9 reasons you will not be successful

298 replies
After looking back over my early years, and even troughs in my IM career, I can see reasons as to why I was not successful. These reasons may also explain why you also are not being successful - YET...

Feel free to add to these, so it becomes a definative list.

9 Reasons:

1) I listened to far to many people.

Whenever you need advice, you ask around. The problem is that if you ask on a forum like this, you can get thousands of answers, which can actually just confuse you or give you information overload (which actually slows you down).


  • Be very specific in your questions. Do not just ask how do I make money, but be specific 'How can i write and anrticle and make money form it today'
  • Do not collect advice. Take advice from someone who has the life you want. Stick with them until they can offer no more advice then add a new mentor.

2) I did not have a mentor:

Of course you can do it without a mentor, but it will just take you 3 or 4 times as long. I struggled initially on my own before I accidently found a great mentor. What this guy taught me within 6 months, changed my life and success story forever.


  • Find someone who has the life you want and convince them that you are worthy to be mentored
  • Catch their attention throught comments on their blog that are thoughtful - its so simple and it works, just be consistant.
  • Think what you can do for them in return. Why should they invest time in you and not someone else?

3) I focused on way too many things at once.

One of my big problems was the fact I could not finish anything but could always dream of great new projects. Its what I term the 'entrepreneurs curse'. Entrepreneurs are creative and as such have a hard time doing the routine managing, they excel at the creative managing.

The problem is, when I worked on too many projects, none of my projects got the attention they deserved and as such their performances were always under par, until I learned to focus on one thing and do it well.


  • Use my 'Rule of Three' which means you always think in threes. Write down the three most imprortant tasks of the day. What are the three key features that your product must have, what are the three key messages your readers should learn etc. It helps you prioritise and stay focused on what is important
  • Don't overcomplicate thinngs. Think in three and prioritise

(So many people have messaged me about how to obtain a mentor - so i created this specific thread to help you (Click here)- be sure to read it after finishing this article)

4) I never finished things.

Half finished goods got me nowhere as I could not sell them or do anything with them. A mentor helped me focus and finish off one project before moving to the next, and suddently success started to knock at my door...


  • Learn to accept that one finished product is worth more then 100 half finished projects.
  • Do not aim for perfection, just finish it. Once it is finished work on improving it for perfection, but often you find the product is good enough already.

5) I did not listen to the advice given to me.

Strange, I woudl ask for advice but then not take it. I would make excuses as to why it would never work for me - such as he already has a bigger list. He is already well known etc. Only when I had a confrontational conversation with my mentor did he kick my ass into action and stop me making excuses.


  • If you trust the person, trust the advice. Try it...
  • IF you want the lifestyle your advisor has, then accept that they know something that you do not know or understand yet.

6) I did not really believe I could be successful.

Strange, it was my aim to be successful but I kept making excuses so I would not have to try. I made it very difficult for myself to be successful until I learnt that I have nothing to lose by trying. I would only end up where I am already, so by trying I can only gain knowledge or experience, and in the best case actually achieve success.


  • Understand that most people are not successful on the first few attempts. That is why it is called a learning curve.
  • Surround yourself with people who are successful. There is a reaon why powerful and successful people follow this rule.
  • Believe it is possible or you are just wasting your time and energy.

7) I was just to lazy.

I could spend so much time getting distracted and actually doing nothing. I had to admit, I was just too lazy.

  • Do something, it always better then doing nothing
  • I hung my 'Four Magic Words' above my computer: 'This is useful because' and I asked myself that all the time.

8) I could not prioritise

I briefly covered this earlier, but my lack of ability to prioritise meant that when I learn to work hard, I forgot to work smart and what is improtant. I would be working, but not getting anywhere fast as I had forgot about what was most important.


  • Remember the rule of three. Ask youself at the beginning of the day: 'What three tasks are most important'
  • Write down all your task on a piece of paper and number them:
  • 1 = urgent, 2 = important, 3= perhaps should do
  • Do the 1's first, then 2's. Forget 3's for now.
  • Put all your tasks on post it notes and have the satisfaction of throwing them away whenever you finish one.

9) I did not have anyone to hold me accountable.

The best atheletes have forfeits if they miss training, and a coach who measures their performance and tells them off if they are slacking, yet I for some reason felt I could do it all alone.

  • Find yourself an accountibility partner to help yourself be accountable (I used my mentor, who would not talk to me unless I had done the tasks i promised)

I hope you find these useful. Remember, the road to success is supposed to be a little challenging, it makes us respect the journey once we finally make it there.

If you struggle with many of these things... I've started a FREE video series to help (mainly for beginner marketers) - Click here to view
#reasons #successful
  • Profile picture of the author webfighter
    Really great list.

    Though I now make a reasonable amount of (inconsistent) money online, I can still find myself struggling through more than one of these problems!
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  • Profile picture of the author Marhelper
    People posting threads in the negative.
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    • Profile picture of the author Perseus Shearer
      Originally Posted by Marhelper View Post

      People posting threads in the negative.
      I was just about to say the same thing!

      Perseus Shearer
      house painting Learn SEO

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      • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
        Originally Posted by Perseus Shearer View Post

        I was just about to say the same thing!
        One of the very first things in marketing I learnt back in the days is that getting a reaction is a good thing as people have some opinion about you. Being indifferent sucks as people do not remember you....

        I'm happy if at least 50% of readers like what I write - the other 50% at least will remember to not like me
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  • Profile picture of the author TristanPerry
    Brilliant tips, many thanks Some of these definitely ring true to me, and I'm sure many others too.
    Plagiarism Guard - Protect Against Content Theft
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  • Profile picture of the author pethanks
    These 9 reasons why we are successful are very useful. We can use these things to succeed.
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  • Profile picture of the author mikey22
    Cheers, very accurate and i can say i think almost all of these need to be fixed before being truly successful

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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Thanks guys, I spent over 10 years trying to tackle these issues, and I still have to remind myself to stop falling back into bad habits.

    I think the book 'Think and grow rich' was the start of my turning point. I accidently then found a mentor who helped me turn a lot of negative habits around..
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  • Profile picture of the author King Shiloh
    Great tips but even specific questions can still generate too many replies/responses/suggestions depending on what is working for those that sent in the responses. Why? I have always told folks that what works for me might now work for them and vice versa.

    So, ask specific questions but identify what will work for you considering the factors surrounding you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    So true KS - I guess I should add that every journey is difference. A mentor helps you find the path, but you have to make it your own...
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  • Profile picture of the author guyfolks123
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    • Profile picture of the author emmedi
      Originally Posted by guyfolks123 View Post

      I am a newbie to all this, I was greatful reading the above from Kumar. I am struggling and would appreciate a mentor, so that I can focus on the things
      that are important from sound advice. My aim is to believe in myself that one
      day I will get a sale from my website. I am looking for a mentor to guide me
      into Internet Marketing business. I am reading lost of e-books but sometimes I
      get lost in them. Feedback would be appreciate! Thanks
      A feedback: make your salesletter personal. There is a picture of a guy (you I suppose), so talk like you are the guy, not with the impersonal tone you use (it's rigurgitated internet marketing get rich BS, IMHO).

      Also, you can use the "UK" factor to make it more relevant to your users, if you promote it in the UK only (that could be an angle, the "British way to make money online VS the US way").

      Also, pay attention to details: in the P.S. it's said it costs 67 but you are selling it for 19.95


      Make Your Brand
      "Learn how to create your Fortune 500-like Brand even if your office is in a closet"
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  • Profile picture of the author John4444
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  • Profile picture of the author mattlaclear
    Hey OP...what makes you think we Warriors are not successful? Speak for yourself bud.

    Free Training for SEO Providers in the United States - https://happyseoclients.com/happy-seo-clients-training/

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    • Profile picture of the author wangui
      I think that article did not insinuate that there is anyone not successfull but was just listing his own point of view why people do not succeed in IM and every body is entitled to their own opinion. His opinion which I appreciate quite alot considering am right now racking my brain as to how to get traffic on my site.
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      • Profile picture of the author wangui
        I am so grateful beyond measure. Will let you know how I cope. asante sana
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    @ MAtt - well it seems this post has a mixed reception, but mostly positive, so lets start some controversy - I love it!
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  • Profile picture of the author kwachity
    Venturetothetop - I am more than fresh in this. just Started yesterday and I am already overwhelmed by tonnes of information available. I do not have a personal website, no CPA link and lots of challenges. However, I have never believed in impossibility. Please tell me how to find a mentor because that is the most important step here to me.
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  • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
    great advice thank you

    taken at all on board

    hopefully we can learn from your own mistakes
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop

    Yeah I als belive that if I am able to identify my own mistakes and correct them - then it is a sure fire sign that I am progessing and becomign better as a person...
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  • Profile picture of the author janejana
    Keep the faith and maintain motivating yourself
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  • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
    These are the barriers. Now that you know them, it is time to overcome them every time it gets in your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author helenaldin
    I like #7 the best. Another way to put it would be "not doing whatever is necessary to grow the business".

    Too many people SAY they're doing everything they can to bring in leads or get traffic, but if you look at what they COULD be doing, the list is much longer.

    Wanna learn how to make money with little effort? Be sure to visit my blogs!

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  • Profile picture of the author Scootek
    A really great article. So much of that applies.

    If you can help me SEO suggestions...then it will be appreciated...

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  • Profile picture of the author wickedsubmit
    Thanks buddy for great advice we need to learn from our mistakes
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    • Profile picture of the author ColdFire123
      Originally Posted by wickedsubmit View Post

      Thanks buddy for great advice we need to learn from our mistakes
      yeah. Thats true. and also experiences is the best lessons that you can't forget.
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      • Profile picture of the author Rama 777
        I Do Agree about do all things in a single time....It's quite a trap for us,...
        And I was in that situation too...Really thank you for the post

        I just made some a new beginning to manage all properly...
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  • Profile picture of the author pdhodges
    I see myself in many of your points.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnyeo90
    Another one is..I didnt take any action..
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanbiddulph
    A good list Dee, thanks for sharing.

    #6 is far and away #1 in my book. Lack of belief in myself motivated me to do things to make others happy, or more importantly, to avoid doing things that would piss people off but be critical to my success.

    When I accepted myself, believed in myself and moved forward according to that self image things changed in a positive way quickly. Everything else naturally fell into place when I believed in myself. I had a better idea of who to listen to, who to tune out and what I should be doing in the moment.

    Ryan Biddulph
    Ryan Biddulph helps you to be a successful blogger with his courses, manuals and blog at Blogging From Paradise
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  • Profile picture of the author mankis
    Interesting post, start me wondering why am I not succesfull although only one thing goes for me from that list, and that is #2. So now I just need to find someone that has life I wish to live, huh, if that is easy as it sounds
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    • Profile picture of the author dgmufasa
      Originally Posted by mankis View Post

      Interesting post, start me wondering why am I not succesfull although only one thing goes for me from that list, and that is #2. So now I just need to find someone that has life I wish to live, huh, if that is easy as it sounds
      Exactly how does one go about finding a mentor?
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  • Profile picture of the author AwesomePossum
    Very very nice post...I like it a lot and I think the biggest one is no direction and information overload.

    #1 way to fail....

    Look at failing.

    #1 way to succeed.

    Find ONE mentor( ONE proven, quick and simple business model) then work your butt off to apply that business model inside of a niche you like and add your own flavor(your own style of communication)...

    That'll give you a win.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikeb1
      guilty as charged on all 9 accounts, had a mentor, who became a pest with a ton of emails to buy this and that product that he was promting every other day.

      Gives us a your mentor then, or is that you now.?

      Affiliate links are not allowed.
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    • Profile picture of the author Aira Bongco
      Originally Posted by AwesomePossum View Post

      Very very nice post...I like it a lot and I think the biggest one is no direction and information overload.

      #1 way to fail....

      Look at failing.

      #1 way to succeed.

      Find ONE mentor( ONE proven, quick and simple business model) then work your butt off to apply that business model inside of a niche you like and add your own flavor(your own style of communication)...

      That'll give you a win.
      You are right. Sometimes people left out the 'own flavor' part and go with just creating an impersonal approach to everything. This is wrong. You should have something unique that will let people choose you over others.
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  • Profile picture of the author mark587905
    (learn fast + work hard) X never stop believing = success in the end
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  • Profile picture of the author twentyone
    This is both very factful and motivational.
    Motivate me to strive harder to be better and to be successful.
    I believe you pal, I you did it I can do it to.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shania
    That is a great post! I am really challenged.

    Would consider being my IM mentor?! :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author PeterDunin
    Really insightful post!thanks for sharing.
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  • Profile picture of the author circle37
    Excellent post. Another tip: DONT BE GREEDY! Dont try and do everything yourself in the hope of gaining more. Sometimes it's smarter and more beneficial to gain less but share the workload and responsibilities.
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  • Profile picture of the author fathaz
    Thanks for the list of reasons.. Seem i'm like yours.. I cannot focused on one things when i do.. So, planning is one step for our problems.. Is it right Warriors?
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Wow - it seems focus and belief are two big factors holding people back.

      One thing I have doen for over ten years is to place a small note on my monitor to remind em of why I am doing all this. It helps to keep me focused and reaffirms my belief that when I try, noone is better then me. The message I write is quite personal, so dont ask !
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  • Profile picture of the author windwhirl
    Cheer up! Now that you have listed down the culprits in becoming unsuccessful, dismiss all those negative thoughts and believe that you can be successful.Why not make another list for becoming successful this time? make a list of suggestions to yourself as to what you should do to be successful this time. I'll start:
    Speak up
    Exceed limitation -- you have to perform consistently well.
    Be passionate -- one can never be successful at something he's not even passionate at.
    Keep learning -- winners hve unquenchable thirst for kowledge, as another thread here says
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  • Profile picture of the author Radcliff
    I appreciate it...as I always say it is more important to know about why we fail.....these are very much near solutions to that answer.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Being positive is great for motivation, but unless we face facts on what we are doing wrong we have no chance of improving. By listing by mistakes, I have shown that i acknowledged them and found a way past them, thus I listed it in this way.

    So, all you haters, even via pm, take this post for what it is, a simple way for some of us to continue improving ourselves.

    ps - I consider myself very successful, but i would never stop looking for ways to improve further.
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  • Profile picture of the author bilzz
    Great Post ,its really very helpful to us ! and i would say too Post of the Year
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  • Profile picture of the author windwhirl
    Life is too short to listen to everybody's advise.. much worse to follow all. I posted this in another thread but I'd post again -- Listen to what others have to say but remain in tune with your inner self. Just listen, what they say might not be true, might not be applicable for you. Just listen, you will learn a lot from them but you don't necessarily have to follow them. Always on the look out and always trust you instinct.
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  • Profile picture of the author success4all
    Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    6) I did not really believe I could be successful.

    Strange, it was my aim to be successful but I kept making excuses so I would not have to try. I made it very difficult for myself to be successful until I learnt that I have nothing to lose by trying. I would only end up where I am already, so by trying I can only gain knowledge or experience, and in the best case actually achieve success.

    • Understand that most people are not successful on the first few attempts. That is why it is called a learning curve.
    • Surround yourself with people who are successful. There is a reason why powerful and successful people follow this rule.
    • Believe it is possible or you are just wasting your time and energy.
    Great post venture

    I like #6 above. If you have been doing everything else and still struggling. This is where you have to look for answers. And look you do, not outside but within, because almost always the real answer comes from within that will set you free and make you succeed. It has always been with/within you, but you never looked or listened closely.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Perfect.. I'm loving this.. 9 reasons you will not be successful..I see so many people failed from number 1, 2 and 6.
    I offer CPA coaching and investment opportunities for those SERIOUSLY interested in making money directly or indirectly with affiliate marketing. PM me for details.

    Read More about CPA/Affiliate Marketing on my Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author DIGITALCHAMELEON
    I agree with number, in order to succeed we must listen to the advice from somebody listen to their points and weigh if ti is helpful or not.
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    • Profile picture of the author corsleymaxwell
      10. Laziness

      This is one of the most common reason why most people failed in business.
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      • Don't worry about it, Venturetothetop. Haters gonna hate~!

        Anyway, I really got a lot of value out of your post. I know that I'm also guilty of letting my mind slip. I'm going to try your idea for a small note attached to my computer, as well as re-read this post a few times to really get it in there. I think that'll be really helpful!

        Thanks! =D

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      • Profile picture of the author Mike Perry
        Originally Posted by corsleymaxwell View Post

        10. Laziness

        This is one of the most common reason why most people failed in business.
        Agreed. People have all the information they need right in front of them. It's the "doing" that slows them down.

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  • Profile picture of the author Ninawa
    Number 4 is my worst enemy. I do something and if it does not succeed I will have to PUSH myself to continue it and I probably will fail. I lose security and motivation easily unfortunately but I am working on this.
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    • Profile picture of the author arcadiasmith
      Great advice dude... Most of people who commits those mistake are
      not successful they failed and the outcome of that failure is frustrations which my lead to depression. Try avoiding those things listed above and I'm sure you meet the SUCCESS that most of us are looking for.
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    • Profile picture of the author gunner1945
      My 9 Micro reasons

      1 = Checking emails
      2 = Checking Stats
      3 = Checking Adsense
      4 = Checking EPN
      5 = Checking Amazon
      6 = Tea breaks
      7 = Smoking Breaks
      8 = Reading Blogs
      9 = Reading Forums

      Number 9 ...... Oh s**t done it again
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    • Profile picture of the author garben2011
      Good stuff.

      #1 I think is a huge factor. It actually also contributes heavily to #3, #4 and #8.

      And probably comes about from most people trying to handle #2.

      In this industry it really is a huge problem -- much more so than any other I have ever participated in.

      Because here we see nearly everyone is an expert. Someone reads an article or an ebook and starts parroting everything without even trying it. Others just rehash the same things others have said on forums.

      And then there are extra perks such as boosting post counts and getting that extra backlink (and perhaps even an extra sale). Normally, people don't have nearly as many factors motivating them to give their input as in the IM industry.

      So, the noise level is incredible. The BS level is through the roof. And as people try to sort through it all, all of the stuff caused by #1, it is very easy to end up with obstacles #3, #4 and #8.

      I'd say don't accept anything at face value. When you see those traffic screenshots they are probably fake. When you see those videos of accounts showing tons of sales and payments they are probably faked.

      Remember, everyone is an expert but you (just like a 12-year old kid can become a 28-year old 5th-degree black belt self-made millionaire -- the Internet makes it all possible).

      Anyway, that's just another two cents from me. One day I might have contributed a dollar to Warrior Forum. =)

      Interested In Easy Micro Projects You Can Do In Your Spare Time? Get Paid To Help Me!

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    • Profile picture of the author The Niche Man
      Good ideas that should hang on every wall, mirror or bulletin board of internet marketers.

      But Number 3 ( I focused on way too many things at once) is the big doozie that trips up most internet marketers, especially when they first start out.

      With so many list to get on and so much stuff coming at you, information overload is the latest stumbling block to watch out for. It can force you to spread yourself too then, drain you of time and cause you to spin your wheels if you're not careful.

      Looking back that was my personal stumbling block. When I found out how to focus on the meat and throw the bones away I started to see more success.
      Download "Free 80 Page E-Book"
      "201 Ways To Live Better On Less Money".
      "Because The Easiest Way To Make Money is ... ... By Saving Some First!"
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    • Profile picture of the author laurarussell49
      All true...:rolleyes:

      Most people will do what is easiest and avoid hard work -- and that's correctly why you should do the opposite.

      The superficial opportunities of life will be attacked by hordes of people seeking what's easy.

      The much tougher challenges will usually see a lot less competition and a lot more opportunity.
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    • Hi Venturetothetop,

      I hope I spelled your username right. I'm Christian. I loved your post and I wanted to add my own point of view to number 6. I hope you enjoy.

      So, on the topic, of I did not believe I can. Now, my view goes against the norm, but I truly believe that not thinking you can do something is trivial to the importance of success because I found that thinking to myself "I will.." is a much stronger way to think than I can.

      Why? I found that I will is a choice to produce a successful outcome thru "sickness and in health." I put that phrase in quotations to illustrate the power behind will. It forms a commitment-mindset which forces you to think you can.

      Hopefully, you can see my point by now if not..I'm currently writing on this exact topic.

      Best Regards,

      Christian Robinson
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    • Profile picture of the author Ross Bowen
      Hello Guys,

      I think one should have a very clear Goal/Plan in mind.
      Having this in the first place will be a very good starting point. This allows yourself to focus on things that are only in alignment with your goals.

      Goals should also be very clear & with deadlines. This will force you to work your ass out to accomplish them. Although it's much easier said than done, having clear goals will prevent you on straying & focusing on too many unnecessary endeavors.

      I love this quote by Quigon Jin..." Your FOCUS determines your REALITY."

      This is what I try to live by.

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  • Profile picture of the author kin_lau
    I would like to add 1 more to the list, and this is what hold up most of the people.



    I do not know my major purpose.

    Why we want to get advise, just because we do not know what we truely after.

    Why we do not take action, it's because we do not know our purpose, or whether the goal is truely worth our attention, then we distract ourself by entertainment.

    We do not have a plan and we get confuse during the process when we hit some roadblock.

    I think instead of focus on why you are not successful. Give yourself a good reason, why you are successful and build on that reason, what is the one reason you can success? Focus on your strength, and your strength will bring out the best part of your.
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  • Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    3) I focused on way too many things at once.

    4) I never finished things.

    I think number 3 and 4 go hand in glove. When you focus on too many things at once, you end up with a LOT of unfinished projects. Ask me how I know.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Actually number 4 is the cause fo many people's problems. Sometmes you call it procrastination, sometimes laziness but ultimately its the same cause, a part of your brain that distracts you. I'm working with a research doctor now on a great article which explains why so many people suffer from this problem and how it relates to business and work life. This will be ground breaking research and i can not wait to share it with you when it's all be approved as valid science!
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  • Profile picture of the author Flora Hazel Tysee
    Excellent tips. You are correct...Doing something is better than doing nothing.

    Live Your Life With Integrity And All Else Will Be Added.
    Dorothea Barlow
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    • Profile picture of the author 9reasons
      Hey... that's a bit mean!
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    You know the real reason I worded it this way, is due to the fact we only make changes when we are aware of our bad habits. The very first thing is to become aware and unfortuantely that involves some uncomfortable truths. Thankfully I was honest enough with myself to realise them and surrounded myself with people who helped me change my ways.
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    • Profile picture of the author 9reasons
      Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

      You know the real reason I worded it this way, is due to the fact we only make changes when we are aware of our bad habits. The very first thing is to become aware and unfortuantely that involves some uncomfortable truths. Thankfully I was honest enough with myself to realise them and surrounded myself with people who helped me change my ways.
      I think your tips are just brilliant! I couldn't help but pull your leg over it though... because of my name in here! LOL
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3205578].message }}
  • You mentioned here most possible reason for not success. I think passion & hard work is two most important factor for being success. If you have not, then you may not success.
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  • Profile picture of the author success1618
    Great post, in life we can have both negative mentors that show us what not to do, and positive mentors that show us what we should.

    Depending on your background, more often you probably have a lot of examples of what not to do.

    Still if you can take something of value away from it, then it dose not matter if the mentor was positive or negative. The end results is the same.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by success1618 View Post

      Great post, in life we can have both negative mentors that show us what not to do, and positive mentors that show us what we should.
      Not quite true in my opinion. To get better in sport, first you learn correct technique and then they correct all your negative/bad techniques. Learning the correct wya takes only a week or so, mastering it by reminding yourself of all you do wrong can take years upon years.

      To many people in my opinion put themselves in abubble and do not want to correct the bad characteristics they have - but president Rooservelt, perhaps one of the most famous presidents worked on correcting his bad characteristics every week of his life. He used to write down one bad trait and remind himself not to do it the whole week. He did this even when he was president.

      We mostly all know what we should be doing, we jsut never take the time to really find what is holding us back.
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  • Profile picture of the author derrickschwan
    I agree with your idea. Indeed success can not be attain with you alone you need a mentor and you need people who can give you pleasant advice.
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  • Profile picture of the author expl0it8z
    wow thanks, this motivates me
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  • Profile picture of the author MalBryc
    Good list with some important advice. Thanks for sharing Dee.
    "Before you save the world. Save yourself first." ~ Mike Litman

    twitter.com/MalBryc - My twitter, why not @MalBryc me?
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  • Profile picture of the author alcymart
    Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    2) I did not have a mentor:
    Should be in Number 1 position. Thank goodness I had a very good mentor and today I am the mentor. Oh did I say I teach for Free!

    Take care,

    Bernard St-Pierre
    Marketing Consultant
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      @ above

      This mentor part is just sooooo important, but to make best use of a mentor needs skills also.

      You need to know what your problem is, what is it that you are stuck on and then you can ask a direct question to get a good answer.

      I noticed on my regualr conference calls that people ask a very general question and then get a very general answer which does not help much.

      Nearly everyone I know who is successful works on one problem at a time. Solve one issue and then step into the next. A mentor will ensure that you think about the whole picture when needed, but the best way to help yourself and your mentor is to take one issue at a time.
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  • Profile picture of the author Affiguy
    That is so true, thanks for sharing. That must keep us all more committed to what we are doing and to show savvy.
    Affiliate's Recurring Commission: Up to 70%, $110 average sale rate + rebills! Both housewives and top managers highly convert. Join In Now!
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  • Profile picture of the author kangen
    Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    After looking back over my early years, and even troughs in my IM career, I can see reasons as to why I was not successful. These reasons may also explain why you also are not being successful - YET...

    Feel free to add to these, so it becomes a definative list.

    9 Reasons:

    1) I listened to far to many people.

    Whenever you need advice, you ask around. The problem is that if you ask on a forum like this, you can get thousands of answers, which can actually just confuse you or give you information overload (which actually slows you down).


    • Be very specific in your questions. Do not just ask how do I make money, but be specific 'How can i write and anrticle and make money form it today'
    • Do not collect advice. Take advice from someone who has the life you want. Stick with them until they can offer no more advice then add a new mentor.

    2) I did not have a mentor:

    Of course you can do it without a mentor, but it will just take you 3 or 4 times as long. I struggled initially on my own before I accidently found a great mentor. What this guy taught me within 6 months, changed my life and success story forever.


    • Find someone who has the life you want and convince them that you are worthy to be mentored
    • Catch their attention throught comments on their blog that are thoughtful - its so simple and it works, just be consistant.
    • Think what you can do for them in return. Why should they invest time in you and not someone else?

    3) I focused on way too many things at once.

    One of my big problems was the fact I could not finish anything but could always dream of great new projects. Its what I term the 'entrepreneurs curse'. Entrepreneurs are creative and as such have a hard time doing the routine managing, they excel at the creative managing.

    The problem is, when I worked on too many projects, none of my projects got the attention they deserved and as such their performances were always under par, until I learned to focus on one thing and do it well.


    • Use my 'Rule of Three' which means you always think in threes. Write down the three most imprortant tasks of the day. What are the three key features that your product must have, what are the three key messages your readers should learn etc. It helps you prioritise and stay focused on what is important
    • Don't overcomplicate thinngs. Think in three and prioritise

    4) I never finished things.

    Half finished goods got me nowhere as I could not sell them or do anything with them. A mentor helped me focus and finish off one project before moving to the next, and suddently success started to knock at my door...


    • Learn to accept that one finished product is worth more then 100 half finished projects.
    • Do not aim for perfection, just finish it. Once it is finished work on improving it for perfection, but often you find the product is good enough already.

    5) I did not listen to the advice given to me.

    Strange, I woudl ask for advice but then not take it. I would make excuses as to why it would never work for me - such as he already has a bigger list. He is already well known etc. Only when I had a confrontational conversation with my mentor did he kick my ass into action and stop me making excuses.


    • If you trust the person, trust the advice. Try it...
    • IF you want the lifestyle your advisor has, then accept that they know something that you do not know or understand yet.

    6) I did not really believe I could be successful.

    Strange, it was my aim to be successful but I kept making excuses so I would not have to try. I made it very difficult for myself to be successful until I learnt that I have nothing to lose by trying. I would only end up where I am already, so by trying I can only gain knowledge or experience, and in the best case actually achieve success.


    • Understand that most people are not successful on the first few attempts. That is why it is called a learning curve.
    • Surround yourself with people who are successful. There is a reaon why powerful and successful people follow this rule.
    • Believe it is possible or you are just wasting your time and energy.

    7) I was just to lazy.

    I could spend so much time getting distracted and actually doing nothing. I had to admit, I was just too lazy.


    8) I could not prioritise

    I briefly covered this earlier, but my lack of ability to prioritise meant that when I learn to work hard, I forgot to work smart and what is improtant. I would be working, but not getting anywhere fast as I had forgot about what was most important.


    • Remember the rule of three. Ask youself at the beginning of the day: 'What three tasks are most important'
    • Write down all your task on a piece of paper and number them:
    • 1 = urgent, 2 = important, 3= perhaps should do
    • Do the 1's first, then 2's. Forget 3's for now.
    • Put all your tasks on post it notes and have the satisfaction of throwing them away whenever you finish one.

    9) I did not have anyone to hold me accountable.

    The best atheletes have forfeits if they miss training, and a coach who measures their performance and tells them off if they are slacking, yet I for some reason felt I could do it all alone.

    • Find yourself an accountibility partner to help yourself be accountable (I used my mentor, who would not talk to me unless I had done the tasks i promised)

    I hope you find these useful. Remember, the road to success is supposed to be a little challenging, it makes us respect the journey once we finally make it there.

    quite an amazing post, i think it is nearly true
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon H
    Having a clearly defined goal by writing it down and reading it daily will also help.
    Having a purpose for your goal is probably even more important such as the reason why you are aiming for your goal. I believe this is what gives the drive to make people push.

    I agree that it is easy especially in todays world to get over flooded with information and bombarded with information that makes one feel very confused and lost. Stick with specific goals and a definite plan of action and you will find a way to get to the end.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    So strange that comment on number 4, i just realised i was doing the same thing last week. Goes to show that you need to remind yourself constantly or risk being pulled back into that behaviour...
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  • Profile picture of the author Hydroxide
    Number 7 kills me. :/
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  • Profile picture of the author SonnyAmaama
    True. I like the list of things that kept you back. I feel that one of the things that kept me back from moving forward was FEAR. Reason I say that is because to me it is the unkown. If you do take that leap what awaits you on the other side.

    I think another thing could be Fear to fail. I know alot of people say that they dont care what other people say about them but people that say that their actions say other wise. I say this because I was once one of those people. Scared to fail because I didnt want people talking behind my back and saying that I was stuiped.

    Fear is a very good persuation technique and it still plays a major part in peoples lives today. Fear can hold some one back from achiving their goals and not getting better overall.
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  • Profile picture of the author vlsh
    Great list. I find myself in some of these positions sometimes, thanks for reminding me I need to do things differently. I just read the book Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill which is a classic read, this list reminds me of a few things I read in it. thanks again.
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  • Profile picture of the author Fred1
    Information overload can also hold us back from success. It keeps us from focusing which leads to failure and frustration.

    One of the things I did was to unsubscribe from many of the I.M. guru lists I was on & sending the others to a dedicated email address, specifically for those type of emails.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Vish - strange you mention Think and Grow rich- I was re listening to the audio version whilst doing some handy work and I totally forgot the trick he advised to cement your belief in success. So I rewrote my desire of my first 7 figure year and will read it aloud every morning and night in firm belief that its mine....

      For those who have not read 'Think and Grow rich' do it! If you go to audible you can sometimes get the audio version for free on there special offers. (its by Napoleon Hill)
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  • Profile picture of the author Brianne
    Very insightful!

    For me, #6 is my hurtle. Got to stay focused on your goals and truly believe you can achieve them. Otherwise, you'll never even get off the ground.
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  • Im totally agree with number three.
    "focused on too many things at once", and you wont get a good result at the end,

    Thank you for sharing,
    Red Shield
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  • Profile picture of the author altteam
    Dear Venturetothetop,

    You are soooo right in all of your nine points!
    Thanks very much. You have stated all the things I was just thinking about

    Regards, Alt-team.
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  • Profile picture of the author CrowX
    Thanks a lot for sharing Venturetothetop.
    These things will come very useful to many people, such as myself.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tom L
    #6 really hit home for me

    How can I go against these pro's with only a few months of experience under my belt...
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  • Profile picture of the author sufian991
    thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author brettb
    Wow, there's some great stuff in this list. Listen to the man!
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  • Profile picture of the author William Veasley

    I could say I used to fit into many of these points. Many times I was lazy and didnt feel like putting in the work, but now I have a tottally different mindset. I feel like I have come to far to start slowing down and be kncoked off my hustle. If I start slacking and become lazy it's going to be even harder to get myself out of that slump, so that's a no no for sure.

    Once you get going you have to focus on boosting your productivity, work levels, and habits. Every month try to break new gaols while raising the bar for yourself. That is truely the only way you can test your abilities and see what your made of.

    Hope this helps!

    God bless,
    William Veasley
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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Davies
    Thanks for the great post, definitely resonates loud and clear with me!
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  • Profile picture of the author PetterHedman
    This is a great list!

    Thanx for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author openconnect
    The best thing about the OP's post is that he's being honest with himself. The first step in success is always being honest with yourself. When you can honestly admit your flaws and weaknesses and honestly assess what is your strength, then you learn how to properly spend your time and money. Focus on the things you are great at and outsource or get help on the things you aren't. People too often will not give themselves honest personal assessments and it only hurts them in the end. It's tough to personally admit a down side of yourself, most people live in denial...but those who can admit it and learn how to work around it and improve them are the ones that move forward and make progress.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Owens
    Great advice! I find that the hardest thing to do with IM is the ability to focus on one thing and stick to. Often you here advice from others and what their doing and it makes you want to drop everything and do the next best thing.

    Great Post!
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    • Profile picture of the author barbarajean
      I have just one thing to say - "Winning". (just kidding!)

      No really, those are some hard won lessons of which I am still trying to pull myself out from. I find it is much easier to recognize those reasons than to actually do something about changing them - it is something I have to choose to do differently everyday - it does not come naturally to me.

      Also, I think it helps to have a very compelling answer to "why the heck am I doing this" to motivate you to keep going even when you feel like you are banging your head against the wall.

      Great post!

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  • Profile picture of the author JulioJ
    Awesome thread!!! So true for so many of us. I myself am still working on the full list but am grateful to know I'm not alone.
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  • Profile picture of the author Peter Gehr
    Thanks for taking the time to put this together.

    I guess it's a matter of "if the shoe fits, wear it" type scenario.

    I'm sure we can all look at your compilation and relate to various parts, or all of it, or none of it. It depends on the individuals level of successes, but the Warrior forum is so great for information, and that's what you've offered here. Very good stuff, and thanks again for your efforts.
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  • Profile picture of the author ginandtonic
    Thanks for this list. I do or have struggled with every single one of these.
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  • Profile picture of the author IncSEO
    Superb tips.. regardless of anything you need to take action and sure the tasks that you have in front of you are completed within the specified time frame otherwise you will not achieve anything. Did anyone realize that these days, the time goes by so fast?
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  • Profile picture of the author paulie888
    I especially like point #3. Lack of focus is a very real issue in IM, and it can defeat us before we even get started. I have heard something similar to the "rule of three" before, and it is a very crucial rule to follow in order to increase productivity. Trying to multitask and do too many things at once almost always never results in a good outcome, and if you can prioritize and focus on just 3 main issues at any one point in time, you're going to find that you'll end up completing many more tasks than before.

    >>> Features Jason Fladlien, John S. Rhodes, Justin Brooke, Sean I. Mitchell, Reed Floren and Brad Gosse! <<<
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  • Great advices...thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Thanks for the kind words!

    @Paul - when I created my Rule of three - my life changed. I have refined it over the years but its always ensures I am most productive, even though I do not work all day like many people I know.

    I work harder on the things that matter.
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  • Profile picture of the author mrckc
    This is exactly all the points that have been holding most people back from making any real money online
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  • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
    For a newbie like me, this post can surely serve as a good mirror to rectify my flaws. We must always look for innovative ways and get over the hurdles in the path of success. All the points mentioned in the posts are thought provoking.
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  • Profile picture of the author KeepFaith
    This post is just the simple truth my friend!
    One great problem for me is to see others make a s*** load of money and braging about their success and presenting us step by step blueprint how to make a kazillion dollars by end of this week... honestly I think this is one of the main reasons people give up in this business!

    Yes, I am a newb! Yes, I don´t know if I will ever make it! Yes, in quite times I have thought to myself: WHAT THE Heck!??! Just give up instead of going through this hell...

    Although I love the warrior forum and the amount of information you can get here, I must admit this: Ever since I stumbled upon the Warrior Special Offer Section, things went downhill for me and my brain suffered first of all from information overload and most importantly... my heart raced with every new WSO claiming to make a lot of money with minimum effort!

    I believe that every single person is by nature lazy... the truly successful people are those who managed to fight these "ghosts" in their mind and kill their lack for ambition

    Your point with the "mentor" is true: Whenever you have someone pushing your lazy butt and drilling you (even if it sucks like hell), you will more likely have the strength to continue because you will know what you are doing is most definitely worth fighting for!

    CAUTION THOUGH: If you start telling yourself that you need a mentor to be successful in internet marketing, then you will easily discontinue with your plans because you start "believing" that you absolutely need a mentor to make it, which isn´t true! A mentor will speed up things but your will power and faith are the main things that will keep you standing in your endeavors!

    Many times I stopped and though to myself => why the hell are you writing so many articles that no person wants to read! I suffered a long time from the belief that almost every idea out there to make money is either "saturated" or is just way to freaky to cash with. Sometimes I wonder how people are still making money rehashing old stuff...

    But the truth is that people will always be on the lookout for something new, something exciting, something that will help them break free of their miserable situation and are then blinded by people, who in return promise them to make money with minimum effort!

    I believe many of you guys know exactly what i am talking about: You start reading a strategy or a WSO and right in the beginning of it you see a sentence like this: " It's even possible to earn more, but if you get lazy like me and don't
    go on working, you will maybe stick to $100 daily"

    Thats when the mind just tries to tell you the following: If they are lazy and get crazy amounts of cash with this strategy, then why can´t I be just as successful and saving the hours doing my due diligence on it"

    This post got somehow long but I hope you kinda "feel" me here and if someone can approve to this. It would make me happy knowing that I am not stuck alone out here with those thoughts...

    Peace there venturetothetop!
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop

    So interesting you mention picking up something and feeling, so i can be even lazier and still make money?!

    The whole Internet Marketing community needs a shake up. They are all told 'fake it till you make it' but now we have thousands of so called 'successful people' telling others how to achieve success, when they are struggling marketers themselves.

    I take your point about not believeing a mentor is center to your success. It's an aid and a very helpful one, but you alone are responsible for your success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Edwin101
    Awesome post !! Thanks for sharing
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  • Profile picture of the author Christine2011
    Yeah, I really believe on these reasons of not being successful.

    Especially the one which implies not having faith in one's self,(not believing that you
    will succeed) it's really hard
    to make things work out for good.

    Thanks for sharing this post
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  • Profile picture of the author januscans
    Nice tips. Thank you for sharing. I would like to apply this principles.
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  • Profile picture of the author showmack
    Nice suggestions. Whatever you have mentioned are not the mistakes instead it is the million dollar experience which you have learnt from your past.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Markus
    great share.....its a lot easier said then done, but never stop trying
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  • Profile picture of the author neo0421
    This is such a great list. A lot of them ring true.

    If I may add something: "We have to discover the real reason WHY we wanted to become successful. We must strive to and find out what Success really means to us and how will it affect the people around us. This WHY must be bigger than us. And if this WHY is big enough then the How will find its way. This will gives us the drive and focus to achieve success.

    Just a thought.
    Learn To Unlock Your Inner Entrepreneur. Shine Forth And Become A Rich Blessing To Others...

    To God Be The Glory,
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  • Profile picture of the author emmndi
    I agree with most of your list most of the mistakes we make and lead us straight to failure

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  • Profile picture of the author Bojangles
    Great post, man. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kaysa
    Thanks for sharing this list.

    I can say that everybody his brother and his mother can see some traits of the list at some point of their lives, myself included.

    What its more helpful from you its that you put the solutions on how to solve these bad habits. Thanks for that.

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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I hope i can implement all the points above especially the getting a mentor and finishing what i start thank you for the insight
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    • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
      Originally Posted by stopper View Post

      I hope i can implement all the points above especially the getting a mentor and finishing what i start thank you for the insight
      You can do it, just be persistent and believe it is going to happen for you. Constantly visualize what your success will look like in the future and then little by little you'll start attracting everything you want. You also need to be willing to put in the work required to get where you want and always remember to have a positive mindset. Believe in yourself and your potential and you can have anything you want in this life my friend...


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  • Profile picture of the author joekyut
    This really brings the silent issues that underlie failure. The biggest challenge is "I" not the environment or people
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    • Profile picture of the author uebomoyi
      Originally Posted by joekyut View Post

      This really brings the silent issues that underlie failure. The biggest challenge is "I" not the environment or people
      That is so true. That is the biggest challenge. Blaming your situation on other people or your circumstances is very common but if it were a do or die situation I'm sure we'd all figure out a way to pull through because of the pressure. I think a lot of things pertaining to success depends on how hungry you are for it..

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  • Profile picture of the author gracecaudle
    thanks for sharing these article......
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  • Profile picture of the author loganwrench
    Great lists. I can relate to number 5. Before, I always think that I am much better than the others. And slowly I have learned my weakness, now I am working with a good team.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spastabetic
    number 6 & number 9 most definitely for me.
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  • Profile picture of the author hireava
    I agree...those are really the reasons you won't achieve success in life.
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  • Profile picture of the author krtinberg
    Those are all great ways not succeed! I think all of us have fallen victim to a few of these at one time or another. It's how we deal with it once we recognize the problem that matters.
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    I think the argument about 'being hungry for success' is actually a load of bull. Almost everyone who is successful had to fight off period of demotivation but they just got on with it. I think motivation is something we think about wrongly, we assume we either have it or we dont, but I firmly believe no one has it until we start doing something...

    ..then whilst we are doing it we realise it was not that hard after all and that is what drives motivation to continue. That is why so many people say - feel the fear but do it anyway.

    Motivation is always hidden, that why it is hard to start something.... just realise that the motivation will come once we just start.
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  • Profile picture of the author crayg
    All of the listed reasons are very true..
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamesgregory
    I love how you dubbed "The Entrepreneur's Curse" because it totally is!! The projects I have succeeded with were only 'successful' because I gave them the attention they deserved. Most of the other 'non-successful' projects were never given the proper amount of attention, even tho the ideas/plans themselves were not necessarily bad.

    Once you got a project... stick to it and don't get distracted by the next big thing.

    Thanks for the post!
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by Jamesgregory View Post

      I love how you dubbed "The Entrepreneur's Curse" because it totally is!! The projects I have succeeded with were only 'successful' because I gave them the attention they deserved. Most of the other 'non-successful' projects were never given the proper amount of attention, even tho the ideas/plans themselves were not necessarily bad.

      Once you got a project... stick to it and don't get distracted by the next big thing.

      Thanks for the post!
      So true about sticking to one project. 1 complete product is better then 10 half complete things....

      Wish someone had taught that to me instead of me learning the hard way...
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  • Profile picture of the author vdx_marketing
    This is so, so true. I know this thread is old, but it won't ever be irrelevant. Especially the part about mentoring - it takes years off your learning curve. Also, everyone should read 'think and grow rich.' It's a bit old and dated, but principles never ever change.

    I would say constant learning (including mentoring) and constant action is the simplest way to describe what is necessary for success.

    Grab a FREE copy of '10 costly marketing mistakes every business makes' (value $50) from my home page:
    Brendan Hayward, VDX Marketing
    Go WF!

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  • Profile picture of the author Daymon
    They are all valid points that can hinder one's success. Each one should be taken seriously and thought about it and changed if it exists in your way...
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  • Profile picture of the author Sheila Dunfrey
    Great share! These are things that anybody must remember if they want to be successful.
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Good post! I really like that you shared your personal feelings and struggles. I think many people could learn from this. Definitely taking action on 1 major goal at a time is a good start.
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  • Profile picture of the author loganstatton
    Thanks for this very useful tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author mariazz
    that's true TS. now I see my negative side that is hindrance in achieving success.
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  • Profile picture of the author sprice
    Bookmarked! Excellent advice. There's something there that all of us can relate to. For me it's being lazy...
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  • Profile picture of the author fosterandersen
    This is great. I really relate to the "doing too many things at once." I cannot seem to stop looking for new things and new opportunities. However, I feed on those challenges and that is where my passion comes from. When selling to customers, I need that passion so that they know I believe my product and believe in their success!
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  • Profile picture of the author danstelter
    For me, it's definitely all about the fear. At times, I feel fearful because I don't think that I deserve to be successful, and at others, I'm afraid of failing so I don't try at all.

    I attempt self-sabotage by purposefully engaging in actions that will distract me from the main goal of having a successful online business. I feel like I CAN do it, but a large part of me fights that belief.

    Being a human is weird...

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  • Profile picture of the author chelsean
    These are fantastic. All reasons we can choose to use and put toward bettering ourselves. I know I struggle with most on the list. Thanks for the post.

    Looking for a house in Arizona? Use a Phoenix Realtor! Have little kids? Check out baby clothes Australia. Businesses should use commercial cleaning nj. Enroll in a coaching certification program!

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  • Profile picture of the author Emotia
    10 - I did not take the first action.
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  • Profile picture of the author SavTJohnson
    I think i'm somewhat successful. And i still struggle with at least 4 of those 9 things. Imagin how much better i would be...
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  • Profile picture of the author addison.agnote
    "1) I listened to far to many people." - Listening to many people will only lead you to confusion.
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  • Profile picture of the author gleeon
    Thank you for sharing a great post..
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  • Profile picture of the author kirajx
    Wish I could accidently get my mentor
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  • Profile picture of the author abugah
    Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    7) I was just to lazy.

    I could spend so much time getting distracted and actually doing nothing. I had to admit, I was just too lazy.

    • Do something, it always better then doing nothing
    • I hung my 'Four Magic Words' above my computer: 'This is useful because' and I asked myself that all the time.

    I think laziness is the number one cause of failure. Hard work covers you from nearly all other shortcomings. The harder you work the more you build confidence, faith and persistence. The harder you work the easier it will me to find mentors who will accelerate your success. The harder you work the more focused you become and can notice B.S from a mile away.
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  • Profile picture of the author D Alishouse
    These points are are really true, especially for those of us with the entrepreneurial spirit. I especially love the idea that finishing one thing imperfectly is better than never finishing anything. There is a book written by a man who sailed around the world (sorry I can't remember the name at the moment), where he speaks about how you sail around the world.

    He said in order to sail around the world you have to leave where you are and get to the shore on the other side of the world. You don't have to get there gracefully, you just have to get there. I always loved that idea.

    Doing something the first time doesn't have to be pretty, it just has to get done. Then you've gained all of the experience and you can try again. The second try doesn't have to be pretty either, but it probably will be just because you've already done it.

    I really enjoyed your post, it's motivating!
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  • Profile picture of the author Guru_Marketing
    Instead of finding reasons why you won't be successful, why do not you find reasons why you have to be?

    Kindle Publishers: Get Reviews and More Sales to Your Kindle Books at http://GettingPublishedFast.com/publishers/

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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by Guru_Marketing View Post

      Instead of finding reasons why you won't be successful, why do not you find reasons why you have to be?
      For exactly the same reason you began your point with the negative..

      Only once we are actually aware of our mistakes or problems, can we find the correct and appropriate solution to fix it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Guru_Marketing
        Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

        For exactly the same reason you began your point with the negative..

        Only once we are actually aware of our mistakes or problems, can we find the correct and appropriate solution to fix it.
        Sure, but if one dwells on problems too much, they tend to multiply. Knowing the mistakes is valuable, but finding reasons why we can't succeed is a different thing.

        When you find reasons why you should succeed motivates to bring the change we want.

        Kindle Publishers: Get Reviews and More Sales to Your Kindle Books at http://GettingPublishedFast.com/publishers/

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        • Profile picture of the author devis001
          Many people want to be successful, but will never be because of the following reasons.
          I m not commenting because it's negative, but rather it's a good !

          home loan
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  • Profile picture of the author AppleH
    Thanks for the kind words!
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  • Profile picture of the author cliftonkirk
    Love your stuff. Thanks for the share.
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    • Profile picture of the author Lindbeck
      Great post, I can definitely relate to the problem of concentrating on to many projects at a time and dont finish any of them!

      I also think that most people dont succeed because they give up too early. If you want to succeed in any area of life you must commit yourself to consistenly take action towards your goals - and continue until you succeed. Giving up is not a possibilty for you!

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  • Profile picture of the author uppergrade
    I have two big reasons not to get success:
    1. I m just lazy.
    2. i cant focus on my goal.
    I start many things together to do . in last i cant complete any task, it make me disappointed.
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    Nice post and so very true not just for online business but any biz. Yeah Not taking action or getting to many things going on and not staying focused on making money. Spending time on stuff that doesn't make any money...like checking emails and surfing the web.

    Quitting too soon before the magic happens is always a big one.
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  • Profile picture of the author stiflex
    Thats soo true, it hurts
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  • Profile picture of the author DGFletcher
    I need a real mentor. My best money-making mentors have all been video games.

    That sounds nuts, but I got into eBay because WoW's auction house made me a lot of WoW gold.

    I became a freelancer because of Mass Effect 2.

    I'm on Warrior Forum because of Sims 3.

    You'd think I'm an avid gamer... I'm actually not. I don't do much gaming except for games that give me a 'mentor' feeling. I've had really good mentors in 'Real Life' on the viola and in school, but I've never found a good money-mentor in Real Life. Trying to find one ended up with a zillion problems.

    A bad mentor can really ruin things...

    Everyone I know in "Real Life" seems to think that money is incredibly difficult to make. It's not, it's just like playing a video game!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author perfectlovehere
    Definitely a great post. Taking action and staying focused is definitely very important to help in reaching your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    This is a great list, thanks for posting it here for all of us members to benefit from. I think that just about every IMer can identify with something on your list. In fact, I'd recommend anyone on here to print out this list and put it somewhere that you will see it everyday. I think one of the best messages to be taken away from this list is to take action! Really, by taking action, you will positively affect almost every factor on this list!

    Great work!
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
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  • Profile picture of the author Johnhasland
    We have to be careful how we address the pointers here. .
    Lazy,. well we are all guilty of that, but a more correct terminology would be efficiency!

    YOu see, in order to be more successful, we desire to make money for doing less, so LAZY is good if used in the correct context, we all have remotes for our TVs don't we, is is that bad? We all order takeaways?

    Its all about making more money for doing less work, then, if we desire to be more energetic then we can make more money.

    If we all could double our income in just one day of positive action for the rest of our lifes, how many people would take the challenge on and instigate the action?
    We would ask outselves, does it really work, shall I risk it? why have I not heard of it before?

    Then, if we did engage in the action and started to make double our incomes, would we then free up half our time and for leisure and make the same as before?

    in other words,we have become twice as efficient, so we have freed up half our time!

    Hmm, or do we work twice as hard and make 4 times as much as we did before, its all about supply and demand, need and satisfaction, what we want out of life.

    I helped design a roulette computer prediction device over 20 years ago with Mark Howe in the UK. We found away to exploit the casinos and eventually we were visited by the Gaurdian Newspaper and a team of scientists to prove our devices work. They did and still do! I am no longer linked to Mark howe, but this guy was a Genius, he found away not only to make thoudands a night , but make it tax free! He did not exploit it though as much as he should have, he would work for 2 weeks, the take 2 weeks off living the good life. Was he a fool, or was he smart, do we work to live, or live to work? You can read more of his devices on the net if you are interested.

    I moved on and set my own business up doing what I wanted to do, but it was seeded by the money I made using roulette prediction devices. We have to be happy doing what we do, or have free time to have some pleasures, otherwise making money is pointless.

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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Great time to remind yourself of this article as I know many people believe in New Years Resolutions.

    Cut out those weaknesses and work on your strength - then 2012 can be nothing but a success.
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  • Profile picture of the author egrovesys
    hi Venturetothetop,

    This is written by your own experience, i could understand your words that how you struggled in your early life by being a worth less man in your society. I can assure you that the incident will happen in all and every one's life. But some of them won't reveal to any one cause of some hesitation and egotism. Here you explained and revealed your's in ability and how you over come all those dangerous in your life.

    This is the right way that you are going and also many of us (WF) will follow you. I have to admit that i have to explain about my own life incident and how am living. but this time i escape and i ll explain later.
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  • Profile picture of the author toxicchili
    Someone said to me once 'its the point at which you are about to give it all up that you are closest to actually getting it right.' - This was in reference to trading, spread betting, etc..

    What he actually mean't was, its at this point you realise you have made a mistake, got it wrong, following the wrong advice or just didn't realise what the problem is. Its at this point that you are actually truthful with yourself and are starting to learn. Problem is, if you do give up, you will never succeed.

    Self belief is a big part of suceeding, but if you don't learn from past failings, you will struggle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by toxicchili View Post

      Someone said to me once 'its the point at which you are about to give it all up that you are closest to actually getting it right.' - This was in reference to trading, spread betting, etc..

      What he actually mean't was, its at this point you realise you have made a mistake, got it wrong, following the wrong advice or just didn't realise what the problem is. Its at this point that you are actually truthful with yourself and are starting to learn. Problem is, if you do give up, you will never succeed.

      Self belief is a big part of suceeding, but if you don't learn from past failings, you will struggle.
      Exactly! To many people literally just carry on, it's at the point you learn to reflect and look back, that you can spot the errors, and suddenly one small change can bring the success you dreamed of.

      It's not about never giving up, it's about going forward as a bigger, better, stronger and more organised person.
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  • Profile picture of the author taylatrefl
    Pretty good share, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author AJ Smith44
    Excellent suggestions here. Here is one piece of advise I received that helped me through my business in the tuff times: "Never get attached to your disappointents/tempory failures because they will break your spirit." When you develop new products etc sometimes things do not go well, but never get emotionally involved, just learn from it and move on.

    Thank you for the great post.
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  • Profile picture of the author JeremiahSay
    Thanks for sharing

    may God bless you,
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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    That's good stuff. I think I'd sum it up as: take action, test everything, learn what works, repeat. I've been reading about Edison and how he tested everything and took nothing at face value. Henry Ford said that Edison's greatest genius was his capacity to work and to work until he found out what worked. Deceptively simple, but still true.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by sethczerepak View Post

      That's good stuff. I think I'd sum it up as: take action, test everything, learn what works, repeat. I've been reading about Edison and how he tested everything and took nothing at face value. Henry Ford said that Edison's greatest genius was his capacity to work and to work until he found out what worked. Deceptively simple, but still true.
      Quite inspiring really - take nothing at face value and find out for yourself.

      Edison wasn't born a genius - he was born a hard worker. Great lesson for all of us.
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisjenva
    Awesome list. It's worth printing out and looking at each day.
    Two things I would add to that list would be to:

    1: Get Organized and Plan out your time!

    2: Take Action!
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    Email chrisjenva @ gmail.com or PM me for details...
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  • Profile picture of the author Chloe Emerson
    3) I focused on way too many things at once.

    If you have ever seen someone spinning plates, when they start out, it's pretty easy to keep the plates spinning.
    Then, as they add more and more plates, they are running, trying to keep all the plates spinning at the same time.
    Eventually, the plate spinner won't be able to keep up, and the plates will crash all around them.

    Lesson: Spinning too many plates is exhausting, and will end in disaster

    Thanks so much for the post, very informative and thought provoking!
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    Thanks for the list man. It's true that we can't be successful with the reasons mentioned here. But I would like to point out most in #3, which is to focused on many things. I've learned that if I don't focus on just one thing, my head keeps twisting and may not get the results as expected. I've got to focus and master one source first before moving on to the next one......
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by danlew View Post

      Thanks for the list man. It's true that we can't be successful with the reasons mentioned here. But I would like to point out most in #3, which is to focused on many things. I've learned that if I don't focus on just one thing, my head keeps twisting and may not get the results as expected. I've got to focus and master one source first before moving on to the next one......
      Exactly. Far too many people online say 'be everywhere'. Do blogging I got 1 million members on my list, go do podcasts I made another million....

      Fact is you have to get good enough at one thing before moving to the other. Otherwise you get information overload and get nowhere.

      Look at any successful person, and you will see that they mastered one thing before moving onto the next...
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  • Profile picture of the author fictionaldamo
    Why would you focus on the negative. That is a waste of time. None of us here are perfect but we certainly get what we focus on.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by fictionaldamo View Post

      Why would you focus on the negative. That is a waste of time. None of us here are perfect but we certainly get what we focus on.
      Because only by reflection can one improve. Be fair, I do give positive solutions to eradicate any negative habits...

      I would say that rather then focusing on the positive of this post you focused on the negative... what does that say about you?!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Ashari
    Speed of implementation is another key aspect.

    Napoleon Hill speaks about this in his classic 'think and grow rich'.

    Successful people make up their minds fast and change it slowly. Unsuccessful people do the opposite.

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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by Simon Ashari View Post

      Speed of implementation is another key aspect.

      Napoleon Hill speaks about this in his classic 'think and grow rich'.

      Successful people make up their minds fast and change it slowly. Unsuccessful people do the opposite.

      Good point. Maybe partly to do with being focused and steadfast in your resolve.

      Good addition.
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  • Profile picture of the author Devin2290
    Nothing speaks more to me than #3 and #4, trying to do too many things and never finishing any of them!
    It's just encouraging to know that I'm not the only one with this problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author messiah
    Lack of focus is a killer. On too many lists, getting too many emails, following too many links etc. will kill a person's chances of success. It's good to be on top of the trends, but make a plan and stick to it, regardless of the latest product launch.
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  • Profile picture of the author blackbelt
    Hey Dee you nailed it man! You nailed it! I've had the same reasons and one by one dealt with them and beat them. It will drag you down. My favoriate is a mentor. Thanks
    Joe's Done It Again I'm excited to guide those who are ready to earn $100-$500 cash daily. http://cashdonerite.com
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  • Profile picture of the author automedix1
    I think accountability is a big issue. Who do I have to hold me accountable if I fail? No one but me. If I were to fail(which won't happen) The blame game starts and stops with me.
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  • Profile picture of the author shawnspencers
    sometime i hard to fins mentor in my country (indonesia) and i had a lot project that never finished
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  • Profile picture of the author keiranorton
    Great list. I admit that proper time management i my problem. Even though I put deadline to my task,I still can't hardly follow it and most of the time can't finish them.
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyAnne
    This is a great list of reasons! The biggest problem I have is not finishing things. There are tons of great ideas to work on and at the same time 99 others are getting neglected.
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  • Profile picture of the author anauel63
    I had to kick my self to get my first squeeze page up; and luckily for me I didn't needed any html skills otherwise I might never get to that stage.

    some tiny details keep you down sometimes, but true ; with serious coaching;
    (not someone who is here only to get you pulling out your credit card); you can make it happen
    The Cah Is In The Formula
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  • Profile picture of the author tcoates
    Great advice since many of those hit home with me.
    Continued Success.
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  • Profile picture of the author kaaregarnes
    I also think waiting for the "right time" is a major pitfall. It doesn´t exist. procrastination is not worth waiting for.

    Music and beer afficinado with a keen interest in UX and copywriting,
    Workwise inkasso and inkasso i utlandet

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  • Profile picture of the author anja98
    thanks for putting this up! #3 and #4 is relevant to me! How I deal with this is to create an to do list and make sure I complete them every day.

    Good luck to all!
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  • Profile picture of the author sober
    Just curious... who is the mentor you are raving about ?
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by sober View Post

      Just curious... who is the mentor you are raving about ?
      Unfortunately the mentor is question is no longer around, but the name was Eva. Eva took me from nothing to over 6,000 members on my site within months... showed me it was all possible and all I needed was to have something of value and the right connections.

      I was fortunate to have other great mentors too including the late great Corey Rudl and the legendary Stan Stalinski who create the 'big dogs' network and perhaps helped launch the career of Joel Therien (wwkiosk) amongst others.

      All these mentors however got something from me first. I either paid them cash for a product and then kept contact and impressed them or they could use my contacts to help their businesses. All you need is a way in, then you create the relationship by showing what you have to offer.

      Dee Kumar
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  • Profile picture of the author GEORGIADES
    Enjoyed this thread, thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author orpaz191
    I suggest a knowledge diet. people read to much instead of doing. it overload you brain and you don't have any energy left. It's hard because we always afraid we miss something good. but actually we miss a lot of opportunities by learning instead of doing.

    Karma is sweet :)
    The only way to succeed is to make others successful.

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  • Profile picture of the author cuple
    Good thread.. Mine is mostly about being lazy specially when a target has been achieved.
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  • Profile picture of the author zharfan
    lazy is the worst problem for me
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  • Profile picture of the author JanRuehling
    I know this thread is not really new ... and I wonder why I missed it before!!!

    I think instead of answering Newbie questions by saying the same in other words over and over again (or worse - trying to sell the own stuff without even reading the thread) we should start linking to evergreens like this!

    This answer has to functions for me:

    1. to bump this thread and make more noobs read this instead of asking

    2. to be kind of a bookmark for myself ... will link to it, definitely!

    Thanks Dee ...
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  • Profile picture of the author DoWhatWorks
    This is outstanding. This list covers everything that I did wrong too, prior to having success in my own business. I really hope that people read this and then take the prescribed solutions that you've included. This list perfectly sums up the differences between those who succeed and those who continue to run in circles. Thanks for the share!

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  • Profile picture of the author Alpha123
    Awesome post man
    Thank you it will help me I'm sure
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  • Profile picture of the author businessmanic
    this is so true. you read problems of many beginners in IM. I think I had almost all of these. lol
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  • Profile picture of the author Cataleya
    "I made it very difficult for myself to be successful until I learnt that I have nothing to lose by trying. I would only end up where I am already, so by trying I can only gain knowledge or experience, and in the best case actually achieve success."

    That was awesome, so true and inspiring
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  • Profile picture of the author Evocess
    All I can say is AWESOME! Just think on the positive side then take an action and everything will comes to right!

    Great share buddy!
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    • Profile picture of the author markpocock
      Great advice Dee.

      It's easy to get side tracked and end up running around like a headless chicken online. I'm sure many people fall into that trap.

      Am gonna check out your free videos. Keep posting man -

      Get a FREE 20 minute consultation on your sales letter. Contact me today
      And have the secrets A-List Copywriters - David Garfinkel & Parris Lampropoulos
      use in their multimillion dollar promotions

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  • Profile picture of the author vasionit
    thanks and interesting read.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    I hope i will listen to only specific individuals and get someone to hold me accountable
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    wow - 5,000 views. Maybe I should expand on this and turn it into a kindle book!
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  • Profile picture of the author opportunist86
    Nice share at perfect time. I think I was supposed to ready this in a situation I'm facing right now.
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  • Profile picture of the author scsheldon33
    Great post here

    4) I never finished things. - This is ningas-cogon. I tried as much as possible not to do this!
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  • Profile picture of the author lumbod
    great information thanks a lot for sharing its so motivational...
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  • Profile picture of the author OmarNegron
    Awesome Post! Truly enjoyed reading this.

    This is such a great saying as well:

    "Remember, the road to success is supposed to be a little challenging, it makes us respect the journey once we finally make it there."

    - Will
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Mensah
    1) You listen to too many people:
    2) You do not have a mentor:
    3) You focus on too many things at once:
    4) You never finish things:
    5) You don't listen to the advice given:
    6) You don't really believe you can be successful:
    7) You're just too lazy:
    8.) You cannot learn to prioritize:
    9) You do not have anyone to hold you accountable...
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  • Profile picture of the author Crimson Duo
    Can I add to your Point 8 - this is something I learned from Ryan Moran. He says there are only two kinds of tasks - Putting out the Fire, and Growth. He says make a list each day - your Growth tasks should be 75% of your time - you should only be spending 25% of your time putting out fires, and that 25% should be the end of your day, not the beginning. Do you high quality work - growing your business - during your high quality (brain power) time is what I took from what he said. That, and don't let putting out fires dominate you work time. Growth tasks are the ones that count.
    Check out the Silver-haired marketers' blog - JackieJohnsononline.com
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6447253].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by Crimson Duo View Post

      Can I add to your Point 8 - this is something I learned from Ryan Moran. He says there are only two kinds of tasks - Putting out the Fire, and Growth. He says make a list each day - your Growth tasks should be 75% of your time - you should only be spending 25% of your time putting out fires, and that 25% should be the end of your day, not the beginning. Do you high quality work - growing your business - during your high quality (brain power) time is what I took from what he said. That, and don't let putting out fires dominate you work time. Growth tasks are the ones that count.
      Yes, yes and more yes.

      Too many people spend all their time putting out flames when the growth is what is important. Well said.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6450283].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author rezaafriadi
    Thanks a lot for the tips, it's really inspirational
    Buy Quality Backlinks? "Finally! Discover Why You've Been Link Building All Wrong And How The Solution Is Easier, More Accessible, And More Profitable Than You Thought Possible!"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6448619].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jeresteem99
    7) I was just to lazy.

    I could spend so much time getting distracted and actually doing nothing. I had to admit, I was just too lazy.

    Thats one is my biggest problem.

    Get FREE secret from Self Esteem Tips and Depression.
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6450806].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author therenegadeleader
    Admitting your mistakes takes a lot of courage, good thing you were able to list it down and learn from it. I wish for your success and never quit.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by therenegadeleader View Post

      Admitting your mistakes takes a lot of courage, good thing you were able to list it down and learn from it. I wish for your success and never quit.
      Yep, admitting my mistakes was just the start of an incredible adventure of improving myself and producing some quality products.

      Overturning Laziness is always my biggest challenge but I'm getting there...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6479080].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author emailwiz
    Never taking a chance, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

    When I Need Money, I Just Sell Products To My Email List. www.emailatm.com

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6453359].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author H.Miller
    Great post. All of these reasons are spot on. When I first started out the main thing that held me back was inaction. I would just read and read and never do anything. I was stuck learning and not doing. But once I started putting what I learned into action I start to see some success very quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author joomseller09
    I did not really believe I could be successful.
    That is my 1st and biggest problem. I used to lose hope, then start believe again. Thank you for your valuable experiences.
    JoomSeller Solutions - Joomla Extensions

    We bring the best to your site!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6480468].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jasonchanning
    Make money or die trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joey Montano
    As someone with ADD, a topic like this is just what I need to keep me focused and on track. Thank you very much!
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  • Profile picture of the author danessa
    You couldn't have said it better with this list. thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mikefeng
    Great list i think ,it is include the way to be a successful people ,learn much thind from it ,i need to make a plan and excuce strongly from now on .
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  • Profile picture of the author Brant
    "I listened to far too many people." Amen! That's the #1 money killer for the Warrior, from my perspective. It sure is what held me down.

    Visit me at "A New Domain" digital magazine here!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6487177].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author bainbridge80
    That is a very true list my friend. Especially the part about not believing I could do it. I get so excited about a method I tell myself this is it and Im going to make this happen. Then I psych myself out I know longer think I can do it, get real discouraged move onto something else and start the cycle again.
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  • Profile picture of the author simpmort12
    really wonderful tips dear,
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  • Profile picture of the author Kragsig
    Thanks for a great article which make you reflect how you did things! Especially number 2 with a mentor is very important. I realize this after several years in the business.
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  • If anyones looking for true inspiration then look up Eric Thomas on you tube and watch his "thank god its monday" videos. I watch that guy everyday and i cant thank him enough for how much he's helped me.

    Remember if the odds of success are agaisnt you then your doing something right, becuse success lies outside the box of what you've been doing so far.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6698570].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Off course having no mentor is like going into the deep blue sea with a full tank and no compass. You can keep going, but how will you know that you are on the right course ?
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author futureB
    10. Procrastination
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  • Profile picture of the author Tamalkrishna
    There is another reason of not being successful. If you don't seriously want to be successful, you can never be successful. Most of us, only think about living a great successful life. But only a few of us actually work hard to make dreams come true. This is the only reason why everyone can not become successful in life.

    To become successful in Life, you should seriously think about success. If you don't think about how to become successful, but only dream about living a successful life, you are never going to be successful in your life.

    It is universal truth of life and of course it is same for everyone of us.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6698783].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AigulErali
    Very true, great tips!

    The secret is to be persistent, never give up, take actions, plan your every day, be positive and believe in your self!

    Have a mentor is mandatory!
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  • Profile picture of the author KyleStarkey
    haha speaking of mentoring... Is anyone on here making a living online and wants to tell me what I am doing wrong
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  • Profile picture of the author nodetours
    This is a great list and it probably touches home to a lot of people. The four magic words really hit home with me because half the time I feel like a chicken running around with his head cut off. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael hetzz
    good post
    I will bookmark your list for I learned
    thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author reagen
    Great thread, great tips, great lesson!
    Thanks for all this!
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  • Profile picture of the author KickAss Marketing
    If you really want to be successful think and do the opposite.

    "1) I listened to far to many people."
    Instead follow your instinct.

    " 2) I did not have a mentor:"
    Look for some you really trust and ask for help on how to figure things out. But that doesn't mean you will follow everything what this person tells you. It still up to you on how to do it.

    "3) I focused on way too many things at once."
    Focus only on your goal to avoid confusion.

    "4) I never finished things."
    Finish what you have started, no matter how hard or difficult it is, this is one of the things that we all need to do to be able to succeed.

    "5) I did not listen to the advice given to me."
    Listen to all the advice that was given to you after that you need to think which one will work for you. If you think some of the advice will not work for you then do not do it, but if you think that some of the advice are helpful for you to succeed then put all things together.

    "6) I did not really believe I could be successful."
    This one is easy, just believe in yourself, believe that you would be able to finish and be successful with your work. If you believe that you can do it and if you are doing the best that you can to achieve your goal then you will be successful.

    7) I was just to lazy.
    Hmm..This is a no no in this industry. As we all know we all want to succeed and if you are lazy then nothing will happen if you will just sit there and look at your computer. Keep your self motivated, think about your family, your loved ones, your dreams to help you keep going and going.
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  • Profile picture of the author Trevor
    Although an older post, it's still a great inspiration!

    Focusing on many tasks at once and not mastering any of them is one of the most commonly-traveled roads to failure.

    The seven points pretty much describe myself at the beginning. The disbelief, discouragement, listening to too many people at once. In time I completely changed my mindset and attitude to IM.

    Again, great post, thanks for sharing your experience!
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
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  • Profile picture of the author VHSEOMike
    Thanks for the share. No doubt newbies will find it very helpful.
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  • Profile picture of the author DonnyBoy
    I probably jump from one point to another at different times, though I surely have experienced them all at the same time. LOL! This was more than 2 years yet it's timeless advise indeed! Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author alexdan4
    thanks that was helpful
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Thanks for the feedback - yeah strange to note that this is over 2 years old now and still relevant.

    Goes to show the principles of good business are nearly always the same.

    Within the next two weeks I'm putting the finishing touches on making this post into a book.. it's been a long journey but i hope you will like it as much as this post. (It will be free for the first few days - so be sure to add me to Twitter to stay updated).

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  • Profile picture of the author mrmagic
    I personally would say that focus on the goal is one of the biggest keys to success!!!

    Therefore, procrastination is one of the biggest failures to success!!!
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  • Profile picture of the author jawasismanjanik
    thanks for sharing these 9 best tips.

    i am also focus many things at once. so, i should not to focus lot of things at once because Focus is the key....
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  • Profile picture of the author IMLearningIM
    The tough thing is to find out own mistakes, then it can be fixed. Nice thread to point that common mistakes.
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  • Profile picture of the author annsjones
    I like your number 3
    3) I focused on way too many things at once.
    .....and then gave up on all of them.....so many times!!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6808842].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kbrady
    Wow those are really good! Especially #3
    *** Check out my Daily WSO Reviews and my own online journey at IMProfitsHub.com ***
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  • Profile picture of the author 571
    Thanks for the writing. I be looking out for a mentor and offer my help to him / her.
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  • Profile picture of the author luckyone2012
    yeah, def a nice one. really need to go out and do things...
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  • Profile picture of the author Born to Earn
    [*]Understand that most people are not successful on the first few attempts. That is why it is called a learning curve.[*]Surround yourself with people who are successful. There is a reaon why powerful and successful people follow this rule.[*]Believe it is possible or you are just wasting your time and energy.[/LIST][B]
    very useful tips for me.... will follow these tips.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mortis
    I found this post just GREAT!

    I'm new here and ready to put lots of effort to make IM working for me.

    I think your 2nd point "getting a mentor" is just what would really get me started and running. I'll try to found some one, so far all i get is people trying to sell their eBooks, software, reports... back to me. No luck finding some one that would take my time and effort for some knowledge and guidelines on IM...

    Feel free to PM with any help.

    Thank you!!
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  • Profile picture of the author mydream111
    really wonderful tips.for becoming successful in life we should give up our all negetive habbit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Drughi
    great tips, thank you
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  • Profile picture of the author rising_sun
    This is from your experience or books ?
    But I have earned it from my experience,
    now trying to give up all these bad habits that's are wall in front of my success.
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  • Profile picture of the author AlbertGA

    3) I focused on way too many things at once.

    One of my big problems was the fact I could not finish anything but could always dream of great new projects. Its what I term the 'entrepreneurs curse'. Entrepreneurs are creative and as such have a hard time doing the routine managing, they excel at the creative managing.

    The problem is, when I worked on too many projects, none of my projects got the attention they deserved and as such their performances were always under par, until I learned to focus on one thing and do it well.


    • Use my 'Rule of Three' which means you always think in threes. Write down the three most imprortant tasks of the day. What are the three key features that your product must have, what are the three key messages your readers should learn etc. It helps you prioritise and stay focused on what is important
    • Don't overcomplicate thinngs. Think in three and prioritise

    (So many people have messaged me about how to obtain a mentor - so i created this specific thread to help you (Click here)- be sure to read it after finishing this article)

    hope this will help me to focus on my Goal......
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  • Profile picture of the author Malds
    These are pretty good. I'm prolly guilty of most of the same things lol. Awesome post.
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  • Profile picture of the author speedbird
    The one that has affected me most is 'I have been lazy for quite sometime now'
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  • Profile picture of the author tylerjaysen
    cool post brotha.....yeah these are definitely some of the big ones that keep you from succeeding both online and off....the belief in yourself and the way you think about money...is a deciding factor for sure. I think that if you just persevere in anything..you will become successful by default.
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    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by tylerjaysen View Post

      I think that if you just persevere in anything..you will become successful by default.
      Partly true - but we only improve when we reflect upon our mistakes. If you preserve, and reflect in an effort to continuously improve, then success can surely be a matter of time...
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  • Profile picture of the author algrant
    Thanks Dee i believe it is important to learn from peoples negatives and mistakes, that's why i read biographies of successful business people. The theory being if you make a list of their mistakes you will over time see a common trend. When you understand why people have failed in the past then it is quite clear that you shouldn't do what they failed at, or at least learn from it. Well presented Thanks.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6900983].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Vincent Garner
    great tips!

    thanks for sharing!
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  • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
    Just today, I had to go back to this article and remind myself of some of the issues that tend to creep back into my working life...

    Never hurts to remind yourself of your bad habits and become a bigger better you.

    Wishing you all a prosperous run up to the Christmas season!
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  • Profile picture of the author jordianis
    Originally Posted by Venturetothetop View Post

    After looking back over my early years, and even troughs in my IM career, I can see reasons as to why I was not successful. These reasons may also explain why you also are not being successful - YET...

    Feel free to add to these, so it becomes a definative list.

    9 Reasons:

    1) I listened to far to many people.

    Whenever you need advice, you ask around. The problem is that if you ask on a forum like this, you can get thousands of answers, which can actually just confuse you or give you information overload (which actually slows you down).


    • Be very specific in your questions. Do not just ask how do I make money, but be specific 'How can i write and anrticle and make money form it today'
    • Do not collect advice. Take advice from someone who has the life you want. Stick with them until they can offer no more advice then add a new mentor.

    2) I did not have a mentor:

    Of course you can do it without a mentor, but it will just take you 3 or 4 times as long. I struggled initially on my own before I accidently found a great mentor. What this guy taught me within 6 months, changed my life and success story forever.


    • Find someone who has the life you want and convince them that you are worthy to be mentored
    • Catch their attention throught comments on their blog that are thoughtful - its so simple and it works, just be consistant.
    • Think what you can do for them in return. Why should they invest time in you and not someone else?

    3) I focused on way too many things at once.

    One of my big problems was the fact I could not finish anything but could always dream of great new projects. Its what I term the 'entrepreneurs curse'. Entrepreneurs are creative and as such have a hard time doing the routine managing, they excel at the creative managing.

    The problem is, when I worked on too many projects, none of my projects got the attention they deserved and as such their performances were always under par, until I learned to focus on one thing and do it well.


    • Use my 'Rule of Three' which means you always think in threes. Write down the three most imprortant tasks of the day. What are the three key features that your product must have, what are the three key messages your readers should learn etc. It helps you prioritise and stay focused on what is important
    • Don't overcomplicate thinngs. Think in three and prioritise

    (So many people have messaged me about how to obtain a mentor - so i created this specific thread to help you (Click here)- be sure to read it after finishing this article)

    4) I never finished things.

    Half finished goods got me nowhere as I could not sell them or do anything with them. A mentor helped me focus and finish off one project before moving to the next, and suddently success started to knock at my door...


    • Learn to accept that one finished product is worth more then 100 half finished projects.
    • Do not aim for perfection, just finish it. Once it is finished work on improving it for perfection, but often you find the product is good enough already.

    5) I did not listen to the advice given to me.

    Strange, I woudl ask for advice but then not take it. I would make excuses as to why it would never work for me - such as he already has a bigger list. He is already well known etc. Only when I had a confrontational conversation with my mentor did he kick my ass into action and stop me making excuses.


    • If you trust the person, trust the advice. Try it...
    • IF you want the lifestyle your advisor has, then accept that they know something that you do not know or understand yet.

    6) I did not really believe I could be successful.

    Strange, it was my aim to be successful but I kept making excuses so I would not have to try. I made it very difficult for myself to be successful until I learnt that I have nothing to lose by trying. I would only end up where I am already, so by trying I can only gain knowledge or experience, and in the best case actually achieve success.


    • Understand that most people are not successful on the first few attempts. That is why it is called a learning curve.
    • Surround yourself with people who are successful. There is a reaon why powerful and successful people follow this rule.
    • Believe it is possible or you are just wasting your time and energy.

    7) I was just to lazy.

    I could spend so much time getting distracted and actually doing nothing. I had to admit, I was just too lazy.

    • Do something, it always better then doing nothing
    • I hung my 'Four Magic Words' above my computer: 'This is useful because' and I asked myself that all the time.

    8) I could not prioritise

    I briefly covered this earlier, but my lack of ability to prioritise meant that when I learn to work hard, I forgot to work smart and what is improtant. I would be working, but not getting anywhere fast as I had forgot about what was most important.


    • Remember the rule of three. Ask youself at the beginning of the day: 'What three tasks are most important'
    • Write down all your task on a piece of paper and number them:
    • 1 = urgent, 2 = important, 3= perhaps should do
    • Do the 1's first, then 2's. Forget 3's for now.
    • Put all your tasks on post it notes and have the satisfaction of throwing them away whenever you finish one.

    9) I did not have anyone to hold me accountable.

    The best atheletes have forfeits if they miss training, and a coach who measures their performance and tells them off if they are slacking, yet I for some reason felt I could do it all alone.

    • Find yourself an accountibility partner to help yourself be accountable (I used my mentor, who would not talk to me unless I had done the tasks i promised)

    I hope you find these useful. Remember, the road to success is supposed to be a little challenging, it makes us respect the journey once we finally make it there.

    If you struggle with many of these things... I've started a FREE video series to help (mainly for beginner marketers) - Click here to view

    This is so true, thanks for the advise
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  • Profile picture of the author chukster
    Great tips laszsiness was a big one for me but I manged to overcome it by using pain to drive me to get where I want and focusing on a goal that will drive me to success
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  • Profile picture of the author Dong Lee
    Brilliant tips - thank you very much for these. It should be post of the year, everyone should seen this post, great job !
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  • Profile picture of the author cheynan
    What's the best advice you could give to a highschool kid looking for success. What things do you wish you would've learned at that age. I can make nice sites but I never get any buys with my affiliates even with paid advertizing. Should I get out of this type of business?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7261807].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Mikestankowski
    Great stuff, thanks!

    Discover How To Quit Your Job And Work Online In My Free Video Course!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7265540].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author timoteocruz
    Thanks for the share Kumar. Your post is very helpful to us newbies.
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  • Profile picture of the author tjonesga
    I already knew that I sucked at the top nine, I was so wanting to have my question answered.
    The real challenge for me has been not defining my stick points but to define my success. To compound that success, to amplify small moments in time that would roll into large results. Sometimes I just need to give myself a break and see that my efforts are great in little ways.

    Affiliate links are not allowed.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7267129].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by tjonesga View Post

      I already knew that I sucked at the top nine, I was so wanting to have my question answered.
      The real challenge for me has been not defining my stick points but to define my success. To compound that success, to amplify small moments in time that would roll into large results. Sometimes I just need to give myself a break and see that my efforts are great in little ways.
      Interesting a few people have mentioned something similar. I have a new ebook out soon, which should answer many of these questions... I'll shout here when it is done, although i do have a habit of giving it away in the War room.. so who knows...
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLow
    Thanks for the great post
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  • Profile picture of the author pitidiren
    great post, thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author RyanLow
    Fantastic advice. Rule 3 has been my Achilles heel, will certainly take your advice to heart. Thanks.
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  • Profile picture of the author eugenedm
    People are not perfect but I like your list. It's a realistic list of why many people are not successful. Anyway, the definition of success is not the same for each of us. Some would think earning $1M a year is being successful, others think less than that while the rest require more money to feel they're really successful.

    WARNING: A 50 Million Dollar Man Taught Me His Secret... Which Resulted 6,000 Sign-ups on My Email List.

    "It's easier than you think..."

    => Watch this video here...
    Build Your List to 6,000 Subscribers

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7281758].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author anas_amigos
    Great tips ... wonderful.
    Number fr is my problem
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  • Profile picture of the author CyborgX
    Suddenly I came by this post and was very much pleased by seeing this thread. Old post but useful post. Great share.
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  • Profile picture of the author abinboston
    Great list that many of us can relate to.
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  • Profile picture of the author barefut
    You could simplify the opposite of what not to do (what you should do)

    Self discipline. If you lack that, get that out of the way, then you are ready to start
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  • Profile picture of the author techbul
    A very useful post. I will include some points in my to-do list.
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  • Profile picture of the author aerm85
    I think that these are the top 3>
    1.) Not have a mentor
    2) Too Lazy
    3) Not an actiontaker or finish things.

    Best Regards.

    Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7869948].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Venturetothetop
      Originally Posted by aerm85 View Post

      I think that these are the top 3>
      1.) Not have a mentor
      2) Too Lazy
      3) Not an actiontaker or finish things.

      Best Regards.
      Yeah those were the three I struggled with the most. The last year I have almost conquered all three, so much so that people are now amazed at what I get done. Just finishing things opens up so many more opportunities... you will never get a book deal without finishing a plan/draft, you will never get investment without writing a business plan... it all starts with the basic action.

      Sometimes you make your own luck...
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    Thank you for sharing It could not have come at a better time.
    http://www.charlesmomo.com Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[7869981].message }}
  • Thanks so much for this post. I need to remember these things because I've done all of these things and it probably accounts for me spending way more money than I've made via IM (none). Thanks again
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  • Profile picture of the author Ionizing Ideas
    Really really true.. Two things
    No mentor and not completing things.. They wont lead you anywhere in any field of Life.. Great share..
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