Theory of manifestation.

68 replies
Maybe more of an opinion than a theory, but whatever I might call it, it goes like this:

Most people who want to practice manifestation take too much noise with them to their quiet place and that noise is mostly the sound of I want.

Maybe the Infinite Intelligence or Collective Consciousness is a better transmitter than a receiver. So, instead of constantly broadcasting want/need/ego, one might want to tune in and become a receiver.

Maybe an 80/20 rule would apply, broadcast 20%, tune in on the 80? Could the quiet void of thoughtlessness be more of a green screen of CGI like projections of what we bring to it?

#manifestation #theory
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    I will agree the I want tends to be be noisy because it a broadcast of I want because I don't have. This is where building gratitude for what you do have is very important as a tool to creating an improving manifestation.

    If you can acknowledge improvement in your current manifestation and allow more improvement letting the improvement drive the want.

    "I'm very grateful this is getting better and better and look forward with excitement for what ever comes next to continue the process of things getting better "

    Another part of the the noise is people trying to manifest what they think they should want. When in their core they don't want it at all
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      I will agree the I want tends to be be noisy because it a broadcast of I want because I don't have. This is where building gratitude for what you do have is very important as a tool to creating an improving manifestation.

      If you can acknowledge improvement in your current manifestation and allow more improvement letting the improvement drive the want.

      "I'm very grateful this is getting better and better and look forward with excitement for what ever comes next to continue the process of things getting better "

      Another part of the the noise is people trying to manifest what they think they should want. When in their core they don't want it at all
      And it raises a couple of questions; How to find the "core" want/need? How many exam what they don't have, or the reason behind the want? Do they want a Lambo or the status of having one? A loving wife or a housekeeper with benefits ala Arnold Schwarz.

      The affirmation helps if given the time to root out the deeper neural paths, and a better understanding of wants/need vs. INDOCTRINATIONS as to what SHOULD be wanted.

      So what is a good way to help people get to their core wants, so they don't waste lives away seeking what they think they want? Any other suggestions?

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      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        And it raises a couple of questions; How to find the "core" want/need? How many exam what they don't have, or the reason behind the want? Do they want a Lambo or the status of having one? A loving wife or a housekeeper with benefits ala Arnold Schwarz.

        The affirmation helps if given the time to root out the deeper neural paths, and a better understanding of wants/need vs. INDOCTRINATIONS as to what SHOULD be wanted.

        So what is a good way to help people get to their core wants, so they don't waste lives away seeking what they think they want? Any other suggestions?

        Well a trick with affirmations to root out pathways or subconscious beliefs is to add a because or but at the end.

        Or a more phyco cybernetic type affirmation of I am the kind of person who. Or I am in the process of. But it's been 20 years sense I read that so I don't remember the specific.

        To address the other question the new economy the ai and robotics and a half dozen other technologies will usher in will make everyone in some way feel like they have wasted much of their lives. And take away much of the synthetic scarcity.that drives most of the status game.

        But until that point I'll just aim at those who near the core they are seeking status. What are the lowest effort things people can do in their manifestation to increase their status. I'm as many different classes of people as possible.

        Tesla is was a status brand arnult / lvmh is a status business.

        If people are really trying to manifest higher personal status. With everything else they are trying to manifest. Just aim them at the most efficient and effective ways to do that from where they are.

        Im not fully clear on this as its been coming together with the content I have been watching. And you brought in the status seeking so the subject is manifesting at this point.
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        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          Well a trick with affirmations to root out pathways or subconscious beliefs is to add a because or but at the end.

          Or a more phyco cybernetic type affirmation of I am the kind of person who. Or I am in the process of. But it's been 20 years sense I read that so I don't remember the specific.

          To address the other question the new economy the ai and robotics and a half dozen other technologies will usher in will make everyone in some way feel like they have wasted much of their lives. And take away much of the synthetic scarcity.that drives most of the status game.

          But until that point I'll just aim at those who near the core they are seeking status. What are the lowest effort things people can do in their manifestation to increase their status. I'm as many different classes of people as possible.

          Tesla is was a status brand arnult / lvmh is a status business.

          If people are really trying to manifest higher personal status. With everything else they are trying to manifest. Just aim them at the most efficient and effective ways to do that from where they are.

          Im not fully clear on this as its been coming together with the content I have been watching. And you brought in the status seeking so the subject is manifesting at this point.
          Lowest hanging fruit and lowest effort might be adding more money to one's game. Having excess income, disposable and spendable may be the fastest status elevator we have available.

          Losing weight, getting in shape, better health all have longer time frames attached to them, and a lot more effort. Buying a lottery ticket that has a 977 million dollar jackpot is much easier...

          But the act of making transactions, and creating money flows is pretty simple, and as it pertains to the manifestation theory of being more quiet than casting thoughts into the void, certainly asking the right questions, or framing one's mantras/affirmations with reasons why, may help to get a more usable response from the Cosmic Consciousness.

          Now, we, of course know, that having money may be an ego boost, confidence builder for those who have it, even though they could be real jerks.

          If one believes in the ideas of manifestation and attraction as phenomenon which can be manipulated via thought, then we take a look at all motivations, status being just one...but certainly self-opinion or self-worth is very high on the Want list of why people wanting to practice so-called laws of attraction/manifestation to begin with, eh?

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      • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        And it raises a couple of questions; How to find the "core" want/need? How many exam what they don't have, or the reason behind the want? Do they want a Lambo or the status of having one? A loving wife or a housekeeper with benefits ala Arnold Schwarz.

        The affirmation helps if given the time to root out the deeper neural paths, and a better understanding of wants/need vs. INDOCTRINATIONS as to what SHOULD be wanted.

        So what is a good way to help people get to their core wants, so they don't waste lives away seeking what they think they want? Any other suggestions?

        Yeah l have a few for one get that crap out of your head!

        Visualizing is like a millionaire or billionaire commenting here, it won't happen as they are losing their power by commenting here, or it is like what they said in "jerry Maguire" where going to and commenting about being single actually keeps people single.

        Same with wealth talking about wealth keeps people in poverty since you are typically giving your power away instead of utilizing it.

        Napoleon Hill in Talk and Grow Rich hinted at this.

        I do expect to be rich soon enough, which is why l can give some real words of wisdom without doubting myself or my sources.

        Visionboards don't work as your goal becomes the vision not the goal, and talk alone those lines supports the vision and not the actual object.

        Or your goal becomes the vision instead of the vision becoming real.

        You wana know the secret set a goal then work towards it No Matter What!

        You fail then try again you lose everything then you try again, (learn from it and find a better approach) and you lose a vital tool for its attainment then you find another and try again.

        You do not stop trying, sometimes it seems hopeless and impossible but you have learnt things which means when things go your way you are far better prepared than before.

        Most fail miserably for years and give up, but if they just hanged on and kept trying then all of the things they learned would come together or as Pat Benatar said in one of her songs, "there comes a time, when everything falls in line".
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790243].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Yeah l have a few for one get that crap out of your head!

          I don't get the rest of your post, quoting Napoleon Hill, and Jerry Maguire, sort of got me lost and confused, don't have a clue what your point is...however,

          I do take exception with the idea that my response represented CRAP in my head.

          Being pretty open minded about these mind forum discussions, I allow for other's ideas, comments, beliefs because I lack the CERTAINTY, the belief that you have.

          In fact, from my perspective, the most D A N G E R O U S people in the world are those that exhibit their certainty regarding what other people think. We see it in America today where any given thought is deemed wrong, and one of crap depending on one's belief and their indoctrination.

          I find it interesting that someone with the forum you run, with a lot of woo woo subjects, knows for certainty the premise was CRAP in my mind, and that I need to get rid of that and listen to you?

          NO. I think not.

          I posted a theory about manifestation. I welcome all discussions even negative ones, but the one intolerance I find myself having is...I don't deal with people of certainty, especially when they know what I am thinking is crap.

          And your "secret", set a goal and work toward it no matter long does one bang on, decades? Why would anyone set a goal and not work toward it, and do so using any and all tools (like manifestation methods) available to you?

          If I do indeed have crap in my head, your certainty of the fact, isn't going to help me get rid of it.

          The next American civil war (and possibly, World War) will be set off because of people (like you) who are certain the other guy has crap in his head...and being RIGHT and righteous about it then extends to his behavior that due to THAT fact, anything goes is the rule of the day.

          NO. I reject your premise. Absolutely.


          Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

          Yeah l have a few for one get that crap out of your head!

          Visualizing is like a millionaire or billionaire commenting here, it won't happen as they are losing their power by commenting here, or it is like what they said in "jerry Maguire" where going to and commenting about being single actually keeps people single.

          Same with wealth talking about wealth keeps people in poverty since you are typically giving your power away instead of utilizing it.

          Napoleon Hill in Talk and Grow Rich hinted at this.

          I do expect to be rich soon enough, which is why l can give some real words of wisdom without doubting myself or my sources.

          Visionboards don't work as your goal becomes the vision not the goal, and talk alone those lines supports the vision and not the actual object.

          Or your goal becomes the vision instead of the vision becoming real.

          You wana know the secret set a goal then work towards it No Matter What!

          You fail then try again you lose everything then you try again, (learn from it and find a better approach) and you lose a vital tool for its attainment then you find another and try again.

          You do not stop trying, sometimes it seems hopeless and impossible but you have learnt things which means when things go your way you are far better prepared than before.

          Most fail miserably for years and give up, but if they just hanged on and kept trying then all of the things they learned would come together or as Pat Benatar said in one of her songs, "there comes a time, when everything falls in line".
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          • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Yeah l have a few for one get that crap out of your head!

            I don't get the rest of your post, quoting Napoleon Hill, and Jerry Maguire, sort of got me lost and confused, don't have a clue what your point is...however,

            I do take exception with the idea that my response represented CRAP in my head.

            Being pretty open minded about these mind forum discussions, I allow for other's ideas, comments, beliefs because I lack the CERTAINTY, the belief that you have.
            You pretty much nailed the reason why you and others are discussing this for years on end but don't seem to get very far with it.

            And why this forum has this section and l don't.

            I am sorry about the poignancy but not the message.

            In fact, from my perspective, the most D A N G E R O U S people in the world are those that exhibit their certainty regarding what other people think. We see it in America today where any given thought is deemed wrong, and one of crap depending on one's belief and their indoctrination.
            I think you are referring to the schychotic who need to believe in current paragrims because it feeds a need rather than be the truth.

            And keep blowing taxpayers money on things that don't work and will not work.

            I find it interesting that someone with the forum you run, with a lot of woo woo subjects, knows for certainty the premise was CRAP in my mind, and that I need to get rid of that and listen to you?

            NO. I think not.
            Woo woo and you don't agree fine by me, this section is for you then discuss it for the next few years. I will just keep working hard.

            (removed getting into victim mode).

            And your "secret", set a goal and work toward it no matter long does one bang on, decades? Why would anyone set a goal and not work toward it, and do so using any and all tools (like manifestation methods) available to you?

            If I do indeed have crap in my head, your certainty of the fact, isn't going to help me get rid of it.

            (removed getting into victim mode on steroids).

            NO. I reject your premise. Absolutely.

            Let's see it does not work? You are clearly going through some tough times, (Some making out the US is fine when it isn't) and using me an convenient punching bag.

            I didn't create this mess just trying to offer constructive advise.

            And another reason is vision boards don't work is you need a certain level of success in order to buy bigger and better which gets back to continuing to try.

            Continuing to try slowly knocks down negative belief systems that go against goals so you really believe in what you are doing, (this is a belief based on real world data speculation and not what you are probably referring to or hoping and praying).

            Maybe a vision board may start to work with enough belief in yourself and what you are doing but overall l stand with what l said.

            Nothing wrong with goals.
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            • Originally Posted by tagiscom View Post

              You pretty much nailed the reason why you and others are discussing this for years on end but don't seem to get very far with it..

              I don't understand most of what is posted on this subject, so I'm not commenting on it.

              I just wanted you to know that I'm glad to see you posting here again. You were missed.
              One Call Closing book

              What if they're not stars? What if they are holes poked in the top of a container so we can breath?
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              • Profile picture of the author tagiscom
                Originally Posted by Claude Whitacre View Post


                I don't understand most of what is posted on this subject, so I'm not commenting on it.

                I just wanted you to know that I'm glad to see you posting here again. You were missed.
                Thanks Claude good to hear from you, yeah l tried signing up on other forums but one was crazy and Mike Friedmans new one is too quiet, so l guess this one is just right, lol.

                This forum has a good member base which is really the only reason l am here.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790341].message }}
          • Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            In fact, from my perspective, the most D A N G E R O U S people in the world are those that exhibit their certainty regarding what other people think. We see it in America today where any given thought is deemed wrong, and one of crap depending on one's belief and their indoctrination.

            What is history anyways?

            A rolling, generation-upon-generation account of hoomanity for the benefit of the hapless mortal souls cain't see past the enda their days.

            In this sense, certainty is always in flux.

            You would want, if you were hopeful, for verifiable certainties to commune evocatively an' evidence noo transformationalstuffs as *the hell we nevah seen this clearly brilliant shit before?*

            But Certainty-as-discovahed gaht an entirely diffrent vibe to Certainty-as-proscribed.

            ("From on-naht-zackly-high" if'n you were to qualify the woistest 100%stuffs out there.)

            Diminished growth potential bcs straitjackit fetish mindset ain't nevah been no ansa -- evin if'n we gaht betta at makin' the straps less squeaky.

            You may notice, as gray clouds o'erhead blottin' out singulah moons, suns & bloo skies, a kinda CERTAINTY 'bout how you should conduct yusself.

            In ordah to prospah, less'n all damnation may consoom your ass.

            An' so, with doo diligence, you gotta meet up with all incidences of certainty with maxo informed eyeballs on.

            Eithah it is fact, an' you can mebbe do sumthin' with that; or you bein' led astray by momentarily significant assholes milkin' yr ignorance.

            Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790261].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author socialentry
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            The next American civil war (and possibly, World War) will be set off because of people (like you) who are certain the other guy has crap in his head...and being RIGHT and righteous about it then extends to his behavior that due to THAT fact, anything goes is the rule of the day.

            NO. I reject your premise. Absolutely.


            well sometime the right thing to do is to shoot everyone that disagrees with sensible policy.

            eg not shooting reactionnaries during the meiji restoration would almost certainly have delivered japan to the American and European imperialists and we would not have anime today.

            civil war only happens when u dont shoot the leaders early enough

            Also in fairness to tagiscom, hes probably the opposite of dangerous.

            not by virtue of his moral backbone (slightly above average?) nor by virtue of the dangerosity his ideas(they probably are tho to whom I am not sure), but by virtue of his utter ineffectiveness in propagating them.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790293].message }}
            • Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

              civil war only happens when u dont shoot the leaders early enough
              Can we jus' get sumthin' straight here.

              War is NEVAH civil.

              Evin between noolyweds stranglin' one anothah on their honeymoon bcs they realised they KLUTZED OUT kinda mortally.

              Or, jus yanno, anyplace missiles git fired off when actschwlly there is so much beach potential.

              Thing is, before there is evin a WHIFF of plenty stuffs corruptin' the status quo, plenty leadahs-you-nevah-knoo-existed get taken out for all kindsa nuthinstuffs.

              Which is mebbe conflict on anothah level.

              An' certainly naht civil!

              Ain't people killin' or repressin' one anothah bcs conflicting ideahs of FREEDOM the stoopidest thing you evah saw?

              Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790307].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

                Can we jus' get sumthin' straight here.

                War is NEVAH civil.

                Evin between noolyweds stranglin' one anothah on their honeymoon bcs they realised they KLUTZED OUT kinda mortally.

                Or, jus yanno, anyplace missiles git fired off when actschwlly there is so much beach potential.

                Thing is, before there is evin a WHIFF of plenty stuffs corruptin' the status quo, plenty leadahs-you-nevah-knoo-existed get taken out for all kindsa nuthinstuffs.

                Which is mebbe conflict on anothah level.

                An' certainly naht civil!

                Ain't people killin' or repressin' one anothah bcs conflicting ideahs of FREEDOM the stoopidest thing you evah saw?

                I have zero idea of what you just said
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790308].message }}
                • Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                  I have zero idea of what you just said
                  Mebbe I shoulda left it at WAR IS NEVAH CIVIL steada specyfyin' how, when, where, why & whatevah.

                  Meantimes, keep lissnin' close.

                  Whenya hear the voice on the wind hailin' beacons ablaze from faraway glories ...

                  eithah ima jus' anothah Sagittarian fanjtwazzlah, or there sumthin' more gowin' on buttween my perhapsyflapsies.

                  Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790411].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                    Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

                    Mebbe I shoulda left it at WAR IS NEVAH CIVIL steada specyfyin' how, when, where, why & whatevah.

                    Meantimes, keep lissnin' close.

                    Whenya hear the voice on the wind hailin' beacons ablaze from faraway glories ...

                    eithah ima jus' anothah Sagittarian fanjtwazzlah, or there sumthin' more gowin' on buttween my perhapsyflapsies.

                    but wat if its a gentleman like cao cao thats leading the rebel army
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790412].message }}
                    • Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                      but wat if its a gentleman like cao cao thats leading the rebel army
                      Depends whethah you favah sleeptime snoozy drinks or cocktails with half a forest in 'em.

                      Plus also WAT nevah played too bad as a consoommate rebel gentleman for kinda genrl enrichmentstuffs.

                      My view?

                      I love chocklit drinks mostest rn.

                      They gaht flavah. They gaht protein. They makeya wanna lickya own lips till'n you suck down the flesh an' bone part to yr own brayinn.

                      Also chocklit CAKES.

                      That is why my ultimate bunjee experience involves ZERO elasticated cord an' ZERO pool of watah into which you don't plummet c/o an elasticated cord.

                      Drahp me a thousand feet onto a fluffy, smoochie, spungee BROWNIE.

                      Gonna throw out muh arms an' legs like a star as I go!

                      Mouth open, ready to smack tongue into alla the chocksy yumminess!

                      Witness now how I manifest before yr very eyes as I plummet in my favo yogah pants toward melted chocklit splasho!

                      Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11790417].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author socialentry
                        Originally Posted by Princess Balestra View Post

                        Drahp me a thousand feet onto a fluffy, smoochie, spungee BROWNIE.

                        watever u put in that brownie i want sum
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    yes but can you do a haidukken
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Interesting post: Thanks GordonJ. : )

    Essentially, I think what People put out into The
    World/Universe that is what they will get back ... (AKA "Karma")

    If People want more Happyness and Success (etc.) ... Well that's what
    they should be giving.

    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789010].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author socialentry
      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

      Interesting post: Thanks GordonJ. : )

      Essentially, I think what People put out into The
      World/Universe that is what they will get back ... (AKA "Karma")

      If People want more Happyness and Success (etc.) ... Well that's what
      they should be giving.


      I dunno bro.

      "I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

      ― Genghis Khan

      So you can be a punishment of god and still die pretty happy.

      In fact it might be a better strategy for some people. Imagine if Genghis Khan had not gone on to conquer much of China and Russia, he would not have reduced greenhouses gases by 5%.
      You could call it karma by accident but its still good karma.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789011].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Lol Thanks socialentry. : ) To be honest I didn't understand most of it ― however I found it entertaining.

        Anything else you want to add?
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789012].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author socialentry
          Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

          Lol Thanks socialentry. : ) To be honest I didn't understand most of it ― however I found it entertaining.

          Anything else you want to add?
          Sure , if you wish:

          but first ,do you read anything else beside self help literature?
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789016].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
            Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

            but first ,do you read anything else beside self help literature?
            I'm reading this. : P
            "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789017].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

            but first ,do you read anything else beside self help literature?
            It has to be said, and wasnt... socialentry? do you ever read anything other than over the top ancient history? maybe a self help book?
            Success is an ACT not an idea
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789018].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author socialentry
              Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

              It has to be said, and wasnt... socialentry? do you ever read anything other than over the top ancient history? maybe a self help book?
              One Punch Man?
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789020].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author savidge4
                Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

                One Punch Man?
                like say... IP Man?
                Success is an ACT not an idea
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789024].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

      Interesting post: Thanks GordonJ. : )
      Essentially, I think what People put out into The
      World/Universe that is what they will get back ... (AKA "Karma")
      If People want more Happyness and Success (etc.) ... Well that's what
      they should be giving.
      Known too many good people, wonderful folk, bright souls full of kindness, light and empathy who got shat upon (and hurt by other people) for no good reason. Hard to reconcile it was due to past life transgressions. I try to stay in my current time slot, as I know it, and not wander into any of my parallel universes...who knows what that me is doing over there?

      Putting out positive energy, loving thoughts, and wanting success and happiness for others is an admirable thing...and maybe a worthy goal for most of us, however, I would be cautious about expecting any return in kind.

      I see the law of attraction/manifestation as being taught to come with expectation...the do this, get that theory of it all. Wish there were studies to cite for the sheer numbers of those who gave THE SECRET, etc., a try in good faith and got squat in return.

      And maybe argue they were sending out the I WANT noise which drowned out the response.

      I was going to post about Minimum Viable KNOW HOW (knowledge; MVK) to make money online or off...maybe I'll rework that into a

      Minimum Viable Manifestation Effort instead.

      We do have a god like power as creators, we can see a thing in our imagination and bring it forth into the world, thus, manifesting our thoughts in the physical world...but the so called LAWS to do this almost always come with someone's price tag attached to it, and that is cause for me to cross the street and put on my cloak of invisibility.

      I shun certainty, hermetic hut for me in the forest of the certain; religious, political or philosophical. My mantra is, I don't know...but I'm willing to explore and learn something.

      What would you perceive to be a MINIMUM effort to bring about manifestation? I guess it might depend on the size of what is to be brought into this near a Dunkin's it is pretty darn easy for me to manifest a donut (being real, at least 2) coming into my life.

      Manifesting a Margot Robbie who loves cleaning houses between waiting on me hand and foot, might require a bit more effort, eh?

      On the basis of seeing too much random violence done against some pretty great souls, I have to reject the idea of karma as it is presented here.

      We do have a lot of anecdotal evidence here at WF about so many being unable to manifest a livable income from their IM efforts, maybe the post on MVK might serve the forum more than my wanderings into the mind forum, I don't know.

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      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        Putting out positive energy, loving thoughts, and wanting success and happiness for others is an admirable thing...and maybe a worthy goal for most of us, however, I would be cautious about expecting any return in kind.
        Sure. : ) Great point. Most of the time ― I think we get what we give.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Rully
      I divide the same thought as you.

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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    From a young age i was brought up with "I Am Darling And The Universe Supplies My Needs"

    So we get into Needs and Wants.. you may NEED a car, but want a Lambo... I was brought up to get what you need and can afford, and be grateful, and as NEEDED the Universe will supply the path to the Lambo.

    As I have come to understand it ( "The Universe" ) it just doesnt Giveth... There are times that the option of Free Will gets in the way, and the Universe will attempt corrections... I call this getting hit up the side of the head with a 2x4. The reality for most ( for me ) this can happen multiple times... The universe is telling you You are making the wrong choice, and you need to choose again.. and we choose again and it was the same option over and over and over ( getting ht upside the head with a 2x4 )

    To Socialentry's point... sometimes those 2x4's are not kind gentle and soft - BUT sometimes that is the language needed for you to actually listen and understand another choice is needed. "I am darling and the universe supplies my needs"

    There are times that YOU are supplying some ones else's nudge to a need ( to receive you must give ) and sometimes a straight forward shot of truth that hurts is whats needed and other times a psst - try this maybe the path.... I dont think we choose how others needs are delivered... the Universe understands our "Voice" and the Voice/ Language that the person on the other side needs to hear - things dont happen by accident

    I absolutely think we can Manifest It will always come in the form you NEED and maybe once in a blue moon in the form of what you want ( and thats because that is what you need )
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    So all kidding aside... and kinda dropping the idea of Yin and Yang - Karma - Balance... whatever you want to call it.

    Quantum Manifestation... You can look this stuff up. Getting to a point of 99.9999% energy and .0001 matter. This state might be called the State of Creation... In this state you can create anything and everything... A Mansion, a Lambo, a business whatever it may be. ok great - but what happens when you fall from that state and enter back into your present reality? your back in your moms basement - whoa is me... I want a Mansion... A Lambo... A business....

    Wait, you have all of that... you created it... but where is it? Its right in front of you... just not in this reality - enter String Theory right? 2, 10, 1000 Dimensional realities intertwined together. But again you are in your moms basement.

    What you have created can be had... but you have to put the stop gap in motion ( AKA the work / Process ) to cross the path of the manifestation you have created with the reality you are in.

    So why do people dream of this that and the other... and never take a step forward to obtain it... because they KNOW they already have it, and FEAR the possible failure in the process to actually obtain what is already theirs.
    Success is an ACT not an idea
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789028].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Odahh
      Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

      So all kidding aside... and kinda dropping the idea of Yin and Yang - Karma - Balance... whatever you want to call it.

      So why do people dream of this that and the other... and never take a step forward to obtain it... because they KNOW they already have it, and FEAR the possible failure in the process to actually obtain what is already theirs.
      It's a dream a fantasy like a large number of other things people dream and fantasize about. Well beyond anything they can ever really achieve.

      There is no failure at all because it was something they could not achieve. But could fantasize about.

      In their parents basement what they should be visualizing is ways to earn enough money to get their own place to live even if it's just a one bedroom apartment or a studio.

      Teaching people who can't get that stuff from where they are to visualize that stuff wastes their creative energy. If they don't have any of the skills to eventually get any of that.

      There is a number of things they have a chance to hit if aiming at stuff they can actually hit versus the moonshot bull when they have no launching pad. Or any part of a rocket
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789031].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

        It's a dream a fantasy like a large number of other things people dream and fantasize about. Well beyond anything they can ever really achieve.

        There is no failure at all because it was something they could not achieve. But could fantasize about.

        In their parents basement what they should be visualizing is ways to earn enough money to get their own place to live even if it's just a one bedroom apartment or a studio.

        Teaching people who can't get that stuff from where they are to visualize that stuff wastes their creative energy. If they don't have any of the skills to eventually get any of that.

        There is a number of things they have a chance to hit if aiming at stuff they can actually hit versus the moonshot bull when they have no launching pad. Or any part of a rocket
        I understand... but this is the justification of manifestation from within the reality we exist in, in the here and now... The quiet place where the noise is reduced to "nothing" is NOT the same reality.

        Again string theory is the concept of multiple realities running through time in parallel. YES you have the big house and car and success... but NOT in your current reality... to get the "Dreamed" reality you must progress through the current reality so that the dream reality and your current reality collide.

        You will not move out of our moms basement into the mansion of you dreams ( even tho there are examples of this happening ) and this goes back to my getting hit over the head with a 2x4... sitting there dreaming about it will not get you there... but choosing to go out and get a job and take that step to a 1 bedroom apartment is a step towards the "dream" / alternate reality. the issue is people hit themselves over the head and quit the job - left with choose again.

        I BELIEVE - I KNOW to be fact.. that EVERYONE has the ability to make their dreams come true... Dreams are FAR from a waste of time as long as the choices moving forward set you on a path to fulfilling those dreams.

        People would rather hold onto the dreams... than attempt to manifesting those dream to reality, in fear that they will fail. They would rather hold and cherish the idea vs risking actually obtaining those dreams - and again from the fear of failure.

        If you fail at making a dream reality, what are you left with?

        MY ANSWER - another opportunity to make that dream a reality... to MANIFEST that dream into reality. try once fail once and then saying I cant? I say its not that you cant, it is more in line with you wont.

        Anytime you think you cant - by all means look up the life story of Stephen Hawkins, and come back to me and say you cant.

        ALL THINGS are possible if you choose it to be - and Im sorry you cant begin to tell me any different.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Ok maybe I can agree with you to a point but it comes down to having a dream versus something being pure fantasy.

    If the mansion the blonde the Lamborghini and the multi million dollar a year income or the business he can use as a collateral to borrow from the bank to get those things.

    The things that person need to do become borderline obsession. In that case it's a dream. Otherwise it's a fantasy similar to the person who can't play football pretending to be a game winning qe in the big game.

    Take out the Lamborghini and the mansion and the babe and the business are doable today more than ever now add in a high end luxury car with a driver and a personal chef.. and a more personal detail visualizing session. Versus the generic .

    I have mentioned a major part of what I have been working to manifest over the last few years. I have been considered ugly and unattractive to women all my life sometimes creepy and disgusting.

    The last few months like a switch from before Xmas. I have been getting more interest from women I find attractive. Now I have to refine the attraction process because I'm asking the universe for non schizophrenic women.

    The things you want are and can visualize and feel may be possible. In the world we live in more possible to achieve than ever. But the fun part is getting them. Not as much having them.
    So I believe that the loa or universal for will manifest the process to acquire the skills to get those things.

    How do I become the person who has those things versus expecting the universe to just pop those into reality.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789065].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Odahh, we appreciate you sharing your journey, and we see that you are the result. Your body, your life are the goals.

      I wish warrior Glenn Osborn liked this place a bit more, he rarely posts here, but he is a great experimenter with human behavior, nlp, salesmanship, and his lab is often in a restaurant or in his consulting business.

      I am currently working in two labs (or playgrounds) for my interest in LOA/Manifestation and all things thought to things. The lottery, and sports betting. There are others which may come into play down the road, day trading, forex, stock market, etc.

      But for now, I have a very clear BLACK/WHITE scorecard. With lottery and sports betting, I either manifest a win, or I lose. An interesting divide among the experts in LOA is the line which says gambling is not allowed by the Universe vs, say Jose Silva who cites examples of dreams of winning lottery numbers coming true.

      My opinion, so far, the LOA there are NO laws.

      You have witnessed changes in your physical and it has motivated you to do even more, and you have a better understanding of the connection between the dream and the dream come manifest...and what it takes in between, as in dieting, exercise, etc.

      With a clear cut binary gate, a YES/NO...I either manifest a lottery win, or I don't. I either pick the right bracket winner, or I don't. How much is luck, imagination, or cosmic help is yet to be determined, I don't have the need/desire to set up pure scientific testing...and I am not a mouse in a maze.

      Which is why I want clear cut, undeniable RESULTS from the time I spend with manifestation. I win. Or I don't.

      We'll see how it goes.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Ok maybe I can agree with you to a point but it comes down to having a dream versus something being pure fantasy.

      If the mansion the blonde the Lamborghini and the multi million dollar a year income or the business he can use as a collateral to borrow from the bank to get those things.

      The things that person need to do become borderline obsession. In that case it's a dream. Otherwise it's a fantasy similar to the person who can't play football pretending to be a game winning qe in the big game.

      Take out the Lamborghini and the mansion and the babe and the business are doable today more than ever now add in a high end luxury car with a driver and a personal chef.. and a more personal detail visualizing session. Versus the generic .

      I have mentioned a major part of what I have been working to manifest over the last few years. I have been considered ugly and unattractive to women all my life sometimes creepy and disgusting.

      The last few months like a switch from before Xmas. I have been getting more interest from women I find attractive. Now I have to refine the attraction process because I'm asking the universe for non schizophrenic women.

      The things you want are and can visualize and feel may be possible. In the world we live in more possible to achieve than ever. But the fun part is getting them. Not as much having them.
      So I believe that the loa or universal for will manifest the process to acquire the skills to get those things.

      How do I become the person who has those things versus expecting the universe to just pop those into reality.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789080].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Starting out like me a few years in to using loa to improve things. Lottery win gambling those big huge things not the best. Allow the universe to improve the state of manifestation and guide me to the next set of improvements in the experience.

    You are far beyond me more experience more discipline and I can fully understand why you choose to manifest what you do. Each of us has different things we are here to do and manifest. Even if at times dozen or more other people manifest something similar at the same time.

    If we are aware and take responsibility for what we are manifesting there is no wrong there is on preferred and not as preferred.

    I'm around a thousand people going through pretty deprived and miserable situations. Many who are just fine and will never improve their situation on their own. Many taking actions that will just make their situations worse. I can't save anyone from themselves. And the only judgment I can make is that it's just not what I want.

    The universe is currently taking a 2x4 to those little goals I had. The person I am now has far more potential and ability than the person I was when I made those goals.

    The universe has guided me to set an affirmation that I easily earn at least 1000$ usd a day. I'll go with it. It flows easily when I say it. But man it it blowing apart my normal restricted way of thinking.

    The fun is just starting
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  • THUNK!

    See that?


    Least'n, them were the woids it rehearsed ovah an' ovah in preppo for its eventual moment in the sunless hole of oblivion.

    Mebbe it gaht to say evrythin' it wanted.

    Mebbe it only gaht far as FOUL PLAY.

    An' mebbe it jus went THUNK -- an' nowan cared.

    Forestation before manifestation, plz.

    Othahwise all dreams we gaht are like HOW CAN I NAHT SUFFOCATE an' WHO I GOTTA KILL NEXT?

    Far superiah to fanny mist actschwaahn tho.

    As yr natchrl Princess, gotta tellya no amount of evidently priceless joolry can evah covah for immodesties dependent on momentarily compromised flapola waftola.

    I carved that on a tree once with a flicknife.

    No ideah whethah it gone THUNK yet.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789093].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    pidgeonhole principle > municipal bylaws > law of attraction
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    as far as mathematical principles go the pidgeonhole principle is overpowered.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789103].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      as far as mathematical principles go the pidgeonhole principle is overpowered.
      Overpowered, or Overpowering? I would say the later - in relation to the other 2 options - "Municipal Bylaws" was/is classically funny btw
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789143].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Maybe more of an opinion than a theory, but whatever I might call it, it goes like this:

    Most people who want to practice manifestation take too much noise with them to their quiet place and that noise is mostly the sound of I want.

    Maybe the Infinite Intelligence or Collective Consciousness is a better transmitter than a receiver. So, instead of constantly broadcasting want/need/ego, one might want to tune in and become a receiver.

    Maybe an 80/20 rule would apply, broadcast 20%, tune in on the 80? Could the quiet void of thoughtlessness be more of a green screen of CGI like projections of what we bring to it?

    Collective Consciousness is both a receiver and transmitter. You've hit the nail hard on manifestation because your concepts hold water which is pure gold.
    I won't expand because this topic is close to the occult and dangerous. Just project good thoughts and they will be picked up by the receiver if you train the mind.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789140].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Just Jess View Post

      Collective Consciousness is both a receiver and transmitter. You've hit the nail hard on manifestation because your concepts hold water which is pure gold. I won't expand because this topic is close to the occult and dangerous. Just project good thoughts and they will be picked up by the receiver if you train the mind.
      ElectroMagnetic Spectrum. It has all known frequencies in it, and Gov'ts have agreed on certain uses...but for the sake of this metaphor, let me compare the

      CB radio (receiver and transmitter), HAM (amateur radio), Commercial Broadcasts and Gov't only frequencies.

      In my OP I posited the theory that most LOA/Manifestation is done wrong because we BROADCAST too much, and don't tune into receive.

      When broadcasting, the frequency and power it is transmitted out is regulated, thus limiting the range of a CB vs HAM, or Broadcast. NOW, we can send signal to a satellite network and have it rebroadcast over the entire world (thanks Elon).

      There are receivers which can catch all the frequencies, only shortfall is the direction of reception...but we at home can receive CB, HAM, Broadcast, even Satellite waves and hear what is being transmitted.

      The Collective Conscious as you call it, as I theorize, may just be a reflector and we receive our own thoughts back, however, we have poorly tuned receivers, or they are so narrowly focused, we miss out and what the CC is sending us back.

      So, I'm advocating a 20% broadcast of wants/needs/desires with the thought the CC already knows anyhow, and we need to use the 80% for tuning in/listening...and we may be able to manifest our dreams.

      I too can turn water into wine, it just takes me more time, to allow the grapes to grow and ripen, to squish them between my toes, to ferment and add the water...but it will turn into wine. Not claiming to be a god or anything, but with time, all miracles can seem mundane.

      Or I can just buy my Pagan Pink Ripple off the shelf.


      OR, those living in Palm Beach can manifest desires much faster than those in West Palm Beach. Which could make manifestation an almost singular want??
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  • Las' thing you want evah is to be picked up by a pedant cain't evidently spell straight.

    So I wanna invite eyeballs on PIDGEONHOLE an' LATER.

    Bcs herein lies a confluxual sweet spot.

    My eye is drawn, an' so must I speak.

    Into what PIGEONHOLE may anythin' for LATER be positioned?

    If'n you know that SPOT, you can jus' walk up an' go BLAMO.

    So mebbe any kinda MANIFESTATION as PERFECT could be kinda useful beyond your immediate selfo.

    An' it may naht depend on perfection for its start point.

    See how I smack 2 typos togethah an' you deny the flash less'n you with Moi on this?

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789181].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    I keep a pidgeon in my refridgerator.

    And a pigeon in my frig.

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    What is someone hoping to get from manifesting something they want feel they need or personally feel it very important they have.

    Once someone figures that out and sets that as the thing to manifest instead of a specific physical object or manifestation.

    There are a wide range of of things in physical reality that can fill that desire. And your guidance system beyond the physical body cas easily lead you to the closest things to you can manifest now to give you the essence of what you are seeking.

    The noise and what makes humans poor receivers is they want this thing to manifest they want it to manifest this way that proves this stuff works.

    If you open to these forces and let it be as much real time communication. As that is what is available now as there is more consciousness on the planet and wide range of newly available fluffy energies. To aid in co creation and manifestation.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789212].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      What is someone hoping to get from manifesting something they want feel they need or personally feel it very important they have.

      Once someone figures that out and sets that as the thing to manifest instead of a specific physical object or manifestation.

      There are a wide range of of things in physical reality that can fill that desire. And your guidance system beyond the physical body cas easily lead you to the closest things to you can manifest now to give you the essence of what you are seeking.

      The noise and what makes humans poor receivers is they want this thing to manifest they want it to manifest this way that proves this stuff works.

      If you open to these forces and let it be as much real time communication. As that is what is available now as there is more consciousness on the planet and wide range of newly available fluffy energies. To aid in co creation and manifestation.
      Real time communication, between the conscious/sub-conscious/Cosmic Consciousness is an interesting theory too...and one of the best works on it, although it has been misused, and *******ized by James T. Mangan's work known as THE SECRET OF PERFECT LIVING. This 1963 book put forth the concept of SWITCHWORDS.

      And today, one can find all kinds of products and how to about using them, most of it regurgitated trash, with no understanding of the original book.

      But his point was the automatic way to bring the minds together is through a single word, and when practiced, can deliver instant results, although for mostly benign activity like finding a parking spot.

      So, it can be akin to a guidance system beyond the body, when you couple the conscious, sub-conscious and Cosmic Conscious minds in a purposeful fashion.

      Now, this reads as it was dictated, and I may be wrong, it just seems like when you do this, in the past, it is harder to I could be way off base with what you wrote.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789221].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    It is the first time I've attempted to put it in writing. Because what I am experiencing doesn't have a a reference I have seen in popular alternative Media. Then it has also only real developed in the past two years. As it was a far more out there slower process.

    Now if I have a need or desire or want I don't have to attempt to form detailed visuals a range of basic visuals appears in front of me in a crude form of augmented reality.

    Then in the few days following the things I have more interest will show up in my YouTube feed or other media or people will just start talking about them where I can hear.

    Any attempt on my part to manipulate this process slows thing down and causes
    failure the more I go with the flow of the universe or other positive forces the easier things just happen.

    Though those forces are probably just digesting all my want and needs and showing me the way to get what I want a the core

    I hope to get better at explaining the concept as I get more settled in and see the results of what ever road I am being led down
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789222].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      In this old post from 2008, I got into the natural unfolding manifestation, as when an acorn becomes a tree, a forest, then dirt is the natural unfolding of the desire built into the seed...and well, maybe it helps, maybe not.

      It was an interesting thread, we had some good ones back then.


      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      It is the first time I've attempted to put it in writing. Because what I am experiencing doesn't have a a reference I have seen in popular alternative Media. Then it has also only real developed in the past two years. As it was a far more out there slower process.

      Now if I have a need or desire or want I don't have to attempt to form detailed visuals a range of basic visuals appears in front of me in a crude form of augmented reality.

      Then in the few days following the things I have more interest will show up in my YouTube feed or other media or people will just start talking about them where I can hear.

      Any attempt on my part to manipulate this process slows thing down and causes
      failure the more I go with the flow of the universe or other positive forces the easier things just happen.

      Though those forces are probably just digesting all my want and needs and showing me the way to get what I want a the core

      I hope to get better at explaining the concept as I get more settled in and see the results of what ever road I am being led down
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789269].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

        In this old post from 2008, I got into the natural unfolding manifestation, as when an acorn becomes a tree, a forest, then dirt is the natural unfolding of the desire built into the seed...and well, maybe it helps, maybe not.

        It was an interesting thread, we had some good ones back then.

        What was the name you used at that time.

        I wouldn't put it in that term though even though I have never done acid or mushrooms. It closer to entering a tripping state.

        Just kind of open up and let the images flow.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789295].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          What was the name you used at that time.
          I wouldn't put it in that term though even though I have never done acid or mushrooms. It closer to entering a tripping state.
          Just kind of open up and let the images flow.
          Back then, it was gjabiz

          In the post I linked to, I used an acorn as a metaphor, some people can't, or don't want to create purpose, they more or less just go with the flow.

          As you are allowing these images to just flow into and through you, it seems as if they are touching you at a core level, and from that is coming an unfolding of your future.

          Again, I may be way off base with what you are experiencing. When I allow the images to flow, I often wind up with old silent looking movies or animal cartoons. Only recently have I been able to enter the images and see if I can somehow control them.

          Somewhere between a dream and a haze, alive and alert I gaze
          at the movies of my mind, and wonder what kind I'll see this day.

          As for the WF in 2006-1010, it may have been the heyday, a lot of participation from some really well known IMers. Good stuff in these archives.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789303].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Odahh
            Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

            Back then, it was gjabiz

            In the post I linked to, I used an acorn as a metaphor, some people can't, or don't want to create purpose, they more or less just go with the flow.

            As you are allowing these images to just flow into and through you, it seems as if they are touching you at a core level, and from that is coming an unfolding of your future.

            Again, I may be way off base with what you are experiencing. When I allow the images to flow, I often wind up with old silent looking movies or animal cartoons. Only recently have I been able to enter the images and see if I can somehow control them.

            Somewhere between a dream and a haze, alive and alert I gaze
            at the movies of my mind, and wonder what kind I'll see this day.

            As for the WF in 2006-1010, it may have been the heyday, a lot of participation from some really well known IMers. Good stuff in these archives.

            Many of the images come from the core and get turn into images by my mind. With as skilled as a writer you are your process probably works a lot better for you if you flow the information out of your physical being and onto some other media you can take back in with your eyes or ears.

            In some ways I have always done this but through the darker period of life and the chronic depression that came before the imagery was not all that positive. Through the work I have done in the last five years I have gradually tapped into more positive flow of images.

            Now it's more how do I turn the creative pulse this is building within me into something I can use to improve their lives. I don't have the skills with writing you do. But there are many ways to deliver information to or entertain people and hope they use the information in the entertainment. Or just sell them stuff if they actually use they will improve their lives.

            Personally if I suddenly have money I need something productive and rewarding to do with my time otherwise I'll manifest a number of self destructive habits to combat boredom
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  • Profile picture of the author socialentry
    but wat if u ask the universe for a crate of tp and it sends looters and anarchists instead
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789318].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author savidge4
      Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

      but wat if u ask the universe for a crate of tp and it sends looters and anarchists instead
      That just means that the TP is coming, or worse yet, was delivered and stolen. Then you can apply the Pigeonhole Principle to figure out if it was the Looters or Anarchists that took it, and track it down like the Genghis Khan reincarnate we know you are.
      Success is an ACT not an idea
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789319].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Odahh
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        That just means that the TP is coming, or worse yet, was delivered and stolen. Then you can apply the Pigeonhole Principle to figure out if it was the Looters or Anarchists that took it, and track it down like the Genghis Khan reincarnate we know you are.
        Well I'm skipping the case of to the next house I live in I'll just have bum guns installed. Ok handheld bidet sprayers.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789321].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

          Well I'm skipping the case of to the next house I live in I'll just have bum guns installed. Ok handheld bidet sprayers.
          well aint that some sh*t!!!!
          Success is an ACT not an idea
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789331].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author socialentry
        Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

        That just means that the TP is coming, or worse yet, was delivered and stolen. Then you can apply the Pigeonhole Principle to figure out if it was the Looters or Anarchists that took it, and track it down like the Genghis Khan reincarnate we know you are.

        Probably the best answer to this quandary as
        iIt does not rely on any assumption.Not even the axiom of choice (!) , let alone string theory or the will of the universe.

        It only relies on only 2 things:

        1.The pigeonhole principle.

        2.Me.Genghis Khan reincarnate
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11789332].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author savidge4
          Originally Posted by socialentry View Post

          Probably the best answer to this quandary as
          iIt does not rely on any assumption.Not even the axiom of choice (!) , let alone string theory or the will of the universe.

          It only relies on only 2 things:

          1.The pigeonhole principle.

          2.Me.Genghis Khan reincarnate
          Not so fast there Genghis... We are left with a multitude of options.. #1 why did the universe send Looters and Anarchist? #1A was the delivery method hacked and they knew it was coming? #2 Was it simply Karma catching up with you and your desire to be ahead of the next lockdown with the intent of selling each roll from the pallet for $10 each?

          And just because there is one option let alone 4 or 5... why did I choose those 2 of the millions of possibilities ( string theory )

          The over whelming assumption here is that your quietness and asking to be gifted a crate of TP was honored by the universe and A it had not yet arrived or B it had arrived and was stolen. ( almost sounds like not taking responsibility in a way )

          And the whole split personality thing - again, falls in line with string theory.

          Me personally find Karma to be to a degree instant of sorts - it just seems to work that way... but there are actions that seemingly never get rewarded.

          Manifestation ( in my mind ) is something that takes time... like watching American Idol or something and these young ladies bring in dream boards from like 10 years ago that has the dream of being on American Idol.

          Manifestation ( to me ) is a journey... Just because you can dream it, does not mean it will happen over night... it doesnt mean there are not steps to receiving. If you are not willing to receive a used $500 car ( because you need one ) because you dream of a $300,000 Lambo suggests there is a gap between want and need - and the lack of desire to put in the work to get to the point where you could receive the lambo in your life.

          The TP was stolen by your choice... or better yet your actions... yes you had the power to manifest what it is you envisioned as your need, but you were simply not ready to receive it. The Universe Giveth, and the Universe Taketh away. Are you willing to put in the work to receive what is yours, or are you going to blame others for taking your dreams away from you. The choice is yours Genghis.
          Success is an ACT not an idea
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          • Profile picture of the author socialentry
            Originally Posted by savidge4 View Post

            Manifestation ( in my mind ) is something that takes time... like watching American Idol or something and these young ladies bring in dream boards from like 10 years ago that has the dream of being on American Idol.

            Manifestation ( to me ) is a journey... Just because you can dream it, does not mean it will happen over night... it doesnt mean there are not steps to receiving. If you are not willing to receive a used $500 car ( because you need one ) because you dream of a $300,000 Lambo suggests there is a gap between want and need - and the lack of desire to put in the work to get to the point where you could receive the lambo in your life.
            But thats what ive been saying all along

            99.99% of issues on this subforum have a one line answer . In fact you could copy paste this no punch man vid in almost any thread in the mind warriors and it would basically solve the OP.In practice thats what it comes down to.

            The real Q is not the universe but rather: do you want to be like genos or one punch man.
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    There is just a lot that is going to happen in physical reality on earth that is beyond any single person ability to manifest on their own.

    The looters and anarchy people where already in the potential. Instead of manifesting somewhere else much safer to be when they showed. You thought you would be protected from the break down of functional society. If you just had enough toilet paper.
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  • Profile picture of the author Digital Meta
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Digital Meta View Post

      You propose tuning into Infinite Intelligence rather than constantly broadcasting desires. This shift from wanting to receiving aligns with an 80/20 approach, where most energy is directed toward tuning into the universal flow.
      Yes, you got my proposal (theory) right, that of tuning in rather than constantly broadcasting...I don't know what you mean by the 80/20 approach but I'm thinking I might, maybe, agree? Care to share some more thoughts on this?

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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    Honestly at this point as more stuff is starting to manifest rather quickly with little effort. Compared to the effort I used to have to put in .

    The noise in my case is how much effort struggle and suffering I expect to have to go through to get what I want and all the stuff I expect to go wrong. Based off past experience.

    Now it's becoming faster and simpler.
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    • Profile picture of the author GordonJ
      Originally Posted by Odahh View Post

      Honestly at this point as more stuff is starting to manifest rather quickly with little effort. Compared to the effort I used to have to put in .
      The noise in my case is how much effort struggle and suffering I expect to have to go through to get what I want and all the stuff I expect to go wrong. Based off past experience.
      Now it's becoming faster and simpler.
      A man was walking down a dirt road past farms on a hot summer day. He had a pumpkin on his head, a wagon wheel over his left shoulder, a bag of rocks on his right shoulder and vines wrapped around his waist.

      A farmer sees him and asks why he has a pumpkin on his head. The man, suddenly realizes the weight, and says, "The reason I have a pumpkin on my head is because, em, er, uhh, I forget." And takes it off and continues.

      At the next farm, he is asked about the wagon wheel, and he can't remember why he was lugging it around, so he left it.

      Then he was asked about the bag of rocks, and he said. "This bag of rocks is supposed to remind me of something, but I can't remember." So off came the rocks.

      Finally a farmer asked about the vines, and these too found no reason to be tied around his waist.

      So, same man, a little later in the day, just down the road a bit...but lighter, happier, feeling less trapped by the weight he was carrying around.

      Point is, in manifesting a better life, sometimes it isn't about attracting things or people into your life, but it is about getting rid of the needless baggage we sometimes carry along for no good reason.

      There are a lot of Pumpkin heads out there.

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  • Worst curse 'bout manifestin' is a double-edged sword bluntah.

    ONE ...

    you manifest yr tits off ... for days ... weeks ... years, if necessary -- bcs what you manifestin' is SO CRAZILY AMAZIN'.

    Only prahblem is, the moment your manifestation pays off personal big time goal achieved, you realise the world has moved on in your absence an' the value of your procreative thrust is kinda massively diminished.

    TWO ...

    evry seckind you spend manifestin' for tamara denies you the tappable glories evident today.

    Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

    Point is, in manifesting a better life, sometimes it isn't about attracting things or people into your life, but it is about getting rid of the needless baggage we sometimes carry along for no good reason.


    Peelin' away the cluttah an' barnacles an' klutzcraft is often the best slooshin' to seein' where you headed.

    Not evry mindset is for evrywan, which is why we all minded to strike out fulla singularly useful difference steada blancmangely crappo sameness.

    Lightin' fuses is for blowin' stuff togethah.

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  • Profile picture of the author Just Jess
    Truth be told that is you can kill two birds with one stone and be done with it.

    I was holding onto my money until I was introduced to a mind blowing technology that made all the difference and ever since never looked back.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rosewatt
    I agree with you. 80/20 rule is quite genuine for broadcasting.
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  • Profile picture of the author spartan14
    Well this thing of manifestation its more complicated than presented because its easy to ask something but the complicated thing its to align yourself on the same frecvency

    For example lets say you want to manifest a gourgeous girls as a girlfriend ,if you have a shity energy ,you are fat like hell or you have no confidence then you can be the greatest manifestor and practice meditation ,visualizations ,afirmations all day long it will not work

    So thats way manifestations its a more complicated process .Many manifestors gurus say : visualize yourself as having ,put yourself in that state etc

    This its not how its working
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  • Profile picture of the author Odahh
    I have been trying to decide how to respond. But the first week of my new job has my brain all tired out as I have tried to learn to many new things in a week.

    The only certain in the world we now live in is the number of things anyone can be absolutely certain about are generally easy to count . And if you cross of the essentials like death eating breathing sleeping the certainty list gets very short if a time frame is required.

    So bringing it back to manifesting. I manifested a job with very little effort and only went on a single interview. I was really hesitant about taking the job. The funny thing is a got very curious why this particular job manifested and so far it's not the one I applied to the company for and it's something I never even considered doing. Basically I'm folding gun holsters. I'll explain more down the road after I get this down haha.

    Now if I make it through the next week of training I have a list of other goals outside of work to achieve in the next 1-2 months and after those get accomplished start learning Spanish and practice with my co workers. Now that my Boston accent has faded and I might have a chance of someday being able to roll my r.

    I don't have the need for control or certainty or very long term planning as the force behind manifestation has taught me to go with the next manifestation that it lines up.

    This is probably confusing again I'm mentally burned out haha.
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