this guy is working hard

by Odahh
14 replies
hello all,

lighthearted post comming .

this is symbolic of the hard work most people do .. they are somewhere in the middle of thing putting a lot of effort in ..but not knowing or caring if there is any point.. if this guy was getting paid and the productive stuff ran out ..what happens.. instead of sending the guy home ..or letting the guy sit on his but .. until it is his time to go.. a proper minded boss or floor manager .. basically comes up with tasks that effectively amount to shoveling water from one part of the stream to another .

hundred of years ago in Europe where most where land renting peasants ..if you suddenly started producing more and then had a lot of free time .. the land lord ..or lord of the land would raise your rent there was no real reason for most people to innovate or be more productive . and if you did.. you turned around and created your own busy looking work .

it basically worked this way everywhere ..and there is a huge amount of that in the mindset of most people today .
#guy #hard #working
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Yes, satisfying to come home from a hard days work, knowing that you shoveled water!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11276722].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alex July
    Stupid guy, isn't he? He isn't!
    Because in a moment he will realize that there is something wrong and change his strategy. As a result, in a few minutes he will achieve his goal - the water will be scooped out.
    Why? Because he is a hard-working goals-oriented person.
    It all starts will action.
    Sometimes it's better to take stupid action instead of thinking and overthinking on taking smart action.
    I like this guy and sometimes act like him - do stupid things in order to realize what the smart things are.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Alex July View Post

      Stupid guy, isn't he? He isn't!
      Because in a moment he will realize that there is something wrong and change his strategy. As a result, in a few minutes he will achieve his goal - the water will be scooped out.
      Why? Because he is a hard-working goals-oriented person.
      It all starts will action.
      Sometimes it's better to take stupid action instead of thinking and overthinking on taking smart action.
      I like this guy and sometimes act like him - do stupid things in order to realize what the smart things are.
      The moment he does that the sooner he will be sitting around having a smoko, and no doubt his boss will be p***d, and assign him another mindless job.

      This reminds me of someone who went to work for a gov, organization who were trying to create an antigravity affect. They spend all day basically burning out transformer type devices and keeping records.

      This guy found a better way forward, and was told by the manager to keep it to himself, as they wanted to keep doing mindless, actions to keep getting their paycheck.

      Mindless actions may make money but not much else.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281322].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Mindless actions may make money but not much else.
    All this conjecture from 18 seconds of video. What the man is doing is not effective but he's 'taking action' - which is what people often advise on this forum. He's 'trying' but 'failing'....but maybe 30 seconds later he found a better way to reroute the water...

    At least he isn't sitting around waiting for someone else to solve the problem.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281371].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      All this conjecture from 18 seconds of video. What the man is doing is not effective but he's 'taking action' - which is what people often advise on this forum. He's 'trying' but 'failing'....but maybe 30 seconds later he found a better way to reroute the water...

      At least he isn't sitting around waiting for someone else to solve the problem.
      I think that you miss my point, his boss doens't want him to necesscarely solve the water problem, but to give him something to do.

      So he gives him a hamster on a wheel job, hoping that the hamster doens't do anything clever like quit, or spin the wheel faster, only that he develops the mindset that he has to work for pay.

      And if that means working for the sake of it, then.....

      At least in a corporation, most are working towards the companies end, although since wealth is reserved for the CEO;s and board of directors, the treadmill concept is still around.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281395].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ezjob
    One thing I've noticed about working a job. The more you do, the more work they add to your day. I believe in providing your company a good days work but many companies take advantage of a hard worker. They let the slackers piddle and shift their work to others.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281401].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I think you miss the point - so we're 'even'.

    Where is this mythical 'boss'?

    It didn't occur to you this might be a homeowner trying to do what he can to protect his automatically (as did the OP perhaps) think this man is 'working' because someone is paying him to do it and ordering him to do it.

    The OP called this a 'light hearted post" but then went to the 'boss vs peasant' scenario. You immediately assumed there was a 'boss' somewhere.

    Occurs to me the term 'internet marketer' may replace 'starving artist' in our vocabulary...which in the US refers to superior attitudes and empty pockets.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    My ducks are absolutely not in a row. I don't even know where some of them are...
    ...and I'm pretty sure one of them is a pigeon.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281414].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I think you miss the point - so we're 'even'.

      Where is this mythical 'boss'?

      It didn't occur to you this might be a homeowner trying to do what he can to protect his automatically (as did the OP perhaps) think this man is 'working' because someone is paying him to do it and ordering him to do it.

      The OP called this a 'light hearted post" but then went to the 'boss vs peasant' scenario. You immediately assumed there was a 'boss' somewhere.

      Occurs to me the term 'internet marketer' may replace 'starving artist' in our vocabulary...which in the US refers to superior attitudes and empty pockets.
      you probably get the idea behind the post .. i am pretty sure it was more a lighthearted joke between family and friends .. the guy was doing this because the camera was their ..

      but i had a discussion last night ..and most people seem to use how hard they work, how much stress they have ..or not having time as a badge of honor ..

      a lot of the hard work people do in jobs .. is kind of like what this guy is doing..and for the most part a manager bosses job is to make people look busy when there is no real productive work to be done .. because you hire people for 40 hours a week.. people structure their expenses around 40 hours a week ..and if they do over time early in the week they are not going to leave early later in the week.. nd you can't let them sit on their buts for time and a half ..

      the problem is that if you go into business for yourself and have this approach to hard work .. you are going to be doomed ..and with the normal advice of work hard .and work more.. it is not the right answer ..

      now personally i won't live where it snows again .. but if i did.. i might have a shovel.. but i would definitely have a snow blower to clean my driveway off...or make a few extra buck cleaning other people driveways off ..rather than screwing my back up and risking a heart attack to put in the hard work of shoveling snow ..

      your 55 year old or 60 year old farmer doesn't work any harder than farmers did 100 years ago.. but with tractors and seeder and other equipment harvest more per acre from much larger farms ..than farmers 100 years ago..and many do it around another full time job ..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281485].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post


      Occurs to me the term 'internet marketer' may replace 'starving artist' in our vocabulary...which in the US refers to superior attitudes and empty pockets.
      why artist starve they typically need to die for their work to be of any value ..once the artist dies ..they aren't making any more paintings then the snooby wealthy can invest and call these assets ..

      plus most artists don't care if they are really artists.. only that other artists think they are artists so rather than create are for a market they create art for other artist and go live in areas with other artists that tend to be high cost of living areas ..

      if you had a skilled artist with a good following now online who could put out a few painting a day and sell them for a few hundred dollars or more ..and they didn't care about getting in galleries or other artists approval..

      oh wait i think with etsy and other sight.. people are doing that ..while you still got people leaving college or art school with expensive degrees that say they are artist and a vile hatred for the idea of the market
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281496].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author agmccall
    when I look at something like that I see someone that is probably just trying to make a viral video


    "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281473].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

    I think you miss the point - so we're 'even'.

    Where is this mythical 'boss'?

    It didn't occur to you this might be a homeowner trying to do what he can to protect his automatically (as did the OP perhaps) think this man is 'working' because someone is paying him to do it and ordering him to do it.

    The OP called this a 'light hearted post" but then went to the 'boss vs peasant' scenario. You immediately assumed there was a 'boss' somewhere.

    Occurs to me the term 'internet marketer' may replace 'starving artist' in our vocabulary...which in the US refers to superior attitudes and empty pockets.
    Ok, a guy that was on an all night bender then!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281673].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Ok, a guy that was on an all night bender then!

      guy creating a funny video for friends and family ..doing something silly on camera ..

      my point in this that a lot of the hard work people do mostly for show ..and many times not that productive compared to the options available ..

      a person agrees to put in 40 hours of work or work looking activities in return for a pay check ..the boss ,manager has the task of making sure the employee is looking busy ..

      the critical element and what i think you are when you are both or all three boss,manager,and need to guard against creating work like or busy looking yet non productive activities.. for the soul purpose of claiming to work hard and put in 10 -12 + hour days 6-7 days a week

      thats why it better most of the time for people to start a business on the side while working a real job ..
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281891].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        guy creating a funny video for friends and family ..doing something silly on camera ..

        my point in this that a lot of the hard work people do mostly for show ..and many times not that productive compared to the options available ..

        a person agrees to put in 40 hours of work or work looking activities in return for a pay check ..the boss ,manager has the task of making sure the employee is looking busy ..

        the critical element and what i think you are when you are both or all three boss,manager,and need to guard against creating work like or busy looking yet non productive activities.. for the soul purpose of claiming to work hard and put in 10 -12 + hour days 6-7 days a week

        thats why it better most of the time for people to start a business on the side while working a real job ..
        Only trouble with a real business is you can't play the slicing fruit game on your Smart Phone, or Diabolic on your PC, if possible.

        Or FB, (can't live a day without seeing what Angry Cat did)?

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11281896].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          Only trouble with a real business is you can't play the slicing fruit game on your Smart Phone, or Diabolic on your PC, if possible.

          Or FB, (can't live a day without seeing what Angry Cat did)?

          people who build wealth through business usually tend to get their entertainment from what they do..but the key is tech is making it easier or cheeper to start micro 1 person businesses..but at the same time a lot of people have the idea of a traditional type business ..
          and there are a lot of ways to make under 100k a year and shift a lot of expences into a business .. that a wage earner would have to cover with after tax money ..
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