It's christmas time and I'm broke, in debt and depressed.

22 replies
I'm trying real hard to keep my head up, but it's killing me. I'm so depressed right now it's not even funny. I'm sick of living like this. Dammit next year I am making serious coin. Not to buy crap, just to pay off my debts and be able to breath free for once. I'm so frustrated right now its not even funny.
#broke #christmas #debt #depressed #time
  • Profile picture of the author Bayo
    Originally Posted by swilliams09 View Post

    I'm trying real hard to keep my head up, but it's killing me. I'm so depressed right now it's not even funny. I'm sick of living like this. Dammit next year I am making serious coin. Not to buy crap, just to pay off my debts and be able to breath free for once. I'm so frustrated right now its not even funny.
    Hi there,

    Keep your head up. As long as we're alive and kicking, there's always a brighter day ahead...even if we can't see it right away.

    I made a post that I'd like you to read.

    It's here

    I hope it gives you encouragement to be strong.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mike Anthony
      I've been where you are. Just remember one thing. Christmas is just a day. The sun rises and sets the same way it always does on that day. I even moved it once (thats right I moved Christmas) and the kids LOVED it. They ended up with two christmas days.

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      • Profile picture of the author Janet Sawyer
        Originally Posted by Mike Anthony View Post

        I've been where you are. Just remember one thing. Christmas is just a day. The sun rises and sets the same way it always does on that day. I even moved it once (thats right I moved Christmas) and the kids LOVED it. They ended up with two christmas days.
        I'll add to this as well. Christmas Day is whatever day you choose it to be. My Kids know that any day could be the rebirth of their dreams, hopes and inspirations.

        I taught them to sing "happy birthday" to "" on that day to respect that their birthday was the most precious day in their lives, but still to respect that there is a true meaning to Christmas Day, the birth of a Saviour. ( Respect here to those who are still waiting and don't believe, I know what I believe)

        If you can't afford Christmas this year, don't worry about it, you can always catch it next year, same as birthdays really.

        I hope that makes sense to some of you.

        Whatever you believe I wish you all the best for the "holidays" the "season" and wish you a happy and prosperous new year, whenever your new year starts.

        Think about it.
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        • Profile picture of the author tomcam
          PM me with your phone # and good time to talk if you'd like to chat.


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          • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
            Thanks for the support guys. I was just sitting down juggling bills and my friends were calling about new years and I had to turn them down because of money and trying to figure out what I could do about Christmas. And I just got really frustrated.

            I had to just take a hold of myself. I talked to a good friend who helped me get my head on straight. I called my creditors and made some arrangements, paid what I had to pay and put off the rest. I pawned my guns and my flat screen and got the money to get my daughter what she wants for Christmas. I'm making CDs of my parents favorite music and making them a set of "A weekend of free labor with no whining" cards.

            I feel better now that I've done something. Thanks everyone. I'm going to finish working on setting up my wso tonight and the rest of this week.

            I am paying off my serious debts next year. I'm sick of living check to check.

            Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.


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            • Profile picture of the author AnneE
              Originally Posted by swilliams09 View Post

              a set of "A weekend of free labor with no whining" cards.
              Ha ha... I love it! especially the qualification of 'no whining' Great job on taking action and remembering that you can control the situation. And good luck with the debt reduction too. I'm fighting that battle as well.

              Merry Christmas to you!
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            • Profile picture of the author bluewillow
              Those CD's you're making....Could you sell them as a product? Or something like them? Just had to ask. Keep you head up. The sun will come out tomorrow.
              Take a short survey. No sales pitch.
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  • Profile picture of the author ubell
    If I were you I wouldn't be depressed about today because there is nothing you can do to change it right now...but tomorrow you have a opportunity to change things... If I were you I would work a Job put in 40 hrs and get 1k in a emergency fund and then put up 500 to have breathing room and 500 to start online... you wont be successful in debt like that with no room to breath... and you online business will not prosper if you are mentally beat down like you are. Take my advice
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    • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
      Originally Posted by ubell View Post

      If I were you I wouldn't be depressed about today because there is nothing you can do to change it right now...but tomorrow you have a opportunity to change things... If I were you I would work a Job put in 40 hrs and get 1k in a emergency fund and then put up 500 to have breathing room and 500 to start online... you wont be successful in debt like that with no room to breath... and you online business will not prosper if you are mentally beat down like you are. Take my advice
      I actually met Dave Ramsey a few years ago. We shot an interview with him and I have a signed copy of the Total Money Makeover. I've been reading it and saving up money, but unexpected bills keep popping up. Every time I get a little savings going something comes through and wipe them out. Working in tv my schedule makes it hard to do like he suggests and deliver pizza or newspapers (actually I tried that but they haven't had any openings since circulation is down). So I'm working on some other alternative job ideas. I'm trying to talk my buddy into letting me be an overnight editor for his video production company, that way I can come in after hours and work. If I can get my video promo wso going and find some other marketers in need of video services that would be perfect for me and my shifting schedule so I'm working on that now. I know it's nothing I can do at the moment but grin and bare it until things change. I'm just going to keep moving forward until it all clicks.

      Thanks for all the support guys.

      Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.

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  • Profile picture of the author ubell
    One more thing check out he is awesome and free in helping people get out of debt. Also his pod cast are free on the website from his radio broadcast.
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  • Profile picture of the author
    When you feel depressed remember that time is on your side. Great ideas come in a moment of time. Take a few minutes during your day to allow your mind that moment to be creative. Great ideas are within you and they need the right time to come forth.
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  • Profile picture of the author SilverStockReport
    I agree with what they said. Maybe you can get something good out of it? If you feel down, then that can be a sign of being reborn. The New Year is coming up so it's a good time to reflect on what you did wrong and make it right.
    I write the about Silver and Gold in my Silver Stock Report. It's one of the most influential newsletters in the precious metals industry.
    Follow me on Twitter at: jason_hommel
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  • Profile picture of the author Mandy Swift
    HI, I really hear your frustration, but this is really important. Just remember: Law of Attraction states "what you think about you bring about" - not to be blythe here but the more you wallow in the mire, the more mire the Universe is going to bring you to wallow in.
    Change your thought frequency - there are great forum topics right here on Warrior, go to 'what do you do when you are feeling down?' section for some great ideas, read the 'inspirational quotes' section (my favourite) or visit my blog for some more ideas
    Make a list of all the things you have to be grateful for today - there are tons.
    Keep a positive affirmation & gratitude journal every day and read it 1st thing - it does wonders to put your head in a good space.
    And absolutely, don't look at 'what has been', look at 'what is going to be'
    Happy days ahead
    Mandy Swift
    Helping you Muscle up your Marketing and getting your business Fit to Perform Online. Find me at:
    ...because fit businesses perform better...
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliate2010
    Never GIVE UP!

    Originally Posted by swilliams09 View Post

    I'm trying real hard to keep my head up, but it's killing me. I'm so depressed right now it's not even funny. I'm sick of living like this. Dammit next year I am making serious coin. Not to buy crap, just to pay off my debts and be able to breath free for once. I'm so frustrated right now its not even funny.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Turn all of that frustration in to determination to make it work. Tell yourself you will succeed. Turn all of that depression in to motivation and positive thinking. Write out a serious plan and stick to it. Write out a plan for every day and accomplish everything. These are little things that help me.

    Good luck to you.
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  • Profile picture of the author 2d0k
    Failure is success turned inside out.. Turn your frustration into a working energy, and work hard like you've never done before.. Success might be in the next corner..

    I'll be out of my day job by Jan. 15 next year.. I don't like thinking about it, but it just keeps bugging my thoughts.. Holidays was a respite, especially Christmas.. I tried to enjoy it as much as possible because I know there will be rainy days come January..

    Don't give up..
    World News | Hasta La Victoria Siempre! | Website Hosting Cost
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  • Profile picture of the author Buckwheat.corn
    I have found Emmet Fox's books, such as Power Through Constructive Thinking and Make Your Life Worthwhile, very helpful. I highly recommend them when you want inspiration in your lifel
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  • Profile picture of the author Bret Ferguson
    Hang in there SWilliams all of life is ebb and flow, peaks and valleys.....for everyone. Someone else on here mentioned Dave Ramsey, good stuff. I highly recommend it. He really stresses living on a budget, a strict budget. "You tell your money what to do or it will tell you what to do" is one of his quotes. When you get a budget you are telling your money what to do. The key is, obviously, to stay on your budget.

    Carry yourself like a high achiever. People want to work with winners.

    Hang in there!

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    • Profile picture of the author Mattiyu
      Good day Swilliams09, I remember a few years back feeling the same way with a heavy head, not seeing an end to the madness in site. But one thing I learned in that experience is that life is a do over and the key ingredient that got me through it was pray and my belief.

      The holiday season always put a tremendous amount of pressure on folks to spend money. Just remember each new day is truly a new opportunity.
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