Feel The Fear, Let Go And Let It Carry You
I went on the steepest zip line ride in the world! The Flying Dutchman Zip line
Let me tell you about it.
From the moment I looked up and I saw the peak of the mountain, I knew this was one of the worst things I've ever signed up to do in my life. My wife's cousin challenged me.
Me liking a challenge accepted although I never had the slightest idea of what stood before me. Now I'm accustomed of these types of things. I had to speak in front of a school filled with graduating students to give the special guest speech. I often have to speak in church and other events. I've been on crazy waterpark rides. I've went on crazy waterslide at the Atlantis in the Bahamas.
So I got this.
Well, this was a different beast. We all had to ride the lift up to the top of the mountain. Now riding the lift was bad already because to be honest I'm afraid of heights.
The cart climbed and climbed and as you looked around you saw houses getting smaller and smaller. The higher we climbed the more I realized this is the worst thing I've ever done when it comes to challenges.
After about 20 minutes we got to the top. It's so high up there the air is colder. My mind screamed danger, but my heart said you have to do this.
One family goes down the ride and then another. We stood in line waiting for our turn and watching to see who would back out first. I'm not backing down and she's not backing down.
Next up....us
I'm standing on the launch pad looking down to our landing and it's so small I could hardly see it. My heart pounded like a drum in my chest. She still isn't backing down therefore I'm not either.
I hopped up and the guy straps me in. She's strapped in. Last minute safety instructions are given and the countdown starts.
My heart is pounding
More pounding...
The wind swooshes by as we race toward the ground.
The trees speed by below. This is crazy...this is crazy!
Suddenly at the peak of my fear I experience something. My fear is transformed into bliss. I feel like I'm flying.
This...this is actually fun. Oh My Goodness I'm doing this for real! I release my grip and welcomed the wind into my arms.
I feel ALIVE!
Still zooming down euphoria fills my whole body....maybe it's an adrenaline high. Whatever it is, it feels good.
I see the landing quickly approaching it's almost over, but I don't want it to be.
The fear is gone and peace enters.
We stop.
It's all over.
My wife's cousin is frozen. The guy takes out the straps. I look at her.
I just did that...
I mean we just did that. I can't believe it. I just stepped up to my fears and it was better than I thought. I didn't die. We didn't die.
I faced my fears and lived.
Which made me think about what it's like building an online business. A lot of people never start because of fear. They think about all the things that could go wrong and never about what could go right.
You have to call a client, but you're afraid. When you really think about it what are you afraid of?
What I've come to learn about fear is that it's just an obstacle and all of your dreams are on the other side. The moment you learn to feel the fear and do it anyway is the moment your life changes forever!
Think about what your life would look like if you just took life by the horns and made it happen. How much money would you make? What would you accomplish?
Honestly fear is felt for the first few seconds, but once you get over it you let it carry you and in time you'll watch your life transform.
So what fear is holding you back right now?
Feel it, let go and let it carry you to your internet success!
All the best.
What do you fear? Let's work through them together!
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.
George Troy Marketing on Youtube
âDo not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.â - Matsuo Basho
"He not busy being born, is busy dying." - Bob Dylan ⢠"I vibe with the light-dark point. Heavy." - Words that Bob Dylan wishes he had written.