Law of Attraction : Just Talk to Me

20 replies
I've begun to experiment over the last two years with some moderate success that's caused some really radical changes. I want to talk to someone and see if I can get more insight. I am not interested in hiring anyone or paying for anyone's services. I would prefer to talk with someone who just wants to share information without wanting my credit card. This should all be free information anyway if it's a natural part of human existence.
I will, however consider sharing any profits I might enjoy with someone who provided me with a "trigger" so to speak. It happens for me, it happens for you, just that simple. I'm not interested in masterclasses, memberships in clubs or anything like that. Just talk to me without giving me a form to fill out or a dozen videos to watch. Been there, done that, not interested.
I've been doing pretty good the way I'm going now, eventually I'll nail it and I know I could probably even get good enough to coach this stuff like you see a million of them doing, but I prefer to manifest my income doing what I really am into, which doesn't hawk a website membership or ask for money at all.
#attraction #law #talk
  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    You didn't read the forum rules (too much to ask?) or you'd know new threads are moderated before they appear.

    Your post doesn't make a lot of sense. You talk about 'manifesting' (such an overused word) yet you are determined that OTHER MARKETERS donate their time to TEACH you for free, donate their time to tell you what to do or what they've done.

    You don't want to PAY money for anything but seem to expect to earn a profit.

    You want to do only work you enjoy without all the details and stuff that others do like sites and blogs.

    You don't seem to realize that someone using their time to talk to you for free takes time away from their own money making business. That's why some charge for coaching or training or how-to programs. Everything you need to know to run an online business is available FREE somewhere on the internet if you take the time to look for it and learn it.

    OK- for 'free help' - start reading. This forum has been online for over 20 years and just about everything to do with marketing has been discussed. There are 'warrior path' threads that tell you (for FREE) what to do step by step....there are many experienced marketers who have shared excellent info here. There is a search function so you can find specific advice topics.

    Then when you are 'stuck' ask specific questions that people can answer for you.

    If you are doing something that works - why aren't you sharing what is working for you??? If it's working, keep doing it and ramp it up.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author martyh1960
      Did I violate any rules? I am well aware of the monitoring process. Thanks for getting back to me, sorry I wasn't clear.
      What I'm looking for is a forum of users to share experiences so that everyone can learn. I'm not asking anyone to go out of their way, give up anything that's exclusively theirs and do free work. Let me see if I can analogize it using another topic. I'm on several videography and cinematography forums and social media pages where all cinematographers are invited to share experiences and professional techniques and give advice. This in no way takes from a cinematography course, such as what UCLA, the New York Film Academy or Seattle Film College or whatever does or what someone may charge as a private instructor. You might read questions like, "I'm shooting a commercial and I'm looking for the best lighting options, the client wants it to look like...." Cinematographers like David Mullen, ASC ( Astronaut Farmer, Jennifer's Body, Akeela and the Bee) freely share techniques that aren't taught in film schools You might get 10 responses from cinematographers sharing experiences with something similar and 10 different approaches to the situation presented.
      You have to admit that the internet is full of scams, shysters, people selling quick snake oil cures and a general over abundance of pure and utter bullshit. I'm not quick to trust just anyone. Not everyone needs a full course anyway and seriously, information is not something that one can keep exclusive forever. Just ask any musician about his intellectual property rights and what a joke that's become.
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      • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
        Law of manifestation. Trigger:

        There is ONE rule behind the LAW of attraction.

        Where the head goes, the body follows.

        It is a simple lesson, to increase your income doing what you are into, do more for more people. Any questions?

        I'm here to talk to you.


        Originally Posted by martyh1960 View Post

        Did I violate any rules? I am well aware of the monitoring process. Thanks for getting back to me, sorry I wasn't clear.
        What I'm looking for is a forum of users to share experiences so that everyone can learn. I'm not asking anyone to go out of their way, give up anything that's exclusively theirs and do free work. Let me see if I can analogize it using another topic. I'm on several videography and cinematography forums and social media pages where all cinematographers are invited to share experiences and professional techniques and give advice. This in no way takes from a cinematography course, such as what UCLA, the New York Film Academy or Seattle Film College or whatever does or what someone may charge as a private instructor. You might read questions like, "I'm shooting a commercial and I'm looking for the best lighting options, the client wants it to look like...." Cinematographers like David Mullen, ASC ( Astronaut Farmer, Jennifer's Body, Akeela and the Bee) freely share techniques that aren't taught in film schools You might get 10 responses from cinematographers sharing experiences with something similar and 10 different approaches to the situation presented.
        You have to admit that the internet is full of scams, shysters, people selling quick snake oil cures and a general over abundance of pure and utter bullshit. I'm not quick to trust just anyone. Not everyone needs a full course anyway and seriously, information is not something that one can keep exclusive forever. Just ask any musician about his intellectual property rights and what a joke that's become.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    The Warrior Forum is an internet marketing forum where new marketers ask questions and experience marketers answer/explain/discuss various topics.

    You have to admit that the internet is full of scams, shysters, people selling quick snake oil cures and a general over abundance of pure and utter bullshit.
    The WORLD is full of such people....we all avoid them as much as possible and that sort of 'new member' here is quickly banned.

    The beauty of the internet to me is that you can earn a profit doing something you enjoy in the time you WANT to spend doing it. This form has quite a few very experienced marketers and sellers who post - and also a lot of newbies looking for advice.

    Also quite common for new members to have either skeptical approach or pie in the sky expectations. Join in some discussions - you might be surprised how much help you get here.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Here is a twist. What if there is just no best way. What if there are just always a large number of methods and techniques to get a great shot.

    Then editing style is a entirely different skill set with just as many personal touches. That can't be refined into a single best way
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Here is a twist. What if there is just no best way. What if there are just always a large number of methods and techniques to get a great shot.

      Then editing style is a entirely different skill set with just as many personal touches. That can't be refined into a single best way

      Although, to be fair to you, I had the same reaction to the OP. What does he even want?

      Maybe, I wrongly took it as he was interested in a DISCUSSION about what he thinks is the Law of Attraction/Manifestation. I suspect, he will join the ranks of those Warriors who come here, make a post, and never returns...a lot of that lately.

      As for your post...WHAT??? No one has said there is a best way, it feels as if you are talking about a completely different subject.

      If you, or the OP wishes to engage in a constructive conversation about the Law of Attraction/ a journeyman with decades of experience, I'd be happy to discuss the whole idea...and I think most of what people believe about LOA is wrong from the get go.

      I'm just asking for some clarification, I can't make heads or tails of your post. And maybe, just maybe, that is because the OP (original post) didn't make sense to begin with.

      All law of attraction, all manifestation, MUST begin with a thought, an idea. How the idea becomes reality is what it is all about, and as far as that goes, you are very right there is not one way to make that happen...the journey must be personalized.

      But the methods, techniques and often the how to, can be followed if adjusted, and one can "attract" whatever it is they WANT (within reality) when accompanied with correct action.

      Do you care to clarify what you mean, or would you just want to let this thread die on the vine, as it seems destined to do???

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    If the op doesn't come back the thread dies anyway.

    I took the statement in the second post that the op is looking for an answer to the best lighting. And getting frustrated that ten different professionals give him as many different answers.

    It really depends on if the op comes back if the thread .

    I condensed both the op post to " I'm trying to use the law of attraction to get the best answer to questions. "So my take is they are asking questions that have no best answer.

    It's in the op court to come back to the forum and respond.

    Instead of us getting in a back and forth that gets the thread locked.

    Now we can go into who the law of attraction fails when people try to attract things that are not possible or just don't exist.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      'Maybe you are right.

      I thought he used lighting, cinematography as his getting different perspectives on the Law of Attraction, and he didn't want to pay some "guru" type but would rather get ideas being shared by those with expertise on the subject.

      Maybe, my reading and understanding is waning in my golden years, maybe he just wants the best lighting and he came to the mind forum to find it.

      Whether or not he returns does not preclude a discussion on Law of Attraction, albeit, there are dozens of posts already here.

      Que Sera, Sera.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      If the op doesn't come back the thread dies anyway.

      I took the statement in the second post that the op is looking for an answer to the best lighting. And getting frustrated that ten different professionals give him as many different answers.

      It really depends on if the op comes back if the thread .

      I condensed both the op post to " I'm trying to use the law of attraction to get the best answer to questions. "So my take is they are asking questions that have no best answer.

      It's in the op court to come back to the forum and respond.

      Instead of us getting in a back and forth that gets the thread locked.

      Now we can go into who the law of attraction fails when people try to attract things that are not possible or just don't exist.
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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        'Maybe you are right.

        I thought he used lighting, cinematography as his getting different perspectives on the Law of Attraction, and he didn't want to pay some "guru" type but would rather get ideas being shared by those with expertise on the subject.

        Maybe, my reading and understanding is waning in my golden years, maybe he just wants the best lighting and he came to the mind forum to find it.

        Whether or not he returns does not preclude a discussion on Law of Attraction, albeit, there are dozens of posts already here.

        Que Sera, Sera.

        I'll be surprised if the op finds their way back to the forum.

        My view is the op has the intent to learn. And the loa is responding with ten different ways or more they can learn and build experience.

        But there is a belief that they can learn from the law of attraction can be used to bypass the learning process.

        I might be completely off base and maybe not in the ballpark
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Here are some concepts you almost never hear with LOA/Manifestation.

          Brain plasticity.
          Trauma, experiences.

          Do men and women think differently? Do women who have had children process thoughts differently than those who don't?

          A 25 year old man and a 55 year old man have different brain capacity, and the rock that has been in the tumbler longer, is smoother, and is harder to get things to stick to it.

          That is a metaphor, I'm not looking for answers about rocks or tumblers.

          But these are things, if talked about at all, are for the most part glossed over by so called gurus of LOA. Yet, any one of these could make a difference in the results one gets.

          Manifesting an idea or thought involves energy, and that could be just electrical brain energy, or could be coupled with kinetic, movement in the direction of your goal.

          Here is one concept in manifesting: Emotionalized thought pictures (movies) continuously visualized as reality, often manifest faster than meditation. See, meditation is a quieting of the mind, a shut down really, if one practices true meditation...they clear all thoughts and open themselves to "Universal" thought.

          Whereas Emotional Visualizations, and the emotion is of positive expectation and gratitude is an active process.

          And so we see a 25 year old male, with what is believed to be a just finished cooking a 55 year old guy who has that extra 30 years of experience to deal with too. Yet most tomes on LOA, have them do things the exact same way.

          Why? Because most works; books, courses and seminars are all about making money for the guy who wrote the book, or is selling the courses. See?

          So, as for the OP, there is a difference in the advice to be had, depending on his age.

          And then, we get into gender...oh, wait, men and women think exactly alike, eh? No differences? Well, mountains of evidence say otherwise, but who in the LOA community addresses this? Again, follow the money.

          We so often see regurgitated LOA advice, here is may fav, although I don't have the time to present the science, and again, plenty of it out there in the neural world...

          Your subconscious mind (is there one really?), can NOT tell the difference between a real and an imagined experience.

          You read it everywhere, and it is absolute BS. Who gains by spreading this falsehood?

          Anyhow, those are some of the things we hardly ever see discussed in the LOA/Manifestation niche.


          QUOTE=Odahh;11748402]I'll be surprised if the op finds their way back to the forum.

          My view is the op has the intent to learn. And the loa is responding with ten different ways or more they can learn and build experience.

          But there is a belief that they can learn from the law of attraction can be used to bypass the learning process.

          I might be completely off base and maybe not in the ballpark[/QUOTE]
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Brain plasticity.
            Trauma, experiences.
            Nothing to do with physical location... you just drag the luggage you have where ever you go. Hasa nothing to do with the car you drive or the building you live in ( and there is actually a caveat to that one )

            It has EVERYTHING to do with the people you surround yourself with. Sitting on your mothers basement couch looking up at a dream board gets you no where. Hanging around people that have success in their lives.... now, that has a tendency to rub off.

            I am a firm believer that LOA works when and only when there is/are interpersonal relationships. Without the act of joining with other people your hopes, dreams, and goals are just that... hopes, dreams, and goals.

            The moment you SHARE the ideas... you join with others on yours and their hopes, dreams, and goals is when the magic happens.

            Dont seek like minded people... seek people that are further along. Wanting to quit drinking and hanging out with a bunch of drunk friends... I think we all know were that goes... throwing in a sober person into your life ( not at all like minded ) is when the change happens - just an example.
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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            • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
              Location and within a place, an environment. No?

              Work environment, such as noise would surely not be appropriate for someone with a heightened sense disorder, like misophonia. Those with Seasonal Affective Disorder will find their location matters a lot. Ochlophobia, taking a job or work near crowds won't work.

              So, I disagree that location (prefer environment) doesn't matter. Many, many best selling authors and artists will isolate themselves for long stretches, without having any people around to support their goals. They manifest by production, not by relationships.

              I'll stand by my list.


              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              Nothing to do with physical location... you just drag the luggage you have where ever you go. Hasa nothing to do with the car you drive or the building you live in ( and there is actually a caveat to that one )

              It has EVERYTHING to do with the people you surround yourself with. Sitting on your mothers basement couch looking up at a dream board gets you no where. Hanging around people that have success in their lives.... now, that has a tendency to rub off.

              I am a firm believer that LOA works when and only when there is/are interpersonal relationships. Without the act of joining with other people your hopes, dreams, and goals are just that... hopes, dreams, and goals.

              The moment you SHARE the ideas... you join with others on yours and their hopes, dreams, and goals is when the magic happens.

              Dont seek like minded people... seek people that are further along. Wanting to quit drinking and hanging out with a bunch of drunk friends... I think we all know were that goes... throwing in a sober person into your life ( not at all like minded ) is when the change happens - just an example.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Follow the money or asking who profits the most from this is a good filter for any self help or motivation even the .

    As far as loa goes I occasionally listen to Abraham Hicks but stay away from most of the loa stuff after the secret. I will even go back to Alan watts.

    But the secret version of loa was a marketing tool for the motivation industry. And I'm generally critical of the motivation industry. For adding so much bs into it . Then motivation and loa also gets heavy use in Mlm and pyramid schemes.

    If there is a hungry market someone is going to feed that market.

    I like manifestations I can extract myself from rather easily when they no longer serve me. Which it why my goals seem small. I don't have to manifest or make anything appear in existence. I just have to get where the things I want already are.

    I'm not against people making money. I just don't have to make money that way because other people are.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    My view at this point is that the OP was messing around....started two threads and after 3 days has not been back.

    BUT - he mentioned 'LOA' and that's enough here to keep a thread going for months.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      My view at this point is that the OP was messing around....started two threads and after 3 days has not been back.

      BUT - he mentioned 'LOA' and that's enough here to keep a thread going for months.
      There was a bit of everything in the two posts as well. Trying to use the law of attraction to find what people think a mentor is. To give them the best answer.

      I'm not sure months can happen anymore how long can a thread go with no on posting before it gets locked if someone posts to keep it going.

      Am I just out of the loop or are there just no big new trends in the motivation metaphysical woo woo space .. and the creators who where getting hundreds of thousands of views or millions of views per video a few years ago. Are getting thousands of views per video on YouTube today.

      I'm starting to think with the worker shortages and how easy it is for someone today if they are in a job they don't like. It far easier just to find a new job and do gig work. Then to do the motivation stuff. But it will be a few years before that is confirmed
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    I'm not sure months can happen anymore how long can a thread go with no on posting before it gets locked if someone posts to keep it going.

    If someone 'posts to keep it going' what is the point of that? If threads devolve into 2-3 people posting the same arguments posted in multiple other threads...closing threads is the logical option.
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

      If someone 'posts to keep it going' what is the point of that? If threads devolve into 2-3 people posting the same arguments posted in multiple other threads...closing threads is the logical option.
      Yeah I understand that so I think we have a week on this thread. Without anything new in the motivation/ metaphysical that applies to this forum is there much left to talk about in this section.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
    When this 'mind section' was started - the concept was to explore how the mind can affect sales and marketing - how 'mind games' can be used to lead to sales, etc.

    Also, we saw how using the 'mind' could take a negative thread and turn it positive - or vice versa.

    All topics related to self-improvement. Power, energy and creativity translates into being able to make more money

    ....nothing about metaphysical or motivation...or woo woo
    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well no ofense but why do you think i would lose my time speaking with you for free when i can work in my online business .I am perfectly agree with the first comment you receive and your thread its also unclear and you cannot understand it very well
    I am agree that its now all about making money but everyone wants to use his time wisely
    If you go to a therapist he will not treat you for free because he spends a lot of hard efort ,time etc to became what its now
    Its the same with online marketars

    Admin note: Affiliate links are not allowed in paid user sigs

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  • Profile picture of the author Jose Fourino
    Visualize and that's enough to trigger the LOA. Of course there are many details in the mix...
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