Does too much anxiety do bad?

9 replies
I do anxiously try to promote my things rapidly. Is this attitude doing bad? The more i try to promote the more it is declining.
#anxiety #bad
  • Profile picture of the author SilentX
    How do you mean, you promote anxiously? Maybe you need to slow down and focus on ONE kind of promotion and not spend money in every direction. Focus on one way to promote and stick to it until you figure out how to increase your revenue.
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  • Profile picture of the author tommy6336
    Don't jump at every advertising spot you see.

    If you're site is for cars and you advertise on a cat site, you won't make any money.

    Be patient, search or the right spots, once you think you've found the right spot use alexa and quancast to check the popularity of the site. Some sites aren't very popular and get barely any traffic but they sell an ad spot for $300. You can get the same ad spot on a popular site for half the price which is a LOT better because you will get much more traffic and you know the site you're advertising on isn't just trying to make money off of their ads. They do make money from you but that money is just so they don't have to pay as much for their servers. Or they charge that much because with all their advertising spots they make enough to break even with their servers.
    I'm hoping to find a ton of people with great advice for my future business ventures. Thanks in Advance!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
    Too much anxiety is bad in any form of business. When you hastily make decisions you are taking a big risk. Look in the pool to make sure there is water before you jump in! Hell, unless you are experience and know what you are doing you shouldn't be jumping into any pools without sticking your toe in first.

    Terrible analogy I know, but honestly, sleep on your ideas. I assure you the the opportunity will be there tomorrow -- and if its not? Then you should be glad you didn't take the plunge.
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    • Profile picture of the author Geoff A
      Originally Posted by mainstreetcm View Post

      and know what you are doing you shouldn't be jumping into any pools without sticking your toe in first.
      Good analogy I think - I remember speaking to a very successful offline entrepreneur and he told me about being careful with what he does.
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      • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
        Originally Posted by Geoff A View Post

        Good analogy I think - I remember speaking to a very successful offline entrepreneur and he told me about being careful with what he does.
        It's all calculated risk really, but when you are new and unexperienced in any form of business you need to be careful.
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        • Profile picture of the author Chantal-Louise
          In business anxiety can be really bad. From past experience just try and keep calm and carry on, and you will be able to achieve anything!
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  • Profile picture of the author tommy6336
    Oh, and if you come across a website that says something like "Only for the next 6 hours you can get this amazing ad spot!!!!" and then you see a timer counting down.

    Do this.... bookmark the page, open a new tab but leave it blank, close the first tab with the ad site on it, delete your cookies, then go to your bookmarks and click on that one you just saved. I bet you the timer will restart. This means that they are just trying to rush you into buying from them.

    As mainstreetcm said "I assure you the the opportunity will be there tomorrow -- and if its not? Then you should be glad you didn't take the plunge."
    I'm hoping to find a ton of people with great advice for my future business ventures. Thanks in Advance!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mainstreetcm
    I liken Tommy's post to that of a car salesmen. He wants to sell the car today, not tomorrow, not even in one week -- and he is going to do everything he possibly can to get you to sign those papers and leave with a brand new ride. Thats his job.

    He is going to tell you that the car could be gone tomorrow and if he discovers you have an emotional attachment to the car he's going to exploit it (in this case, the customer might be anxious to make a purchase -- doing so hastily).

    I did a radio buy onetime for a local website I ran and didn't do proper research first. I burned through $800 of my hard earned cash and saw ZERO return. Not one damn sale... Why? Because I hastily rushed through something without giving it the proper time to sink in my head. I was anxious to get things started and I figured if people here your message they will come. Boy was I wrong...
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  • Profile picture of the author BobV
    Too much anxiety kills...
    All of us has our own worries..Fears and hang ups. But too much of anything is bad.

    The question should be when would you know if its too much or is it just within the normal level?...

    Take time to lay down all those worries and prioritize... In such way it'll help you organize yourself and at least lower down the excessive tendencies..

    Best regards,
    "It is one thing to study war and another thing
    to live the warrior’s life"
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