Free - Learning Life Skills - Help With Anxiety & Depression
Living Life to The Full is a free online self help course that has been put together by leading psychiatrists in Scotland.
Registration is free and the course is designed to "Help you help yourself" by teaching you Life Skills and coping strategies, identifying and removing negative thoughts.
Here are some quotes from the course website:
"Distress, low mood and worry are the major mental health problems of the 21st Century and affect more than one in three of us at some time. Treatments are mainly either with antidepressant medication or are psychological (the so-called "talking therapies")."
"Psychological treatments are popular and approaches such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) have been shown to be effective however access to specialist therapy services is often limited. There is a need to develop new ways of accessing these psychological treatments that are effective and easily available. The Living Life to the Full course aims to provide easy access to CBT skills - and does so in a way that cuts through jargon. By empowering users to understand why they feel as they do, and to learn new ways of improving how they feel the course aims to provide ready access to key information. The course is based on "Helping people to help themselves". A crucial element is to inform, educate and teach key life skills. The course is supported by a series of CBT self-help workbooks that can be used between the e-learning sessions. They encourage the reader to put what they are learning into practice, and to stop, think and reflect on what is being learned."
"The Living Life to the Full course uses this popular self-help format, and also the CBT model which has a proven effectiveness in helping people develop life skills that help them tackle feelings of low mood, stress and distress."
I can recommend the course to anyone who may be trying to cope with Anxiety or Depression and I hope it may help some of my fellow warriors.
Just follow the links to take a look

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