Leadership Development For A Team

2 replies
If you are in a leadership position, you may find that your team members are not following your instructions. It could be that they do not know what to do, or they may not want to do it. In this case, you need to take some action. Here are a few things you can do:

1) Give them more information. You need to provide your team with all of the details and background information that will help them make good decisions. This means giving them the reasons behind your instructions and how they will benefit from them.

2) Provide them with tools. When you give your team members information, you should also provide them with the tools they need to use that information. This includes training and coaching materials. The better these tools are, the more likely your team members will use them.

3) Assign them tasks. Your team members will only follow your instructions if they have something to do. This means assigning them tasks that are related to your instructions.

4) Reward them for following your instructions. This is one of the best ways to get people to do what you want them to do. If you reward them for doing what you ask them to do, they will feel as though they are part of a team and not just an employee.

5) Be available to answer questions. When you are not available to answer questions, your team members will assume that you are not interested in helping them. This will cause them to look for other leaders who will help them.

6) Give them the tools they need. You should not be the only person who knows everything. You should give your team members the information that they need to succeed.

7) Let them know that you trust them. This does not mean that you need to tell them that they are always right. Instead, it means that you trust them enough to let them know that you believe in their abilities.

8) Listen to them. Even if you disagree with what your team members are saying, you should still listen to them. If you are not willing to listen, you are not being a leader.

Please add your own.

#development #leadership #team
  • Profile picture of the author Artkantos
    Awesome tips Ken! I'll add lead by example and become an inspiring person, that will make easier to influence people and for them to be motivated working with you!
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    As an owner... as an employer... Its my job, to hire based ones ability to A) follow directions, and B) fire based on ones inabilities.

    The later is far more important ( firing ) than the former ( hiring )

    I have been told that my leadership abilities from the outside looking in, appears to be more in line with being a follower, vs a leader. I am there for my employees, and not the other way around.

    I have a tendency to hire based on knowledge vs experience. I have a tendency to fire quickly if the knowledge presented when hired is not present once you start working.

    I like to sit down with each and every employee I have at least once a month to see how things are going. I have a Phone I carry that is specifically for my employees to call me... it rings, and I answer - EVERYTIME, regardless of time. I am available 24hrs a day 7 days a week.

    Between myself and my division managers... it gets asked pretty constantly ( dang near daily ) is there anything you need / want that would make your job easier.

    I treat my staff like family - we all hang out - we all have each others back - Once hired.. it is up to those that you work with in the first week to determine if you gel or not - meaning you keep your job or you get the sorry, you just are not compatible, here is 3 months pay, and I help them find another job. People walk away happy, they were fired - and in a whole lot of instances are starting another job within days.

    My absolute #1 priority is Culture - above and beyond anything else... #2 is surrounding myself with people that are smarter than I am ( in most cases ). to surround yourself and in turn the people you work with, with a bunch of smart, motivated people is an amazing thing to see.

    Getting the best out of people, takes giving them the best.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author hibencarey
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