You Are What You Speak!

38 replies
I just finished reading a thread in this section of the forum. I thought it was powerful and immediately a quote came to mind that is and remains true:

"There is life and death in the power of the tongue".

It's okay to think about what you desire but when you say it as if it's real and no longer just a thought it will become a reality. Start to speak what you want out of life. So many people are speaking about what they don't want and they wonder why the things they desire run far from them.

If you want prosperity, wealth, success, or anything else, speak it loud and clear. Stop saying business is slow because then your business will be slow. Don't look at things as they are but as they can be.

Warriors, I want you to Leave your comments. Do me a favor and do something a little different and out of the ordinary. Tell everyone a little bit about how you see yourself. I'll get the ball rolling!

I 'am a great success and all my businesses are prospering. Everything is working in my favor. I love what I do!

  • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
    I am powerful, postive, successful, wealthy and abundant. Life's riches are mine. I am surrounded by love and light and I shine on all who cross my path.

    Go me x
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  • Profile picture of the author bmitch213
    Thanks for you statements. Keep them coming!
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  • Profile picture of the author HowardG
    When we are under pressure our words can betray what we are. We can not speak without thinking the words we speak. Therefore watching our words is one powerful element in changing the way we think. When we change the way we think our subconscious changes and creats for us the energy, motervation and expection to succeed. It can also affect the world outside to create the opertunities that we need.
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    • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
      Originally Posted by HowardG View Post

      When we are under pressure our words can betray what we are. We can not speak without thinking the words we speak. Therefore watching our words is one powerful element in changing the way we think. When we change the way we think our subconscious changes and creats for us the energy, motervation and expection to succeed. It can also affect the world outside to create the opertunities that we need.

      Great post and very true.

      Our words do indeed reflect our thoughts and deeper than that they can reveal our beliefs.

      I am divine, healthy, whole and wealthy. Life's abundance blesses me, love surrounds me and success flows through me. Everthing I desire is mine.
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      • Profile picture of the author Aronya
        You guys better be careful. You're getting dangerously close to saying you believe in LOA!
        Great post, bmitch213.

        Every day, in every way, I'm getting better, and better, and better.
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  • Profile picture of the author f4ll3rs
    I agree with this. I've had enough troubles already for not controlling the words that came out of my mouth. We are truly what we speak.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonio Smith
    I focus on honesty, I
    hope for the best prepare
    for the worst and focus
    on my dreams and goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanman
    Sorry but I disagree...You aren't what you speak. Rather - YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO. You judge a person by what he has done...Not what he says he can do.

    I have seen a lot of people who are real positive thinkers, speakers but when it comes to action they aren't really there. I am admire the doers more than the thinkers/speakers.

    ^^^Click The "UGLY BANNER" to "MAKE MONEY"^^^
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  • Profile picture of the author dr-robb
    Ryanman, if you speak of something enough you will eventually believe it. If you believe in something enough you can do it. Its just a starting point.

    The Doers believe in themselves not about how someone else sees them. You don't need to believe something I say, but I need to believe it.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Flask
      What you think about expands.

      If you think positive thoughts, positive results will follow.

      Conversely, if you speak negative thoughts, negative results will follow.

      There is a simple "formula" to creating desired results:

      Be--> Think--> Speak --> Do

      Believe in who you are, who you are meant to be, in what you wish to accomplish.

      Think only thoughts that reflect the person you strive to become as if it is already true.

      Speak as one who has already achieved what you desire.

      Do as you would if you are already who and what you desire to be.

      I am an extension of Divine Mind. Peace, love, and prosperity flow to me from the Infinite Supply. I radiate peace and good will to all I meet.
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  • Profile picture of the author NinjaTech
    Negative thoughts only bring negative juju. We must be positive and believe in our goals. I think its important to set goals even it they are small make a small goal each week attain it, hit it. Then the following week make a little bit bigger goal. Write them down and email yourself a reminder recurring goal until you have reached and attained it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Quill
    The tongue is definitely the most powerful body part
    Hearing our own voice can evoke tremendous emotion and energy ,we have to use it with caution it, can get you in trouble and out of trouble .

    "There is no despair in this world" R N
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    • Profile picture of the author snapper
      I love an affirmation from The Master Key System
      By Charles Haanel -

      I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.

      I often repeat this as I go on my daily walk. After the I am I repeat one word per step... So it is I am (whole, step), (Perfect, step) etc and I get into a really good rhythm - helps me to also feel it...
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  • Profile picture of the author mithil
    I love listening and watching people to do their work. I don't like to waste money unnecessarily.
    I don't like to show off the things.
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  • Profile picture of the author peakperformer
    Aha! I'm glad i got into this thread, its radiating with positivity and optimism Okay here goes:

    I'm leading a fulfilling life and enjoying what i do every minute! Any challenges i face are just opportunites and stepping stones to help me grow and bring me higher up the ladder, and i know that if i genuiely love what i do, and do it with absolute passion and happiness, the money will naturally come !
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  • Profile picture of the author bmitch213
    Everything is working in my favor and Life is yielding to me all the success and prosperity I have ever dreamed of!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author ngseosept
    I read this online: "What you speak about, you can bring about." This is why we should always be careful with out choice of words.
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  • Profile picture of the author brandi545ccv
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    • Profile picture of the author Russell Hall
      Originally Posted by brandi545ccv View Post

      i don,t know what i am speak but i want to success in bussines.
      with respect to your aspirations I would say this to you,..

      Whilst ever you "want" success in business or have "want" for anything you will NOT get it because by insisting and thinking about "want" you're not focusing on "having' "being" "doing" "giving" which are the real catalysts in receiving and experiencing abundance.

      I agree 100% that "You are what you speak" and in speaking of "want" all the time then that's what you'll get!


      Mvlti svnt vocati, pavci vero electi - Many are called [but] few are chosen

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      • Profile picture of the author myrtleian
        I am a dynamic, outgoing, caring and loving man. My passion is YOU and my life is never too full to help.

        I think first, then believe and whilst I build the belief I do what it takes to reinforce that belief.

        See where my copywriting info hangs out on FB

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  • Profile picture of the author inetcadet
    well i agree with you bmitch...but who ever said this is half write... beacuse first we think then we speak... so the better sentence should be " you are what you think" . Once we control our thougts, we can control our words too.
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    • Profile picture of the author andr3w84
      I'd add a little twist to it, this one comes directly from Allen Says in his Money & Power Interview by Bryan Kumar:

      "You are not what you think you are, you are not what other people think you are, you are what you think other people think you are"

      Think a little about it and you'll see the power of using affirmations in a way that includes this statement.
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  • Profile picture of the author Judge Groovyman
    "My home based internet marketing business is profitable."

    (I made an audio file of myself telling myself that, and I looked in itunes recently and calculated that I've blasted that affirmation into my head over 10,000 times in the last few weeks! Its still ticking. I'm listening to it right now ☺).

    Originally Posted by andr3w84 View Post

    "You are not what you think you are, you are not what other people think you are, you are what you think other people think you are"
    WOW! I LOVE that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Empress_Of_Drac
    I can do anything that I want and I know that I will succeed. Hurray!!!

    I have a 4-year old do-follow blog. I sell ad space and accept paid blog posts and links for reasonable and affordable costs. For more details contact me directly at empressofdrac[at]gmail[dot]com. And oh, I also accept Guest Article Submission.

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  • Profile picture of the author RandallPaulPipes
    Our words flow out of the abundance of what's buried in our hearts. That's why it's hard to control our tongues under pressure or when we feel angry or bitter. On the other hand, our words do shape and influence our future. I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said it's better to remain silent and thought a fool and to open our mouths and remove all doubt. I take that to mean that we should choose our words carefully...speaking words that align with the ultimate direction that we want to our lives to travel. When it seems that good words fail us, it's better to say nothing at all. Most of all I think it's important to monitor the words we release towards others, especially those who are under our care. The old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" was a load of bologna. Words can be very damaging and once spoken, most often cannot be retrieved.
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  • Profile picture of the author orlando cassara
    I'm Strong, Powerful, Motivated, and most of all I keep a positive mind every day that I will be successful, that I will have the life I've always dreamed of with out ever quitting, and help people in the same way that I have been helped.
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  • Profile picture of the author arklove
    I agree concentrate on beauty rather than the reverse.
    A Positive loving attitude towards life and people helps to engage the divine magic which aligns opportunity and heals...
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    • Profile picture of the author Sushie93
      I love this type of post and i like this forum!

      I will succeed in all main aspects of my life.
      I have so munch money that i can give some of them to people who need them and at associations.
      I live a very healthy life and i free to do what i want to do and free to buy what i want. I love my life, this earth and all the humans here, i attract what i want and thanks God for all things he gives to me.
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      • Profile picture of the author povchef
        I am the first brick in a great wall, My family are my mortar and each day I build a little higher.

        I have always found metaphors to be a great way for me to understand and help focus my mind.
        Its funny thinking back on how I used to see myself and those around me. Also how much that has changed after the birth of my kids.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gail Walls
    Prov 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    James 3:10 Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.

    Everything thing we speak God hears but also the enemy. Whatever a man sows, that shall he reap.

    We are what we speak and we can be successful, healthy and be a blessing to all, or we can be unsuccessful, sick and speak curses without knowing the power that our words have. God is fruitful in all His creations. Satan only comes to Kill, steal and destroy.

    I am more than a conqueror and God has given us dominion over the works of His hands.

    God's blessing upon each and every one.
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  • Profile picture of the author samurai-x
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    • Yes, this is very true. You are also what you think. Thats why we need to be careful of what we watch on tv and what goes into our brains. This is also why I don't watch the news much. I find out what is going on for a few minutes, then turn the tv off.

      The same with "rant forums" - stay away from them!

      Such a negative atmosphere can influence your mind big time without you even knowing it. There was a quote back when computers were just coming on the scene - "Garbage in equals garbage out".
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  • Profile picture of the author maidmarion
    I am a total success in everything I do. I am abundantly wealthy in all areas of my life, my relationships are all empowering and we respect each other.
    Passive income is pouring into my life from all directions and I am able to be and do exactly what I love to do, and all from the beautiful view of my new home with the white water view!

    Love it, it feels good... and its true!
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  • Profile picture of the author agni
    "I see that it is God himself who has become everything the Universe and its living beings" - Swamy Vivekananda

    I am the Divine. Omnipresent and Omnipotent. I am perfectly Healthy and Wealthy. I surrender to the omnipotent and do my duties with utmost dedication. I am happy and radiate happiness everywhere. I am thankful to the blessings I receive. I pray that let there be peace, prosperity and unconditional love to all humanity and the entire world.
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  • Profile picture of the author ajmarketingpro
    Meditation is an excellent tool to create some space..empty the clutter from our minds so that we can fill it with positive stuff....

    Then we can think better thoughts which in turn will lead to better speech and this of course leads to positive action!
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  • Profile picture of the author ajmarketingpro
    I am an avid believer in positive thought, positive affirmations and positive action..this can only result in a fulfilling, satisfying, wholesome lifestyle surely......I'm sure it will do no harm don't you think!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandycmy
    I'm focused, practical, driven, optimistic and happy about everything - Just about everything !
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  • Profile picture of the author thenextcameron
    Wow, this is a great post!

    I am always happy and successful in everything I do. My company, Hakuna Matata, is growing and increasing higher and successful. My family loves and respects each other. I give thanks to God in everything He's done to me. My life is always wonderful.
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  • That is what we call the spirit of success.. a hunger for good things.
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