 10 years down to a lot less.

      So sitting down for some, no BS, reason out what is working, what has worked, and should still work and what you can do, like the ones making a success of it.

      Put , oh, woe is me, out of your mind, and also put thoughts of it is impossible to make it online, you will never find a big idea with that crap.

      And yes, flyers also have lean months, but that is ok, since l can keep building up the product base.

      Good luck.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    The IM game its not easy and you must never give up if you want to succed no matter why .Also its very important the mindset ,if your mindset its set to make only 10$ per day then you cannot make 300$ per day .You must change your mindset income first
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  • Profile picture of the author Jhelum Sen
    Great comment! It actually forced me to click on the link. True!
    The theory should be at night tell yourself this line. But in the morning tell yourself " you can be" while standing in front of the mirror. It will boost your spirit.

    Jhelum Sen, Content Marketing Consultant

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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Self-help in the West is almost an oxymoron. You want to help yourself but you need to read (preferably buy) books, courses , follow gurus, find mentors etc and so on and so forth.

    What if I told you that I have a 3 minutes video that is better then all the posts of the Mind Warrior Forum and all the self-help literature combined and for FREE?

    Like seriously, once you watch this video, you need never open a self-help book again.

    Here is a video that condense the truth into THREE minutes and that is virtually guaranteed to change your life.

    DO listen to Saitama (bald guy in yellow jump suit)
    DO NOT listen to Tony Robbins and the likes.
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    • Profile picture of the author BuddyFox
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      Self-help in the West is almost an oxymoron. You want to help yourself but you need to read (preferably buy) books, courses , follow gurus, find mentors etc and so on and so forth.

      What if I told you that I have a 3 minutes video that is better then all the posts of the Mind Warrior Forum and all the self-help literature combined and for FREE?

      Like seriously, once you watch this video, you need never open a self-help book again.

      Here is a video that condense the truth into THREE minutes and that is virtually guaranteed to change your life.

      DO listen to Saitama (bald guy in yellow jump suit)
      DO NOT listen to Tony Robbins and the likes.

      Interesting video thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author mimkcp08
    Lol. It's not for anyone!
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