Focus-You Have To Have It
Granted, focus doesn't come naturally to us, but it's very important in the Home-Based Industry. You can have all the business savvy and all the experience in the world, but having no focus is like being an octopus on roller skates......All the movement, but getting nowhere.
So what's the solution for someone in business and seemingly getting nowhere? Focus on what you can do, not on what you can't.
Because of this time of so many business opportunities, most people find themselves pulled in all different directions. The bad part about this is that most often, people find themselves spending most of their time on things they don't really care about. A famous author put it this way "Our world is one where people don't know what they want and are willing to go through hell to get it."
Since focus doesn't come naturally to most people, being able to concentrate is one of the first laws to success. That is, bringing all your energy to one point and being able to go to that point not looking to the left nor right.
Ask yourself today, are you vigilant about how you spend your time? How about who you're spending your time with? How's your time fitting into the bigger picture and most importantly, is it producing results?
Having focus can bring tremendous power. Without it, you'll be left feeling drained and unable to accomplish much, thus wasting your time!
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