Free Copy of My New Program - 1000 hrs in the Making

27 replies
Warriors, this day has finally come for me. For 2-4hrs nearly everyday for 1 year, I've been developing a program called "Communication Secrets of Powerful People". Marketers say not to get attached to your projects, but I've spent so much energy, effort, research, and testing that I'm hooked with the finished product.

I've attached it to this post for anyone to download. Why? I'm after your thoughts and feelings towards the book. I would also appreciate testimonials. I know most warriors are honest people, so I believe you will give something back to me in exchange for the free copy.

Warning: this is no junk book. It is 347 pages at over 165,000+ words.

I'll be removing the attachment within a few days so be sure to download a copy. I'm thinking of pricing it at $47, but when I contrast its content to what most people sell for that amount, I should sell it for at least $67.

Here's what to expect: if you have read Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People, you should like this book. A few of its principles come from Dale's book, but I discuss them in-depth.

Overall, it's an integration between psychology, behavioral theories, self-help, effective communication, and nlp. I really believe the 12 barriers, which is what the book is about, will profoundly impact how you communicate with anyone.

My contact details, and anything else you need to know about the program, is in the book.

Thanks guys in advance for your thoughts and testimonials. It means so much to me.

EDIT: attachment removed. 121 people downloaded the program so hopefully I'll get 121 testimonials/feedback haha. I know the program is huge guys, but if you can let me know the impact it has had on you. If not now, later is fine, once you do manage to get through it or most of it.
#copy #free #hrs #making #program
  • Profile picture of the author Bon508
    Thank you for the free copy, Joshua.

    It may be a while before I get a chance to read it (too many other things going on at the moment), but I will let you know what I think about it afterwards.

    Very nice of you to do this!
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    • Profile picture of the author Jim Burney
      Hi Joshua

      Thanks for the copy.

      It may take some time to study it fully but I will get some feedback to you.

      I have a great interest in this topic.

      Best regards

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      • Profile picture of the author Global365
        Hi Joshua,

        Thanks for the opportunity. Will review when finished..

        Thanks again for the obvious hard work..


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        • Profile picture of the author Kat Bartone
          Joshua, thank you so much. Sounds fascinating, and look forward to reading it.

          - Kat Bartone

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          • Profile picture of the author vicone
            I've downloaded Joshua's book and have started reading it, so will offer a few first impressions. I'll give a more detailed review when I've finished the book.

            Joshua is obviously a marvelous talent. He's articulate, insightful and highly motivated.

            My early response is that his high level of drive and obvious immersion with the subject matter are like wild horses that he's hitched to his chariot and struggles to control.

            Whilst the substance of his book has obvious merit it is weakened by the presentation in two important ways:

            1. It has been written with such zeal that it tries too hard to persuade the reader with unnecessary hype. For instance, the title and subtitle:

            How To Smash The Communication Barriers Of Relationships To Instantly Be A Charismatically Persuasive People Magnet"

            To me, the effect would have been stronger by not having the subtitle. The hype, if used, belongs on the sales page rather than within the book.

            2. At 347 pages, I get the impression the author feels that trimming it back would be like hacking off the limbs of a baby! At this point, it would benefit greatly from the services of a sympathetic editor - someone who would appreciate the essentials and respect the reader by urging conciseness to deliver an ultimately more powerful work.

            This has clearly been a labor of love and learning for the author. My recommendation would be to look at stylistic features of works by others in this field, especially Dale Carnegie. Sometimes the impact is greater when the message is delivered in terms that are simple and brief. Consider Lincoln's address at Gettysburg.

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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    This is just a thought - but you have a REAL book-length
    product here that could be used to establish you as an
    authority on persuasion.

    I haven't read it yet but if I were you I would consider
    publishing it at $17-20 in paperback. You can publish
    it in PDF too... but believe me a PDF ebook is a much-less
    impressive calling card than a real book up there on
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[168144].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mark Nehs
    Thanks Joshua. I am sure I will enjoy and learn from it and will be sure put a review up on when finished.

    All the Best, Mark Nehs

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  • Profile picture of the author write-stuff
    Excellent job, Joshua. Finally an ebook that is a "real" book, written to professional standards. Your writing is very good, clearly better than most. It's a real pleasure to read. If you enjoy the craft, I'm sure you will have a wonderful career doing it. My hat's off to you for a job really well done. - Russ
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Uebergang
    Thanks guys for letting me know you'll give me feedback.

    Ivan, funny you should say that. They are the two biggest points on my mind. The subtitle can easily be corrected. Your second point, is something I'm considering for a later edition because it's a large adjustment. This is more true for the first few chapters because they are filled with so much information in contrast to the last few chapters.

    Loren, I've thought about publishing it but the returns seem to not justify it. $17 a book with about $2 going to me, versus $47 and 100% returns. For other people this might be a good decision, but I'm a knowledge online marketer.

    Russ, thanks for complimenting my writing. I try hard to write well - not so much grammatically, but more in making the reader feel my words. And yes! I tried to write a "real" book. Not an ebook with 3 inch margins and a font size of 20 claiming to be a book.
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  • Profile picture of the author The MLM Expediter
    Thanks Joshua,

    This is definitely an area of interest for me as well.

    Not quite sure about the quality of my review but I will give it a go after reading.
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  • Profile picture of the author Earl A Purkey
    Thank you Joshua...

    I'll start reading it this evening...and I WILL get you some feedback.

    Earl A Purkey
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  • Profile picture of the author Kym Robinson
    Wow! Great effort!
    I too would be sentimental about something that has pretty well been your daily grind for over a year!

    Good on you for sticking with it!
    Persistence and determination always lead to success!
    I will post a review when Im finished the read.
    Thank you for your generosity!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Lam
    This puts me to shame. I was writing 30 minutes a day for about a year and a half and only got a 100 page ebook, lol. That was when I was still in the Navy working 60-94 hours a week. Thanks for the ebook. I'll be reading through it this week. I say week, because I have a lot of other materials and tasks to handle, but I'll surely be back with some feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Loren Woirhaye
    Joshua, when you self-publish you will make a lot more
    than $2 per book. Read Dan Poynter's stuff.

    Truth is you would be hard pressed to find a publisher
    anyway. I read enough of the book to know that it
    needs to be edited down to a shorter length in order
    to retain reader interest. If you want to do a magnum
    opus, that's your choice, but business books do best
    when they are succinct - though I am not sure it is your
    intent to write a book about sales persuasion - for which
    there is a viable and ready market.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[170575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Norma Holt
    Dear Joshua, full marks for your dedication and then to give it away - wow.

    I will most certainly review it with an aim to supplying a testimonial. Thank you for trusting us to this extent.

    God bless
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  • Profile picture of the author ravijayagopal
    Check out Lightning Source - The Power of One (LSI) - I published my book through them on Amazon. My only cost was the book cover graphics - plus about $100 for the setup and first copy from LSI.

    Now I'm an "author", I've been getting great reviews, my sales are up, the value of my "resume" is up - all much more than if I'd written an "ebook".

    Consider publishing it as a real book. Not much to lose (less than $100 at most).

    - Ravi
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  • Profile picture of the author DynamicRevelation
    Hi Joshua

    Thanks for the copy.

    It'll take me a while to look over it in depth, but I'll definitely get back to you with my feedback.

    This topic has my curiosity sparked, and I look forward to reading it.

    Best regards,

    - Jeromy
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  • Profile picture of the author shekhar
    Hello Joshua,

    Thanks for sharing your book. Dale Carnegie has been by all time favorite author. It would be nice to see how you have used some of his principles in your book. Hope to express my feedback on the book soon.



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  • Profile picture of the author Ron Killian
    Thank you Joshua. I am with others, Dale has been one of my favorites. Looking forward to checking it out.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[172385].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tracie Johansen

    This is very generous of you to offer. I have just started looking over it
    and will get back to you with my feedback.

    From what I have seen so far, I can tell you have put your heart and
    soul into this book.

    Good Luck!

    I Will Write a 30,000 Word eBook for Just $300 !!
    I Will Write, Edit and Format It for Kindle. PM Me.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[172697].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jack J
    Hi Joshua,

    Thanks indeed for the book, although at 347 pages it's not a short read!

    Without having read any of it yet, could I ask - without any intention of rudeness - why you wrote it? What is the main reason for its creation? Making money? Improving peoples' lives? Adding to the sum total of knowledge on the subject? Then. Who is it for? Are you looking for a wide audience? An academic/deep thinking audience? A popular audience?

    When we (people who download and give you feedback) actually give you feedback, are you looking for our own personal views on the book? Or are you looking for our idea of how well (or not) you are reaching your primary goal? How well (or not) it will resonate with your target audience?

    As I say, there's no intention of rudeness, I'd just like to make sure that when I do give feedback that it is as helpful as possible. Especially when so much effort has gone into the creative process!


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    • Profile picture of the author Joshua Uebergang
      Hey Jack. That's not being rude. The reason for writing it is revealed in the preface and introduction. I had something I had to get out to people. Read the preface etc, and you'll see what I mean.

      It is for a wide audience (which I know, can present problems in terms of marketing, but it's something I struggle to work through in communication as an industry). Send your personal views on the book. Because almost all warriors are into personal development, I believe you are my audience. Thanks for caring about my ego

      About the publishing, unless some ah-ha moment occurs or an amazing situation presents itself, I don't want to send the book to print. I'll be writing another book, with the many lessons I've learned just by writing this one, about conversation skills and tailoring it to the offline world.

      Kevin! Don't compare our efforts! 60-94 hrs in the Navy is a feat by itself. Then add writing a book to the mix and I'm impressed. Few people have the dedication to write something for a year.

      Can't wait to be overwhelmed with all the feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author doubleurincome
    Very Very Very Good Job
    I have scaned it quickly , carefully before i write this reply
    Dude, i would love to make you testmonial
    Damn on you , your book gonna burn me my next 2 days holiday reading it
    of course you have some mistakes , which you have to avoid the next time , but what kinda of writer who doesnot do alot of mistakes every time he shot new book to the market

    Dude , listen to me , Good job , and after i read your book i will be ready to make you honest , fair testmonial

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author Orion777
    Thanks for sharing. Very interesting topic. Again, thanks for the free download.
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  • Profile picture of the author bigicky
    Thanks looks a very interesting book let you no once I have read it .
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  • Profile picture of the author Joshua Uebergang
    Thanks doubleurincome! About the mistakes, exactly. I've printed out a copy and am going through everything right now so they'll be corrected.
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  • Profile picture of the author DirectoryKing
    thanks. I will give you feedback when I am done reading.
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