Its Time To Be Held Accountable!
Like a lot of fellow Warriors here, I spend too much time reading on this site, and find myself saying..."Oh, that's a great idea, that's what I am going to try!"
Only to come across another idea 10 seconds later, and like a kid on Christmas morning I am off to the next "present".
Needless to say, not much gets done.
This IM journey we are all on can be a darn lonely one at times, and I think that is why this site is so great. We can come together and share and realize that there are other people out there who are doing the same things.
Yesterday I watched a video that was sent to me from a well known online marketer and of course I watched it as I always do with almost everything that is sent to me. (I know this is not a smart thing to do. I appreciate the "Focus" comments but its something I am working on)

...Anyway, as I was watching the video and hearing much of the same stuff you hear over and over again, there was one point that caught my ear. It was that of an "Accountability Group". Of course I know about the concept of the MasterMind Group, but for some reason when it was put in this context it seemed to click with me.
I guess there is not really much difference between the two, but I think I like the AG name a little better.
As I said, feeling like you are trying to make this work all by yourself can be frustrating and probably leads to many people just giving up! I wholeheartedly agree with the NEVER GIVE UP mindset, but I also realize that having that support can work wonders.
Example: You are working on a website or blog that you need to get up. You know it needs to be done ASAP but you keep putting it off, and your dog (or cat) who is your only real business partner isn't much help!
If somebody you knew (fellow AG Member) was gently "nudging" you to get it done, you may just get your backside in gear.
By "Nudge" I mean placing a certain external expectation on your work so that you are accountable to someone besides yourself.
SO, with all that being said. I wanted to gauge the interest in an Accountability Group of sorts. A small group (maybe 5) of people who don't necessarily have to have the exact same goals as far as IM, but can help to keep each other going and share strategies and motivation on a regular basis.
This forum does that on a very large scale already, but I think it might be more productive to have a smaller group as well.
Just thought I would throw that out there. Any thoughts, suggestions or comments are appreciated. Take care!
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