Clean your mind, not your desk

by stepan
7 replies

Life can get very frustrating . There is so much on your plate, there is so much you have to think about, your brain panics over what seems like hundreds of large insurmountable tasks and fears that need to be dealt with.

That's where I used to find myself when I had to think about Physics tests, Biology papers, looming exams and four hour AP calculus tests on top of girls, business and abs.

Obviously, I did what I thought was the most logical thing to do.

I cleaned my desk.

When that didn't work, I cleaned my room.

When that didn't work I cleaned my computer.

While I was doing that, my desk got messy again and the cycle continued!

No matter how spiffy and well organized your computer is, you still won't feel de-cluttered.

I found an exercise in Eben Pagan's Wake-up productive program to clear my mind, and it was so effective that I had to share it with you..

1. Take out a blank peace of paper, and for 15 minutes, write everything that's on your mind; everything that keeps you up when you're about to go to sleep.

NOTE: It's important to actually do this for 15 minutes. After writing a couple of sentences, you may feel the urge to stop, but if you get over it pages of thoughts will begin to flow.(I filled two pages double-sided! It's amazing what the brain can process)

2. Go over each item and mark what is out of your control with a check-mark, and what is under your control with a pound ( * )

3. Once you finish that, go through it all and transcribe 5-10 items you have control over to another paper in priority sequence.

4. When you go over the items out of your control, truly admit to yourself that you have no control over them. Say that you will no longer think abut it..

You just made a new to-do list that is completely under your control, and you reduced what you have to think about by ****loads!

#clean #desk #mind
  • Profile picture of the author pethanks
    I agree, if you want to be successful one thing you will do is to empty your cup.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3214462].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author stepan

      For everyone who is buying WSO after WSO, consider letting go of all of the except for one, and focus on it completely for a month. It's a 100 times more likely that you'll make some serious cash, and you'll definitely learn more from it.

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  • Profile picture of the author AshtonPereira
    very true, we need to look at ourselves first.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3217450].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author naruq
      You Must Program Your Mind and Consciousness Daily.

      Please do not use affiliate links in signatures

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  • Profile picture of the author Perseus Shearer
    You take 4-hour AP calculus tests on top of girls? That must be very distracting...

    Perseus Shearer
    house painting Learn SEO

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  • Profile picture of the author stepan
    Lol yes! Also an interesting way to cheat
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[3219134].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author StephanieMojica
    Great topic, shows why Eben Pagan has been so phenomenally successful.

    Reminds me of a Christian Mickelsen talk I listened to recently...he said some of the most successful people he ever met had messy desks.

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