Rockin' 2010! I Still Made $12,961 in January Even with 2 Major Mistakes. A How To Blueprint for You

39 replies
Hello Warriors!

I am literally floored right now because I just totaled up my January 2010 sales figures from my internet marketing activities, and I managed to rake in $12,961 in sales in that month alone! This was all done even though I made 2 major major mistakes, which I will talk about later on in the my post.

Obviously I had expenses.
  • PPC
  • Other advertising costs
  • Outsourcing costs
  • Refunds
Even with those expenses, my profit for January is over $10,000 which I am very proud of myself for.


I did it in under 9 months from complete scratch in markets that I had absolutely no assets in - No websites, no brand, no lists, no affiliates, no knowledge in any of my niches, nothing.

I also did it using techniques that have been in use for at least a decade now(all of which I learned from the WF and various marketers I follow), so it's not like I had some 'magic bullet' on my side.

Now look...I'm not trying to brag here or anything. In fact, compared to some of the other success stories here, I am the little guy. I was watching a Lee McIntyre video the other day, and he was talking about how he did something like $30k on his 5th month online, so I am by no means special.

I just wanted to do my best to give back to this forum which has given me so much, and to help some of you who are struggling with making money online.

Alright. Let's get down to business, shall we?

Making My First $4000/m With Affiliate Marketing

I made my first $4k/m doing affiliate marketing using age old techniques that haven't really changed since 2000.

I think It's best to start out as an affiliate for the following reasons:
  • It's easy
  • You can build up your seed capital
  • You will learn important techniques like pre-selling, list building, traffic generation, etc.
  • There is hardly any risk involved
  • It's the first stepping stone onto something greater.
The basic form of affiliate marketing is little more than find a niche, find an offer, build a website, and start driving traffic.

The problem is, there are a million and one ways to go about that, which kind of confuses people.

Now, I'm sure most of you reading this took the advice of some of the gurus out there and started out on the notorious Clickbank affiliate network.

Which is all fine and dandy...if it were 2005.

I'm not saying you can't make money off Clickbank(I get Clickbank checks all the time), it's that nowadays, unless you know what you are doing, you are going to get eaten alive.

So for all you newbies out there, I would recommend you stay away from clickbank for a few months. At least until you get some basic skill sets down.

Instead, start with an easier, less crowded affiliate network like

Amazon is super easy to start making a quick and stable income. I wrote an entire post on this topic, which you can check out here:

(No sense in me writing it again)

Use Amazon to build up your confidence, and to build you a base level income which you can use to fund future expansion.

Next we move onto Clickbank

After you level up your affiliate marketing skills a level or two, it's time to move up to a more advanced form of affiliate marketing.

I am a fan of using mailing lists for clickbank related products.

I personally have found it pretty hard to sell an ebook by simply writing a 300 article and slapping an affiliate link in it. In my opinion, the days of easy sells like that are pretty much gone because virtually everyone does it.

Instead, I tend to use this model for CB promotions:
Articles (blog or article directory) ----> Squeeze Page ----> Mailing list follow up ---> Product review page(this is where your affiliate links are) ----> Social proof ---> freebie ----> social proof ---> additional informative freebie articles.
I know this sounds crazy, so let me give you a visual:

The reason why I like to do it like this is that I personally have found it hard to convert people right from an article. This gives us more opportunities to build trust and follow up with our offer again and again.

*An important note on freebies*

Nowadays I create two freebies instead of one. The first one is to tempt for an opt-in, the second one(usually a video) is to further build trust and authority, as well as it gives us another opportunity to present our offer in a high converting manner.

The key to this entire model is to create GOOD freebies. A good freebie is something you would be willing to pay for.

Not some piece of crap that you threw together in an hour just to fulfill one of your freebie requirements.

You want to give genuinely valuable content. Sorry to break that to you, but it's 100% required.

Why this model is so important...

The reason why this model is important is that it can be used to do greater and better things. This model is something you can use when you progress into more advanced techniques like product creation.

Enter Mistake Number 1: Dropping My Affiliate Sites Too Early

My first major mistake I made was that I stopped building affiliate sites to early. I was starting to get bored with affiliate site creation, and decided to move onto product creation(thank you ADD!). What I should have done was continued with my affiliate site creation as I would probably have made a lot more than $12,961. I would probably be at the $20k/m mark right now if I would have continued.

But that's OK. I'd rather do what I want to instead of forcing myself to do something I don't.

My recommendation to you is that if you can, stick it out for as long as possible. It gets me. But looking back, it would have been in my better interest to continue with my affiliate sites.

The Next Level: Progressing to Product Creation

Once you have mastered Clickbank selling as an affiliate, it's time to move on to bigger and better things...

And that is product creation...

Product creation was responsible for nearly $9,000 in sales for me in January.

The reason product creation is so powerful is for three reasons:
  • Affiliates build your assets(I'm not pro at this yet).
  • You get all the money, allowing you to advertise in places that regular old affiliates cannot afford.
  • You get to build your list of buyers
When starting out, I HIGHLY recommend you create products in niches you are actually interested in or have knowledge in.

You also have to make sure people are interested in your topic.

I recommend that for your first product you mimic what is working for someone else. If you go and try and go after some never tested 'big' idea that you have, chances are it will either fail, or take forever to finish.

Mistake Number 2: Creating a Product No One Wanted

The very first product I created not only took me the longest, but it made me the least amount of money. I wanted to create a product where no one else had gone before.

Big mistake.

What I didn't do was check and see if people wanted it.


So how do you know if people want your product?

Look at what is currently selling, and mimic!

There are certain niches that I consider 'super niches' with proven buyers that are prime candidates for new products:
  • Dog training
  • MMO
  • Forex
  • Dating
  • MMA
  • Internet Marketing
  • Cooking
  • Wine
  • Music
  • Language
  • Etc.
I'm not saying that if you are totally clueless about the above niches that you should go and make your first product there. I'm just saying that you will probably see better results in the above niches because they have already proven to be buyer oriented.

Let Me Use Dog Training As An Example

Dog training is a massive niche that has tons and tons of products created around it.

You know what will work? Creating yet another product on dog training!

The key is to put your own spin on it, position your product differently than the rest, and then get your offer in front of eyes of people before they see an offer for a similar product.

It doesn't matter if your product teaches the exact same thing as someone else's as long as you get in front of the customer's eyes first and make the sale.

So how do you put your own spin on it?

Using the dog training example, we could make our product about basic dog training. Usually these types of products are positioned as 'Learn dog training from a 30 year dog training'.

Instead I would position my product as 'Watch as this person who knows nothing about dogs, trains his dog to follow his every command in less than 30 minutes'

The spin is that the product is more newbie oriented than it would be from the guy who made the same product who has 30 years of experience.

Once your product is created, make your sales page and then tie it into your payment processor.

Then we get started on the fun part which is getting the customers.

Forget About Getting Affiliates To Sell Your First Product

Everyone says 'Make product, put on affiliate network, and start recruiting affiliates' as the best way to make money with this method.

I think this is complete and utter BS.


You will only set yourself back.

Who is going to want to promote no-name joe's $17 ebook when there are more well known offers out there with customer value in the $200+ range?

Think about it - which would you be more like to respond to:
'Hello, I got a $17 book that I am launching on how to train dogs. Will you promote it for me? I will give you 50% commission'


'Hello, I am launching a $17 ebook which also has a $29.95/m continuity program as well as an additional $67 upsell all of which you get 50% commission on. Will you promote it for me? Oh, and did I mention that I'd be willing to send your offer to my list of 10,000 customers in return?'
Instead of focusing on getting affiliates at first, focus on driving your own sales to bring you income, creating complimentary products, all the while building your own personal list of customers which you can use to leverage affiliates later on.

The Sales Start To Trickle In...Now It's Time to Expand

OK so now instead of wasting your time looking for that one affiliate who *may* change your life, you decided to promote your product on your own and do it all on your own steam.

You now have yourself a list of 100 buyers.

Time for the easy part.

All you have to do now is listen.

Listen to the questions your customers are asking you.

Let's say you launched your $17 dog training ebook and say 40% of the questions asked were about 'How to get your dog ready for dog shows?'.


What does that tell you?

People want to know about training dogs for dog shows.

Do you think that if you created a product on dog training for dog shows and marketed it to your list of 100 customers that it would sell well?


You can also assume that people who aren't yet your customers, will probably also want to know how to train dogs for dog shows.

Listen to your customers, because they will tell you exactly what they want.

Quick sales to your current customer base isn't the only advantage of creating this complimentary product either.

You can simultaneously market your 2nd product to other people while you market your original ebook. Now you have 2 lead generation products which will double the rate at which you build your buyers list.

Not only that, but you have just increased the overall customer value of someone who comes to buy your $17 book, because you have a 2nd product to offer them during the upsell process and back end.

You are now looking more favorable to potential affiliates and JV partners.

I am currently at the stage of where it is time to start recruiting affiliates, and now that I have all my ducks in a row, I am 100% certain that my business is about to seriously explode.

But remember, this doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and consistent effort.

Your Mental Attitude Plays a Major Rule In Your Success Online - This is NOT BS.

Looking back, I think I had somewhat of an advantage over the average joe because at 16 I started my own web hosting service and was very successful with it. Because of that, it gave me certain assurances.

I was assured to know that any work done online will eventually turn into rewards. I think a lot of new guys and gals fail at this because they don't have that reassurance.

They don't understand that there is a curve to when you put in your work to when you start seeing returns, and end give up after they don't see money after a measly week or two.

When I started this business 9 months ago, I went into this with a positive attitude.

Not 'if' I will make money...but when.

I fully believe that if your mind and attitude is right, absolutely nothing will stop you from being successful. Now obviously it won't happen overnight, but with the right mindset, a good work ethic, and some time, the money will start to pour in.

I also want to address upon the people who doubt. You know who you are.
  • 'This will never work...' (aka I'm too lazy to try)
  • 'It's too saturated now...'
  • 'I don't have anything worthwhile to provide'
All of the statements are BS!

I will tell you right now that with anything that you try online, if you go into it with the attitude of 'this will never work', it won't work. You have already set yourself up to fail because your expectations are failure.

What happens when your mind is like this is that you will half-ass everything. You won't follow through with anything because you already believe it won't work. You won't create the right kind of content because you have already killed your will power only because you believe you will fail.

Too money for you. If you are reading this now and I am describing you, get over yourself and get to work.

Secondly, If I hear another person say 'It's too saturated now...', I am going to puke on myself. This is the most half baked excuse you could ever give.

NOTHING is too saturated online. There is always someone out there who will hustle harder and grind longer than the next. Your mental attitude will allow you to keep chugging along.

Personal fact: 90% of the money I have ever made online has all been done in so called 'oversaturated' niches.

That's All There is To It...Kind Of...

The above is my entire business model in a nutshell. However, there is a lot of stuff that I left out that I couldn't really squeeze into a quick forum post.

So please, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to reply and ask. I am always happy to help and provide my input.

I hope you all learned at least a little something from this today...

Thank you for reading!

-Dan Brock
#$12 #2010 #961 #january #made #major #mistakes #rockin
  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Dang! It's a long post

    I bookmarked it and will read it later on, BTW congrats on your success

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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    • Profile picture of the author mpx305
      Thanks for the honesty Dan - as a struggling newbie its good to know that if I stick with it I will succeed.

      I'm unique, just like everybody else

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  • Profile picture of the author KevinDasilva

    Kick ass post dude!

    What more can I say? Not Much! AWESOME Post!

    Newbie's print this up and study it word for word! If this doesn't make you want to NOT sleep for the next 3 days then I don't know what will!

    Again Daniel thanks for sharing. I know everything you said but reading your post even gets me PUMPED about what we do for a living and makes me love life even more!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mohammad Afaq
    Everyone says 'Make product, put on affiliate network, and start recruiting affiliates' as the best way to make money with this method.

    I think this is complete and utter BS.


    You will only set yourself back.

    Who is going to want to promote no-name joe's $17 ebook when there are more well known offers out there with customer value in the $200+ range?

    Think about it - which would you be more like to respond to:
    'Hello, I got a $17 book that I am launching on how to train dogs. Will you promote it for me? I will give you 50% commission'


    'Hello, I am launching a $17 ebook which also has a $29.95/m continuity program as well as an additional $67 upsell all of which you get 50% commission on. Oh, and did I mention that I'd be willing to send your offer to my list of 10,000 customers in return?'
    Instead of focusing on getting affiliates at first, focus on driving your own sales to bring you income, creating complimentary products, all the while building your own personal list of customers which you can use to leverage affiliates later on.
    I think that if you just leave it on your affiliates, you won't get anywhere. If you are just starting out in the industry, you need to sell your product yourself and get great conversion rates and stuff so you can attract people to promote you and (in some cases) rank higher in the swarm of products on the affiliate networks. After this happens, you will get affiliates automatically.

    “The first draft of anything is shit.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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  • Profile picture of the author 1960Texan
    Congratulations on a great month! Looking forward to seeing how this thread evolves.
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    • Profile picture of the author Andy Money
      P.S. Dan, what percentage of this was WSO's? Amazon niche sites? etc.? Can you break it up pie chart style?
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    • Profile picture of the author Rebecca108
      I went really quick to making my own product too -- I think I only marketed some one else's product for about 2 months. I did it because I wanted to market something I knew for sure would really help people. However, it really helped my stay focused because otherwise I would have jumped around and probably not gotten anywhere. I'm really picky about what I want to promote so I couldn't really get motivated to promote other people's products. So I had to grind it out until I started making sales. The hardest part was the sales page.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1809940].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author money2k
    good job on the success. You are well on your way to great things. That was good to read.

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  • Profile picture of the author mikkosant
    It's great to see you're succeeding. Thanks for the detailed post. I agree, clickbank is very crowded if you go in promoting a super high gravity product.

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  • Profile picture of the author peteJ
    very informative, thanks for the advice. congrats by the way on your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bruce NewMedia
    Daniel, that is an absolutely excellent post!....the post is practically a product in itself :-)

    You're doing very well as others have mentioned.... continued success to you.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1810003].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Daniel, that's quite a post guy. Thanks so much for sharing.

    You talked about offering bonuses to your article traffic to get them to opt in. Along those lines there is this to consider. In looking at click rates for articles, there is a pretty strong correlation (I find) between how well the bonus you describe in your resource box correlates to the title and theme of the article.

    For example, if you have an article about link building and in your resource box you offer a bonus about creating pre-sell pages or product launches, the CTR will usually be much lower than if you create a bonus laser targeted to link building. EZA only lets you have 3 stored resource boxes (unless you've got the premium service) but you can create as many as you want and just store them in a text file on your computer.

    If you're submitting IM related articles you could have a series of bonus reports each targeted to a very specific sub-category such as...

    link building, email marketing, clickbank stuff, list building, pre-sell pages, sales copy, product launches, article marketing, etc.

    It takes a little work, (and you'd have to set up some different forms in your autoresponder) but rather than writing a thousand articles, a much smaller number will get you the same number of clicks to your pages if the bonus you advertise is tightly correlated to the article content.

    I'll shut up now. It's your post and a great one. Thanks! --Mike

    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1810177].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author vicone
      Another great post Daniel!

      Would you mind elaborating on your approach with Email 1, Email 2, Email 3... ?

      I'd like to read more about how you follow up with subscribers once they are on your list.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1810263].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
      Originally Posted by mikemcmillan View Post

      Daniel, that's quite a post guy. Thanks so much for sharing.

      You talked about offering bonuses to your article traffic to get them to opt in. Along those lines there is this to consider. In looking at click rates for articles, there is a pretty strong correlation (I find) between how well the bonus you describe in your resource box correlates to the title and theme of the article.

      For example, if you have an article about link building and in your resource box you offer a bonus about creating pre-sell pages or product launches, the CTR will usually be much lower than if you create a bonus laser targeted to link building. EZA only lets you have 3 stored resource boxes (unless you've got the premium service) but you can create as many as you want and just store them in a text file on your computer.

      If you're submitting IM related articles you could have a series of bonus reports each targeted to a very specific sub-category such as...

      link building, email marketing, clickbank stuff, list building, pre-sell pages, sales copy, product launches, article marketing, etc.

      It takes a little work, (and you'd have to set up some different forms in your autoresponder) but rather than writing a thousand articles, a much smaller number will get you the same number of clicks to your pages if the bonus you advertise is tightly correlated to the article content.

      I'll shut up now. It's your post and a great one. Thanks! --Mike
      Thanks Mike!

      You're definitely right about that conversion trick you are talking about.

      I think that principle is pretty much true to anything related to advertising.

      Even in your sales funnel, if all your products are related they will all convert a ton better.

      Good addition to the thread!

      Thanks man.
      Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
      Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1810772].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Isaachun
        Great post. Thanks for posting this. It's really motivating. Off to work on my webpages...

        FREE new E-book: Ewen Chia's formula to making 3 figures a day.
        Download for a limited time only

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1811717].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author webwriter
          Awesome job! I especially admired your honesty and appreciated all of the helpful details in your post. I'm one of the newbies who is still struggling, but am inspired by your post.

          Keep up the good work and good luck in all of your efforts!

          All best.
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1811807].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Orkhan Ibad
            Daniel, what is your result for February? It would be interesting to see your progress.

            BTW, congratulations for your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    Great post man, congrats. I agree with the importance of the right mental attitude. You are rockin ...
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  • Profile picture of the author Danohis
    daniel thanks for the courage to share and sincerity to say where you failed. I will rather add that to scale the business upward by automation and make your systems fool-proof.
    Really proud of young people like you doing great things.

    Great success.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1815404].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author DeontaWalker
    Hey Daniel,

    Thanks for sharing this with us. I love it when warriors give back and don't charge a arm and a leg to get some good information.

    Not only did you tell us what worked for you but you even told us what didn't work for you and that alone is good for all of us as we can learn off others mistakes.

    Keep it up my friend and thanks again.

    " I have come so that they might have life,and that they might have it more abundantly."
    John 10:10 Holy Bible
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1815431].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author VeitSchenk

    terrific post, seriously, like someone said before, it's almost a product in itself.

    Here's a suggestion regarding the bonus to create:

    don't always think about them as buyers (and hence a bonus that might complement the purchase they're about to make when clicking your affiliate link), but have a think:

    where in the buying cycle are they:

    are they right at the start: "I had no idea this product might be a solution to my problem"

    or are they somewhere in the middle: "I'm comparing options now, not quite sure which one to go for"

    or closer to the end (the classic, let's buy some stuff, just figure out where the best supplier is)

    depending on where they are, they have different needs and different bonuses will speak to them



    Connect with me on FB:

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  • Profile picture of the author Henry Blignaut
    Hello, my problem is that three is so much offers to do online businesses that I tried to many different ventures. I tried to stay focused on one, then the next good one appears. I am a newbie and trying out Thanks for your information.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1823523].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Griffon
    Wow----great stuff and a great way to give back. Some real solid stuff here. Anyone reading this thread about affiliate marketing my want to check out the top affiliate interview below..its an eye opener and sort of expands on a lot of whats been said here.

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  • Profile picture of the author ElMundodelExito
    Excelente post Daniel .
    My system is pretty similar to this one but I am not making anywhere near $12000.

    Can you elaborate a littlle bit more about your review page?

    I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed. And the number of times I succeed Is in direct proportion to the number of times I can fail and keep trying.
    Want to enter the Spanish market? Let me build your site, graphics, articles, free consultation!. Just PM me

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1823841].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author merlin03
      Congratulations on your success!!

      Thanks for sharing this information.
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  • Profile picture of the author ImportEyedea
    Hi Guys, I'm relatively new around here, and that post just blew me away! So nice to hear from someone who's not only successful but is willing to give people the step by step!

    You excitement and your energy level come through in every line and despite the length of the post I actually was compelled by your content to read everything.

    Well done and my Hat's off to your Success! And thanks for the useful information!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1824074].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author regr8
    Thanks. I copied your post in Word to read it later. "The more you give, the more you receive".
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  • Profile picture of the author thebarksmeow
    That post was great. I will be starting my product creation process in about 2 months. The sales page is going to be the tricky part for me. I am NOT a fan of the long drawn out sales pitches, even though it's recommended by IM'ers. I don't think I've ever read one all the way through. I always know whether I want to buy within the first 2 paragraphs. So I don't know if I'm going to go with the "crowd" when I create my sales page. Sorry for going off topic. Again, excellent post.

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  • Profile picture of the author TheKing
    nice post it motivated me lot...i m new in internet marketing and promoting clickbank products,but still no luck with them...i think i first need to create squeeze page in order to get people who is interested in my niche products...

    can you show us your squeeze page so that we can get a idea ?

    Thanks very much
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[1847177].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
    Thanks for the replies everyone, glad you liked my post.


    It really comes down to testing. Keep in mind, just because you dont read the entire sales letter, doesnt mean other people dont. If someone is seriously considering a product and are still unsure about it, you can bet they are going to read everything on the letter.

    Short ones can work too...but you need to test.


    Sorry man, I can't share any of my niche squeeze pages as that would be like giving away my hard earned money. You can see some of my public ones though...
    Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
    Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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  • Profile picture of the author moremont
    Looks like your mistake made you more money than anything else.
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    • Profile picture of the author moremont
      Thank you for your info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Anne-Marie B
    Very Inspirational Post! Congatulations on your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author eSubmarine
    an amazingly useful post. You put simply what it takes many pages and pages of ebooks to write. Thank you for taking the time to write this informative post for us
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