by maksym
146 replies
I am wondering is here any raw vegan?

I and my family nearly 2 years uses raw food diet.
And we really see dramatic changes.
Actually, we can't even go back to "normal" food.
We are so glad that we made such decision 2 years ago.
I remember how we started and we spent more then
6 months to change smoothly our lifestyle.
Actually, my wife started firstly and then I nearly her decided
to do that as well.
After nearly 10 months, I also decided to try 100% raw
food diet for at least 4 weeks. That was my biggest breakthrough...
( I was inspired by some books).
And now... we are nearly 90-95% of raw food use in our
nowadays. At summer time - it was way easier for us.
And our favorite food was simple tomatoes with garlic. Mmmmmm....
that is so tasty.
And now when winter is close we change food again to different
salads and different nuts with seeds.
We also have a daughter (may be you saw my videos).
She is 2,7 years old and almost never ate meat.
She is doing very great. And many time we have conflicts
with our old parents, which can't understand how it is possible
to use ONLY raw food diet. :-)

And how long are you with this style of living?
#raw #vegan
  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    I've done it on and off. The people I share my home with aren't ready
    to do it though. Most people cannot make radical dietary changes
    and backslide into older habits - comfort foods and things like that.

    It's amazing that your kid is willing to do it. Once kids decide
    they like some food (hot dogs for example) changing their
    preferences are not easy. My girlfriend's young daughter is
    a meat eater and intractably resistant to eating the vegetarian
    diet her mom and I follow.

    When I lived in a warmer climate (So. California) I was mostly
    vegan and 50-95% raw at different times - eating more
    cooked foods in the winter and mostly fruit blended foods
    in the summer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    I go through sprints of it...

    depends what is practical for the situation. and more importantly what your body requires.
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  • Profile picture of the author James_Harkin
    I have looked into Raw Food Diet and watched some videos and read some books by: Victoria Boutenko and David Wolfe.

    See The Raw Family here: Raw Family | Victoria, Sergei and Valya Boutenko - Raw Food Information, books and DVDs
    See David Wolfe here: David Wolfe

    I have not converted to Raw Food as yet but want to. The problem I face is sourcing organic produce, the supply of which is limited in my local area. So I need to travel many miles. I have considered buying some land, around 2 acres to start a small organic vegetable & fruit farm and food forest.

    Also see: Permaculture Research Institute of Australia

    I also understand that it is necessary to rotate food, you cannot eat the same produce all the time since different toxins can build up, for example those starting on the raw food road may start on the Raw Green Smoothie diet:

    However, once begun and enjoying such a diet it would be prudent to mix up the different food you consume to save getting ill. Just like crop rotation on farms, change from one form to another and so on.

    Adding to raw food with super foods and distilled water, that for me would be the ideal diet, something I am looking at. However, its expensive if you are buying from organic stores.

    Do you believe this is a good way of going about this, or do you have other suggestions that are better and healthier?


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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385158].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    I like to eat vegan, but find not pratical for 100%

    So I am about 40% vegan, but 90% healthly

    Sometimes I cheat while out with friends

    At the Holiday time it is harder for me

    Best Regards
    Freedom from Credit Debt for All in USA … Credit cards, medical bills, student loans, etc. .................... Plus your credit scores at the bureau can be raised when your debt relief is completed.

    This is available for individuals with more than 10-K of debt and only by phone to start your debt analysis ... PM Me Your Phone Number and best times to call.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1385208].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Chris Faraday
      It is a lifestyle decision, and time commitment. Most folk (and families) are really really hurting themselves - and it's sad - They have to be in a certain place or mindset to get into it.

      I am mostly vegan, mostly raw, although low heat, low sweet and low meat like salmon, egg yolks & fresh wild turkey occasionally - brings a huge grounding & balancing effect. It is a technology & philosophy some can't get or groove on. Many ways to do it wrong - too much fat, too much fruit / nuts poor combining EATING POUNDS OF RAW MEAT - forget that one.

      When you get more advanced it becomes about superfoods herbs & cleansing. You may even start to realize that the produce (even organic) is not right.

      Lots of estrogens in plants, flax is overrated, hemp is good.

      Soak & blend even better. 'Gotta try em.

      I live for fresh aloe, goji's, blueberries, high speed blending of greens.

      Really love what montel is doing - getting people to shell out $300 for a blender?? Yes!!! just do it

      Learn about & share info on alkalinity, hydration & minerals (HAM)
      Low heat is crucial, low sweet if you can.

      It is a great community of remarkable & colorful people - kinda hippie freaky. But, the family of support is strong & vibrant.

      Still learning - didn't mean to drag on - but it's more important than money and we should cater our offers towards responsible conscious products. : )

      Super-Conscious Affiliate

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  • Profile picture of the author Agnes Lyle
    I'm vegan almost all the time, raw vegan when my body indicates it would like it.

    By the way, the green smoothie man on the video recommends VitaMix blenders - I have one, and it is first-rate, but then so is the price. A major investment for the average earner. What do other people recommend?

    Best regards,
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  • Profile picture of the author jpwilliams
    I switched from a Midwestern meat eaters diet to a raw food diet and lost 40 pounds in my first month, and now I am at a 50 pound loss after three months.

    Another good thing to keep the cravings away, especially the caffeine cravings, is Green Water. They have several types at most healthy stores (Whole Foods, etc.)

    The VitaMix is freaking awesome. Worth the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author be strong
      Originally Posted by jpwilliams View Post

      I switched from a Midwestern meat eaters diet to a raw food diet and lost 40 pounds in my first month, and now I am at a 50 pound loss after three months.

      Another good thing to keep the cravings away, especially the caffeine cravings, is Green Water. They have several types at most healthy stores (Whole Foods, etc.)

      The VitaMix is freaking awesome. Worth the money.

      heard it was awesome too..throw the veggies in the grinder and boom you have an awesome green drink without all that sugar and refined stuff

      I still believe one should eat a little protein to support the muscles and other factors
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    Wow... it's very great to see that many people here use raw food diet.
    And again I am wondering that WHY only few people can take responsibility
    and just try this diet. I am always trying to give such message - "Hey.. you
    had regular food diet ALL your LIFE! Just try for at least 8 weeks Raw Food
    Diet and that's it. After that you will feel by yourself to go back or not". :-)
    -Personally, I don't want even to go back.
    Most terrible thing that in "normal" families, parents ... i will not afraid to
    tell.. poison their children. Every single day parents give them such many
    bad food for children.
    That's why we switched to raw food diet so quickly, cause we want that
    our baby will be healthy.
    Funny stuff... couple days ago, we left our child at grandma's place.
    Grandma tried to give her fried fish. And guest what? Our daughter denied
    to eat that stuff!!! First big victory for us. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    I have gone from obese to totally fit with a six pack as a result of replacing most of my food with raw foods. I had been a vegetarian for 16 years+. I have been living the vegan lifestyle (with the exception of breakfast for which I have porridge oats) for about a year. I had a waste size of about 48 inches and now it's down to a fit 30 inches. Highly recommend it to anyone.

    I also hear that the health benefits are enormous including the possible prevention of cancer and other diseases. Great topic Maksym! Good on you to start this thread!
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    • Profile picture of the author mtreid
      I'm vegetarian and I've tried "raw" diets but can't last for longer than a month or so. I'm trying to build up to make it a lifestyle.

      I've been following David Wolfe suggestions and found great value. Incredible energy and the need for less sleep are just 2 of my results.

      One of his sites is:
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  • Profile picture of the author Lambert Klein
    I don't eat meat but I do eat some eggs and a little cheese.

    Probably eat about 40% raw food. I have a salad every night with spinach and broccoli in it.

    I do take B12 supplements since it may be harder for vegetarians to get all they need.


    WordPress Domination: from Beginner to Ninja in 7 Days

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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
      Originally Posted by lklein View Post

      I don't eat meat but I do eat some eggs and a little cheese.

      Probably eat about 40% raw food. I have a salad every night with spinach and broccoli in it.

      I do take B12 supplements since it may be harder for vegetarians to get all they need.

      B12? Where do the elephants and the giraffes and the rhinoceroses and the hippotamuses and the buffalo and the camels and the horses and the cattle and all the other biggest (land) animals in the world get their B12?

      I don't believe the misinformation put out by the animal food industry.
      B12 is found in small amounts in fruit, vegetables and mushrooms and fermented foods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Og Mandino
    I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian myself.

    I've heard about vegan, totally only consume vegetable. No meat. No eggs. No milk.
    But raw food vegan... I've never heard of it before. ^^

    Do you really mean you only consume raw food, without cook it? Without boil, fry, grill or steam it? Without any spice?

    Just eat it like the way cow/sheep/rabbit eat?
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  • Profile picture of the author broker12
    I have heard of this but I not sure on the definition. What are the most common foods allowed and prohibited on this diet?
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    If you eat a raw diet and just use your teeth to cut the
    food, you'll wear them down (the teeth) - so it's necessary
    to have some equipment to do a whole raw fruits and vegetables

    I have a VitaMix (Ebay for $100 or less) which is a very
    heavy-duty and long-lasting blender. I've also had a few
    different juicers - many raw foodies have up to 3 juicers,
    plus the blender and various grinders and things.

    You can also use a dehydrator to "boil down" foods,
    which start out as glop, to make flatbread type things,
    fruit leather and so forth. By keeping the temperature
    of the dehydrator under 117 degrees you preserve
    nutrients that are ruined by conventional cooking.

    Few people sustain a 100% raw vegan diet. Gabriel
    Cousens is the guy I've read the most material from,
    and the one I respect the most too, and he personally
    claims about a 95% raw diet, but completely vegan.

    If you get very ill you might have difficulty with raw
    foods, so it's important to always listen to your body
    because cooked foods, while less nutritious, are easier
    to digest and can help you heal when you are sick.

    Raw foods too can help heal sickness, but there's a
    balance to be achieved, so don't try to make the
    transition to a raw food diet all on your own. Seek
    out people in your area who are doing it and are in
    touch with their bodies and not zealots who say the
    only way to eat is raw.

    People have seriously damaged their health going into
    a raw vegan diet without discernment. So educate
    yourself and test different things on YOUR body -
    see how you feel and track your results over many months
    and years. This way you will know what raw foods work
    for you and in what seasons... and it's always good
    not to be militant and say "I only eat raw food" because
    that can be very stupid and wreck your health -
    so be gentle and kind with yourself and make transitions
    slowly and with grace.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1394102].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Originally Posted by maksym View Post

    I am wondering is here any raw vegan?

    I and my family nearly 2 years uses raw food diet.
    And we really see dramatic changes.
    Actually, we can't even go back to "normal" food.
    We are so glad that we made such decision 2 years ago.
    I remember how we started and we spent more then
    6 months to change smoothly our lifestyle.
    Actually, my wife started firstly and then I nearly her decided
    to do that as well.
    After nearly 10 months, I also decided to try 100% raw
    food diet for at least 4 weeks. That was my biggest breakthrough...
    ( I was inspired by some books).
    And now... we are nearly 90-95% of raw food use in our
    nowadays. At summer time - it was way easier for us.
    And our favorite food was simple tomatoes with garlic. Mmmmmm....
    that is so tasty.
    And now when winter is close we change food again to different
    salads and different nuts with seeds.
    We also have a daughter (may be you saw my videos).
    She is 2,7 years old and almost never ate meat.
    She is doing very great. And many time we have conflicts
    with our old parents, which can't understand how it is possible
    to use ONLY raw food diet. :-)

    And how long are you with this style of living?
    Congrats brother!

    I was first introduced to this from Tony Robbins and decided to give it a try. After the first 2 weeks I never looked back because I felt so amazing!

    We have now been 99% Vegan for over 6 years. I say 99% because we will eat fish about 6 times a year or so. My family consists of myself, my wife Siri Shakti, Kayleen 8yrs, Mayleena 5yrs, and Bodhi 8 months.

    We mainly followed the guide of Dr. Robert Young who wrote the PH Miracle. We were pretty strict with it for the first 3 years (70-80% water rich foods) and now we are about 50% water rich foods. We still drink his Green Drink by innerlight.

    Benefits include: We never get sick, no doctor visits, our kids dont get sick, no allergies, no food comas.

    People always ask me if I miss meat. I always tell them hell no because I used to be a bodybuilder and ate over 5lbs of meat a day and over 40 egg whites a day! But I always felt hungry and tired. Now I feel great and only feel hungry if I forget to eat for 8 hours.

    More people need to Hug a Cow and Eat a Salad!

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    • Profile picture of the author maksym
      Originally Posted by rockstarinlife View Post

      Congrats brother!

      I was first introduced to this from Tony Robbins and decided to give it a try. After the first 2 weeks I never looked back because I felt so amazing!

      We have now been 99% Vegan for over 6 years. I say 99% because we will eat fish about 6 times a year or so. My family consists of myself, my wife Siri Shakti, Kayleen 8yrs, Mayleena 5yrs, and Bodhi 8 months.

      GREAT STORY!!! Sorry for my late response to it, brother. I liked so much your end when you mentioned that you was a bodybuilder. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Lambert Klein
    I use a Vit-B12 spray under my tonge. This way it should be absorbed easier.
    I used to use a sublingal tablet and let it dissolve under my tonge.

    The spray is easier and supposedly works better. They both bypass the digestive system. B-12 may not be absorbed well though the digestive system in all cases.

    WordPress Domination: from Beginner to Ninja in 7 Days

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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Dr. Young is amazing! You gotta check out his stuff: pH Miracle Living

    Tony Robbins based his whole health seminars around Roberts teachings. Its pretty cool to see your own healthy blood under a microscope compared to others blood who think they eat a healthy lifestyle. Their blood looks no different than those with cancer. Pretty amazing stuff.

    I used to have my own training business when I was 250lbs and then got busy with life, new career, new family, so I stopped training. I am about to get back into it. But it is not hard to gain muscle eating this way. I did a little experiment a few years ago. I was around 165lbs and trained without adding any extra protein or no more than maybe 100 extra calories to my diet. So I wa probably eating around 1,000-1,400 calories a day. Now understand that I have been certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Apex certified also. So we were taught that I would need at least 2,500-3,000 calories if I wanted to gain any muscle mass. Well, I gained about 25lbs of muscle in 45 days at this low caloric intake of water rich foods!

    Bottom line: a calorie is not created equal. People always ask things like where do you get your protein. But you have to remember that this is what they have been trained to ask. Who do you think did that? Food pyramids, teachers, doctors, TV, etc. But ask yourself where does a cow get its protein? from eating other cows right? from drinking its milk? from protein shakes right? lol..... it gets it from the grass. So we are eating cows to get the nutrients that it got from the grass? Just cut out the middle man and get it from the source.

    I probably opened a door to a huge debate ;-)
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    • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
      Originally Posted by Franco Mocke View Post

      In any case many seeds and plants have more protein per weight than meat. The only reason why people eat meat is because it "tastes" good according to them. I hate the smell or taste of meat so don't know where they all learned it! It's a shame humanity has to kill millions of animals each year to compliment their luxurious lifes
      lol... if they only knew why it tastes good to them. They need to try some kosher meat. Meat that has not been tenderized, bleached, and other things ,I dont know if I can use that language in here? I will just say Uric acid. That is the flavor they like.
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    • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
      If there is any question of the muscle building potential of a
      vegetarian diet, I refer you to Bill Pearl, 4 time Mr. Universe in
      the 1960s and still going strong and still an advocate for
      a vegetal diet.

      And, no, Alexa, I'm not currently Vegan. I've been vegetarian
      for about 15 years with stints of veganism and raw food.

      B12 I get from light supplementation. When you don't eat meat
      you need a lot less of it actually, and the phenomenon of
      b12 deficiency in vegetarians has been blown out of proportion.

      I don't take a lot of supplements. A lot of the supplement
      stuff is hype. If you eat a whole foods diet you mostly don't
      need 'em. People who eat crappy food and carry around
      a lot of toxins lodged in fat cells often find supplements help
      them feel better. Start flushing out the toxins and the need
      for supplements, and stimulants, disappears.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    You can make anything taste like meat if you really want to. We use crushed almonds in our brown rice pasta dishes and it tastes like a combo of ground beef and Parmesan cheese.

    We also do whole wheat and sometimes corn pizza's using either almond cheese or soy cheese. We sometimes even add a topping of tofurki which is like a spicy tofu type meat. We had a few parties where we used tofu taco meat and tofurki. We didnt tell anyone it was tofu and they all thought it was real meat. they said it was the best dishes they have ever tasted.

    If you live in LA go to: real food daily or native foods

    or north cali, go to cafe gratitude or herbivore

    you will be amazed at the dishes you eat.

    But be warned that if you order a raw dish called pizza or something, that its not gonna taste like pizza. I suggest you start with cooked vegan food first. Then try raw.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Here is a list of famous vegetarians and vegan I found from Famous Vegetarians - Vegan Celebrities - by HappyCow

    Abdul Kalam Dr., President of India and Space Scientist - info
    Abdullah Ã-calan, Kurdish militant leader - info
    Abraham Lincoln, former President of the United States - info
    AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, founder of ISKCON/Hare Krishna - info
    Adam Ant, musician - info
    Adam Carson, drummer of AFI - info
    Adam Russell, bassist of Story of the Year, vegan - info
    Adriana Karembeu, model - info
    Adriano Celentano, singer - info
    Ahmet Zappa, musician and actor - info
    Alan Donohue, singer of British rock band The Rakes, vegan - info
    Alan Ford, actor, British - info
    Alan Park, comedian, Canadian TV Personality, vegan - info
    Alanis Morissette, singer, vegan - info
    Albert Einstein, renowned scientist - info
    Albert Schweitzer, theologian, philosopher, and physician - info
    Alexandra Paul, actress and environmental activist - info
    Alex Greenwald, actor, musician, vegan - info
    Alice Walker, poet and writer - info
    Alicia Silverstone, actress, vegan - info
    Alison Lohman, actress - info
    Allen Ginsberg, poet - info
    Ally Sheedy, actress - info
    Alyssa Milano, actress, vegan - info
    Amber Benson, actress - info
    Amber Valetta, model and actress - info
    Amitabh Bachchan, Indian celebrity superstar - info
    Amy Ray, musician from Indigo Girls - info
    Andre Tonelli, musician and instrumental guitarist, vegan - info
    Andre 3000 Benjamin, musician from OutKast, vegan - info
    Andrew G, actor, vegan - info
    Andrew (Whitey) White, musician and guitarist of Kaiser Chiefs - info
    Andy Dick, comedian and actor - info
    Andy Hurley, musician and drummer of Fall Out Boy, vegan - info
    Andy Serkis, actor - info
    Angela Bassett, actress - info
    Angie Everhart, model and actress - info
    Anna Paquin, actress and Oscar winner of The Piano - info
    Annalise Braakensiek, model - info
    Anne Hathaway, actress - info
    Anoushka Shankar, musician and sitar virtuoso, vegan - info
    Antoni Gaudí, architect - info
    Anthony Grayling, writer and columnist - info
    Anthony Kiedis, singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, vegan - info
    Anthony Perkins, actor - info
    Anthony Rapp, actor, vegan - info
    Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, actor (fictional) of Simpsons, vegan - info
    Ariana Huffington, writer and polictical activist - info
    Aristotle, Greek philosopher - info
    Ashley Judd, actress - info
    Avril Lavigne, singer and musician - info
    Axella Johannesson, folk musician - info
    Barbara Bouchet, actress - info
    Barry White, musician, vegan - info
    Beatrice Wood, artist - info
    Belinda Carlisle, singer of the Go-Go's - info
    Benjamin Spock, M.D., pediatrician, vegan - info
    Benjamin Zephaniah, performance poet and author, vegan - info
    Benji Madden, musician and guitarist of Good Charlotte - info
    Berkeley Breathed, cartoonist - info
    Bernadette Peters, actress - info
    Bif Naked, punk rocker, vegan - info
    Bill Pearl, bodybuilder - info
    Bill Walton, NBA All-Star basketball player - info
    Billie Jean King, tennis player - info
    Billie Joe Armstrong, musician and singer of Greenday - info
    Billy Idol, musician - info
    Billy Martin, rock musician of Good Charlotte - info
    Billy West, voice actor, vegan - info
    Bob Barker, US TV show host - info
    Bobby Rock, musician and drummer - info
    Bobcat Goldthwait, comedian actor - info
    Bonnie Raitt, musician and singer - info
    Boy George, singer - info
    Brad Pitt, actor - info
    Brandon Barnes, musician of Rise Against - info
    Brandon Boyd, musician of rock band Incubus - info
    Brandy, R&B artist and singer - info
    Brendon Urie, lead singer of Panic! at the Disco - info
    Brian Bell, musician of Weezer, vegan - info
    Brian Fair, singer of Shadows Fall - info
    Brian Greene, theoretical physicist, vegan - info
    Brian May, musician ex-Queen - info
    Brigitte Bardot, French actress - info
    Brooke Shields, actress - info
    Bryan Adams, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Bryce Dallas Howard, actress - info
    Buddha, Indian Saint and Spiritual Master - info
    Candice Bergen, actress - info
    Captain Sensible, musician of The Damned - info
    Carmen Miranda, Brazilian bombshell - info
    Carole Bouquet, French actress - info
    Carrie Underwood, country singer - info
    Carrie Anne Moss, actress in Matrix trilogy, vegan - info
    Casey Affleck, actor, vegan - info
    Casey Kasem, US radio host, vegan - info
    Catherine Spaak, actress - info
    Cathy Guisewaite, writer of the comic CATHY - info
    Cedric Bixler-Zavala, singer of The Mars Volta, vegan - info
    Cesar Chavez, United Farm Workers union organizer - info
    Chantal Coutier, makeup artist - info
    Charles Darwin, renowned scientist - info
    Charlie Heather, musician and drummer of Levellers - info
    Charlie Watts, musician and drummer of Rolling Stones - info
    Charlotte Bronte, novelist - info
    Charlotte Laws, author, actress - info
    Charlotte Ross, actress - info
    Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton - info
    Chia Collins, founder and COO of Lightlife Foods vegetarian products - info
    Chris Evans, actor from Cellular and Fantastic Four - info
    Chris Evert, American tennis legend - info
    Chris Head, musician and guitarist of Anti-Flag - info
    Chris Martin, lead singer and musician of Coldplay - info
    Chris No2, musician and bassist of Anti-Flag - info
    Chris Pontius, actor on MTV - info
    Chris Walla, guitarist of Death Cab for Cutie - info
    Chrissie Hynde, rock singer, vegan - info
    Christian Bale, actor - info
    Christie Brinkley, model - info
    Christina Applegate, actress - info
    Christopher Amott, musician of Arch Enemy - info
    Christopher Hills Dr., doctor who popularized microalgaes - info
    Christy Turlington, supermodel - info
    Cicely Tyson, actress - info
    Cillian Murphy, Irish actor - info
    Cindy Jackson, cosmetic surgery pioneer and author - info
    Claudia Cardinale, Italian film star - info
    Claudia Schiffer, supermodel - info
    Clint Walker, actor - info
    Coretta Scott King, activist and wife of Martin Luther King Jr., vegan - info
    Corey Feldman, actor - info
    Crispian Mills, rock musician - info
    Dalip Singh Rana, aka "Great Khali", professional Indian wrestler - info
    Daman Albarn, singer for Blur - info
    Dan Piraro, cartoonist, vegan - info
    Dana Daurey, actress - info
    Daniel Johns, musician of Silverchair, vegan - info
    Daniel Kessler, musician and guitarist of Interpol - info
    Daniel Negreanu, professional poker player, vegan - info
    Daniela Sea, musician and actor, vegan - info
    Danny Garcia, professional skateboarder - info
    Danny Nova, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Darren Boyd, actor, vegan - info
    Dario Argento, writer, vegan - info
    Daryl Hannah, actress and environmental activist, vegan - info
    Dave Gorman, Comedian - info
    Davey Havok, singer of AFI, vegan - info
    David Johansenn, singer - info
    Dean Ornish MD, doctor and author of The Life Choice Diet - info
    Deepak Chopra, author and doctor - info
    Dennis Kucinich, politician, vegan - info
    Dennis Weaver, TV actor - info
    Diane Keaton, actress - info
    Diane Warren, songwriter - info
    Dick Gregory, comedian and civil rights activist - info
    Dick Lucas, musician of Subhumans - info
    Diogenes, Greek philosopher - info
    Dirk Bach, German actor and comedian - info
    Dizzie Gillespie, famed jazz musician - info
    Doctah B Sirius, music producer and natural health researcher - info
    Doris Day, actress - info
    Dustin Hoffman, actor - info
    Dyan Canyon, actress - info
    Ed Asner, actor and rights activist - info
    Ed Templeton, professional skateboarder, vegan - info
    Eddie Jackson, musician of Queensryche - info
    Eddie Lama, film maker - info
    Eddie Vedder, singer and songwriter of Pearl Jam - info
    Edward Furlong, actor - info
    Edwin Moses, athlete - info
    Elijah Wood, actor, vegan - info
    Elizabeth Berkley, actress - info
    Ellen Degeneres, TV personality, vegan - info
    Elvira Mistress of the Dark, actress - info
    Emily Deschanel, actress, vegan - info
    Emilie Autumn, musician, vegan - info
    Emily Dickinson, writer and poet - info
    Emmylou Harris, singer - info
    Epicurus, Greek philosopher - info
    Eric Johnson, guitarist - info
    Eric Roberts, actor, vegan - info
    Eric Stoltz, actor - info
    Erykah Badu, R&B singer, vegan - info
    Fat Mike, musician from NOFX - info
    Fiona Apple, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Fiona Oakes, athlete, ex-Olympian, vegan - info
    Forest Whitaker, actor - info
    Forrest Kline, vocalist and guitarist for Hellogoodbye, vegan - info
    Francis Lalanne, French singer - info
    Frank Iero, musician of My Chemical Romance - info
    Frank Marino, entertainer and drag queen - info
    Franz Kafka, Jewish writer - info
    Fred Mascherino, musician of Taking Back Sunday, vegan - info
    Fred Schneider, musician of B-52's - info
    Gabe Saporta, singer and lyricist of Cobra Starship, vegan - info
    Gabrielle Miller, actress, vegan - info
    Gandhi, Hindu spiritual leader - info
    Gavin Rossdale, singer of BUSH - info
    Geoff Rickly, singer of Thursday - info
    Geoff Rowley, professional skateboarder, vegan - info
    Geoffe Tate, singer of Queensryche - info
    George Harrison, musician of the Beatles - info
    George Bernard Shaw, writer - info
    Georges Laraque, NHL player, vegan - info
    Gianni Morandi, Italian musician - info
    Gillian Anderson, actress - info
    Gina Lee Nolin, actress - info
    Ginnifer Goodwin, actress, vegan - info
    Gloria Swanson, actress - info
    Grace Slick, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Grant Morrison, Scottish comic book writer - info
    Greg Cipes, actor and musician, vegan - info
    Greg German, actor - info
    Gregory Smith, Child Prodigy - info
    Gustave Flaubert, French novelist - info
    H.G. Wells, English writer - info
    Harriet Beecher Stowe, writer - info
    Hayden Panettiere, actress - info
    Hayley Mills, actress - info
    Heather Mills, model, celebrity, and activist, vegan - info
    Heather McAdams, author, cartoonist - info
    Heather Small, singer, vegan - info
    Helen and Scott Nearing, authors of The Good Life - info
    Henry David Thoreau, poet and writer - info
    Howard Lyman, former cattle rancher turned activist and author , vegan - info
    Huey Freeman, fictional cartoon character, vegan - info
    Hunter Burgan, musician and bassist of AFI, vegan - info
    Ian MacKaye, musician, vegan - info
    Ian McKellan, British actor from Lord of the Rings - info
    Immanuel Kant, philosopher - info
    India Arie, singer and songwriter - info
    Ingrid Newkirk, animal rights activist, vegan - info
    Ira Glass, NPR's This American Life - info
    Isa Chandra Moskowitz, punk rocker and vegan cookbook author , vegan - info
    Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel Prize winner - info
    Issa, musician from Good Clean Fun - info
    Jack Johnson, singer - info
    Jade Puget, guitarist of AFI - info
    James Cromwell, actor and animal rights advocate, vegan - info
    Jamie Kennedy, comedian and actor - info
    Jamie Lee Curtis, actress - info
    Jane Goodall, primatologist, educator, and animal rights advocate - info
    Jane Wiedlin, musician of the Go-Go's - info
    Jared Leto, actor and singer of 30 Seconds to Mars - info
    Jason Mraz, singer, vegan - info
    Jay Kordich, aka the Juiceman raw foodist - info
    JD Fortune, singer of INXS - info
    JD Salinger, American novelist - info
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, philosopher - info
    Jeff Beck, guitarist - info
    Jenna Jameson, porn actress - info
    Jenny Lewis, singer and composer for Rilo Kiley - info
    Jenny Seagrove, actress - info
    Jeph Howard, musician and bassist for The Used - info
    Jeremy Cunningham, musician and bassist of Levellers - info
    Jesse Malin, rock musician - info
    Jesus Christ, Christian saint and mystic - info
    Jiddu Krishnamurti, spiritual teacher Eastern Indian - info
    Joan Armatrading, singer - info
    Jim James, singer - info
    Jim Carrey, actor, stand-up comedian - info
    Joan Baez, American folk singer - info
    Joan Jett, punk rock musician and singer, vegan - info
    Joanne Rose, actor, vegan - info
    Joaquin Phoenix, actor, vegan - info
    Joe Principe, musician of Rise Against - info
    Joel, musician of Good Charlotte - info
    John Abraham, actor Bollywood - info
    John Cleese, British actor and comedian of Monty Python - info
    John Maxwell Coetzee, author/novelist - info
    John Feldmann, musician of Goldfinger, vegan - info
    John Lennon, Beatles singer and songwriter - info
    John McDougall Dr., physician and author - info
    John Melton, writer and politician - info
    John Norris, MTV personality - info
    John Peel, British DJ, vegan - info
    John Robbins, activist and author, vegan - info
    John Robb, musician and actor, vegan - info
    John Tesh, TV personality/host - info
    John Salley, NBA Champion, vegan - info
    Johnny Cash, country musician - info
    Johnny Marr, guitarist - info
    Jon Anderson, musician of Yes - info
    Jon Sevink, musician fiddle player of Levellers - info
    Jonathan Richman, musician and singer, vegan - info
    Jonathan Taylor Thomas, actor - info
    Jorja Fox, actress, vegan - info
    Joss Stone, British musician - info
    Jovanotti (Lorenzo Cherubini), Italian singer/rapper - info
    Julianna Margulies, actress - info
    Julie Christie, English actress - info
    Justin Sane, singer of Anti-Flag - info
    Kal Penn, actor - info
    K D Lang, singer, vegan - info
    Kate Bush, singer and songwriter - info
    Kate Winslet, actress - info
    Kathy Johnson, gymnast - info
    Keenan Ivory Wayans, actor and comedian - info
    Kelly Clarkson, pop singer - info
    Kelly Osbourne, daughter of Ozzy Osbourne - info
    Kenneth KB Charman, musician of Nonpoint - info
    Kevin Eubanks, musician of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno - info
    Kevin Nealon, comedian and actor, vegan - info
    Killer Kowalski, professional wrestler - info
    Kim Basinger, actress - info
    Kirk Hammett, musician and guitarist of Metallica - info
    Krist Novoselic, musician, bassist for Nirvana - info
    Kirsten Johnson, actress - info
    Kristen Bell, actress - info
    KRS-One, musician Boogey Down Productions rapper - info
    Kurt Halsey, artist, vegan - info
    Kyle Vincent, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Lady Bunny, entertainer and drag queen - info
    Larry Hagman, actor - info
    Larry Mullen Jr, musician of U2 - info
    LaToya Jackson, sister of Michael Jackson - info
    Laura Nashman, musician - info
    Lauren Bush, niece of George W. Bush - info
    Leilani Munter, female race car driver - info
    Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer and philosopher - info
    Leonard Cohen, singer and songwriter - info
    Leonardo Da Vinci, Italian painter and inventor, vegan - info
    Leona Lewis, British Popstar - info
    Linda Blair, actress, vegan - info
    Linda Carter, actress known as Wonder Woman - info
    Linda McCartney, cookbook author and wife of Paul McCartney - info
    Lindsay Wagner, actress - info
    Lisa Bonet, actress - info
    Lisa Edelstein, actress - info
    Lisa Simpson, fictional cartoon character - info
    Liv Tyler, actress/model, vegan - info
    Lord Byron, writer - info
    Lori Petty, actress, vegan - info
    Louisa May Alcott, American writer - info
    Louise Burns, musician of Lillix - info
    Luke Cummo, contender in UFC Ultimate Fighter, vegan - info
    Lynda Stoner, actress, animal rights activist, vegan - info
    Ma'ari Abul Ala'a al, Arabian poet - info
    Mac Danzig, athlete, vegan - info
    Marc Lavoine, French singer - info
    Marcus Patrick, actor - info
    Marcus Schankenberg, supermodel - info
    Margi Coleman, singer and producer - info
    Maria Rosaria Omaggio, Italian actress - info
    Mariana Tosca, actress and activist, vegan - info
    Marilu Henner, actress and author - info
    Mark Millar, Scottish comic book writer - info
    Mark Twain, renowned American writer - info
    Martha Plimpton, actress - info
    Martin Shaw, actor, vegan - info
    Marty Feldman, actor and comedian - info
    Marv Levy, football coach - info
    Mary Shelley, novelist - info
    Mary Tyler Moore, actress - info
    Masami Akita, musician, vegan - info
    Matthew Scully, conservative political speechwriter and author - info
    Maurice Maeterlinck, writer - info
    Melanie Griffith, actress - info
    Melissa Etheridge, musician, singer and songwriter - info
    Meredith Baxter, singer - info
    Michael Amott, musician and guitarist of Arch Enemys - info
    Michael Bolton, singer and songwriter - info
    Michael Eisner, entertainment businessman and former Disney CEO - info
    Michael Franks, jazz musician - info
    Michael Franti, singer of Spearhead, vegan - info
    Michael Jackson, singer and The King of Pop - info
    Michael Guy Chislett, musician, of The Academy Is... - info
    Michael "Mickey" Madden, bassist for Maroon 5, vegan - info
    Michel Sardou, French singer - info
    Michelle Forbes, actress - info
    Mike Farrell, actor - info
    Mike Gordon, musician and bass player of Phish - info
    Mike Ness, musician, Social Distortion - info
    Milo Ventimiglia, actor - info
    Mireille Darc, French singer and actress - info
    Missy Higgins, Australian singer and songwriter - info
    Moby, musician and co-author, vegan - info
    Montserrat Caballe, Spainsh opera singer - info
    Morrissey, singer, vegan - info
    Mr.(Fred) Rogers, TV personality/host and educator - info
    Mr. Spock, fictional TV character of Star Trek - info
    Naomi Watts, actress - info
    Nastassja Kinski, actress - info
    Natalie Merchant, songwriter and singer of 10000 Maniacs - info
    Natalie Portman, actress - info
    Nathalie Baye, French actress - info
    Nellie McKay, actress, singer and songwriter, vegan - info
    Nelly, rap musician - info
    Nick Rhodes, musician of Duran Duran - info
    Nico, model, actress - info
    Nicole Lapin, Journalist, CNN Anchor, vegan - info
    Nikola Tesla, physicist and inventor - info
    Nina Hagen, German punk rock singer - info
    Noah Wyle and his wife Tracy, actor - info
    Nolwenn Leroy, French singer - info
    Norman Walker, doctor and longest lived raw foodist - info
    Ocean, Indie musician and singer, vegan - info
    Oleg Cassini, designer - info
    Oliver Stone, American film director - info
    Olivia Newton John, Australian singer and songwriter - info
    Omar Epps, actor - info
    Omar Hakim, singer, writer. and drummer - info
    Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, musician of The Mars Volta, vegan - info
    Orlando Bloom, actor - info
    Orlando Jones, actor - info
    Ornella Muti, Italian actress - info
    Owain Yeoman, actor - info
    Pamela Anderson, actress - info
    Pamelyn Ferdin, actress and voice in Charlotte's Web, vegan - info
    Paramahansa Yogananda, spiritual teacher and yogi from East India - info
    Pat Neshek, professional baseball player, vegan - info
    Pat Thetic, musician and drummer of Anti-Flag, vegan - info
    Patrick Bauchau, actor - info
    Patrick Flanagan, childhood genius and scientist - info
    Patrick McDonnell, cartoonist and creator of Mutts - info
    Paul McCartney, musician, singer and songwriter, Beatles guitarist - info
    Pauly Shore, comedian and actor - info
    Percy Bysshe Shelley, writer - info
    Persia White, singer and actress, vegan - info
    Peter Gabriel, singer and songwriter - info
    Peter Max, artist - info
    Peter Sellers, actor and comedian - info
    Petra Nemcova, model - info
    Philip Collen, musician, guitarist of Def Leppard - info
    Phil Lesh, musician and bass player of The Grateful Dead - info
    Phil Ramone, record producer - info
    Phylicia Rashad, actress - info
    Pierce Brosnan, actor - info
    Pink, American pop singer - info
    PJ Harvey, musician, singer and songwriter - info
    Plato, Greek philosopher and student of Socrates - info
    Plutarch, Greek philosopher - info
    Poly Styrene(Marion Elliot), musician of punk rock band X-ray Spex - info
    Porphyry, Greek philosopher - info
    Portia de Rossi, actress, vegan - info
    Prince, musician, singer and songwriter - info
    Prince Fielder, professional baseball player - info
    Propagandhi Band, political punk rock band Ã- all members, vegan - info
    Pythagoras of Samos, Greek mathematician of Pythagorean Theorem - info
    Quinn Allman, musician ot The Used, vegan - info
    Rabindranath Tagore, Eastern Indian philosopher - info
    Radha Mitchell, actress - info
    Raffi, musician childrens tunes - info
    Rainer Maria Rilke, writer - info
    Raja Bell, NBA athelete - info
    Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and poet - info
    Ramana Maharshi, Indian Saint and Spirtual Master - info
    Richard Thompson, musician and songwriter - info
    Richie Havens, musician - info
    Rick Allen, musician, drummer of Def Leppard - info
    Ricki Lake, TV personality and actress - info
    Ricky Williams, professional football player - info
    Rider Strong, actor - info
    Rikki Rocket, musician and drummer of Poison, vegan - info
    Ringo Starr, musician and drummer of Beatles - info
    Rita Moreno, actress - info
    River Phoenix, actor, vegan - info
    Rivers Cuomo, singer of Weezer - info
    Rob Zombie, musician and film director - info
    Rob Bigwood, Pro Arm-wrestler, vegan - info
    Robert Redford, actor and film producer - info
    Robert Smith, lead singer of The Cure - info
    Robin Gibb, musician of Bee Gees, vegan - info
    Rosa Parks, civil rights activist - info
    Ru Paul, entertainer, drag queen, and activist - info
    Ruben Studdard, American Idol singer - info
    Russel Simmons, music producer and co-founder Def Records - info
    Russell Brand, actor - info
    RZA, musician and producer of The Wu-Tang Clan - info
    Sade Adu, singer - info
    Sadie Frost, ex-wife of Jude Law (formerly vegetarian) - info
    Saint Angela Merici Saint - info
    Saint David, Christian Welsh Saint, vegan - info
    Saint Francesco d'Assisi, Saint - info
    Salim Stoudamire, vegan, athelete - info
    Samantha Eggar, actress - info
    Samuel L. Jackson, actor - info
    Sandra Bernhardt, comedian and actress - info
    Sandra Oh, actress - info
    Sant Kirpal Singh Ji, Indian Saint and mystic - info
    Sarahbeth Purcell, author - info
    Sarah Connor, fictional character from Terminator film - info
    Saul Williams, vegan, musician - info
    Scott Adams, cartoonist and creator of 'dilbert' - info
    Scott Jurek, athlete, vegan - info
    Scott Westerfeld, author - info
    Seal, singer and songwriter - info
    Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, actor - info
    Sean Conant, actor, vegan - info
    Sean Lennon, musician and son of Yoko and John Lennon - info
    Seba Johnson, Olympian, actress, and writer, vegan - info
    Serenity, actress and porn star - info
    Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere, Dr., founder of Universal Great Brotherhood - info
    Serj Tankian, musician of System of a Down - info
    Shane MacGowan, singer of The Pogues - info
    Shane Sweet, actor, vegan - info
    Shane Told, musician of Silverstein, vegan - info
    Shania Twain, Canadian country singer - info
    Shannon Elizabeth, actress - info
    Sinead O'Connor, Irish singer, vegan - info
    Sir Isaac Newton, physicist - info
    Sir Stafford Cripps, British statesman - info
    Sky Valencia, model and founder of Vegan Vixens - info
    Socrates, Greek philsopher - info
    Sonya Fitzpatrick, aka the Pet Psychic - info
    Sophie Monk, Australian singer and actress - info
    Spice Williams-Crosby, actress and stunt performer - info
    Spike Milligan, comedian - info
    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Spriritual leader - info
    Stella McCartney, designer and daughter of Paul McCartney - info
    Steve Bellamy, tennis coach and founder of The Tennis Channel - info
    Steve Freund, Blues musician - info
    Steve Howe, musician - info
    Steve Kilbey, singer and lyricist of The Church, vegan - info
    Steve Perry, musician - info
    Steve Vai, musician - info
    Steve-O, Stunt performer & tv personality, vegan - info, musician of Dead Prez , vegan - info
    Sue Coe, New York City artist - info
    Summer Phoenix, actress, vegan - info
    Superman/Clark Kent, fictional superhero - info
    Supreme Master Ching Hai, Spiritual leader, vegan - info
    Susan St. James, actress - info
    Susan B. Anthony, women's suffrage pinoeer - info
    Suzanne Vega, singer and songwriter - info
    Sydne Rome, actress - info
    Taran Noah Smith, actor - info
    Ted Leo, musician, vegan - info
    Terry Geezer Butler, musician of Ozzy Osbourne Band, vegan - info
    The Roots, all veg band - info
    Thom Yorke, singer of Radiohead, vegan - info
    Thomas Alva Edison, renowned inventor - info
    Thomas Dekker, actor, vegan - info
    Thora Birch, actress - info
    Tim Butler, musician of Psychedelic Furs - info
    Tim Commerford, musician of Rage Against the Machine, vegan - info
    Tim McIlrath, musician of Rise Against, vegan - info
    Tobey Maguire, actor, vegan - info
    Todd Oldham, American fashion designer - info
    Tom Lenk, TV actor of buffy vampire slayer villian - info
    Tom Gabel, singer, Against Me!, vegan - info
    Tom Morello, activist and guitarist of Rage Against The Machine - info
    Tom Scholz, musician and guitarist for Boston - info
    Tommy Lee, musician of Mötley Crüe - info
    Tony Gonzales, NFL Star, vegan - info
    Tony LaRussa, baseball - info
    Tony Levin, musician - info
    Tracy Chapman, singer and songwriter - info
    Travis Barker, muscian and drummer of Blink 182 - info
    Tyrone Willingham, football coach of Notre Dame - info
    Uri Geller, actor and trick performer - info
    Valerie Harper, actress - info
    Valerie Kaprisky, actress - info
    Vanessa Lengies, actress, vegan - info
    Vanessa A. Williams, actress and dancer, vegan - info
    Vanna White, actress and TV personality - info
    Venkatesh Prasad, Cricketer - info
    Victoria Moran, author, vegan - info
    Ville Valo, singer - info
    Vincent van Gogh, Dutch Post-Impressionist artist - info
    Voltaire, French writer and philosopher - info
    Wayne Static, singer of the metal group Static-X - info
    Weird Al Yankovic, comedian and musician, vegan - info
    Wendy Malick, actress of Just Shoot Me - info
    Wendy O'Williams, singer of Plasmatics - info
    Wendy Turner, artist - info
    Willem Dafoe, actor - info
    William Blake, writer - info
    William Clay Ford Jr., CEO of Ford Motor company - info
    Wolfgang Peterson, director - info
    Woody Harrelson, actor and environmental activist, vegan - info
    Yasmin Le Bon, supermodel - info
    Yoko Ono, artist and wife of Beatles John Lennon - info
    Zach Blair, musician of Rise Against - info
    Zearle, hip hop artist and poet - info
    Zooey Deschanel, actress, musician, singer, vegan - info
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1395579].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dr Dan
    Great resources and videos:

    Earthlings Movie: Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix from Gladiator. goes into graphic detail on food industry, circuses, fur, etc.

    Very graphic and shows you how your meat is really prepared. Narrated by Alex Baldwin: // Cruelty to Animals: Mechanized Madness

    My kids love this cartoon: The Meatrix Films
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1395626].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
    Hey Rawarriors!

    Great to hear people are conscious and lovin' it.

    I have been mostly veggie for 20 years, and sometimes vegan, and more recently quite raw. I love gourmet raw food. It's the best!

    I am a smoothie and superfood lover too!

    Goji, cacao, carob, pollen and avocado are my staples.

    Keep up the raw spirit.


    Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396089].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author JodyRossDeane
    BTW i have a blog. Would love your feedback.

    The Art of Living Blog.Com


    Get Hyper-Targeted Instagram Followers and Start Banking Big!:-
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396098].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author davidjames42973
      Interesting topic. I am a carnivore myself, but enjoy reading things like this.

      Somebody posted that they go on junk food kicks and was asking how to avoid them? Try getting some protein in your blood stream. You can easily do this with protein shakes. The cravings for junk food will most likely go away.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396112].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        Originally Posted by davidjames42973 View Post

        Interesting topic. I am a carnivore myself, but enjoy reading things like this.

        Somebody posted that they go on junk food kicks and was asking how to avoid them? Try getting some protein in your blood stream. You can easily do this with protein shakes. The cravings for junk food will most likely go away.

        It's good to know you're open-minded. Most people aren't - which is
        why they cling to their habits and end up broke and sick.

        I don't know about consuming protein as a cure for junk food
        cravings. Are nuts junk food? Depends on whether they are
        salted I reckon - and if you really get into it nuts should be
        got in the shell and cracked up when you are going to eat them...
        plus stored in the freezer because they go rancid.

        Anyway, from my pot-smoking days I learned that "the munchies"
        is really an oxygen issue. Breathe more air and the munchies,
        which are typically associated with junk food, which tends to
        be carb and sugar-loaded, go away.

        I've discovered an esoteric pattern-interrupt in my own
        nervous system that helps me supress salivation and
        munchies brought on by smelling food I don't want to eat.

        If you're diabetic or something that's another issue.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396522].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Deegan
    Awesome thread. I went 14 days completely raw and felt amazing. I have an auto immune disease and it helped quite abit. I switched back to 70%+ raw diet...the rest being vegan and my health is not as good as when I was fully raw, but I am finding it hard to go fully raw again. I can do mostly raw + vegan no problem, but I find my self being disappointed in my self that I am not fully raw.

    In general I know I should be proud of my self as I was meat eater just about 2 months ago...after 14 days raw, going vegan was super easy...Hopefully I'll try to go raw again for another 14 days or a month this time.

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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1396166].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chris Faraday
    Vegan staples like wheat, soy, corn & yeast are highly controversial & inflammatory
    On the other hand - strict raw foodist often suffer from a failure to thrive unless they balance things just right (very rare) and have a strong gut. (blood type O's)
    To much fat, too much sugar, too much fat & sugar.

    I am now back on oat groats, soaked & sprouted or low heat cooked and feeling strong.

    I'm mostly vegan (occasional salmon), mostly raw, blend all the time, use low heat, seaweeds, aloe & superfoods. But, I don't juice, fast or cleanse at all. This is my next evolution. Allays open / allways learning.

    Robert Young is a legend. His "phour salts" should be in every home.
    Just buy it, but only use 1/4 of what they recommend.

    David Wolfe however, takes it to another level.
    mushrooms are the most profound immune builders on the planet. Reishi, maitake, ****ake, lions mane. His big thing.

    Get into superfoods, but don't break the bank. Some are miraculous, some are overhyped, overpriced & overated, some are useless and every manufacturer is different check out www ultimate superfoods com www sun star organics com

    I suggest learning about (HAM) Hydration, alkalinity & minerals to start.
    We are the minority, but you saw the list of stars - they have the best information.
    We all want to look good, stay young and be strong.

    Mothers are open to this information as it effects their children.
    and -
    Friends don't let friends microwave baby food : )

    Super-Conscious Affiliate

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1405311].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    Great to see that my thread is alive and many warrios are joining in this discussion.
    Very soon will be 2 years how my family is on raw food diet. And you know... we don't want to coping back to regular food. Really, we like our style. A lot!!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1538873].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author nturgeon
    I recently purchased a book called The Thrive Diet by Brendan Brazier. He is a Ironman Triathlete and eats a 100% plant-based diet. He talks about how some foods create nutritional stress and other foods can eliminate it. It's very interesting so far and I will try eating this way once I'm done reading the book. I am a very active girl and was concerned about lack of protein, etc but his book has cleared things up for me. I look forward to trying this out. It's an expensive way to eat but I'd rather spend my money on healthy foods vs pharmacies, hospitals and doctor's offices!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1547214].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author maksym
      Originally Posted by nturgeon View Post

      I recently purchased a book called The Thrive Diet by Brendan Brazier. He is a Ironman Triathlete and eats a 100% plant-based diet. He talks about how some foods create nutritional stress and other foods can eliminate it. It's very interesting so far and I will try eating this way once I'm done reading the book. I am a very active girl and was concerned about lack of protein, etc but his book has cleared things up for me. I look forward to trying this out. It's an expensive way to eat but I'd rather spend my money on healthy foods vs pharmacies, hospitals and doctor's offices!
      I will disagree here about that raw food is expensive one. Yes... it will be a little bit at the beginning. But then... trust me... I am eating right now nearly 3-4 times less then it was before.
      Also... look how much is meat. Expensive right? For example, here it is nearly 7-10usd per kg. For that amount of money, I can buy 5-8 kg of bananas, or 20-30kg of apples, or even in winter time - 4-6kg of tomatoes.

      And in summer time... oh... it is so cheap!!!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1548845].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        Unless you're eating subsidized food (McDonald's meat prices
        are subsidized to keep poor families buying there because
        it's cheaper than buying vegetables - film: "Food, Inc.") then
        the truth is that eating meat 1 or more times per day, which
        is a common S.A.D. (standard American diet) habit, is
        more costly than eating vegetables.

        In a non-subsidized meat-industry flesh foods will always
        cost more than vegetal foods.

        I've been a vegetarian for 15 years. I am trim, energetic,
        sharp-witted, physically strong for my weight, and I can
        hold my liquor.

        I also don't eat a lot of food most of the time. Occasionally,
        when my body wants it, I'll go on binges and eat a lot of
        calories... so while I function often on less food than some
        people, I can put it away when I need to.

        In my experience, the more you stick to whole foods in their
        purest form the more easily you'll know when to stop eating.
        At my inlaw's over the holidays this year I had a lot of food
        available... even though they eat flesh there was plenty of
        vegetables.... even so, I was crazy for nuts most of the time
        I was there. My body wanted nuts, so I was eating them.
        Normally eating a lot of nuts is asking for difficulties, because
        they are a little challenging to digest, but in this case I went
        whole-hog with no problems. After a couple of days the nut-
        cravings abated.

        Ben Franklin famously went vegetarian to save money - he
        figured-out how much eating meat was costing him as a youth
        and since he was familiar with the idea and literary evidence
        of high-functioning vegetarians, he adopted the practice
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1549032].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author nturgeon
        Originally Posted by maksym View Post

        I will disagree here about that raw food is expensive one. Yes... it will be a little bit at the beginning. But then... trust me... I am eating right now nearly 3-4 times less then it was before.
        Also... look how much is meat. Expensive right? For example, here it is nearly 7-10usd per kg. For that amount of money, I can buy 5-8 kg of bananas, or 20-30kg of apples, or even in winter time - 4-6kg of tomatoes.

        And in summer time... oh... it is so cheap!!!

        Yes, I meant in the beginning the cost will be higher than normal as he uses natural ingredients in his recipes. These ingredients are harder to find and more expensive where I am. Once I purchase the "base" ingredients, my grocery bill will normalize
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  • Profile picture of the author .X.
    I've been on and off raw for about 5
    years now.

    My longest 100% stretch was 9 months -
    (well, probably 99.5% raw with the
    occasional bad decision).

    My wife and I have experimented with
    probably a dozen diets, mainly for
    mental clarity and energy benefits
    and it's raw hands-down.

    More recently I tried Dr. Graham's
    80-10-10 and that was even a
    quantum leap in the raw realm - he
    doesn't believe in fatty raw foods
    like avacado and nuts, or anything
    dehydrated and I have to say after
    a week I could really feel how those
    foods bogged me down.

    Should be noted on that diet I was
    also working out with a fitness
    trainer and lost 12lbs of fat and
    gained 6 lbs of muscle in 6 weeks,
    (would love to keep that up for
    about 30 weeks) so the notion that
    the diet lacks enough protein to
    prevent withering away should be

    The past year we've been more off
    than on and I've gained 35 pounds -
    weight *gain* has usually been an
    issue for me as I was usually always
    trying to gain weight when I was

    So, looking forward to getting back
    on track in the New Year. Have been
    working out hard, but without good
    diet not seeing / feeling the results
    I want and know are possible.

    Oh, our kids have been on raw too -
    our oldest, who's more inclined to it,
    was once served fries (out with
    Grandma and Grandpa) with kale on
    it for decoration - she ate the kale
    and passed on the fries.

    Our middle one won't eat much of
    anything that isn't certifiably bad
    little kid food (mac and cheese, hot
    dogs, etc) and our youngest goes
    for juices.

    We've found, generally, the kids
    go for green smoothies - so long as
    they're not green (just add some
    variety of berries).

    I get a kick out of how offended
    people are by this diet, because
    as hard as it is to stick with, there
    is no denying the benefits for
    anyone with the willingness to
    try it without preconceived ideas.


    PS - Generally I believe in trying
    things because there's so much BAD
    information floated around that then
    mutates into something even worse.

    Try something, see how you feel,
    notice how the world reacts to it (if
    they react badly you're probably on
    the right track).
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  • Profile picture of the author runfast
    Are there any accurate studies that prove that "vegans" live longer, look healthier, and never get any disease?
    Most of the vegetarians that I know personally don't look healthier (kinda pale) plus they are weaker (they can't keep up with me when it comes to going out and cutting a pickup load of firewood or shingle a steep roof).
    I'm not against this type of diet but I'm not ready to give up my milk and meat till I personally know a vegetarian that can outdo a country woodsman or a traditional roofer.

    If Life gives you Lemons...make Lemonade!

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    • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
      Originally Posted by runfast View Post

      Are there any accurate studies that prove that "vegans" live longer, look healthier, and never get any disease?
      Most of the vegetarians that I know personally don't look healthier (kinda pale) plus they are weaker (they can't keep up with me when it comes to going out and cutting a pickup load of firewood or shingle a steep roof).
      I'm not against this type of diet but I'm not ready to give up my milk and meat till I personally know a vegetarian that can outdo a country woodsman or a traditional roofer.
      You've already decided we're a bunch of weaklings. Studies
      show vegetarian athletes have superior endurance and
      recover from injuries faster. I concur from personal experience
      both eating a meat diet (until 23) and a vegetal diet afterwards.
      Aside from a little gray hair I feel and look better than ever.

      "Dave Scott, of Davis, California is a scholar-athlete who is well acquainted with the scientific literature on diet and health. He is also universally recognized as the greatest triathlete in the world. He has won Hawaii's legendary Ironman Triathlon a record four times, including three years in a row, while no one else has ever won it more than once. In three consecutive years, Dave has broken his own world's record for the event, which consists, in succession, of a 2.4 mile ocean swim, a 112 mile cycle, and then a 26.2 mile run. Dave's college major was exercise physiology, and he says he keeps up on the latest developments in the field by reading "an incredible amount" of books and journals. He calls the idea that people, and especially athletes, need animal protein a "ridiculous fallacy." There are many people who consider Dave Scott the fittest man who ever lived. Dave Scott is a vegetarian."

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      • Profile picture of the author runfast
        Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

        You've already decided we're a bunch of weaklings.
        No, I didn't mean to sound negative towards vegans. Most of the ones I know tend to have the same mindset. Avoid vaccinations, drink only goat milk, homeschool, take lots of vitamins but never go to the doctor, and only eat vegetables.

        I believe that your mind sets your destiny. You can go a long ways physically and mentally regardless of your diet.

        Sorry about sterotyping...

        If Life gives you Lemons...make Lemonade!

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    • Profile picture of the author .X.
      I think a distinction needs to be made between
      vegetarian and raw foodist - they are not the
      same thing.

      The underlying premise of a raw diet is that
      cooking A) destroys nutrients, B) ruins the
      best source of filtered water you can get
      and C) fundamentally changes the chemical
      composition of food.

      The point being you cannot compare the
      health of a vegetarian eating cooked food to
      a raw foodist - it's not the same thing.

      Please be clear I'm not saying anything
      against vegetarians or vegans. However I
      have a good friend (not the only example
      I can offer) who's vegetarian and she was
      100lbs overweight. Point being I've known
      many vegetarians who weren't the vision
      of optimal health - and others who were.

      Storm Talifero is a good example of someone who's
      raw and ultra fit - I've met him personally and
      although he's in his 60s, the dude looks closer
      to 40.

      RawVegan Body Building Muscle Mass

      I'd also add that what most people consider
      "normal size" is really "bloated size". A little
      detox of the body changes how a human looks.

      I can also personally testify that when I am
      100% raw I don't get sick - ever.

      BTW, it's not necessary to give up meat
      or milk - both can be consumed raw (I don't
      eat raw meat but have known people who
      do). Since milk is sterile with proper human
      handling it shouldn't be a problem - it's
      poor human handling (and longer shelf life)
      that necessitates pasteurization .


      Originally Posted by runfast View Post

      Are there any accurate studies that prove that "vegans" live longer, look healthier, and never get any disease?
      Most of the vegetarians that I know personally don't look healthier (kinda pale) plus they are weaker (they can't keep up with me when it comes to going out and cutting a pickup load of firewood or shingle a steep roof).
      I'm not against this type of diet but I'm not ready to give up my milk and meat till I personally know a vegetarian that can outdo a country woodsman or a traditional roofer.
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      • Profile picture of the author maksym
        Originally Posted by .X. View Post

        I think a distinction needs to be made between
        vegetarian and raw foodist - they are not the
        same thing.


        Totally agree on that!!! There is a HUGE difference on that. That's why I like my path - raw food
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        • Profile picture of the author kozmotm
          I saw a few movies about raw food and I decided to eat only raw food in max 6 months.
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          • Profile picture of the author monicitravi
            I have to say, Vegan is not for me. I'm a meat-and-potatoes man, for sure. But I find my energy both in the exercise I do everyday, and moderation with which I approach everything. But I must also say, the vegans don't have any worry about the massive egg recall!
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        • Profile picture of the author NavySeals91
          I was Raw Veggie for about 3 months from January to March with cooked eggs for protein. I did, kale shakes, green drinks, etc. I noticed a difference. I left my raw ways with veggie ways until June with green drinks, then I went vegan from July to December of this year. After my one year mark, and yesterday actually after long thought I reincorporated meat into my diet.

          Of course it's grass fed hormone/antibiotic free beef and antibiotic free chicken/pork and humanely treated.

          I will see how much I thrive, and while it is possible to live veggie or raw, it is consuming to get all the right macronutrients.


          I highly advise against frutarian because of the constant insulin elevation...insulin resistance and type 2 will surely follow after prolonged eating habbits this way.

          Balance is key.

          Lower carb, about 150-200g a day from veggies, nuts, seeds, and some rice-whole grains if you must or feel it. (Gluten is meh) and higher in the fats and protein department. A Macronutrient ratio equalling 40 30 30 or 35 35 30 or 35 30 35 Protein Carbs Fats respectively will produce optimal health. (balance)

          No sugar/starch/refined sugars/processed foods and health will sure follow

          Cron-o-Meter is open source software you guys can get for PC or MAC which has access to the USDA database of food and measure macro, micro intake, minerals, vitamins, aminos, and lipids. Plus it can create charts for your nutrition over a certain period of time. It is a useful tool and invaluable if you want to monitor your health.

          My general macro intake is 170g protein 200g carbs and 100 g fats (even when vegan) I am an athlete, so these levels are adjusted accordingly and I am also 235

          Uneccesary insulin spikes lead to premature aging and chronic disease, control insulin and life span and quality will improve.

          For anyone who decides to jump into raw, research it well before hand. Know your macro/micro levels you need to attain and if you experience side effects which worsen your health adjust something..."detoxes" can happen, but most experience malnutrition. If it lasts a couple days then your fine its a detox, but detoxes don't happen over weeks.

          DON'T do the mastercleanse! DON'T bad health will follow! If you do it, do it for 1 or 2 days, not 7 or longer
          3 days most and don't do it again for another month and a half. Make sure when you break the fast you eat more, a lot more, think 2x your BMR, your body will be starving for nutrition.

          To each there own, you gotta be tough on this diet, you will catch a lot of crap from friends. Do it right, know what you are getting in to. Think about humanely treated hormone/antibiotic free natural diet meat for morals and health. It doesn't have to be much, some flesh once in a while, once or twice a week.

          Avocados are a must if you are vegan as so are Almonds.

          Seitan is pure gluten, try not to indulge on it. Fake meats r worse than anything. Loaded with sodium, far from natural.

          Lean Meat(protein), vegetables, nuts/seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Health in a sentence. Balance.

          Beyond Vegetarianism--Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, Paleo Diets for some info that can help you structure your diet and learn about how we were designed to eat (and chimps too who do eat flesh when available)
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        • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
          Low fat raw vegan here. I follow Doug Graham's 80/10/10 diet. Been interested in it for 2 years, took me about a year to fully transition. I LOVE it and I get so much more done.

          My 2 year old also loves eating his fruits and greens

          My boyfriend is half way and has no desire for 100% at the moment. I occasionally may have some baked potatoes but I can't handle anything else anymore and have no desire too.

          EDIT: Thought I would add before this I tried the Wai diet and it was ok but I felt something missing. 80/10/10 cleared up my asthma and allergies and has sent my running performance through the roof
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil V

    I don't know if a vegan can outdo and country woodsman or traditional roofer, but i am following the vegan diet though not hundred 100% there yet and i can tell you this

    1. i have more mental energy now than i ever did. I can concentrate and achive more more working on my internet busiess rather than pyhsical for much longer spurts and have been more productive than ever

    2. I can run longer than i ever did. I could never break the 5 mile barrier but now i can easily get up to 10 miles

    3. My flexibility has improved and i can hit the punching bag harder and longer than i could previoulsy.

    But that does not mean you should change to vegan.

    I just think it is facinating that once i began to explore this route, a whole new world of mental and physical opportunities opened up that i never thought was possible
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    There's a difference between zealotry, informed or not,
    and trying things out for yourself - testing and learning
    and assessing what your results are and how you feel.

    I don't consider myself a raw food person because I
    don't maintain that diet for more than a periodic few
    months at a time. I live in a colder climate now and
    research and personal testing has shown that for me,
    in this climate, a 90% or more raw food diet would be
    difficult to maintain. I Hawaii however I would probably
    have no problem doing it.

    All the things about childhood vaccinations and so forth
    are representative of the kind of zealotry that some
    people who are also vegan in diet engage in. Whether
    or not you go to a western doctor, vaccinate your kids,
    or grow your own food or avoid the sun are decisions
    many vegan people think about, but the choices made
    in these areas are not the same as the choice not to
    eat animal flesh or animal products.

    The most well-rounded book on the subject (which
    addresses the zealotry problem) is "Healing with Whole
    Foods" by Paul Pitchford. He advocates balance - and
    while he is a vegan he is not raw and he doesn't tell
    others to be vegan - he informs what the issues are
    and acknowledges that for many health problems, animal
    products are a useful component to the healing process.

    Once you get most of the animal products out of your
    diet, I'll bet you see significant improvements in the
    way you feel on a day-to-day basis: clear breathing,
    clear mind, less fatigue, quicker recovery from injuries,
    and less general inflammation are all benefits of
    a meat-free diet I have observed in myself.
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    • Profile picture of the author maksym
      Originally Posted by Loren Woirhaye View Post

      There's a difference between zealotry, informed or not,
      and trying things out for yourself - testing and learning
      and assessing what your results are and how you feel.
      Agree on that as well... just before making any decision - make some researches. Same situation with vaccines. If you will spend some hours on this topic, you will realize that they are not so innocent like you used to know. Many videos on Youtube about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author .X.
    re: zealotry. I agree with Loren and
    might add that *most* people accept
    conventional wisdom without much
    thought or personal trial. That's OK,
    it's just a matter of what seems
    important at any point in time.

    Personally, it's heartbreaking to see
    a family suffer with a child, go into
    debt trying to help them medically,
    experience side effect after side
    effect as a result when the only thing
    that needs to be done 99% of the
    time is to love the child and clean
    up their diet.

    Many of us homeschooling, anti-
    vaccination, raw foodist whatevers
    come across as zealots because
    we've had the experience of being
    here and of being there and we
    *know* the difference.

    I identify with the Matrix in that
    *knowing* the truth makes it hard
    to plug in to the system again.

    And when I say *knowing* I'm not
    talking about an intellectual thing
    where I've read a few books and
    they make sense so I buy in - by
    *knowing* I mean I have experienced
    both sides and one side is so powerfully
    life changing that even when I'm not
    adhering to what I *know* is right,
    I cannot deny what is true and right.

    Believe me, I live in Sedona Arizona
    which is the mecca for people looking
    for "the truth", who are willing to put
    their life at risk following cult gurus
    spewing all manner of foolishness -
    but on occasion I try something new,
    something makes sense, and it really
    does have some value.

    I suppose I've wised up to the
    point that I listen less to what people
    have to say and pay more attention
    to who actually looks happy and
    healthy. There are almost always
    common denominators shared by
    those people - so don't take my word,
    or anyone else's for it. Look for those
    people and get to know what they're
    about - then try it on to see how it
    fits you.

    All the best to you - X
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Yeah. I don't, for example, think doctors (M.D.s) are
    evil or stupid or ignorant. I think many of them have a
    different paradigm about health that basically views the
    body as a biological machine. I don't agree because I
    feel there is a component to the health equation that
    is unquantifiable on a rational level - because it's the part
    of us that is not measurable by scientific instruments,
    only through direct personal experience and exploration -
    you might call it "spiritual", you might call it the mind
    part of "mind-body" like Deepak Chopra.

    Whatever you call it or however you want to think about
    the components to health that are outside of the
    Western paradigm taught to M.D.s and biologist - there
    is something going on, a cultural and perceptual shift
    about how we perceive ourselves as whole persons. A
    lot of doctors these days are acknowledging these factors,
    sometimes while still saying "this doesn't align with what
    we know about biochemistry, but..." so the scientific
    dialog gets expanded.

    Sometimes though, you've got people out there pretending
    to be scientists when what they teach is not within the
    Western scientific paradigm. No pseudo-scientist wants
    to say "I'm a self-appointed expert scientist" (though I've
    seen a few ego cases come close) so they portray themselves
    as promoting something scientific when in fact they are not.

    This is all fine when you understand how to be skeptical
    and discerning, but some people are more vulnerable to
    suggestion than others and will embark on radical lifestyle
    changes based on sketchy recommendations from people
    who may not be who they portray themselves to be: I'm
    talking about health and spirituality gurus.

    The only breatharian guru I've hung out with is David Jubb,
    and I think he might be for real, though he's not saying
    he doesn't eat these days. Most M.D.s would be pretty
    skeptical of Jubb's claims - but I've had it corroborated from
    many sources that for months at a time he really did not eat
    and yet maintained his body weight and muscle mass (and
    he's not a featherweight type either). Does this mean I
    believe that breatharianism is possible for everyone? No.
    But it does inspire a viewpoint considerably expanded on
    the "biological machine" paradigm of Western medicine.

    It makes sense, if you take your health seriously, to do your
    own research. You've only got one body so treat it well,
    and realize that lots of people mean well when they tell you
    how to eat or what medicines to take - but meaning well
    doesn't make them right - it just means they have an opinion
    based around their own biases.
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    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      I eat Fresh fruits and vegetables daily. I also take nutritional supplements and drink Freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. I do eat certain meats on occassion.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author boknows

      I have been vegan for 50 years, since 1960
      Healed myself of asthma and allergies

      Went raw in 1970 after living in Ecuador

      Now own about 15 companies dedicated to the mission
      And many books

      Including The Idiots Guide to Eating Raw

      For real, it is the only way to world peace, harmony and self empowerment and I have coached over 1000 CEO's, business leaders and social activists on this path. This is one of my ways of giving back because of the abundance I have experienced.

      You can learn more about me at About Bo Rinaldi | Bo Knows
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  • Profile picture of the author mine1718
    Never tried eating raw food (meat) etc, seems gross , yuck =]
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  • Profile picture of the author wemakeiteasy
    We've been vegan for over 6 months now. It's been the BEST thing for our health.
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    Hi to all again...
    Couple my friends just recommended me to watch a movie - "FOOD Inc."
    Which documentary film about today food industry.
    I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaly advice everybody to have a look on it.
    Some video about it here (NO aff. links inside):

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  • Profile picture of the author Mili_D
    Been a raw Vegan for 4years can't deny the fact that I have lost weight but the made thing is at the end I am still feeling hungrier after meals! But doing yoga everyday helps me keep going.
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
      Originally Posted by Mili_D View Post

      Been a raw Vegan for 4years can’t deny the fact that I have lost weight but the made thing is at the end I am still feeling hungrier after meals! But doing yoga everyday helps me keep going.
      Still feeling hungry? Then eat more! Your body is telling you you need more food. If you are eating good low-fat raw vegan food you will not put on excess weight from eating more. My companion and I eat masses of food and do not put on excesss weight even though she was overweight before she changed to raw vegan.
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  • Profile picture of the author maksym
    regarding feeling hungrier, I will recommend you to do diagnostic on parasites with your doctor.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
    I tried to follow a vegan diet. This experience gave nothing good. Could you, please, explain me what positive changes in my life and health can I get from raw vegan diet?
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Marketstriker, I would suggest you get one or both
    books: "Healing With Whole Foods" by Paul Pitchford,
    or "Conscious Eating" by Gabriel Cousens.

    You can find videos of Cousens talking about diet. He's
    an M.D. - You can get on his list at Home Page |

    People have told me they tried going veg and they didn't
    feel any better - and on quizzing I always found they were
    eating junk food. Even if you want to eat meat you can
    improve the way you feel a lot by getting the processed
    foods out of your diet and eating a lot more fresh fruits and

    You may have wheat or other grain allergies - so if you tried
    to give-up meat and shifted into eating a grain-based diet
    (pasta, bread, rice) to replace the calories you were getting
    from meat, then you might have replaced one unhealthful
    habit for another.

    The only real secret to feeling great is to educate yourself
    and apply what you've learned.
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  • Profile picture of the author JaiJay
    I honestly don't think that I would be able to keep up with it and I'm shocked that your children do this too happily. I guess though, when thinking about it, if it is all that they ever knew then they would grow up with this being "normal"?
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    • Profile picture of the author NavySeals91
      If you are doing this, supplement B12 AND IRON.

      Get B12 and IRON

      You NEED B12 AND IRON!

      Just thought I'd hammer it in.

      I caution you to be wary of the people who sell raw food diets. One guy said he could do 1000 pushups, gabriel cousins in one sitting by being raw. Could be possible, but most likely BS. A lot of people claim these herbal supplements will cure anything, these snake oils. BEWARE!

      I'm not dissing it in any way. I did raw for 3 months and vegan for 5 and veg for 4. Green shakes made me feel great, do try and incorporate green shakes into your diet. However, be cautioned to go completely raw. We evolved to eat cooked foods, and some foods are healthier cooked and provide more nutritional benefits. The tomato for instance-cooking it activates the lycopene even more.

      Beyond Vegetarianism--Raw Food, Vegan, Fruitarian, Paleo Diets W/F/S

      (Watch out for David Wolfe)
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  • Profile picture of the author ECS-Links
    Great thread.

    I'm not a vegan, I eat meat and cooked food but I'm quite attracted to raw food and being in Australia is a huge plus. It is readily available all year round. However I'm very far from being as raw as I'd like, it is quite hard to get to juice or try to come up with a good variety of raw recipes and organic vegetables and fruit are too expensive as well. I've come across David Wolfe's site and some of his interviews I think his passion is quite engaging...

    One big negative for me is being addicted to bread, cheese, vegemite and generally I succumb to my cravings for salty stuff. I'd like to get Yuri Elkaim's "Eating for Enery" book - has anyone read it?
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    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
      Originally Posted by ECS-Links View Post

      Great thread.

      I'm not a vegan, I eat meat and cooked food but I'm quite attracted to raw food and being in Australia is a huge plus. It is readily available all year round. However I'm very far from being as raw as I'd like, it is quite hard to get to juice or try to come up with a good variety of raw recipes and organic vegetables and fruit are too expensive as well. I've come across David Wolfe's site and some of his interviews I think his passion is quite engaging...

      One big negative for me is being addicted to bread, cheese, vegemite and generally I succumb to my cravings for salty stuff. I'd like to get Yuri Elkaim's "Eating for Enery" book - has anyone read it?
      "One big negative for me is being addicted to bread, cheese, vegemite and generally I succumb to my cravings for salty stuff. "

      Please don't make the mistake of lumping "salty stuff" in with bread, cheese and vegemite. Bread and cheese are poisonous. You are craving salty stuff for the simple reason that your body needs salt. Natural salt is required by evry system in the body from the nervous system to the blood, the kidneys etc. When I used to work in a natural health clinic in Sydney 90% of the people who came for help were suffering from severe salt deficiency due to believing the anti-salt proganda and misinformation put out by the medical industry. (To create their continuity market. Who are their customers? Sick People. They need us to be sick. I refuse to co-operate with them. I have not been to a doctor for illness for 36 years. And I haven't taken ANY kind of drug or medication for 36 years.)

      The healthy way to satisfy your salt cravings and improve your health is to use natural salt in your diet. Himalayan Salt is the best and is readily available in Australia now. next best is good quality natural unprocessed Australian sea salt (not Celtic!)

      Good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Faraday
    It's the More RAW DIET:
    COOK foods barely when you do & use low heat.
    Some RAW with Each Meal - work to Mostly RAW
    High Water content Veg's & Fruits before meals.
    Learn about good oils and going Allergen free (INFLAMMATION)
    B12 Sprays under the Toung

    If you dont... OVER-TIME WHAM!!!!

    Lose the BRands & Boxes - Bottles over cans - meet the FARMERS

    : )

    this is the diet for the next 50 years - GOOD LUCK All

    Super-Conscious Affiliate

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  • Profile picture of the author Chris Faraday
    MEAT - eh
    Fish - better (low heat - slow heat)
    Olive oil + hot skillet = Trans-FAT
    Real clean fish -
    Egg yolks raw - or low heat

    More greens folks

    Disclosure: No one size fits all - but hope you will consider the above guidlines

    Seeds - soaked if you can

    Nuts - eh - many issues for people - not that clean & hard to digest

    Quick Ideas Here - Hope you will consider

    Super-Conscious Affiliate

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  • Profile picture of the author The Dotcom Hippie
    I'm about 75% raw vegan right now. I go up to 100% from time to time. I'll never eat mostly cooked foods again - I was walking around feeling like **** for years without even knowing it. How you feel eating like this is incredible.
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  • Profile picture of the author maddiet
    I am not 100% a raw vegan but I became a vegetarian four years ago and it was one of my best decisions.

    If you haven't been eating dairy for a year or so you should test your B12 levels because you can't get it from plants. I take B12 suplements every month because it's esential for your brain.

    I am really curios if your decisions have religious motivations also?

    Thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    Very informative post, honestly I'm not a Vegan. But trying to strike a healthy balance in dietary habits.
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
    Originally Posted by maksym View Post

    I am wondering is here any raw vegan?

    And how long are you with this style of living?
    Yes I am raw vegan.

    I stopped eating meat 34 years ago.
    I stopped eating seafood about 25 years ago.
    I stopped eating dairy foods (became vegan) about 20 years ago.
    I have been eating almost 100% raw vegan now for about 3 years.

    I only wish I had become raw vegan in the beginning 34 years ago!

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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    I'm interested in working my way towards a raw vegan diet. I tried a vegetarian diet for about a month in February-March and really liked it, since I'm concerned about the meat industry and feel guilty eating meat when I know about it what I do!

    My only concerns are ease of preparation, nutrition, and money. I'm going to be starting to cook for myself starting either this September in a fairly isolated area of Canada or next September in Japan.

    Either way, my food budget is limited (think $100-$200/month) and I need to ensure I get the right balance of nutrients within that budget, since I'm a rather small individual who doesn't tend to eat much at the best of times and I struggle with getting enough iron. Plus, I'll have limited food prep time between full-time school and full-time work.

    But I'm doing advance research now in case my plan for September works out so I can start off on the right foot. Any more pearls of wisdom people have are much appreciated.
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  • Profile picture of the author nelsonbiglar
    I wouldn't say that I'm vegan, yet! I have really changed my eating habits in the last year, green drink (naka - vital greens) in the morning, 4000 international units of vitamin e a day, calcium suppliments, and good all around vitamin supplements. 70%raw green foods/30% low fat split in my meals. I try 5-6 meals a day. I zig for 6 days and take a zag day to eat whatever I want.

    Its up to us all to take care of ourselves and not hope for a magic bullet when we get older or get sick.

    I have been following the acid/alkaline approach which I got the first bit of info through some of Tony Robbins info which led me to Dr Robert Young and his approach to eating and health. Bacteria and all the bad stuff in us can't live in an alkaline state. So the more acidic our bodies are the more we may get sick. Its really been a great experience to learn this and follow through on it.

    I must say that there are times when this whole process becomes difficult but in the long run its make all the sense in the world.

    Take care everyone... eat like you know you should and leave the pills with the doctors.


    On the other side:

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    • Profile picture of the author xiaophil
      Thanks everyone for their insights into their diets.

      This thread has inspired me to do a 30 day trial.

      Could someone please tell me the best way to get started?

      I have access to a variety of raw foods but no idea of recipes and would prefer something as simple as possible - there's no time for gourmet preparations.

      Perhaps you could share your favorite staple recipes?

      Thanks again,


      EDIT: OK I get it now - raw food.

      Here's my favorite recipe so far:

      1) Chop it up (optional)

      2) Mix it together (optional)

      Works Great!
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  • Profile picture of the author Alvina Torres
    I'm hugely into raw food...playing with the idea of going vegan. I actually maintain a blog and column about raw food and just started a book. I was 100% for a while but slowly items like coffee which I absolutely love came back into my diet.
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  • Profile picture of the author CrocGena
    I'm all for raw vegan foods too, but my wife cooks too good and I don't want to disappoint her

    Well when i'm at work, I only eat raw foods.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tatiana Aleshina
    I am trying to stick to a vegetarian/vegan diet for myself and my son (3,5 years old) and I am fighting the same battles with my parents! -- "what!! the child must have meat!!" It's great to know that someone is winning!
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    • Profile picture of the author rajhu
      Hi Folks,

      I just saw this discussion while searching for something else so I figured I'd chime in.

      I've been 100% Raw Vegan since 2001 and have been partially raw since 1996.

      The most incredible thing is that my 6.5 years of depression went away in just one day of eating about 50% of my diet as raw fruits and vegetables.

      Of course, the more I ate raw the better I felt and feel. And it's fantastic in it's anti-aging effects.

      These days I teach people easy ways to beat cooked food addiction.

      If you're interested I provide a lot of free information in the form of audios on one of my websites:

      And you may want to check out my top secret for beating cooked food cravings:

      Savory Veggie Stews are so easy to prepare a baby can do it. For a cool treat check out the video of our son Andrew (at 2.5 years old) making dinner for us ala Savory Veggie Stews style. It's all the way at the bottom of the page of the Savory Veggie Stews site linked to above.

      Andrew our son has been 100% raw his whole life and is doing amazingly well. Our whole family eats 100% raw we don't have any desire to go back to poisoning ourselves with cooked food because what we eat every day simply tastes amazing and yet it has all of these incredible health and personal growth advantages.


      Roger Haeske

      Is it possible to look and feel like a healthy and athletic teenager at 41 years of age?

      Click here to watch "My Top 8 Anti-Aging Secrets Video."

      See my age defying PICTURES for yourself --

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      • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
        Originally Posted by rajhu View Post

        Hi Folks,

        I just saw this discussion while searching for something else so I figured I'd chime in.

        I've been 100% Raw Vegan since 2001 and have been partially raw since 1996.

        The most incredible thing is that my 6.5 years of depression went away in just one day of eating about 50% of my diet as raw fruits and vegetables.

        Of course, the more I ate raw the better I felt and feel. And it's fantastic in it's anti-aging effects.

        These days I teach people easy ways to beat cooked food addiction.

        If you're interested I provide a lot of free information in the form of audios on one of my websites:


        And you may want to check out my top secret for beating cooked food cravings:


        Savory Veggie Stews are so easy to prepare a baby can do it. For a cool treat check out the video of our son Andrew (at 2.5 years old) making dinner for us ala Savory Veggie Stews style. It's all the way at the bottom of the page of the Savory Veggie Stews site linked to above.

        Andrew our son has been 100% raw his whole life and is doing amazingly well. Our whole family eats 100% raw we don't have any desire to go back to poisoning ourselves with cooked food because what we eat every day simply tastes amazing and yet it has all of these incredible health and personal growth advantages.


        Roger Haeske
        ROGER! You post on WF? Wow, who knew?
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        • Profile picture of the author rajhu
          Hi Kaitlyn,

          Yes I've been a member here for many years. I think this is actually my second forum membership.

          Love the Warrior Forum and Allen Says.

          Be Raw, Be Healthy, Be Happy,

          Roger Haeske

          Is it possible to look and feel like a healthy and athletic teenager at 41 years of age?

          Click here to watch "My Top 8 Anti-Aging Secrets Video."

          See my age defying PICTURES for yourself --

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          • Profile picture of the author RobynRed
            Oh what a wise bunch in this thread

            Been raw vegan for a few months now after reading the 80 10 10 book by Doug Graham (recommended reading if you haven't already) ... love him

            I also frequent the 30 bananas a day forum (highly recommended) to help keep me on track!

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            • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
              Originally Posted by RobynRed View Post

              Oh what a wise bunch in this thread

              Been raw vegan for a few months now after reading the 80 10 10 book by Doug Graham (recommended reading if you haven't already) ... love him

              I also frequent the 30 bananas a day forum (highly recommended) to help keep me on track!
              Hello Robyn.

              I am also a member of 30 Bananas A Day. (Although a very quiet member.)

              Please be careful of the anti-salt misinformation put out by Doug Graham and his followers.
              They, like almost everyone else in this society have been brainwashed by the medical industry (whose [recurring income/continuity] market is sick people ).

              Most (like about 90%) people in Western societies (including many raw fooders and raw food "gurus") are suffering from SEVERE salt and mineral deficiencies.

              Natural sea salt or Himalayan salt is vital for most peoples' health.

              Anyway, good luck with it and take care!

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              • Profile picture of the author RobynRed
                Originally Posted by Wayne Cochrane View Post

                Hello Robyn.

                I am also a member of 30 Bananas A Day. (Although a very quiet member.)

                Please be careful of the anti-salt misinformation put out by Doug Graham and his followers.
                They, like almost everyone else in this society have been brainwashed by the medical industry (whose [recurring income/continuity] market is sick people ).

                Most (like about 90%) people in Western societies (including many raw fooders and raw food "gurus") are suffering from SEVERE salt and mineral deficiencies.

                Natural sea salt or Himalayan salt is vital for most peoples' health.

                Anyway, good luck with it and take care!

                Hey Wayne

                Thanks for the reply. Doug doesn't state we don't need sodium, rather we don't need the artificial "table salt".

                I get naturally occuring sodium from foods such as celery, passion fruit, tender young greens etc

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  • Profile picture of the author pube12
    Very interesting. Steve Pavlina online is a great resource for blogging about being a vegan. Check it out..
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaitlyn Aliano
    My eyes literally lit up when I spotted this post! I have been raw vegan on and off since 2007, but have been close to 100% for the past few months and am actually leaving to WWOOF (see WWOOF.ORG), volunteer on an organic farm, July 1st!
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  • Profile picture of the author markament
    Yes I've been raw vegan (95%) for the past 10 years. I offer courses and retreats from my home in Bali.

    There is so much to say about this topic and my personal story with it. If you'd like links to my information based sites please just PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    I have to say, Vegan is not for me.
    I'm a meat-and-potatoes man, for sure. But I find my energy both in the exercise I do everyday, and moderation with which I approach everything.
    But I must also say, the vegans don't have any worry about the massive egg recall!
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  • Profile picture of the author daj
    Use to be a raw foodist for 2 years. Now I mostly eat animal fat, bone marrow, and meats. I also find local berries in the wild to eat at times (during the summer/fall months). Most fruit these days in grocery stores (including Whole Foods) are all hybrids and are as far away from their natural origins as possible.

    Watch video:
    Daniel Vitalis is a well of informaton! One of the only down-to-earth raw "animal" foodists out there, IMO.

    Many raw foodists are eating foods from tropical locations so far away from where they live. Talk about not being eco-friendly! I think people should adopt a local diet based on their current location. There's food you can forage everywhere, yes even in the desert!

    Of course you'll recieve benefits at first when you change your diet from processed foods to raw fruits, greens, and veggies, but slowly your health will decline and you'll become a shell of yourself if you continue in that direction. Many fruitarians have so many cavities their teeth look wretched. Many of the popular raw foodists have dealt with cavities due to their high fruit consumption, and many have changed to a mix of a raw food and animal diet after they realized how veggies and fruits won't give them everything they need and that sugar buzz just leaves them to crash and burn. Our ancester's all shares the same bond of being hunter-gatherers, they didn't just eat fruits and veggies. I think everyone needs to learn to hunt and forage for their own food if you really want to bond with nature.
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    I was sent this interesting book to review:

    "Green For Life"

    It's not that well-written but the thesis is powerful, that
    we might do well to look at the chimpanzee diet and base
    a vegan/raw diet around what the chimps eat.

    The author was raw vegan for a long time, and her husband
    and kids too, but they found the diet wasn't working as
    well for them after awhile.

    Many raw food people, vegans and vegetarians may be eating
    too much starch (bananas, potatoes), starchy hybrids (corn,
    wheat) and not enough plain, bitter greens. Chimps don't
    eat a lot of tubers (taters) but they do mostly eat greens and,
    when they find them, fruit. They don't eat a lot of nuts -
    many raw food people eat too many nuts, which have protein
    but are hard to digest.

    The vitamin content in beet greens, for example, is off the charts -
    but almost nobody eats them. Beet roots are sugary and starchy,
    but the greens have neither of those drawbacks, plus more
    protein than the roots.

    Look into it - start blending up whole greens and see how you
    feel. Trust, but verify.
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    • Profile picture of the author daj
      From (Book Author of "Green For Life"):

      "The fresh ripe fruits dominate the flavor of the greens and the absence of any fats maximize the absorption of the nutrients." - about green fruit smoothies...

      Considering Vitamin A, D, E, and K are FAT-soluble vitamins which many leafy greens have a lot of, how does the absence of fat maximize absorption of these nutrients when these vitamins are stored by the body and dissolve in fat? only Vitamin C and B vitamins are WATER-soluble and they quicly leave the body if you don't need them.

      BTW, Humans lack the enzymes necessary to digest cellulose. Leafy greens work well as a fiber in humans. They act like a broom for your digestive system to clean you out. But... most of the nutritional value of these plants don't get digested due to the cellulose wall.
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      • Profile picture of the author rajhu
        Actually there are fats in virtually all "whole" raw foods including fruits.

        Leafy greens tend to be fairly high in fat compared to fruit.

        For instance spinach is 14% of it's calories from fat. Romaine 15%, celery 10%, lambsquarter is 16% and Boston lettuce is 14% fat.

        In any case, a raw food diet still has plenty of fat in it. And some raw foodistst unfortunately eat way more fat than the average person on a Standard American Diet.

        Personally I like to keep it at 15% of calories or less from fat and that is more than enough.

        Been 100% raw for over 9 years and doing fantastic.


        Roger Haeske
        The 43-Year Old Teanajer

        Is it possible to look and feel like a healthy and athletic teenager at 41 years of age?

        Click here to watch "My Top 8 Anti-Aging Secrets Video."

        See my age defying PICTURES for yourself --

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      • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
        Originally Posted by daj View Post

        From (Book Author of "Green For Life"):
        BTW, Humans lack the enzymes necessary to digest cellulose. Leafy greens work well as a fiber in humans. They act like a broom for your digestive system to clean you out. But... most of the nutritional value of these plants don't get digested due to the cellulose wall.
        That's true. That's why we have to chew raw greens to a liquid to
        break the cell walls and get the nutrients. That's a lot of chewing
        and hard on the teeth. That's why most people in this mode of
        diet have turned to high-powered blenders like the Vita-Mix to
        masticate the cell walls and make the green nutrition available
        without all the time and energy investment chewing requires, not
        to mention the tooth wear.
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        • Profile picture of the author Jeff Noel
          I've seen it mention time and time again. "It's to expensive."

          It is more expensive being sick.

          Food for thought no pun intended.
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  • Profile picture of the author pradiprg
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    • Profile picture of the author nucleus
      I did for six months years ago. Here is the thing, many people get excellent results in the short run because most people have too much internal heat, and vegan diets are very cooling, too cooling for long term use for most people.

      You know what I call vegans and vegetarians? Sick people. All the long term vegans I know have crappy skin and brittle, dull hair. Short term, six months, a year, no problem; longer than that is getting on thin ice.

      Keep in mind that there is not one single native culture that is vegetarian, much less vegan. So if you are doing this long term you are experimenting with your health, there is no long-term successful history of such an extreme diet.

      That said everyone is different, and you do what is best for you. The chinese regard a vegetarian diet as very unhealthful.

      Vegetarians have delayed cancer and heart disease but accelerated neurodegenerative and auto-immune diseases.

      Best wishes,

      Dr. Hans
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  • Profile picture of the author TommyG
    Wow!! I'm really surprised to see this thread here. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and in the last year went to 75% raw food. I feel absolutely great!!

    One thing I see some people chiming in about is that vegans or vegetarians are unhealthy, it's not true if they are removing processed foods and sugars from their diets. Many people become vegetarians for health reasons and cut out the meat but still eat processed foods, sugary foods and this is what is making people unhealthy.

    Dr. Dan mentioned Dr. Robert Young and I agree. He is amazing. Medical doctors say you can't reverse type 1 diabetes but Dr. Young has. He also helped Kris Carr, author of Crazy, Sexy Cancer, to reverse her "rare, aggressive incurable cancer with a 100% fatality rate" and she did it with a raw diet.

    Dr. Young and his wife are meeting with President Obama and Michelle this weekend to discuss his amazing results helping children reverse diabetes. The raw diet works and works great but if you are going to continue to eat acidic foods that cause cancer and diabetes (soda, meat, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, sugary foods, etc) then you will not feel better.

    Love the idea of seeing some many vegans and raw fooders here on the WF!!
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    • Profile picture of the author batchos
      Keep spreading the word about the benefits of a meatless diet for the survival of the planet. Our grandchildren depend on you.

      Originally Posted by TommyG View Post

      Wow!! I'm really surprised to see this thread here. I have been a vegetarian for 15 years and in the last year went to 75% raw food. I feel absolutely great!!

      One thing I see some people chiming in about is that vegans or vegetarians are unhealthy, it's not true if they are removing processed foods and sugars from their diets. Many people become vegetarians for health reasons and cut out the meat but still eat processed foods, sugary foods and this is what is making people unhealthy.

      Dr. Dan mentioned Dr. Robert Young and I agree. He is amazing. Medical doctors say you can't reverse type 1 diabetes but Dr. Young has. He also helped Kris Carr, author of Crazy, Sexy Cancer, to reverse her "rare, aggressive incurable cancer with a 100% fatality rate" and she did it with a raw diet.

      Dr. Young and his wife are meeting with President Obama and Michelle this weekend to discuss his amazing results helping children reverse diabetes. The raw diet works and works great but if you are going to continue to eat acidic foods that cause cancer and diabetes (soda, meat, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, sugary foods, etc) then you will not feel better.

      Love the idea of seeing some many vegans and raw fooders here on the WF!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Anj
    You will live long, will not suffer diseases and have a healthy body through out your years. I know that food mainly is the reason why people get sick. Keep it up you are doing great!
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  • Profile picture of the author cebuana
    Yea, since 1976. Went from junk food smoker to organic raw food non-smoker (except marijuana) overnight. All depends on where your head is at. For me it was love of life and a desire not to hasten leaving it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Hewitt
    I was told by the doctor not too long ago that my cholesterol was high and he told me that the only way to reverse the damage done to my arteries is to be a vegan. I never thought I would hear that from a doctor. I have been making the transition slowly though. I did quit smoking a couple of years ago and have felt way better!!
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I think I have tried the 50% version I don't know about 100% vegan
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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    • Profile picture of the author batchos
      A vegan diet is 100% no meat. The health and environmental benefits are worth the price you pay.

      Originally Posted by stopper View Post

      I think I have tried the 50% version I don't know about 100% vegan
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  • Profile picture of the author J23
    I stopped eating meat about a year ago and for the most part I am vegan, but I will occasionally (2-3 times per month max) have something with cheese in it. I don't drink cows milk at all anymore or consume any other dairy except the occasional cheese and I'm trying to completely stop that too.

    I do eat a lot of raw foods (mainly green/superfood smoothies and nuts/seeds), but there's several things stopping me from going 100% raw:

    For one, I like warm food too much. I experimented with a lot of raw food recipes a few months ago, and I just couldn't get over the fact that everything was cold. I have a dehydrator and I suppose I could warm it up in there, but what takes 2 hours to get warm in a dehydrator takes 5 minutes on the stove or 30 seconds in the microwave.

    The other reason is probably just not knowing exactly what to eat. Eating a bowl of lettuce or spinach or a few pieces of fruit just doesn't satisfy me at all. I have a really fast metabolism and even if I eat a giant tofu burger on a sprouted wheat bun with 2 baked potatoes, I'll be hungry again in 1.5-2 hours.

    How do you guys get over those problems? Maybe I just need some better recipes. Anyone got some good ones?
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    • Profile picture of the author Net Solutions
      Originally Posted by J23 View Post

      I stopped eating meat about a year ago and for the most part I am vegan, but I will occasionally (2-3 times per month max) have something with cheese in it. I don't drink cows milk at all anymore or consume any other dairy except the occasional cheese and I'm trying to completely stop that too.

      I do eat a lot of raw foods (mainly green/superfood smoothies and nuts/seeds), but there's several things stopping me from going 100% raw:

      For one, I like warm food too much. I experimented with a lot of raw food recipes a few months ago, and I just couldn't get over the fact that everything was cold. I have a dehydrator and I suppose I could warm it up in there, but what takes 2 hours to get warm in a dehydrator takes 5 minutes on the stove or 30 seconds in the microwave.

      The other reason is probably just not knowing exactly what to eat. Eating a bowl of lettuce or spinach or a few pieces of fruit just doesn't satisfy me at all. I have a really fast metabolism and even if I eat a giant tofu burger on a sprouted wheat bun with 2 baked potatoes, I'll be hungry again in 1.5-2 hours.

      How do you guys get over those problems? Maybe I just need some better recipes. Anyone got some good ones?
      You could add some rice to your diet..Makes you full and slows down your metabolic rate by a little..
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    • Profile picture of the author batchos
      Check out the first link in my signature. This is a good starting point for finding recipes.

      Originally Posted by J23 View Post

      I stopped eating meat about a year ago and for the most part I am vegan, but I will occasionally (2-3 times per month max) have something with cheese in it. I don't drink cows milk at all anymore or consume any other dairy except the occasional cheese and I'm trying to completely stop that too.

      I do eat a lot of raw foods (mainly green/superfood smoothies and nuts/seeds), but there's several things stopping me from going 100% raw:

      For one, I like warm food too much. I experimented with a lot of raw food recipes a few months ago, and I just couldn't get over the fact that everything was cold. I have a dehydrator and I suppose I could warm it up in there, but what takes 2 hours to get warm in a dehydrator takes 5 minutes on the stove or 30 seconds in the microwave.

      The other reason is probably just not knowing exactly what to eat. Eating a bowl of lettuce or spinach or a few pieces of fruit just doesn't satisfy me at all. I have a really fast metabolism and even if I eat a giant tofu burger on a sprouted wheat bun with 2 baked potatoes, I'll be hungry again in 1.5-2 hours.

      How do you guys get over those problems? Maybe I just need some better recipes. Anyone got some good ones?
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      • Profile picture of the author J23
        Originally Posted by JamesEdwards1 View Post

        You could add some rice to your diet..Makes you full and slows down your metabolic rate by a little..
        Yep, I do that already. I eat a good amount of rice and quinoa, but I still get hungry all the time.

        Plus, wouldn't those not be considered raw since they need to be cooked for your body to be able to digest them?

        Originally Posted by batchos View Post

        Check out the first link in my signature. This is a good starting point for finding recipes.
        I'll check it out, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author janicelou
    Originally Posted by maksym View Post

    I am wondering is here any raw vegan?

    I and my family nearly 2 years uses raw food diet.
    And we really see dramatic changes.
    Actually, we can't even go back to "normal" food.
    We are so glad that we made such decision 2 years ago.
    I remember how we started and we spent more then
    6 months to change smoothly our lifestyle.
    Actually, my wife started firstly and then I nearly her decided
    to do that as well.
    After nearly 10 months, I also decided to try 100% raw
    food diet for at least 4 weeks. That was my biggest breakthrough...
    ( I was inspired by some books).
    And now... we are nearly 90-95% of raw food use in our
    nowadays. At summer time - it was way easier for us.
    And our favorite food was simple tomatoes with garlic. Mmmmmm....
    that is so tasty.
    And now when winter is close we change food again to different
    salads and different nuts with seeds.
    We also have a daughter (may be you saw my videos).
    She is 2,7 years old and almost never ate meat.
    She is doing very great. And many time we have conflicts
    with our old parents, which can't understand how it is possible
    to use ONLY raw food diet. :-)

    And how long are you with this style of living?

    What are the books that inspired you??
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  • Profile picture of the author Lucas Adamski
    I'm a raw vegan and I love it

    Been on 2 month juice feast, all green juices only, awesome!

    The only bad side effect of this diet is too much energy Yes, sometimes it's hard to handle it. Plus you feel so good all the time. Peace and love
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    • Profile picture of the author Centurian
      Hey Lucas. My father and mother are raw vegans. I was when younger.

      Since I've been a marketing madman and sales machine for many years, I've only had time for whatever I could kill and eat. LOL.

      I did a 30-day green diet with my father for his 50th wedding anniversary last year. Hope all is well in Poland!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    "Almost" a raw vegan. Ever since I feel so much lighter, energetic and full of zest. I work out everyday too and this also does wonders.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hellbabe
    Oh, yes. I am raw vegan too... here is my blog; I post a lot:

    I am looking to start IM business to make money, any advice for compassionate way of doing it?
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  • Profile picture of the author runningonjuice
    I juice 'feast' a lot and have lost 70 pounds by doing this. I also started running and have completed three half marathons. I could not run for 5 minutes before I started it. Thesedays I fast a few times a year but mainly it is drinking one good green juice/smoothie each day that helps me. That is why I started my site which is to chronicle my own journey and others who try this.

    I love the vegan diet but as someone who travels a lot it is very difficult for me to stick to. I have completed several 21 day vegan kickstarts and always felt so much better when on that regime.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoeUK
    Trying to make the transition from veggy to vegan but just finding it hard to stop eating things that contain milk - which is almost bloomin' everything!
    Popular - Because Everything Popular Is Wrong... - Positive News, Uplifting Views & Inspirational Tidbits!
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  • Profile picture of the author velvetadvert
    I was veggie, I was vegan, and now I'm eating fish. This ethical thing just don't work for me, but it's only my opinion, of course I respect veg movement.
    Avoiding milk is really an issue... My advice: read "Vegan Freak", this book has a lot of answers and advices for newbie-vegans.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScottGordon
    I've been vegan for almost 9 years and did raw vegan for 4 months last year but had to stop because I lost too much weight.

    However, I felt the best I've ever felt. "Light" and full of energy. Vibrant. And, my blood chemistry was the most perfect it's ever been.

    Green smoothies every single morning.

    Now, I'm probably eating about 60% raw, virtually no processed foods at all.

    After I became vegan all my allergies went away.

    For those interested, there are lots of books now available to help you get started.

    Unfortunately, some vegans eat terribly unhealthy diets. But if you do it right, it is (in my opinion) one of the very healthiest life choices you could implement.

    I became vegan for health reasons (and was already vegetarian for many years before that so it wasn't a major transition for me.) The environmental and moral and ethical benefits are a great bonus.

    Eventually, I phased out most all wheat products, most corn, and all soy. To those still eating a traditional Standard American Diet (SAD), this probably all sounds pretty restrictive and if you have a deprivation mentality, then probably it is.

    But when I became vegan it opened up an entire new world of food. Lots of international dishes are vegan (because meat and dairy are so expensive in many cultures -- they're only cheap in this country because of enormous subsidies.)

    So when I became vegan I discovered all kinds of grains and vegetables I had never heard of. My diet is now far more diversified than it was before which, I think, has to be a good thing. And I almost never have a salad (which is all that many people can think of when they think vegan.)

    If you're interested, I'd recommend that you simply start adding more fresh greens and fruits to your diet. If that doesn't sound appetizing, then just drink a "green smoothie" each day (even kids like them -- about 60% fruit and 40% fresh greens like spinach, kale, Swiss chard, or lettuce.) Look at some of the videos on "Green Smoothies" on YouTube.

    There are lots of great YouTube Videos on vegan and also raw "cooking." You can make surprisingly decadent desserts that are both raw and vegan. In fact, I have created delicious, raw vegan meals for guests who never realized that they were eating raw or vegan.

    Hey, does this look vegan to you? Vegan Berry Pound Cake.
    (It's vegan but not raw. And certainly not for diabetics.)

    And get over the "not enough protein" thing. Americans, particularly, eat way too much protein which is hard on the kidneys.

    Ounce for ounce, broccoli and many vegetables have more protein than steak. Check out the vegan body builders' websites. Oxen, elephants, and all the big mammals discovered long ago that you can build muscle without eating meat.

    OK, enough of this. Sorry, I didn't mean to go into so much detail and certainly don't want to rant.

    Regardless of how or what you eat now, be sure to drink lots of clean, pure water and exercise and get plenty of sleep. And don't forget to floss.
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  • Profile picture of the author Elamros
    Planning to be one. Not really vegan though. It's hard to give up meat. I love fish and chicken. And I agree that vegan diet is healthy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    Tried it but did not survive. I badly need huge doses of protein. But then I always wanted to try it again.
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    • Profile picture of the author iceapplez
      Originally Posted by Aira Bongco View Post

      Tried it but did not survive. I badly need huge doses of protein. But then I always wanted to try it again.
      Maybe I can help : some sources of protein : )

      1. Vegetables - the proper foundation for all diets.
      • 1 avocado - 10 grams
      • 1 cup broccoli - 5 grams
      • 1 cup spinach - 5 grams
      • 2 cups cooked kale - 5 grams
      • 1 cup boiled peas - 9 grams
      • 1 cup cooked sweet potato - 5 grams

      2. Legumes, also vegetables, get their own mention. Specifically lentils and beans, the foundation of many diets for centuries.
      • 1 cup soybeans - 28 grams (1 cup tofu - 22 grams, 1 cup tempeh - 30 grams)
      • 1 cup lentils - 18 grams
      • 1 cup refried beans - 15.5 grams
      • 1 cup garbanzo beans (and hummus) - 14.5 grams
      • 1 cup pinto, kidney, black beans - 13-15 grams
      • 1 oz peanuts - 6.5 grams

      3. Nuts and seeds - a staple in most vegetarian and vegan diets.
      • 1 oz. cashews - 4.4 grams
      • 1 oz. sesame seeds 6.5 grams, 3 tablespoons of tahini - 8 grams
      • 1/4 cup (2 oz.) walnuts - 5 grams
      • 1 oz. pistachios - 5.8 grams
      • 2 tbsp almonds - 4 grams
      • Nut butters - peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter - 2 tablespoons has about 8 grams of protein

      4. Non-dairy milk - Soy, almond, ancient grain. 1 cup gets you 7-9 grams of protein.

      5. Grains - Ancient grains, sprouted grains, multi-grains - a major part of the diet.
      • Quinoa is versatile and delicious. 1 cup - 9 grams.
      • Amaranth, bulgur, brown rice, wheat germ, oat bran are other grains with a high protein content.
      • Seitan, or flavored wheat gluten, has about 52 grams per cup, but it may not be a good idea to eat a lot of it.
      • Oatmeal - 1 cup = 6 grams.
      • Sprouted grain bread products - buns, tortillas, bread. Pack a sandwich or a wrap and you'll get 7-10 grams from the bread alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author ScottGordon
    Nice post, Iceapplez. Thanks for the protein reference.

    Here's a short video on a Vegan Ultraman (triathlete) about a guy who became vegan at age 40, got into shape and became one of 35 competitors in the Ultraman contest.
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    • Profile picture of the author iceapplez
      Originally Posted by ScottGordon View Post

      Nice post, Iceapplez. Thanks for the protein reference.
      No problem! I just copied and pasted that , some of that info is probably a bit of a ballpark amounts of protein but the point I wanted to make was to show how easy it really can be to get what protein we all need (one of the big recurring questions from non-vegans : But, where do you get your protein?? Or your B12?? etc..)

      Watching video now, thank-you!

      On a humorous note, here's a bingo card for all the vegans on WF. Enjoy!
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      • Profile picture of the author ScottGordon
        Originally Posted by iceapplez View Post

        On a humorous note, here's a bingo card for all the vegans on WF. Enjoy!
        "I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to eat plants."
        ha ha Hadn't heard that one.

        In addition to having a clearer mind, I wonder if being vegan improves your sense of humor?
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        • Profile picture of the author LuvAbundance
          Wow, this is a cool thread. Raw vegan internet about a niche!

          I just HAD to chime in. I went all raw vegan for a few months and my energy was incredible. Like Lucas said, you almost buzz with energy all of the time.

          I've relaxed it a bit, because of traveling and prep time and energy (yes, even just eating salad, fruits and juices takes more time than "regular" food).

          I firmly believe that the most important first step is to cut out your processed foods and eat more organic / grass fed, etc.

          It's also REALLY IMPORTANT to keep in mind that each of our bodies is different. No one guru necessarily has the right answers for you. Be smart and pay attention to how YOUR body reacts to something. When people say this or that is or is not good...I just smile and nod...because they are spouting theories. A theory becomes a fact for YOU when you try it out and you notice benefits for you. This is one reason a lot of these movements annoy me. It's the "my way or yer gonna die!" mentality that is, well quite narrow minded especially for people like us, out here paving our OWN way in the world, NOT following others like sheep. Whew, had to rant a little on that. I have the same views on religious practices: If it works for you, AWESOME!! Good for you, keep doing it! But don't try to convince everybody that your way is the only way. It isn't. This is why I left the Buddhist chanting group I was with. I loved the chanting...hated the dogma. Ok, #end rant

          Next thing that might be good to mention: Your MINDSET is probably more important than any thing that you put in your body, anyways. Yes, I really did experience amazing energy on the all raw diet (did I say vegan? Sorry, no, I consumed sushi and raw beef at times. Again, don't like to be pigeon-holed). But so much more important is the mindset that you are taking. Another reason I am not crazy about all of these gurus...they tend to instill fear of doing things "wrong" or "ruining" your health, etc. Ok, yes, I understand where they are coming from...But seriously, your mindset matters. If you are going to go ahead and eat that it with joy and gusto!

          Off to register, now....
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          • Profile picture of the author Wayne Cochrane
            Watch that word "mindset".

            Ain't no such thing as a "positive" set mind.

            Originally Posted by LuvAbundance View Post

            Wow, this is a cool thread. Raw vegan internet about a niche!

            I just HAD to chime in. I went all raw vegan for a few months and my energy was incredible. Like Lucas said, you almost buzz with energy all of the time.

            I've relaxed it a bit, because of traveling and prep time and energy (yes, even just eating salad, fruits and juices takes more time than "regular" food).

            I firmly believe that the most important first step is to cut out your processed foods and eat more organic / grass fed, etc.

            It's also REALLY IMPORTANT to keep in mind that each of our bodies is different. No one guru necessarily has the right answers for you. Be smart and pay attention to how YOUR body reacts to something. When people say this or that is or is not good...I just smile and nod...because they are spouting theories. A theory becomes a fact for YOU when you try it out and you notice benefits for you. This is one reason a lot of these movements annoy me. It's the "my way or yer gonna die!" mentality that is, well quite narrow minded especially for people like us, out here paving our OWN way in the world, NOT following others like sheep. Whew, had to rant a little on that. I have the same views on religious practices: If it works for you, AWESOME!! Good for you, keep doing it! But don't try to convince everybody that your way is the only way. It isn't. This is why I left the Buddhist chanting group I was with. I loved the chanting...hated the dogma. Ok, #end rant

            Next thing that might be good to mention: Your MINDSET is probably more important than any thing that you put in your body, anyways. Yes, I really did experience amazing energy on the all raw diet (did I say vegan? Sorry, no, I consumed sushi and raw beef at times. Again, don't like to be pigeon-holed). But so much more important is the mindset that you are taking. Another reason I am not crazy about all of these gurus...they tend to instill fear of doing things "wrong" or "ruining" your health, etc. Ok, yes, I understand where they are coming from...But seriously, your mindset matters. If you are going to go ahead and eat that it with joy and gusto!

            Off to register, now....
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  • Profile picture of the author tjaysen70
    hey this belongs in off topic section. But I digress, yeah the problem with vegan is getting the necessary amounts of protein, riboflavin, vit A, from meats and other important vitamins like C and magnesium from dairy. Man lived off fruits and berries, and had enormous jaws and less muscle mass, they were cavemen. When they discovered fire and ate cooked meat they became stronger and their jaw sizes decreased.

    Tired of the grind? Wait. PM me to see a better way.

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  • Profile picture of the author Sarevok
    I love fresh whole foods.

    But my family are straight up carnivores lol.

    It's not feasible for me to live the lifestlye.

    BUT, I am proud to say at least 50% of the food I eat is 100% whole foods.

    Problem with whole foods: No nachos, no spaghetti, etc etc.

    I prefer simpler lifestyle, I don't like calorie counting or getting itno technicalities regarding what is or isn't a whole food.

    But, I respect your decision, and realize the many health benefits.

    But, no filet Mignon for you? Ever?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kezz
    So cool to spot this thread today as this is actually day two of a switch to mostly raw vegan diet for me.

    I'm making the switch off the back of a 7 day juice fast which was absolutely fantastic. I haven't felt this good since I was a little kid!

    I used to be a vegetarian years ago, and then a vegan for a while. I fell off the wagon and since doing that I gradually packed on over 30kg. (About 60 pounds I think).

    I saw the light and switched back to a vegan diet about 6 weeks ago and I've already dropped over 8kg (about 20lbs) which is way more than I expected by this point!

    I was having heart problems, which are now gone. I have loads more energy, aches & pains have disappeared, and I need less sleep.

    I'm also way more clear mentally, and it's funny that someone mentioned above does it give you a better sense of humor, because I find myself laughing way more.

    Things that used to make me feel super stressed now just float right by me.

    I fell off the wagon once, but the shift in how I feel in just six short weeks has me committed to staying vegan for the rest of my life.

    And the results from the juice fast have me committed to eating as much raw food as I possibly can!

    Absolutely fantastic.
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  • Profile picture of the author successproducts
    I am 100 percent vegan and right now 50 percent raw. One time I was on raw for 6 months and I was so strong although I lost so much weight that my friends were worry for me. However I could swim almost 100 laps -- not lying here -- the strength was incredible and my skin was translucent and my breath smelled fresh all the time. Vegan lifestyle is not only healthy for us but helps the planet and saves 15 billions animals to be killed each year.
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  • Profile picture of the author rachmfs
    awsome stuff!
    id love to buy any kind of vegan asset.
    youtube channel\upload
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    good content writers....
    please email me at
    thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author DBracey
    Great thread, thanks for starting it. Yes, I too am on a mostly raw plant based diet and purchase everything else based on cruelty free choice. Call that vegan if you want, but for me I don't really think of it as a label like 'vegan'. All it means to me is I eat and utilize things that don't involve any kind of animal, and what I eat I aim to be mostly raw.

    I find since being on it I sleep better, work better, and I'm definitely far stronger when I work out. I also notice that I don't get sore no matter how hard I push with weights or cardio exercises. Before being on this diet I would work out and be sore as a **** the next day, without fail. Usually even sorer on day 2. Now, it just doesn't happen. I'd heard many vegan athletes say they are stronger and suffer less muscle soreness, but I wasn't sure I believed it until it became true for myself.

    Aside from all the benefits of which there are more than I've written here, I've also discovered a ton of awesome food recipes that I would never have in a million years tried otherwise.

    If any of you guys are in Australia and you want a healthy vegan chocolate treat, look up Naturally Goji Dark Chocolate Goji Berries. I would never have tried those if I wasn't on this diet, and by the great God's of taste they are the best chocolate treats I've ever eaten!
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  • Profile picture of the author flashlarue
    I went vegetarian in 1980 and have been total vegan for the past five years. Love the live style and love not killing animals.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zach B
    Just switched back to raw vegan a week ago. Already feeling substantially better. Lighter, clearer. Great to know other warriors are fighting the battle for their health as well!

    It is not as expensive as you think. Here is a money saving tip.
    In the morning soak some flax seeds. Then juice carrots, garlic and ginger. Take the leftovers from juicing and blend it with the flax, season and dehydrate for crackers. Then juice your greens and boil the leftovers from the green juicing in a pot of water, seasoning to taste (I just use salt and garlic). Then strain that and you can save it as a delicious mineral broth. Waste not want not : ).
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  • Profile picture of the author JTDonnelly
    I started following an Alkaline diet and I've never felt better!

    I lost over 25 pounds and I've sustained it which is amazing! I've also had a huge increase in energy and mental clarity. I can't remember the last time I felt so good.

    Join the Alkaline Movement, it will change your life!!! Contact me if you don't know what the Alkaline movement is ... everyone needs to hear about it.

    for anyone interested in learning more about the Alkaline Movement, visit the following page:
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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I'm Vegan for the last 18 months and loving it. I'm not raw vegan, but just your average vegan and loving. No problem eating out either here in Southern California.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author sophiadixon
    I ate some raw vegan foods that my best friend did and I saw how tasteful and how easy they can be made.
    At first I was a little skeptic about what this way of life promotes, but after I have red more I understood how benefic it can be to your body. I have been eating raw vegan foods for a couple of months and I see the improvements. I do not get tired easily and I feel my skin softer and it has a certain glow.
    I reccomend it to all who want to try something new. You will definitely feel and look better!
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    • Profile picture of the author dvduval
      Originally Posted by sophiadixon View Post

      I ate some raw vegan foods that my best friend did and I saw how tasteful and how easy they can be made.
      At first I was a little skeptic about what this way of life promotes, but after I have red more I understood how benefic it can be to your body. I have been eating raw vegan foods for a couple of months and I see the improvements. I do not get tired easily and I feel my skin softer and it has a certain glow.
      I reccomend it to all who want to try something new. You will definitely feel and look better!
      This is a growing trend for sure. I see JayZ and Beyonce are trying it for 22 days now. With all the nasty mass produced meat facilities out there, I don't even miss it. It is just gross to me. Maybe I'm different in that I care about how we treat animals, but its great because I feel better too, not just for morale reasons, but I have more energy and my skin looks better.
      It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author adamnassar
    It is a lifestyle decision, and time commitment. Most families are really really hurting themselves, and it's sad. They have to be in a certain place or mindset to get into it.

    Please do not use affiliate/MLM links in signatures

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    • Profile picture of the author dvduval
      Originally Posted by adamnassar View Post

      It is a lifestyle decision, and time commitment. Most families are really really hurting themselves, and it's sad. They have to be in a certain place or mindset to get into it.
      If you do it right it can be just as cheap and fast too. Here are some ingredient examples:
      beans (MANY kinds)
      Leafy greens (spinach, kale, collards)

      If 90% of your diet was the above, you would be healthier than most Americans.
      It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author NoEndInsight
    Good for all of you and your efforts to getting healthy! Seriously that takes guts and discipline.

    I have been a vegan for a year and just finished a good 2 month stint of just consuming smoothies/juices. It was a great cleanse and had tons of energy. My skin cleared up and my mind got focused. I just started eating some cooked foods mainly because I am broke and waiting for my first paycheck from a new job.

    My goal is to be about 90-95% raw. It is just night and day when you really start to clean your body. If there is one thing I would recommend to any warrior on here, it is to clean up your diet. If you want endless energy and clarity, start slamming some fruits and veggies. It will seriously help you reach success and make you feel your best.

    Thanks for listening and good luck on getting healthy!
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  • Profile picture of the author RuthStewart
    I watched "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" and started juicing. I hated juicing so much, particularly anything green. Loved it whole, hated it juiced. So then I went raw for a while, and I did come away from that sadly, but stayed vegetarian.

    I feel better morally because of the meat industry, and I feel healthier in myself. I have reduced the meat my family eat too, but they are not vegetarian. Yet. *hehe!*

    Best wishes,

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  • Profile picture of the author cmcghie
    Recently (about 4- 5 months now), I have been eating more raw food as a result of testimonies and documentaries I have seen and read. My diet is now 70% raw food and 30% cooked and I intend to be vegan before the year end. At the moment I eat carrot, spinach, broccoli and kale, all raw with chicken or fish. However, organic is best but more expensive. Nevertheless, I will go organic very soon and also grow my own vegetables. I'm feeling just great since I changed my diet and I believe I will feel even better being a raw vegan.
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  • Profile picture of the author jw22777
    I have a few friends that actually do this and have lost an incredible amount of weight!
    They've been trying to convince me to cross over to their side though!
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