Fear, Anxiety are AWESOME!

8 replies
Hi everybody I was just reading a thread about anxiety and it brought back memories of psychology classes I took in college. Just wanted to speak a little about my opinion of emotions and feelings and how that relates to success in the internet and offline world.

First of all, each and every one of us is a spectacular and extremely complicated synchrony of electrical impulses and chemical balances. The power of evolution has turned each of us into something magical.

The reason I say this is because when we think about certain emotions and feelings we have, its easy to categorize some as distractions and negatives in our lives. We may wonder why the heck we even have certain feelings. But, there is a magical and rational reason these emotions and feelings exist.

The key is understanding each of our emotions and feelings and being able to take control of them and use them to positively direct our lives. Here are some examples.

Anxiety - anxiety seems like a terrible trait we inherited. When we feel anxious, we feel uneasy and stressed. But, anxiety can be an insanely powerful motivator in our lives. Your brain releases stimulants when you are anxious, enabling you to work harder and faster. Stress can help just as much as it can hurt. Don't focus on the negatives of anxiety, focus on the positives like making you work harder.

Fear: Like anxiety, fear can be a good thing. It's a natural instinct to help keep us safe. When you are fearful, you should learn to recognize it, and then logically decide whether the fear is rational or not. Fear itself isn't always rational, its a protector that we inherited to keep us safe. After you rationally consider your fear then decide if the fear signal should be listened to or not. Use fear as a good signal we instinctively have, not as a deterrent. Fear is simply something that should make us say to ourselves "thanks for the warning Mr. Fear Signal. Let me see if its rational or not and then go from there"

The point is that emotions and feelings can all be used to help not hinder personal progress. Work with your feelings, not against them. If you are in a very productive and motivated move, that is when you should be focusing your efforts on income producing profit centers. When you are in a terrible mood and can't concentrate, dont work. The great thing about internet marketing and working for yourself is that you can work your schedule around your natural feelings and emotions.

This ability coupled with the ability to positively use seemingly negative feelings like that of anxiety and fear is where the huge success stories come from.

Make it happen guys. Maximizing your "soft skills" brings in the big bucks!
#anxiety #awesome #fear
  • Profile picture of the author Manfred Ekblad
    You are right!

    I always imagine there is shark behind me when I go for a swim in order to get some exercise. True story, no matter how silly it sounds :p

    The effect is that (even though I'm fully aware there is no shark in the swimming pool) I get a bit of adrenaline pumping and some fear-feelings going, pushing me to swim faster.

    Perhaps I should do the same with my business.... But who should I pick to be the shark?
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    • Profile picture of the author Kenster
      Originally Posted by Manfred Ekblad View Post

      You are right!

      I always imagine there is shark behind me when I go for a swim in order to get some exercise. True story, no matter how silly it sounds :p

      The effect is that (even though I'm fully aware there is no shark in the swimming pool) I get a bit of adrenaline pumping and some fear-feelings going, pushing me to swim faster.

      Perhaps I should do the same with my business.... But who should I pick to be the shark?

      You SHOULD do that with your business and I will volunteer to be the shark. I've got a nasty bite!

      And you bring up a very important point. Our mind is soo fricken powerful but once we get an understanding of how our personal mind works, we can actually use that knowledge to trick ourselves. Just like you pretending their was a shark in the water to make you swim faster. You have essentially tricked your mind into producing the adrenaline and energy to swim faster and harder by thinking there wa a shark behind you, all the while both you and your mind know there is no such thing.

      If you can use this skill in your business, you will go far man. Its about first understanding our feelings and emotions, and then using them and directing them in a positive direction.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ardhina Septiani
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  • Profile picture of the author SilentX
    Hah, so well put. I wrote something like that earlier on some other thread, i forget which. It's all about accepting your emotions and grasping them as your own and using them for your benefit. Emotions aren't naturally good or bad, no matter what kind of connotations society puts on them. They can all be inspirational or detrimental; it's all just in how we understand and use them. Thanks for the uplifting post.
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  • Profile picture of the author IM Listing
    I absolutely love how you scientifically put this in a logical order it is the best way that I understand and can relate things to my situation. Hope to see some more great things out of you in the future.
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  • Profile picture of the author wendymay1
    Its all in the mind. Whatever we feed our minds will determine what direction we are moving towards. If its a positive direction with positive affirmations,hope, faith,charity,peace of mind,love,honesty is the best policy-The outcome will be great.The negative side of the spectrum will always be a disadvantage.
    Tolerance, taking advice seems to work for me as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Solid take on negative emotions.

    Our feelings are a guidance system. Experiencing negative emotions can mean we are running up against resistance, which is a great thing. It means we are progressing.

    On the flip side if you're continually driven by fear something may be up. You aren't on the right path because we weren't blessed with creative faculties to experience fear day in and day out. If fear is your motivator you are focused more on what's scaring you and less on what's exciting you.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author hardycapo
    Fear can also be debilitating, until you realise there's very little in life to be truly afraid of.
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  • Thanks for the post. It is definitely well timed...
    Who we are outwardly is the reflection of the most dominant thoughts.

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