Would You Pay $2K for the Product That Would Change Your Life?

10 replies
Say you find two products...

One is a really good product: not only is the copy tempting, but it's from a marketer you respect and trust, with great reviews to boot. You know that if you put it to use, you'll make some good money. It costs $250.

The other product is absolutely phenomenal. you KNEW would change your life forever. You're drawn in, you're enticed, and you have the greatest feeling in the world about it. This is THE one product that will not only teach you from the ground up, but will completely revolutionize the way you think and feel about money, marketing, and success in general. It's $2500.

$2500 is a hefty investment for a lot of people... but if you found someone who could help you - give you a MASSIVE overhaul in the best possible way, would YOU pay $2500?
#$2k #change #life #pay #product
  • Profile picture of the author JohnS88
    I say yeah, in these circumstances. It'd be hard for me to be that convinced about a product really changing things for me but yes, it would be well worth the investment if I actually did come across something like this.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chelsea

    I've done it myself!

    Sadly...those "going to change my life" products never really did..
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  • Profile picture of the author Vibrant Warrior
    I would say it's best to be certain about how effective the program has been for people who have bought it recently before investing. If you have a rough (but reliable) idea about the return on investment, then go for it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dan Bainbridge
    I have done, but I wouldn't again I don't think there is any such thing.

    I think it is all within your head and if you want the change bad enough you will take action and pursue things differently - the course will just be the spark, and it may really motivate you to get your money's worth if you have paid $2.5k, but I think that's all it is really rather than a magic, life changing solution - you can read think and grow rich for $10 and if you really want to change you will (great book btw )

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    • Profile picture of the author wizozz
      I would not gice $2500 for only a "product", however, if it also included coaching, support, mentoring, hand-holding, I could pay twice that amount willingly.
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      • Profile picture of the author mktgpro21202
        Originally Posted by wizozz View Post

        I would not gice $2500 for only a "product", however, if it also included coaching, support, mentoring, hand-holding, I could pay twice that amount willingly.
        I agree with that. Just a course or book would be a waste of money but a coaching program would be worth it.

        With that said, I would NOT ever pay anything close to that amount to be coached by a internet marketing guru.

        I paid something close to that to take some courses with Donald Trumps executives. I learned more in those few hours than I did in 4 years of college.
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        • Profile picture of the author krharper
          Well under the circumstances you describe I don't think you'd have any choice - you've got to pay $2,000 for such a product. I have paid $2,000+ for products making such promises and have generally been pleased, though I didn't necessarily believe all the hype and don't think they lived up to the hype.

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          (Nothing to sell here, just great ideas for an Extraordinary Life)
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    • Profile picture of the author Yahara
      Originally Posted by submp3s View Post

      I have done, but I wouldn't again I don't think there is any such thing.

      I think it is all within your head and if you want the change bad enough you will take action and pursue things differently - the course will just be the spark, and it may really motivate you to get your money's worth if you have paid $2.5k, but I think that's all it is really rather than a magic, life changing solution - you can read think and grow rich for $10 and if you really want to change you will (great book btw )
      I must agree with you. It's all "upstairs".;o) @ your head.
      Cease to do evil, do good. Buddha
      All permanent things are transient.
      What is Mind? No matter.
      What is matter? Never Mind. ;o)
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  • Profile picture of the author Rob Barbour
    I'll gladly spend $20k for a step by step process that makes me $20k over the course of 1-2 years. Then again it would have to be a 1-on-1 situation with someone who has impeccable references and is well known.

    I've done this before and spent $10k for personal coaching and it was worth every penny - I saved 6-12 months of learning and made my money back within a year.
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  • Profile picture of the author argus456
    I'd be more then willing to pay a little extra if the product lives up to its expectations. Now only to find one of those products..
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