65 replies
Who is your spiritual 'Guru"

If you are in this section then Most probably you must have listened to lots of enlightened people and Must have even seen or read " the secret"

Most people listen to lots of "gurus" because even though they all have great knowledge to impart , our selves may not resonate with their way of thought..so we keep looking for new ways and new "gurus"

Who is the person you consider your "guru" Now ?

I mean spiritual guru or person who influenced your Mind

Are you following their teachings and has your Life changed

My life changed after I stumbled across Abraham Hicks and have been listening to her speeches on youtube since then
#who is your guru
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    70 percent of the people here are trying to make there way in the net world to be some type of guru ..

    har hat ..i kid i kid ..

    when i decide to consult spirits to feel better.. i prefer ..fireball as my guru
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  • Profile picture of the author ezjob
    I like Jonathan Leger and Michael Cheney to name a couple.

    Because they provide good tools and content for your marketing needs.

    There are others but nothing works if you don't take the info or product and use it.
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    I take something from each person I listen to. For me there is always something I can learn from the next guy. The main person I like to follow is Gary Vaynerchuk. When it comes to starting your own business he is the guy you should spend most of your time listening to.
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  • Profile picture of the author smartprofitmoney
    Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

    If you are in this section then Most probably you must have listened to lots of enlightened people and Must have even seen or read " the secret"

    Most people listen to lots of "gurus" because even though they all have great knowledge to impart , our selves may not resonate with their way of thought..so we keep looking for new ways and new "gurus"

    Who is the person you consider your "guru" Now ?

    Are you following their teachings and has your Life changed

    My life changed after I stumbled across Abraham Hicks and have been listening to her speeches on youtube since then
    Well I still learn something here in there, but gurus, would be me, I built my first website back in 1995, but like I said, I always listen and watch for the next cool thing to be built, and then I buy it and test it, review it. So there are many talented people here on the WF and other places,
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      great to know that But i was more inclined towards spiritual guru
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I guess if I ever had a "Guru" it was Dan Kennedy. I didn't follow him, but knew he had insights into business that would benefit me.

    In one event where he was speaking, he was speaking to about a thousand people.

    He said "Be the wizard, but don't follow the wizard"

    And I leaned over to the lady next to me and whispered ".....said the wizard".

    But if you mean a guru that tells you that you're a special flower? That they have secrets to the universe that you don't?

    I'll pass.
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      Nobody knows everything , we all learn it from some place or another.. I think a guru is one who has accumulated quite some knowledge from his own experiences of life and spiritual growth..I believe lots of such people exist
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I guess if I ever had a "Guru" it was Dan Kennedy. I didn't follow him, but knew he had insights into business that would benefit me.

      In one event where he was speaking, he was speaking to about a thousand people.

      He said "Be the wizard, but don't follow the wizard"

      And I leaned over to the lady next to me and whispered ".....said the wizard".

      But if you mean a guru that tells you that you're a special flower? That they have secrets to the universe that you don't?

      I'll pass.
      most of the high side internet marketing guru's where or are in Dan Kennedy inner circle or in the inner circle of people Dan got started in the direct marketing ..i think one of the things that sticks with me is not to mix up the media with the business.. which most people do with internet marketing or whatever platform on the web they get into.

      the other thing i remember is his admission that to really make it in the business of direct marketing information ..you have to be ok with the cellophane never coming off the tape course or the books not getting read .. 95 percent of the time .

      made me search youtubr for dan kennedy stuff and he is putting a lot of stuff on his own youtube channel ..here is one

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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        the other thing i remember is his admission that to really make it in the business of direct marketing information ..you have to be ok with the cellophane never coming off the tape course or the books not getting read .. 95 percent of the time .

        made me search youtubr for dan kennedy stuff and he is putting a lot of stuff on his own youtube channel ..here is one
        Much of his older stuff is on E-Bay for pennies on the dollar.

        And you are right about most people not ever opening the course...that thy just paid $1,000 for.

        Kennedy talks about a CD set of his that he sold for several hundred dollars. The packager made a mistake and put the CDs from another speaker in the package. They sold about a thousand sets. He said only 4 people called about it.

        My guess is that you could send blank CDs and have less than 5% of the people ever notice.
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          Much of his older stuff is on E-Bay for pennies on the dollar.

          And you are right about most people not ever opening the course...that thy just paid $1,000 for.

          Kennedy talks about a CD set of his that he sold for several hundred dollars. The packager made a mistake and put the CDs from another speaker in the package. They sold about a thousand sets. He said only 4 people called about it.

          My guess is that you could send blank CDs and have less than 5% of the people ever notice.
          but those 5 % are the one with real lifetime value..

          this isn't just with info products the 95 percent of people who sign up for gym memberships this week and next and stop going in a few weeks but keep the memberships for 6 months to a year .. subsidise the 5 percent of people with memberships who actually use the gym ..then there is going and actually system to improve your physical shape .. and not by just being less round ..

          most people would actually be better of just not trying to use the parking fairy or the law of attraction to get the closest spot they can to the entrance of the mall .

          My guru at the moment are /is the similar thing i hear successful people from many different industries say that it takes to be a success ..and it seem to always start with what the market will buy or pay for . start small and grow over time as the market demand improves .and as you do you will produce higher quality and more quantity ..of what people want .then be passionate about what you do .

          there is the think and grow rich path .. but i think the dirty little secrets of those who build wealth .. is they don't do what they do to get rich..but getting rich doing what they do allows them to do it as much as they want ..

          and 95 percent of people are way off target with the dreams of what being rich means .
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Hi K,

    A Course in Miracles.

    It is literally out of this world

    The eBook - which stands on its own - has helped me rend the veil of illusion here and there so I do things mainly from an energy of love, not fear. Sounds easy. Until you realize that 99.99% of folks spent virtually all of their lives living in the matrix, buying into the illusion, living from an energy of fear, which isn't really there, anyway.

    Great read guys. But you can only read it one or 2 lines at a time, to begin to appreciate it, absorb it, and apply it.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Hi K,

      A Course in Miracles.

      It is literally out of this world

      The eBook - which stands on its own - has helped me rend the veil of illusion here and there so I do things mainly from an energy of love, not fear. Sounds easy. Until you realize that 99.99% of folks spent virtually all of their lives living in the matrix, buying into the illusion, living from an energy of fear, which isn't really there, anyway.

      Great read guys. But you can only read it one or 2 lines at a time, to begin to appreciate it, absorb it, and apply it.

      I checked that out.

      Its good but need to read it very slowly as sometimes i felt completely lost..

      But i think its also understandable as i have found the writings or thoughts of most highly intelligent people or"enlightened" people to be in such a manner
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

    I guess if I ever had a "Guru" it was Dan Kennedy. I didn't follow him, but knew he had insights into business that would benefit me.

    In one event where he was speaking, he was speaking to about a thousand people.

    He said "Be the wizard, but don't follow the wizard"

    And I leaned over to the lady next to me and whispered ".....said the wizard".

    But if you mean a guru that tells you that you're a special flower? That they have secrets to the universe that you don't?

    I'll pass.
    We're off too see the Wizard,....never mind!

    Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

    great to know that But i was more inclined towards spiritual guru
    I believe that Sal Baba in India was the greatest leader on this planet, recently.

    Certainly close to Jesus levels, (sorry mods) or that he could manifest things out of thin air.

    Of course the a****h****s, made up some child, sex nonsence, since he was running off too many miracles, in the true sense, but l don't believe a word of it.

    And no, l didn't follow him, but heard through friends, and online about him.

    I am pretty advanced, so don't tend to follow anyone, just learn stuff.

    And knock a few heads together, but in a nice way!

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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      We're off too see the Wizard,....never mind!

      I believe that Sal Baba in India was the greatest leader on this planet, recently.

      Certainly close to Jesus levels, (sorry mods) or that he could manifest things out of thin air.

      Of course the a****h****s, made up some child, sex nonsence, since he was running off too many miracles, in the true sense, but l don't believe a word of it.

      And no, l didn't follow him, but heard through friends, and online about him.

      I am pretty advanced, so don't tend to follow anyone, just learn stuff.

      And knock a few heads together, but in a nice way!

      dont know anything about that...as I was not much interested in those kind of persons
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

        dont know anything about that...as I was not much interested in those kind of persons
        I don't think that you can get any more of a spiritual guru, unless you want a cult leader?

        Although l don't consider Tom Cruise to be one, just someone who got lucky and enjoyed a cult which allows you to treat your wife like dirt.

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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          I don't think that you can get any more of a spiritual guru, unless you want a cult leader?

          Although l don't consider Tom Cruise to be one, just someone who got lucky and enjoyed a cult which allows you to treat your wife like dirt.

          delve into a lot of spiritual teachings/teacher.. i avoid having one i follow .. i have my own confirmation bias .. believing we are in a time of shift that will lat 100 years or more .. because we are shifting to a society based on pyramid hierarchies to personal network based societal structure ..and disappearing tech ..usining tech to manage and increase natural resources ..

          gurus don't go into it a lot much because they for the most part are trying to calm or exploit the fers of those following them ..

          I am about to become a guru and start my on philosophy.. haha ..but i am cowering hiding at the moment
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        • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
          Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          I don't think that you can get any more of a spiritual guru, unless you want a cult leader?

          Although l don't consider Tom Cruise to be one, just someone who got lucky and enjoyed a cult which allows you to treat your wife like dirt.

          What about Louise hay, Dr wayne dyer ,Eckhart Tolle ,Esther Hicks

          Tom cruise got lucky ??

          didnt know that !!

          I guess then , all actors got lucky
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          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

            What about Louise hay, Dr wayne dyer ,Eckhart Tolle ,Esther Hicks

            Tom cruise got lucky ??

            didnt know that !!

            I guess then , all actors got lucky
            Yeah, ok, all actors got lucky, no, some had to work hard for 5 years or more years, without any lucky break, and like the guy out of Three Kings, had to fire his agent and become his own agent to get something.

            And some like Tom Cruise had it fall in their lap at an early age.

            Others become waiters in Hollywood, and work for a break, no doubt quite a lot never make it, and they work hard, so luck plays a part.

            Yeah, Louise Hey is alright, but l am not into dating sites.

            Probably Robert Koyaskaki, or the guy that wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad, as well, eventhough he got the 1929 type Stock Market Crash prediction wrong.

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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

              Yeah, ok, all actors got lucky, no, some had to work hard for 5 years or more years, without any lucky break, and like the guy out of Three Kings, had to fire his agent and become his own agent to get something.

              And some like Tom Cruise had it fall in their lap at an early age.

              Others become waiters in Hollywood, and work for a break, no doubt quite a lot never make it, and they work hard, so luck plays a part.

              Yeah, Louise Hey is alright, but l am not into dating sites.

              Probably Robert Koyaskaki, or the guy that wrote Rich Dad, Poor Dad, as well, eventhough he got the 1929 type Stock Market Crash prediction wrong.

              it take more than luck to headline hollywood movies for over 30 years ..most people can't capatalize on any positive luck .. so give them a million dollars ..in 2-3 years they will be broke with a drug addiction and everyone in their family and their old friends hate them..as they have to beg their old boss for a job ..

              there are people who still think the hard work of becoming a writer involve sending a transkript of a book to every publisher possible ..and old school rules meant you could not put books out to fast ..maybe once a year if you where successful ...now peoplework hard actually writing books ..self publishing and marketing their own stuff ..and after a few years can make a real good living as a writer .searving their audience..even if they only sel 500 copies of each book a year or less ..if they put out 40-60 books ..and are make half getting half the price of the book for themselves .

              Prince and Micheal jackson died and had a bunch of great unpublished music because they could only put albums out every couple years ..

              but back to luck ..luck plays a part in success ..if you if you bought 200 bitcoin in 2016 when they where 500usd a piece .. you would be sitting on 3-4 million in bitcoin now ..lucky ..but .you would have had to have had 10,000 usd to buy bitcoin..known what botcoin was..and not sold them when they hit 1,000 ,2,000 3,000 a piece or more
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              • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
                Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

                it take more than luck to headline hollywood movies for over 30 years ..most people can't capatalize on any positive luck .. so give them a million dollars ..in 2-3 years they will be broke with a drug addiction and everyone in their family and their old friends hate them..as they have to beg their old boss for a job ..

                but back to luck ..luck plays a part in success ..if you if you bought 200 bitcoin in 2016 when they where 500usd a piece .. you would be sitting on 3-4 million in bitcoin now ..lucky ..but .you would have had to have had 10,000 usd to buy bitcoin..known what botcoin was..and not sold them when they hit 1,000 ,2,000 3,000 a piece or more
                Geesh, don't be so negative, l heard of a couple that won 22m, and they didn't p*** it away within a few years.

                But they did p**** it all away over 10 years, and winded up broke and jobless,....and who knows about the drugs, alcohol certainly.

                They supported their local soccer team, which was a bottomless pit in the end.

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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

    delve into a lot of spiritual teachings/teacher.. i avoid having one i follow .. i have my own confirmation bias .. believing we are in a time of shift that will lat 100 years or more .. because we are shifting to a society based on pyramid hierarchies to personal network based societal structure ..and disappearing tech ..usining tech to manage and increase natural resources ..

    gurus don't go into it a lot much because they for the most part are trying to calm or exploit the fers of those following them ..

    I am about to become a guru and start my on philosophy.. haha ..but i am cowering hiding at the moment
    Yes, l am also in hiding or keeping a low profile, but a spanner in the works is also possible.

    Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

    but those 5 % are the one with real lifetime value..

    this isn't just with info products the 95 percent of people who sign up for gym memberships this week and next and stop going in a few weeks but keep the memberships for 6 months to a year .. subsidise the 5 percent of people with memberships who actually use the gym ..then there is going and actually system to improve your physical shape .. and not by just being less round ..

    most people would actually be better of just not trying to use the parking fairy or the law of attraction to get the closest spot they can to the entrance of the mall .

    My guru at the moment are /is the similar thing i hear successful people from many different industries say that it takes to be a success ..and it seem to always start with what the market will buy or pay for . start small and grow over time as the market demand improves .and as you do you will produce higher quality and more quantity ..of what people want .then be passionate about what you do .

    there is the think and grow rich path .. but i think the dirty little secrets of those who build wealth .. is they don't do what they do to get rich..but getting rich doing what they do allows them to do it as much as they want ..

    and 95 percent of people are way off target with the dreams of what being rich means .
    Yes, l used to follow Frank Kern, but after getting a free look at his $1,800 Super Amazing List product, realized that he doens't offer a sure fire way to wealth, only some common sence ways to keep whatever subscribers happy and buying your s***t, lol.

    But l like the plastic nordic hats, every cult needs those.

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  • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
    what about Don Miguel Ruiz ?? or Jan Frazier
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    My spiritual guru was my father. He was one of those rare ministers who lived in every day life every word he spoke from the pulpit. He became a minister because he wanted to serve God and help people -- and he spent his life doing exactly that.

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I am my own guru. I have a very good brain. I know lots of words. I have the best words.
    And actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart...... not just smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
    One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I am my own guru. I have a very good brain. I know lots of words. I have the best words.
      And actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart...... not just smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
      *snicker * well played
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  • Profile picture of the author USGTMauthor
    I really enjoyed recently reading Ray Dalio's book. He started the world's largest and most profitable hedge fund. I also like Wallace Wattles and Stuart Wilde.I can take Grant Cardone in small doses lol.
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  • Profile picture of the author gerstel22
    for me Frank Kern for marketing, Grant Cardone for wealth creation and that kick in the butt to keep working and Gary Vaynerchuk for inspiration and motivation
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Reagarding IM i learn from Anik Singal and Patric Chan.
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  • Profile picture of the author heavysm
    I followed and modeled the work ethic of Elon Musk and the copywriting work ethic of John Carlton...

    That might seem like an odd combination but it fits if you want your business to work right.

    I always split tested the crap out of everything i did (a mixture of both).

    And i always pushed myself to the max with everything i wanted to excel in (more Elon).

    I also "woke up" roughly around the age of 28 like John and had the life explosion that Elon had around the same age.

    So, even though i model them both, I'd like to think i embody who they represent in different ways.

    Mastering marketing to the point where my products sell themselves, and working my ass off because i know what I'm working for is worth every bit of effort i put into it.

    I wouldn't call them gurus, because im sure they wouldn't want to be called that.

    But really, modeling them would be the best compliment. I want to be like them, but not exactly like them.

    And i think they would both like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author venkat9985
    Youtube , lol
    I have learned everything from their.
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Curious 66
    You guys have a master?
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidAllenNeron
    I wouldn't say spiritual and I wouldn't say GURU, .. although I grok your question and I would say:

    Richard Bandler
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  • I don't really like gurus. Gurus to me are salesy and aren't really in it to help but to make money.

    I gear more towards experts in a specific field because to me they're trying to inspire, uplift, and teach by just giving pure value knowing that the money will come down the road.

    But anyways some experts that I follow are Anik Singal, Lewis Howes, Eric THomas, Grant Cardone, and Brendon Burchard.

    Love those guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffrey Joson
    eckhart tolle and robert kiyosaki. i think those 2 help a lot of people
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      Originally Posted by Jeffrey Joson View Post

      eckhart tolle and robert kiyosaki. i think those 2 help a lot of people
      Yes, I too found them to be profoundly effective , IF you have patience to listen or read what they say, most people nowadays do not have to patience
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      Originally Posted by Jeffrey Joson View Post

      eckhart tolle and robert kiyosaki. i think those 2 help a lot of people
      Yes i was greatly impressed by them
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

    Who is your spiritual 'Guru"

    If you are in this section then Most probably you must have listened to lots of enlightened people and Must have even seen or read " the secret"

    Most people listen to lots of "gurus" because even though they all have great knowledge to impart , our selves may not resonate with their way of thought..so we keep looking for new ways and new "gurus"

    Who is the person you consider your "guru" Now ?

    I mean spiritual guru or person who influenced your Mind

    Are you following their teachings and has your Life changed

    My life changed after I stumbled across Abraham Hicks and have been listening to her speeches on youtube since then
    INTEREST and his sister ATTENTION.

    To paraphrase Richard Condon:

    Interest is the key to life
    Interest is the clue
    Interest is the drum and fife and
    Any god (GURU) will do.


    Where my head goes, my body follows.

    My spirit mostly stays inside my head.

    On the rare occassions I release it to the Universe, it tends to follow the guru where my attention has been put lately.

    And in the Collective Consciousness, I can tap into all men, all human consciouseness and therefore get the best spiritual guidance from the many, and not just the one.

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  • Tellya, I am holdin' out for my fyooture self gonna smack me in the chops for bein' my Here & Now imbecile.

    Jus' gotta trust I can find her ass among the siren wailin'...

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Million
    My top money guru's are Dan Kennedy, John Carlton, Frank Kern, and Gary Bencivenga
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  • Profile picture of the author Tony LaRocco
    Started by following Dan Brock and Brendan Mace. Have used some of there good ideas. I still like Tom E. and Jason Fulton. Jono Armstrong is a cool guy to
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  • Profile picture of the author baronet
    My current guru is Mr Google!!
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  • Profile picture of the author IGotMine
    I don't follow "gurus" or anyone else for that matter.

    Following people implies they somehow know better than you.

    People follow gurus because they feel "less than" somehow.

    I don't feel "less than" anyone.
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    • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
      great that you are so confident , but it also borders on narcissism

      No one feels less then anyone by following gurus.. or listening to englightened persons

      But I think Its silly to think that you know everything and no one knows any better..

      no person can have all knowledge and wisdom of the world , so its natural to respect people who have knowledge and is able to impart that knowledge to people in an understandable way,,

      just like we listen to our teachers who educate us, its the same way gurus teach us about spirituality...
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      • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
        Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

        great that you are so confident , but it also borders on narcissism
        Narcissism is s very underrated personality trait which is possessed by many very successful people. The secret is in controlling your narcissism and using it in a way that it works for you, rather than allowing it to control you and become a destructive force in your life. "Everything in moderation." lol

        Many people talk about narcissism as if it's a disease that needs to be treated. Ridiculous.

        "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post

      I don't feel "less than" anyone.
      No one? Seriously. Not maybe just one person???

      Well, I'm waiting! :-)

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by IGotMine View Post

      I don't follow "gurus" or anyone else for that matter.

      Following people implies they somehow know better than you.

      People follow gurus because they feel "less than" somehow.

      I don't feel "less than" anyone.
      That's good to know.

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      • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
        Pete Zaguy
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Frank Donovan View Post

        Next time use a mosquito net.
        At least there was no spurting involved.

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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        I know what he said. And I meant what I said. He left out Mother Goose.
        Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

        well thats an "original thought"
        Yes, Mother Goose, Willy Wonka, Princess Lea, and the Muffin Man, all great philosophers left out, pfffft.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daijon Moss
    I like Neil Patel. They always gives us a new unique content. His contents are well written.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sir Eliot Dundee
    If you ask yourself 'who's your daddy' and you get an answer.

    That would make me want to wonder.
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  • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
    Claude Whitacre.

    My sights are not set very high.

    "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    Great question, some of the people who have influenced me over the year in spiritual matters, business, personal development, and entrepreneurship are:

    Robert Kiyosaki
    Tony Robbins
    Ekhart Tolle
    Jim Rohn
    Les Brown
    Bob Proctor
    Willy Jolley
    Robin Chase (founder of Zip Car)
    Dali Lama
    Steve Jobs
    Donald French (friend)
    Kibwe Madyun (friend)
    Mother Theresa
    Anik Singal
    Jeremy Belloti

    I could go on about the "Gurus" that have influenced me so far.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11403655].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by Sid Owsley View Post

      Great question, some of the people who have influenced me over the year in spiritual matters, business, personal development, and entrepreneurship are:

      Robert Kiyosaki
      Tony Robbins
      Ekhart Tolle
      Jim Rohn
      Les Brown
      Bob Proctor
      Willy Jolley
      Robin Chase (founder of Zip Car)
      Dali Lama
      Steve Jobs
      Donald French (friend)
      Kibwe Madyun (friend)
      Mother Theresa
      Anik Singal
      Jeremy Belloti

      I could go on about the "Gurus" that have influenced me so far.
      Hmmmmm......... does that leave room for any original thought?

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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      • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        Hmmmmm......... does that leave room for any original thought?

        he said he was "influenced"

        Most people are influenced by something or other. especially in spiritual matters

        But its interesting to know that many people do not like or follow gurus and prefer their own ways.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11419148].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
          Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

          he said he was "influenced"
          I know what he said. And I meant what I said. He left out Mother Goose.

          "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11419272].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author kmnkumaran
            Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

            I know what he said. And I meant what I said. He left out Mother Goose.
            well thats an "original thought"
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11422492].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
              Originally Posted by kmnkumaran View Post

              well thats an "original thought"
              Your recognition is duly noted and appreciated.

              "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11422549].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    capo di tutti capi
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  • Profile picture of the author Rasa2722
    Guru appears when the student is ready. For the most part we all have a guru within us. When we are in alignment with our consciousness a mentor will appear to guide you to the next step. Till then it is wild goose chase searching outside of us. It is true in all aspects of life. Once we are ready to surrender and willing to listen then a guru appears.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11408020].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Sir Eliot Dundee
      Originally Posted by Rasa2722 View Post

      Guru appears when the student is ready. For the most part we all have a guru within us. When we are in alignment with our consciousness a mentor will appear to guide you to the next step. Till then it is wild goose chase searching outside of us. It is true in all aspects of life. Once we are ready to surrender and willing to listen then a guru appears.
      It's de facto: I was ready and he came out of the blue.

      Next thing I knew, was becoming a one-hit wonder.
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  • Profile picture of the author Immortal Fascist
    The Master swarmed in at night and paralyzed me in trance with his impeccable acoustic transmittance.
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    • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
      Originally Posted by Immortal Fascist View Post

      The Master swarmed in at night and paralyzed me in trance with his impeccable acoustic transmittance.
      Next time use a mosquito net.

      Ever lie awake worrying that you might be the only person who doesn't know what FOMO means?

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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    My guru is my parents - they inspre me to overcome difficulties in my life.
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