Under the Influence & Overseeing Abundant Resources...

by art72
37 replies
There's this inner-voice we tend to hear and seldom listen to (*at least in my case) that suggests;

"We're All Under the Influence..."

To whom, where, or what solely resides in your ability to define what you believe is right, or at least acceptable in your current state of mind, pursuits, and chosen affairs.

Clearly, we operate on a frequency (*a signal of sorts) to wit; we generally do, say, and think what is most commonly present in our upbringing and within our social circles - be it at play, school, work, or in our leisurely exploits.

To me, there's a semblance of harmony between the "RESOURCES" and the "INFLUENCES" as they are BOTH comprised of the same ingredients; i.e., people, places, and/or things!

Resources are often the 'common denominator' that separates the US from THEM or the Have's from the Have Not's - but in reality, there is neither a shortage of influence in our world, nor a shortage of resources.

Granted, one could argue that certain regions, countries, or even large groups of people suffer more than others, and I am not trying to argue the fact; there are places that have LESS access to live sustaining (or life enhancing) resources...

BUT... if you live in ANY civilized part of the world and debate that YOU DO NOT have ACCESS to more abundant resources, you have either bought into a HUGE LIE that has been sold to humanity for eons, or YOU have chosen to deprive yourself the privilege's of "Claiming Your Rightful Inheritance" - and, I do not mean Ma & Pa left you the farm in this example!

Rather, if we examine the CREATION of VALUE in the material world of THINGS, we can easily equate that what was once an abundant and otherwise USELESS RESOURCE was then turned into a highly sought after commodity such as money, credit, promissory notes and the likes of say; diamonds, gem stones, and shiny objects...

There is a tale to be told that is seldom shared in the mainstream eye...

It's a lot like Napoleon Hill's version of finding "The Master Key" or "The Middle Way" in Buddhist teachings... it can be difficult to guide others to a place they have NEVER yet to explore. There is a fear of the unknown, and to explore or adventure beyond YOUR known environment (*people, places, and things - i.e., objects of need, want, and/or desire) as it implies DANGER/AVISO and poses a potential threat to ALL 3 of our major operating systems - Mind, Body, and Spirit (*or energy, if you are offended by the term spirit)...

Point being, what IF... we have the same qualifications as those before us to turn otherwise abundant and to a degree useless resources into the equivalence of GOLD itself?

I have been stuck on this "alchemical rollercoaster" for over 20 years now, after receiving a 'download' of sorts that in essence started to 'meld' everything we've been taught into ONE simple formula... or a process to wit;

Once we realize by being; "Under the Influence" of others, third party, outside participants and the likes of BOTH friends and foes - we can determine; the INFLUENCE and the need, want, and/or desire for more RESOURCES all stem from the same root!

It's nearly impossible to put into words, but if we could... I'd explain it as being a life-long quest to "unlock" that need, want, and/or desire and be able to create a sustainable FLOW of resources and whilst doing so, manage our ability to better understand what influences BOTH US and OTHERS to either strive or struggle to conceive what their time, energy, and/or being is truly worth.

Most of us, live to serve others... in essence, even the most evil of empirical figures throughout history operated on a frequency (*a signal, a mindset, or focus) on serving their God, gods, or some motivating factor that influenced their being, and more importantly their behavior (*actions).

There's a fine line in understanding that we are the products of INFLUENCE - and the RESOURCES are the results of what we deem worthy of our own personal pursuits.

In theory, we seek to minimalize the threat, maintain our being (health), and to a degree explore the ideas, values, virtues, principles, and interests left behind or created through the examples of those whom we either respect, fear, cherish, admire, adore, love or hate!

We learn equally from our loved ones as we do our enemies, and we remain in a prolific "Tug of War" within to determine our own fates, by order of freewill, we can choose to serve the greater good or the greater evil.

In essence, we can STOP, give pause, fast-forward, rewind, push play or throw the remote controls in the depths of the sea, and either way, we remain; "Under the Influence" of a variety of people, places, and things.

If I was to define what separates US from all other known creatures, we simple choose what action or discourse we are willing to take to allocate, acquire, consume, digest, absorb, and excrete the RESOURCES we deem worthy of our time, energy, and investments - be it monetarily or spiritually gratifying or horrifying!

There is a TRUTH embedded within this equation to wit, many seek and few seldom find, it roots throughout all teachings and can be found in most religious and spiritual teachings, math and sciences, history and literature... as well as in comedy, poetry, music, and spans ALL language barriers... some call it PASSION others call it LOVE - no matter what you call it; it FUELS our being to either seek or die!

But... what are we seeking"
  • Love?
  • Remedies to PAIN?
  • Forgiveness?
  • Freedom?
  • Independence"
  • Mercy?
  • Companionship?
  • Acceptance?

And, 99% of the time we absorb is SPENT (*exhausted really) chasing resources...

I hear this familiar echo from afar that suggests, we may not need to chase resources - IF we understand the ideology of allowing ourselves permission to ACCEPT that our rightful inheritance is indeed "Hidden in Plain Sight!"

We tend to IGNORE the reality that unless we are prisoners in chains -or- confined to and/or in a region that simply lacks resources (*like barren waste lands or drought wrought lands) - we can manifest whatever we desire.

Someone here stated something a few months back that INFLUENCED my old pursuit to better understand the difference between INFLUENCE & RESOURCES and it occurred to me; we really are fond our depravity, dis-service, and in essence punishing ourselves - maybe that doesn't suit everyone... clearly, you can NEVER group everyone in the same category, as personalities, beliefs, cultural upbringing, and traditional practices do differentiate our individual beliefs, shape our values, and in essence separate us from a variety of cultural beliefs and differentiators.

BUT... one thing is for sure, we all seek resources (*people, places, and things - i.e., objects of need, want, and/or desire) to wit; we were groomed to SEEK and in essence DESTROY any influence that does not comply with our overall well-being and survival.

So... if we truly wanted to explore equality, I suggest we look inward, adopt a belief that we have abundant resources everywhere, and reverse-engineer what all the great leaders (and evil *******s alike) have managed to dominate for centuries/millennia really; which is turning those influences and resources into the equivalence of GOLD itself...

And NO, it doesn't have to be monetary - as in money, because IF we truly sought after the TRUTH - where did MONEY (*and, Promissory Notes) originate from?

Granted, that is a more in-depth study, but for now, look at the INFLUNCE money has over people - and look at RESOURCES that have been manipulated through the use of "printed paper" - and, then THINK to Yourself, was there ever ANY doubt that if THEY (*those before us) could use such an abundant resource such as paper... to influence so much progress, developments, and of course power struggles, battles, and let's not leave out the constant; WARS... over power...

What does that suggest WE can DO with otherwise abundant, useless, and easily acquirable resources?

It in essence, defines ALCHEMY - without any voo doo, magic pills, beans, or potions. We likely do not need to medicated or "Pharmacia" (*Greek for; "sorcery") - at least, not the majority (*I hope) - Rather, we can churn out a volume, a frequency, and mindset that demands the universe bend to our will, not our minds being bent by the universe! And, still... this PROCESS lingers just out-of-reach! (*It will manifest, I demand it - (*as the cultivator's and the predators engage in an arduous battle for the rights to control the FLOW of influences and resources... ONE in the SAME in my BOOK!)

I'm in a HUNT... for a TRUTH that suggests, we can claim our rightful inheritance by simply identifying how others used abundant (*and otherwise useless resources) to capitalize on achieving HUGE levels of financial independence, and even still... to comprehend it from the beat down, broken, bruised, and infinite struggles life throws via; projected mindset... I can see (*from above - imagine that) how many of us (*myself included) remained under the influence and the "belief" that there was a lack of resources, as is often projected by those in control of those very resources... when in reality, a jar a dirt and a seed could cultivate an overflowing cornucopia of abundance in places deemed unworthy, unfit, or currently denied!

Now, I don't suggest anyone "mirror" D.B. Cooper's means or mode of striking the iron whilst it was hot... BUT, I do believe we can reverse engineer a PROCESS of refining THINGS (*like gold) and turn those THINGS into the equivalent values of gold itself

The question is what separates; "The influences we are under?" from "The Resources so widely sought after?"

Think about it... there's a million-and-one people teaching formulas, recipes, and blueprints to use EXISTING knowledge, Tools, and RESOURCES... which again IS; people, places, and/or things... ONE-IN-THE-SAME.

I may be high in spirit ATM, but I think we're all connected - and in the end, it's not what you do, say, or think... it is what you leave behind, and I am fascinated by those who have carved out, sculpted, wrote, created or screamed "freedom" from their death beds to create those timeless recipes that just NEVER get old!

Mindset, perhaps the most difficult subject to conquer in this realm of existence, but if we can control the outcome, then why do we settle for less than our true rightful inheritance suggests - which to me would be mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health... because getting those 4-Core elements to align is a B!TCH!

Just thinking out loud... as my mind is determined to create (or just regurgitate a bunch of recipes that other brilliant minds already left for us to find!) Most of which, are "Hidden in Plain Sight!" - Resources & Influences - we lack neither, lest it be we ignore both!

I'm done letting the universe bend my mind... I am going to start bending the universe, as our minds are designed to do just that!

IDK... I must be insane, as everything I see lately screams; "alchemy" - turning sh!t into the equivalent of gold itself, no black magic, no bad mojo, no voo-doo or evil seances wizardry or witchcraft...No beanstalks or fairy tales... just find those signs that suggest; "Hey there's a pile of opportunity right here, and if you apply the right actions, you might be surprised at the results that can be achieved!"

It's all contained within a simple process... and we process, filter, and refine our being as transceivers - we send and receive messages, as it is scripted in our DNA > RNA > and Protein Cells to transform where we are most needed to SERVE others and ideally, our own well-being!

The influences and the resources "Already Exist" - so, why deny the privilege of accepting our "Rightful Inheritance" - which to me is "piece of mind, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment" at play, school, work, business, and especially ALONE in ONE's mind! (*We're NEVER alone, lol)

Meanwhile, in a more grounded reality, it's easier to write about all-in-which we have ACCESS to, than it is to actually DO SOMETHING with IT! (*Imagine that, LOL)

Meditations, what a place to find! It's almost stoic!
#abundant #influence #mindset #overseeing #resources
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    Over 2000 words - article, philosophizing, sermonizing? Interesting reading for sure and significant expenditure of time on your part.

    Likely this will turn into another thread about success vs failure but it is the mind section...so....

    There is a tale to be told that is seldom shared in the mainstream eye...
    When that is followed by a Napoleon Hill reference....doesn't it pretty much follow the trope for 'inspirational' stuff? I would say 'over shared' rather than seldom shared....but that's just me.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731494].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      Over 2000 words - article, philosophizing, sermonizing? Interesting reading for sure and significant expenditure of time on your part.
      Likely this will turn into another thread about success vs failure but it is the mind section...so....

      When that is followed by a Napoleon Hill reference....doesn't it pretty much follow the trope for 'inspirational' stuff? I would say 'over shared' rather than seldom shared....but that's just me.
      Read more of a manifesto than a sermon to me. Honestly, art, it feels a bit manic to read, and I don't get the alchemy of it, is it turning those resources; people, places and things...into money, which when one has enough of, can pick the places, people and things he wants in his life?

      To Kay's point of this being the mind forum, and how it gets filled quickly with the mindset garbage, or tropes if one prefers...of "you can do it man" (from the philosopher Rob Schneider in almost every Adam Sandler movie).

      The reality of it all is, maybe YOU (the collective you) or the one sharing the trope, CAN'T do it.

      We're born. We die. In between we have experiences, and most of those are allowed, not chosen.

      I think maybe, what we see from lasting success is a person who has made choices and not just allowed things to happen to them.

      That group of taking control of their lives is a small percentage, for sure.

      I sort of agree, as best I understand it, in the alchemy part of turning resources into gold, but that is just basic business isn't it? Supply and demand??

      Maybe I'm way off base on this one.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731505].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    On on hand this thread made me watch George Carlin stuff a few times. Modern abundance in action.

    Then there is the other thing people don't really value things or resources that are abundant. Those get taken for granted then people focus on the stuff in short supply of they think might run out.

    Gold is in limited supply that is why it is valued and why you want to turn abundant resources into gold.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731515].message }}
  • Get me to sum place quickah
    don't mean I gotta be sickah.

    Prolly this woiks for most evrythin' -- incloodin' basic perabyoolatory mechanics an' mindstuffs, plus also essential boobie health an' deep down inya potentially grimy undercarriage, an' basic 'Huh? Zackly?' questionin' of "Loft O'er All" flossofees gowin' noplace othah than Originateur Ass Centrale. Ultimate A:B test is your dickbrain kinda life, |I guess. Less'n you gaht no haultoinative plan don't demand no soundtrack.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731518].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    Originally Posted by art72 View Post

    Resources are often the 'common denominator' that separates the US from THEM or the Have's from the Have Not's - but in reality, there is neither a shortage of influence in our world, nor a shortage of resources.
    The only thing that separates the haves and the have nots ( in my opinion ) is "SACRIFICE". Sacrifice is an element of Having - in one way shape or form.. be it money or time or whatever - Sacrifice more often than not is the opposite of easy - and if its not easy most wont - and if you wont... you have not.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731526].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author art72
    In agreement with the whole Napoleon Hill "inspirational mindset" is a bit over-used, there seems to be a huge menu of 'storytellers' that somehow define what should be 'common-sense' stuff in their own elaborate concoctions of words, parables, phrases or what not.

    In re-reading the post, there was a hint of MANIC embedded... as Gordon mentioned, not exactly what I was striving for, mind you.

    I've been re-visiting some brilliant minds, writers, philosophers, and visionaries lately, and I do think there is a SACRIFICE in the equation - especially in doing business (supply and demand) and in serving others.

    Reflective of those "peaks and valley's" we experience - the main thing I'm trying to define is (more over) finding a balance to having the TIME & MONEY to continue the study, life, work, relationships, etc... And, the more I examine it, the LESS SENSE it makes(?) - what makes people HAPPY? ...Or... Sustains their needs, wants, and desirables?

    Most of what we consume (like food) only provides temporary sustainment.

    I just want to buy a skiff, throw a cast net, and fish... But, the currently reality suggests; work now, so you can PLAY more later!

    I have been saying that for nearly 40 years... "Work now, play later" - but, I remember when WORK was FUN.

    Now, like Odahh said; I wonna "unload" my inner George Carlin - but, not to offend - to elaborate!

    (*And, it all contains a cognitive bias, either way...) Often mistaken for prejudice, racial, or some tension that to speak of such things, implies judgement of one force or another.

    Sure, money can (*and most definitely does) solve (*or create) problems - dependant upon how one views the propriety use of the tools, and how to invest, leverage, and in essence grow financially... I'm still learning these lessons, lol.

    Gordon may be RIGHT - maybe by design we are not groomed to do, be, or become something we are not!

    I'm no Neal Peart... But on "air drums" I'm a Professor, lol

    My brain is hard-wired to toggle between euphoric interludes and paralyzing fear... And, there appears to be a fine line between these two polar opposites, as so with most sciences, religious (*or spiritual) teachings, and even in other arenas like politics, psychology, philosophy, business, media, etc.

    It's like extremism (*woo-woo hype) vs (the grounded, tactical approach) - it's a fine line betwixt the two.

    And "yeah I do believe"; Sacrifice definitely plays into nearly every equation as well... to date, I haven't met anyone who hasn't "given-up" something in the exchange (*or attempted) to better others and/or to treat themself when the recipients show their appreciation.(*kind of like getting positive feedback, reciprocity, or a sincere thank-you!)

    Depression... I visit with it frequently, always have in fact... But, it is neither my intent, nor my place to reside there fulltime...or to be, become, or remain a pessimist, although in studying pessimism I've inherently adopted some pessimistic beliefs!

    Lately, my mind goes into pessimist mode as if I am trying to find a cure for all those who profess they've been dealt a bad hand... And, all-the-while, I think we all explore a variety of archetypical behavioral blues... Hence, tune to your own music and if it lacks blues - it must be gangsta!, and you straight pimpin' boo!

    Framing a philosophy today, within this huge menu of options, has me fearing what Chris (Daily Refinement) stated in his latest video; he fears being left behind, forgotten, or that what if no one remembers YOU, mindset.

    I liked me better when I didn't give a f*ck, ALMOST, LOL.

    I kind of relate to that looking back on 38 years of working - laboring for freedom, lol... And, makes me wonder; who are we really doing this WORK for???

    What if you labored for freedom your whole life...And, NEVER gave birth to it???

    I'm caught somewhere between "God is good" and Neitzche's "God is dead" philosophy...

    Some people live by a code that suggest's "if" you are not "abusing others" - "you are being abused"... That is a tough argument to crack!

    Like the persuasion used in advertising...manipulation, command of language, etc.

    Both sides of such arguments hold a certain value.

    If we're supposed to put ourselves first and foremost, why then do we cater to all the bs, provided by others?

    I'm stuck between working on a "Dairy Farm" 60-70 hours per week... And, buying storage units - what a duality!

    If you cannot escape "the resistance" then, I guess we have to find the means to accept it's always there, and accept the challenge to endure it.

    If I take this JOB... eBay suffers. I won't quit, but WHO will DO THE WORK if not me?

    Still cannot find ANSWERS to that question.

    So... If you don't want to lead, or follow... I guess it's best to get out of the way.

    Meanwhile, I hate being lead!
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731643].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Thanks art72, I've been doing a deeper dive into your op, and now this, I'll share some thoughts later today...which may or may not be of help to you or the group, as today stands.


      P.S. There is gold, but like real gold, one has to chip away the rock surrounding, or hiding it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      In agreement with the whole Napoleon Hill "inspirational mindset" is a bit over-used, there seems to be a huge menu of 'storytellers' that somehow define what should be 'common-sense' stuff in their own elaborate concoctions of words, parables, phrases or what not.

      In re-reading the post, there was a hint of MANIC embedded... as Gordon mentioned, not exactly what I was striving for, mind you.

      I've been re-visiting some brilliant minds, writers, philosophers, and visionaries lately, and I do think there is a SACRIFICE in the equation - especially in doing business (supply and demand) and in serving others.

      Reflective of those "peaks and valley's" we experience - the main thing I'm trying to define is (more over) finding a balance to having the TIME & MONEY to continue the study, life, work, relationships, etc... And, the more I examine it, the LESS SENSE it makes(?) - what makes people HAPPY? ...Or... Sustains their needs, wants, and desirables?

      Most of what we consume (like food) only provides temporary sustainment.

      I just want to buy a skiff, throw a cast net, and fish... But, the currently reality suggests; work now, so you can PLAY more later!

      I have been saying that for nearly 40 years... "Work now, play later" - but, I remember when WORK was FUN.

      Now, like Odahh said; I wonna "unload" my inner George Carlin - but, not to offend - to elaborate!

      (*And, it all contains a cognitive bias, either way...) Often mistaken for prejudice, racial, or some tension that to speak of such things, implies judgement of one force or another.

      Sure, money can (*and most definitely does) solve (*or create) problems - dependant upon how one views the propriety use of the tools, and how to invest, leverage, and in essence grow financially... I'm still learning these lessons, lol.

      Gordon may be RIGHT - maybe by design we are not groomed to do, be, or become something we are not!

      I'm no Neal Peart... But on "air drums" I'm a Professor, lol

      My brain is hard-wired to toggle between euphoric interludes and paralyzing fear... And, there appears to be a fine line between these two polar opposites, as so with most sciences, religious (*or spiritual) teachings, and even in other arenas like politics, psychology, philosophy, business, media, etc.

      It's like extremism (*woo-woo hype) vs (the grounded, tactical approach) - it's a fine line betwixt the two.

      And "yeah I do believe"; Sacrifice definitely plays into nearly every equation as well... to date, I haven't met anyone who hasn't "given-up" something in the exchange (*or attempted) to better others and/or to treat themself when the recipients show their appreciation.(*kind of like getting positive feedback, reciprocity, or a sincere thank-you!)

      Depression... I visit with it frequently, always have in fact... But, it is neither my intent, nor my place to reside there fulltime...or to be, become, or remain a pessimist, although in studying pessimism I've inherently adopted some pessimistic beliefs!

      Lately, my mind goes into pessimist mode as if I am trying to find a cure for all those who profess they've been dealt a bad hand... And, all-the-while, I think we all explore a variety of archetypical behavioral blues... Hence, tune to your own music and if it lacks blues - it must be gangsta!, and you straight pimpin' boo!

      Framing a philosophy today, within this huge menu of options, has me fearing what Chris (Daily Refinement) stated in his latest video; he fears being left behind, forgotten, or that what if no one remembers YOU, mindset.

      I liked me better when I didn't give a f*ck, ALMOST, LOL.

      I kind of relate to that looking back on 38 years of working - laboring for freedom, lol... And, makes me wonder; who are we really doing this WORK for???

      What if you labored for freedom your whole life...And, NEVER gave birth to it???

      I'm caught somewhere between "God is good" and Neitzche's "God is dead" philosophy...

      Some people live by a code that suggest's "if" you are not "abusing others" - "you are being abused"... That is a tough argument to crack!

      Like the persuasion used in advertising...manipulation, command of language, etc.

      Both sides of such arguments hold a certain value.

      If we're supposed to put ourselves first and foremost, why then do we cater to all the bs, provided by others?

      I'm stuck between working on a "Dairy Farm" 60-70 hours per week... And, buying storage units - what a duality!

      If you cannot escape "the resistance" then, I guess we have to find the means to accept it's always there, and accept the challenge to endure it.

      If I take this JOB... eBay suffers. I won't quit, but WHO will DO THE WORK if not me?

      Still cannot find ANSWERS to that question.

      So... If you don't want to lead, or follow... I guess it's best to get out of the way.

      Meanwhile, I hate being lead!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731647].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      So... If you don't want to lead, or follow... I guess it's best to get out of the way.

      Meanwhile, I hate being lead!
      Nobody can be led unless they agree to follow.
      One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

      What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731672].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post

        Nobody can be led unless they agree to follow.
        Boom! Good response!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731678].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      In re-reading the post, there was a hint of MANIC embedded... as Gordon mentioned, not exactly what I was striving for, mind you.
      I just want to buy a skiff, throw a cast net, and fish...
      But, the currently reality suggests; work now, so you can PLAY more later!
      Meanwhile, I hate being lead!
      If I miss the mark on this so be it. I find myself asking what are you STRIVING for?

      Somewhat reminded of the song by John Prine...Breaking the Speed of the Sound of Lonely when he sings;

      "What in the world has come over you, ...out there running just to be on the run".

      Prine is confused by the behavior of someone looking for something else...Or, as I call it the moving X on the Map. Now comes some things from far right field:

      First, a couple of concepts; A-secular...Hemingway your words. Ernest would write, write, write and then edit, pare, edit, revise, edit until he got to the barest of bones with his meanings.

      B- Gospel...Paul in I Cor. 19...glad the congregation communed with God, but when it came to instruction or information, he would rather speak 5 words and be understood than 2,000 in a tongue.

      When writing while "in the spirit", do it and let it sit for awhile, then revisit if for public consumption if you still desire to share.

      In 1974 I spent one of the coldest nights of my life in a little fishing village on the coast of the Gulf of California, in San Felipe. Went there to escape the wintery chill of S. Ca, HA! Met a fisherman who went out three days a week and caught enough to feed his family and take to market. He owned a small strip of land and had open cabanas to rent cheaply to campers like us.

      He told me he once fished 7 days a week, but his wife made him quit when their third child was born, he thinking, he had to work more because they needed more, and his wife telling him they could get by with what they had, if the kids had a father a few days a week. That is when he invested in small strip of land to rent out and started to thrive on less work, more work TOGETHER time with family.

      There is a popular story about a similar guy, whom a marketer encountered and tried to convince him to buy more boats, do more fishing, make more money, THEN, he could retire and do what he wanted, and the reply to that story was, he was DOING what he wanted, when, and where he wanted...without all the stress and slop and mess of owning more boats, having employees, etc. Marketers like to complicate things up.

      In 1968 I witnessed a guy (Papa Felice) turn down a million bux for his pizza shop, when a group of investors wanted to make it a franchise. Big Daddy was happy enough with what he was doing and how much he was making, and having a million bux wouldn't do anything for him. I, as a kid, was flabberghasted, thinking he made a big mistake.
      There is some of that bias you speak of.

      We all too often project onto others our own feelings, thoughts and ideas.

      At my low tide, my ass was kicked by a man on a different beach, who made me draw pictures in the sand, and to do so without BELIEF. He taught me how life worked. And at that time, I was 42, had some success, made tons of money, but imploded with a little help from my friends.

      So, withtout belief...life is the time you have between birth and death. After that, no one knows, even those who have had near death experiences tend to favor the belief of their childhood.

      During your time, between birth and death, you experience daily results, early on, those are controlled by an adult and in this time period, the beliefs are installed into our young brains, and most often take root and remain there for a lifetime.

      Once of age, or liberation from adult supervision, we CAN make our own decisions, although any given society has a default or blueprint to follow. In Western capitalists republics, one such idea is the self made man, who overcomes adversity and finds financial freedom and success. A real trope of a dream.

      When we read the stories of many successful people, maybe MOST, they seem to all tell that the struggle was the best part of their journey, it is when they were most alive, not once they set up the generational trust accounts.

      And there are many of us who believe it IS the journey, which is as, if not more important as the X on the map is. X on a map marks the spot, the treasure, the destination and it is somewhere in the future.

      What happens most often is, THE X is undefined. And this is why so many gurus and coaches and those who teach manifestation have vision boards, and pictures and other ways to help us focus on what the X is.

      In making money, it is easily a financial goal, as in having 30 thousand in working capital at the end of a year of effort doing something.

      In a goal such as this, there is already in existence an IDEA of how that capital will be used, probably to create more of stream of continuous income.

      So, the X on the calendar, is one year away. On the map it is a fixed point in time, with a definite amount. And it is easy to track.

      But then the journey begins and one of the 7 major exits appear. And along the path, as the more time goes by, the exits are there and before too much time has gone by,

      The X has moved.

      It is no longer the clear vision it was at the start. Those that fix upon the X, and make the sacrifices, or overcome the obstacles, are the ones most likely to reach the X on time.

      What happens is often the planning part didn't get up high enough to see the obstacles along the route, and whether it is assumption, or ignorance, the TIME to move on down the road gets slowed down, via speed bumps, learning curves, and falling rocks of unforeseen events.

      My major concern at WF has always been a lack of planning followed with poor execution keeps the wheels spinning in the mud. And folks choosing the route which takes too much time, and too many moving parts.

      As for the fisherman at play, having crewed on a few fishing vessels, for VERY SHORT periods of time, because it is WORK...hand chewing, back breaking, bone crunching work...much prefer to go out with buddies for the day, pay someone with a boat to take us out to fish for the Marlin, while really just drinking with boys and getting sunburned.

      Any X on the map can be reached, but the bigger the treasure, often, the tougher the journey may be.

      Also, making either or choices, without a lot of thought about alternatives, combinations, what else is possible...isn't a great way to get to any X either.

      Could one not do 25 hours on the farm? 25 hours on eBay? 10 on fishing?

      It feels like you art72, just need to take a moment, even a quick one, and regroup and rethink your X and where that will be another year down the road.

      Or not, eh?

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731680].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        If I miss the mark on this so be it. I find myself asking what are you STRIVING for?

        Somewhat reminded of the song by John Prine...Breaking the Speed of the Sound of Lonely when he sings;

        "What in the world has come over you, ...out there running just to be on the run".

        Prine is confused by the behavior of someone looking for something else...Or, as I call it the moving X on the Map. Now comes some things from far right field:

        First, a couple of concepts; A-secular...Hemingway your words. Ernest would write, write, write and then edit, pare, edit, revise, edit until he got to the barest of bones with his meanings.

        B- Gospel...Paul in I Cor. 19...glad the congregation communed with God, but when it came to instruction or information, he would rather speak 5 words and be understood than 2,000 in a tongue.

        When writing while "in the spirit", do it and let it sit for awhile, then revisit if for public consumption if you still desire to share.

        In 1974 I spent one of the coldest nights of my life in a little fishing village on the coast of the Gulf of California, in San Felipe. Went there to escape the wintery chill of S. Ca, HA! Met a fisherman who went out three days a week and caught enough to feed his family and take to market. He owned a small strip of land and had open cabanas to rent cheaply to campers like us.

        He told me he once fished 7 days a week, but his wife made him quit when their third child was born, he thinking, he had to work more because they needed more, and his wife telling him they could get by with what they had, if the kids had a father a few days a week. That is when he invested in small strip of land to rent out and started to thrive on less work, more work TOGETHER time with family.

        There is a popular story about a similar guy, whom a marketer encountered and tried to convince him to buy more boats, do more fishing, make more money, THEN, he could retire and do what he wanted, and the reply to that story was, he was DOING what he wanted, when, and where he wanted...without all the stress and slop and mess of owning more boats, having employees, etc. Marketers like to complicate things up.

        In 1968 I witnessed a guy (Papa Felice) turn down a million bux for his pizza shop, when a group of investors wanted to make it a franchise. Big Daddy was happy enough with what he was doing and how much he was making, and having a million bux wouldn't do anything for him. I, as a kid, was flabberghasted, thinking he made a big mistake.
        There is some of that bias you speak of.

        We all too often project onto others our own feelings, thoughts and ideas.

        At my low tide, my ass was kicked by a man on a different beach, who made me draw pictures in the sand, and to do so without BELIEF. He taught me how life worked. And at that time, I was 42, had some success, made tons of money, but imploded with a little help from my friends.

        So, withtout belief...life is the time you have between birth and death. After that, no one knows, even those who have had near death experiences tend to favor the belief of their childhood.

        During your time, between birth and death, you experience daily results, early on, those are controlled by an adult and in this time period, the beliefs are installed into our young brains, and most often take root and remain there for a lifetime.

        Once of age, or liberation from adult supervision, we CAN make our own decisions, although any given society has a default or blueprint to follow. In Western capitalists republics, one such idea is the self made man, who overcomes adversity and finds financial freedom and success. A real trope of a dream.

        When we read the stories of many successful people, maybe MOST, they seem to all tell that the struggle was the best part of their journey, it is when they were most alive, not once they set up the generational trust accounts.

        And there are many of us who believe it IS the journey, which is as, if not more important as the X on the map is. X on a map marks the spot, the treasure, the destination and it is somewhere in the future.

        What happens most often is, THE X is undefined. And this is why so many gurus and coaches and those who teach manifestation have vision boards, and pictures and other ways to help us focus on what the X is.

        In making money, it is easily a financial goal, as in having 30 thousand in working capital at the end of a year of effort doing something.

        In a goal such as this, there is already in existence an IDEA of how that capital will be used, probably to create more of stream of continuous income.

        So, the X on the calendar, is one year away. On the map it is a fixed point in time, with a definite amount. And it is easy to track.

        But then the journey begins and one of the 7 major exits appear. And along the path, as the more time goes by, the exits are there and before too much time has gone by,

        The X has moved.

        It is no longer the clear vision it was at the start. Those that fix upon the X, and make the sacrifices, or overcome the obstacles, are the ones most likely to reach the X on time.

        What happens is often the planning part didn't get up high enough to see the obstacles along the route, and whether it is assumption, or ignorance, the TIME to move on down the road gets slowed down, via speed bumps, learning curves, and falling rocks of unforeseen events.

        My major concern at WF has always been a lack of planning followed with poor execution keeps the wheels spinning in the mud. And folks choosing the route which takes too much time, and too many moving parts.

        As for the fisherman at play, having crewed on a few fishing vessels, for VERY SHORT periods of time, because it is WORK...hand chewing, back breaking, bone crunching work...much prefer to go out with buddies for the day, pay someone with a boat to take us out to fish for the Marlin, while really just drinking with boys and getting sunburned.

        Any X on the map can be reached, but the bigger the treasure, often, the tougher the journey may be.

        Also, making either or choices, without a lot of thought about alternatives, combinations, what else is possible...isn't a great way to get to any X either.

        Could one not do 25 hours on the farm? 25 hours on eBay? 10 on fishing?

        It feels like you art72, just need to take a moment, even a quick one, and regroup and rethink your X and where that will be another year down the road.

        Or not, eh?

        The 'X' on the map certainly appears to be the primary goal that initiates the motive to start the journey... And, even with a well perceived plan, it often does appear the "unforeseeable" alters the direct route, requiring a detour here or there.

        So in essence, I think much of the mindset (or philosophy) I am trying to become more grounded to centers upon the time and energy it takes (sacrifices) it takes to still arrive at the predetermined destination (or outcome.)

        Meanwhile, the minute the path becomes altered or intensifies due to the 'uncontrollable' aspects of exploring new paths... Such as people, setbacks, or even the increasing demands for more capital to afford bigger tools or more efficient systems (or platforms)... It becomes time consuming.

        Clearly, no good deed goes unpunished and whilst I am neither seeking cheerleaders, rail birds, or cling-ons to join me on an uphill climb... The opinions or intrusions of other people's interpretation of taking the 'high road' often leads back to the very valley many seek to escape.

        It's like those movies where some pubescent love story is rooted in a rural mid-west town, and centers on the person determined to escape the boring town they lived in their whole and longs for the city they've never been to... or... a city kid wanting to buy a farm and escape the city life... like full shift to the polar opposite of what they were conditioned to their entire lives.

        It's seldom what they perceive it to be once they reach that place or entertain that space (void) that motivated the pursuit.

        Granted, the examples you laid out with the influences we endure through childhood and the 'breaking free' as many do in their teenage/early adulthood seeking independence from the orchestrated rules - be it parents, school, employer, or occupation... Appears almost self-deceiving, as we escape say being controlled by parents or guardians... Only to enter another arena and surrender to say a client or an employer

        Something savidge4 said awhile back had me thinking different; "what's different from sub-contracting for contractors or working by the hour" - and aside the slight diference in earnings (*which, being independent certainly cost more and requires more capital, discipline, and responsibility - more hours in my experience) it too 'breaks down' to the same results financially, and in self-employment sometimes even earning less.

        So, now it becomes a question of "why do self-employed people" (*in many cases) seem to like the abuse of working longer, harder, and strive to achieve above average results?

        Of course, savidge or yourself (Gordon) will often refer to the use of one's time and writing a decent 'white paper' with a projected sales plan to sell 10,000 copies in 'X' amount of time -or- grow organic lettuce in pods will produce or yield 'X' amount of returns in 'X' amount of weeks or months... Can in essence be done efficiently, and with less effort than say; building a dairy barn by the hour!

        The E Myth Revisited really nails it, much like Papa Felice shared a similar mindset as The McDonald's Brothers who didn't care about franchising their hamburger chain... Yet, Ray Kroc's vision used 'existing resources' and leveraged those opportunities (*resources) with far less heavy lifting... And, in-turn achieved financial freedom.

        I'm no Ray Kroc!

        But, the idea of retraining my mind to seize bigger opportunities still looms, as the optimist within starts head-butting the pessimist who is happy just doing the same thing over-and-over!

        For example, I've used a significant amount of time just dropping/writing posts here on the WF.

        I consider some of that reciprocity (*in appreciation) for all that I've learned about funnels, web design, sales copy, etc... Which is extensive amount of knowledge to consume, digest, and absorb... Most of which, I have yet to fully leverage or employ... Such as building lead generation funnels or capturing phone leads for local contractors seeking to renovate bathrooms or kitchens per se.

        Clearly, if done properly, an automated system could (*in hindsight) generate millions in phone leads... Just like selling eComm products can lead to moving larger quantities of merchandise with less personal investments of time, energy, or money.

        I still have a blueprint in my head for selling phone leads to local contractors - but, I have no prior experience DOING IT... just the ability to observe how others have made millions doing just that - selling leads.

        That was the THING that motivated the "working capital" and eBay pursuit... To have the capital to "test" running ads, capture phone leads, transfer those phone leads (inbound to a local contractor) and automate and scale that to a financial comfort level.

        But... In reality THAT 'X' seems to be the moving target that gets pushed back as Plan A. (eBay) is slowly growing... Plan B. Remodel locally or take JOB building dairy barns becomes a greater necessity as the bills increase...

        The latter is sure to eat a bunch of time and energy DOING the THING I didn't want to revert back to - solely based on the demands and need of money!

        That's the primary goal... I NEED a retirement plan that doesn't require the wife or a slew of employees to get to the numbers I need to hit to form the reality (income goals) I have set.

        My ability to rely on others is 'shifting' as many claim they want, need, or desire 'X' - but, when presented with the opportunity to increase their income - they don't want to DO THE WORK.

        I'LL DO THE WORK... that is a no-brainer, I have no other choice. Meanwhile, Plan A will become more difficult the minute I start working those 6-7 days a week... Which means to hit that 'X' will require me to get ahead on inventory, photos, andstart to 'drip-feed' listings... on a daily scheduled release of listing...much like an email autoresponder - I got to get ahead NOW, or it'll likely suffer when I commit to the daily grind JOB or client(s).

        Otherwise, it'll be a forfeiture of the bigger goals to subside the immediate demands - which ANY of the (3) options available right now... Will require a sacrifice and for me to "eat my words" (*again) by going back to the THING I was trying to unsubscribe myself from... Like working 80 hours a week to make $1000 - $1200 week... And even then, that would elevate the immediate burden, pay the bills, get ahead and keep "rolling inventory" until the ONE succeeds the other... Like-getting another job! (Whoch to me is a HUGE TIME SUCK!)

        I am 100% in-tune with not wanting to be micro-managed by an employer (*for no amount if money) and I shouldn't need the reverse either, like hiring employees - I should be automating processes by now!

        Oh... And, yes... I need to learn to use fewer words, rather than attempt to stir the pot scripting philosophical rants, but I love the conundrum philosophies present, as they appear ever-changing - though seldom does anything in time really change that much... Same debates over-and-over again... It's like Tim McGraw and Nelly song, lol
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731738].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Thanks art72, always fun to read your posts, thanks for the share.

          In my thread re: Harvey Brody, I left it at him being just ONE of many role models we can choose to follow.

          What I like most about Harvey Brody is, he, likes to throw the snowball DOWN the hill and let it pick up speed and size...whereas,

          Many Entrepreneurs like to push the rock up the hill and find themselves in a Sisyphus situation, and I believe somewhere on some Greek Isle, Ol' Sys may still be at it.

          I also liked when he told me to solve my problems in the direction of my goals (X) and that one piece of advice made a huge difference to me.

          Thanks for an interesting convo.


          Originally Posted by art72 View Post

          The 'X' on the map certainly appears to be the primary goal that initiates the motive to start the journey... And, even with a well perceived plan, it often does appear the "unforeseeable" alters the direct route, requiring a detour here or there.

          So in essence, I think much of the mindset (or philosophy) I am trying to become more grounded to centers upon the time and energy it takes (sacrifices) it takes to still arrive at the predetermined destination (or outcome.)

          Meanwhile, the minute the path becomes altered or intensifies due to the 'uncontrollable' aspects of exploring new paths... Such as people, setbacks, or even the increasing demands for more capital to afford bigger tools or more efficient systems (or platforms)... It becomes time consuming.

          Clearly, no good deed goes unpunished and whilst I am neither seeking cheerleaders, rail birds, or cling-ons to join me on an uphill climb... The opinions or intrusions of other people's interpretation of taking the 'high road' often leads back to the very valley many seek to escape.

          It's like those movies where some pubescent love story is rooted in a rural mid-west town, and centers on the person determined to escape the boring town they lived in their whole and longs for the city they've never been to... or... a city kid wanting to buy a farm and escape the city life... like full shift to the polar opposite of what they were conditioned to their entire lives.

          It's seldom what they perceive it to be once they reach that place or entertain that space (void) that motivated the pursuit.

          Granted, the examples you laid out with the influences we endure through childhood and the 'breaking free' as many do in their teenage/early adulthood seeking independence from the orchestrated rules - be it parents, school, employer, or occupation... Appears almost self-deceiving, as we escape say being controlled by parents or guardians... Only to enter another arena and surrender to say a client or an employer

          Something savidge4 said awhile back had me thinking different; "what's different from sub-contracting for contractors or working by the hour" - and aside the slight diference in earnings (*which, being independent certainly cost more and requires more capital, discipline, and responsibility - more hours in my experience) it too 'breaks down' to the same results financially, and in self-employment sometimes even earning less.

          So, now it becomes a question of "why do self-employed people" (*in many cases) seem to like the abuse of working longer, harder, and strive to achieve above average results?

          Of course, savidge or yourself (Gordon) will often refer to the use of one's time and writing a decent 'white paper' with a projected sales plan to sell 10,000 copies in 'X' amount of time -or- grow organic lettuce in pods will produce or yield 'X' amount of returns in 'X' amount of weeks or months... Can in essence be done efficiently, and with less effort than say; building a dairy barn by the hour!

          The E Myth Revisited really nails it, much like Papa Felice shared a similar mindset as The McDonald's Brothers who didn't care about franchising their hamburger chain... Yet, Ray Kroc's vision used 'existing resources' and leveraged those opportunities (*resources) with far less heavy lifting... And, in-turn achieved financial freedom.

          I'm no Ray Kroc!

          But, the idea of retraining my mind to seize bigger opportunities still looms, as the optimist within starts head-butting the pessimist who is happy just doing the same thing over-and-over!

          For example, I've used a significant amount of time just dropping/writing posts here on the WF.

          I consider some of that reciprocity (*in appreciation) for all that I've learned about funnels, web design, sales copy, etc... Which is extensive amount of knowledge to consume, digest, and absorb... Most of which, I have yet to fully leverage or employ... Such as building lead generation funnels or capturing phone leads for local contractors seeking to renovate bathrooms or kitchens per se.

          Clearly, if done properly, an automated system could (*in hindsight) generate millions in phone leads... Just like selling eComm products can lead to moving larger quantities of merchandise with less personal investments of time, energy, or money.

          I still have a blueprint in my head for selling phone leads to local contractors - but, I have no prior experience DOING IT... just the ability to observe how others have made millions doing just that - selling leads.

          That was the THING that motivated the "working capital" and eBay pursuit... To have the capital to "test" running ads, capture phone leads, transfer those phone leads (inbound to a local contractor) and automate and scale that to a financial comfort level.

          But... In reality THAT 'X' seems to be the moving target that gets pushed back as Plan A. (eBay) is slowly growing... Plan B. Remodel locally or take JOB building dairy barns becomes a greater necessity as the bills increase...

          The latter is sure to eat a bunch of time and energy DOING the THING I didn't want to revert back to - solely based on the demands and need of money!

          That's the primary goal... I NEED a retirement plan that doesn't require the wife or a slew of employees to get to the numbers I need to hit to form the reality (income goals) I have set.

          My ability to rely on others is 'shifting' as many claim they want, need, or desire 'X' - but, when presented with the opportunity to increase their income - they don't want to DO THE WORK.

          I'LL DO THE WORK... that is a no-brainer, I have no other choice. Meanwhile, Plan A will become more difficult the minute I start working those 6-7 days a week... Which means to hit that 'X' will require me to get ahead on inventory, photos, andstart to 'drip-feed' listings... on a daily scheduled release of listing...much like an email autoresponder - I got to get ahead NOW, or it'll likely suffer when I commit to the daily grind JOB or client(s).

          Otherwise, it'll be a forfeiture of the bigger goals to subside the immediate demands - which ANY of the (3) options available right now... Will require a sacrifice and for me to "eat my words" (*again) by going back to the THING I was trying to unsubscribe myself from... Like working 80 hours a week to make $1000 - $1200 week... And even then, that would elevate the immediate burden, pay the bills, get ahead and keep "rolling inventory" until the ONE succeeds the other... Like-getting another job! (Whoch to me is a HUGE TIME SUCK!)

          I am 100% in-tune with not wanting to be micro-managed by an employer (*for no amount if money) and I shouldn't need the reverse either, like hiring employees - I should be automating processes by now!

          Oh... And, yes... I need to learn to use fewer words, rather than attempt to stir the pot scripting philosophical rants, but I love the conundrum philosophies present, as they appear ever-changing - though seldom does anything in time really change that much... Same debates over-and-over again... It's like Tim McGraw and Nelly song, lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Art what are you trying to be free from.

    Outside looking in you seem to be wired to gravitate to working long hours. It's what you do.

    You may never be comfortable doing anything else . So you may just work these long hours the rest of your life. Because again that is the way you are wired.

    I don't know anything else to add.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731651].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Art what are you trying to be free from.

      Outside looking in you seem to be wired to gravitate to working long hours. It's what you do.

      You may never be comfortable doing anything else . So you may just work these long hours the rest of your life. Because again that is the way you are wired.

      I don't know anything else to add.
      The only thing that concerns me regarding freedom, independence, liberty, etc...

      IS profoundly; most the people whom I support... ALL (*or nearly ALL) are seeking security, stability, and/or financial comfort(s)... Not necessarily luxuries or some excessive privilege, rather the ability to live on one's own terms without the fear of having to sacrifice their current occupation, comforts, or income...

      And, you may be 100% about my conditioning, which is normally 80-100 work week. Tired of that routine tho!

      I didn't intend to start another thread about failure vs success, but it is at the center of most marketing formulas and case studies alike.
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731679].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by art72 View Post

        The only thing that concerns me regarding freedom, independence, liberty, etc...

        IS profoundly; most the people whom I support... ALL (*or nearly ALL) are seeking security, stability, and/or financial comfort(s)... Not necessarily luxuries or some excessive privilege, rather the ability to live on one's own terms without the fear of having to sacrifice their current occupation, comforts, or income...

        And, you may be 100% about my conditioning, which is normally 80-100 work week. Tired of that routine tho!

        I didn't intend to start another thread about failure vs success, but it is at the center of most marketing formulas and case studies alike.
        Well it doesn't have to going into failure versus success. If stuff isn't working it not a failure change it up until you find what works for you.

        Have have not /success or failure /this or that.

        Why have that discussion. The world is full of ever more options today something may work for you tomorrow it may not. Then it's time to tinker and find what works. Until it doesn't work anymore. Then tinker and find something that works.

        You seem a lot more relaxed than you where 4 months ago so some change has worked.

        There might be an audience somewhere for your philosophical exploration with as prolific you are at writing about it .

        Just because you are wired to work 80 hours a week doesn't mean it has to be doing one thing or one line of work. Depending on what interests you.

        I'm not going to say much about me right now as I have dialed in to rapid weight loss somehow so there is less of me to talk about. I'm easily down a chin and a half. Haha

        To add something to get back to the mystic stuff the game we are playing here we are playing to experience. That is really the only thing you can do have experiences that create feelings. Or you chose to feel a certain way and pick the experiences you hope will bring those feelings.

        Even with limited or almost no resources there is still more than enough to have a better experience than you are having.even with the abundance we have to we still have similar ranges of issues to what people have had historically. A similar emotional experience roller coaster.

        And human have the bad habit of trying to smooth out the roller coaster and end up creating a boring life where they repeat the same type of experience over and over.

        In the world we live in there is a growing list of options for new things to do unique experiences to have and one can build a stable safe lifestyle while regularly weaving in new things to do to provide new experience while not putting the stability of their lives at risk and creating unnecessary drama for a perverse type of entertainment

        Abundant resources are one thing what are you going to do with them that you are not already doing with the resources you have. .
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731682].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    It's interesting to have a different discussion but at the same time. Can someone ever be free if no matter what they are doing in the moment or how much better they are doing. They are constantly thinking about the other stuff they should be or could be doing.

    When they on the map the destination is an island of the coast and instead of plotting a path to a place on the coast closest to where they are where they can get a boat and go to the destination.

    The plot on the map Is a long arduous journey over mountains through deserts choosing the worst times of the year to travel. Hunting for dragons and forest trolls and trying to get travel companions.

    A fantastic journey indeed that never gets far away from the start in reality. Then a fresh copy of the map is pulled out and a new elaborate journey is plotted.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731752].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      My experience suggests that many people have this inner voice, a demon? or dragon voice that has them thinking about doing other stuff. And it becomes a life long, or many year HABIT which keeps them on the treadmill.

      Without getting into all the psychology/psychiatry of that...and maybe the fear of success plays a role, what matters is the box score. On paper the Cleve Browns have a great roster, on the field they suck. (as of Oct. 22, 2022).

      I believe we all have these voices, however, the few who are able to quiet it, ignore or focus on the task at hand, even in small increments of time...inch themselves closer to the X they have drawn on THEIR MAPS. Point being, the X is in pencil, when it should be in INK, unerasable, and fixed in sight.

      As to your point, some people are more comfortable being miserable, they can manage their "failures" and only dream of or project what success will be like.

      It is also, the reason I ask a TWO part question...not only WHAT do you want...but also, WHY? It is the why of the want that ignites and SUSTAINS movement (motivation) to the X.

      The WHY is also the reason the demons of distraction can be ignored.


      P.S. The biggest demon voice keeps shouting, "if I only had X dollars, THEN I could really soar". Slay the "if only" dragon, and freedom may not be far behind.

      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      It's interesting to have a different discussion but at the same time. Can someone ever be free if no matter what they are doing in the moment or how much better they are doing. They are constantly thinking about the other stuff they should be or could be doing.

      When they on the map the destination is an island of the coast and instead of plotting a path to a place on the coast closest to where they are where they can get a boat and go to the destination.

      The plot on the map Is a long arduous journey over mountains through deserts choosing the worst times of the year to travel. Hunting for dragons and forest trolls and trying to get travel companions.

      A fantastic journey indeed that never gets far away from the start in reality.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731753].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        P.S. The biggest demon voice keeps shouting, "if I only had X dollars, THEN I could really soar". Slay the "if only" dragon, and freedom may not be far behind.
        Reminds me of the dedicated documentary to "Finding Joe" - and, Joseph Campbell - who I find was a master of sorts at examining differences (and similarities) in multi-cultured philosophies and mythologies... he was damn good at his job!

        The Hero's Journey and Slaying Dragons, never gets old!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731756].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh

    What I want changes when I get to an x and learn and grow from the experience. Then a next x is chosen. Based on the next place to learn and grow.

    Now that I have been mostly pain free for at least 4 months as mentally stable as I can remember being and rapidly losing fat. I'm bored. I'll wait out the boredom until I hit the weight I feel the best at.

    The why of the next x. Will be something that gets be out of the boredom while not losing progress I have already made. The goal of the house is still a ways off. But it also might end up not being in the USA.

    The future skinny healthy me still wants to travel. Outside the USA and maybe find a wife along the way who may just want to stay in her country near her family. So the wife / partner is the actual x I want to get to. I just had to find happiness with myself before I look for that.

    Attractive wife. Great local food and the environment I prefer. That is the x.

    I'm actually thinking of starting that search in Peru. I'm starting to realize I need to learn Spanish anyway. And the tourist visa in Peru is183 days

    I don't want to own a vehicle and I do want to live where I can walk places like markets restaurants and the other places. As important as the wants is the don't wants
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    So lets maybe cut to a chase here... this is not about Success or Failure... this is about happiness, Ends to a means maybe more specifically.

    You are feeling the need to go back to what you were doing that actually got you to where you were 6 months ago... thik about that for a moment... That is SACRIFICE - and not the good type... and yes, there is more than one type of sacrifice.

    The things I preach... the things I act out on a daily basis... doing what it is you enjoy...

    So you ditched the pool gigs because it was not so enjoyable, and you over the years have abused your body... you then share an interest in a boat and fishing.

    Let me ask you this - if a boat and fishing is a goal... what have you done today to make that a reality tomorrow? and better yet... what have you done with that ideal in mind today to make it a reality tomorrow?

    Lets start with eBay... do you have any boat stuff, or lures or fishing related clothing for sale? You do still live in Florida correct?

    You are making money to make money - and thats all fine and dandy but you have yet to make the mind shift of the employee... you are spending it as fast as you can earn it - again brought you to 6 months ago.

    At what point do you understand you need to choose again?

    What happens if you ditch the pool jobs and start with the planned Uber Eats job? What could you do on a day to day basis to make the reality of the 50K or the boat and fishing a reality?

    An answer: you could print out little flyers with a list of things you are looking for to resell and when possible leave that with everyone you meet on your Uber Adventures.

    Sell things that Mentally make you happy. In my eBay thread I post this: ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...l#post11484836 ) and actually caught some flack for it - and thats all good and fine I get it... but there is a whole lot of truth in this... being true to ones self..and what was not spoken at the time is being aligned TODAY..for the envisioned future.

    My son still sells coffee mugs. we ( he and I ) just completed building a 12 foot wall with 7x7 blocks that he can display his collection of mugs - his attraction to mugs was obviously a thing... but now? its a bit of an obsession. haha He is selloing what he is interested in. Coffee Mugs and Anime type stuff. Interestingly enough he has no interest in selling gaming type stuff... thats "his job" and as much as he enjoys what he does he has no interest in selling that.

    If you have a vision you are working for...you need to work towards that vision.. by being engaged in that vision. Selling boat and fishing related stuff is engaged...the sacrifice of a second job, that you can hand out flyers to find product to sell, is a SACRIFICE but not only paying the bills but bringing you that much closer to the vision - follow me?

    Working to work.. thats a BAD Sacrifice... working with the vision in mind, and doing something today that will effect tomorrow.. AND paying the bills..this is the Sacrifice we are looking for.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731786].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      So lets maybe cut to a chase here... this is not about Success or Failure... this is about happiness, Ends to a means maybe more specifically.
      Absolutely, it's more about striving for a sustained (or consistent) level of happiness. Not to imply that I am dissatisfied with everything in my life, only the financial rollercoaster that I am getting tired of paying to ride on! (*It's fun for a minute, but not a sustainable solution)

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      You are feeling the need to go back to what you were doing that actually got you to where you were 6 months ago... thik about that for a moment... That is SACRIFICE - and not the good type... and yes, there is more than one type of sacrifice.

      The things I preach... the things I act out on a daily basis... doing what it is you enjoy...
      No, not at all, the entire point of forming new goals, ambitions, and at the root of researching, studying, and entertaining new business models or pursuits... stems from NOT wanting to repeat those outcomes or lackluster results.

      And, yes... building other peoples stuff my whole life did take a toll on my body for sure... Snapping, crackling, and popping like a bowl of Rice Krispies these days...

      Most people my age have eat a handful of scripts to keep going, I don't want to resort to that being a necessity.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      So you ditched the pool gigs because it was not so enjoyable, and you over the years have abused your body... you then share an interest in a boat and fishing.
      Yes and No... I had planned to start Phase II - from my 20+ years building/renovating pools... The markets dipped and that business has NEVER fully recovered... Luxuries generally 'go first' when economics shift into reverse.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Let me ask you this - if a boat and fishing is a goal... what have you done today to make that a reality tomorrow? and better yet... what have you done with that ideal in mind today to make it a reality tomorrow?[
      Well, that is definitely a factor in my REASON or a MOTIVE to keep going. I used 'boating & fishing' as a metaphor of sorts, the means of being able (financially) to cut out... Do what I want more... Maybe strive for working LESS, and playing/relaxing more type of GOAL!

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Lets start with eBay... do you have any boat stuff, or lures or fishing related clothing for sale? You do still live in Florida correct?
      Actually, we do have a few vented fishing shirts, Guy Harvey, etc... we SOLD most of it, HUK, some beach related stuff... now being winter and all... most people are not running around in board shorts - like I am right now

      I get your point, even the mention of hunting golf clubs and other abundant items in our area, makes sense.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      You are making money to make money - and thats all fine and dandy but you have yet to make the mind shift of the employee... you are spending it as fast as you can earn it - again brought you to 6 months ago.
      Again, Yes and No... I mean, we have bills like everyone else, trying to keep the focus on business first, so there is a SACRIFICE in intentionally NOT getting what we want now, in an attempt to be able to enjoy more rewards later. I've maintained a similar mindset for years; "work now, play later!"

      But, I am re-THINKING that philosophy as it was often ALL WORK... NO PLAY.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      At what point do you understand you need to choose again?
      Tough question!

      Clearly, a $750 per week gig (*even full-time) would pat the bills right now, if we stay humble, live cheap, and give us some wiggle room.

      I sincerely anticipated having more volume on eBay...like $3,000 - $5,000 per month by now... Which would (in essence) enabled a larger volume of inventory (*quicker) and the ideal of scaling to a point we couldn't spend it all on merchandise - thus, opening a few other doors or options to invest into bigger items or other businesses.

      So, in honesty... Building dairy barns is not my ideal (future plan) - but, our daughter and my son-in-law cannot grasp WHY haven't taken that gig... To them, there is a consistent paycheck there, and it would pay the bill. We are not far from meeting those goals, as I've been picking up small jobs... I have a 100 sq ft tongue and groove floor to install here shortly... No killer money - but an easy in an out for a couple hundred.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      What happens if you ditch the pool jobs and start with the planned Uber Eats job? What could you do on a day to day basis to make the reality of the 50K or the boat and fishing a reality?
      That ship sunk when we moved back here to Okeechobee... we're in the sticks...and I love that part, down side...lower volume of opportunity, people, and the pay sucks here... Unless, you know a rancher, dairy farmer, or you're in the good ole' boy system here...it's a tough terrain here. It's where we fished for 5-6 years and did o.k. - just wasn't consistent.

      More importantly, I really didn't PLAN for having to drive outside traffic to eBay or our store... I knew it may lead to that later, but I blindly assumed it was going to produce better weekly payouts then we've been seeing.

      The numbers are on-point... The TIME it's taking seems longer than I expected to see 'X' results...and, I'll take the blame for not sourcing quicker turnover items... We've hit a huge VOID the past 2 weeks... Sales are down, and we just hit Top Rated Plus, I expected those milestones to produce better results, not stall out like it has![/quote]

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      An answer: you could print out little flyers with a list of things you are looking for to resell and when possible leave that with everyone you meet on your Uber Adventures.
      Terri still in my ear about a couple of options... first is YouTube and TikTok - she cannot understand WHY I haven't started doing some videos to promote items and drive traffic to the store?

      There too, ironically, she thinks I should APPLY 5 minutes up the road here on the lake, they just built a Lake & Trail mini boat sales and fishing headquarters... And, they were looking for boat salesmen.

      I have no clue how to deal with people on a sales floor, or how to be on camera for that matter...

      Meanwhile...just that subtle FEAR of not having ANY experience in such environments ALMOST has me fighting myself to say; "F-It" maybe she's not wrong!?

      And, if I suggest she get a job doing 'X' - I get an earful of yada, yada, yada - which leads to me thinking; if I push to hard, I may need to gird my loins with plated metal underwear, LOL. (*We are both stubborn, when it comes to receiving it advice, at times.)

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Sell things that Mentally make you happy. In my eBay thread I post this: ( https://www.warriorforum.com/warrior...l#post11484836 ) and actually caught some flack for it - and thats all good and fine I get it... but there is a whole lot of truth in this... being true to ones self..and what was not spoken at the time is being aligned TODAY..for the envisioned future.

      My son still sells coffee mugs. we ( he and I ) just completed building a 12 foot wall with 7x7 blocks that he can display his collection of mugs - his attraction to mugs was obviously a thing... but now? its a bit of an obsession. haha He is selloing what he is interested in. Coffee Mugs and Anime type stuff. Interestingly enough he has no interest in selling gaming type stuff... thats "his job" and as much as he enjoys what he does he has no interest in selling that.

      If you have a vision you are working for...you need to work towards that vision.. by being engaged in that vision. Selling boat and fishing related stuff is engaged...the sacrifice of a second job, that you can hand out flyers to find product to sell, is a SACRIFICE but not only paying the bills but bringing you that much closer to the vision - follow me?
      Honestly, I've made this satire of the whole sell what you are passionate about for years...people often say; "follow your bliss" and niche into a market that YOU love or have an interest in... Ok, I get that, it works in maillions of example across a wide-swath of markets...

      But, Charmin, Angel Soft, or Scott toilet paper sells billions... I highly doubt they were passionate about wiping asses... They filled a demand, and in-turn SELL to their audience.

      I have NO PASSION to sell a Zara Basic Women's (XS) Animal Print Shirt Dress... But, when it does - I'd list 5 more!!!

      I'm at the point now... I want to sell something, anything, and everything, so long as it hits those margins... I do not care what it is, so long as it is legal and I don't wind up imprisoned - like my mind sees doing the OLD WORK I've always done... I'm burned-out in those fields.

      I do have a bigger vision, manifesting it into a reality may take longer than anticipated...that's the dream killer for me...

      Every time those little milestones appear closer than they first may appear...it knocked me back a bit...like a looking into a "rear view mirror" of sorts, lol.

      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      Working to work.. thats a BAD Sacrifice... working with the vision in mind, and doing something today that will effect tomorrow.. AND paying the bills..this is the Sacrifice we are looking for.
      Yeah that... Not wanting that sacrifice anymore... It is convenient when the necessities start outweighing the income to "fall-back" or "re-group" and do what I've always done to pay the bills, and in a temporary need, I may need to do just that... Nothing's free and food, gas, and cost of living isn't getting any cheaper... that's for damn sure!

      I am constantly THINKING about tomorrow these days, more than in past years actually.

      I'm still trying to "train my brain" that I have options that DO NOT require me to revert back to things I've already done.

      Trying to explain that to my daughter... She thinks I am being LAZY - NO, I am trying to build something different - and it takes TIME... It's more mentally exhausting trying to do eBay than physical... And, it does feel like it's lazy work... It's FREE TIME that has me scrambling for better long-term solutions.

      My daughter is a whip...she is smart. She is my mini-me in a female body, lol... So, when she suggests I get my credit back, take a regular job (for now) - even temporarily, I listen...but, she thinks I'm ignoring her...

      Meanwhile, she is supportive of the eBay, she's like the math of it, as do I...

      But, I have to get a secondary income quick and damned if it doesn't feel like I need to get that steady check... At least until after the New Year!
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731873].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        There is ONE killer of new business ventures, and it is...

        CASHFLOW, or rather a lack of it. Getting to NET profits is what it is really all about. Although the math may be correct for projections of FUTURE income, it does nothing to ease the pain of lack of funds TODAY.

        And add in family...YIKES. For what it is worth, taking a job and getting a handle on your finances, although it will detract from your eBay goals, isn't the worse thing in the world for you right now.

        I appreciate you sharing your journey, and it appears as if you took on a challenge which had a longer learning curve, a slower income process, many moving parts and tried to condense it down and fast track it. If your math is correct, then you could (not suggested) sit down with all your involved family, go over the math, show them they are part of the sacrifices to be made and with their help, you ALL can benefit from staying the course.

        With the Holidays staring down our throats, I don't feel they would be all that receptive to that idea. So, peace in the family, delay in the market, take a job and keep up eBay as best you can and look forward to a new year.

        To all Warriors, when you are looking at Business Opportunities, the one thing I have found most often is people overestimate how much money comes in and underestimate how much time is needed to make it happen...but then, most people choose what they perceive to be a bigger growth opportunity over a faster money maker.

        Good luck art72, just don't make it more of a mess by alienating family who may never understand what you are trying to do.


        Originally Posted by art72 View Post

        Absolutely, it's more about striving for a sustained (or

        consistent) level of happiness. Not to imply that I am dissatisfied with everything in my life, only the financial rollercoaster that I am getting tired of paying to ride on! (*It's fun for a minute, but not a sustainable solution)

        No, not at all, the entire point of forming new goals, ambitions, and at the root of researching, studying, and entertaining new business models or pursuits... stems from NOT wanting to repeat those outcomes or lackluster results.

        And, yes... building other peoples stuff my whole life did take a toll on my body for sure... Snapping, crackling, and popping like a bowl of Rice Krispies these days...

        Most people my age have eat a handful of scripts to keep going, I don't want to resort to that being a necessity.

        Yes and No... I had planned to start Phase II - from my 20+ years building/renovating pools... The markets dipped and that business has NEVER fully recovered... Luxuries generally 'go first' when economics shift into reverse.

        Well, that is definitely a factor in my REASON or a MOTIVE to keep going. I used 'boating & fishing' as a metaphor of sorts, the means of being able (financially) to cut out... Do what I want more... Maybe strive for working LESS, and playing/relaxing more type of GOAL!

        Actually, we do have a few vented fishing shirts, Guy Harvey, etc... we SOLD most of it, HUK, some beach related stuff... now being winter and all... most people are not running around in board shorts - like I am right now

        I get your point, even the mention of hunting golf clubs and other abundant items in our area, makes sense.

        Again, Yes and No... I mean, we have bills like everyone else, trying to keep the focus on business first, so there is a SACRIFICE in intentionally NOT getting what we want now, in an attempt to be able to enjoy more rewards later. I've maintained a similar mindset for years; "work now, play later!"

        But, I am re-THINKING that philosophy as it was often ALL WORK... NO PLAY.

        Tough question!

        Clearly, a $750 per week gig (*even full-time) would pat the bills right now, if we stay humble, live cheap, and give us some wiggle room.

        I sincerely anticipated having more volume on eBay...like $3,000 - $5,000 per month by now... Which would (in essence) enabled a larger volume of inventory (*quicker) and the ideal of scaling to a point we couldn't spend it all on merchandise - thus, opening a few other doors or options to invest into bigger items or other businesses.

        So, in honesty... Building dairy barns is not my ideal (future plan) - but, our daughter and my son-in-law cannot grasp WHY haven't taken that gig... To them, there is a consistent paycheck there, and it would pay the bill. We are not far from meeting those goals, as I've been picking up small jobs... I have a 100 sq ft tongue and groove floor to install here shortly... No killer money - but an easy in an out for a couple hundred.

        That ship sunk when we moved back here to Okeechobee... we're in the sticks...and I love that part, down side...lower volume of opportunity, people, and the pay sucks here... Unless, you know a rancher, dairy farmer, or you're in the good ole' boy system here...it's a tough terrain here. It's where we fished for 5-6 years and did o.k. - just wasn't consistent.

        More importantly, I really didn't PLAN for having to drive outside traffic to eBay or our store... I knew it may lead to that later, but I blindly assumed it was going to produce better weekly payouts then we've been seeing.

        The numbers are on-point... The TIME it's taking seems longer than I expected to see 'X' results...and, I'll take the blame for not sourcing quicker turnover items... We've hit a huge VOID the past 2 weeks... Sales are down, and we just hit Top Rated Plus, I expected those milestones to produce better results, not stall out like it has!

        Terri still in my ear about a couple of options... first is YouTube and TikTok - she cannot understand WHY I haven't started doing some videos to promote items and drive traffic to the store?

        There too, ironically, she thinks I should APPLY 5 minutes up the road here on the lake, they just built a Lake & Trail mini boat sales and fishing headquarters... And, they were looking for boat salesmen.

        I have no clue how to deal with people on a sales floor, or how to be on camera for that matter...

        Meanwhile...just that subtle FEAR of not having ANY experience in such environments ALMOST has me fighting myself to say; "F-It" maybe she's not wrong!?

        And, if I suggest she get a job doing 'X' - I get an earful of yada, yada, yada - which leads to me thinking; if I push to hard, I may need to gird my loins with plated metal underwear, LOL. (*We are both stubborn, when it comes to receiving it advice, at times.)

        Honestly, I've made this satire of the whole sell what you are passionate about for years...people often say; "follow your bliss" and niche into a market that YOU love or have an interest in... Ok, I get that, it works in maillions of example across a wide-swath of markets...

        But, Charmin, Angel Soft, or Scott toilet paper sells billions... I highly doubt they were passionate about wiping asses... They filled a demand, and in-turn SELL to their audience.

        I have NO PASSION to sell a Zara Basic Women's (XS) Animal Print Shirt Dress... But, when it does - I'd list 5 more!!!

        I'm at the point now... I want to sell something, anything, and everything, so long as it hits those margins... I do not care what it is, so long as it is legal and I don't wind up imprisoned - like my sees WORK these days.

        I do have a bigger vision, manifesting it into a reality may take longer than anticipated...that's the dream killer for me...

        Everything, little milestones apoear closer than they first may appear...like a "rear view mirror" of sorts, lol.

        Yeah that... Not wanting that sacrifice anymore... It is convenient when the necessities start outweighing the income to "fall-back" or "re-group" and do what I've always done to pay the bills, and in a temporary need, I may need to do just that... Nothing's free and food, gas, and cost of living isn't getting any cheaper... that's for damn sure!

        I am constantly THINKING about tomorrow these days, more than in past years actually.

        I'm still trying to "train my brain" that I have options that DO NOT require me to revert back to things I've already done.

        Trying to explain that to my daughter... She thinks I am being LAZY - NO, I am trying to build something different - and it takes TIME... It's more mentally exhausting trying to do eBay than physical... And, it does feel like it's lazy work... It's FREE TIME that has me scrambling for better long-term solutions.

        My daughter is a whip...she is smart. She is my mini-me in a female body, lol... So, when she suggests I get my credit back, take a regular job (for now) - even temporarily, I listen...but, she thinks I'm ignoring her...

        Meanwhile, she is supportive of the eBay, she's like the math of it, as do I...

        But, I have to get a secondary income quick and damned if it doesn't feel like I need to get that steady check... At least until after the New Year![/QUOTE]
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731878].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author art72
          Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

          There is ONE killer of new business ventures, and it is...

          CASHFLOW, or rather a lack of it. Getting to NET profits is what it is really all about. Although the math may be correct for projections of FUTURE income, it does nothing to ease the pain of lack of funds TODAY.

          And add in family...YIKES. For what it is worth, taking a job and getting a handle on your finances, although it will detract from your eBay goals, isn't the worse thing in the world for you right now.

          I appreciate you sharing your journey, and it appears as if you took on a challenge which had a longer learning curve, a slower income process, many moving parts and tried to condense it down and fast track it. If your math is correct, then you could (not suggested) sit down with all your involved family, go over the math, show them they are part of the sacrifices to be made and with their help, you ALL can benefit from staying the course.

          With the Holidays staring down our throats, I don't feel they would be all that receptive to that idea. So, peace in the family, delay in the market, take a job and keep up eBay as best you can and look forward to a new year.

          To all Warriors, when you are looking at Business Opportunities, the one thing I have found most often is people overestimate how much money comes in and underestimate how much time is needed to make it happen...but then, most people choose what they perceive to be a bigger growth opportunity over a faster money maker.

          Good luck art72, just don't make it more of a mess by alienating family who may never understand what you are trying to do.


          Terri still in my ear about a couple of options... first is YouTube and TikTok - she cannot understand WHY I haven't started doing some videos to promote items and drive traffic to the store?

          There too, ironically, she thinks I should APPLY 5 minutes up the road here on the lake, they just built a Lake & Trail mini boat sales and fishing headquarters... And, they were looking for boat salesmen.

          I have no clue how to deal with people on a sales floor, or how to be on camera for that matter...

          Meanwhile...just that subtle FEAR of not having ANY experience in such environments ALMOST has me fighting myself to say; "F-It" maybe she's not wrong!?

          And, if I suggest she get a job doing 'X' - I get an earful of yada, yada, yada - which leads to me thinking; if I push to hard, I may need to gird my loins with plated metal underwear, LOL. (*We are both stubborn, when it comes to receiving it advice, at times.)

          Honestly, I've made this satire of the whole sell what you are passionate about for years...people often say; "follow your bliss" and niche into a market that YOU love or have an interest in... Ok, I get that, it works in maillions of example across a wide-swath of markets...

          But, Charmin, Angel Soft, or Scott toilet paper sells billions... I highly doubt they were passionate about wiping asses... They filled a demand, and in-turn SELL to their audience.

          I have NO PASSION to sell a Zara Basic Women's (XS) Animal Print Shirt Dress... But, when it does - I'd list 5 more!!!

          I'm at the point now... I want to sell something, anything, and everything, so long as it hits those margins... I do not care what it is, so long as it is legal and I don't wind up imprisoned - like my sees WORK these days.

          I do have a bigger vision, manifesting it into a reality may take longer than anticipated...that's the dream killer for me...

          Everything, little milestones apoear closer than they first may appear...like a "rear view mirror" of sorts, lol.

          Yeah that... Not wanting that sacrifice anymore... It is convenient when the necessities start outweighing the income to "fall-back" or "re-group" and do what I've always done to pay the bills, and in a temporary need, I may need to do just that... Nothing's free and food, gas, and cost of living isn't getting any cheaper... that's for damn sure!

          I am constantly THINKING about tomorrow these days, more than in past years actually.

          I'm still trying to "train my brain" that I have options that DO NOT require me to revert back to things I've already done.

          Trying to explain that to my daughter... She thinks I am being LAZY - NO, I am trying to build something different - and it takes TIME... It's more mentally exhausting trying to do eBay than physical... And, it does feel like it's lazy work... It's FREE TIME that has me scrambling for better long-term solutions.

          My daughter is a whip...she is smart. She is my mini-me in a female body, lol... So, when she suggests I get my credit back, take a regular job (for now) - even temporarily, I listen...but, she thinks I'm ignoring her...

          Meanwhile, she is supportive of the eBay, she's like the math of it, as do I...

          But, I have to get a secondary income quick and damned if it doesn't feel like I need to get that steady check... At least until after the New Year!

          In all due respect, getting a job or doing more than eBay was (and still is the plan).

          I finally filed my taxes for the past 2 years, it's no grandslam... But a decent little chunk coming next month.

          The real dilemma isn't "getting a job" - it's recalibrating my mind to which course would be best... I have a few options available.

          I would like something flexible like Uber Eats. And, to continue the eBay (* as we were hoping to be buying storage units at auction by now) but, doing Uber around here would be a waste of time. Just not busy like that here.

          We have an appointment Wednesday in Ft. Pierce (*40 miles away, not too bad) and if Terri and I both get hired, we can make good money... It's a temporary "hurricane relief" gig... They're paying over-time and the pay is good for the work they need done .... and, it's in our our backyard, they are hiring people over there to do work here - it's retarded like that around here, lol

          I'm ahead on inventory, photos, and can still drip feed the listings into eBay... But damn if it doesn't appear to have stopped dead this past 10 days- the minute we hit Top Rated Plus... (*Not what we expected, at all.)
          Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731897].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by art72 View Post

            But damn if it doesn't appear to have stopped dead this past 10 days- the minute we hit Top Rated Plus... (*Not what we expected, at all.)
            Season fluctuation, it picks up in the next week. has happened every year for the past 8 or so. Halloween to the middle of Nov drops.
            Success is an ACT not an idea
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734049].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    I'll shit back to resources. What if you have abundant resources but you are wasting the. The one resource you have that stays constant is time one day a year has 23 hou another has 25 the rest have 24 .

    If you are building a house and you have enough money or resources to dig the whole in the ground and start building the foundation. But you never actually dig the whole . Or start building the foundation. Instead spend the resources you have designing and planning and modeling the house you want to build.

    Art mentioned the movies about people moving from the country to the city or the city to the country. And eventually getting let down. Because they had way too many elaborate plans based of dreams and fantasy and the reality was far different and much of what they dreamed was just not possible.

    But because someone the read about or watch a movie about did it somewhere they should be able to do it anywhere they want. Instead of going where what they want to do can be done.

    Ps I was writing this and posted the befor I read arts new post but this look kind of like a response to that
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731874].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I'll shit back to resources. What if you have abundant resources but you are wasting the. The one resource you have that stays constant is time one day a year has 23 hou another has 25 the rest have 24 .

      If you are building a house and you have enough money or resources to dig the whole in the ground and start building the foundation. But you never actually dig the whole . Or start building the foundation. Instead spend the resources you have designing and planning and modeling the house you want to build.

      Art mentioned the movies about people moving from the country to the city or the city to the country. And eventually getting let down. Because they had way too many elaborate plans based of dreams and fantasy and the reality was far different and much of what they dreamed was just not possible.

      But because someone the read about or watch a movie about did it somewhere they should be able to do it anywhere they want. Instead of going where what they want to do can be done.

      Ps I was writing this and posted the befor I read arts new post but this look kind of like a response to that
      See that'sthat's the "trick part" - whenever we navigate away from the OLD ROUTINE(S) we attempt to predict, anticipate, or expect certain results... Even in planning and following the advice of those who'vwho've carved those paths, we seldom get the same results...

      Much like, I am a far cry from turning $40 into $8,100 in sales in 30 days and profiting 100X in the eBay journey...

      Honestly, I didn't even set my expectations that high, I was aiming for $2,000 per month... $1000 in monthly profits... Still haven't hit those targets to date.

      It is working... And still, I have a TON more to learn when it comes to WHAT to SOURCE -And, knowing the turnover rates of our incentory.

      When sales stop or reduce to a trickle... Man, I am pannicking and thinking; 'Oh sh!t - what if this pile of stuff doesn't sell?"

      Plan B. - auction in lots or liquidate it, pull back the initial investment value (*even just break even) - then DO IT AGAIN, until the formula and the process gets refined to a steady FLOW...

      I want to control that flow... And, momentarily...it's almost controlling me - not obsessively, but to a degree, the challenge to "make it work" (*or flow steadily) is becoming an obsession!

      Consistency has eluded me for a good minute... Years, really.
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731877].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    When art mentioned the toilet paper thin and said how can anyone be passionate about that. That is personal bias . There are a lot of things we do not like or that other people enjoy or can find passion in. And it might just be in paper products in general. A passion someone had for figuring out what different useful products can be made with paper.

    Or someone was really upset when the only option was pages of the Sears catalog. Somewhere in the process there was passion.

    Think about what the options where before toilet paper and what the options are if there is non available. Or paper towels and napkins
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731891].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      When art mentioned the toilet paper thin and said how can anyone be passionate about that. That is personal bias . There are a lot of things we do not like or that other people enjoy or can find passion in. And it might just be in paper products in general. A passion someone had for figuring out what different useful products can be made with paper.

      Or someone was really upset when the only option was pages of the Sears catalog. Somewhere in the process there was passion.

      Think about what the options where before toilet paper and what the options are if there is non available. Or paper towels and napkins

      Yeah, I definitely wouldn't want to be one of those who likely realized; poison ivy wasn't a good option.

      On the serious side, it was more geared towards... a lot of successful people created stuff that was more out of necessity to the supply and demand - over that of having to be passionate about what they are/were selling.
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11731895].message }}
  • Originally Posted by art72 View Post

    There's this inner-voice we tend to hear and seldom listen to (*at least in my case) that suggests;

    "We're All Under the Influence..."

    To whom, where, or what solely resides in your ability to define what you believe is right, or at least acceptable in your current state of mind, pursuits, and chosen affairs.

    Clearly, we operate on a frequency (*a signal of sorts) to wit; we generally do, say, and think what is most commonly present in our upbringing and within our social circles - be it at play, school, work, or in our leisurely exploits.

    To me, there's a semblance of harmony between the "RESOURCES" and the "INFLUENCES" as they are BOTH comprised of the same ingredients; i.e., people, places, and/or things!

    Resources are often the 'common denominator' that separates the US from THEM or the Have's from the Have Not's - but in reality, there is neither a shortage of influence in our world, nor a shortage of resources.

    Granted, one could argue that certain regions, countries, or even large groups of people suffer more than others, and I am not trying to argue the fact; there are places that have LESS access to live sustaining (or life enhancing) resources...

    BUT... if you live in ANY civilized part of the world and debate that YOU DO NOT have ACCESS to more abundant resources, you have either bought into a HUGE LIE that has been sold to humanity for eons, or YOU have chosen to deprive yourself the privilege's of "Claiming Your Rightful Inheritance" - and, I do not mean Ma & Pa left you the farm in this example!

    Rather, if we examine the CREATION of VALUE in the material world of THINGS, we can easily equate that what was once an abundant and otherwise USELESS RESOURCE was then turned into a highly sought after commodity such as money, credit, promissory notes and the likes of say; diamonds, gem stones, and shiny objects...

    There is a tale to be told that is seldom shared in the mainstream eye...

    It's a lot like Napoleon Hill's version of finding "The Master Key" or "The Middle Way" in Buddhist teachings... it can be difficult to guide others to a place they have NEVER yet to explore. There is a fear of the unknown, and to explore or adventure beyond YOUR known environment (*people, places, and things - i.e., objects of need, want, and/or desire) as it implies DANGER/AVISO and poses a potential threat to ALL 3 of our major operating systems - Mind, Body, and Spirit (*or energy, if you are offended by the term spirit)...

    Point being, what IF... we have the same qualifications as those before us to turn otherwise abundant and to a degree useless resources into the equivalence of GOLD itself?

    I have been stuck on this "alchemical rollercoaster" for over 20 years now, after receiving a 'download' of sorts that in essence started to 'meld' everything we've been taught into ONE simple formula... or a process to wit;

    Once we realize by being; "Under the Influence" of others, third party, outside participants and the likes of BOTH friends and foes - we can determine; the INFLUENCE and the need, want, and/or desire for more RESOURCES all stem from the same root!

    It's nearly impossible to put into words, but if we could... I'd explain it as being a life-long quest to "unlock" that need, want, and/or desire and be able to create a sustainable FLOW of resources and whilst doing so, manage our ability to better understand what influences BOTH US and OTHERS to either strive or struggle to conceive what their time, energy, and/or being is truly worth.

    Most of us, live to serve others... in essence, even the most evil of empirical figures throughout history operated on a frequency (*a signal, a mindset, or focus) on serving their God, gods, or some motivating factor that influenced their being, and more importantly their behavior (*actions).

    There's a fine line in understanding that we are the products of INFLUENCE - and the RESOURCES are the results of what we deem worthy of our own personal pursuits.

    In theory, we seek to minimalize the threat, maintain our being (health), and to a degree explore the ideas, values, virtues, principles, and interests left behind or created through the examples of those whom we either respect, fear, cherish, admire, adore, love or hate!

    We learn equally from our loved ones as we do our enemies, and we remain in a prolific "Tug of War" within to determine our own fates, by order of freewill, we can choose to serve the greater good or the greater evil.

    In essence, we can STOP, give pause, fast-forward, rewind, push play or throw the remote controls in the depths of the sea, and either way, we remain; "Under the Influence" of a variety of people, places, and things.

    If I was to define what separates US from all other known creatures, we simple choose what action or discourse we are willing to take to allocate, acquire, consume, digest, absorb, and excrete the RESOURCES we deem worthy of our time, energy, and investments - be it monetarily or spiritually gratifying or horrifying!

    There is a TRUTH embedded within this equation to wit, many seek and few seldom find, it roots throughout all teachings and can be found in most religious and spiritual teachings, math and sciences, history and literature... as well as in comedy, poetry, music, and spans ALL language barriers... some call it PASSION others call it LOVE - no matter what you call it; it FUELS our being to either seek or die!

    But... what are we seeking"
    • Love?
    • Remedies to PAIN?
    • Forgiveness?
    • Freedom?
    • Independence"
    • Mercy?
    • Companionship?
    • Acceptance?

    And, 99% of the time we absorb is SPENT (*exhausted really) chasing resources...

    I hear this familiar echo from afar that suggests, we may not need to chase resources - IF we understand the ideology of allowing ourselves permission to ACCEPT that our rightful inheritance is indeed "Hidden in Plain Sight!"

    We tend to IGNORE the reality that unless we are prisoners in chains -or- confined to and/or in a region that simply lacks resources (*like barren waste lands or drought wrought lands) - we can manifest whatever we desire.

    Someone here stated something a few months back that INFLUENCED my old pursuit to better understand the difference between INFLUENCE & RESOURCES and it occurred to me; we really are fond our depravity, dis-service, and in essence punishing ourselves - maybe that doesn't suit everyone... clearly, you can NEVER group everyone in the same category, as personalities, beliefs, cultural upbringing, and traditional practices do differentiate our individual beliefs, shape our values, and in essence separate us from a variety of cultural beliefs and differentiators.

    BUT... one thing is for sure, we all seek resources (*people, places, and things - i.e., objects of need, want, and/or desire) to wit; we were groomed to SEEK and in essence DESTROY any influence that does not comply with our overall well-being and survival.

    So... if we truly wanted to explore equality, I suggest we look inward, adopt a belief that we have abundant resources everywhere, and reverse-engineer what all the great leaders (and evil *******s alike) have managed to dominate for centuries/millennia really; which is turning those influences and resources into the equivalence of GOLD itself...

    And NO, it doesn't have to be monetary - as in money, because IF we truly sought after the TRUTH - where did MONEY (*and, Promissory Notes) originate from?

    Granted, that is a more in-depth study, but for now, look at the INFLUNCE money has over people - and look at RESOURCES that have been manipulated through the use of "printed paper" - and, then THINK to Yourself, was there ever ANY doubt that if THEY (*those before us) could use such an abundant resource such as paper... to influence so much progress, developments, and of course power struggles, battles, and let's not leave out the constant; WARS... over power...

    What does that suggest WE can DO with otherwise abundant, useless, and easily acquirable resources?

    It in essence, defines ALCHEMY - without any voo doo, magic pills, beans, or potions. We likely do not need to medicated or "Pharmacia" (*Greek for; "sorcery") - at least, not the majority (*I hope) - Rather, we can churn out a volume, a frequency, and mindset that demands the universe bend to our will, not our minds being bent by the universe! And, still... this PROCESS lingers just out-of-reach! (*It will manifest, I demand it - (*as the cultivator's and the predators engage in an arduous battle for the rights to control the FLOW of influences and resources... ONE in the SAME in my BOOK!)

    I'm in a HUNT... for a TRUTH that suggests, we can claim our rightful inheritance by simply identifying how others used abundant (*and otherwise useless resources) to capitalize on achieving HUGE levels of financial independence, and even still... to comprehend it from the beat down, broken, bruised, and infinite struggles life throws via; projected mindset... I can see (*from above - imagine that) how many of us (*myself included) remained under the influence and the "belief" that there was a lack of resources, as is often projected by those in control of those very resources... when in reality, a jar a dirt and a seed could cultivate an overflowing cornucopia of abundance in places deemed unworthy, unfit, or currently denied!

    Now, I don't suggest anyone "mirror" D.B. Cooper's means or mode of striking the iron whilst it was hot... BUT, I do believe we can reverse engineer a PROCESS of refining THINGS (*like gold) and turn those THINGS into the equivalent values of gold itself

    The question is what separates; "The influences we are under?" from "The Resources so widely sought after?"

    Think about it... there's a million-and-one people teaching formulas, recipes, and blueprints to use EXISTING knowledge, Tools, and RESOURCES... which again IS; people, places, and/or things... ONE-IN-THE-SAME.

    I may be high in spirit ATM, but I think we're all connected - and in the end, it's not what you do, say, or think... it is what you leave behind, and I am fascinated by those who have carved out, sculpted, wrote, created or screamed "freedom" from their death beds to create those timeless recipes that just NEVER get old!

    Mindset, perhaps the most difficult subject to conquer in this realm of existence, but if we can control the outcome, then why do we settle for less than our true rightful inheritance suggests - which to me would be mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health... because getting those 4-Core elements to align is a B!TCH!

    Just thinking out loud... as my mind is determined to create (or just regurgitate a bunch of recipes that other brilliant minds already left for us to find!) Most of which, are "Hidden in Plain Sight!" - Resources & Influences - we lack neither, lest it be we ignore both!

    I'm done letting the universe bend my mind... I am going to start bending the universe, as our minds are designed to do just that!

    IDK... I must be insane, as everything I see lately screams; "alchemy" - turning sh!t into the equivalent of gold itself, no black magic, no bad mojo, no voo-doo or evil seances wizardry or witchcraft...No beanstalks or fairy tales... just find those signs that suggest; "Hey there's a pile of opportunity right here, and if you apply the right actions, you might be surprised at the results that can be achieved!"

    It's all contained within a simple process... and we process, filter, and refine our being as transceivers - we send and receive messages, as it is scripted in our DNA > RNA > and Protein Cells to transform where we are most needed to SERVE others and ideally, our own well-being!

    The influences and the resources "Already Exist" - so, why deny the privilege of accepting our "Rightful Inheritance" - which to me is "piece of mind, happiness, and a sense of fulfillment" at play, school, work, business, and especially ALONE in ONE's mind! (*We're NEVER alone, lol)

    Meanwhile, in a more grounded reality, it's easier to write about all-in-which we have ACCESS to, than it is to actually DO SOMETHING with IT! (*Imagine that, LOL)

    Meditations, what a place to find! It's almost stoic!
    I'm working on allowing abundance into my life. I'm putting what I've learnt into practice and am excited to see, in time, the results.

    No way near there yet, but I persevere!
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by themagicwithinyou View Post

      I'm working on allowing abundance into my life. I'm putting what I've learnt into practice and am excited to see, in time, the results.

      No way near there yet, but I persevere!
      Well if you are here able to leave a message on the forum you are probably surrounded by abundance and don't recognize it you are trained to look for what is missing and not car about toilet paper until something happens and everyone wants toilet paper at once.

      Are the things you want your wants or do you want them because everyone else wants them or you feel like you should want them.

      Many people sacrifice what they really want and desire to chase the things they believe they should want and desire and end up with a goal list or too do list that looks like a keyword list.

      Also as you grow the things you want change and things you use to want no longer interest you. And grow th is a natural process. At least it is with every form of life that isn't plagued with a human mind
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734075].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author art72
    Interesting series of events this week...

    Our daughter has been keeping up with our eBay progress, and we've had several conversations about buying bulk items via; liquidations, auctions, and other sources. She just landed 50 used iPads, and 6 used MacBook pro's... Granted the iPads are 4th Gen with 128 gb's and the MacBook Pro's are running Catalina (2019) with i5 processors... so, they are not NEW, but "IF" they sell... she may be on to something!

    I've already claimed ONE of each, LOL

    We've been a bit slow on the sales the past few weeks, but we've hit 140 sales, 280 items listed (*including items with multiple units available) and we are still ahead on inventory.

    Last weeks payout was better, just over $200 in profit, so it is starting to FLOW a little better. Largely due to Terri's pick on that Canon ELPH that returned 11X what she paid for it! (*That was a good one!)

    We're up to 52 positive feedback, just over $3,500 in sales to date... and, we really need to ramp up our game if we are going to hit our target goal in 12-18 months!

    The biggest hurdle by far in learning eBay, has been shipping costs, which I am getting much better at... now that we've shipped nearly 140 items to date.

    Now that our daughter is getting involved we are planning to help her move her product(s) and test different markets... She is looking at pallets and truckloads, I told her, sell what you just purchased and ONLY use the money from those 1st (2) buys to refuel your inventory.

    I can see a warehouse being needed in the near and not so distant future, lol.

    Work has picked up as 'word-of-mouth' has landed me a couple more repair gigs. Hopefully that'll carry us through Thanksgiving, as I expect work to slow down the closer we get to Christmas... it almost always gets slow after Thanksgiving into the New Year.

    That will give me more time to put into eBay. I'm still stoked our daughter is excited and interested in the buying/selling. I know enough now to help her get her store up and running and she will do TikTok and "Go Live" on video... whereas, I am a camera phobic (face for radio type, LOL) - so, now we have another eBay seller in training, LOL... I am really happy she is taking interest in sourcing, reselling, and learning this, feels like a compliment!

    To be continued...
    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734624].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      She just landed 50 used iPads, and 6 used MacBook pro's... Granted the iPads are 4th Gen with 128 gb's and the MacBook Pro's are running Catalina (2019) with i5 processors... so, they are not NEW, but "IF" they sell... she may be on to something!
      Assuming they are iPad Mini's they will sell all day long at $132.00 and I might nudge that down to $129.00.

      BE SURE to add insurance onto that - eBay and Priority gives you $100 so its not that much to add the additional 29 or $32.

      If you have 1/2 inch hard foam insulation at your disposal I would pack them in a poly bag, and then top and bottom with the hard foam and then slip them into a flat rate USPS bubble Mailer - ships for $8.30 + cost of insurance anywhere
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734638].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        Assuming they are iPad Mini's they will sell all day long at $132.00 and I might nudge that down to $129.00.

        BE SURE to add insurance onto that - eBay and Priority gives you $100 so its not that much to add the additional 29 or $32.

        If you have 1/2 inch hard foam insulation at your disposal I would pack them in a poly bag, and then top and bottom with the hard foam and then slip them into a flat rate USPS bubble Mailer - ships for $8.30 + cost of insurance anywhere
        Yes... she has 50 iPads in route, (a mixed lot of Gen 4's and mini's) she accidentally bid them... but, I think it'll prove to be a blessing considering what she has invested into this lot... it's mind blowing actually!

        She's a whip... she's probably just schooled us...(ALREADY, LOL.)

        Thank-you... I'll likely be listing and shipping some of these for her on our store... until she gets her own store up & rolling... I appreciate the packaging advice, as I've yet to ship these yet.

        I just hope she doesn't 'jump the gun' - she already wants more lots!!!

        This may do far more for the family, than just make money... finding something everyone enjoys doing is difficult with everyone's busy schedules these days!

        I'm getting some really good vibes from this journey...THANK-YOU!
        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734783].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author DWolfe
      Originally Posted by art72 View Post

      Interesting series of events this week...We've been a bit slow on the sales the past few weeks, but we've hit 140 sales, 280 items listed (*including items with multiple units available) and we are still ahead on inventory.

      Last weeks payout was better, just over $200 in profi
      Art could you please copy and post this into your eBay path? That would help viewers that might skip this section of the forum.

      You can earn 10% average annual returns on your investments - https://app.groundfloor.us/r/m2aa7b
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734761].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author art72
        Originally Posted by DWolfe View Post

        Art could you please copy and post this into your eBay path? That would help viewers that might skip this section of the forum.
        That was actually my original intention... posting it here was actually a mis-fire on my behalf, lol.

        I just updated the other thread, but it won't hurt to post this there as well.

        Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734782].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I love that your daughter is interested and is doing her own ebay thing - good for her!
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734625].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author art72
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      I love that your daughter is interested and is doing her own ebay thing - good for her!
      Me too... more than words could ever express! I love it!!!
      Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11734786].message }}
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