Mindfulness and self-transformation apps

31 replies
Saw some discussion on mindfulness awhile back on this forum.

Curious about what you'll think some of the shortcomings of meditation apps are. Have any of you used them? How do you think they could be better?

Do you get more out of listening to podcasts?
#apps #mindfulness #selftransformation
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  • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
    Originally Posted by Charles Oak View Post

    Saw some discussion on mindfulness awhile back on this forum.

    Curious about what you'll think some of the shortcomings of meditation apps are. Have any of you used them? How do you think they could be better?

    Do you get more out of listening to podcasts?
    I've used a couple in the past, they were pretty simple and straight forward. They were pretty much like pre-loaded music players and you'd just listen to the different tracks.
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  • Meditation apps my frickin' ass.

    Why would I wanna connect up to Asshole Central so I can chill out on a Sweetsy roll?

    Plus also ... what kinda in app purchase they got?

    For that feeling of extra special serenity,
    why not lose our meditation-unfriendly IYF ads
    for stuff like insurance and SPONSOR A FRICKIN' TERRAPIN
    for just $3?

    Prolly bcs I got a life & I ain't stoopid.

    Thing 'bout mindfulness is ... the more minds you got swampsyin' around in your braino, the harder it is to nyootral the frick on out an' baseline down on your soul stuffs (from which propulseth all miraculature btw).

    Like Whitman said, "all who would free themselves from drivel forever entangle themselves in drivel from which they will never be free."

    Or mebbe that was a cop show I binge watched.

    Point is ... plenty hip types been mindful for like centuries without no CHILLOUT NOTIFICATION stuffs yellin' switch the frick off, you clickbait anxiety fodderthang.


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Positive thinking has worked for people from every walk of life.

    Of course there will be others who foam at the mouth spouting pathetic excuses.

    I find it rather entertaining for some inconspicuous reason.

    You're either in or not.

    Pick your side.
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  • Profile picture of the author sgalla414
    I tried Headspace a while ago, before it was hugely popular. I liked how the app gave you suggestions for different uses. I cant think of any exact ones now but things like "Meditation when you feel like over eating" or "meditation for the commute to work" prompted meditations like that. The think I DONT like about Headspace is how expensive it is. It was great as a free app but they have greatly limited what you have access too as a free member and the paid membership is a bit ridiculous.
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    • Profile picture of the author hardraysnight
      Originally Posted by sgalla414 View Post

      I tried Headspace a while ago, before it was hugely popular. I liked how the app gave you suggestions for different uses. I cant think of any exact ones now but things like "Meditation when you feel like over eating" or "meditation for the commute to work" prompted meditations like that. The think I DONT like about Headspace is how expensive it is. It was great as a free app but they have greatly limited what you have access too as a free member and the paid membership is a bit ridiculous.
      i got lots of head space. doesnt do much for me
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Charles Oak View Post

    Saw some discussion on mindfulness awhile back on this forum.

    Curious about what you'll think some of the shortcomings of meditation apps are. Have any of you used them? How do you think they could be better?

    Do you get more out of listening to podcasts?
    they are an app.

    Maybe too old school for this, but when I learned meditation and mindfulness, we started with a quieting of the mind. An inner journey, away from the outside, external world.

    I just find it curious that today, someone needs a device, cell phone, app, software or podcasts to reach a higher state of mindfulness.

    Maybe, less adding things and a little more getting rid of, and being still, still enough to listen to the warm, rather than being distracted by it.

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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

      they are an app.

      Maybe too old school for this, but when I learned meditation and mindfulness, we started with a quieting of the mind. An inner journey, away from the outside, external world.

      I just find it curious that today, someone needs a device, cell phone, app, software or podcasts to reach a higher state of mindfulness.

      Maybe, less adding things and a little more getting rid of, and being still, still enough to listen to the warm, rather than being distracted by it.

      Personally, the guided meditations are helpful for me if I use them. I have a very difficult time curbing the constant flow of thoughts that are in my head when everything around me is silent. I agree with you that silence and quieting your own mind is the preferred way to do this though, and it takes a lot of practice. I tend to experience a constant stream of negative chatter and anxiety and the guided meditations help me to focus on something other than that for a few minutes.
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  • Profile picture of the author Master Blake
    Debunk and Even Debate The Bit*h.

    Striking up random chit chats out of the blue and creating antithesis works like gangbusters. Intimidate them. This will catch them off guard. But it takes a surgical like precision on how you pull this off. Worked like a charm and never fails to make a long-lasting impression in your "prospect". Gain Access to Psionic Alpha and the Alpha Male Dictator and watch seduction soar!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11528692].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Master Blake View Post

      Debunk and Even Debate The Bit*h.

      Striking up random chit chats out of the blue and creating antithesis works like gangbusters. Intimidate them. This will catch them off guard. But it takes a surgical like precision on how you pull this off. Worked like a charm and never fails to make a long-lasting impression in your "prospect". Gain Access to Psionic Alpha and the Alpha Male Dictator and watch seduction soar!
      What I think you are here fore to know how people feel when they can't get the point of half of what I post

      This is a thread on meditation or apps that help people meditate and so far it is on topic .

      I don't know what thread you meant to put this response in or really what you are trying to say but it definitely has nothing to do with meditation
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Apps, to help relax you, is iffy at best, the problem with Smart/Dumb phones is you develop an unnatural delusion that this phone will protect and save you from anything.

    Rather like a film crew in Star Ship Troopers, that believe that since they are holding a camera they don't have to run.

    People falling off cliffs and getting run over, is real and for what? Taking a selfie or seeing if a total stranger has wished you happy birthday on FB.

    They need to impose stronger bans if anything.

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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

      Apps, to help relax you, is iffy at best, the problem with Smart/Dumb phones is you develop an unnatural delusion that this phone will protect and save you from anything.

      Rather like a film crew in Star Ship Troopers, that believe that since they are holding a camera they don't have to run.

      People falling off cliffs and getting run over, is real and for what? Taking a selfie or seeing if a total stranger has wished you happy birthday on FB.

      They need to impose stronger bans if anything.

      I agree, this is the world we live in now though
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Of course the politicians who pass such bans will exempt themselves from the bans .

        Now stopping people from using phones while driving great .and prosecuting people who stupidly break the law to take the selfie

        The most annoying thing I find with with the smartphone I have is the auto correct .well and I have not bothered to learn my own phone number ..I would hate to have people call me ..

        Text message me on Facebook book first .

        The only thing that annoys me about how other people use their smart phones . Is when people have rather personal an explicsit conversatoongs. Not caring that 20 people within earshot of the perspon talking on the phone and the phone being on speaker at high volume

        The closet I come to a meditation app is flipping to YouTube and turning on a very long classical music piece from Mozart in behtoven or a few of the other greats
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        • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          The closet I come to a meditation app is flipping to YouTube and turning on a very long classical music piece from Mozart in behtoven or a few of the other greats
          I like doing this too lol, There are a few visually guided mediations too that use certain colors to stimulate certain chakra's, I think that's pretty cool. I did have an awesome experience using it one time and long story short my back literally aligned itself back into place while I was doing the meditation. I felt all my muscles release and my spine just popped a couple times, It was pretty sweet
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  • Smartphone autocorrect nemesises Moi the F on out.

    Mebbe I should roll my life back to the Enlightened Factotum v2.05 stage.

    Those were happy times ... when I would split my negative chatter into two teams till they killed one another to death.

    Tellya, I would wish always for thoughts to present 'emselves whenevah.

    I got no problem dealin' with my response to Cognitive Miraculature Balestraique, even if I bitchin' out in the negative zone, but I see way too much mindful stuff seems figured jus' to nootralize, paralyze, or sweep under the carpet all subjective foibles as may actschwlly pass for steps up if'n you wanna.

    Gotta hope the spirityool vibe is universal.

    We figure AI gonna terrorize hoomankind outta existence as mindless machine control rampages on a self-replicatin' level up powah trip.

    But what if chillin' be a universal law?

    An' in the seamlessly life-enhancin' Internet of Things 2020s, evry connected device could figure a little spontaneous flopout?

    Google ... turn on the TV.

    Sorry, I'm having my nails done. Come back in like 20 minutes.

    Google ... play sumthin' sweet for Moi.

    Sorry, it's necessary for me to process negative thoughts right now, so I'm checking in on Mozart in real time. When I'm done, I may treat myself to a burger I have no intention of eating, purely as a thought experiment I'm hoping will be fun.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

    Of course the politicians who pass such bans will exempt themselves from the bans .

    Now stopping people from using phones while driving great .and prosecuting people who stupidly break the law to take the selfie

    The most annoying thing I find with with the smartphone I have is the auto correct .well and I have not bothered to learn my own phone number ..I would hate to have people call me ..

    Text message me on Facebook book first .

    The only thing that annoys me about how other people use their smart phones . Is when people have rather personal an explicsit conversatoongs. Not caring that 20 people within earshot of the perspon talking on the phone and the phone being on speaker at high volume

    The closet I come to a meditation app is flipping to YouTube and turning on a very long classical music piece from Mozart in behtoven or a few of the other greats
    Umm, l have messed with my Mothers smart phone, and autocorrect can be turned off.

    Yes, nothing worse than a loud mouth. I occasionally get one at a coffee shop, and can pretty much hear everything he, (usually a he) is saying, eventhough someone closer, little to nothing.

    And worse on a phone.

    Most children stare aimlessly into a smart phone, playing some cartoon, in a coffee shop, to shut them up, which is certainly better than them interviewing everyone or throwing plates about.

    But it tends to be too loud, and instead of quietly reading a paper, l get some monotonous tune player over and .....over, with the only respite is the battery must be close to dead.

    But this goes on for half and hour or more, and l am beginning to think, that it is nuclear powered, or they have a free energy device in their bag?

    But l also saw a kid messing with a Rubiks cube recently, which was also just as loud, but less irritating.

    Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

    Smartphone autocorrect nemesises Moi the F on out.

    We figure AI gonna terrorize hoomankind outta existence as mindless machine control rampages on a self-replicatin' level up powah trip.

    He does need a hair cut?

    And the terminator type drones, could only be viable if they were nuclear powered.

    Otherwise half and hour later they would be junk, (nuclear can stay airborne for years).

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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Umm, l have messed with my Mothers smart phone, and autocorrect can be turned off.

    If you ask nice, Mother might let you have your own smart phone.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    2024 Patriot's Award for Service to Veterans
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    • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If you ask nice, Mother might let you have your own smart phone.
      Lol, already have a reasonably smart phone that fits in my pocket.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11529747].message }}
    • Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If you ask nice, Mother might let you have your own smart phone.
      Natchrlly she gonna rue forevah the day she let her innocent daughter descend into the worst kinda tech-lofted pit of debauchery ... but I was nevah there as a grown up adult person to tell her so,

      If I am honest, my smart phone saved me from a lifetime of drug abuse an' less-than-hot guys droppin' from outta noplace.

      Plus also, I am a sucker for takin' in fake nooz alongside perpetyool puke of real cute kittens without needin' no genuine reason to kill musself.

      Coolest thing Mom ever said was, "Princess, are you conscious?"

      Whenevah I got reason to say YES, ima always say YES to that baby ... howevah often I be momentarily unresponsive.

      Gonna be a real lost kinda ditz, gotta know what you dowin', I guess.

      Which is why I remain self-untransformable thanks to no mindfulness apps, an' Mom chills out to her fayvrit sounds without no frickin' whatevah.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        Natchrlly she gonna rue forevah the day she let her innocent daughter descend into the worst kinda tech-lofted pit of debauchery ... but I was nevah there as a grown up adult person to tell her so,

        If I am honest, my smart phone saved me from a lifetime of drug abuse an' less-than-hot guys droppin' from outta noplace.

        Plus also, I am a sucker for takin' in fake nooz alongside perpetyool puke of real cute kittens without needin' no genuine reason to kill musself.

        Coolest thing Mom ever said was, "Princess, are you conscious?"

        Whenevah I got reason to say YES, ima always say YES to that baby ... howevah often I be momentarily unresponsive.

        Gonna be a real lost kinda ditz, gotta know what you dowin', I guess.

        Which is why I remain self-untransformable thanks to no mindfulness apps, an' Mom chills out to her fayvrit sounds without no frickin' whatevah.
        I feel as if there is definitely some useful information in your posts, but I'm going to have to hone my translation skills
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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

        Plus also, I am a sucker for takin' in fake nooz alongside perpetyool puke of real cute kittens without needin' no genuine reason to kill musself.

        Coolest thing Mom ever said was, "Princess, are you conscious?"

        Which is why I remain self-untransformable thanks to no mindfulness apps, an' Mom chills out to her fayvrit sounds without no frickin' whatevah.

        Gott'a watch those kittens!

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  • Profile picture of the author Believe In You
    I started listening to eerie music (Dark Choirs and Cathedral) and for some reason he came into my reality. He blended in so seamlessly and sculpted a new horizon. I thought being an evangelist of humanity's greatest doings is the least I can do. More power to the Cosmic Master. His hypnotizing way is a mouthful & strikes a nerve in me.
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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by Believe In You View Post

      I started listening to eerie music (Dark Choirs and Cathedral) and for some reason he came into my reality. He blended in so seamlessly and sculpted a new horizon. I thought being an evangelist of humanity's greatest doings is the least I can do. More power to the Cosmic Master. His hypnotizing way is a mouthful & strikes a nerve in me.
      Just curious here but who came into your reality?
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by MichaelQuinn View Post

        Just curious here but who came into your reality?
        I see you have to learn about the cosmic master cult .they tend to talk about self hypnosis taught by the cosmic master the same way that guy in the 60 and 70 talked about lsd and people now talk about aiwaska or how ever it is spelt
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        • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          I see you have to learn about the cosmic master cult .they tend to talk about self hypnosis taught by the cosmic master the same way that guy in the 60 and 70 talked about lsd and people now talk about aiwaska or how ever it is spelt
          Interesting. Is this something you're familiar with and practice as well?
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  • Profile picture of the author Believe In You
    It's hard to find a way out of the maze without directions.

    To put it bluntly, there's a cutting-edge technology that molds the mind to perceive unimaginable things. What I practise is deep trance relaxation and along the spoken words within the recordings, I reach epiphanies.

    We are typically using only a fraction of our mental capacities but cosmic hypnosis is here to change that. For the first time in my life I felt optimal.

    Relaxation is key and a fine art at that. Through peacefulness and serenity, our antennas go up and we become receivers of a cathartic reality. Yes catharsis takes place and even generation of new cells.

    Worth its salt so to speak. One will "find out on his own".

    We are not worthy.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11530238].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by Believe In You View Post

      It's hard to find a way out of the maze without directions.

      To put it bluntly, there's a cutting-edge technology that molds the mind to perceive unimaginable things. What I practise is deep trance relaxation and along the spoken words within the recordings, I reach epiphanies.

      We are typically using only a fraction of our mental capacities but cosmic hypnosis is here to change that. For the first time in my life I felt optimal.

      Relaxation is key and a fine art at that. Through peacefulness and serenity, our antennas go up and we become receivers of a cathartic reality. Yes catharsis takes place and even generation of new cells.

      Worth its salt so to speak. One will "find out on his own".

      We are not worthy.
      That's quite interesting, thanks for the reply. Out of curiosity I'd be interested in learning a little bit more about this subject. I'm sending you a PM.
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  • When Churchill called Russia "a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma," natchrlly he been on the Scotch.

    For my part, I endeavor always to be a paragon of clarity (speshly blended to deliver homogenized reason smooth as baby food).

    For Moi, mindfulness begins & ends with two questions.

    1) Where are you?

    2) What time is it?

    Makes gettin' to the eloosive "Here & Now" kinda default.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Yoyo
    I might try these apps and test out some methods for marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Curious 66
    I was wondering how is it even possible?
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    • Profile picture of the author MichaelQuinn
      Originally Posted by Just Curious 66 View Post

      I was wondering how is it even possible?
      How is what even possible?
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  • Profile picture of the author cearionmarie
    That can be a tool to condition your mind. To push you a little bit forward. I listen to motivational speeches in youtube or podcasts.

    Cearion Uy - Marketing Advisor

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