What's holding you back?

15 replies
Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
#back #holding
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  • Profile picture of the author Jack Bane
    Kind of used to.
    But now...now is the time.
    I feel now that better is now better.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamell
    It all Depends on the individual For some it's a lack of willingness to delegate task and utilize time people etc ..
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    If you want to rake it and rake it bigtime take a deep dive in the subconscious.

    It will reveal to you anything you can think of, you just have to filter it.
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  • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
    Originally Posted by Jack Riley View Post

    Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
    Holding me back,...the freakish thing going on with this thread isn't holding me back from posting, even though it has me concerned!

    But ok, freaking out every time the market doesn't do what l want it to do, holds me back since l get pissed off and may not make a calculated decision?

    But l am learning to calm down more!
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  • Originally Posted by Jack Riley View Post

    Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
    Ragin' enthoosiasm is up there on my persnl hit list.

    This is how evidence-defyin' submersibles get created against all odds.

    So I would considah a lack of smart checks to be a fool's paradise.

    For coachin', the magnification of horizons is all in the promise you make.

    So the promise gotta actschly WOIK.

    Like I shoulda said to my las' BF, "you gaht essential functionality, you can finesse on its potential, but no amounta unleashin' gonna rendah the lame into the spectackulah."

    Tellya, gravity an' orbit count for so much in evrythin' we do.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    The short answer... FEAR

    The short answer becomes a deep dive into why is there fear... that usually revolves around "I Can't" and those of us that have crossed the boundary of fear understand there is a huge difference in "I Can't" and "I won't".

    "I Can't" is the stop check response that disables most people... I cant do this because I don't have this or that. I cant do that because i don't know how, I cant do this other because i don't have the money.

    Understanding that "I Cant" needs to be followed up with "I need to" is an absolute firs step to overcoming the fear. I cant build a website... I need to learn how to build a website site. I cant afford a website, I need to learn how to do that myself.

    There is ALWAYS an answer for "I Can't" - there is NEVER an answer for "I wont" If you think you "Can't" you need to find a way that you can.. and if you Wont.. then get a day job and crush all of your hopes and dreams - and blame it on someone else.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author RMRC
    Time management is a big one. Taking too long to do tasks that should be done as quickly as possible, procrastinating, getting discouraged with results rather than learning from them
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    • Originally Posted by RMRC View Post

      Time management is a big one. Taking too long to do tasks that should be done as quickly as possible, procrastinating, getting discouraged with results rather than learning from them
      For sure I ain't shimmyin' down on yr weppin no time soon.

      Even if'n I merely semi-clothed.

      The doin' of tasks sounds to Moi kinda stoopid.

      It is like the vacuous hole of mortality is your one sure shot.

      Or the replays cain't play same as y'are now forevah.

      Anyways, I am comin' ovah all filosofical when my essential resume d'etre here started out with pure filth.

      Time is a rapier.

      I get that.

      But I ain't no crazy weppin swallowah for any kinda zero reason.

      Urgencymongahs look away now.

      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well for me its a blockage either in subconstient mind or some limiting beliefs from trauma etc .The thing its like a break stoping me to achieve the succes i need

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  • Profile picture of the author Yusei Imafuku
    Inner demons my friend or a bamboozled subconscious.

    Mind programming scares them away. Pays back in spades to jolt the memory with good thoughts.
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  • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
    Originally Posted by Jack Riley View Post

    Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
    We see Jack Riley is a one time poster, a couple of months ago and I know better than to post anything, but that has never stopped me before.

    His question didn't make any sense to begin with...but as I see there have been some answers to being held back from achieving your dream life.

    I know for a gosh darn FACT of life, MOST have no idea what their dream life would even look like. And Entrepreneurs may be the worst of the bunch, especially at the low end of the spectrum. So called Entrepreneurs are more than likely money chasers, as opposed to accepting risks and doing. At least online IM ones are.

    I think FEAR as posted by savidge4 is a pretty good overall answer to why anyone doesn't reach their potential. So I can't argue with that.

    I am going to say IGNORANCE. I don't think these Entrepreneurs that may need coaching from this guy have the right knowledge to begin with, especially about their own motivations and have woefully underassessed their strengths AND Weaknesses.

    Now the good news, ignorance can be overcome with learning. Maybe coaching plays a part in that, maybe it doesn't have too.

    So, although Jack Riley may never come back, my two cents on what holds people back is IGNORANCE, mostly of their own natures and selves.

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  • Profile picture of the author The Click Swap
    Originally Posted by Jack Riley View Post

    Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
    hey thanks for posting this,

    For me its fear, as been said before, and this has been a common thread between the number of side hustles i started as i got older. So far no mistakes, but there is always that little voice in the back of my head "what if"

    that's more emotion and mindset, behavior wise it is actually prospecting and following up,

    theres probably alot more, but thats all i feel like sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Originally Posted by Jack Riley View Post

    Hey guys, I've been building a coaching business to help entrepreneurs over the past month, but have continually run into the same question. As an entrepreneur, what emotions or behaviors do you feel are holding you back from achieving your dream life?
    Hi Jack. : ) Great question.

    Honestly I think there's only one thing that holds People back from succeeding ... Themselves.

    For example ― like savidge4 said ― many times People experience a certain level of fear ... However it's completely in their control to face and overcome that fear ― and take action on their goal(s) anyway. The same can be applied to almost every other "problem".

    The "secret" then is for a Person to take 100% Responsibility for their Success ... (And even their "failure" if that happens ― and that is something else they can choose to learn from, overcome, and keep taking action anyway.)

    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Flat out terror in my case . I'm hiding from something and I don't know what.

    Initially the whole make money online thing way back when was appealing because it offered the dream of making money without dealing with others. But my writing was flat out terrible.

    I was going to say laziness and inconsistency which is probably a thing for a good chunk of people. But when I got to hide behind a mask and drink beer when I was in costume I was working 10-14 hours a day 7 days a week.

    The laziness or inconsistency is probably easier to pick out when the dream life is all the leisure activity people want to do while living off passive income.

    But in my case it's terror and probably always has been for some reason.
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  • Profile picture of the author Po Last
    I understand that it can be difficult to identify the emotions and behaviors that are holding us back. I've been there myself. But it's important to be honest with yourself, because once you know what's holding you back, you can start to work on overcoming it.
    Those self-doubts and fears want to hold you back from your full potential. But your courage and passion are so much stronger.
    Focus on the vision of fulfillment you're striving for. That purpose fuels you more than any obstacle in the way. You have the inner wisdom and strength to manifest the life you deserve.
    The journey may get uncomfortable at times. But you alone write your story. Make it reflect the unstoppable spirit ready to overcome anything to achieve your goals.
    I believe in you completely. Keep shining your light. Stay motivated by the good you'll do when your dreams become reality. You absolutely have what it takes. Keep going - I'm cheering for you!
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