Anyone Can Give Me A Tip on Quitting Smoking?

34 replies
My first day today and that patch is itchiiiing....
#give #quitting #smoking #tip
  • Profile picture of the author cscott5288
    eat alot of tomatoes--it worked for me
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      tomatoes?? gonna try that thank you!

      any more advice?
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  • Profile picture of the author slipondajimmy
    Chantix. My Girlfriend was on it and it worked wonders. It took a few months on the pill and she has now been smoke free for about 7 months.
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    • Profile picture of the author Delta423
      Hey I agree with slipondajimmy above Chantix is a great prescription that will take away the erge for the nicotine. But you need to make sure that you fill your smoking habit time with something constructive to keep away the habit part of smoking.
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      • Profile picture of the author Delta423
        Originally Posted by slipondajimmy View Post

        Chantix. My Girlfriend was on it and it worked wonders. It took a few months on the pill and she has now been smoke free for about 7 months.
        :rolleyes: I agree with Chantix it is great.
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        • Profile picture of the author Tina Tiano
          Make a firm decision to quit!! You cannot "try" to quit smoking because it will never work. By saying you are trying to quit is giving yourself permission to fail before you even start. When you ask someone to meet you for a drink and they say they will 'try to come', how do you interpret that? You know they are not going to show up. They just didn't have to guts to tell you they didn't want to.

          When you make your decision to quit, that doesn't mean it is going to be easy going with no struggles. You are going to slip up ... the craving is still going to be there. But if your decision is firm, you will pick yourself up and start over. If you smoke one cigarette that does mean it's over. It means 'I smoked one cigarette and now I choose to not smoke any more. I quit!"

          It is not about the setbacks ... it's all about the comebacks. I have had this discussion with my mother on numerous occasions ... and she keeps 'trying' to quit.
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    • Profile picture of the author DavesVenture
      Although not a smoker myself, but an avid student on the use of natural remedies to prevent illness, I read an article a while back about the use of lemons to help decrease nicotine cravings in smokers.

      The article stated that sucking on a lemon the moment one feels the nicotine cravings kicking in, helps to reduce the cravings for a smoke.

      The lemon tends to satisfy the body's demand to achieve an alkaline state since cigarettes tend to revert the body into an acidic state. Not to mention that the tartness and acid composition of lemons may act in conjunction to counteract cravings.

      It may appear kind of odd to be suckling on a lemon when everyone else in a group is puffing away on a tar stick. No doubt you'll get weird looks. But it might be worth a try if only for the benefits of picking up a healthy habit.

      Perhaps, adding fresh squeezed lemon juice with a little honey to your daily diet would serve as an added benefit.

      Other remedies that have helped others is hypnotherapy, acupuncture, and herbs in capsule and tea form. A stop at a health food store would be ideal for suggestions of what is most effective.

      If all else fails and you prefer not to drop smoking something, you may want to try herbal cigarettes which contain different herbs and are safer than marijuana, and a lot safer than the chem filled cigarettes. A Google search for "herbal cigarettes" will lead you to various sites.

      At the very least, you may learn something new about natural smoking remedies.

      Hope something here helps, and much success to you.
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      • Profile picture of the author ildarius
        Thank you warriors knew I could count on your advice and support, especially DavesVenture, I'm grateful you took the time to write this whole post, I will definetly try lemons and tomatoes.
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        • Profile picture of the author DavesVenture
          Your welcome, ildarius.

          Healthy is the way to go.
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  • Profile picture of the author Norma Holt
    Originally Posted by ildarius View Post

    My first day today and that patch is itchiiiing....
    The thing that stopped me smoking was an article in the Readers Digest on cancer. It said that if you stop smoking and don't develop cancer in the next 30 years you will probably not get it.

    I watched my grandmother die of cancer and my father-in-law and there was no way I wanted that in my life. The inspiration to stop were my children who were breathing the gases I exhaled into the room where they were. It was only after I quit that I came to realise the awful stench that smokers impart to others. It is foul and the smoke is suffocating.

    If you have problems keep a packet of cigarettes nearby and when the urge is too great light it and feel how it make you dizzy, even sick, and then tell yourself about the cancer. You will only take one puff before you put it out and the next time you crave one it will be longer and longer so that you can go for days, weeks, years and never crave another.

    Once you give them up health floods in and you begin to taste and smell things with more awareness, especially food. It certainly has its

    I once saw an interview with some cigarette manufacturers. Not one of them smoked and they bluntly said that it was only fools who smoke their product. They admitted manufacturing them because of the number of fools who bought them.

    They are drugs and the way they get your money is to put a hook in your lips like a fish caught on a line. Are you going to let them tug you along or caste out the hook and swim your own way. Don't be a fool be a survivor.

    God bless

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    • Profile picture of the author Planet Mark
      Originally Posted by Norma Holt View Post

      ...keep a packet of cigarettes nearby and when the urge is too great light it...
      Erm, could this be nominated as the single worst piece of advice for someone in the early stages of giving up smoking (in the world, ever ) - the rest of the post was pretty inspirational though - so meant tounge-in-cheek.

      I was a 'chainy' for more than 20 years and quit around a year ago. The single biggest help was the back of an old envelope... I wrote the following simple message: 'Proud to become a non-smoker, for my family present and future.'

      Well, so far so good!

      Cheers, Mark
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      • Profile picture of the author Norma Holt
        Originally Posted by Planet Mark View Post

        Erm, could this be nominated as the single worst piece of advice for someone in the early stages of giving up smoking (in the world, ever ) - the rest of the post was pretty inspirational though - so meant tounge-in-cheek.

        I was a 'chainy' for more than 20 years and quit around a year ago. The single biggest help was the back of an old envelope... I wrote the following simple message: 'Proud to become a non-smoker, for my family present and future.'

        Well, so far so good!

        Cheers, Mark
        The reason for the pack on hand is to stop the cravings as other forces come into play when you can look at that pack and not require to smoke. When and if you do light one, having not had one for a while, the effect of the dreadful feeling it brings on reminds you of the horror of smoking and what it is actually doing to your body.

        Don't use patches or other substitutes as they are prolonging the addiction. Its methadone to drug users. They give up the drugs and are hooked on methadone. Get rid of the hooks and survive as a free swimmer in life's wonderful ocean of good health.

        God bless

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    • Profile picture of the author tommyp
      Originally Posted by Norma Holt View Post

      I once saw an interview with some cigarette manufacturers. Not one of them smoked and they bluntly said that it was only fools who smoke their product. They admitted manufacturing them because of the number of fools who bought them.
      I don't know if that's the same interview that I am thinking of but if it is then they were a little more blunt than that!

      Someone once told me that when he was in the hospital he and some other people were in a room watching a documentary about cigarette companies.

      When the interviewer asked some guy who worked at one if he smoked, his reply was...

      "No, because smoking is just for niggers and white trash"
      Everybody got pissed off and got talking but then guess what they did...

      They all when outside and lit up.

      That's how strong those things are.

      Many addictions have been dealt with successfully by sending electrical impulses through the brain, using something like a Brain Tuner.

      In an interview I heard with Bob Beck (the guy who discovered there was a suppressed discovery of the cure for AIDS and then made it easy by creating a gadget he freely gave away the schematics for) that they had successfully gotten people to beat alcohol, heroine, crack and almost anything you could think of using the Brain Tuner but that they couldn't get people off cigarettes.

      It's supposedly the most addictive drug there is (AND IT'S LEGAL AND THE MOST EASILY ATTAINABLE ONE!)

      Go figure.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gold Expert
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    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Aren't those patches created by the cigarette companies?

      The above techniques may work, but if you want the EASIEST and FASTEST way to stop smoking- go to a professional hypnotist. Its proven and some offer money back guarantees. I know many people have gone threw it and it does work BUT, you MUST want to quit and not be negative about it.

      Good Luck

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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      • Profile picture of the author ildarius
        but those patches are just amazing, it's been 3 days since I'm wearing them and it's as if I still smoke regularly, I have no cravings at all!

        I wonder how i'm going to feel when it's time to stop wearing them, but at least i'm not getting the other 3000 chemicals in my lungs just nicotine.

        The studies also compared Chantix to Nicorderm and Nicoderm turns out to be only slightly less effective. (I'm talking 5% difference)!
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        • Profile picture of the author easmsw
          I am currently on Chantix and have been smoke free for 3 weeks. Chantix is very effective because it actually works on the part of your brain that craves cigarettes. You are suppose to take it for 3 months. I am just taking it for 1 month to get me going.

          Now, every time that I want to smoke, I think of all of the money I am saving by not buying a pack. Since packs are over $5.00 that has been a huge incentive for me. I also tell myself quite frequently that I am healthy and smoke free.
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  • Profile picture of the author todd wetzelberger
    Wow, I'm surprised no one mentioned hypnosis. It's not 100% but I've been involved in pers. dev. (my own and others) a long time and the subconscious is 1000 times more powerful than the conscious mind in directing behavior.

    There are two challenges here w/ the nicotine and subconscious habit. Different things work for different people but your subconscious can be a very powerful ally in changing any habit.

    I've used hypnosis in past for peak performance in early 90's when I was running marathons. Unfortunately, the first experience was reimbursed by insurance.

    So, (this is how screwed up the medical model is) the MSW that did the hypnotherapy needed to find a "diagnosis" in the DSM IV and ask how I felt when my rubber duck was stolen as a child, etc to justify the insurance reimbursement.

    When I realized what a lark this was, I paid out of pocket for a hypnotist that worked w/ professional athletes from the Boston Bruins, Celtics, high performing execs. etc. Amazing the ability I had to push past limits, run through pain and really become mentally tough.

    I doubt if I could have done it on my own through sheer willpower. Didn't mean to go deep here, but believe me when I tell you how powerful the subconscious mind is in overcoming any challenge if we'll let it and get past the baggage of our conscious mind.

    btw, my wife's mother stopped smoking w/ hypnotism as well.

    Hope that's helpful and gives you another option if needed. My father died last year from cancer that spread very fast to his brain. He smoked for years and it saddens me to see the addiction and difficulty in breaking free. I hope you find something that works.
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      But not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis, I know I'm not.
      I looked into it as well, I heard some bad stories about it, some people say
      it can give you a permanent headache. I know it sounds like an urban
      legend, but that's what prominent people say.
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  • Profile picture of the author todd wetzelberger
    yes, hypnosis not for everyone, and if it's square peg in round hole for you, I hope the remedies suggested are helpful. I wish you luck w/ it.
    beat crooked banksters and shady debt collectors
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  • Profile picture of the author Li Weng
    I'm not a smoker myself, but I've seen others quite by eating apples. So whenever you get the urge, just eat an apple.

    - Insert backlink here -

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    • Profile picture of the author MaskedMarketer
      Originally Posted by ildarius View Post

      But not everyone is susceptible to hypnosis, I know I'm not
      EVERYONE has the potential to be hypnotized. You do have a subconscious mind, right? So, Hypnosis CAN work for you.

      Do you know whats stopping you? Its your own limiting belief. Even someone resisting hypnosis can be hypnotized/ persuaded with someone skillful enough- although everyone is different.

      You really have to want to hypnotized and believe in yourself. Skeptical people are always harder to hypnotize because of there belief system. You may be difficult to hypnotize, but you do have the potential to be susceptible to its change and your just holding yourself back.

      Originally Posted by todd wetzelberger View Post

      Wow, I'm surprised no one mentioned hypnosis.
      You must have missed my post

      "One Man's Ceiling is Another Man's Floor

      "I Pay Less Attention to What Men Say. I Just Watch What They Do."
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  • Profile picture of the author Glenny61
    If you still need some help check out EFT (
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  • Profile picture of the author RhondaM
    I dont want to scare monger - but more of a word of warning.

    Think very carefully before taking champix. Apparently they are either withdrawing them from UK or are looking into it as there have been cases of very normal people suffering from depression and even a number of suicides that have been linked to the drug in UK over a few years.... I cannot remember the exact details, but I know it was enough to put me off trying it. What is the point of quitting something that may kill in the long run for something that may kill you (or make you kill yourself) even quicker!

    I am going to be trying the sedona method, which works for other things I have tried it for - I will let you know how I get on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
    I wonder how many ebooks are being written about this post right now...

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author jayden.fellze
    Sheer will power is what is needed. You should be able to understand the problems and dangers of smoking since you are educated enough. So if you decide to quit, then divert your mind, engage yourself into some lighter activities, not the ones which are tough and strenuous as they may corner you to have a smoke to ease yourself. So just concentrate on something you like very much and whenever you get that urge, again divert yourself into something. You can also try yoga and meditation for good relief. You can also have some write-ups about the evil effects of smoking and keep them in front of your working place so that you are constantly reminded of the negative impact of smoking.
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      Thank you for all of the replies, it's been 9 days and I'm completely smoke free and I feel great!

      Nicoderm 100 thumbs up.

      - Feel like I just had a cigarette every minute of the day
      - Feeling great (no stress at all)
      - Sleep like a baby

      This stuff is amazing!!! I feel like running an affiliate program for it, would write the most
      convincing review
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  • Profile picture of the author Doug Simons
    Chantix I am using Chantix and it actually works. I get lost in my work and the next thing a couple hours went by and I didn't even think about smoking
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe1204
    Whether you can quit entirely is all in the mind.
    You will need to build the habit in order to sustain as a non-smoker.
    Good luck.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Tiffany
    Its all about willpower. I smoked for about 15 years before finally giving up (I havn't smoked in about 4 years now). I had many failed attempts over the years and tried the patches and gum without any success. When I did give up it was like a switch being turned off, suddenly I was a non smoker. The trigger for this switch was when my mother apologised to me for having terminal lung cancer - it was a huge shock.

    I had of course heard all about cancer and how bad it is. It's definately one of those things that unless you go through it yourself you never really understand. Sadly, it seems that so many people these days are affected.

    You have already won part of the battle by deciding that you want to quit. Now all you need is willpower.
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    • Profile picture of the author ildarius
      Please accept my deepest condolences
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Edwards
    Throw your lighter away (lol)

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    • Profile picture of the author submit_articles
      Took me awhile to stop smoking...
      Every time u feel the itch, just go do something an apple, watch TV or whatever. Give yourself time to kick the habit. It's irritating at first, but it gets easier over time.
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      • Profile picture of the author dsanchez
        I have never been a smoker but I know a lot of people who do and understand how hard this addiction can be.

        For me, there is no better solution to quit than to actually learn about the consequences. Search online about lung cancer, and I know this sounds drastic, but if you somehow can contact people who are very sick because of being smokers all their life, and you can see first hand how bad they feel and all the medications and sometimes painful treatment they have to endure, along with the suffering of their family, that's the best incentive to quit.

        Visualize yourself going through all that and giving your family that pain of seeing you suffer, and I'm sure this will help.

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