This is why It's harder for you to succeed if you're naturally smart

35 replies
It's being too ANALYTICAL

Whether with women or in business,
I always watched the guys that take reckless action succeed again and again,

while me and others wasn't getting nearly half of their results.
I was too busy analyzing and over-thinking stuff. "Too smart" for myself.

The worst part? Over analyzing in personal areas like relationships tends to ruin you...

You keep on thinking whether you said or did the right things,
what he said, what she said...

Can't stop analyzing.
And it leads to infinite amount of depression and self-doubt.

Listen mate. You can't over think here. Plan. Do your research. Consult others.
And if the right feeling is there, go for it (I'm a big believer in intuition).

Don't overthink whether you should start or business or not.

BE calculated, but don't over do it.
Don't overthink whether you should approach this girl or not.

Go do it. I wish someone would tell me this earlier.

Even if it comes out bad and you said the most stupid thing ever while mistakenly spilling your beer all over yourself,

it's a lot better than doing nothing and choosing not to play.

Start that business. Even if you've done rookie mistakes like giving free offers to everybody

(what can I say, everybody was doing this), you've started moving forward toward success.

Thought I'd share this
#harder #it’s #naturally #smart #succeed
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  • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
    Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

    It's being too ANALYTICAL

    Whether with women or in business,
    I always watched the guys that take reckless action succeed again and again,
    And fail far more often than they succeed. Going into business almost a guarantee of success. Blindly taking action without a plan...without almost a guarantee of failure.

    Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

    while me and others wasn't getting nearly half of their results.
    I was too busy analyzing and over-thinking stuff. "Too smart" for myself.
    It isn't because you are too smart. It's because you aren't sure, you can't make a decision. You think of it as being too smart, because that makes you feel it's a virtue that brings you depression. But it isn't being too smart that makes you over's being indecisive.

    And by the title of the thread, you have positioned yourself as smart....and are using it as justification for being unsuccessful. (in some way). Being intelligent is an asset, just as being decisive is.
    One Call Closing book

    “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
    Hi Claude, thanks for your response.

    All I meant is that by being too analytical you end up not taking action.

    Yes I agree- having a plan is essential for success...

    To be accurate, having a PROCESS in place, given to you by a suitable mentor, is the best plan I believe.

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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

      Hi Claude, thanks for your response.

      All I meant is that by being too analytical you end up not taking action.

      Yes I agree- having a plan is essential for success...

      To be accurate, having a PROCESS in place, given to you by a suitable mentor, is the best plan I believe.
      well the problem is not you analyze to much you enjoy the analytical part.. and have yet to refine your process to reach a conclusion to make a decision from..

      you do not trust your intelligence try to get all the facts .. but some facts matter a lot more than others in making a decision ..

      and you are probably very good at imagining a string of horrible consequences if you make the wrong choice ..

      those people you see making supposedly reckless choices .. when they fail.. are they leaving trails of upset and disappointed people.. or do they seemingly have a plan in place to smooth things over and make those failure disappear ..

      normally people who take reckless actions end up in jail or dead or generally a wreck ..some drug addiction or very bad habit ..

      try not to mistake a refined system for risk management ..for being reckless

      here is a fact you will be wrong way more often than you are right until you learn to pick the choice that even if you are wrong can pick up the pieces and move on.. or really lose nothing ..

      it not your intelligence holding you back.. it's your ego wrap up in to look smart you always have to have the right answer and get an a on the test ..
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  • Profile picture of the author SDJ74
    That´s great encouragement, Jonathan! It often times IS the simple solutions which show up being the best. Overcomplicating a business model is never a good idea. Simplicity will make it easier to navigate for the business owner himself, but also for the clients. I read one of Anik Singal´s books recently (Circle of Profit) - great read by the way, which I can recommend, where he states that he himself even started in here - but that the one model that made everything work for him after a lot of trial and error was the most simple one.

    "Learn something new every day and eventually you´ll succeed"

    #justdoit #businessmodel #analysisparalysis
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      hey man, thanks. Sounds like a good book, I'll check it out

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      The 1 Page Bulletproof Biohacking Productivity System

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  • Profile picture of the author Akula78
    Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

    It's being too ANALYTICAL

    Whether with women or in business,
    I always watched the guys that take reckless action succeed again and again,

    while me and others wasn't getting nearly half of their results.
    I was too busy analyzing and over-thinking stuff. "Too smart" for myself.

    The worst part? Over analyzing in personal areas like relationships tends to ruin you...

    You keep on thinking whether you said or did the right things,
    what he said, what she said...

    Can't stop analyzing.
    And it leads to infinite amount of depression and self-doubt.

    Listen mate. You can't over think here. Plan. Do your research. Consult others.
    And if the right feeling is there, go for it (I'm a big believer in intuition).

    Don't overthink whether you should start or business or not.

    BE calculated, but don't over do it.
    Don't overthink whether you should approach this girl or not.

    Go do it. I wish someone would tell me this earlier.

    Even if it comes out bad and you said the most stupid thing ever while mistakenly spilling your beer all over yourself,

    it's a lot better than doing nothing and choosing not to play.

    Start that business. Even if you've done rookie mistakes like giving free offers to everybody

    (what can I say, everybody was doing this), you've started moving forward toward success.

    Thought I'd share this
    Thanks for this my friend, this is really motivating!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by Akula78 View Post

      Thanks for this my friend, this is really motivating!
      glad you like it!

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      The 1 Page Bulletproof Biohacking Productivity System

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    It's rare for me to see a post in the 'Mind' forum that I agree with - but this is one!

    One of the best real life examples I've seen of 'too smart for your own good' (which was something I heard a lot from adults when I was growing up) was in a casino training class.

    Of 8 people learning to deal the game of craps, I was one of two people having a difficult time with the game I already was a dealer for all the other games but craps is a difficult game.

    The instructor told us 'you are almost too smart to learn this game' and I thought that was hooey. But he was right. You can't analyze or debate placement, etc, when dealing craps have to react fact and just DO IT. I did learn to deal the game but would never be the 'natural' other dealers who just 'do without thinking' would be. I was good at it only after I had dealt it so much that there was not any question of 'what to do'.

    In some cases, the 'smart person' ends up being the 'slow learner'.

    The best advice in my view for someone who tends to overthink or over-analyze is this: Don't start over...and over....and over.

    At the same time, not everyone is able to take wild leaps of faith - and that's OK. You can still be deliberate as long as you don't allow yourself to back up an start over.

    Keep going with what you are doing. Don't grab a 'fresh clean page' to cover up evidence of mistakes made. Correct the mistakes or cross them out and stay on that same page till you get to the end.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      It's rare for me to see a post in the 'Mind' forum that I agree with - but this is one!

      One of the best real life examples I've seen of 'too smart for your own good' (which was something I heard a lot from adults when I was growing up) was in a casino training class.

      Of 8 people learning to deal the game of craps, I was one of two people having a difficult time with the game I already was a dealer for all the other games but craps is a difficult game.

      The instructor told us 'you are almost too smart to learn this game' and I thought that was hooey. But he was right. You can't analyze or debate placement, etc, when dealing craps have to react fact and just DO IT. I did learn to deal the game but would never be the 'natural' other dealers who just 'do without thinking' would be. I was good at it only after I had dealt it so much that there was not any question of 'what to do'.

      In some cases, the 'smart person' ends up being the 'slow learner'.

      The best advice in my view for someone who tends to overthink or over-analyze is this: Don't start over...and over....and over.

      At the same time, not everyone is able to take wild leaps of faith - and that's OK. You can still be deliberate as long as you don't allow yourself to back up an start over.

      Keep going with what you are doing. Don't grab a 'fresh clean page' to cover up evidence of mistakes made. Correct the mistakes or cross them out and stay on that same page till you get to the end.

      AWESOME examples man...Yeah these are the kind of things I'm talking about. thank you for your detailed response

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris30K
    If this title checks out then it should be easier to succeed if you're naturally dumb.

    Chic Fil A > McDonald's

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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Chris30K View Post

      If this title checks out then it should be easier to succeed if you're naturally dumb.
      or at least ok with looking dumb and making dumb mistakes from time to time ..

      it all comes down to what success really is though it a point you reach.. or is it a state you achieve and then maintain ..

      and few things we see as success .. ever really last .. if you live to 100, but achieved the pinicle of success at 20 or 25 or 30 or 40 .. and then just faded away after ..

      what really is success and if you live to 100 and are in pristine health fully mobile .. no medication no list of medical problems .. who is more of a success .. you or the guy who one a superbowl.. but by the age of 40 can't climb stairs because of all the injuries he went through.. or loses all the money he made because of dumb mistake made due to brain injuries ..

      success .. the chase of something that can't be defined .. but only agreed to in a perception for a time ..
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by Chris30K View Post

      If this title checks out then it should be easier to succeed if you're naturally dumb.
      haha.... you gotta point a I guess

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnVianny
    Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

    It's being too ANALYTICAL

    Whether with women or in business,
    I always watched the guys that take reckless action succeed again and again,

    while me and others wasn't getting nearly half of their results.
    I was too busy analyzing and over-thinking stuff. "Too smart" for myself.

    The worst part? Over analyzing in personal areas like relationships tends to ruin you...

    You keep on thinking whether you said or did the right things,
    what he said, what she said...

    Can't stop analyzing.
    And it leads to infinite amount of depression and self-doubt.

    Listen mate. You can't over think here. Plan. Do your research. Consult others.
    And if the right feeling is there, go for it (I'm a big believer in intuition).

    Don't overthink whether you should start or business or not.

    BE calculated, but don't over do it.
    Don't overthink whether you should approach this girl or not.

    Go do it. I wish someone would tell me this earlier.

    Even if it comes out bad and you said the most stupid thing ever while mistakenly spilling your beer all over yourself,

    it's a lot better than doing nothing and choosing not to play.

    Start that business. Even if you've done rookie mistakes like giving free offers to everybody

    (what can I say, everybody was doing this), you've started moving forward toward success.

    Thought I'd share this

    Yes, the wrost thing you can do is sink cause of going into particular, then into the particular of the particular etc.

    the best is widening your point of view and see things globally
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  • Profile picture of the author BryrDe
    very well said. You should start putting your writings and this type of motivation statement in Medium!

    Originally Posted by Jonathan Peykar View Post

    It's being too ANALYTICAL

    Whether with women or in business,
    I always watched the guys that take reckless action succeed again and again,

    while me and others wasn't getting nearly half of their results.
    I was too busy analyzing and over-thinking stuff. "Too smart" for myself.

    The worst part? Over analyzing in personal areas like relationships tends to ruin you...

    You keep on thinking whether you said or did the right things,
    what he said, what she said...

    Can't stop analyzing.
    And it leads to infinite amount of depression and self-doubt.

    Listen mate. You can't over think here. Plan. Do your research. Consult others.
    And if the right feeling is there, go for it (I'm a big believer in intuition).

    Don't overthink whether you should start or business or not.

    BE calculated, but don't over do it.
    Don't overthink whether you should approach this girl or not.

    Go do it. I wish someone would tell me this earlier.

    Even if it comes out bad and you said the most stupid thing ever while mistakenly spilling your beer all over yourself,

    it's a lot better than doing nothing and choosing not to play.

    Start that business. Even if you've done rookie mistakes like giving free offers to everybody

    (what can I say, everybody was doing this), you've started moving forward toward success.

    Thought I'd share this
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by BryrDe View Post

      very well said. You should start putting your writings and this type of motivation statement in Medium!
      yes good idea mate. I will

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  • Profile picture of the author dilipcybex
    The thing is, no one talks about failures. If someone succeeds, they talk about it all the time. Otherwise it is silence.

    If you are skilled and not doing trickery, your results might be moderate. But they will be solid and will last for a longer time. You will have things others don't. Namely, skill, reputation, brand identity etc. These costs a life time to build
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Fear seems to be the culprit 100% of the time with analysis paralysis. Intelligent or maybe not too too swift, the act of not diving in and learning on the fly indicates fears of failure, of wasting time and of being criticized. Just get after it, dive into fears, learn and succeed down the road.
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by ryanbiddulph View Post

      Fear seems to be the culprit 100% of the time with analysis paralysis. Intelligent or maybe not too too swift, the act of not diving in and learning on the fly indicates fears of failure, of wasting time and of being criticized. Just get after it, dive into fears, learn and succeed down the road.
      yes totally agree

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      The 1 Page Bulletproof Biohacking Productivity System

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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    that's been my problem all along! too smart for my own good!
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by crackhouse View Post

      that's been my problem all along! too smart for my own good!
      When I hear that, it reminds me of a poor salesperson saying "I guess I'm just too honest".

      Or a procrastinator saying "I'm just too much of a perfectionist".

      It's a way of positioning a weakness as a virtue. At least, that's been my experience.

      And...intelligence and ambition are completely different things.
      One Call Closing book

      “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        When I hear that, it reminds me of a poor salesperson saying "I guess I'm just too honest".

        Or a procrastinator saying "I'm just too much of a perfectionist".

        It's a way of positioning a weakness as a virtue. At least, that's been my experience.

        And...intelligence and ambition are completely different things.
        i read this yesterday and i thought of many oher bs reasons for failure or not doing stuff..

        when guys total suck at talking to women or getting dates.. they blame it on them being a nice guy .. not that they are awkward.. creepy or desperate ..

        now i focus much of my self help chat around food.. because many have the faulty belief to lose weight or get in shape have to eat food that doesn't taste good and go the gym to work out .. and the best thing they can manage is to drink diet soda with that large pizza with everything on it they have several nights a week . that they get delivered .

        there is probably dozens of other shame excuses for failure any area .. or in several areas ..that are used to cover lack of skill with some supposed virtue or lack of virtue ..or turn some declared virtue into a vice ..
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  • Profile picture of the author velvetcake
    Don't overthink whether you should approach this girl or not.
    this is a business forum not a relationship forum. just saying that sounds terrible.

    relationships nowadays rely heavily on status: looks, money, social circle, etc. if you have those things, then fine approach whomever. if not, sure you can still talk to people, but probably with poor results. good coversation skills pale in comparison to status. people would rather talk to a millionaire who grunts than to an eloquent business neophyte.

    as far as that quote applies to business, it is good to learn skills as they relate to a specific project.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
      Originally Posted by velvetcake View Post

      this is a business forum not a relationship forum. just saying that sounds terrible.

      relationships nowadays rely heavily on status: looks, money, social circle, etc. if you have those things, then fine approach whomever. if not, sure you can still talk to people, but probably with poor results. good coversation skills pale in comparison to status. people would rather talk to a millionaire who grunts than to an eloquent business neophyte.

      as far as that quote applies to business, it is good to learn skills as they relate to a specific project.
      Yeah I figured it's a good example for going after what you want.

      I don't have millions in my bank account, had almost no friends, and my looks got better after going to the gym and taking care of myself... I have no problem meeting people nowdays because I TRIED, FAILED, AND THEN TRIED AGAIN.

      What you're mentioning here are classic limiting beliefs dude

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  • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
    so i guess that makes me a successful failure
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    Being smart and being wise are two different things. Smart people tend to be very careful in their steps, afraid of failing. Failure is but the ultimate teacher that can teach you so many things in life. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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    • Profile picture of the author Richard Essi

      This is actually a big deal in the IM space and among all online entrepreneurs.

      From my very early days in entrepreneurship, I always learnt that "entrepreneurs" were risk takers.

      These are individuals who are ready to pioneer pathways into unchartered territories!

      So, the main issue here for me, is FEAR. Fear of the unknown, FEAR of failure, FEAR sometimes of success and the radical change it will bring into your life.

      As an Employee, you have less of that fear because you do not shoulder the responsibility of the company or organization, so you are less of a decision maker. You are more in execution mode. Some people are comfortable with that, and there is no judgement to pass here.

      The moment you decide to enter into entrepreneurship, whether it be online or offline, you are going to have to face YOURSELF.

      I truly love the entrepreneur lifestyle, as it is not so much about the cars, houses and travel. It is more about the transformational power of the journey. You find yourself always learning and constantly discovering and evolving into new perspectives!

      So, the issue of FEAR is real, and you have to be able to challenge those illusions that sometimes can feel and seem so REAL!

      Personally, I have over the years had to face some real insecurities, and circumstances and perspectives that appeared so real that my emotions and mind ganged up on me to make me want to quit!

      But you see, emotions are no indication of truth. Just because I felt FEAR didn't mean that it was real.

      In that state of FEAR I found myself analyzing like crazy! You want the thing to be so perfect that you spend weeks just tweaking and tweaking, and when you finally launch any kinks or problems simply exhaust you because you have already given your all.

      So, in my mind part of the over analytical process is largely linked to FEARS and self-limiting belief systems that make you doubt and question everything.

      With confidence and assurance comes clarity, clear decision making and an unstoppable desire to move forward, even if you have to fall flat on your face, because you know that even if you do fall and hurt yourself, you will get RIGHT back UP.

      Confused? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? And Tired? Let's Talk...
      How To Think And Become A Successful Webpreneur"By Richard Essi

      Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.

      --Gillian Anderson
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  • Profile picture of the author Wizardofwisdom
    Yes, overthinking is just another word for procrastination. (I've been guilty of this, so I'm not pointing any fingers!)

    It's a clever way to conceal insecurity ... but the result is that nothing gets done.

    The antidote is just to take action ... because if you're smart enough to think more thoughts about something than most of the population, then you're also smart enough to think your way out of the consequences of whatever you do.

    Which, who knows? Might be successful!
    Establish your online biz in weeks not months without selling, coercing, persuading or manipulating anyone into buying your services... Talk to me for FREE...
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessica Ambos
    Thank you for sharing this. Sometimes it takes someone else (even a stranger) to tell us how overly analytical we are (the same goes for me too). As we grow older, we get wiser too. If we don't get any wiser, then the universe will teach us the same lessons over and over again until we finally get it. Or eventually the universe takes something away from us because we were so adamant not to learn the lesson and keep making the same mistakes over and over. And because something's already gone, that's the time we learn the lesson.
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  • Profile picture of the author dannykunst
    Thanks for that.
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  • Profile picture of the author crackhouse
    I really don't think there's any correlation between being smart and failing at business.
    I sell backlinks on some of the most lucrative editorial websites in the world.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Beck
    I use hypnosis and the results are tremendous let me tell you. Cosmic Master is the best. I squirmed out the bad habits and now I'm in charge of my life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jen Eick
    100% right.
    I have a master's degree. In school, they teach you the concept that a sign of intelligence IS to analyze. Which can easily lead to analysis paralysis in the IM world.

    You're taught to proof-read and be alarmed by typos. Meanwhile, you read emails with them all the time and wonder, So how are THEY doing this so successfully? (Btw I've never judged anyone based on a typo...just very hard on myself when I make one, which I am very likely to do. Especially while typing this on a cell phone.)

    The higher you get in school, the more you start to value academia (studying) over the hands-on world of doing. Which of course, is the exact opposite of the massive action internet marketing requires.
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  • Profile picture of the author ctrlaltdelete
    So what I'm getting here is that we shouldn't be afraid of taking risks. Step outside the comfort zone. We tend to overthink things in hopes of playing it safe. Makes sense, though we should still choose wisely which risks to take and not rush in blindly.

    When I started my business I was too scared of outsourcing. I felt like I had to do everything myself. How could I trust someone from overseas? But a point came when I told myself enough was enough. I put up a job post for a VA and this freelancer Filipino took the job. It was a bit of a rough start (mostly on my end) but it turned out quite well in the end. Been outsourcing from time to time ever since. Just have to hire wisely.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Peykar
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for all your comments.

    I've read every single one of them.

    I guess everyone can take this to a different direction which reflects his current situation

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  • Profile picture of the author Immortal Fascist
    That's because you are called to answer smart questions.

    Outsmarting myself works for me.
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