How to get rid of frustration

by pcarbo
27 replies
Why do we get frustrated? What does it even mean to be frustrated? Well here is the definition of frustration. "The feeling of being upset or annoyed, especially because of inability to change or achieve something." or "The prevention of the progress, success, or fulfillment of something." Well, I have learned the secret to eliminating all frustration from your life. What to know what it is? I will be glad to share it with you ...just ask.
#frustration #rid
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Frustration happens when you think of it. Some humans have discovered the mecca of self actualization and certainty that heralds fulfillment. When you feel frustrated, create something because deep inside you, the creative knack is suppressed - and once you get over to another level of awareness, this pesky thing called frustration will evaporate.
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    • Profile picture of the author pcarbo
      How do you get to another level of awareness
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      • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
        Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

        How do you get to another level of awareness

        Create an infallible belief system that propels you forward.

        Like being in "positive denial". All things have to be positive.

        Don't be jaded by "failures" and always pick a gem in there.

        Be a student of the game and enjoy the journey because it is fantastic.
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        • Profile picture of the author pcarbo
          Create an infallible belief system...How?

          Don't be jaded ...How?

          Be a student of the game...Where are the game rules?
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          • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
            Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

            Create an infallible belief system...How?

            Don't be jaded ...How?

            Be a student of the game...Where are the game rules?

            Some believe that we live in a simulation. Ever played Sim City or simulation games? Well, there's a better game, it's called reality and arguably, there are no rules.
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      • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
        Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

        How do you get to another level of awareness
        check on ebay
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    • Profile picture of the author jessegilbert
      Originally Posted by Master Blake View Post

      Frustration happens when you think of it. Some humans have discovered the mecca of self actualization and certainty that heralds fulfillment. When you feel frustrated, create something because deep inside you, the creative knack is suppressed - and once you get over to another level of awareness, this pesky thing called frustration will evaporate.
      You are right that the creative knack is suppressed.

      Actually, it is not necessarily suppressed intentionally, it is simply that there are so many people doing things the wrong way, that following herd mindset doesn't lead you to where you want to go.

      It's like the forces of mediocrity pulling you towards them when you want to reach the top 1% or .1%

      I suggest focusing in on your personal and business brand.

      Doing it correctly allows you to tap your authentic creativity and speak with your real voice through your marketing materials.

      If you follow others or the wrong people, you don't find your voice.

      If you hear someone speaking authentically, bucking the trends...

      And doing well.

      That is the person you want to listen to more.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elizabethlim
    Positive mindset can overcome frustration. Take a deep breath or go to sleep. Refresh and start again. Cheers
    Money On Demand by Ewen Chia
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    • Profile picture of the author imp001
      good advice here. If your reading this... take it
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  • Profile picture of the author pcarbo
    How do you get a positive mindset? I know how to take deep breaths and sleep but sometimes the frustration comes back
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

    How do you get to another level of awareness
    Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

    How do you get a positive mindset? I know how to take deep breaths and sleep but sometimes the frustration comes back
    Why do l feel that this is leading to a Beatles song?

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    • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Why do l feel that this is leading to a Beatles song?

      More like The Doors - Break On Through (To the Other Side)
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    • Profile picture of the author pcarbo
      Which one? "We can work it out?"
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

    Which one? "We can work it out?"
    Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

    Create an infallible belief system...How?

    Don't be jaded ...How?

    Be a student of the game...Where are the game rules?
    "Speaking words of wisdom, let it be"!

    And just to add to your frustration, posting here will Not lift your post count up. And posting excessively on other niches here, may add to your post count, and the mods frustration.

    Originally Posted by Master Blake View Post


    Some believe that we live in a simulation. Ever played Sim City or simulation games? Well, there's a better game, it's called reality and arguably, there are no rules.
    Nah, Heaven is a simulation, but is lighter on the reality, this world is heavier, but fake none the less.

    Yet some deny one for the other, proclaiming one to be real, although neither are.

    PS bolden your text, it is easier to read.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11232304].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      "Speaking words of wisdom, let it be"!

      PS bolden your text, it is easier to read.
      I beg to differ, this font's thickness is more gentle to the eye.

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  • Profile picture of the author Make Me Coffee
    dam that was good.
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  • Focus on one goal dont get distracted, and never give up. (in a nustshell)
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  • Profile picture of the author pcarbo
    Amazing that no one has asked me how to eliminate fustration
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    • Profile picture of the author Make Me Coffee
      Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

      Amazing that no one has asked me how to eliminate fustration
      That's frustrating
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by pcarbo View Post

      Amazing that no one has asked me how to eliminate fustration
      typically you really can't eliminate frustration.. the same way you can't eliminate hunger when you need food ..or being tired when you need sleep . or needing to drink fluid when you are thirsty .

      frustration itself is not bad and it is not the same thing as stress ..frustration is the result of trying to do something and not quite getting it done ..or when someone keeps moving your cheese ..

      you generally know what is frustrating you and know how to get past the frustration.. but the actions you are taking are not effective at getting that result .

      in this case as far as this post goes there is no real answer i will try to give you .. because you will just pick out certain parts and ask how or what does that mean.. stuff that is cute when a kid 7 and under does it .. but frustrating when an adult does it i will avoid answeing your current how questions.. too reduce the frustraion level on my part ..or avoid a conversation that will get frustrating .

      it is real hard to eliminate frustration especially without vaporizing every other human being .. i mean especially when it comes to the rareity most people understand sarcasm on the internetz
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi MB,

    Cool advice here.

    I am a big fan of accepting what is. This has helped to largely dissolve my frustrations, because this energy tends to arise when you filter results, add labels to the results, and choose your vibe based on the results.

    Every time, when you resist or fight certain outcomes, your frustrations grows. Like the old me, being so frustrated with my perceived blogging failure. When I did accept the results - eventually - all the frustration lost its power, or life force, because I was so focused on having fun and helping people that I easily accept results not as some marker, but as some form of fruit from my service. The fruit did not correspond to the service per se; it just was. Meaning, I accepted all things as they were, and proceeded from there being grateful, enjoying the ride and doing things online and offline from a largely frustration-free space.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Master Blake View Post

    I beg to differ, this font's thickness is more gentle to the eye.

    In all honesty, reading that font on a Laptop 15", with a matt screen is hard to read, so much so, that l have to give some of your long posts a miss, eventhough l would like to read what you have said.

    Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

    Hi MB,

    Cool advice here.

    I am a big fan of accepting what is. This has helped to largely dissolve my frustrations, because this energy tends to arise when you filter results, add labels to the results, and choose your vibe based on the results.

    Every time, when you resist or fight certain outcomes, your frustrations grows. Like the old me, being so frustrated with my perceived blogging failure. When I did accept the results - eventually - all the frustration lost its power, or life force, because I was so focused on having fun and helping people that I easily accept results not as some marker, but as some form of fruit from my service. The fruit did not correspond to the service per se; it just was. Meaning, I accepted all things as they were, and proceeded from there being grateful, enjoying the ride and doing things online and offline from a largely frustration-free space.

    No Kidd'ng!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Slayton
    All my problems were gone once I started listening to the Cosmic Master.

    It took me a while but the dividends are superb.
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  • Profile picture of the author rbates
    Frustration comes and goes.

    You don't eliminate it, you learn to deal with it.

    Once you learn to understand yourself, and what actually
    gets "Under your skin", only then will you be able to
    control yourself when the things that you cannot control
    get in your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author pheonix44
    Dealing with frustration requires you to find something that you feel will truly help you to overcome internal resistance. It can be anything. When you find something that works then just find ways to amp it up. Frustration happens when you feel something isn't working. You can change this by using creating problem solving methods.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Jack Slayton View Post

    All my problems were gone once I started listening to the Cosmic Master.

    It took me a while but the dividends are superb.

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  • Profile picture of the author erin31
    listening to music is one of the best way.
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