In the beginning, what motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

by Judey
47 replies
So what really motivated you to become an entrepreneur ?

#Share your thoughts below .
#beginning #entrepreneur #motivated
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well i decided to call myself an entrepreneur . and write out a business plan i'm guessing at five year income goals to see how much i can raise for this app i will need you to sign an nda for me to tell you about.. because with the right backer .. it will be bough for billions in a few years google or facebook ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    ok i am going to tell you what the ap is but promise to keep it super secret ..but it is cool it will be a hit with teenage girls .. which is where most big things start today is an app called emoji snap ..

    i put on a hat with a lcd screen and a little camera in it .. that i can work using my cellphone .. an emoji pops up on the sceen and the person in front does there bast emoji impression face .. and the camra takes the photo ..and put a picture of your face next to the emoji or who ever was in front of the camera ..

    and sends it to freinds who vote on it .. it will be worth 2 billion in 2 years .. next big thing i tell you
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Judey View Post

    So what really motivated you to become an entrepreneur ?

    #Share your thoughts below .

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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    I hated being poor. The ignorance, irrational beliefs, anger that came with it. I hated it all. not be poor.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      I hated being poor. The ignorance, irrational beliefs, anger that came with it. I hated it all. not be poor.
      i have wonder why you fell into or chose selling vacuum cleaners . was it a product line that suited your personality ..
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        i have wonder why you fell into or chose selling vacuum cleaners . was it a product line that suited your personality ..
        I'm honored that you asked me.

        I assumed that selling something was my ticket. I sold life insurance starting at 21...and my first full calendar year I was the third top selling agent out of 2,200 agents...just because I outworked them, and wasn't afraid of rejection.

        And about 2 years into it, a kid came to our home selling a Kirby vacuum cleaner. We bought it, and I liked the type of presentation it had.

        It's a more informal fun type of sale...and yes, it more fit my personality. Life insurance is a more relational type of sale, and I'm a much more transactional type of person.

        A few years later, after setting a few sales records (but not like when I sold life insurance), I found another vacuum cleaner I could buy direct from the MFG, and make three times the commission the same selling price.

        And except for a few transitions to different vacuums (always because I was offered a better price/area/marketing program/financing)...and a short stint selling encyclopedias....I have sold vacuum cleaners in people's homes....and later in a retail store for about 40 years.
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Immortal Fascist
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          just because I outworked them, and wasn't afraid of rejection.
          Thanks man.
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  • Having to work for someone who tells you what to do how much you are going to do if for gets old.

    It really doesn't matter what profession you are in. When you work for someone else you have no control of either of those things.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by Judey View Post

    So what really motivated you to become an entrepreneur ?
    I've wanted to be an Entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. (When I was little I used to dream about owning a joke shop.)

    Also I learned growing up that not having much money sometimes affects People's happiness. One Christmas my Mum was in tears because the money she saved up somehow went missing or something.

    Today I'm making my dreams come true and hoping to do a lot of good with my money. (Including helping my Family).

    Great question. : )
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    great story .. thank you for sharing claude .

    until summer last year i had been a street performer in Vegas work in my own costume for a year and a half living on tips alone..until the city of las vegas phased in a ban of street performing on the strip .. squeezing the money i was making down to nothing..

    I'm 40 and my physical health got messed up with my back over several jobs in my 20s the last 10 years has been rough..but i started improving my health 4 years ago and right now most of my chronic pain is gone ..but at this point i can't get a regular job my back does not last a full day without being in major pain..doing any job i can get where i am right now ..

    to fully restore my health i need to get somewhere where i can grow my own food much of the year and also as a business get into growin culinary and medicinal herbs..but stick more to high cost per pound culinary herbs something i can start out and survive doing then grow into a very profitable business over time ..and do for the next 20or 30 years or more ..

    much of my work life was in food processing and the last day labor work i did for a bit over a year .. was at a solid blending and i won't get into detail but i have always had a preference for producing ingredients or parts verses finished products ... so that why what i am focusing on now is appealing to me..just starting with zero resources .. no debt but no nothing and a few thousand miles between where i am and where i want to set up ..

    but i have only really settled down an pruned off all the other ideas that where cluttering up my focus the last few days and this is the first time i have put it in writing anywhere ..
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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    "Well, I had a vision when I was twelve. And I saw a man on a flaming pie, and he said, 'You are an entrepeneur with an E.' And so I are."
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Another thing that caused me to be my own boss is that , when I was 18021...I had a few jobs as an employee, working in metal shops.

    It wasn't so much the jobs I hated, it was working with employees. Always complaining about the work, their pay, how unfairly they were treated, the government....being around them drained the life out of me.

    It wasn't that I disliked them, but I knew I wasn't one of them. And for whatever reason I had no fear of working for myself.

    Being afraid of failure or afraid of rejection just isn't part of my makeup. It isn't bravery, believe me...maybe a lack of need for approval.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

      Another thing that caused me to be my own boss is that , when I was 18021...I had a few jobs as an employee, working in metal shops.

      It wasn't so much the jobs I hated, it was working with employees. Always complaining about the work, their pay, how unfairly they were treated, the government....being around them drained the life out of me.

      It wasn't that I disliked them, but I knew I wasn't one of them. And for whatever reason I had no fear of working for myself.

      Being afraid of failure or afraid of rejection just isn't part of my makeup. It isn't bravery, believe me...maybe a lack of need for approval.
      I think the reason i like listening or reading your take or your not in it to build an empire .you have one store not a chain of retail store .. or hundred and hundreds of employees.. because you would rather sell vacuum cleaners to customers than sell employees on the idea of actually doing what you are paying them and hired them to do..

      haha ..

      i know there are a lot more people who can succeed with the business models with low overheads that are possible today .. but most of the books and advice is writing for or about the very small number of highly successful very rich entrepreneurs..who build massive companies in a short time ..

      I'm buggin you for information haha ..

      what skill sets do you think are most important for someone to make a good living in a micro/small business .. with few to no employees
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        I think the reason i like listening or reading your take or your not in it to build an empire .you have one store not a chain of retail store .. or hundred and hundreds of employees.. because you would rather sell vacuum cleaners to customers than sell employees on the idea of actually doing what you are paying them and hired them to do..

        haha ..

        i know there are a lot more people who can succeed with the business models with low overheads that are possible today .. but most of the books and advice is writing for or about the very small number of highly successful very rich entrepreneurs..who build massive companies in a short time ..

        I'm buggin you for information haha ..

        what skill sets do you think are most important for someone to make a good living in a micro/small business .. with few to no employees
        If you are a small business owner, you are a salesperson and marketer. That's your job description. Everything else is labor and can be hired out.

        The reason my businesses have stayed relatively small is because I'm a salesman.

        And even though that means I talk to's in small chunks for short periods of time.

        At my core, I'm not social person...and I dislike the drama of managing employees.

        When my store was doing a half a million dollars a year in sales, my main supplier told me that I could do a million a year in sales. Of course, he wanted that increase in sales because it was twice the sales for him, with no more effort on his part.

        But I told him something like "No. We do half a million a year, and I have one employee doing repairs, and we are making a solid 6 figure income. If I wanted to double that, I could...but it would be 5 times the effort, additional employees, and far more advertising...for almost no additional net income. I like where I am".
        One Call Closing book

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

          If you are a small business owner, you are a salesperson and marketer. That's your job description. Everything else is labor and can be hired out.

          The reason my businesses have stayed relatively small is because I'm a salesman.

          And even though that means I talk to's in small chunks for short periods of time.

          At my core, I'm not social person...and I dislike the drama of managing employees.

          When my store was doing a half a million dollars a year in sales, my main supplier told me that I could do a million a year in sales. Of course, he wanted that increase in sales because it was twice the sales for him, with no more effort on his part.

          But I told him something like "No. We do half a million a year, and I have one employee doing repairs, and we are making a solid 6 figure income. If I wanted to double that, I could...but it would be 5 times the effort, additional employees, and far more advertising...for almost no additional net income. I like where I am".
          turning this into a interview of claude haha ..

          what kind of investments do you invest in..rental real estate sounds like it would involve to much dealing with poor people for ya..

          i know it is odd to ask..but again most of the entrepreneur advice big business invest in rental real estate or index fund
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          • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
            Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

            turning this into a interview of claude haha ..

            what kind of investments do you invest in..rental real estate sounds like it would involve to much dealing with poor people for ya..

            i know it is odd to ask..but again most of the entrepreneur advice big business invest in rental real estate or index fund
            I actually know very little about investing.

            I would never invest in rental real estate because I'd never want a tenant. I would never invest in someone else's business, because I don't want to hear the excuses...and I'm not invested emotionally in the process.

            I invest in an index I have for many years.
            One Call Closing book

            “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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            • Profile picture of the author Odahh
              Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

              I actually know very little about investing.

              I would never invest in rental real estate because I'd never want a tenant. I would never invest in someone else's business, because I don't want to hear the excuses...and I'm not invested emotionally in the process.

              I invest in an index I have for many years.
              i have just learned about index about them for a while but just stumbled on to the financial independence early retirement community..they are still heavy into talking about real estate.. i just don't like the 250,000 dollars in leverage for 1,000-2000 a month in rental income .

              plus without a real rise in most people incomes there will be a point where rents are capped by people ability to pay which cap increases in property value ..or you get so many homeless in these areas that property values will fall do to high crime and the lovely smells that go along ..with homeless camps . normal working class at this point is getting squeezed by skyrocketing health insurance premiums and rents ....and under 40 college loan debt .

              on thing i have a suspicion on though is the income figures are not accurate because there may be many like you ..who own small businesses have a good profit margin ..and i am not saying you do this ..but pile up optional expenses and intentionally reduce their personal incomes down to 30,000 k or less

              which as i study more on that.. controlling how much you pay in tax is close to one of the biggest benifits to owning your own business when done well with the law .
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              • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
                Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

                i have just learned about index about them for a while but just stumbled on to the financial independence early retirement community..they are still heavy into talking about real estate.. i just don't like the 250,000 dollars in leverage for 1,000-2000 a month in rental income .

                There is so much more involved in rental real estate. A bad tenant can ruin a building, and not pay rent for months. How do you get rid of a flea infestation? One bad tenant can cause others to move out. How many empty apartments can you pay for...while they sit empty?

                Do you know how long it takes to evict a non-paying tenant? Is that how you want to spend your day, chasing rent?

                Sure, there is money in real estate, but learn from someone who owns the type of property you are interested in. If you are talking to people who are interested in real estate investing...but haven't done it for years? You are listening to the wrong person.

                In the last ten years, my index fund has tripled in value. And I don't have to talk to anyone...or chase anyone....or do repairs and have inspections done.

                Some people thrive in that environment. I'm just not one of them.
                One Call Closing book

                “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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                • Profile picture of the author yukon
                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  There is so much more involved in rental real estate. A bad tenant can ruin a building, and not pay rent for months.
                  Yep, my inlaws found that out the hard way.

                  One of their renters threw all their kitchen trash (in bags) in a room next to the kitchen. That trash was packed in the room and full to the ceiling (no joke).

                  Each time someone moved out they pretty much had to remodel the interior of the houses they had for rent. That cost money.

                  Renters know that rental houses are disposable as far as they're concerned. Junk it up and they move on to the next rental property. Repeat...

                  Anyways, my inlaws eventually stopped renting houses and sold them all.
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                • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                  Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

                  There is so much more involved in rental real estate. A bad tenant can ruin a building, and not pay rent for months. How do you get rid of a flea infestation? One bad tenant can cause others to move out. How many empty apartments can you pay for...while they sit empty?

                  Do you know how long it takes to evict a non-paying tenant? Is that how you want to spend your day, chasing rent?

                  Sure, there is money in real estate, but learn from someone who owns the type of property you are interested in. If you are talking to people who are interested in real estate investing...but haven't done it for years? You are listening to the wrong person.

                  In the last ten years, my index fund has tripled in value. And I don't have to talk to anyone...or chase anyone....or do repairs and have inspections done.

                  Some people thrive in that environment. I'm just not one of them.
                  on another level i see investing beyond just financial returns .. we only get one body ..watching my parents go through the medical problem they did the last 15 or 20 years of their lives and taking care of both of them at the same time the last few years ov their lives and watching 1/3 of their fixed income go to doctors bills insurance premiums and medications ..much of that cost do to what they ate ..which was a chunk good chunk of what they spent stuff on..luckily their house which still had a 100k plus mortgage they where only paying the interest payment on .. but the city was still taking a huge chunk of what they made with property taxes parents where together 40 plus years apart 4-5 month s dad lived to 80 mm 75 ..and their main source of entertainment after my father retired..was fighting with each other about money for hours every day ..It kept them alive ..

                  so i have prioritized fixing a lot of the health problems i had and by doing that came to the business i want to get into and do for the next 20-30 years ..or longer . being where i can grow much of my own food and grow high value herbs to sell and make a living from.. will also be the biggest step in staying healthy long term .. and building a house i can pay for really fast and does not cost much to heat or cool ... to keep monthly costs down in the long term ..

                  with running the right kind of business i can sneak many of these investment into the business expense column instead of working a job and trying to do it with after tax dollars .

                  the main things i want to get into growing are Moringa ,Cacao ,and Vanilla but basically need to live in a tropical climate to grow them ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Bozarth
    To be my own boss. The corporate world moves at a snail's pace for me. Too much bureaucracy, office politics, and delays.

    As an entrepreneur, there is no slowing down. It's a lot of work, but if you are designed to be your own boss then it is loads of fun!

    Marketing Instructor - Marketing Leadership Course

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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

    I've wanted to be an Entrepreneur for as long as I can remember. (When I was little I used to dream about owning a joke shop.)

    Also I learned growing up that not having much money sometimes affects People's happiness. One Christmas my Mum was in tears because the money she saved up somehow went missing or something.

    Today I'm making my dreams come true and hoping to do a lot of good with my money. (Including helping my Family).

    Great question. : )
    Good to know Jonathan, over time you will figure out what works from what doesn't, but just like Edison, keep going and the light bulb will go off, (so to speak).

    Also good that you can make that remark here without the lets say, interesting conversations occurring.

    Originally Posted by Brian Bozarth View Post

    To be my own boss. The corporate world moves at a snail's pace for me. Too much bureaucracy, office politics, and delays.

    As an entrepreneur, there is no slowing down. It's a lot of work, but if you are designed to be your own boss then it is loads of fun!
    True, loads of fun when you figure out something that works, and even more so when it makes disgusting amounts of money.

    Unfortunately tiltering on the edge of the abyss may occur, but that is ok, the big rewards go to the brave, not the timid.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Good to know Jonathan, over time you will figure out what works from what doesn't, but just like Edison, keep going and the light bulb will go off, (so to speak).
      Yep. : ) Great point: Thanks tagiscom. Persistence (and learning) are definitely important components for achieving success.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Quite a few gluttonous son of a guns.

    Spill the beans, it's getting hot.
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  • Profile picture of the author seanbagheri
    I did it because I didn't see a future for myself in school and I knew things won't go as fast as I want them to go. I had to walk every morning to my minimum wage pay job and take a bus to school at 18. I hated the fact that everyone around me had money and I didn't so I decided to do something for myself. Started with a Google search in 2013 and now I own a million dollar company.

    I dropped out of college btw, what a scam.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by seanbagheri View Post

      I did it because I didn't see a future for myself in school and I knew things won't go as fast as I want them to go. I had to walk every morning to my minimum wage pay job and take a bus to school at 18. I hated the fact that everyone around me had money and I didn't so I decided to do something for myself. Started with a Google search in 2013 and now I own a million dollar company.

      I dropped out of college btw, what a scam.
      if you want to become a lawyer ,doctor accountant , engineer . or some highly paid profession that requires a degree ..

      but there are so many people with worthless degrees you can require people have a degree to wait tables at a restaurant .. or serve coffee at a coffee house today for someone who might not get a highly paid profession going into any kind of debt so you can get a degree that only use is to get a job ..because there is no law against requiring a degree .. to get a job ..

      It is 2018.. there are so many more ways to get an education besides going to college ..the scam is the cultural message that college is the place yo go to get educated .

      I got into an argument with someone a few months ago ..who has been a chef or cook ..but felt to open his own restaurant they needed to go to school to get a degree for it ..

      America is screwed because so many people have been scammed into believing to do stuff they need a degree when they really just need to do it and learn as they do it..and the government is on a tare and requireing people to have expensive degrees more and more ...for stuff like hair dressing or massage therapy , there is even a push to require a degree to be a personal trainer ..
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      • Profile picture of the author seanbagheri
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        if you want to become a lawyer ,doctor accountant , engineer . or some highly paid profession that requires a degree ..

        but there are so many people with worthless degrees you can require people have a degree to wait tables at a restaurant .. or serve coffee at a coffee house today for someone who might not get a highly paid profession going into any kind of debt so you can get a degree that only use is to get a job ..because there is no law against requiring a degree .. to get a job ..

        It is 2018.. there are so many more ways to get an education besides going to college ..the scam is the cultural message that college is the place yo go to get educated .

        I got into an argument with someone a few months ago ..who has been a chef or cook ..but felt to open his own restaurant they needed to go to school to get a degree for it ..

        America is screwed because so many people have been scammed into believing to do stuff they need a degree when they really just need to do it and learn as they do it..and the government is on a tare and requireing people to have expensive degrees more and more ...for stuff like hair dressing or massage therapy , there is even a push to require a degree to be a personal trainer ..
        well said.
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  • Profile picture of the author radu
    Originally Posted by Judey View Post

    So what really motivated you to become an entrepreneur ?

    #Share your thoughts below .
    This is very good question..

    Money is the main factor but it depends on the type of business an entrepreneur is running..anyway the motivation should come from the inside of you somehow like a part of your mission in this journey
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  • Profile picture of the author NathanZad
    When I got started it was for money, freedom... the same stuff most people go after.

    Now it's about my soul. That sounds dumb, kinda, so let me explain....

    I've been doing pretty well financially for a bit, and I lost some passion a while back. When you're comfortable that can happen.

    So I had to re-think things and figure out what would re-ignite the passion.

    And for me, now, it's the sheer act of creation. And helping others tap into it too.

    The people I work with do it for the money, but they do it more because they have to create in order to live.

    So yeah, that's it now.
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    I came from a poor family. The generations before me were also poor. I got tired of the situation and decided to do something about it. Right now I have not reached my goal yet but sure enough, I am getting there. While it is hard climbing your way to success, living in poverty is also hard. If I had to choose between which "hard" I'd like to take, it would be the one that can bring changes in my life.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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  • Profile picture of the author DimitrovDaniel
    I've always wanted to own a business, I was daydreaming about being a "boss" when I was 6.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bald Avenger
    I started listening to hypnosis tracks and that elevated my intelligence to grow esoterically and try out new things.
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Bald Avenger View Post

      I started listening to hypnosis tracks and that elevated my intelligence to grow esoterically and try out new things.
      Claude tried that and grew hysterically.

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  • Profile picture of the author Immortal Fascist
    People insisting to pay me up.
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  • Profile picture of the author codemefy
    Opportunity to find yourself. Prove to yourself if you can do it. Own your thing.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisBa
    Originally Posted by Judey View Post

    So what really motivated you to become an entrepreneur ?

    #Share your thoughts below .
    I've always had this "calling", when I was younger I had no idea what it was really. I've always wanted to make my own products and make money off them.

    It wasn't until I was older (20's) before I figured out what it all meant and figured out ways to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    Dreams. I didn't like many things as they were. I wanted to change them. I tried talking to others, but they were busy. In the end, I understood that I will have to do it myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author affmarketer101
    Noone hired me. Then I had to run my own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author prachaya
    Why I want to be entrepreneur?

    I want to mark my own holiday

    I want to go whereever I want to go

    Sure almost is about money. It means If I have much money. I will solve all problem

    That why I need to find the way to make at least 100-200 dollars per day based on the lowest hour of work

    I started on make android application. I use 2 years for study and learn about it

    It is a very long time.But on that way It make some money.Yes not much but I can live with it.

    It take long time because I don't have anyone guide me. I study it myself.If I have mentor It would take 1-3 months

    Now I have many application on app store. I have kid game and got many good reviews from it

    Absolutely true It make money much more than my goal (100-200$/day)

    Now I can do whatever I want. I'm happy everyday

    For beginner It sound like very hard.But I'm a human not superman. It not hard

    I think it depend on "just do it"
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    I really loved the idea of fun and freedom. I figured it'd be fun to work from home, and freeing. So I dove in. Then over the years, I added that circle the globe component to my work, so my home could be anywhere on earth.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Ian5
    It was interesting for me to read the comments, because I dream to be an entrepetuer, but I dont have enough money and motivation.
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    • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
      Originally Posted by Ian5 View Post

      It was interesting for me to read the comments, because I dream to be an entrepetuer, but I dont have enough money and motivation.
      Well, at least you recognize those things in yourself and have not made the mistake of striking-out on a new path, without some of the most basic tools that are necessary to have any chance at all of being successful.

      How many posts do we see by people who start-out wanting to make $1,000 a week, without spending a dime or making a commitment to invest the necessary time? Too, many.

      At least you have the common-sense to wait until you acquire the basics that are needed. Good for you.

      "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by OptedIn View Post

        Well, at least you recognize those things in yourself and have not made the mistake of striking-out on a new path, without some of the most basic tools that are necessary to have any chance at all of being successful.

        How many posts do we see by people who start-out wanting to make $1,000 a week, without spending a dime or making a commitment to invest the necessary time? Too, many.

        At least you have the common-sense to wait until you acquire the basics that are needed. Good for you.
        now he or she probably can make some extra money buying stuff at thrift store and learning to flip those items .. or in many different small businesses that require very money to start and can grow into nice businesses with work ..

        but no either work a job.. or you go for great success .. the about average life .. greatness .. blah blah blah .. you gotta automate and scale up.. and grow and ..and and
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        • Profile picture of the author OptedIn
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          now he or she probably can make some extra money buying stuff at thrift store and learning to flip those items ..
          Yes, almost anyone could, if that's what they choose as their path. My sister hits all the thrift shops for used shoes and coats. She sells used sneakers on eBay, oftentimes for $100 or more as the shoes retail new at close to $300. Yep. Even I have bought $200 sneakers, just for everyday wear. She can tell you anything you want to know about sneaker brands and models. She's killing it. lol

          or in many different small businesses that require very money to start and can grow into nice businesses with work ..
          I'm assuming you meant to say, 'little' money. There's not much in life that can't be turned into a business: "Meet the man who makes $1,500 a month from a side hustle selling live crickets."

          but no either work a job.. or you go for great success .. the about average life .. greatness .. blah blah blah .. you gotta automate and scale up.. and grow and ..and and
          Not everyone aspires to greatness, financial or otherwise. Different people value different things in life. Just because someone doesn't have a desire to focus on making as much moolah as possible and are content to simply make enough to live comfortably, even if it's a spartan existence, that should not deem them lacking in some way.

          One of things I see way too much of on this forum is people thinking that others should follow their lead and if they don't, they are missing the boat. There is much more to life than the constant pursuit to acquire as much money as possible. Unfortunately, most people don't discover that until much of their life has been spent totally in that pursuit.

          It's been my experience that even among those that have reached that goal, many feel that if they had to do it all over again, they would do it differently, allowing more time for some of the more meaningful and important things in life. Of course, many people believe that there is NOTHING more meaningful and/or important in life, than making money.

          I'd be willing to bet that no matter how much money those people have, they'll always be poor at some basic human level.

          "He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan • "I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Owsley
    Good question Judey, it's important for us to remember why we originally wanted to become an entrepreneur to see if those reasons have changed at all and if so was the change for the better or not.
    I originally decided to become an entrepreneur for several reasons. First is that I felt like it was a personal challenge to myself to find a way to create income outside of a job. I've since learned that this is an ongoing challenge the every entrepreneur faces everyday and requires a strong "Why" to stay committed to being an entrepreneur. Another reason I became an entrepreneur is that I felt like having the skill of creating money outside of job is actually more secure financially. It's not easier but it is a skill that can never be taken away from you and can be applied to many different situations and different markets no matter where you are in the world.
    Most people who believe in "job security" have no idea what they would do if they lost their job and couldn't get another job in their field of expertise. Even someone who is still working at their job but has a business they're serious about on the side they understand the importance of not solely depending on a job or their livelihood, which ultimately gives them more financial security.
    Being an entrepreneur also forces me to expand myself in ways that I might not do on a job. To be a successful entrepreneur you have to network and communicate with people to grow your business. Depending on the job many times people can kind of keep their head down do their job, and collect a paycheck. You can't do this as an entrepreneur. Even having an online business requires you to use social media, videos, email, and whatever else to get the word out about your business.

    It ain't easy being an entrepreneur but it's more rewarding on different levels in my opinion.

    -Enjoy Your Outcome
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    well one of the things that bothers me .. about this entrepreneurship thing the way people on this forum twist self improvements and it together .. is from studying successful entrepreneurs ..and listing to multiple interviews from them .. the main focus in the businesses they build is how they make people lives better .. they focus in on where people live are bad .. and think of ways to make it much better ..

    THey don't start from view that seems to be a plague in self improvement .. look at the horrible nasty .. average people how big of losers they are ..must get away from them .. and not be like them .. these bad horribly nasty people ..

    yes you may start by acknowledging people might have miserable lives .. but then build a business that gives them some way to make that life better ..

    but then again you can convince people they just need to feel better and that is enough .. the easy way to do that is to first make them feel like crap or that they have crappy lives .. and the fill them with high powered flufy sounding motivation .. that props them up and make them feel good for a bit .. until they listen to the next one .. instead of doing anything that actually makes their lives better .. then you can make them feel real bad for getting enough sleep ... after all it not like there huge amounts of research on the nasty effect of long term sleep deprivation ..
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  • Profile picture of the author SPF
    The attraction was more about building an asset that could bring in a consistent sum of money without me having to work.

    I've been very good at working for other people. Learning a way to make money online and actually working towards that goal is what keeps me motivated.

    To which level I want to grow the business is unknown. I will make my decision when I get to that point.

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