Achieve more of your New Year's goals with this ONE SIMPLE HACK
The problem may come from HOW YOU PHRASE your resolution
If you say things like: "Lose 20 pounds" "Make over $120K per year" or "Make more passive income", you may be SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR FAILURE
Your subconscious NEEDS to be told to EXECUTE simple, clear, and ACTIONABLE commands
Open ended goals or fuzzy goals that have many different ways of executing CONFUSES your subconscious on a deep level
I'm not saying you won't get an EMOTIONAL RUSH when you phrase your resolutions like above BUT...
The buzz doesn't last all that long
Your list of "STUFF I SHOULD BE DOING" is probably quite long if you're like most people
Break down your resolutions into ONE ACTIONABLE ITEM per resolution
Example: "Run 3 miles daily" Or "buy and sell 2 sites per month" Or "Make 5 SEO services outreach calls daily"
See the difference?
The tasks above are
They don't rely on EMOTIONS or "feeling right" so you can COMMIT to them... regardless of how you're feeling.
Change your resolutions and UNLEASH your subconscious' amazing ability to turn your IDEAS into REALITY!
For 2022, I wish you 10 TIMES the success you had in 2021 and 10 TIMES the happiness and contentment you had in the previous year
REMEMBER: The only person who can STOP YOU from living the REALITY you desire is named Y - O - U
Give yourself permission to SOAR!!!!
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GordonJ -
[ 1 ] Thanks
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