If You're Broke, Ask Yourself This...

44 replies
"Do I love money more than I hate poverty?"

I got this question from watching Bob Proctor's "Born Rich" program, and it had a profound effect on me.

There are twin polarities in achievement: Success and Failure.

If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.

Resisting the worst-case scenario will always keep you just a few steps away from that scary place.

You need to make your Success Polarity stronger. You have to truly love the wealthy lifestyle, which can be difficult if you haven't experienced it. This is where Bob Proctor's stuff and Psycho-Cybernetics helps a lot.

I've thought of other variations of this question.

"Do I love being with friends more than I hate loneliness?"

"Do I love being in good shape more than I hate being out of shape or fat?"

"Do I love romance more than I hate not having a romantic partner?"

See where you lie on each scale of polarity. You may find that the places of your life you're most lacking in have you in the most "defensive" mindset.
  • Profile picture of the author hooty
    "If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get."

    I just realised this is what I have been doing all my life ... my aim every month was just to pay off everything outstanding! No wonder I don't see anything more than whats required in the bank.

    How can I make my success polarity stronger?
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    • Originally Posted by hooty View Post

      "If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get."

      I just realised this is what I have been doing all my life ... my aim every month was just to pay off everything outstanding! No wonder I don't see anything more than whats required in the bank.

      How can I make my success polarity stronger?
      The best place to start would be by dreaming bigger. Set a bigger goal.

      We are goal-seeking beings!
      "You don't get onto the high road accidentally!"

      How to Get Motivated, Get Informed and Stay Inspired

      Are You an Avid Student of Life? - Personal Development Blog
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      • Profile picture of the author ryjo
        Originally Posted by Get Inspired Today View Post

        The best place to start would be by dreaming bigger. Set a bigger goal.

        We are goal-seeking beings!
        Is that the Vice President in your pic?...Well i like your dreaming bigger quote.....I agree best thing I ever did was make my goal bigger than I ever thought possible...now I think I can achieve it....
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  • Profile picture of the author tk226
    Its a good observation and most of us have this safe approach and it may be leaving its trails of safety net affects on other aspects of our bigger dreams. Risk taking is important so that the worst-case scenario as well as the best-case-scenario can be perceived. I think, it all boils down to risk taking.
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  • Originally Posted by Dan Axelrod View Post

    "Do I love money more than I hate poverty?"

    I got this question from watching Bob Proctor's "Born Rich" program, and it had a profound effect on me.

    There are twin polarities in achievement: Success and Failure.

    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.

    Resisting the worst-case scenario will always keep you just a few steps away from that scary place.

    You need to make your Success Polarity stronger. You have to truly love the wealthy lifestyle, which can be difficult if you haven't experienced it. This is where Bob Proctor's stuff and Psycho-Cybernetics helps a lot.

    I've thought of other variations of this question.

    "Do I love being with friends more than I hate loneliness?"

    "Do I love being in good shape more than I hate being out of shape or fat?"

    "Do I love romance more than I hate not having a romantic partner?"

    See where you lie on each scale of polarity. You may find that the places of your life you're most lacking in have you in the most "defensive" mindset.

    I really like this ideology. What's your recommendation for the best program/book to check out to learn more about this?

    By the way, I totally agree with it. It ties into what Shad Helmstetter talks about as well.

    It just makes sense!
    "You don't get onto the high road accidentally!"

    How to Get Motivated, Get Informed and Stay Inspired

    Are You an Avid Student of Life? - Personal Development Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author elison
    we must test ourselves every day, i don't think that i should be a realist to achieve my goals, i want to be an optimist, not in ping glasses but to think positive doesn't require much efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author excaflowne
    good thoughts there, i always remind myself how lucky i am no matter people tell me..
    and usually i am ..
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  • Profile picture of the author krikkod
    Originally Posted by Dan Axelrod View Post

    "Do I love money more than I hate poverty?"

    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.
    so true - but sometimes you gotta learn the hard way.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    Great stuff Dan.

    Bob Proctor first introduced me to personal development with his "The Power To Have It All" program. A must buy. He knows his stuff.

    This is pure LOA. Wherever you place your attention and energy expands.

    The novice is motivated by conditions while the genius is driven by vision.

    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Sometimes the opposite can be an amazing motivator for change.

    I remember watching something from Jim Rohn where he talks about reaching “That point” where you've simply had enough … You've had enough of not having the kind lifestyle you want; you've head enough of not being the kind of person you want to be; you've had enough of not having the kind of relationships you want.

    “Screw it,” you say to yourself. You're going to have the life you want, or you'll die trying.

    When you reach this point- the point where you’ve simply had enough and the pain of not taking action is obliterating all of your fears including ________________. Well, that's a wonderful part of your journey ... You're ready to start moving towards what you really want.

    And, when you combine this motivating force with moving towards success (affirmations, visualization, etc.) you have everything in your favour.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Amanda Craven
    I love that idea of making your Success Polarity stronger and I think it ties in with the other adage that you become like the 5 people you spend most time with on a daily basis...

    Choose successful people (and 'successful' covers a lot of bases) and you will become successful yourself and vice versa. Could be that simply by spending time with these people you are modelling their behaviours and thereby strengthening your own Success Polarity...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      When talking about success and failure, I'm often reminded of one of my favourite quotations by Thomas J. Watson (founder of IBM).

      "Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You're thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure, or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you'll find success."

      Then again, maybe I'm just a person who is more motivated by "failure." (I don't think that's the case, but you never know.)

      Thank you for the great discussion.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author USGTMauthor
    I would suggest the Science of Getting Rich which is free. I think Bob Proctor has a program around it, but the free version online did wonders for me. Read the original version not the re-written versions. Amazing message and action plan in a simple read.
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  • Profile picture of the author jasdon
    Originally Posted by Dan Axelrod View Post

    "Do I love money more than I hate poverty?"

    I got this question from watching Bob Proctor's "Born Rich" program, and it had a profound effect on me.

    There are twin polarities in achievement: Success and Failure.

    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.

    Resisting the worst-case scenario will always keep you just a few steps away from that scary place.

    You need to make your Success Polarity stronger. You have to truly love the wealthy lifestyle, which can be difficult if you haven't experienced it. This is where Bob Proctor's stuff and Psycho-Cybernetics helps a lot.

    I've thought of other variations of this question.

    "Do I love being with friends more than I hate loneliness?"

    "Do I love being in good shape more than I hate being out of shape or fat?"

    "Do I love romance more than I hate not having a romantic partner?"

    See where you lie on each scale of polarity. You may find that the places of your life you're most lacking in have you in the most "defensive" mindset.
    Good point, well made!

    You've just found me another piece of the jigsaw - thank you!
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  • Profile picture of the author BenBrent
    If you're broke, the best place to start is with your mindset, which can be determined by your vocabulary. If you find yourself saying things like "I can't afford it" rather than asking yourself "How can I afford it?", than you'll always be broke b/c saying "I can't afford it" keeps you in a lack mentality, asking yourself "How can I afford it?" and seriously thinking of ways you can afford something that's currently out of your price range, will help you transition from a lack mentality to an abundance mentality and only people with an abundance mentality can become rich and stay rich.
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  • Profile picture of the author ivanadee
    great inspiration..
    thx for taking time sharing this
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoralexon
    List the benefits that you will get if you do change. List the consequences that you will experience if you don't change.
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  • Profile picture of the author tj0575
    Originally Posted by Dan Axelrod View Post


    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.

    Resisting the worst-case scenario will always keep you just a few steps away from that scary place.


    I just realized this about myself about 3days ago. I could not believe I was holding myself back all this time. But I have started taking action to fix this type of thought/expectation. Awesome post!

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    • Profile picture of the author EternalIncome4U
      Thanks So Much for this Thread and all the great posts in it!

      I know all these things and have heard them many times before but if we're not careful sometimes we can forget and slip back into old and negative patterns.

      This is why it is So important to surround oneself with positive and like minded individuals. I am so grateful to the warrior forum that it can provide both the spiritual and financial energy and advice to achieve the levels of positive abundance is All areas which is simply the birthright of us all.

      For all of you who so kindly and freely give I send enormous gratitude out to you and let flow positive energy to aid you in all achieving all your desires.

      Gracias!!! = ^ )

      PS an extra thanks to ZigZag for posting all those great quotes. I will for sure borrow them and pass them on.
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      • Profile picture of the author Dan Axelrod
        Hey guys,

        Just saw this thread had 21 replies (!!!!).

        To make your success polarity stronger, it helps to really visualize yourself in success and FEEL the emotions.

        This isn't just law of attraction (or The Secret) at work, though that's part of it.

        As of right now, you may be running away from the pain and fear because that's simply all you know. You don't know what it's like to be wealthy, to win, to have the relationship (or abundance of relationships), or the perfect health and six pack abs. You don't know what it's like to sell a screenplay to Hollywood.

        But, you actually can replicate what it would be like, through visualization.

        The best way to do this, as recommended in Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich, is to write down everything you want in life, no limitations. I mean seriously, NO LIMITATIONS. If you're five feet tall and want to be six feet tall, put it in. Put in that you can fly, if that's what suits you.

        The important thing is that you put everything in the present tense (I am so happy and grateful now that....).

        Then sit and visualize having all of that for 30 minutes. Feel free to look at the paper again with your eyes open during that time, so you can remember what to visualize.

        After you're done, rewrite it on a new piece of paper. From then on, every time you do this (every day preferably or even twice a day), look at a previous sheet of what you want, and then do your 30 minutes, and then write it again. You'll find your image will change (and probably get more realistic about how tall you are and the law of gravity), and you will feel the positive polarity bringing you to happily working towards your goals.


        P.S. -- I HIGHLY recommend you get Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich Set, or at the very least, Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz.
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  • Profile picture of the author vem
    thanks for the posts in this thread.They have given me some good thoughts and ideas
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    • Profile picture of the author Chantal-Louise
      I loved the concepts explored in this thread. I think if you just set your goals and are well motivated to do so you can acheive anything!!
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      • Profile picture of the author romolo
        Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts on this subject, and thanks Dan for starting this thread, if I can ad something what I'd like to say is with regards to something I learned from a fantastic course I just finished called Mind Power, and that is that if you see a recurring pattern in your life, like ending up without money at the end of each month, then it's important to create a belief to counteract that and keep that thought in your mind continuously, this will eliminate any situation that your mind creates which goes against your goals....

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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    This is great Dan.

    But I have a question, does this mean that we have to love the idea of being rich more than experiencing poverty. You see, I have this outlook that money should not be spent on yourself alone. It is a blessing that is meant to be shared with other people. So what if I want to make money to help other people? Does that count? Or is it also an escape?

    Tell me what you think.

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  • Profile picture of the author andrewfashion
    Thank you for this! Love that quote
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Great points! These are very good questions to consider and think about as you go on in life.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

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  • Profile picture of the author elliek
    I've certainly explored, lived and even taught the principles of a successful- goal oriented life. But.......... after that then what? Maybe there is a different purpose to life? In the west we have been driven our entire lives by this outward, seeking, competing, success attitude. It's part and parcel of our culture- but is it really the POINT? Things are shifting in our world these days- maybe we all need to reexamine what these beliefs and values really are?
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  • Profile picture of the author stephan231
    I look at it this way, if you a university student looking to score only something like A in a subject then you may get something near that like A- or B+ but when you only look to score C in a subject then you may fail and get F instead. So dream big so your dream comes with results near to what you dreamed of!
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  • Profile picture of the author Fermina
    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.
    This is actually me! i'd rather not pay late with fees etc.. nor be late with anything
    Selling these Domains
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  • Yep and to make things happen faster,people should nature the power of concentration...and its not in layman terms.
    What I mean is you become so absorbed in the object of your desire that you become conscious of nothing else and always try holding the though in mind. This asserts to the subconscious as reality and thus the universe has to arrange it to become objectified in your life.
    Charles-Ghostwriter services; Quality articles for your project!
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  • Profile picture of the author BA Wealth Team
    If you meet all the top guys in person... One thing you will see from all of them they are all very positive! be that way and all will come for you!

    September 3rd -5th London Thistle Hotel 2010
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  • Profile picture of the author biggoogle
    Great post.

    I think it is important to first build a dream, and then the dream will build you. Fall in love with your vision enough and you will overcome any obstacle in your way.

    Also, change your thoughts, because you will never go higher than your highest thoughts.

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  • Profile picture of the author Harold Lindsey
    Man this thread ROCKS!

    Mindset is everything, I once saw this show a long time ago, and I'm pretty sure that most of you probably saw some other shows or documentaries that were similar. Anyway, I think it was a zoo or circus or something. They had this baby elephant chained up so it would not run away or run around the compound.

    Everyday the poor baby elephant would begin to try and move to beyond the perimeter of its holding area. And of course it would get yanked back when it reached the end of the chain. This went on for days, weeks, months, maybe years I'm not sure how long.

    But one day the animal keepers noticed that the baby elephant always stayed in the it designated area. It had stopped trying to go beyond the length of its chain.

    They knew it was time. The keepers simply removed the chain and watched... and the baby elephant didn't run, it didn't say to its self, "I'm free I can really go and find out what's beyond my little space". It stayed right inside the area it had always been confined too.

    Forged in the baby elephants mind was the simple fact that it could only move so far, and no farther. Its' beliefs had been set... and now it would forever be limited by the belief that it could not move beyond its little space. (Always bound by something that no longer existed.)

    How many of us are bound by these invisible chains that limit how far we think we can go?

    We can learn the necessary skill-sets to earn more and we can even make the occasional successes... But unless we can change our mindset, and mentally & physically break those invisible chains that keep us tethered to our own little areas of life's full potential...

    We will continue to stand right at the door, of the successes we want so badly. The
    very door that we might have even cracked open a time or two. The very door that we know will transform our lives; and still, never completely walk through it!

    By coming upon this thread, you have helped me to sharpen the tools that I will use to cut one of those invisible chains. And help me move a few steps closer to ultimately completely stepping through that door.

    Thank you
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    • Profile picture of the author barbarajean
      Hi -

      I'm just going to add a couple of thoughts to posts already made. There are 2 things I have been working on, and I am getting results.

      The first is "poverty consciousness" - whenever I find myself coming from this place, things end badly & I feel bad. When I let go & stop trying so hard to hold on to every penny, things seem to flow much better & I also feel better.

      An example of what I mean: If I feel ripped off by someone I bought something from, and stew about it, and try to chase my money back - I feel bad & seem to be unable to get my money back anyway. But if I let it go & tell myself I learned something from the experience, I feel much better & somehow the same amount of money (or more) shows up from another source.

      The second thing is: Expanding my "boundaries" - If there is ANYTHING that makes me uncomfortable or my first instinct is to say "no", I have been learning to go after/do that very thing. Almost everything that I have applied this to has turned out great.

      Like the elephant metaphor, I am finding that freedom lies just beyond our learned boundaries. I think what happens is that you shatter your limiting beliefs when you do this, because you now have new "proof" to base ideas upon.

      Anyhow, maybe this will help someone
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Pettit
    That is really excellent! Thank you for sharing that. It really adds perspective to where one honestly finds oneself on each spectrum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Optimist Cam
    Originally Posted by Dan Axelrod View Post

    "Do I love money more than I hate poverty?"

    I got this question from watching Bob Proctor's "Born Rich" program, and it had a profound effect on me.

    There are twin polarities in achievement: Success and Failure.

    If you are more motivated by escaping failure (i.e., paying your rent on time, not getting fired, paying off your credit card debt), then that's all you'll get.

    Resisting the worst-case scenario will always keep you just a few steps away from that scary place.

    You need to make your Success Polarity stronger. You have to truly love the wealthy lifestyle, which can be difficult if you haven't experienced it. This is where Bob Proctor's stuff and Psycho-Cybernetics helps a lot.

    I've thought of other variations of this question.

    "Do I love being with friends more than I hate loneliness?"

    "Do I love being in good shape more than I hate being out of shape or fat?"

    "Do I love romance more than I hate not having a romantic partner?"

    See where you lie on each scale of polarity. You may find that the places of your life you're most lacking in have you in the most "defensive" mindset.
    I find your post very motivating. Whenever Im on this section of the forum or feeling a bit depressed about my circumstances I always read it and it always makes me feel optimistic. I should print it off and stick it on my wall. Thanks for posting
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  • Profile picture of the author Sandycmy
    Excellent One ! Thanks for Sharing

    Do I love making money more than I hate spending too much of time on WF ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Xmas
    Bob Proctor is one of my many gurus.

    His teachings have given me the strength to make it on my own.

    Do I love my house more that I hate an apartment?
    Do I love my Lexus more than I hate a Yugo?
    Do I ... this could go on forever.

    Do I love me more than I hate hate me?
    Hmmmmm... that could cost me a lot of money in counseling
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  • Profile picture of the author dwave
    I just want to say thank you for the great posts.
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    • Profile picture of the author itzpaul
      Nice sometimes admitting I have a problem is the first step
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterDunin
    interesting post,thanks for sharing.
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