Getting your brain to focus

by WF- Enzo Administrator
15 replies
Let's be honest with ourselves - we all get easily distracted one way or another. It's like our brains are hardwired to get distracted, to shift attention from one task to another. But research says that the state of our attention determines the state of our lives. Watch this TED Talk as Chris Bailey, author of the book Hyperfocus, talks about how our ability to focus is the key to productivity and creativity.

#brain #focus
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  • Profile picture of the author Rashida Qureshi
    I absolutely LOVE Hyperfocus! Highly recommend the book.

    A few things I picked up on from the book:
    • Attentional residue - the thing you just focused on distracting you from a new task you're trying to focus on
    • When deciding on whether to do a task, pitch it to yourself and decide if it's worth your attention and time
    • We perform significantly better when we notice that our mind is wondering
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  • Profile picture of the author Marcel Pamphile
    I play music in the background

    Business Funnels -

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  • Profile picture of the author Profit Traveler
    So glad he mentioned he loves to KNIT to focus 11 mins in and not in the beginning.

    Learning how the computer between our ears works should be mandatory learning at young ages.
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  • Gotta figure the brain ain't stoopid.

    It always seekin' easiest way, smartest ansah.

    *That is why it THE BRAIN*

    (Case Study: When you 'invited' aboard no alien spacecraft, you should always play dead steada alive. Braino is on yr side here bcs if''n you can make it through coma, you heroic beyond probin', whatevah 'investigation strategy' they got.)

    Only problem you got is to decide what ansah you mebbe want from the default EASIEST SMARTEST settin'.

    Prolly means your poor, sweet braino gotta squirt blood from

    * Handy Princess Balestra proto-infographix List Immiment! (!) *

    * your eyes
    * your ears
    * your nose
    * your any kinda hole othah than THEM FIRST 3
    before you hit on what is worthy of your time.

    Hey, but that is when juiciliciousness don't involve no mortal woundin'.


    MY VIEW!


    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Interesting stuff.
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  • Profile picture of the author GainMoreLikes
    Amazing stuff!
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I will check the video and i hope it will help me because i have big problem with concentration ,focus procrastination etc
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  • Profile picture of the author oppyeaunome
    This is very interesting information.

    The problem for me like most people is that I can get more done, it's just that the brain would rather focus on things that aren't as productive. As a result I end up spending more time doing things that don't make sense rather than doing the things that will push my business forward.

    Again love the content in the video!
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  • Profile picture of the author TobiMDD
    Nice video. I always said to myself to be less on the phone but it's like an addiction which is kinda sad..
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  • Profile picture of the author Nyx004
    That is the one thing I struggle with especially the last few years. It's like I don't have enough mental energy to stay focus, or even want to stay focus. Even if the topic is something that I'm really interested in. 2-3 mins later, or sentences later I'm checking my messages scrolling thru FB. Or just staring into space.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Stanley
    this topic reminds me of this WF thread from a while back. Worth perusing for tactics if anyone hasn't yet. My contribution there is an old school Euguene Schwartz technique I use very frequently: set timer for 25-30 minutes; force self to to uninterrupted work for that amount of time; take a 5 minute rest; repeat.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom Heinz
    The salt and pepper of the soul is concentration thus focus.

    I like it hot although I'm not.
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  • Profile picture of the author glassy sound
    I just lost my ability to focus completely during the lockdown. Trying to work at home when you are with two kids is just a nightmare and even though now both are back to a daycare, I still just can't focus on a task and be 100% productive. Don't know how to get this ability back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Radcliff
    In my experience, if you are doing something that you love to do, then you will never have any focusing issues but if it is something that doesn't interest you then you cannot stay on it for long.
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