by Jamell
15 replies
If you are doubtful of yourself how do you expect others to trust you .

Being assertive doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes but more so trusting tour judgement and ability to get things done .

Assertive people take ownership and responsibility of their actions as well .

What's your view point ?
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

    If you are doubtful of yourself how do you expect others to trust you .

    Being assertive doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes but more so trusting tour judgement and ability to get things done .

    Assertive people take ownership and responsibility of their actions as well .

    What's your view point ?
    I understand personally being assertive is only really tolerable for the people around you. If you are assertive around clear priorities that you stick to on a long term consistent basis.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
      Boom !!! You nailed it .
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  • Profile picture of the author dee4d
    It is good to be assertive. Sometimes people may take advantage of your good nature and use it as a weakness, which is not good for you. But when you step on the peddle (this works when you know exactly what you really want), people around you actually respect you and see you as a person who knows exactly what they want!
    Stay Healthy all your Life, and Avoid Lifesty Diseases Later in Life. Enjoy life to the fullest.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
      You nailed it
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  • Profile picture of the author Moodesburn1977
    i think you should be assertive when closing sales, but the angle we come from before that happens is giving value and focusing on the lead or person, treat them more as a friend and focus on their needs and how you can help them is my viewpoint

    Lets build a online business by giving value and learning how to build a email list

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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
      Your points are logical and valid
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  • Assert is a verb before it suffixes out noplace.

    An' its evidence is primarily based on SUMTHIN' prior to any evidencin'.

    Seems to Moi the real ishoo most times is kinda the SUMTHIN'.

    Bcs evrywan gaht sumthin' to say.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11779013].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

      Assert is a verb before it suffixes out noplace.
      An' its evidence is primarily based on SUMTHIN' prior to any evidencin'.
      Seems to Moi the real ishoo most times is kinda the SUMTHIN'.
      Bcs evrywan gaht sumthin' to say.
      Maybe, assert within yourself...we have far too many people asserting their ignorance, bias, prejudices, opinions, nationalism...Maybe the point was to be assertive within your goals or dreams, and not so much as ASSerting yourself into the world...although, one opinion is just as allowed as another.

      Your point Princess, too many have something to say without the sumthin being there, thanks.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11779341].message }}
      • Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Maybe, assert within yourself...we have far too many people asserting their ignorance, bias, prejudices, opinions, nationalism...Maybe the point was to be assertive within your goals or dreams, and not so much as ASSerting yourself into the world...although, one opinion is just as allowed as another.

        Your point Princess, too many have something to say without the sumthin being there, thanks.

        You gotta have substance prior to propulse steada propulse prior to substance, I guess.

        Mebbe that is why our airheadest evah dreams echo the machinations of the othahwise unspeakable.

        My view?

        Plant yr feet sweet wherevah you are, an' curious out zotick 'bout next steps fyootyoorismo.

        Beats wearin' no stoopid red hat.

        Or slashin' yr wrists to evoke troo goth vampire spirits.

        Thing is, anywan can shout an' scream an' proclaim their undeniable existence -- ask a ****in' BAYBEE.

        Jus' gotta watch for stompy types don't figure YOU in their any kinda equationstuffs says ... This Is 100% For Your Benefit.

        Plenny spinsy in the withinsy.

        Here is our ultimately undeniable unsameness as may define usselves in the face of all measures.

        UPON WHAT BASIS DO YOU STAND gotta count for sumthin', else'n we smack usselves in the chahps for zilchow reason.

        Frickin' luxry for no flopout Yogah gal, tellya.

        Lyin' here 'pon my ownsum back fulla maxo contact with the plannit ... how the frick I evah gonna kill nowan?

        Is troo silence an' solitood more abominable than bein' poisonedorwhatevah from El Withouto?

        What do we cup in our hands that may benefit all who scratch against walls?

        Dripsy palmsy vs punchy fisty, I guess.

        (Till'n mebbe Eastah, yanno bcs we gotta have boundaries an' shit.)

        Ignorance is piss; certainty is THIS.

        Anyways mwah mwah mwah.

        (I nevah set out to write a KINDA ACTSHWL CHRISTMUSS MESSAGE ... but there ya go. Once we dun with the TOIKEY an' the SHURRADES an' the FARTIN' LIKE YR FLESH COULD FLY THE **** OFFA YR BODY, next prahblem we gaht is 2024. An', yanno, what is to be done, proclaimoassertionwise, with a freakishly eternal vacuum?)

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • It is good to be assertive.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
      It sure is,
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    All I can say these holy days is hohohoooo
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
      Can you be more specific
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      • Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

        Can you be more specific
        Can you be more proactive?

        4 months since the las' response to yr query!

        Meantimes, let us pondah once again the diffrence buttween assertiveness an' aggression.

        Aggression = vote for me, or I will buck the system -- an' threaten yr famly!

        Assertion undahstands it has natchrl limits bcs it sees there is a deal to be made buttween intrested parties.

        Sumtimes, you have lass powah in the relationship, so yr assertion mitigates worst case scenarios.

        (Career suggestion: writin' copy for funeral parlours.)

        Othah times, your assertion is an invitation for a catalytic whatevah benefitin' both parties.

        "Why should we both settle for less when our combined vision & boobsy woobsy firepowah could transform stuff?"

        It is, mebbe, why we see noo breakthroughs real regulah in stiletto design an' manufacture ... where we might othahwise see utilitarian leathah piled high sumplace smells of gas.

        Whenya speak up with myootyool benefit in mind, alla the cool stuff can happin'.

        (Evrythin' I sayin' here relates equally to ads helpin' buyahs & sellahs achieve their dreams. Jus. needs wordin' slightly diffrunt, an' voila.)

        Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by Jamell View Post

        Can you be more specific
        It's helpful to everyone if you quote who you are responding to many of us have classic without quoting or mentioning by name who you are responding to. We don't really know.

        In the realm otgetting rich or making money.there are a number of assertions made then work great for a minority of people.though they are made sounding as if everyone should be able to do them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    When you cast out a demonic entity or habit that you want to get rid of, the healing phase is deep like s%*t. All good things seem suspicious, misfortune and lack of luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamell
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