Alarm or timer with periodic chimes

11 replies
When I meditate, I can rarely go more than 3 minutes without lapsing into thought. I believe that if I could find an alarm or timer than let out a gentle "chime" every so often, it would help me get back to "no thought". I've searched but haven't seen anything like this but it's SUCH a simple idea I can't believe that there isn't something already out there. Any ideas would be appreciated.
#alarm #chimes #periodic #timer
  • Profile picture of the author wupyl
    What about the in-built phone timer? You can find a sound for it on the Internet and download it to your phone.
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    • Profile picture of the author hotwired99
      Right but I need it to count down an amount of time, but ALSO periodically give me a gentle gong or chime to remind me to stop thinking about my wife in Yoga pants or whatever is crossing my mind, haha!
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by hotwired99 View Post

        Right but I need it to count down an amount of time, but ALSO periodically give me a gentle gong or chime to remind me to stop thinking about my wife in Yoga pants or whatever is crossing my mind, haha!
        Why stop yourself from letting your mind drift to pleasant happy thoughts. That is when you stop meditating and tell your wife what you told us. That you can go three minutes with a clear mind then you can't stop thought of her beauty from flooding your mind.

        What are you trying to get from meditation .and why are you treating it like a prison sentence where you need to do it for an extended period. And not for only as long as is needed to get the desired effect.

        Maybe the universe is telling you to do yoga with your wife
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by hotwired99 View Post

    When I meditate, I can rarely go more than 3 minutes without lapsing into thought. I believe that if I could find an alarm or timer than let out a gentle "chime" every so often, it would help me get back to "no thought". I've searched but haven't seen anything like this but it's SUCH a simple idea I can't believe that there isn't something already out there. Any ideas would be appreciated.
    Just train yourself to have gentle positive thoughts after clearing your mind . Clear your mind of negative thoughts and then focus on positive or preferred thoughts.

    Or just learn to enjoy the sound of your own voice and the beating of your heart
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    A phone would work - but would only disrupt further.

    If you can only meditate for 3 minutes before your mind wanders....meditate for 3 minutes at a time and increase the time gradually. Meditation is training your mind - takes practice but a few minutes at a time is fine.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
    Here is a oldy that use to be recommended. The Pomodoro Timer. You can set it to short intervals. Here is a link to one company selling them (Not an affiliate link ) TomatoTimers - Custom Pomodoro Timer and To-do List As others have said you can also download a app to you phone - and if you have a Apple phone this list recommends one -

    You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments -
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  • Profile picture of the author leadinggrow
    it is very helpfull
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  • Profile picture of the author hotwired99
    Got it. I found an app called interval timer. Now I set it for 30 minutes and I get a gentle gong every 6 minutes ... it's a complete repurposing but works fantastic!
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  • Profile picture of the author Elysian aRfB
    I understood your problem because I was also having the same issue before. But there is a solution for this. You can find an app on Google Playstore called DOWN DOG for meditation. This app is specifically built for meditation. It has many settings in it and a voice that guides you throughout your meditation period without letting you off-track.
    Hope this could help you :-) if this did please let me know
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  • Profile picture of the author txs
    I'm glad you found an app that works for you! I might check it out now! I had been using YouTube timers. I use them for workouts too, like 40 sec work and 15 sec rest, though the intervals aren't very gentle on those ones!
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  • Introdoocin' the

    Driftin' unhelpfully between strategisin', reverie, an' bitin' the head offa yr childhood bear?

    Likely you heard evrywan say: Dear Sweet Jeezis ... you totally ****ed.

    But I ain't like that.

    Bcs I gaht the ansa you need most.

    See, bcs I don't see how you *TOTALLY* ****ed.

    As in 24/7 or even jus' Wennesday.

    & that is my natchrl an' troo hoppertiomistic genius.

    Thing is, it is impossible naht to lapse into thought less'n you been shot through the brains with a mortally exotic weppin.

    You are incredibly sentientah than you imagine, a-cum with el braino stuffs till'n evry synapse be forevah blitzoed.


    Dismiss this at your procreative peril!

    Dontchya know your thoughts are your most immediately accessible advantageholes?

    Into which you may plunge all carb-driven efforts?

    If'n I makin' sense so far, now ima show you why.

    Forget what I sayin' & see the pauses I introdoocin'.

    8 periods, 3 queries, 1 exclaimo.

    Ground upon which to meandah ... speculation opened up real neat.

    Plus a punchline!

    Prolly I should say more 'bout the natchrl sustainin' & evokin' powahs of floppin' out all juicy as a dedicated yogah gal, but I figure that is like dowin' sum fkr else's homework cain't get to this place.

    Anyways: the app I mentioned earlieah.

    You intrested in that, right?

    Don't download it, don't use it, **** off.

    Your time an' happiness is more consoomed by unseen an' unintagiblah morons than evah before.

    Tellya, best thing you can do besides shoot yusself in the head is write out 5 reasons why you should naht.

    If'n you can bend ovah real dinky in yogah pants, you may be supprised to discovah THERE IS NAHT A TROPHY.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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