Are You "All IN" with Your Business?

69 replies
There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you win then you got a nice pile of money. If you lose, you're out. In cards you might win, you might lose and generally it doesn't matter too much in the ground scheme of things. But in life, 'going all in' can be the absolute difference between extreme success and dismissal failure. Mind you, it's more of a mindset than a money risk, although it can certainly be both. If you're working a job while you build your IM business, I don't recommend you quit your job until your Internet Marketing income equals the income you get from your job, give or take. But your mindset can't be anything BUT 'going all in.' You've got to live and breathe your success before you achieve it. You've got to know you can do it, or have an extremely large suspicion that it's possible. You've got to commit to your new venture like you'd commit to raising a child. Sorry, but half- hearted simply won't cut it. It's time to make a decision - are you all in?
#all in #business
  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    If a person is not willing to invest in themself they might as well stay away from Internet marketing. In business you are going to win and lose some but it's what you learn from your mistakes that is going to help you .
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    Originally Posted by Victor Courville View Post

    There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you win then you got a nice pile of money. If you lose, you're out. In cards you might win, you might lose and generally it doesn't matter too much in the ground scheme of things. But in life, 'going all in' can be the absolute difference between extreme success and dismissal failure. Mind you, it's more of a mindset than a money risk, although it can certainly be both. If you're working a job while you build your IM business, I don't recommend you quit your job until your Internet Marketing income equals the income you get from your job, give or take. But your mindset can't be anything BUT 'going all in.' You've got to live and breathe your success before you achieve it. You've got to know you can do it, or have an extremely large suspicion that it's possible. You've got to commit to your new venture like you'd commit to raising a child. Sorry, but half- hearted simply won't cut it. It's time to make a decision - are you all in?

    i split my time between business and ostrich racing
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    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      i split my time between business and ostrich racing
      Ostrich racing... sounds like fun to me! Lol
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author VictorLoanz90
    Wow this passage speaks volumes I can relate on so many levels because I to struggled to get to where I am today
    Internet marketing is no walk in the park but with consistency and extreme dedication it can be executed take it from me I'd salvage any little bit of free time I had after coming home from my excruciating 9-5 to dedicate it to my online business and it's payed off .

    All in is the best model to adopt anything else just won't cut it , the only way you can finally quit your dreadful 9-5 is by exceeding the income From it with your business and that's when you would at last experience financial freedom it's all hustle no luck baby !!

    I help Small Businesses obtain Fast Funding

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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Love July 4th. About half way through the year, lots of sales, fireworks and sunshine.

    Wonder if Victor went all in on his venture, since the original post?

    We've seen several Warriors start and stop in the last 6 months, and even a few who have gone all in, still waiting to see where they will be come Christmas of this year, should be interesting.

    The Warrior Forum is full of CASE STUDIES, both of what one person has DONE, and also many, many case studies of what Not To Do too.

    Now, in reality, a side hustle, or part-time gig or venture to make money, doesn't require an ALL IN winner take all mindset, NOT at all.

    Take a popular sports reporter, Mike Florio, who had a successful law practice for many years. But he had a passion, and began a hobby, part-time, researching and writing about the NFL and pro football.

    It took him 8 years, then he gave up his law practice and went all in on his hobby, and the Pro Football Talk program has become one of the most popular sports prgrams of all times.

    Sure, he was a professional, but don't assume just because Doctors, Lawyers, or even Corporate VPs are making decent money that they are all happy with their jobs/careers.

    It is a grand idea, the burning of your ships or dying at the hands of the enemy, the whole GOING ALL IN mindset.

    But, it is my opinion, that FOCUSED and motivated activity, even if only on a part time basis beats the mindset of all or nothing.

    I don't buy this mindset.

    Also, while I'm making my half year remarks, just this morning, I got a little PayPal ding with a few bucks in it, for selling something I just remembered I even had about 10 days ago, and when I shared that find, I've probably sold more PDF files, written by someone else over a decade ago...

    Just for mentioning it...

    Than a lot of Warriors have "earned" in the last few months of "damn the torpedos, full speed ahead" mindset. Although I have a huge bias toward information; and even owning rights to someone's information, can make for a nice tidy sum of profits.

    I'd rather work with someone who is FOCUSED, planned and committed in a realistic time frame, than someone who is going ALL IN, only to crash and burn in flames a few months down the road.

    And, without any facts to support it, but just the WF alone, I can find plenty of anecdotal proof that slow and steady, with a plan, purpose and persistance beats DIVING head first into the all or nothing mindset pool.

    Happy Mid Year. Ho ho ho, sez the Christams in July santa.


    Originally Posted by Victor Courville View Post

    There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you win then you got a nice pile of money. If you lose, you're out. In cards you might win, you might lose and generally it doesn't matter too much in the ground scheme of things. But in life, 'going all in' can be the absolute difference between extreme success and dismissal failure. Mind you, it's more of a mindset than a money risk, although it can certainly be both. If you're working a job while you build your IM business, I don't recommend you quit your job until your Internet Marketing income equals the income you get from your job, give or take. But your mindset can't be anything BUT 'going all in.' You've got to live and breathe your success before you achieve it. You've got to know you can do it, or have an extremely large suspicion that it's possible. You've got to commit to your new venture like you'd commit to raising a child. Sorry, but half- hearted simply won't cut it. It's time to make a decision - are you all in?
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    I like so much this quote " all in " even if i am.not all in as i have a job ,my mindset its all in ,means that i dont accept anything else ,my dream its to travel around the world and not live a 9 to 5 job

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by spartan14 View Post

      I like so much this quote " all in " even if i am.not all in as i have a job ,my mindset its all in ,means that i dont accept anything else ,my dream its to travel around the world and not live a 9 to 5 job
      A recently banned Warrior, was/is lliving your dream; last known whereabouts in the Far Pacific Islands, and it turns out, he was simply creating sob stories and asking Warriors for help, which some of them gave him.

      OR, there are several Warriors also living your dream, reporting from distant shores and living off of their IM efforts; and most of these, report, they traveled while making the dream come true. Would you say these Warriors who actually leave, and travel are ALL IN, in spite of not having the sure funding to make it happen?

      Even Bernie Madoff was ALL in on his dream too.

      So, maybe it is splitting hairs, but for me, the Warrior who leaves his job, leaves his country and BEGINS living his dream, without having the means, just the FAITH to make it happen are really the ones who are all in, while many others have the dream, but not the faith to take action.

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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        So, maybe it is splitting hairs,
        I dont think there is any hair splitting going on...

        BUT All in for FAILURE... or SUCCESS. I go "ALL IN" on a regular basis... BUT forget the means... I have a pattern of success.

        ALL IN doesnt meant there isnt space for a pivot... ALL IN and ALL OR NOTHING in my book are 2 different things.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        So, maybe it is splitting hairs, but for me, the Warrior who leaves his job, leaves his country and BEGINS living his dream, without having the means, just the FAITH to make it happen are really the ones who are all in, while many others have the dream, but not the faith to take action.
        Excellent point GordonJ: I agree.

        As I learned from "Start Where You Are" ... A Dream without a Plan and Action ... Is just a dream. He (Chris Gardner) recommends the C-5 Complex (see Google) ― essentially a Person/Marketer/Entrepreneur must be:


        There's nothing wrong with "Dreaming" and having big goal(s) ... However to be successful, they must take action and be Committed and Consistent.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          Excellent point GordonJ: I agree.

          As I learned from "Start Where You Are" ... A Dream without a Plan and Action ... Is just a dream. He (Chris Gardner) recommends the C-5 Complex (see Google) ― essentially a Person/Marketer/Entrepreneur must be:


          There's nothing wrong with "Dreaming" and having big goal(s) ... However to be successful, they must take action and be Committed and Consistent.
          Supply and demand ain't rocket science. Everybody's selling something.

          Love Chris Gardner, fellow Navy vet. In his book, he begins with the idea of being clear about what you want, although, my criticism is, I think he leaves out the WHY.

          What do you want and WHY DO you want it? Those are the foundation questions I've asked for decades. And without knowing the why, the underlying motivations, the reason for the desire, the purpose of the want...we are left to pursue goals which may or may not have the real desire we seek.

          So, as part of the CLARITY, getting clear on what the goal is, more than a cursory answer to the why will go a long way to making it real.

          I like this C-5 Complex although, what we have seen here over the last 20 years is...there is a problem with being CLEAR, on the vision/goal.

          How does one get clear on their goal? What does that clarity look like? Is it the written goals of Napoleon Hill which includes timelines for completion and a statement of what is to be done, what the activity is going to be?

          It could be.

          So, before any implementation of the C-5, there is thought. And it seems, according to a recent convo with a fellow Warrior, who chooses to remain anonymous, albeit, given me permission to share our discussion...

          I am not at odds with any given way to go about things. Although, some think that there is a difference between planning and acting...when in fact, thinking, and thinking some more is an activity, and maybe one much harder than just DOING IT.

          And what I do a lot of battle time with is; the ideas of how to go about it all...and it doesn't really matter, any yellow brick road will take you to Oz.

          Starting at the end of Chris' book, the idea: Supply and demand, everybody's selling something, I advocate for the least amount of slop and mess, the way with the least number of steps, the means which gets me from here to there with the shortest number of steps involved.

          Over the last couple of years, the Covid years, we've had to reevaluate many of the ways of doing things and look at alternatives.

          So, I look to include as one gets CLEAR on the goal, a view from the rooftop, THINKING, to see potential pit falls, to observe the slop and mess and to see if there are better routes on the yellow brick road...and all this thinking preplanning IS activity. It is taking action.

          My WF windmills are the overcomplicated, time consuming, sloppy and messy ways of getting across the bridge to the other side, whatever it is that is waiting there.

          Before one can commit, and before even one can be clear...don't they have to know why they aren't at that given moment?

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          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            Wow ― that was a lot to think about. I only have the time to comment on some of it.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Supply and demand ain't rocket science. Everybody's selling something.

            Love Chris Gardner, fellow Navy vet. In his book, he begins with the idea of being clear about what you want, although, my criticism is, I think he leaves out the WHY.
            I've only read his Book once now ... However I'm relatively certain he actually does provide the "Why".

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            What do you want and WHY DO you want it? Those are the foundation questions I've asked for decades. And without knowing the why, the underlying motivations, the reason for the desire, the purpose of the want...we are left to pursue goals which may or may not have the real desire we seek.
            Sure. Well that's why I added the C-Five Complex: When a Persons' Goal/Ambition/etc. is Clear, Concise, And Compelling ... Well that's half the battle.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            So, as part of the CLARITY, getting clear on what the goal is[/u]], more than a cursory answer to the why will go a long way to making it real.
            Yeah I agree.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            I like this C-5 Complex although, what we have seen here over the last 20 years is...there is a problem with being CLEAR, on the vision/goal.
            Again I agree.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            How does one get clear on their goal? What does that clarity look like? Is it the written goals of Napoleon Hill which includes timelines for completion and a statement of what is to be done, what the activity is going to be?

            It could be.
            Great question. Personally I think if a Person is doing/accomplishing something that's important to them ... Well I think that makes a big difference.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            So, before any implementation of the C-5, there is thought. And it seems, according to a recent convo with a fellow Warrior, who chooses to remain anonymous, albeit, given me permission to share our discussion.
            Absolutely. : ) That's why I mentioned the C-5 Complex ...

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            I am not at odds with any given way to go about things. Although, some think that there is a difference between planning and acting...when in fact, thinking, and thinking some more is an activity, and maybe one much harder than just DOING IT.
            Of course. Again, that's why People have to be Committed and Consistent in their endeavours.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            And what I do a lot of battle time with is; the ideas of how to go about it all...and it doesn't really matter, any yellow brick road will take you to Oz

            (Lol) Not sure what you mean by that.

            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Starting at the end of Chris' book, the idea: Supply and demand, everybody's selling something, I advocate for the least amount of slop and mess, the way with the least number of steps, the means which gets me from here to there with the shortest number of steps involved.
            What I love about the Book is that he has a sincere desire to help and empower People.
            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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            • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
              Just an observation over the last 5 decades, many of those who get into self-improvement or self development, or now Self-Transformation...have swallowed so much they can't help but reguritate what they have consumed.

              I love to read, and read a lot, but never ever giving the author a blank check without question. All of these kinds of books should be questioned, and not accepted at a face value determined by the author.

              And this is true with even authors I'm in 98% agreement with, I have to THINK about their premise, its intent, the purpose of the book, and always, always do a closer examination when after publishing money is involved...the course, the group, the private areas they SELL.

              In this case, he was asked to speak to veterans, and when you go back and read the book, and you find the WHY, please let me know...because I don't think it is there, but I may have missed it.

              I've yet to encounter any guru who goes into the why, although in his book, he touches on the child in us, which is a good start.

              This is where the study, as mentioned by Art72, of learning why people do what they do, comes into...with self transformation, it has to be anecdotal by its nature, and as we who have spent a lifetime studying those inner mind workings, we can see the Cialdini and Blair Warren principles in play.

              I think the best thing for all self transformational work is to be like Fox Mulder and question everything.

              One of the great criticisms of self transformation, self help has been a creating of a co-dependency on it.

              However, since it is anecdotal, and has to be, then if it works for anyone, then it works.

              I consider authors in this genre to be low paid consultants, and sometimes I listen, and sometimes I say thanks and ignore them.


              Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

              Wow ― that was a lot to think about. I only have the time to comment on some of it.

              I've only read his Book once now ... However I'm relatively certain he actually does provide the "Why".

              Sure. Well that's why I added the C-Five Complex: When a Persons' Goal/Ambition/etc. is Clear, Concise, And Compelling ... Well that's half the battle.

              Yeah I agree.

              Again I agree.

              Great question. Personally I think if a Person is doing/accomplishing something that's important to them ... Well I think that makes a big difference.

              Absolutely. : ) That's why I mentioned the C-5 Complex ...

              Of course. Again, that's why People have to be Committed and Consistent in their endeavours.


              (Lol) Not sure what you mean by that.

              What I love about the Book is that he has a sincere desire to help and empower People.
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              • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
                Here is some insight? Maybe?

                The most important idea in the book that was mentioned, Chris Gardener's START WHERE YOU ARE, we discussed his 5-C concept, but what I think is/was overlooked is this:

                His lesson #24: Supply and Demand Ain't Rocket Science. Everybody's selling something.

                OK, these simple 2 sentences could be life changing than the rest of his book. IF you ask the right questions, so, doing a general consult to the Warrior in general, I'd ask you...

                What are you currently selling? Your answers....maybe something, maybe many things or worst of all NOTHING. If nothing, then WHY NOT?

                If the answer is you are looking for something to sell, then I'd ask...what are you consuming? What are you currently buying? By looking into your own bank account and seeing where your money goes, or by noting what you consume, as in information at the library, costs nothing, can read best sellers there.

                So, looking at what you buy, what is your DEMAND for that thing? What is the supply of it? Is there an opportunity for you to get involved on either side?

                See, if you ain'ts selling someting...anyting, then you ain't got no moolah coming in, do you? Even with passive investments, you bought into it.

                At the WF, newbies and inexperienced Internet Marketers come here looking for their something to sell, and often are given AFFILIATE products, ECOM, or personal knowledge or journies to sell.

                Affiliate is nice because there is something to sell. Ecom can be good, because there is something to sell.

                Personal Knowledge, or even the sharing of the journey could become income streams, if you have the right kind of TRAFFIC.

                Giving credit to Jason K., who sez TRAFFIC and CONVERSIONS are the beat of the drum you should dance to...and I might add...after you have SOMETHING to sell.

                So, what Chris Gardner gave us in one simple lesson is: the idea that if you want to make money on your IM journey, you will need something to sell.

                Someone to sell it too, or at (prospects) TRAFFIC and
                Buyers CONVERSION.

                Now when you go to look for something to sell, you consider the DEMAND for it. Right?
                You may have lost your thumb in a kitchen accident, and you wear a glove with just the four fingers, but if you were to jump in making four finger gloves without thumbs, you will quickly find out the DEMAND for that is pretty, pretty low.

                What I try to get across to new Warriors, mainly because older ones are too set in their ways and don't listen, or want to do things THEIR WAY, (we should have a Frank Sinatra sub forum here)..

                Is that when you are in the looking for something to sell, give it the full attention and question it from start to finish, so you can see how involved it is going to be.

                Getting into Drop Shipping for example, because it sounds good and is easy to start...has a lot of moving parts in it, what I call the slop and mess (thanks to Harvey Brody).

                The fewer the parts, the easier it is to exectue and fix when it goes wrong, and chances are it will go south.

                Just by honestly answering those simple questions, WHAT ARE YOU SELLING?

                To whom (demand)?

                Where is TRAFFIC coming from? How do you CONVERT into buyers, and after all costs, what is your net profit?
                To the point of the OP, about going ALL IN, which I have come to believe it means COMMITTMENT to your venture...

                it helps to have it fully fleshed out and know what is involved before you make that committment, or is it not?

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Had time to think about this... I am going to retract absolutely about everything I said above.

    I am NEVER "All In" on anything... Anything and everything is a part of a whole.

    To jump from a position of nothing... into a direction of "It looks good on paper" or "this is the one" or "This is the best idea ever" and setting yourself into a position of sink or swim? Just like putting all your eggs into one basket.

    I really dont know how else to say this... you NEED a foundation. NOT a starting point, but a place to extend from. I have THIS... but I am going to work 2 hours a day to start THAT.

    There may come the day, that THIS needs to go and it is replaced with THAT - but PLEASE dont drop THIS for THAT - All In... All or Nothing... Simply not a smart decision.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Had time to think about this... I am going to retract absolutely about everything I said above.

      I am NEVER "All In" on anything... Anything and everything is a part of a whole.

      To jump from a position of nothing... into a direction of "It looks good on paper" or "this is the one" or "This is the best idea ever" and setting yourself into a position of sink or swim? Just like putting all your eggs into one basket.

      I really dont know how else to say this... you NEED a foundation. NOT a starting point, but a place to extend from. I have THIS... but I am going to work 2 hours a day to start THAT.

      There may come the day, that THIS needs to go and it is replaced with THAT - but PLEASE dont drop THIS for THAT - All In... All or Nothing... Simply not a smart decision.
      You have said it in some fashion a few times before. But the other part of the foundation base system. Is to reduce personal expenses. So someone can save part of the income from the main wage and all of the profit from the side venture.

      How many years of expenses do you think should be in savings before someone fully replaces the wage income with the side income.

      I'm not stating anything just asking a question.

      Adding.Now I have heard from others who earn income outside of a normal job that income fluctuates through the year and personal expenses should be lower than the lower points of income. So it better to have the side income long enough to understand the patterns of income through the year. Unlike a wage that is stable through the year or predictable.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        How many years of expenses do you think should be in savings before someone fully replaces the wage income with the side income.
        An interesting question. Um Me personally and there have been points in my life I have done this...IF I have a steady income that pays all the bills and then I start a new venture... I dont touch the income from the new venture. I let it build into a stack of working capital.

        So to transition this from some me... a business builder to an every day person with a job they hate transitioning to a side gig they love... the same principles would apply... just sock it away until the side gig is equal to ( for say 6 months - looking for steady ) or there is just a breaking point.

        I personally think a 5 year cushion is just a magical thing... a year isnt bad... 5 is REAL nice - AS LONG as you stay focused and dont take breaks.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

          An interesting question. Um Me personally and there have been points in my life I have done this...IF I have a steady income that pays all the bills and then I start a new venture... I dont touch the income from the new venture. I let it build into a stack of working capital.

          So to transition this from some me... a business builder to an every day person with a job they hate transitioning to a side gig they love... the same principles would apply... just sock it away until the side gig is equal to ( for say 6 months - looking for steady ) or there is just a breaking point.

          I personally think a 5 year cushion is just a magical thing... a year isnt bad... 5 is REAL nice - AS LONG as you stay focused and dont take breaks.
          One group I studied of and on for the past few years is fire people financial independence retire early.. though most who pulled it of ended up doing a side gig passion project. After leaving their full time job.

          It's generally about developing a frugal lifestyle as well as debt elimination. As well as saving money .

          Gordon has mentioned it in this thread and you have mentioned it in others. And I have seen it mentioned other places. Turning something you do in your non working time that usually costs money. Taking that and turning it into an income source..

          For me that involves food. Though I have worked in a kitchen and I have no desire to be a chef and spend all day cooking.

          That is the pitfall of turning a passion into a business if the passion does not stay when you go from that 1-2 hours a day to 8-12!hours or more.
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          • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
            Ironically, today, I was asked about a long retired golf project.

            Of the four CORE areas of expertise I claim to possess, I have put two of them up on the shelf, maybe to never be seen again.

            Golf and Cooking.

            I made a lot of money with golf, first as a hobby, being better than perceived to be, and then in my business...but like you say, in my case, when my dream came true the nightmares began.

            And that is on me. I just wasn't prepared for the success I had and all that came with it.

            When it became WORK werk, which I started to was time to leave.

            A little different with cooking, having been to 3 cooking schools and working in untold number of restaurants and catering companies...I just lost my appetite for all things in the the point, today, a bowl of Cheerios does the trick.

            So, I offer up two versions, and admittedly one is HYPOCRITICAL, I can take what you love and the money will follow.

            Or do what you love, keep it as a hobby (love) but make it pick up the check. You could easily go into micro greens, use, etc., etc., microgreenhouses...

            offer up information and demonstration and find a willing audience with money to spend on what you have. It could be enough to meet your financial goals, as long as it doesn't eat up your time.

            My recent trip to a free standing Barnes and Noble bookstore showed me the cooking section is twice as big as it was precovid. So, a lot of opportunity in that market with scores of niches too.


            Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

            One group I studied of and on for the past few years is fire people financial independence retire early.. though most who pulled it of ended up doing a side gig passion project. After leaving their full time job.

            It's generally about developing a frugal lifestyle as well as debt elimination. As well as saving money .

            Gordon has mentioned it in this thread and you have mentioned it in others. And I have seen it mentioned other places. Turning something you do in your non working time that usually costs money. Taking that and turning it into an income source..

            For me that involves food. Though I have worked in a kitchen and I have no desire to be a chef and spend all day cooking.

            That is the pitfall of turning a passion into a business if the passion does not stay when you go from that 1-2 hours a day to 8-12!hours or more.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

            That is the pitfall of turning a passion into a business if the passion does not stay when you go from that 1-2 hours a day to 8-12!hours or more.
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            When it became WORK werk, which I started to was time to leave.
            and the rub... Gordon went ALL IN - and Odahh has no interest in going ALL IN - knowing the pitfalls.

            But what happens when you extract the THING that is the passion? You took out GOLF but left the clubs... or you take out BREAD and leave the bread maker?

            You, in theory, cant create wealth from werk... you work, you get paid, you spend. It takes a next level mind to ensure 50% of what you make goes bye bye... and I dont mean spending it.

            So what happens when you werk... and your side hussle is within the realm of your passion - but NOT 100% ALL IN your passion?

            Anyone could buy and sell golf clubs till the cows come home... and have the ability to try clubs that you would have never tried before. The passion is going out and trying the clubs... the side hussle is buying and selling what you enjoy. A constant revolving door of passion without the drudgery of turning that into werk... because the werk plays into your passion, the game of golf.

            I enjoy the process - building business' I really dont care what the business is for the most part... not so much a fan of service based business'. How Ironic that is a majority of what I run... BUT they are related to my primary passion that is programming. Just programming is WERK, and to a point scalable, but my personal time / skill is not. ALL IN and I am not going to say I fail... but i am not going to build wealth - or at best lets say I am going to reach a point where it caps out.

            With bread making... there are 2 levels there are the TOOLS... and then the CONSUMABLES. The TOOLS you sell on eBay or the like. Bread makers, and Kitchen Aids and rolling pins and pastry boards, bread pans, Bread knives, cutting boards. The Consumables you can go in many directions but a site that sells the different needed ingredients that make bread - Could someone make 6 digits selling Yeast? Oh, I bet they could.

            You start talking about carbless breads and the recipes are the giveaway and the site that sells any and all of the ingredients is the money funnel. That you throw a little card into each and every TOOLS box you send to your tools customers.

            You want to create a synergistic circle. regardless of where a customer lands within your circle you can feed them towards the other aspects They buy ingredients... you sell them tools... they buy tools you sell them ingredients.

            maybe 4 hours a day in and you wont get burned out, because YOU are not in the kitchen baking bread til your blue in the face - your passion remains a passion... one that you can share through the content that is Tools and Consumables.
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Well despite the "all-In" mindset playing cards being a calculated risk (to some degree) - even a straight flush on the flop can be lost on a "turn" or a "river" and some would experience what is known as a bad beat.

    I've ingrained a new addition to my future endeavors that suggests; "we can only control the controllable" based on a discussion with savidge4 - and I believe; many of us spend ample amounts of time trying to understand what makes others "do what they do(?) whether be it through targeting marketing, keyword research, SEO, or simply understanding the psychology of a potential audience or buyer.

    I still struggle with predicted outcomes, as we all LOVE IT when we push all-in an a windfall of money or benefits opens up... unfortunately, there is a discipline even in playing poker that card players invest 1,000's (*if not 10,s of 1000's of hours) playing cards... and even then, the odds of winning the WSOP are dismal... much like musicians, artists, or wannbe writers who fail regardless of their skill level or talents.

    Everything we do requires practice (*repetition) - just as it were when we learned to walk, talk, and facilitate our so-called "independence". I too love the 4th of July - and still find it a bit "tongue in cheek" as we are ALL co-dependent - nobody did, does, or will do anything significant without 2 or more coming together, as so with life. (*With the exception of being created in a test tube - even then science would be accredited to such a thing's creation)... when in reality, no THING has total independence.

    Nonetheless, Happy 4th of July as the ideology of independence, self-sustainment, business, and growth is too a form of becoming independent to 'the system' many of us would love to rise above, overcome, and escape... and even then, nobody truly ever does escape the system.

    So, calculated risk, pre-determined goals, and a plan, map, or destination would be a prerequisite to any form or feeling of independence - and to protect what remains of human rights and freedoms requires a joint or collective number of participants... nobody controls the uncontrollable, especially not independently!

    I'm 'all-in' on ONE venture, slowly growing the routine and daily commitment - and I think once that compounds the time, energy, and money invested - the returns can be predicted, as the process can be modeled after those who have already achieved success (*independence - for lack of a better word) and understanding the 'framework' is crucial in bringing a 'dream' or 'idea' from conception to reality. (*Seldom is the reality what we initially expect, so maintaining focus even when our expectations are greater than the outcome is the real challenge, DISCIPLINE!)
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717296].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Well despite the "all-In" mindset playing cards being a calculated risk (to some degree) - even a straight flush on the flop can be lost on a "turn" or a "river" and some would experience what is known as a bad beat.

      I've ingrained a new addition to my future endeavors that suggests; "we can only control the controllable"

      I still struggle with predicted outcomes, as we all LOVE IT when we push all-in an a windfall of money or benefits opens up... unfortunately, there is a discipline

      Everything we do requires practice (*repetition) -

      So, calculated risk, pre-determined goals, and a plan, map, or destination would be a prerequisite to any form or feeling of independence -

      I'm 'all-in' on ONE venture, slowly growing the routine and daily commitment... the real challenge, DISCIPLINE!)
      Thanks Art72, we're all rooting for you. You are providng a real time, real life case study, and hopefully the discipline you are gaining with your eBay journey will serve you and your family well for many years to come.

      I snipped a few ideas from your post, I want to comment on.

      First, I read the OP as being that card analogy...shoving all the chips to the middle and either winning or losing. I took it at face value.

      But, since then, via further discussions, maybe we see how others see ALL IN in a slightly different light, and what I called splitting hairs.

      I now think, without knowing cause where did the OP go?...that ALL IN might just mean staying focused and following a plan once a committment has been made????

      We can only control the controllable. IS a great idea to ingrain, and although it seems obvious, once one gets it, so many people try to swim upstream against the current and let their minds squander valuable time with negative thoughts on things they can't control.

      Once the fog clears, and we see that...and take control of what we can, it becomes a whole new ballgame, eh?

      Predicted outcomes. I'm not sure there is ever an ALL IN predictible outcome, maybe the odds tip very slightly in ones favor, but still near a coin toss %.

      HOWEVER, in marketing, and remote direct marketing in particular, it is all there, basic math, with all the indicators one needs to make a prediction which falls within a given range of +- results.

      X times Y or whatever the formula is.

      Practice and repitition. YES, and no. I saw thousands of golfers who practiced and practiced the WRONG swing, for years, and repeated their swings with the same results, lousy golf scores.

      Repeat the correct procedures, processes; the tried, tested and proven ones, then one can replicate the success...and not the failure...and we have seen decades old Warriors who have repeated their incorrect behaviors over the years to very predictible results: failure.

      So, calculated risk, pre-determined goals, and a plan, map, or destination would be a prerequisite to any form or feeling of independence -

      This I not only agree with and stand by, it pert near sums up the whole idea of a successful journey.

      And IF ALL IN means focused and sustained activity, solving problems in the direction of one's goals, then I buy the all in idea too.

      If it means, all or nothing. I can't endorse that mindset, however, it may work for some.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717834].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Thanks Art72, we're all rooting for you. You are providing a real time, real life case study, and hopefully the discipline you are gaining with your eBay journey will serve you and your family well for many years to come.

        I snipped a few ideas from your post, I want to comment on.

        First, I read the OP as being that card analogy...shoving all the chips to the middle and either winning or losing. I took it at face value.

        But, since then, via further discussions, maybe we see how others see ALL IN in a slightly different light, and what I called splitting hairs.

        I now think, without knowing cause where did the OP go?...that ALL IN might just mean staying focused and following a plan once a commitment has been made????

        We can only control the controllable. IS a great idea to ingrain, and although it seems obvious, once one gets it, so many people try to swim upstream against the current and let their minds squander valuable time with negative thoughts on things they can't control.

        Once the fog clears, and we see that...and take control of what we can, it becomes a whole new ballgame, eh?

        Predicted outcomes. I'm not sure there is ever an ALL IN predictible outcome, maybe the odds tip very slightly in ones favor, but still near a coin toss %.

        HOWEVER, in marketing, and remote direct marketing in particular, it is all there, basic math, with all the indicators one needs to make a prediction which falls within a given range of +- results.

        X times Y or whatever the formula is.

        Practice and repitition. YES, and no. I saw thousands of golfers who practiced and practiced the WRONG swing, for years, and repeated their swings with the same results, lousy golf scores.

        Repeat the correct procedures, processes; the tried, tested and proven ones, then one can replicate the success...and not the failure...and we have seen decades old Warriors who have repeated their incorrect behaviors over the years to very predictible results: failure.

        So, calculated risk, pre-determined goals, and a plan, map, or destination would be a prerequisite to any form or feeling of independence -

        This I not only agree with and stand by, it pert near sums up the whole idea of a successful journey.

        And IF ALL IN means focused and sustained activity, solving problems in the direction of one's goals, then I buy the all in idea too.

        If it means, all or nothing. I can't endorse that mindset, however, it may work for some.

        I've always appreciate your insights, experience, and command of the language... as I believe one of the biggest barriers that stands between us and our innermost goals is the ability to communicate, express, and resonate on a similar frequency as those who have achieved what we seek to either accomplish or surpass our initial expectations.

        From a student's perspective; there's are few who surpass the wise teacher's throughout history and there appears to be a pattern within every equation that suggests; by design we are intended to choose our pursuits wisely, learn from those who have already walked those paths, and reach beyond their milestones to add to the next person's journey.

        I've never (or at least seldom if ever) saw myself as a teacher - the majority of my life was spent observing others who seemingly possessed skills, talents, or gifts that not all share equal stock in... such as writers, musicians, poets, and the creative minds.

        Meanwhile, it wasn't until my mid-30's that something triggered my attention to see & sense a parallel formula, process, or blueprint exists within most entrepreneurial minds.

        I used to think all business people were ruthless, greedy, and forgive the pun; savage in their affairs and it centers on an old principle of; "know thyself" or "love thyself" and I've observed, studied, and searched relentlessly in an attempt to understand;

        How does one truly put themselves before all else???

        I was tuned to a frequency that suggested; "if you can solve enough people's problem(s) - your problems will be greatly reduced, minimalized, or diminished altogether!"

        Meanwhile, the experience has been quite trying at times, such as investing trust in others or leaving it up to others to "do the work" without supervision.

        Even the word "Super-vision" and the language compliments itself when used properly.

        I've noticed my own struggle in learning English (and it's my first and ONLY language spoken, LOL) and yet; it leaves me to wonder; "Do we even communicate with ourselves honestly???"

        Some suggest; we cannot control the outcome and that resides in a multitude of variables spanning religion, philosophy, science, etc... and yet, at the core - they all lead back to ONE principle; "mentalization" and as some ancient teachings suggests; then requires outside "correspondence" as in the 2nd Hermetic principle by Hermes Trismegistus which simplifies and pre-dates most religious text and teachings...

        "When 2 or more come together it shall be done" - so long as 2 or more share a vision, communicate, and strive to reach the predetermined outcome.

        As you stated, even then - there is no guarantees as other factors must be examined and the unknown, foreign, or alien nature of people, places, and things (I.e., objects of need, want, and/or desire) seldom sustain our initial expectations.

        So, in theory... the only trustworthy THING seems to be "Doing the Math" - as numbers do not lie... people do. The question is; how long can we sustain "IF" we lie to ourselves???

        This eBay THING is a PITA (*ATM) - everyday the number creep up slowly... the traffic, conversion rates, sales revenue is growing - and slow as it appears in "REAL TIME"...

        Our .2% ad conversion (CTR) is on PAR, our page views are up 700% in just 6 weeks, and the overall sales conversion rate is toggling between 1.4% - 1.6% as of the past 3 weeks.

        The discipline of seeing the 10X mindset suggests; if to date we have $700 in sales - with growth in all areaqs, the ONLY obstacle that stands between financial success is TIME and although I spend equal measures thinking as I do DOING (*bad habit?) - there is definitely a process, formula, and what I call alchemical attributes contained within the blueprint...

        TO: GOLD
        From: Otherwise useless and abundant resources!

        I used to think all teachers were insane, as many view the visionaries mid-stream... Now, I am actually starting to BELIEVE these practices are applicable in EVERY AREA of life, not just money, business, or material pursuits.

        It's brilliant... and "IF" all-in means taking money from say a bill, risking it to TRIPLE-UP in the near and not so distant future, then my only regret was not taking such actions sooner... whether it fails or succeeds is only a small part of the journey, but to INFLUENCE others ONE must be able to see past the problem, experience it, and then rise above and overcome it.

        And all the while, it's like trying to understand WHO or WHAT blasted the georgia Guide Stones with a lightning bolt???

        Blows my mind!!!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717847].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by art72 View Post

          This eBay THING is a PITA (*ATM) - everyday the number creep up slowly... the traffic, conversion rates, sales revenue is growing - and slow as it appears in "REAL TIME"...

          Our .2% ad conversion (CTR) is on PAR, our page views are up 700% in just 6 weeks, and the overall sales conversion rate is toggling between 1.4% - 1.6% as of the past 3 weeks.

          The discipline of seeing the 10X mindset suggests; if to date we have $700 in sales - with growth in all areaqs, the ONLY obstacle that stands between financial success is TIME and although I spend equal measures thinking as I do DOING (*bad habit?) - there is definitely a process, formula, and what I call alchemical attributes contained within the blueprint...

          TO: GOLD
          From: Otherwise useless and abundant resources!

          One full month in, a lot of time, combined with your wife...and you are still at the sysyphus stage, pushing the rock up the mountain, and as you are just beginning to break old habits, and feeling the resistance...another 60 days could put you over the top...and I think you will need to get through Christmas and into next year, before all the moving pieces are in place and maximized.

          I suspect, you are going to have a tough battle with yourself in the coming days.

          But, it is there. You have seen it. You know others have done it. You have mentors, and a lot of support.

          But it is lot of grinding, pounding through the day, and, a lot of slop and mess NOW, which goes away with time and systems and processes in place.

          The rewards gained, no matter what the verdict is on the venture, come next year, will bode you well for all future
          efforts too.

          Time to keep on truckin, and get er down the road.

          I hope you are keeping HONEST time sheets for both yourself and your wife, knowing it is a huge amount of time up front to set things up, before you get more automation in your process. Just know, that after a year, it will take up to 80% less time than today, which frees you up for other pursuits.

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  • Supplementary baskets
    for evry egg may fall
    don't diss on yr commitment
    & you gotta catch 'em all.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    When I get a roof over my head and my own space to cook. I have a current passion or desire to learn to cook with animal fats like duck fat and beef tallow and breads like almond flour breads or other non wheat based breads or noodles.

    My a1c is 7.5 so I am diabetic. But I can reverse it but my weakness has been breads and pasta. So if I can learn to make alternate breads with higher nutrition value and more fiber.

    No real interest in going keto just removing most simple processed carb that break down quickly spike sugar and insulin then causes people to get hungry sooner.
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Start watching at 5:15

    Your passion becomes YOUR BOSS and become your RED SHOES.

    Probably the absolute best analogy to this conversion!

    The last line in this video "Enjoy all of the above" WOW - powerful stuff
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    But the business I want to get into or the way I want to generate income is showing the wide rand of easy quick recipes someone can make at home on a pretty low budget . With a digital pressure cooker. A air fryer toaster oven. And induction cooking plat and a bread machine.

    I don't want to get into personal selling the equipment. And at best is I sell and ingredient it will be similar can freeze dry and ship and not as a major business.

    I don't know maybe I'm interested in building a content creation business and information marketing around healthy tasty low budget cooking recipes. From where I am. And at this point that is all I have that I can put in.

    Life has stripped away the illusion of the dreams and put the pointer on her is what you have to do next. Until I do that and there is no other thing I can focus on at this point.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ

      It doesn't take any money to document what you eat today. You use your cell, show what you are eating, write a brief page, 2x a day, and one year later, over 725 articles or pieces of content.

      But, and this for newer Warriors, at some point the Teflon shield has to come down.

      Every idea, for years, has met with some resistence, reason or reality as to why it doesn't come about.

      Every idea we throw at you just slides off. Sometimes, I think you are playing a long game joke on us all, sort of like that guy did in the early days of WF, who posted as a woman, with like thousands of posts, only to find out she was he and not at all what was.

      I can't remember her/his name...but they were in it for the long haul.

      I guess I wonder why you keep asking about new ideas, new things, when most of the time you tell us there is something else, WHICH FIRST, must be taken care of before you can do it.

      Honestly trying not to be snarky, but when I see your responses to people who have shown you all kinds of things, and motivation, and their time...I can't help but think,

      Oh, that's just the WF teflon man, no idea has ever stuck on him.

      Has it?


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post


      But the business I want to get into or the way I want to generate income is showing the wide rand of easy quick recipes someone can make at home on a pretty low budget . With a digital pressure cooker. A air fryer toaster oven. And induction cooking plat and a bread machine.

      I don't want to get into personal selling the equipment. And at best is I sell and ingredient it will be similar can freeze dry and ship and not as a major business.

      I don't know maybe I'm interested in building a content creation business and information marketing around healthy tasty low budget cooking recipes. From where I am. And at this point that is all I have that I can put in.

      Life has stripped away the illusion of the dreams and put the pointer on her is what you have to do next. Until I do that and there is no other thing I can focus on at this point.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Fine I do that.

    When I stat a goal or a desire and express an intent. And the ideas that come as a response are not the goal or desire I expressed. But the goal the person responding thinks I should have.

    I have physical and mental disabilities that I am working around . And the goals I state have all that factored in. So when the goal I state gets ignored and the advice is stuff I physically and mentally can not do.

    My priority and passion is restoring my health and getting as close to optimal health or pain free living as possible. The next step is reversing diabetes or at least getting my A1c down. And that has a lot of opportunities in it. What I have been doing to figure out my chronic pain is not really something others can follow.

    But thank you all as you have helped me work on one of my most annoying hindering factors in life. And put up with my annoying chatter well I stumbled through learning how to be communicate my ideas. It's probably more important to getting anything to work.

    And I think much of the improvement has been in the last few months.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717606].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Your communication skills have gotten better, to the point, we also realize you have some good ideas, and some of those could be ones which fulfill your dreams too.

      I guess from the other side of the screen, my perception is the advice is ignored, not due to being wrong about your goals, or not understanding, but they seem to change quite frequently.

      Here is advice for you, taking your physical and mental disabilities into account.

      Start to DOCUMENT (per savidge4) your day. Simple cell photos and a few pargraphs posted up at, say, Dropbox.

      You start with what you have (cell phone and Internet access), and work toward what you want.

      Maybe you will never overcome your mental and physical disabilities, just a fact.

      But if you do, or if you get close, or if you are able to simply eliminate pain, you don't have to believe me, Google alone will tell you there is a ready to buy market out there of people in pain, just hoping someone like you comes up with an answer.

      Diabetes. ALL about what you eat, and IF you exercise. Most can get that under control in a year or less, if they really do the hard thing, which is not eat the bread (sorry Oprah, you may lose weight and still eat it, diabetes is a different story).

      Anyhow, the point is.

      You or any given Warrior, has to start with what they have, where they are at, and DO the things necessary to take them to a better place. Nothing easy about it.

      But as we have said repeatedly here, we can only offer advice as we perceive the problem, and only you or any Warrior can accept it or not.

      If a year from now, you are not as heavy, having lost weight, gotten your sugars down, and have less pain...that would be more than enough to create a wanted, needed product of HOW you did it.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Fine I do that.

      When I stat a goal or a desire and express an intent. And the ideas that come as a response are not the goal or desire I expressed. But the goal the person responding thinks I should have.

      I have physical and mental disabilities that I am working around . And the goals I state have all that factored in. So when the goal I state gets ignored and the advice is stuff I physically and mentally can not do.

      My priority and passion is restoring my health and getting as close to optimal health or pain free living as possible. The next step is reversing diabetes or at least getting my A1c down. And that has a lot of opportunities in it. What I have been doing to figure out my chronic pain is not really something others can follow.

      But thank you all as you have helped me work on one of my most annoying hindering factors in life. And put up with my annoying chatter well I stumbled through learning how to be communicate my ideas. It's probably more important to getting anything to work.

      And I think much of the improvement has been in the last few months.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Thank you

    The goals change as I replace goals made through dreams and visualization with goals formed from life experience as I move around and live in different situations. Have different experiences. Good bad uncomfortable dangerous. Pleasant.

    Well the Last month the only pain I have had is the arthritis pain in my hands and the occasional back spasms. And at this point the main priority is getting a permanent and stable place to live. .

    Until I have some stable income source that allows me to move around comfortably I am in Las Vegas. I don't know how to explain it other than changes are happening a lot faster for me than they use to.

    I may not get into selling my own products but if I build an audience that I can review and promote other companies products to. I do have ideas on that
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717723].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I may not get into selling my own products but if I build an audience that I can review and promote other companies products to. I do have ideas on that
      This is where things start to rub... the #1 variable to any amount of "Success" online is traffic. Without traffic... your just spinning your wheels.

      There are basically 2 methods to getting traffic. #1 Is putting your product or service on a platform that already has traffic. Be it eBay, Amazon, Angie's List, Facebook, Craigslist, etc etc. The second method requires an added variable that I suggest is "Authority". There are a whole lot of ways to get "Authority". Not a one of them that I can think of comes quickly.

      I am not in any way shape or form suggesting its impossible to get traffic without the use of a pre existing traffic platform, but I would argue it takes a whole lot more work.

      Leveraging an existing traffic platform to feed your other efforts creates the amount of authority.

      This is why I am very keen on suggesting the use of eBay as an example. It is the shortest straightest path between 2 points... starting and success.

      Going towards the affiliate route... Yes you might have the ability to offer goods from Amazon, but you directly are not going to get traffic from Amazon. And there is no method of sharing your site with those that buy.

      Keep in mind as I say this, I have more than a few affiliate sites. I actually use affiliate sites as the backend evergreen selling tool for some of my front end Authority sites. A example I share here is my Keto offers that I send towards my Amazon affiliate food items site - selling ingredients.

      A good amount of separation can happen with content creation - especially when it pertains to actual physical items - we can use a bread maker as an example here... There is a HUGE difference in the content you create when you have a brand X bread maker in your possession... your review will be different than all of the others that read a number of articles and copy content and all use the same images VS having the machine and taking your own photos and actually knowing the pros and cons from actual use of the machine

      This is where authority starts to take shape. The best way to buy and use machines... and a lot of them... is to buy them used and then resell the ones you are done reviewing.

      I get you may have no interest in the whole idea... but you have interest in writing reviews... A review of an item you have never had your hands on is right up there with useless... and people wonder why their review sites are not converting.

      There is a pretty straight forward path to a successful review site that has recipes etc for better living... Honest, truthful, and actual reviews of products is a good place to start.

      Again I get you dont like the idea... It doesnt meet your vision for how things should go... But I am betting right now you dont even own a bread maker... so the whole conversation of preferences is mute.

      Your number one focus has to be stability... a place to call home... a place to start collecting the physical things that you see as being needed to do what it is you want to do.

      Are you currently eating healthy food? A photo of every meal... thats exactly what Instagram is for. Document what you eat every day as Gordon has suggested... Its a START in the right direction
      Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgeBSA
    My experience on going all in has been that I never have gone all in except in my hobbies.

    Going all in is a huge commitment and with IM the results don't come fast enough and I believe there is a statistic that 97% quit and don't make it.

    I'm not completely where I want to be and I have "moved on" to other IM ventures only because I just was not enjoying what I was doing.

    I found the key to me going "all in" is I have to like what I'm doing, and I'll do it for free, then the money just does not matter at first but shows up later.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by GeorgeBSA View Post

      My experience on going all in has been that I never have gone all in except in my hobbies.

      Going all in is a huge commitment and with IM the results don't come fast enough and I believe there is a statistic that 97% quit and don't make it.

      I'm not completely where I want to be and I have "moved on" to other IM ventures only because I just was not enjoying what I was doing.

      I found the key to me going "all in" is I have to like what I'm doing, and I'll do it for free, then the money just does not matter at first but shows up later.
      Thanks for sharing.

      And for raising an issue; IM results...and the speed they happen.

      With Art72 and his eBay journey, great patience is required, and I couldn't do it, but if it were a 2 week or at the most, a 30 day project, then I can see putting on the blinders and running full speed for the roses.

      Short bursts of very intense and FOCUSED activity, suits me (and maybe others too) much better than long term committments.

      So, as we talk about all-in and commitment, you raise a good question, what is the ideal time frame to give to a project? Or course, some of us are sprinters, other marathon runners.

      And one of my biggest arguments made here at WF, is the choice made, the very beginning of the IM journey, where so many Warriors get not spending enough time knowing what they are best at.

      If you are the typical ADD guy, like me, you may find short bursts, rapid projects, strung together, or woven into a fabric of profits suits you better than facing a very long grind of daily activity which takes months to see the results from.

      No right or wrong, just what suits us the best.

      If more Warriors spent just a little bit more time being honest with themselves, rather than jumping head first into the IM waters, they might shave years off of their journey.

      And, it is much easier to enjoy a project for a week or two, than to ENDURE one for a year.

      So keep the TIME line to results forefront in mind when selecting a path to pursue your IM ventures.

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      • Profile picture of the author GeorgeBSA
        Gordon, I myself have the instant sudden bursts then burn out. I do this with almost everything, even riding my bike where i'im like YEA! let's do it, then I tell myself "WFT am I doing this for?"

        thanks man! I wish you and everyone else here huge success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    Yes wher I don't have a place to stay or prepare food at this time.

    I don't understand going into complicated or advanced business models. Before I ever buy the ingredients to make low carb bread or buy the first bread machine from target or Walmart.

    So when I create content and buy new machines to use. I'll review the things I buy.

    Im express trying not to spin my wheels by waiting until I can start doing to figure out what direction I can take things.

    I can imagine the many different ways things can go I can spend the next ten years imagining it. And never make a loaf of bread or buy a bread machine.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I can imagine the many different ways things can go I can spend the next ten years imagining it. And never make a loaf of bread or buy a bread machine.
    Maybe I'm wrong - but your circumstances and location right now seem to be the same as they were years ago before you left Vegas.

    Plans and dreams are fine but as you mentioned 'change' seems to go faster as you get older. it's true - it does and it keeps speeding up. Planning and thinking of what you might do or could do is fine and since they are YOUR ideas whether you do them or not is your thing and no one else's.

    One thing I wish you would consider and that is that improving your health only requires making good decisions a day at a time. Two people I know very well turned their entire lives around by modifying their diet day by adding some exercise...cutting back or quitting bad doesn't take that much to reduce your weight and your A1C by doing a little day by day.

    As with changes moving 'faster' - the older you get the harder it is to regain control of your health/weight/etc. My own treatment for muscle spasms is to drink tonic water (with quinine) and a twist of lemon or lime over ice. The quinine does it.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11717886].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    Location has changed several times and each change I got to live in different circumstances.and get a clearer idea of what I want or what I do not want.

    I'm basically a minimalist at this point and really don't have any expensive habits. In the time sense I have been in Las beyond having had medical tests done a couple of times. The high a1c and high blood pressure has not caused any damage to my organs. And the was no sugar in my urine when that was checked.

    The intermittent fasting which I started a week before the test results came back is leading at least to fat loss at this point so I can get my a1c down in the next year or two hopefully the weight continues to come off.

    If I can build a content business around the things I make to eat to improve and maintain health. As the income allows I can follow the desire to travel and go where I can learn a bunch of recipes.

    There is a way I want to live my life and a whole bunch of things that don't fit into that. If anything has changed with me it I am a lot more clear and less scattered.
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  • Profile picture of the author DreamBuilderAF
    Every day, strive to be better than you were yesterday.
    Don't compare yourself to others.

    'All in' will mean different things to different people but I have certainly come to understand that consistency (turning up each day) and patience (trusting the process and the work YOU ARE DOING) make the difference between realising your potential and being disappointed.

    Remember, there is no failure, only education. Thomas Edison didn't fail 10,000, he found 10,000 ways that didn't work - all of which lead him to the solution.

    Given consistency and TIME, you will get there. Keep going.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11719940].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by DreamBuilderAF View Post

      Given consistency and TIME, you will get there. Keep going.
      The Warrior conundrum, where is THERE?

      We see from the weekly lamentations in the beginner's section; from losing a job, to hating a job and wanting something new, to desperation for money now...

      We clearly see so many come here with high expectations, and not much in the way of either work ethic, skills, or experience.

      So, how much TIME should one allow to get THERE? How much grind for how long? How much start and stop, going down blind alleys, trying this and having it not work?

      I have always taken issue with this idea, only because, those who know where their THERE is, can make plans and take action with adjustments, saving them eons, maybe even years on their journey from here to THERE.

      Speaking of Warrior beginners...I wonder why the paid staff doesn't use some of that research time and create a general HOW TO USE THE WARRIOR FORUM GUIDEBOOK for all new Warriors? Might be better than all the articles they find in other places.

      As for persistence, a golfer who practices a bad swing 10,000 times isn't a better golfer, but they have PERFECTED their crummy swings.

      A well thought out plan, despite all the objections, beats out keep on truckin almost every day of the year.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720497].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        The Warrior conundrum, where is THERE?

        We clearly see so many come here with high expectations, and not much in the way of either work ethic, skills, or experience.


        And this. High expectations no skill or experience . Almost unaware they need to put time and effort into building the skills and gaining experience.

        "Let me first make a lot of money so I don't have to work. Then I will figure out what I really want."

        Just agreeing with your point.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720505].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          And this. High expectations no skill or experience . Almost unaware they need to put time and effort into building the skills and gaining experience.

          "Let me first make a lot of money so I don't have to work. Then I will figure out what I really want."

          Just agreeing with your point.

          I knew the bride when she used to rock and rollll

          Well, in their defense, many a Warrior has WSO's which pitch it that way...DFY, easy, quick, no is in fact, the way of many an IM guru.

          So, we, marketers, have to accept some of the blame for the rose colored viewpoint of many a would be IMer.

          My point is less accusatory, and more in the way of MINDSET, being that a plan of ACTION is the second step, after the THERE (destination, greener pasture, other side of the bridge) has been decided.

          It is natural to explore a lot of options if you don't know what you want...but sometimes, the best option is figuring out what you DO want, before you begin on anything.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720506].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post


            It is natural to explore a lot of options if you don't know what you want...but sometimes, the best option is figuring out what you DO want, before you begin on anything.

            Let's go down the rabbit hole. And focus on the things in life people have and want. And put the effort into getting more of that if more is a good thing.

            So what if the reason people have a hard time explaining what they want is they have many things they want. There is just a lot in their lives they don't want and are trying to get away they want more time to enjoy what they have.

            The problem with the all in or just keep on keeping on . I find they usually prescribe others to stop doing the things they really enjoy doing and give up the things they want and already have
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720519].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
              Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

              Let's go down the rabbit hole. And focus on the things in life people have and want. And put the effort into getting more of that if more is a good thing.
              So what if the reason people have a hard time explaining what they want is they have many things they want. There is just a lot in their lives they don't want and are trying to get away they want more time to enjoy what they have.
              The problem with the all in or just keep on keeping on . I find they usually prescribe others to stop doing the things they really enjoy doing and give up the things they want and already have
              Why would that be hard to explain> everyone has needs; food, clothing, shelter, etc. But then we add the want, where do we want to live, and've experienced this most recently, thinking FL was the answer, until you got there, so back to NV, where, apparently the weather is better suited to your needs and wants.

              And, you and a million others have been advised from some pretty dang good Warriors, that it is always a good idea to either follow passion or choose something you like to do...there is no need to give up doing the things they do and already have, is there? I'm not sure people are aware of the things or the things they don't want and are trying to get away from, maybe people.

              But whatever barriers to making that change exists, they are overcome with direction and planning, and execution. I guess the ones prescribing to stop doing the things they want, might be your interpretation of going all in.

              Sure, there is a focus required, and the OP had an opinion, that it is a good thing to push all your chips to the center and either win or lose. Life, is NOT a poker game, however...the gist of the OP, I think...

              was about making a committment to your goals.

              My "take" on the idea of consistency and getting THERE begins with a clear WHERE are you going. And, as someone who HAS failed several times, in several areas, I don't buy there is no failure idea...sure great for a mindset forum, and not arguing with that whole can, cause we've been down that rabbit hole for years here...

              What are the things one wants? The many things?

              Beyond the basics for living, and within the ways we want those to exist, and along with MEANING and PURPOSE, there are countless books and courses out there detailing how people can live a balanced life without giving up anything they want or already have.

              My metaphors are either a five ring circus, or a five lane highway, and they include FINANCIAL, MENTAL, SPIRITUAL, RELATIONSHIPS, and ECOLOGICAL (place and condition of my living space)

              You can add more to it, but 5 seems manageable to me. And almost everyone of success, according to their own metrics, did not have to give up anything at all to get to WHERE they wanted to go,

              So, make the THERE, or the WHERE, to be a place/time where you don't surrender anything you want, you figure out how to get it and keep it.

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              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

                My "take" on the idea of consistency and getting THERE begins with a clear WHERE are you going.
                Its right here that things get muddy. They want this and this and that and the other - and then I will be happy... sure that is easy to identify. Its the Vehicle to get one there that is the complicated part.

                I want a million dollars and some jack tail like myself saying "Do what you have an interest in" there is a disconnect - somehow. The do what you like is the Vehicle to making a million dollars. The disconnect is the mental gap in value of what you have an interest in and knowledge of - how THAT can make a million dollars - there is a block there.

                I think we all can agree the initial effort - going on what you currently know - the interest - is probably not going to be the exact path to the 1st million... BUT it will be the vehicle to start developing the skills to the endeavor that will actually do it for you
                Success is an ACT not an idea
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720535].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
                  "No straight lines make up my life,
                  And all my roads have bends.
                  There's no clear cut beginnings,
                  And so far no dead-ends."
                  Harry Chapin - CIRCLE

                  Is it the vehicle, or the journey? If across the bridge in greener fields your happiness lies in wait, then take a step, then catch a ride, don't leave it up to fate.

                  But, when we circle back to the WHY, do they want a million dollars? What is it for? What will they buy (happiness?)...or what do they lack. Do they want a million dollars and when they make their manifestation dream boards, full of pics and things...what will that million dollars really give them?

                  So, when I ask what do you want, and WHY? That should be the start, square one, so they know what all the work is for.

                  There is a basic law of IS a that exchanges value. And the reason we "jack tails" ask of interest, is mostly to examine what value there is already that can be circulated into the market place.

                  Even Napoleon Hill got it right when he wrote (paraphrased) "And in exchange for this money I will give (provide) the highest quality service, product etc., etc."

                  See, I think the block most warriors bring here, is they want to GET, very few want to start with what can I GIVE or exchange value for.

                  Maybe we should have the Jack Tails Warriors club.


                  Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                  Its right here that things get muddy. They want this and this and that and the other - and then I will be happy... sure that is easy to identify. Its the Vehicle to get one there that is the complicated part.

                  I want a million dollars and some jack tail like myself saying "Do what you have an interest in" there is a disconnect - somehow. The do what you like is the Vehicle to making a million dollars. The disconnect is the mental gap in value of what you have an interest in and knowledge of - how THAT can make a million dollars - there is a block there.

                  I think we all can agree the initial effort - going on what you currently know - the interest - is probably not going to be the exact path to the 1st million... BUT it will be the vehicle to start developing the skills to the endeavor that will actually do it for you
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720539].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

                    So, when I ask what do you want, and WHY? That should be the start, square one, so they know what all the work is for.
                    Just throwing this out there - the REAL block is VALUE - more specifically SELF VALUE- what of value can I bring to the table?

                    I would say self esteem in general is probably the lowest I have ever seen in my life - i cant, i dont know how, I dont know... very common when getting into these conversations... and lets not forget "I dont want to".

                    They can SEE the end goal... the Million dollars... they can spend like they have it. They can quit the job they hate and know it is right there in front of them.

                    Which leads us back to Needs and Wants... This applies to this conversation... this applies to a recently banned warrior... so caught up in meeting needs - or not having basic needs in place, that wants simply are not obtainable.

                    Growth comes from stability - if you have a place to call home, a phone, electricity etc you are no longer struggling with "Surviving" and can then assert effort to "Thriving".

                    The idea of buying bread machines at Goodwill to use and test and build out an Amazon affiliate site and at the same time turn around and flip said bread machine is just not an option when you pretty much dont know where you are staying tomorrow night. You cant even begin to thrive when you are plagued with survival mode.

                    I quit my job and have 1 month to make money - Survival Mode

                    My wifes pregnant and oh we are having triplets - Survival Mode

                    I have a phone and not much else - Survival Mode

                    I have a job, a house, transportation, and eat every day - thats thriving mode - what are you doing the 16 hours your not working? THEN we are dealing with desire to see Wants manifested.

                    Without the ability to take action... thriving will and can not exist - you cant manifest piddly squat from a park bench
                    Success is an ACT not an idea
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720551].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
                      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

                      Just throwing this out there - the REAL block is VALUE - more specifically SELF VALUE- what of value can I bring to the table?

                      I would say self esteem in general is probably the lowest I have ever seen in my life - i cant, i dont know how, I dont know... very common when getting into these conversations... and lets not forget "I dont want to".

                      They can SEE the end goal... the Million dollars... they can spend like they have it. They can quit the job they hate and know it is right there in front of them.

                      Which leads us back to Needs and Wants... This applies to this conversation... this applies to a recently banned warrior... so caught up in meeting needs - or not having basic needs in place, that wants simply are not obtainable.

                      Growth comes from stability - if you have a place to call home, a phone, electricity etc you are no longer struggling with "Surviving" and can then assert effort to "Thriving".

                      The idea of buying bread machines at Goodwill to use and test and build out an Amazon affiliate site and at the same time turn around and flip said bread machine is just not an option when you pretty much dont know where you are staying tomorrow night. You cant even begin to thrive when you are plagued with survival mode.

                      I quit my job and have 1 month to make money - Survival Mode

                      My wifes pregnant and oh we are having triplets - Survival Mode

                      I have a phone and not much else - Survival Mode

                      I have a job, a house, transportation, and eat every day - thats thriving mode - what are you doing the 16 hours your not working? THEN we are dealing with desire to see Wants manifested.

                      Without the ability to take action... thriving will and can not exist - you cant manifest piddly squat from a park bench

                      AND FROM YOUR OTHER POST, THIS:

                      The Million isnt tomorrow money... its the long term... a cheap piece of land.. a basic structure... a bigger roofed area... a water tank that turns to a well... a solar system... a vehicle... a trailer to carry things behind the vehicle... a bigger living structure... a wife... kids... a bigger facility to grow things.

                      any one of them by themselves - fairly inexpensive - collectively over time - an investment.

                      The block isnt the money per se... its the work and dedication and consistency needed to get there.

                      The VALUE is not in the money itself - its what the money builds.

                      A lot to unpack here. And from the bottom up, that is: The value is not in the money itself, its what the money builds and the block, is the WORK and dedication needed to get THERE.

                      And we come back to their WHERE? And when a new warrior comes to us in SURVIVAL mode, there really isn't anything we can do, except give them money, and in my decades long experience, that NEVER solves their problem...but that is purely anecdotal.

                      A lesson I learned the hard way, a long time ago, not recently.

                      The best advice to that mode, is get a job, if you can. If you are not willing to do anything to keep a roof over your head and food on the table, other than begging, borrowing or stealing...then you are probably never going to make it in IM or any money making/keeping venture.

                      So, eliminat the survival mode warriors from our discussion, we can only throw words at them, which mainly doesn't stick.

                      That leaves those prepared to take the ACTION, to do the work, or think they are...and within this group are MANY who have low self esteem.

                      It was addressed a half century ago in Maxwell Maltz; PSYCHOYBERNETICS, a work Dan Kennedy thought so highly of, he acquired the rights to it.

                      So, given they may have the stability to begin...they lack confidence. One way to begin building confidence up, is study, and small successes...and this is where accumulation starts to build...and in finances, we see it as compounding.

                      A person who operated a successful Facebook group, even only 5 years ago, can draw upon those skills to use today.

                      I have long advocated that ASSESSMENT is the place to start. It is seen in questions like, what do you bring to the table, what skills, knowledge do you have already.

                      Just today, I, along with several others, have rec'd a PM from a newbie who is a lost soul as it pertains to all this IM stuff, he wants someone to tell him WHAT TO DO, what steps to take.

                      And I can't.

                      Won't even try. Because I've given him my best advice in a thread, no need for PM, the advice is the same. And what we see here day after day after day are people who want to be told what to do, they want us to make decisions for them.

                      And they get told by many a Warrior, what they should do. And especially if that Warrior has a WSO too.

                      When an assessment is done by an outside agent, not oneself, then the person might be able to see more VALUE, than they thought they had.

                      So, maybe I amend my questioning somewhat, and ask, not only What do you want and Why? But also, what skills, knowledge or experience do you currently have to build off of to take you to your THERE?

                      And THE GOLD you have so expertly and generously shared here is the idea...that there is great VALUE in simply documenting the journey across the bridge, whether you get to there or somewhere else...there is value in the share.

                      As for the underlyng blocks of self image, not me, unqualified to deal with all that.

                      Tell me what you want, and why....explain what you have...THEN, I can probably build you a map which COULD help you get from here to THERE. And maybe give you a few vehicle choices to expedite the trip.

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  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    Originally Posted by Victor Courville View Post

    There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you win then you got a nice pile of money. If you lose, you're out. In cards you might win, you might lose and generally it doesn't matter too much in the ground scheme of things. But in life, 'going all in' can be the absolute difference between extreme success and dismissal failure. Mind you, it's more of a mindset than a money risk, although it can certainly be both. If you're working a job while you build your IM business, I don't recommend you quit your job until your Internet Marketing income equals the income you get from your job, give or take. But your mindset can't be anything BUT 'going all in.' You've got to live and breathe your success before you achieve it. You've got to know you can do it, or have an extremely large suspicion that it's possible. You've got to commit to your new venture like you'd commit to raising a child. Sorry, but half- hearted simply won't cut it. It's time to make a decision - are you all in?
    I'm not saying is what everybody should do, but being on the edge of the abyss definitely helped me to find solutions. I was 20 years old and after years of wandering around in the Netherlands I came back to Spain to my parent's home...

    They gave me 6 months to stand on my own two feet! That put me in a berserker mode haha I couldn't afford to waste a single minute or lose my focus.

    I discovered the crypto-world thanks to the invitation of a friend to an educational meeting and I launch a basic course some weeks later after getting traction in my crypto-blog...Long-story short, I have stand on my own feet since then
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    There are things you can manifest to get you off the park bench and into a place to live. Then you can manifest the things you need to thrive . But it's exceptionally difficult at first.

    The 1 million is dollar figure is a block itself. I don't remember the magic crossing that line is supposed to represent.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720557].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      The 1 million is dollar figure is a block itself. I don't remember the magic crossing that line is supposed to represent.
      The Million isnt tomorrow money... its the long term... a cheap piece of land.. a basic structure... a bigger roofed area... a water tank that turns to a well... a solar system... a vehicle... a trailer to carry things behind the vehicle... a bigger living structure... a wife... kids... a bigger facility to grow things.

      any one of them by themselves - fairly inexpensive - collectively over time - an investment.

      The block isnt the money per se... its the work and dedication and consistency needed to get there.

      The VALUE is not in the money itself - its what the money builds.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720558].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      I think, visualize, BELIEVE...and with peanuts and seed to spread...I ALWAYS manifest a flock of pigeons and a scurry of squirrels whist sitting on said bench.

      Or, in other words, the perfect life.


      PS. The million dollar "idea" only represents a perceived threshold of so-called success, just a measurement, but one which western society thinks is a good one to use.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      There are things you can manifest to get you off the park bench and into a place to live. Then you can manifest the things you need to thrive . But it's exceptionally difficult at first.

      The 1 million is dollar figure is a block itself. I don't remember the magic crossing that line is supposed to represent.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720620].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DABK
      Te million dollar started a very long time ago, when a million dollar put in in the ultra-wealthy, the bottom of the 1%.

      $1 in the early 1900's bought you what $15 buys you today... About. So,, $1,000,000 was a real lot of money back then. I mean, it's a lot of money today, about 1/3 of what most people make in a life time in the US or what people from Moldova make in 108 life times. About.

      Adjusted for the current dollar buying power it's probably a billion dollars... and it represented net worth, I think.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      There are things you can manifest to get you off the park bench and into a place to live. Then you can manifest the things you need to thrive . But it's exceptionally difficult at first.

      The 1 million is dollar figure is a block itself. I don't remember the magic crossing that line is supposed to represent.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720652].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
        Originally Posted by DABK View Post

        Te million dollar started a very long time ago, when a million dollar put in in the ultra-wealthy, the bottom of the 1%.

        $1 in the early 1900's bought you what $15 buys you today... About. So,, $1,000,000 was a real lot of money back then. I mean, it's a lot of money today, about 1/3 of what most people make in a life time in the US or what people from Moldova make in 108 life times. About.

        Adjusted for the current dollar buying power it's probably a billion dollars... and it represented net worth, I think.
        At the 2-3 last years rate, 1M$ is gonna be middle class... Hopefully that trend relaxes a bit, but I don't see that happening soon, quite the opposite!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720656].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author DABK
          If the trend does not relax, you just make more money to stay in the same place, no?

          Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

          At the 2-3 last years rate, 1M$ is gonna be middle class... Hopefully that trend relaxes a bit, but I don't see that happening soon, quite the opposite!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720670].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
            Originally Posted by DABK View Post

            If the trend does not relax, you just make more money to stay in the same place, no?
            It seems to me a bit like an out-of-control treadmill, going faster and faster...I mean, 40% of circulating money has been printed in the last 2-3 years. It seems unsustainable, let's see! interesting times ahead for sure...
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720838].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
              Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

              It seems to me a bit like an out-of-control treadmill, going faster and faster...I mean, 40% of circulating money has been printed in the last 2-3 years. It seems unsustainable, let's see! interesting times ahead for sure...
              Our economy, much like an old WWII aircraft carrier, needs miles to turn around, even with engines stopped, it will coast for a long time, before, a course correction can be made.

              Today's modern carriers, can turn on a dime, unfortunately, the way our economy runs, and the FED, et al, and toss in all the politicos...and we may as well be on the TITANIC.

              And lest we forget, there were a lot of survivors from that shipwreck, so, maybe get on the crew of a lifeboat?

              I think the holidays will reflect how the economy is going...and Christmas from Black Friday on will be the sign.

              If one hasn't been impacted by then, beware of the New Year layoffs, thing is to have a recession, economy proof business that runs no matter what is going on.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720839].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Odahh
                Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

                Our economy, much like an old WWII aircraft carrier, needs miles to turn around, even with engines stopped, it will coast for a long time, before, a course correction can be made.

                Today's modern carriers, can turn on a dime, unfortunately, the way our economy runs, and the FED, et al, and toss in all the politicos...and we may as well be on the TITANIC.

                And lest we forget, there were a lot of survivors from that shipwreck, so, maybe get on the crew of a lifeboat?

                I think the holidays will reflect how the economy is going...and Christmas from Black Friday on will be the sign.

                If one hasn't been impacted by then, beware of the New Year layoffs, thing is to have a recession, economy proof business that runs no matter what is going on.

                The aircraft carrier in the economy was the baby boomers around the world. The USA is the only country that has an aircraft carrier to replace the baby boomers in the form of milenials. So the world is kind of screwed. As the baby boomers around the world pass retirement age
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720855].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
                Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

                Our economy, much like an old WWII aircraft carrier, needs miles to turn around, even with engines stopped, it will coast for a long time, before, a course correction can be made.

                Today's modern carriers, can turn on a dime, unfortunately, the way our economy runs, and the FED, et al, and toss in all the politicos...and we may as well be on the TITANIC.

                And lest we forget, there were a lot of survivors from that shipwreck, so, maybe get on the crew of a lifeboat?

                I think the holidays will reflect how the economy is going...and Christmas from Black Friday on will be the sign.

                If one hasn't been impacted by then, beware of the New Year layoffs, thing is to have a recession, economy proof business that runs no matter what is going on.

                Good read...I think winter is coming, normally is good to have a "no matter what mindset" but being able to play the economic cycles can make a huge difference... I learnt this the hard way in crypto in 2017-18 haha
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11720865].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
                  Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

                  Good read...I think winter is coming, normally is good to have a "no matter what mindset" but being able to play the economic cycles can make a huge difference... I learnt this the hard way in crypto in 2017-18 haha
                  There are those who can ride out, through and catch the Cycle at the right time. But if you get it wrong, as you did with Crypto, then crash and ouch.

                  I prefer the cycle of having INCREASES during harder economies, and being evergreen the rest of the time.

                  Over the last several decades, the best of the economic wizards, and mostly pundits, not players, were wrong too many times. Why gamble when we don't have to?

                  Rather than a Mindset, there are tested, proven and reliable businesses which do better in poor economies, and do very well all the time.

                  But, I get there is that gambler in all of us.

                  I'm reminded of the Warrior, who went to six figures a year, even started offering a WSO on how to, I think, maybe, article marketing???...(but could be wrong). And after a 6 figure year, he crashed and didn't even get to five the next one. He's disappeared, but still serves as a great example of how not to go about it.

                  Maybe after article marketing (or whatever) he too got bit by crypto???

                  Anyhow, we Warriors have many avenues to choose from, don't we?

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                  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
                    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

                    There are those who can ride out, through and catch the Cycle at the right time. But if you get it wrong, as you did with Crypto, then crash and ouch.

                    I prefer the cycle of having INCREASES during harder economies, and being evergreen the rest of the time.

                    Over the last several decades, the best of the economic wizards, and mostly pundits, not players, were wrong too many times. Why gamble when we don't have to?

                    Rather than a Mindset, there are tested, proven and reliable businesses which do better in poor economies, and do very well all the time.

                    But, I get there is that gambler in all of us.

                    I'm reminded of the Warrior, who went to six figures a year, even started offering a WSO on how to, I think, maybe, article marketing???...(but could be wrong). And after a 6 figure year, he crashed and didn't even get to five the next one. He's disappeared, but still serves as a great example of how not to go about it.

                    Maybe after article marketing (or whatever) he too got bit by crypto???

                    Anyhow, we Warriors have many avenues to choose from, don't we?

                    Haha there are million of ways to lose your money, though most people take crypto as a casino (and somehow they get surprised with their results after going in with that mindset ); I just read than Mike Tyson have lost the 500M he made during his whole career, he spent it on women, parties and other extravagances...Insane! How can you lose that much money so fast?
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                    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
                      Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

                      Haha there are million of ways to lose your money, though most people take crypto as a casino (and somehow they get surprised with their results after going in with that mindset ); I just read than Mike Tyson have lost the 500M he made during his whole career, he spent it on women, parties and other extravagances...Insane! How can you lose that much money so fast?

                      Yes, of course, but not funny to those that lose it, is it? Lottery winners going broke is almost a cliche or meme, same for pro football, basketball and baseball players too.o

                      It is the MOST PEOPLE who took crypto as a casino payed the price, if they lost money, only because they had it to lose. Same goes for forex, day trading, penny stocks, all such "investments"; the winners (the few, less than MOST) don't approach it as a gamble, maybe high risk, but they do their homework, research, get educated about it first.

                      Here at the WF, we tend to focus on the MAKING of the money first, before we consider the million ways to lose it.

                      If crypto is your bread and butter and there are other warriors in that group, you are indeed one of the few who did not see it as a casino back in the day.

                      The POINT was, be it crypto, SEO, IM, or even poker, casino or sports betting...there are always going to be losers and winners...MOST WILL not be winners.

                      In choosing what to invest time and energy, and possibly money in, I adovate for more evergreen markets rather than high risk, especially for those Warriors (MOST) WHO do not have the money to lose.

                      Even Iron Mike did the work in the ring to get his money...once that happens, who cares how they spend, or lose their money? It is not a cautionary tale with these people, they are not mainstream, Main Street folk, they are the exceptions...just as those who made bazillions early on with crypto and Bitcoin and the like.

                      But for someone today, to look at crypto as their business model, probably should approach it as getting a college degree, even a community college two year deal...until they know something about it, other than the sensational returns made by the few early birds into it.

                      Some can lose money with a donut shop right next to the police station, hard to do, for sure, but as you say...a million ways to lose it.

                      Do you not agree that evergreen might be a better choice, UNTIL the whole blockchain settles into maintream, becomes internationally stable, and is as trusted and used as much as gold coins are?

                      Unless I missed something, it is still considered to be volatile...whereas other choices are and have been stable for centuries, or at least decades.


                      P.S. The mindset of MOST, as you state is crypto is still a gamble, although we know you are on a crusade to elucidate us that it is not.
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        • Profile picture of the author Odahh
          Originally Posted by Artkantos View Post

          At the 2-3 last years rate, 1M$ is gonna be middle class... Hopefully that trend relaxes a bit, but I don't see that happening soon, quite the opposite!
          The middle class multistage a thing but they tend to have their houses paid off and buy cars with cash. They are not struggling to keep up with payments and many around them don't know they are millionaires.

          Who is ever driving the trends is apparently drunk as hell or smoking weed.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    That was well played. So focus of a business that serves markets that do well in any economy. Instead of on to economy. Which is a collective measure of all the markets.

    I'm heal asleep and no coffee yet. I'm not describing everyone in the two groups I mention. But it there is a widely different base motivation. One group is looking for a way not to work. And the other group learned to do work they enjoy. And it pretty much only those who enjoy the work they do. Who achieve longer term success.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      I am just going to make numbers up. That is my disclaimer, there is no fact, no stat, nothing to support these numbers.
      First: Everyone.

      I guess that is all 7.573 billion of us on this flat earth on which we live.

      From there, the two groups you broke out...those who are looking for a way not to work...and those who do work they enjoy.

      Those combined numbers are only 27, 895, 642 people and of those, 12M don't want to work. Best I can make of your pre coffee reckonings.

      However, yes, when we focus on a business that serves markets in any economies, it is a better choice, in my opinion, than trying to guess a cycle, or catch a wave, or for that matter, even getting run over by a gravy train.

      And not sure but this only the 1, 232, 679 th time we at WF have advised those seekers to do what they enjoy to do. OK? Make that 1, 232, 680

      Hope you wake up soon.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post


      That was well played. So focus of a business that serves markets that do well in any economy. Instead of on to economy. Which is a collective measure of all the markets.

      I'm heal asleep and no coffee yet. I'm not describing everyone in the two groups I mention. But it there is a widely different base motivation. One group is looking for a way not to work. And the other group learned to do work they enjoy. And it pretty much only those who enjoy the work they do. Who achieve longer term success.
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      • Profile picture of the author DABK
        I always thought it's best if you work in a niche that's always going and, when you catch a trend, you consider yourself lucky, ride it as far as it goes, but know it's a bonus.

        Because running after trends outside your main niche takes a lot more effort to get you the same results. Yes, when you catch one, you feel extra happy, you make lots of money all at once.

        But, 15k, for instance, 2 times a year, is a lot less than $8k, for instance, 12 times a year. Less euphoria in the 2nd set of numbers but higher overall. People often go for the high not for the math. Seems the worse off they are, the more they want the high, the trend.

        It's another facet of the shinny object syndrome, in my opinion.

        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        I am just going to make numbers up. That is my disclaimer, there is no fact, no stat, nothing to support these numbers.
        First: Everyone.

        I guess that is all 7.573 billion of us on this flat earth on which we live.

        From there, the two groups you broke out...those who are looking for a way not to work...and those who do work they enjoy.

        Those combined numbers are only 27, 895, 642 people and of those, 12M don't want to work. Best I can make of your pre coffee reckonings.

        However, yes, when we focus on a business that serves markets in any economies, it is a better choice, in my opinion, than trying to guess a cycle, or catch a wave, or for that matter, even getting run over by a gravy train.

        And not sure but this only the 1, 232, 679 th time we at WF have advised those seekers to do what they enjoy to do. OK? Make that 1, 232, 680

        Hope you wake up soon.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11721014].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by DABK View Post

          I always thought it's best if you work in a niche that's always going and, when you catch a trend, you consider yourself lucky, ride it as far as it goes, but know it's a bonus.
          Because running after trends outside your main niche takes a lot more effort to get you the same results. Yes, when you catch one, you feel extra happy, you make lots of money all at once.
          But, 15k, for instance, 2 times a year, is a lot less than $8k, for instance, 12 times a year. Less euphoria in the 2nd set of numbers but higher overall. People often go for the high not for the math. Seems the worse off they are, the more they want the high, the trend.
          It's another facet of the shinny object syndrome, in my opinion.
          Is a niche that is always going, the same as an evergreen market/niche?

          And this is a good point, we see people here pick niches based on one of two ideas...

          A niche they think is hot and they can make money in, because it is evergreen or current rage...or

          They pick a niche in which they twitch, or belong to, or have an interest in. We have a lot of Warrior evidence over the last 20 years, that doing something you enjoy, almost always beats going for the money, right out the gate.

          The desperate, and in need newbie chases those shiny objects over rainbows and in search of unicorns...and all to often end up having to start over. I think we can get both the high and the Math, with combinations, of evergreen niches, and some topical "trends" tossed in for good measure.

          I think the assessment phase is catching on, more and more people are trying to identify what type, or what sort of personality they have and which business best matches that.

          For me, the assessment is the starting point for all IM ventures, beginning with personal and then market and niche.

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  • Profile picture of the author Troy Arrandale
    Originally Posted by Victor Courville View Post

    There's an expression in the game of Poker called, "Going all in." And it means you're betting everything you've got on your hand. This is the showdown - if you win then you got a nice pile of money. If you lose, you're out. In cards you might win, you might lose and generally it doesn't matter too much in the ground scheme of things. But in life, 'going all in' can be the absolute difference between extreme success and dismissal failure. Mind you, it's more of a mindset than a money risk, although it can certainly be both. If you're working a job while you build your IM business, I don't recommend you quit your job until your Internet Marketing income equals the income you get from your job, give or take. But your mindset can't be anything BUT 'going all in.' You've got to live and breathe your success before you achieve it. You've got to know you can do it, or have an extremely large suspicion that it's possible. You've got to commit to your new venture like you'd commit to raising a child. Sorry, but half- hearted simply won't cut it. It's time to make a decision - are you all in?
    Without even realizing I was going all in to create an online business, I did.

    I went all in trying to find and implement the right business model from experts who were already successful and willing to keep abreast on the internet if their method was still profitable as the years go on.

    That first method's course and support system is where I gained access to some resources, specifically an agency who helped me apply for and obtain business credit.

    I didn't use the credit to expand or invest further in that business model as it soon became evident it wasn't a good style of business for me, but I've since used all the credit to invest in my business as a whole.

    I was scared stiff to use it as my great credit rating is sacred to me. How did I know I wouldn't fail? How would I repay the credit once the APR spiked back up after the initial 0% went away?

    My fears exploded.

    But with an initial repay schedule plan in place in my budget, I plunged ahead because this is what is called "good debt" versus bad debt as I have been taught by my teachers.

    I also went all in when an opportunity to hire a tax accounting firm on a monthly subscription came up, and I've had them for a year now. They also helped me become an LLC.

    There's just no looking back now.

    I wish all of you the best success in your mindset to go all in. It's scary but I might just make it.
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