Happiness Is A Choice
What does that mean exactly? Well one of the most
important components of Happiness is to be grateful
for everything you have. Many People are "chasing"
happiness (and many times that works ... However
most of the time ― it doesn't and/or doesn't last.
Something I learned from Wallace Wattles (The
Science Of Getting Rich ...) is:
"The mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into
closer touch with the source from which all blessings
come. There is a law of gratitude, and it is absolutely
necessary that you should observe the law, if you are
to get the results you seek."
Right now you have countless things to be grateful for.
(Like literally hundreds ...) For example:
I love all the People (Family and Health Care
Professional etc.) that have helped me overcome
Social Anxiety, Depression, and Schizophrenia.
I love my wonderful flat (that is my little space in the
I love all my wonderful food and shopping
I love all of my amazing Family, Friends, and
I love all of my skills, talents, aptitudes (etc.)
I love my Personality ... And how it has shaped
me in Life.
I love being "Born Again"
I pretty much love everything.
: )
I love all my Personal Development Books (Including
the most recent one from my Brother Dennis for
(Etc., etc.)
What can you be grateful for Today? Maybe
turn it into a daily ritual to be Thankful for
everything you have
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
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