How Do You Make Decisions?

17 replies

Just wondering...

Could you give me guidelines on decision-making?

I feel that I really, really need it.

#decisions #make
  • Profile picture of the author Vendesoja
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  • Profile picture of the author harry12
    always take decision with cool mind.
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    • Originally Posted by harry12 View Post

      always take decision with cool mind.

      Wow Harry.

      Simple but sparks wisdom.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheDebtEliminator
    Hello Alfonso,

    One way to make a important decision is to use the Ben Franklin process.

    You take a sheet of paper and draw a line in the middle from top to bottom ... on one side you put the positive things or notes that you can think of.

    On the other side you put the negative things or notes that you can think of.

    Then which ever side has the most items listed, you go with that side for your decision.

    If the decision is very small like where you would like to go to eat or what you would like to order?

    These decisions should be made in 10 to 20 seconds ... no more.

    Being a man, the only other advice that I might give, is that when you decide something to do for your special lady, or she has requested you to do something.

    It may take a little more thinking to figure out the best way to keep a smile on her face and accomplish the task that has been requested of you.

    Taking too much time to make a decision is similar to analysis, paralysis.

    In business, when a large investment time or money is to be made, talking it over with and experienced mentor can save you a lot of time and/or money.

    Even if you make a wrong decision and you learn from it and adjust your decisions in the future, this is positive thing to learn from.

    Many things in life are learned through experience of making either the wrong decision and living with it ... or making the right decision.

    So don't be afraid to make decisions on a daily basis, just keep track of them and learn.

    All the Best ... Ron
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    • Originally Posted by TheDebtEliminator View Post

      Hello Alfonso,

      One way to make a important decision is to use the Ben Franklin process.

      You take a sheet of paper and draw a line in the middle from top to bottom ... on one side you put the positive things or notes that you can think of.

      On the other side you put the negative things or notes that you can think of.

      Then which ever side has the most items listed, you go with that side for your decision.

      If the decision is very small like where you would like to go to eat or what you would like to order?

      These decisions should be made in 10 to 20 seconds ... no more.

      Being a man, the only other advice that I might give, is that when you decide something to do for your special lady, or she has requested you to do something.

      It may take a little more thinking to figure out the best way to keep a smile on her face and accomplish the task that has been requested of you.

      Taking too much time to make a decision is similar to analysis, paralysis.

      In business, when a large investment time or money is to be made, talking it over with and experienced mentor can save you a lot of time and/or money.

      Even if you make a wrong decision and you learn from it and adjust your decisions in the future, this is positive thing to learn from.

      Many things in life are learned through experience of making either the wrong decision and living with it ... or making the right decision.

      So don't be afraid to make decisions on a daily basis, just keep track of them and learn.

      All the Best ... Ron

      Wow Ron!!!


      You clearly have wisdom!

      Wow, man... I'm blown away.

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  • Originally Posted by Hulbert Lee View Post

    When you feel like you're being indecisive, just make a decision. Don't over analyze the situation because you'll be thinking about it for more time than necessary. Doing this too many times may develop into the habit of having analysis paralysis. Unless your decision is a life changing one, most of the times, it's not that big of a deal when you look back on it.

    Thanks, Hubert.

    By the way, how are you related to Michael Lee?
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  • Profile picture of the author Greg Jacobs
    If I do not KNOW
    then I do not act.

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  • Profile picture of the author winsonong
    we have making many decisions everyday; eg where to have dinner tonight or when to plan marriage, etc.

    Depends on what kind of decision you are going to make. When there is an important decision going to make, I suggest you relax yourself by listen to music or watch tv or have a day trip to cool down your mind. With fresh mind, you can analysis your current situation and what is your long term goal then make the important decision.
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    • Originally Posted by winsonong View Post

      we have making many decisions everyday; eg where to have dinner tonight or when to plan marriage, etc.

      Depends on what kind of decision you are going to make. When there is an important decision going to make, I suggest you relax yourself by listen to music or watch tv or have a day trip to cool down your mind. With fresh mind, you can analysis your current situation and what is your long term goal then make the important decision.

      Yeah, totally agree with you there. I'm actually an inner game

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  • Profile picture of the author veeronica
    I like this quote coz its so tru:
    Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.
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    • Originally Posted by veeronica View Post

      I like this quote coz its so tru:
      Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions.

      So true, I'm experiencing the latter right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    You've already got a lot of great advice in this thread, so I'll give you mine from a certain perspective.

    I can be terrible at making decisions, usually because I am scared of choosing a particular outcome. The 'fear' holds me back from even choosing, which would just leave me stuck and not moving forward. I've started asking myself 'what's the worst that could happen?' Sounds so simple, but it really works. I realise that I haven't got much to lose and I push myself forward that way.

    I don't know if that's the kind of decision you meant, but hope it helps anyway

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    • Profile picture of the author Doug Miller
      When making a large decision, I will usually ask myself what would be the worst out come from it, and can I live with it. If the answer is yes I can live with it, I will do it. Smaller decisions, I will make a snap judgment and go with it.

      This has served me well thus far.
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  • Profile picture of the author darkabut
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    • Originally Posted by darkabut View Post

      it hust simple

      How simple? :confused:
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  • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk
    a few things on this:

    a) stress is caused when we think that we can't deal with the situation (have a look here for more info: The Real Reasons You’re Procrastinating | BareKnuckleProductivity) -- and when we think we can't deal with the situation, we go into avoidance patterns (clean kitchen instead of taking action)
    so, if you find yourself you're putting of making decisions because of this, time to increase knowledge, move on.

    b) if you've got enough knowledge, most successful entrepreneurs will go with their gut instinct. Our (especially Western) culture is so focused on 'getting all the facts' that we totally overlook the power of our intuition. (and like Ron pointed out so nicely above, especially when it comes to women intuition is king. Can't win them over with logic)

    c) if you simply have no idea what you should be doing (i.e. you don't even know what you need to decide next), it might be worth having a look at constraint theory. Sounds complicated (and they've made it a bit over the top), it's basically a sequence of steps where you figure out what is really holding you back.
    The big problem with this is of course that you don't know the stuff you don't know. So, this is ideally done with a mentor, or someone who's already been where you want to go. (a classic example you'll find in Internet Marketing is that people really think that what's holding them back from success is the lack of having a list. The real obstacle is typically that they have no idea who their prospects really are and how to provide value to them. If they *really* knew this, then having a list would no longer be an issue -- they could build one in no time.

    hope this helps


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