94 replies
I have been wanting to make decent money with an online business for the past 3 or 4 years but still have only made about $200 total. My main problem is I just don't do anything. I just buy products, read them, and then procrastinate on doing anything with them, then I buy another product. I used to set goals make $1,000 per month within the next 3 months or to make $100 this month, or even $10 in a month but I never achieve them.

I'm starting to really doubt that I will ever actually start working and start making any real money. I'm getting this sinking feeling that my life is never going to change and I will end up living with my parents for the rest of my life working at Fedex part time. I think one of main reasons I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing. Also, I'm pretty sure I have moderate to severe depression so that might be preventing me from doing anything.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
#hope #lose #starting
  • Profile picture of the author Trey Walter
    Hi highrider,

    you shouldn't set making money as your top priority.

    Find your passion and live it. It's very hard to be successful in an area you are not really passionate about. (Don't write if you don't want to write.)

    Sit down for a couple of hours and think about your life. Think about what you really want to do and who you really are. Take notes during that process.

    Try to make it a habit to analyze yourself and think about your future. You can change. But it has to come from within.

    Hope that helps,

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  • Profile picture of the author Jvsnow01
    Hi Highrider,

    I have seen a similar thread where someone else has posted about solving their procrastination problems.

    It may be worth going there to read the replies and suggestions.

    It's also worth thinking about what it is that you want that money for?
    Why do you want it/them?

    Use that image or thought as a new motivator to work towards.
    Find out what skills you have that you could get paid for (aside from your day work)and then work onwards from that.

    I wish you well.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
    If you don't like writing then what have you just done on this forum post? you wrote something!

    This forum post is an example of forum marketing which is alot easier than article marketing, setup a site to promote a product and you could even pay someone to write a few articles on there for you... then go ahead and do some forum marketing!

    That's what i did when i started out and i promoted the rocket french course and made a few clickbank sales from about 10 forum posts.

    Mark Blaze
    Aweber BONUS! <- Email Marketing At It's Best!
    The Best Spinner BONUS!<- Article Spinning Made 110% Easier!
    Unique Article Wizard BONUS! <- 2000+ Backlinks + Traffic With Each Article!
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    • Profile picture of the author KatyaSenina
      Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

      If you don't like writing then what have you just done on this forum post? you wrote something!

      This forum post is an example of forum marketing which is alot easier than article marketing, setup a site to promote a product and you could even pay someone to write a few articles on there for you... then go ahead and do some forum marketing!

      That's what i did when i started out and i promoted the rocket french course and made a few clickbank sales from about 10 forum posts.

      Mark Blaze
      haha you're funny.

      Another thing I want to add is that forum marketing doesn't even feel like working.
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      • Profile picture of the author Mark Blaze
        Originally Posted by KatyaSenina View Post

        haha you're funny.

        Another thing I want to add is that forum marketing doesn't even feel like working.
        Are you hitting on me?

        Yeah if its on a topic you like or even in a forum that has some good members then it can actually be fun to do!

        Heck go and do some affiliate marketing here, there are enough crazy members to make it fun!

        Mark Blaze
        Aweber BONUS! <- Email Marketing At It's Best!
        The Best Spinner BONUS!<- Article Spinning Made 110% Easier!
        Unique Article Wizard BONUS! <- 2000+ Backlinks + Traffic With Each Article!
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1656921].message }}
        • Originally Posted by Mark Blaze View Post

          Are you hitting on me?

          Yes, Mark. Katya is hitting on you.

          Folks, it seems that we will soon have a couple here.
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  • Profile picture of the author GMD
    "I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing."

    No, you have not "done anything" because subconsciously you are afraid to fail. Right now you are getting through life living off the fantasy -- getting through the day believing that your misery will all be over when you start making big money doing IM. But if you actually were to start doing IM seriously (whatever it is you want to get into) and fail at it, you will then no longer have the fantasy either.

    If you are working part-time at Fedex, you having nothing but time to get things done.

    Let me tell you something: IM is a large universe. This is controversial, but I am going to write it: YOU CANNOT FAIL at IM if you do it right. Period. If you apply yourself and find the right niche for yourself, you will make money.

    These forums are full of people who have done it and are doing it everyday. That means, it is possible. It worked for them, it was possible for them, so that means it WILL work for you and it is possible for you.

    Will you succeed with the first thing you try? Maybe. But probably not. You have only failed when you give up and decide that working at Fedex is your only option.

    If you try something and it fails, who cares. Try again. And again. When something works, you will have success and the "failures" of the past don't matter at all.

    The bottom line is this: nobody is going to hand you anything. Nothing worth having is easy. Working hard and working smart WILL pay off. Don't worry about luck -- make your own luck.

    P.S. If you really don't like writing, then don't write anything. There must be dozens of methods on this site that are making money for people without them having to become Shakespeare.

    P.S.S. Listen to the advice from all the people replying to you! They have been there before and have lots of experience and ideas!
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  • Profile picture of the author Vikram73
    What is your peer group? I was stuck in a major rut for a few years after high school. I day dreamed through high school, college & lived in the fantasy (as the previous poster put it) for many years.

    Then I changed my peer group. I moved to a new city where I didn't know many people and started spending time with people who were more career focused. Voila - things started looking up.

    We are social creatures and much of who we are and what we do is determined by our environment. You don't have to kick your family and friends to the curb but actively seek out a mentor and find more career focused people to spend time with.

    Right now you're at Fed-Ex and most of the other people you're working there probably aren't that ambitious. Your parents are obviously ok with you staying at home.

    Change your environment & your peer group and you won't have to struggle to change yourself. It will start happening organically.

    Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author sandra.IMqueen
      Vikramd, Well done for facing yourself and admitting you have a problem and acknowledging that the problem is YOU. You aren't making money because this stuff doesn't excite you.

      What are you passionate about, what makes you zing with excitement? What is it that you couldn't imagine doing without in your life? If you know the answer to these questions then consider building your IM business around it. But doing IM for IM sake is going to give you the results you've already achieved.

      The truth is if what you are doing doesn't excite you why on earth is anyone else going to be interested in what you are doing.

      Give yourself a slap, get off your butt, and go find your passion. Then come back and tell us all about it. Because you know we are here in support of your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    So what if you don't make it in Internet Marketing. You're still an awesome person.

    Someone once said: "I have learnt that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." So make the most of this opportunity to become successful.

    I think that's good advice from HonestBizPro. Start learning about how to "cure" depression and then create a report you can sell.

    Something along the lines of "7 Little-Known Techniques That Can Lift Your Depression Quickly And Easily." Or "How To 'Cure' Your Depression Without Medication." (Or whatever.)

    Do some research and decide on the best product concept. You have a whole forum of people to support you, and help you along the way.

    By the way, I've personally dealt with depression and I promise that if you keep searching and "working" you'll conquer it. Just don't be a passive sufferer and keep taking action to "cure" it.

    Good luck.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author bluewillow
    As one who has dealt with depression and still am, I suggest seeing a doctor. It took some time, but I finally found a med that works for me, and I don't get depressed nearly as often. Sometimes it's a chemical imbalance in the brain, it's biological, not psychological, and meds are the best way to combat that.

    I agree with the others on this thread. If you don't like writing, hire someone to do it for you. I think releasing a product about depression is a smashing idea, myself.
    Take a short survey. No sales pitch.
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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    you shouldn't set making money as your top priority.

    Find your passion and live it. It's very hard to be successful in an area you are not really passionate about. (Don't write if you don't want to write.)

    Sit down for a couple of hours and think about your life. Think about what you really want to do and who you really are. Take notes during that process.

    Try to make it a habit to analyze yourself and think about your future. You can change. But it has to come from within.


    Give yourself a slap, get off your butt, and go find your passion. Then come back and tell us all about it. Because you know we are here in support of your success.


    Great advice guys and gals

    Once you figure out what you want, go study time management for a week. Study Brian Tracy.
    Trust me without doing this, you'll go nowhere. But You already know that don't you? : o

    Like Trey and Sandra said, find your passion: What would you do with a mil? What if you had 6 months to live?

    Then align that with your goals and CLEARLY set your goals. They can't be vague. You have to know them and you have to want to get there.

    This is where everything comes together!! Honestly, if IMing isn't for you(if it isn't what YOU want to do with you life) then don't do IT!!!! You have no reason to!!

    At this point, go to this post:

    Then you'll be golden I promise!!!!

    Don't even touch at IMing until you do all of this.

    Hope This Helps,
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  • Profile picture of the author Spider2
    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    ...Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
    The trouble with goals is they're not nearly as motivating as we like to think. Sure, we get fired up thinking about them at the beginning, but the motivation dies once the novelty wears off. Now the goal just becomes a burden and we turn it into work. And that's not fun.

    Many Self Improvement gurus will tell you that you have to have a good reason for the goal. It's the "why" that gives you motivation. I've never found that to be the case. Because you have to think about it, and by the time you get to thinking about it, you are already deep into a period of procrastination (or depression) and getting out is not easy.

    What I tell my clients is, you have to have one goal so big and exciting you can't stop thinking about it. Plus, you have to make the journey fun. If the game of life is fun, you are more likely to reach your life goals, than if the game is not fun.

    Pracrastination happens when not doing something is more enjoyable than doing it. If pursuing your goals is more fun than anything else on earth, you will never procrastinate. And you will reach your goals. But, actually, you won't care if you reach your goals, because pursuing them is so rewarding it doesn't matter!

    We spend much more time on the game than we do in the winner's circle - so we'd better make sure we enjoy the game!
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  • Profile picture of the author GT
    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?

    As a fellow aspiring Internet Marketer, I can feel your pain. I know how challenging it can be to develop your entrepreneurial skills and maintain focus and enthusiasm while going it alone in your own home-based business.

    One thing I always say is, "You may be in business for yourself, but you're not in business BY yourself." There are groups of like-minded marketers out there who can give you the support, encouragement, guidance, resources and personal motivation to do what you have to do to succeed. (That is one of the benefits of the Warrior Forum.)

    When I realized I was in a position like you are in I went out and found a couple of marketing support groups to give me the guidance and confidence I needed. That may give you the boost you need, too.


    * You Can Begin Earning Affiliate Income Here – Direct Commissions and Residual Income!
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    * Visit This Library to Expand Your Knowledge – Blog Post
    * Reinventing Your Life - Make the Rest of Your Life the BEST of Your Life!
    * Follow Me On Twitter ===> MyPowerSite <===| gtbulmer | StarrBizzcom

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  • Profile picture of the author highrider21
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I keep reading I need to pursue my passion but I have no clue what it is. I have vague interests but that's about it. I used to be extremely passionate about skateboarding and was convinced I would be a professional skateboarder, then I got into smoking cannabis and that became my passion and I wanted to become either a grower or get a degree in biochemistry and study cannabis. Then after I quit smoking I found out about work at home business opportunities like MLM, investing in real estate, and internet marketing. When I saw all these work at home opportunities I tried a few MLM businesses, bought a note-brokering course, and bought a few internet marketing ebooks and I was convinced I would become a millionaire once I found the right business. I think failing at all those businesses has crushed my ambition and now I'm realizing the only other way to make a decent living is to get a four year degree which seems impossible because I'm broke and my parents are broke and I don't want to get stuck with $60k of student loan debt.

    Anyways, my only interests now are web development/computer programming/computer science but I don't know if I could ever be good enough at it to make a living or if I would really enjoy it that much.

    I might try building a website around depression. I don't like the idea of writing and ebook on depression and selling it though. Only because reading an ebook isn't really going to help anyone get over depression. I've read a few print books on depression written by people with Ph.Ds and they haven't helped me that much.

    I also just realized that I don't necessarily hate writing, I just have an excruciatingly hard time writing about things I know nothing about. If there was a subject that I was really interested in and knew a lot about then I would be able to write about it with no problem.

    Also, someone mentioned to change the people that I hang out with. That's kind of difficult to do because I have social anxiety and I get panic attacks trying to talk to people. Right now I literally have no friends. I don't talk to anyone at work, and all I do at home is do homework, watch T.V. and spend time on the computer. I could attempt to meet people at school but I don't think that will ever happen.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      I understand that it can be difficult sometimes, I really do. But, if you want to be successful, you're going to have to stop making excuses.

      That's 3 excuses you've given us already, and it's simply not acceptable. You can be good at making excuses or you can be good at producing results. You know which one will bring you the most happiness. Make the decision.

      On my Warrior Blog there's a post titled "Empowering Beliefs, And Entrepreneurial Success". There you'll find the belief and affirmation:

      "I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens to me."

      This is something I learned from Jack Canfield. And, if you want to be more successful personally and professionally, I suggest you write it down. Start practicing taking responsibility, instead of making excuses.

      Let me tell you, sometimes it difficult. But, ultimately, it's worth the effort because of the "personal power" it gives you and the results you'll produce. Tattoo it on your cranium, "I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens to me."

      For our purposes, "Losers" make excuses," and, "Winners" take responsibility. It's up to you to decide which one you become.

      At the moment, as far as I can tell, you're being a passive victim of everything that's happening to you. Instead of taking action to create the life that you want, you're sitting back and letting life happen to you, instead of deciding what you want, and pursuing it until you start becoming successful. (Please, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.)

      So, perhaps we can improve our affirmation.

      "I take 100% responsibility for everything that happens to me. I have ultimate choice in creating the kind of person I become and the results I produce.
      I'm choosing to accomplish __________ by continuously taking action, no matter what happens, until it becomes a reality. The power is in my hands, and I control my destiny."

      By all means, improve the affirmation, however, I recommend keeping the basic structure the same.


      I hope that was helpful, Highrider21.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author clwest

    Procrastination is a normal process for us all. There is some good advise up above. I have seen with my group, that procrastination is usually caused by being overwhelmed at the task at hand.

    So, this is what you need to do. Break it down to chunks and put deadlines to them that are reasonable and give yourself a gift for achieving that goal - yup, you set goals. for instance: Post 100 backlinks in 10 days, lets reword this to 10 backlinks a day for 10 days - sounds less threatening, huh?

    Now here is the magic - you did the goal in 7 to 10 days - give yourself a treat that is appropriate. Lets say for this one, go to starbucks at the mall, buy yourself a beverage and people watch until the coffee is gone or 1 hour, whichever comes first.

    On larger goals - finishing an ebook - go out for lunch, etc.

    Hope this tidbit helps!

    Ohhh, Panini

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  • Profile picture of the author RDJLabs
    Hi highrider,

    I know how you feel.. I've been in that situation too and I did quit internet marketing. But what I did was I tried it again I didn't just use my brains but also my heart. When you are focusing, don't forget your heart. If your heart doesn't like what you are doing (the feeling of just being forced) then don't continue. Unless, try another method and see if both your heart and mind are comfortable with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author gre8test007
    Hi Highrider,

    Please don't give up!!!...the solution is not to quit!!!
    I now how you feel because most of us have been in your situation as well, so...
    I can only give you what inspire and help me at the time I have been in your shoes:
    1) Read Michael Campbell Free Report (I encourage everyone to read it).
    3) Take ACTION


    PS. all url's can be be found in my signature box as I'm not aloud them in this box yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marketstriker
    What I felt after reading the first post is that you just didn't like to do what you tried to do. That's why you didn't have a strong desire to achieve your goals. And that's the key to success. You can get desire for achievement when you know your passion or when you just have a goal that really inspires and motivates you. Money isn't the best motivator. I'd rather find something I'd like to have and set a goal to earn this exact number of money.
    When I had this kind of depression I listened to Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich. It inspired me to focus on my wishes and concentrate my will to make them come true.
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  • Profile picture of the author GaryJBloomer
    Dear highrider21,

    You must be prepared to accept the notion of your success. Until you can see success and see yourself taking action you'll carry on in the same rut. How much pain will you have to endure before you finally say "ENOUGH!" NO MORE! TIME FOR ME TO GET MY ASS IN GEAR!"? One small action will lead to another small action. The effect then compounds and snowballs. The point is, this is true of both kinds of action: negative and positive.

    So you must replace the negatives with small positives and keep doing this until you establish new neural pathways. The more you wire one new thought to another, the more those neural pathways will widen and strengthen.

    Stop waiting for someone to appoint or anoint you. Only you can do that, and only you can say "I am taking responsibility for my future by taking action." One small move will lead to another, and so on. I hope this helps. Good luck to you. --Gary B.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michi Kono
    I've been there. I spent fortune on products but I did not take action or took action but never completed it. I know it's frustrating... and it can be very depressing as well.... But it was until 7 months ago and now I do make good money from both offline consulting biz and affiliate marketing.

    It wasn't easy... But because I realized that I was not believing myself and my ability to succeed at my SUB CONSCIOUS level even though I was setting up goals, making affirmation etc.. etc.. It was indeed a deeply rooted belief system...

    The reason why i could shift my life is because I spent time to learn and understand the "law of attraction". ...and it's been working great lately.

    So if you want to shift your life, you may want to learn it too. I personally learned a lot from Abraham Hicks - Youtube channel I came across with. The bottom line, you've really got to find out what you REALLY WANT in your life first.

    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    I have been wanting to make decent money with an online business for the past 3 or 4 years but still have only made about $200 total. My main problem is I just don't do anything. I just buy products, read them, and then procrastinate on doing anything with them, then I buy another product. I used to set goals make $1,000 per month within the next 3 months or to make $100 this month, or even $10 in a month but I never achieve them.

    I'm starting to really doubt that I will ever actually start working and start making any real money. I'm getting this sinking feeling that my life is never going to change and I will end up living with my parents for the rest of my life working at Fedex part time. I think one of main reasons I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing. Also, I'm pretty sure I have moderate to severe depression so that might be preventing me from doing anything.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
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    • Profile picture of the author creative
      Tony Robbins helped me a lot. You can find videos on youtube and recordings online ('Get the Edge' days 1 to 7, for example). Amaaaaaaaazing!!!!!!
      I read a couple of books by him, but I realized his enthusiastic voice motivates me a lot.
      He gives you tools and strategies to drastically improve yourself in all areas. If you use them I can guarantee you will change your life. Mine did. I remember listening to the recordings on my Mp3 while I was walking or driving. I am very grateful to him.
      The Law of Attraction is also essential, but it must be followed by action.
      If you are feeling very low now and you have reached bottom, take this opportunity to bounce off and fly high!
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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Alright Buddy,

    Here's what you need to do:

    1)In terms of what you want to do.

    Ask Yourself these 3 Questions and honestly:
    1) What would you do if you had a mil in your hands right now?
    2) What would you do if you had 6 months to live?
    3) What would you do if you could do anything without knowing you would fail? ANYTHING...

    That will help you find your passion or at least give you a place to start. Look for the things that reoccur....and the underlying concepts of them.
    Incredibly Vague Example: I'd play video games.....
    Why would you play video games? To have fun!! or to make friends online through your mic. Stuff like that....figure out why you like to do the things you like to and want to do.....this will help you find your passion.

    Then whatever it is you find....why would you not do what you enjoy doing???
    That's how your goals get lined up with your values.
    Find out what your passions are then only do the things that help you get there It doesn't have to be big or meaningful. The most amazing girl I know has one purpose in life right now....and it's to simply have fun. There's nothing wrong with that!!! She's an incredible person.

    2)Set up your goals and sub goals:
    Organize yourself and set up a schedule. Things you have to accomplish every day or every week.
    One great start for you would be:
    I have to talk to one person every day. Start off small over the internet, then move on towards actually talking. Go on Xbox live, or PS3 live. Anything. Start chatting with people. Go to chat rooms and just talk away!!!
    Once you realize that people are actually glad you joined the conversation, your confidence will sky rocket. Go for it and be friendly. Once your ready then just talk to your neighbors in the office, at school?, around your home. Say hi and be friendly. You don't have to have in depth conversations to start. Ease your way into it.

    3)Be motivated by the fear....of fear. I'm for real on this one. Imagine what you're missing by simply not talking to anyone...you're missing out on love and compassion. The building of friendships and just being able go out to have a good time. Think about what will happen if this continues....It's not fun I promise but that's something I struggled with for a while too.

    Then I realized: Wow, how many people can you talk to?? If the first few people you talk to think you're weird or uncool in any way there's literally millions of other people I can talk to....plus those people that think you're weird are the ones you don't want to be around in the first place....trust me There are some amazing and loving people out there. You just have to find them. You never will if you never decide to look though :p

    Go for it! you'll be fine. I promise...think about it....what's the worst that can happen?!?
    You'll be the same as you are now lol. And when things work out, you'll be better off! It's win win!! Think it over

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  • Profile picture of the author kerron.a
    You definiately have to stop thinking about making money as your main priority in Internet Marketing. If you continue to think like that, then you will forever remain an info junkie, because you will always fall for the next get rich quick scheme.

    Honestly i do not think anyone can fail at internet marketing unless they believe that they will.

    When I first got involved in internet marketing, i've have my fair share of frustrations, disappointments an that feeling of lack of hope. It took me 3 months before I made my 1st ever online sale, and boy was that feeling worth the wait (an then i had to wait another 3 weeks before my 2nd sale)

    What kept me going was a desire to want better for myself. I would go out to the clubs an stuff and see guys driving in with BMW's and Audis etc and I would be driving up in my Corolla (not a luxury car, but hey I love it). An I always convoinced myself that I will become a success an soon i'll be behind the wheel of a luxury car.

    Bottom line, I guess you must want that desire to become a better more successful person than you already are, but thinking it is not enough, you MUST TAKE ACTION!!!

    Resist the urge to buy every info product out there, promising quick riches online, and take simple steps like making a To Do List of what you plan to accomplish for the day, and trust me, even if you don't complete all the tasks you et out you do, you'll be very proud of the ones you did complete.

    So pick a system that you know works, and stick with it. Be focused, committed and have that desire for success and the money will come, no doubt about it.

    Good Luck In Your Successful Internet Marketing Future

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Oh! Forgot to mention this:
    You're passions will evolve over time so stay aware
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  • Profile picture of the author brp002
    You are thinking about the wrong things. Pick a niche you are passionate about. And build a community around it. Do it for fun make a reason for people to come back for it.

    Dont just go around and buy things and read them. Really all the information you need is free on the web. Everything you read can be found on the web for free. Just the problem is most people do not trust anything unless you pay for it. That is why there is an industry for that.

    I will help you out a bit and you can easily with some actual work. 1 - 3 hours a week.

    1.Come up with a niche - Ur passion
    2.Find out how you are going to generate money - Brainstorm
    3.Build your website around that idea in #2 - Get a website built
    4.Learn SEO - Which brings your visitors to your site 1 -3 hours a week can get u there!

    That is all you need and you can easily make 1k a month.

    If you need help everyone here is ready to help you.

    Brian P

    If you want a link here please email me!

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  • Profile picture of the author Don Warren
    Internet Marketing is like someone starting to work out. If you don't stick with the plan you are NEVER going to see the results. Even if you are tired and don't want to lift weights, you MUST force yourself to.

    MAKE yourself write two articles in your niche a day. MAKE yourself post in 5 forums a day. You will see a different. Just stick with your plan.
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  • Profile picture of the author mine1718
    exactly, a concrete plan is needed, and one in which you will stick to. Money will grow when your dedicated.
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  • Profile picture of the author duncanb
    I must admit i have not read all of the replys so this may have already been mentioned but you can of course outsource you writing (even if it is for forum/blog/article writing) just contact one of the guys in the warriors for hire page!
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  • Profile picture of the author trevor75
    highrider21...look man, dont ever get down on yourself. Stop that right now! Look, you sound like your all alone in the Internet Marketing thing, well your not. Look some friends and I are starting a "Success Club" were we are holding each other accountable to setting goals and achieving them. Send me a PM and you can join ok. Second you sound like you just dont know where to start. Sit down and take stock of what you've learned so far. 3- 4 Years is a long time. You need to lay out a plan. Now Internet Marketing might not be your thing, so lets find that out first. Don't worry if you cant write, most people can't, there's way around that. LoL There are a ton of ther things you can do online alright. Never give up!

    FREE Report Reveals 5 Secrets To Earn Truckloads Of Affiliate Marketing Cash In Less Than A Week!

    How To Do The Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Ya, great call trev.

    I'm in that group too.

    We'll get you up and running. You'll be ROLLIN along with the rest of us by the end of the year.... Hop on board! This in my first year of IMing so we're in the same position. I have to develop an IM plan too and get to work on it.

    I'm sure we'll be focusing on writing in our studies so you can certainly join in on that

    We're here to help. You might even be able to guide and help me through a few things too.

    Trev, I'm going PM him.... he seems a little shy
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    • Profile picture of the author Gail_Curran
      I have to repeat what bluewillow said upthread - if you think you might be depressed, see a doctor. Depression is a physical disease. Some people need medication to balance the chemicals in the brain. It makes all the difference in the world when it comes to internal motivation and energy.
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      • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
        Originally Posted by Gail_Curran View Post

        Depression is a physical disease. Some people need medication to balance the chemicals in the brain.

        Alright, I'm really confused about this one.... I'm not saying it's wrong but could you look at things from this perspective and then tell me what I'm missing? Why would drugs be the answer?

        I don't believe that depression is in the slightest bit a physical disease. I understand that there is are physical side effects but they aren't the root of the problem.

        I entirely understand there is an imbalance in your chemicals but I don't feel it pops up out of nowhere....the most complex machine in the universe doesn't just break without cause.

        Depression is 100% mental with physical side effects.

        If someone's depressed, getting "ecstasy" will only temporarily solve problems but never fix it. Not to mention the drug addiction that comes into play either.

        The way to cure depression is to rewire your brain and your thinking.
        Worst case, someone should try mental conditioning before they resort to drugs.

        To be perfectly honest,I'd encourage recreational use of drugs over prescription.
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        • Profile picture of the author swilliams09
          I will tell you this, check my post history here I was seriously depressed right after Christmas. You can read about it here. Lots of people told me to keep my head up. Part of my problem was financial. Part of it was social, I live alone, I have very few friends and none who are into what I'm into, I'm single so I spend large amounts of time alone. It was really just the dark before the dawn. Things are turning around now.

          You have two issues. Your depression, and your IM success. You need to seperate them and attack them both.

          As for your depression. See a doctor. I've suffered from it my whole life, but its not technically chemical. I can moderate my depression with being social, getting lots of exercise and sunshine, and eating right. Your case may be more severe and require medication, but still do those things anyway they won't hurt (especially exercise, its so good for the mild blues).

          As for IM. The good news is that you have made money. You kNOW it can be done. It's a fact. You know it. So what did you do, breakdown what worked for you, write it out in a word document. Everything you did that made you a dollar. Now you have a manual of what worked for you that you can apply over and over. Also start a blog on here to chronicle your IM adventure.

          Also see if there is a service you can provide to others on here. Posting links, forum posting for someone else, any service you can provide. This will give you some money to put into your own IM endevors. Good luck man, remember people are with you, all you have to do is try.

          Learn how to make videos that sell. Special $1 Offer for Warriors Only.


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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Highrider, in the group we mentioned I'm starting out in a place that can really impact you from the get go.

    They are incredible products. I'm one of the happiest kids alive but I have a few problems I need to take care of.
    1)I'm not rested after a nights sleep...I've come to the conclusion that it's do to my body staying constricted overnight. Which means I'm tense and I have emotional problems They're just under the surface I guess
    2)I still have problems getting around the ingrained beliefs I've developed over the course of my life.

    What these two products do is obliterate your limiting beliefs and thoughts and leave you to decide how to restructure them.

    You have full control of your mind at this point in time. This is what makes champions!! Along with genuinely loving people

    Just giving you a heads up if you want to study these with me.

    My Dad's the most depressed person I've ever met, so I've researched a whole bunch of stuff to help him out and this is what I stumbled across. I did it with him and it's made a crazy impact on me as well. Anyways, he's been really light spirited lately and I've started to seem him twist things more positively. I'm really excited about this. I'm just studying this in more depth than he is lol so it takes longer for me to get through things.

    And I personally wouldn't say your depressed....I think you're just lost right now, that's all
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  • Profile picture of the author Hulbert
    Your issue may be self-created by information overload.

    Sometimes, too much information can lead to analysis paralysis, analysis paralysis can lead to procrastination, and procrastination can lead to depression.

    Instead, try to do one small thing right now. Accomplishing one things leads to progress, progress leads to motivation, and motivation leads to results.
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    • Profile picture of the author whossh
      One thing i always remind myself is never to procrastinate. What i'v seen is that procrastinators will not move an inch forward despite setting goals for themselves.
      Procrastinators are Loosers who are afraid of themselves! Afraid of failures.
      Its okay to fail. Learn from your failures and start again till you succeed. $200 earned is a good start though, i'v not made a single red cent yet from the many programs i got involved a few years back.Get rid of this negative block and put your right foot forward.................!
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  • Profile picture of the author jborjaperez
    Switch your mindset..

    From looking at negatives, To finding a positive in everything you do. Wake up in the morning and be happy to be alive. Be happy you are going to learn from the day.

    One thing I learned is:

    Happiness is a choice.

    Hope everything turns out for the best, Keep striving and you will eventually get there.


    In my signature.. It's not a secret method.. It's a lifestyle.. It's Day 1, Follow Me From The Bottom UP!

    I Write Articles Too! PM ME!

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  • Profile picture of the author James12C
    OK - and this may not go down well at the moment - but perhaps - right now - this scenario isn't the right one? Give yourself a break. Take the pressure off yourself.


    Frustrated beginner? Check out my FREE 4-part, 6 bonus LIST BUILDING COURSE

    Follow me on Twitter AND my Blog

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  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    I have been wanting to make decent money with an online business for the past 3 or 4 years but still have only made about $200 total. My main problem is I just don't do anything. I just buy products, read them, and then procrastinate on doing anything with them, then I buy another product. I used to set goals make $1,000 per month within the next 3 months or to make $100 this month, or even $10 in a month but I never achieve them.

    I'm starting to really doubt that I will ever actually start working and start making any real money. I'm getting this sinking feeling that my life is never going to change and I will end up living with my parents for the rest of my life working at Fedex part time. I think one of main reasons I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing. Also, I'm pretty sure I have moderate to severe depression so that might be preventing me from doing anything.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
    your problem is PROBABLY that you are not really motivated, maybe you don't even have "joy" IMing...i actually mean it. You simply set a goal "to make money", but this is NOT enough. Making money should be the product of your efforts and enthusiasm and whatever you do...that's how i see it.
    *** Affiliate Site Quick --> The Fastest & Easiest Way to Make Affiliate Sites!<--
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    Content Creation, Blogging, Articles, Converting Sales Copy, Reviews, Ebooks, Rewrites
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  • Profile picture of the author Russ Emrick
    OMG - is anyone going to say something that they haven't pulled from their, well, er, reading of Dr. Phil?

    Ok, I'll be the jerk. The answer: become an adult. Don't relax, goal set, take it easy on yourself, blah, blah, blah. Two choices: remain as you are in some kind of self pity stupor calling it depression - I know that feels better - or make the life you want. It is that simple.

    People either find external reasons to blame for their unhappiness or accept responsibility. The former type is easier and far more common; the latter rare - we call them adults.

    Less you jump to the conclusion that I'm hard or uniformed - I left a career and a graduate degree in Pastoral Counseling behind because I found that people don't want help or maturity - they want scape goats or quick fixes - like drugs.

    Read Scott Peck's book "A Road Less Traveled" and Robert Bly's book "A Sibling Society." Read Robert Ringer's book "Winning Through Intimidation" where he discusses that we can choose to operate how we wish the world was and suffer, or accept how the world is and succeed.

    I'm hoping that you'll take this advice as a kick in the ass and not as a critical response or an attack. It is advice that served me well as a young man and advice that I've given my sons. The harder you are on yourself the easier the world will be. There is no choice really. The idea that you have to enjoy everything, that you have to find some type of glorious motivating purpose, that you have find yourself, is modern day bunk. It is a lie that has resulted in the most prosperous generation with the easiest lifestyle in history being chronically depressed. Prior generations back to Adam and Eve dealt with war, epidemics, constant death, starvation and struggle and yet we're depressed. Do you think our parents and grandparents who build this great country went to work day after day 'happy' or 'fulfilled'?

    No they were simply being adult men and woman who realized that life is more than navel gazing. If you don't feel a certain way fake it. Force yourself. Be disciplined. Do what you need to do. The emotions will follow.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers....Russ
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    • Profile picture of the author jborjaperez
      Success is the journey not the destination.. And the downtime you have during the journey only makes your story worth listening too..

      If you have no motivation or any reasons why to continue..

      Make your primary reason to keep going be, "Be Successful".. And more "whys" will become apparent.

      In my signature.. It's not a secret method.. It's a lifestyle.. It's Day 1, Follow Me From The Bottom UP!

      I Write Articles Too! PM ME!

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    • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
      Originally Posted by Russ Emrick View Post

      OMG - is anyone going to say something that they haven't pulled from their, well, er, reading of Dr. Phil?
      I've never watched Dr. Phil.....
      I have only studied Success and the Laws that Govern Our Mind
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Enthusiastic
    My "thanks" are for the courage to admit that there's a problem, and the faith that there could be a better way.

    I agree with the recommendation to check with a doctor and find out whether there is a medical cause for the depression.

    I also suggest reading the "pooped on" thread, which has many suggestions of excellent attitude-changing books.

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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Oh crap....I got these two threads mixed up somewhere along the way lol
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  • Profile picture of the author goodewealth
    You guys are doing great jobs if they may have wanted to read a book on theories and measures to take. I am totally agree when it comes to finding what your passion is first and step from there. If you don't like you want "move at all" you will stand still and just look at the flowers and the "weeds" grow around your feet. Find what suites you best. Online is not for everyone. I started offline and making money cause I know that was my passion since 1986 but now learning to do online because I see so much potential in it....but it is a learning curve. Work with what you know and then move into the next slowly and with some education behind. I have seen so many people try to bully me into oh "the internet is the way to go" that is where you will make your first millions.....well no one tells you if you don't know how to market effectively you won't. Start where your passion is. If you don't know why you want to be in your own business.....like time freedom, being there for your children or as one "ruck jerk stated "just lazy all out" you will not get there here and you will be loosing your money hand over fist. Another thing don't be afraid to be all you can and bring your fantasy into reality. The first step is all it takes and it will be easy from then on.....I know!

    You want your life to change? You must first be willing to set the wheels in motion for the change to manifest. Learn how to build your list the right way~
    www.mygoodemoney.com and get health in check while creating your wealth www.mygoodehealth.com

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    • Profile picture of the author lrothery
      Hello Highrider21,

      I know where you are coming from because I as most here have gone thru the same thing. hey i have not reach my goal yet of becoming fulltime online but I am.

      You have to believe in yourself & your ablities.
      Don't Give In, Don't Give Out, & Don't GIVE UP!!!!!! Is what I am living by now.

      "Start With The Why" a book that may help.

      Answer these questions;

      What do your want?

      Why do you want it?

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnS88
      Instead of setting bland goals of making $1,000 a month you need to set goals that have to do with attaining that 1k a month. What this means is that you should be creating a road map for yourself. First off, figure out what type of model you'd like to use and then figure out what you need to do in order to make that model work.

      After you've done that then literally make a to do list for yourself. This way, you'll know exactly what you need to do. As far as your procrastination goes, that's something you'll need to work on over time. But, if you can get yourself to do tasks on your to do list everyday (even just a few simple ones) and stick with it, you'll get used to it and do more. It's certainly not easy and takes persistent effort, but your situation can improve.
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    • Profile picture of the author cody123
      It's vital to keep a positive outlook and stop looking at yourself as a failure.

      Find what you want to do and stick with only that, this way you wont' be so overwhelmed with the info you have. Put it all in a box and put is aside.

      Focus on one thing and providing a useful service. The money will come but you'll have to work for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author JaiJay
    I believe from experience that motivation can only really come from doing something that you enjoy. There are some great ways to make money on the web quickly, but if you son't enjoy them or fully understand them, then it is difficult to put in the effort. Think about what you are good at or where you can develop your skills, then go from there.
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    • Profile picture of the author Spot the Ball
      Origianl posters first post was excellent as is pretty much the whole of this threads responses.

      You touched on something that many of us go through so you are definately not alone on this one. We kind of get programmed from being a kid that we need to study and get a job, this hinders us when we get older into a "work for the man" mentality and many of us believe this is the only way, even those that know there is another way will fail simply because we have had years of mediocrity drummed into us. We need to change our mindset, that is all.

      I for one now realize I probably wont susceed if I continue to work from home, too many distractions which annoys me greatly because whatever job I have had I always work extremely hard and give everything. So the solution for me is to take my laptop (sandwiches and a flask of tea) down to the local library with my broadband dongle and have my work planned for the day along with timelines just like a normal job. This way I know I can keep a shedule and get my job done effeciently.

      Once you taste suscess from working like this, it will give you motivation to keep on working to deadlines - for yourself!
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  • Profile picture of the author jazbo
    highrider21, you sound like you could benefit from my newest ebook, which covers everything you need to address. PM me your email address and I will send you a totally free copy, as a gesture to someone who needs a real shot in the arm right now by the sound of it.

    CONTENT WRITER. Reliable, UK-Based, 6 Years Experience - ANY NICHE
    Click Here For Writing Samples & Online Ordering
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    • Profile picture of the author JaiJay
      Originally Posted by jazbo View Post

      highrider21, you sound like you could benefit from my newest ebook, which covers everything you need to address. PM me your email address and I will send you a totally free copy, as a gesture to someone who needs a real shot in the arm right now by the sound of it.

      Awww, see, that's why I like this forum. That is a very nice gesture indeed!

      Also, if you ever need inspiration to suceed, just check out some of the stories on this forum and see how people have gone from rags to riches with a lot of hard work.
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      • Profile picture of the author Spider2
        Reference going to the doctor for depression-- Be sure to inform the doctor that you really don't want medication if it can be avoided.

        I believe doctors are too often confronted with people who want this or that latest drug, and prescribe drugs sometimes unnecessarily. First they are busy and a prescription is a fast solution. Plus, as MDs, that's what they are trained to do.

        If you go to a surgeon, he will suggest surgery as a solution, because that is what he is trained to do. Go to a chiropractor and he will recommend chiropractic. Go to a herbalist and they will have a herbal remedy for you.

        I suggest a doctor's visit with the hope of eliminating drugs as a solution. Tell him you want a his opinion, not a prescription. Chances are diet and exercise are the best solution. I would also recommend chiropractic visit to see what a chiropractor might suggest.
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  • Profile picture of the author CanEh!
    The first thing you should do is stay of the forums or at least limit yourself, second, star implementing the info that you have learned from all of the ebooks that you have bought.
    Having Trouble Getting A Platinum Ezine Articles Account, Shoot Me A PM I Can Help!
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOExpert104
    NEVER LOSE HOPE! I do not believe in such articles "Make a thousand by sleeping!" , 100% fake. Never give up, if you started it, finish it till you die.
    Make a site, on what you can write about , and what you love to write about. Then make about 50 posts... make sure they are good, register a domain on godaddy.com and then make a site of it
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    • Profile picture of the author Jaz

      I know where you are coming from. I've been looking at this for months, but I keep getting stuck. I have a lot of money invested with zero return so far. I've had many people here try to help me out and it just isn't working. The only thing I can say to you, and I'm still not making money for what it is worth, is that you just have to do. It doesn't matter what it is. If you are like where I'm at, I have webpages out there that I don't know why something isn't happening, and I'm more and more confused every day on what to do from all of the reading. I would say, just create a webpage. If you want to climb a mountain, you have to start with a step. Also, no matter how much people talk or try to help you,it is up to you. You are the one that has to make the steps to believe in this.

      Good luck,
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      • Profile picture of the author helgatheviking
        I also suffer from a paralysis by analysis... especially right now that i am about 6months into trying to learn IM... it seems like what was easy in the beginning is now made more difficult b/c it seems like for every one thing i learn to do there are 3 more things i need to learn about. i really can go off on so many tangents that i never get anything done. i also get compulsive about customizing/designing themes for my various websites even though i always advocate to other IMers that they use themes!

        anyway, a couple of things i always remind myself of...

        1. a good plan TODAY is better than a perfect/great plan tomorrow. getting started with anything is better than doing nothing. pick 1 thing and do it. it is easy to get bogged down trying to do 10 things/strategies at once when you are in the beginning of your IM career and don't have outsourcers.

        2. alot of the really successful peolpe in the world, achieved their success b/c they were horribly stubborn and refused to quit even when no one else believe in them.. keep at it. to echo everyone else... don't quit! it is NOT an easy an easy business to succeed in over night.

        3. get off the internet. i know i personally spend way too much time online... unplug for a day or two. use the time to first relax, then write a few articles that you can spin. try out some dictation software if you really hate writing, but i find that just turning off the monitor / covering it up in the case of a laptop really helps you write more freely. you can go back and edit it afterwards, but that blank screen can be intimidating and you can spend alot of time perfecting every line as you type if you can see what you are doing.

        i'm not making any money yet either.... but am keeping at it. i have spent the last day learning all kinds of stuff... now i need to make a battle plan for the week.

        good luck!

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnB23
    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    I have been wanting to make decent money with an online business for the past 3 or 4 years but still have only made about $200 total. My main problem is I just don't do anything. I just buy products, read them, and then procrastinate on doing anything with them, then I buy another product. I used to set goals make $1,000 per month within the next 3 months or to make $100 this month, or even $10 in a month but I never achieve them.

    I'm starting to really doubt that I will ever actually start working and start making any real money. I'm getting this sinking feeling that my life is never going to change and I will end up living with my parents for the rest of my life working at Fedex part time. I think one of main reasons I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing. Also, I'm pretty sure I have moderate to severe depression so that might be preventing me from doing anything.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
    -The plus side is, you've the internet as a tremendous resource. If you lived in 1970, in a little town working at Fedex, living with your parents, then maybe I'd give up hope. But you've got resources people couldn't even have dreamed of then.

    1. The first step I would take if I was in your shoes....what do I really want? Put really in italics. What do you reeeaaaallly, realllly want? I dont think for most people, its really make $10 k a month, be a speaker, travel the world, write books, write copy. If it was, people would be already doing it.

    I think a lot of people in IM are like round holes trying to fit into a square peg. You cant just take a collection of people, and assume everyone is going to do the same thing. If you took a collection of people, not everyone is going to be a policeman, fireman, etc.

    2. The first order of business is getting out of debt if you're really depressed. If you're in a depressed state, you're more prone to take up credit card offers, take out expensive loans.

    I was in a very low state in 2001/02. I remember going to a tony robbins seminar in the summer of 02. Got into a medium amount of debt. An embarrassing amount. At embarrassing interest rates...like 25-30%. How do you get into debt if you dont spend much money on yourself or dont do much? Debt is more serious than im or making money. Make sure that gets taken care of if its a problem.

    3. You have to believe in whatever it is you're selling, whether a product or service. Would you buy your own product or service? Would you sell it to family or friends? Would you sell it to your parents? If not, get another product or service.

    I've known young people (age 18-25), they get into all this stuff...selling knives to friends or family. Or some other product. But they dont even believe in it. If you dont believe in it, how is anyone going to buy it? The risk is on them to buy it and believe it. Don't just focus on a dollar amount, $1,000 a month or $10. If you dont believe in what you're selling, you won't even make $10.

    4. Anyone struggling on the internet, you have to get out of the house more. If you've been on the internet for any length of time, the internet becomes a jumble of information that you already know. Maybe do something else, deliver pizza's, then come back to IM.

    5. You've got to be able to help people. If you're successful at IM or consulting, when you go down the street, you should be able to say..."I could help that person selling lemonade". Or, "I could help that kiosk at the mall sell more jewelry". What you do has been validated in your own mind first.

    Many people who have low dollar amounts (wanting to make $100 or $10 a month), they spread themselves too thin. Trying to appeal to everyone, and no one takes them up on their offer (and thus they only make $10), vs appealing to a small group and making more money.

    6. Instead of spending a lot of money on books or seminars if you haven't done much with it, maybe experiment with a little store or kiosk to get some real world selling experience. I think its money probably better spent.

    In a marketing book that I like, one of the key quotes for me was "single mindly work a simple idea to its maximum potential". That's pretty profound. Most people don't even work a book, or a seminar. But single mindly work a simple idea, or a concept. And there were like a 100 or 200 ideas in the one book. You have to wrap your head around one thing.

    But I'd go back to what do you reaaaalllly want. Because that's what you'll spend the most time on, and develop the most expertise, and have the highest chance of success. And the internet is a ridiculous tool. Not sure if you're into anime, manga, or japanese comics (I'm not), but yesterday I was watching some great videos on youtube by mark crilley. He's got an absurd number of subscribers on his youtube channel, like 200,000. He's only been posting videos for 2 years. He's built up a great following with these great how to draw videos. He gives you something for free, drawing lessons, then at the end he promotes his book. Pretty good promotional tool, you dont even have to get out of your house.

    That's my advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tonio Smith
    Unfortunately many
    suffer from this same
    circumstance you must
    find it within yourself to
    overcome such a wall.
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  • Profile picture of the author lincolnn
    Its all about find that sweet spot where you find an occupation where 1. You are passionate about it 2. You are good at it 3. They pay you to do it.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrmoonlight
    As a new person to the forum, I have to say I am really impressed with the answers to this problem. This hopeless feeling is very common among anyone who wants to try something new and who doesn't feel like they know what to do next. This thread should be permanently posted at the top of the forum for all us new who need a kick in the pants from time to time.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevefall
    Just do it! Keep going and don't give up! Keep reading until you get the ah haa feeling and capitalize!
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  • Profile picture of the author livehappy5
    I felt the same way and then I went to Nitro marketing's Everyday Online Entrepreneur 3-day workshop. Its only $97 and it kicked me in the butt. I am super motivated now, have a mastermind group conference call every week, and a clear outline of what to do each week.

    The 3 days are spent creating and FINISHING content for your site. All about traffic, email list, affiliate marketing, then building your own product.

    I really recommend checking it out. There is a workshop in Orlando, FL and Dallas, TX in the coming months.

    Good luck!
    You can do it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexandru
      Maybe you need to get in touch with someone who was just like you? I know how every word that you wrote feels. Check my thread: A month ago I thought I'd never start earning....

      If you want to know how I did it feel free to write a PM and ask if you have something to ask. Who better to help you than someone who just got out of a crisis like yours ?
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  • Profile picture of the author azland55
    Ok first things first. Do not buy anything else, Nothinggggggggggggg. By what you have said you have enough products to fill your garage up. Do you know anyone else that is doing internet marketing? If so have you thought about if they would like to work with you. If not why not ask on this forum if any one would be interest in working with you, I am sure you might get some interest here. The main problem to me seems that you need someone to be accountable too, to spur you on to get you motivated. Once you start you will find it easy to carry on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenster

    Sound idiotic I know but this is what I owe my whole business. In fact, right now I have 3 large whiteboards in my office.

    Now the whiteboard itself wont make you money..duhh

    But this is what you need to do. Every single day, come up with 10-30 small tasks. Like really small such as

    1. create web site title
    2. buy domain
    3. pick a template/theme
    4. decide what color scheme
    5. create sales copy title
    6. decide what color fonts will be
    7. ...

    These small tasks will make them more actionable. Then jsut go about your day checking off each small task as you go.

    If it works for you like it does for me...it will really help you actually get stuff done.

    Good Luck, Ken
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  • Profile picture of the author mbrig
    Highrider, you've had several sessions of good quality therapy here, all gratis! Hope you've been paying attention. There's enough support on here to last if not a lifetime, certainly enough to see you through your current "resistance". Your mind can give you a thousand reasons why you should'nt get on with a task and why "we" won't don't step out of our comfort zones.

    Sounds like you need some mental refreshment as well? Why not try getting up at 6.00am, straight out of the house with a drink of water and stride out. You don't have to run, just stride out, drink some water as you go, have a good look at the things that you don't see driving in your car and get back and have a shower and breakfast.

    You should be ready to go to work after a few days.

    Good luck

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    • Profile picture of the author activebiz
      Highrider - it takes 20 years to make an overnight success - but it's the journey that creates it.

      Step on to the yellow brick road, and you will see that walking isn't that hard. Once you mastered the first bend in the road, you will see how fun it is to run.
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  • Profile picture of the author veeronica
    Maybe dnt focus on the money part and focus on a niche that u enjoy and the money will follow.
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  • Profile picture of the author gsgoh
    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

    Things will get easier and easier as you move along! So why procrastinate and put things off everyday. I, too, was once just like you, purchasing product after product and never really got around to apply the techniques. Then one day I just told myself that I had to start or I'll not be making any money! That was just the motivation I needed.

    I hope this has helped you,
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  • Profile picture of the author ayu_here
    Most of the time, the number one thing that really could destroy my procrastination is having a friend to do the same thing.

    By doing this, we support and help each other. Having someone working on the same thing with you could be really helpful to minimize any uncomfortable feeling that often appear because you're too scared in doing something. Try to find someone that have enough energy with the same interests and goals, and work with him.

    If you're a type of person that can't work without being ordered to, make sure your friend is bossy enough and know how to get things done
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  • Profile picture of the author Allicin
    Hi Highrider21,

    Well one quote I heard once that really inspired me was "the difference between those who are doing it (as in making money online) and those who aren't is that those who are doing it are ACTUALLY DOING IT (as in taking action). Taking action is the most important part, and for sure the scariest granted... But if you dont make the plunge, like you say, in a years time you'll still be where you are now! If I were you, I would find the fact that I have managed to make 200 bucks very motivating... whether it took me 1 day to make it or 2 years! It proves that when you applied yourself, you could actually do it. So please don't lose hope and faith in yourself, just keep going. Another point is the fact that every top internet marketer I've come accross make goals, but not just vague and in their head... They write it down in a book or pin pictures to a board... And don't forget, a goal doesnt have to be monetary... Set yourself easy and attainable goals first... Such as: reading about list building, learning about autoresponders... being able to buy a PS game with money I've made from IM... They say you should have short term and long term goals... so get thinking! Hope that helped...Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author eclario
    I own 22 web properties - of them, only 11 have turned a profit. And why did those 11 turn a profit. I focused on what I knew.

    I knew how to drive traffic to those properties because I had expertise.
    I knew that unless I became a goliath in the business, your shelf-life is about 6-12 months
    I knew that without 100% focus and attention - I'd get NOWHERE

    So, my advice is focus on something you know about. Really put every idea you have down on paper and BUILD THE LIVING HECK OUT OF IT!!!

    Take for example what I am working on in my other life (my Ph.D). My area of specialty is Mobile Commerce and Usability. NO ONE I mean NO ONE has really built an affiliate course on mobile affiliate marketing because research is expensive and the area is still in its infancy.


    And I built The mobileAff System - The 1st Mobile Affiliate Marketing Training Solution. NO ONE has this on the market. NO ONE has conducted over 2000 case studies in 11 countries. NO ONE has been brave enough to spend $50K on this kind of research. I have BECAUSE it was something I wanted to learn about and at the end, my product is my Ph.D and a specialty that really NO ONE else in the affiliate marketing industry has.

    So inspire yourself to find your niche and build on that. Take a look at my product to get an idea of just the kind of details you should jot down at www.mobileaff.com.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edk
    Only you can say whether or not you'll be an info junkie all your life.

    Is there anything in life you love doing? Or anything you dislike least? Could you work in thaat area?
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  • Profile picture of the author emigre
    uhh...OP hasn't been back here in almost a month now...
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  • Profile picture of the author johnrod
    I believe that you must form a good habit each week. The problem is that you want to change your results without changing yourself, but if you change yourself slowly but steadily you will change your results also. Hope that makes sense
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  • Profile picture of the author forumer147
    Just continue and find other alternatives or perhaps read a lot in forums coz you will surely find a way to earn more ..Do blogging and writing it can always help
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  • Profile picture of the author leri
    Perhaps, internet marketing is not suited for you. Try AdSense.
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  • Profile picture of the author linkbeasts
    Best to set realistic goals for yourself and also try to free yourself of goals at the get go like " x amount cash this month ". Find something that actually helps someone or fills a need others have , become passionate about it and if you believe in what your pushing and work hard at it results will happen. We as humans tend to stress time lines for success so bad that it hurts us in the long run.

    a good test of your days efforts is at bed time ask yourself " have I done all I could honestly do with my time TODAY to ensure a better future tommorrow even if its one step at a time ? " if you can honestly say yes to this you're heading in the right direction.

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  • Profile picture of the author cherylyeo
    Networking is one way you need if you still want to hang in there. Find the group closest to you and try to meet up other warriors. You will find a lot more help coming when you try to interact.
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  • Profile picture of the author colettem
    Try changing your mindset. Personal Development is key for you to motivate yourself and aspire to your goals. Do you read self development books? A great one for procrastination is 'Who moved my cheese' by Spencer Johnson or 'eat that frog' by Brian Tracy . These are great book to help you get back into action.

    Hope this helps.
    Colette Morris aka WorkfmhomeDiva
    Colette's Blog: www.colettemorris.com
    Meet Colette's Team www.colettemorris.info
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  • Profile picture of the author netmarker
    Beats me. If you can write some lengthy explanation just like what you did here, then nothing is impossible. I believe what you need is to put your words into action. Trey is also right. Have passion in what you intend to do and achieve.
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  • Profile picture of the author DamianK
    There were a lot of times I was at home and I just didn't want to be there. I didn't know where I wanted to go, just not THERE. So I'd get in my car, drive around a bit, then either end up home or at a bar.

    If you don't know where you're going, and why, you'll either end up right where you started or.....I guess at a bar.

    The point is if you're trying to do online marketing just for the sake of earning money, that's not enough to get you through.

    What is it you want out of life and why is it you want that? You might actually THINK you want something when you don't. So you have to figure that out.

    Then figure out how you get it.

    For years I thought I wanted certain things but it turned out the only reason I wanted them was to mask the belief that I was never going to get what I truly wanted.

    And I have a feeling that only made sense to myself. HA!
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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Internet marketing is not for everyone.. If it is not your 'calling' in life maybe you should look elsewhere? You never know when an offline opportunity could put you back online and making money in another way.

    Just a thought...
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  • Profile picture of the author kebgolfer
    Get you an affiliate website with google adsense ads and start promoting your affiliate website. Article marketing works pretty good but, if you don't like writing, you can pay somebody pretty cheap to write for you. Go to freelance.com and get started.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dalun
    money isnt everything, but a means to get everything you wanted.

    i hate to say it but you have wasted 3-4 years of your life on IM. you should have learned alot of necessary IM skills such as copywriting, website building, video creation, photoshop, graphic designs and many numerous skills. you cant have not gained anything from your troubles.

    have you learned anything from your failures? if you havent then that may be part of the problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author Annnash
    Originally Posted by highrider21 View Post

    I have been wanting to make decent money with an online business for the past 3 or 4 years but still have only made about $200 total. My main problem is I just don't do anything. I just buy products, read them, and then procrastinate on doing anything with them, then I buy another product. I used to set goals make $1,000 per month within the next 3 months or to make $100 this month, or even $10 in a month but I never achieve them.

    I'm starting to really doubt that I will ever actually start working and start making any real money. I'm getting this sinking feeling that my life is never going to change and I will end up living with my parents for the rest of my life working at Fedex part time. I think one of main reasons I haven't done anything is that I don't like writing. Also, I'm pretty sure I have moderate to severe depression so that might be preventing me from doing anything.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get out of this and get motivated enough to start taking real action and making real money? Am I doomed to be an "info junkie" the rest of my life?
    Hi, I felt like you not so long ago and then I got a flyer through my door from Andrew Reynolds (a great guy) He introduced me to "the secret" (nothing & everything to do with making money). Go to "the-covenant.com". Please let me know how you get on. Good luck.
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    • Profile picture of the author blue_sky
      @highrider -
      first let me say it takes a lot of courage to make a post like this! As others already pointed out you are not alone and that is the number one reason why people like Antony Robbins make so much money :-)))

      second: if you can spare some bucks buy this ebook here How to Get Lots of Money for Anything - FAST, by Stuart Lichtman & Joe Vitale
      I have read many - and this is the only of its kind

      Downside:this book/method has more than 240 pages, requires time and thinking (to understand the method) and it takes work to put it to good use! You might discover what is holding you back and as the end result might be able to achieve your goals more easily!

      third: if this doesnt work get a hypnotherapist/shrink!

      I once took a daytrading/candlestick class (out of pure interest) and the guy who also was a well-known author on this subject started the introduction with the following words: "If you start right now seeing a shrink it will take you up to 3 years to get rid of all the emotions which will interfere with your trading....

      Good Luck and dont forget to report back your findings!
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      • Profile picture of the author JohnB23
        You have to set realistic goals.

        Buying a course on ebay this week that you need to study is a realistic goal. Or buying it within a certain dollar frame. Climbing Mt Everest is *not* a realistic goal.

        I think its very easy to get seduced into thinking that you *can* climb Mt Everest, if you just get that next book or course.

        -But first you need to get oxygen tanks.
        -Then you need to get acclimated to the weather.
        -Then you need to go up a little bit higher, maybe another 1,000 to 2,000 feet.
        -Then you need to make a steeper ascent up the mountain.

        If you're in a real hole, with little or no motivation, I think the key is to focus on what you can do this week. A quote by Gary Halbert, "more happens through movement than through meditation".

        Also, I'd advise going on walks, or getting out the house for at least 3-4 hours everyday. It helps your mind relax, and you forget about what you're doing. Give your mind enough time to think about things and gestate. And it'll come up with answers.
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