77 replies
Hello Fellow Warriors,

I feel like such a stupid loser and I feel bad. Here's the deal over the past year or so I have been studying IMing and I recently read Niche Marketing on Crack, I am registered with Amy's Niche Blogger program and have been on it for 4 months, plus I have the SEOpress Formula as well, Now I know that with the combination of all three information products I can do wonders plus I have the senuke program, a hostgator account, Micro Niche Finder and an income where I can purchase domains like 5 - 10 domain names a week if I wanted too, but I get stuck at finding niches, I haven't implemented any of Amy's stuff because I wanted to be a couple of months behind so that when I start I will not have to wait till the next day or week for the next step. I know one I am a smart person and I can do anything I put my mind too but I feel like I won't make it because I am not as savy as other people at finding niches and I feel like I need someone to hold my hand and walk me through the niche finding process, I guess I am scarred to waist my money on a domain and the niche turns out not to be profitable. yeah I know you have to do it, focus on one thing then branch off to something esle. I want to be able to make an extra 2-3,000/month maybe more, give out free ebooks or make one, it's just I am lost at the most basic step and thats the finding niches. Yeah you can make money in any niche if you know what you are doing and I do sort of. To be honest I am always putting things off because I am a What If girl , like:
What if I buy this domain and start on this niche and something better comes along.
What if I can apply Niche Marketing on crack with SEOpress Formula and Niche Blogger.
What if , What if What if, thats me all the way.

Please fellow warriors help me motivate me give me some obsticles you have to over come in the begining to be able to be the success you are today and any advice you can give me to get out of this rut.

Please Help - never leave a warrior behind,
Susie Que.
#adivce #loser
  • I'm sorry, dear. But you sound positively BRILLIANT to me.

    I'm telling you that you are already more successful than you realize, and that you should give yourself a break from thoughts that are not serving you through self-negating inner dialogue.

    Cease to put off doing what you know is right.

    Do what you know is right.

    Tell your thoughts to shut up already, because you've got the wheel and intend to stay on the course you're going to choose.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      You have everything in place - except yourself.

      "What if" will stop you cold. What if you die tomorrow - does that possibility mean you shouldn't do anything today? Of course not.

      I've found motivation comes AFTER I get started - not before. What if you don't succeed on your first project? It only means you are still where you are now. If you don't try, you will definitely be where you are now. Pick one.

      Stop the "what if", stop thinking about how much money you want to earn, stop dreaming about what you will spend it on. Stop worrying about "something better" - most of the "new" stuff advertised is only a variation of same stuff many of us have done for years. That mindset will lead to failure as you will jump here, there and everywhere and buy everything in sight - and do nothing. Don't let that happen.

      Step one - stop buying! You don't need anything else to get going.

      Stop second guessing people who are doing this stuff successfully. If Amy's putting out info weekly it's likely because that is the pace needed to get it right. The girl's good - follow her lead.

      You aren't ready to buy multiple domains - buy one and put something on it. Work on that one until you are fairly happy with it - then get another one if niches is your thing. Each project you do will be better than the previous one.

      Treat business like business - not like an emotional roller coaster. Investing emotional highs and lows into everything you do online will burn you out quickly. Focus on your projects - not your feelings.

      Clearly, you are smart enough to do this well. You will fail at times but if you persist your successes will outweigh your failures.

      There - is that enough tough love for you?:rolleyes:

      Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
      One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
      what it is instead of what you think it should be.
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      • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
        Originally Posted by Kay King View Post

        I've found motivation comes AFTER I get started - not before.
        I'm gonna print that out in big text and stick it to my wall.
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Nehs
      Originally Posted by DynamicMentalFitness View Post

      Tell your thoughts to shut up already
      Great stuff in this thread.

      Susie, Overload, Overload, and more overload. Do not add any more new information.

      Pick 1 of the programs you already have that makes the most sense to you and put it into action.

      You are a winner that just needs to get on track. For me, what to work on next is the toughest part of IMing.

      All the Best, Mark Nehs

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  • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
    I've been struggling with motivation myself. I've been trying to get my wife interested in IM, and for her first venture I wanted everything to run smoothly. I've tossed around idea after idea after idea, and have yet to follow through with any of them. I have gotten so caught up in picking the 'perfect' one that I haven't done a damn thing.


    I read NewbiesDiary's thread in the main forum and it kicked my ass into gear. At this point, I know I need to pick a plan and take action. That's it! I have my selection narrowed down to 3 different concepts. I'm putting them in a hat and picking one out - no second chances. Once I have the concept I'm going with, I'm writing up a mind map to follow - step by step by step. Then, step one followed by step two followed by step three and so on.

    So what if I fail?

    So what if I do? While I have several reasons for needing to get something going NOW - baby on the way, 20K knee surgery, Christmas, etc - I know that I have a 90% chance (or more) of failure. I don't care!

    I just don't want to fail the same way twice!

    That means that if I use what I learned during the first failure, my chances of failure on the next try are down to 85%. I think you can see the pattern here. I can read all the books and watch all the videos and listen to all the audio and study and gain information all I want, but...


    I don't remember where I read it, but somewhere it's written that information is not the same as knowledge. Until you use the information and see if it works, how it works, why it works, when it works, who it works on, it is useless! Once that information is USED it is released into your head, and becomes something greater. It becomes knowledge - and knowledge is power!

    You can overcome your worst enemy - yourself - just by taking action. It doesn't matter the outcome, because if you learned something, you haven't actually failed. The only time you truly fail is if you don't try again.

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  • Profile picture of the author InternetM39482
    Some great advice has already been given in the thread.

    First of all, believe in yourself and take decisions based on that. Never think "What if..?". There is a risk in everything, you cannot stop taking action just because there is a risk!
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  • Profile picture of the author Mari_Quint
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    • Profile picture of the author beachgirl
      Originally Posted by Mari_Quint View Post

      And lastly, my advice is to stop the negative thoughts. It'll weigh you down and burn you out eventually.

      If you can take charge of your negative thoughts, that is half the battle. Don't let them get the best of you......when one enters your mind immediately replace it with a positive thought.

      And watch your words........promise yourself that you will never say you are a loser again. Start telling yourself that you are a winner! The battle to be won is in your own mind.

      You can do it!
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  • Profile picture of the author ECoughlin

    Thanks for posting this question because I was motivated by all the answers. Hope you were, too! ;-)

    One thing I've learned in my many years of IM (3+, lol ) is that you've got to start somewhere. Even if you "fail", you'll learn valuable lessons in the process like what NOT to do next time!

    And to borrow a well-worn phrase... just do it, already.

    All the Best,

    Hey, my name is Eunice.
    I've been an Internet Marketer since 2005.
    If you want to, you can connect with me on Facebook and Twitter. :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Davis
    This is an older blog post of mine, but I think it fits some of what you are going through:

    "I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that' precisely why I succeed." -- Michael Jordan
    If you're like me, you've tried many times to be a success, and many times found yourself failing in your pursuit. It might be in education, business, sports, or any of a thousand different areas. You felt you gave it your best shot, but in the end ended up falling flat on your face.

    It is my contention that those times of failure are actually stepping-stones to true success. If every time you get knocked down, you get back up, you prove that you are truly a success at heart, even if your immediate circumstances could be described as anything but successful.

    Every failure is a lesson. And what determines whether we will eventually succeed or not is what we learn from that lesson. On the positive end, we can learn not to repeat the same mistakes. Or we can learn how to slightly refine what we were doing, to the point that we get different results. On the negative side, we can just give up, and walk away from even trying.

    I like what John Ortberg said in his book, If You Want to Walk on Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat.

    Failure does not shape you; the way you respond to failure shapes you. Sir Edmund Hillary made several unsuccessful attempts at scaling Mount Everest before he finally succeeded. After one attempt he stood at the base of the giant mountain and shook his fist at it. "I'll defeat you yet," he said in defiance. "Because you're as big as you're going to get but I'm still growing."

    Every time Hillary climbed, he failed. And every time he failed, he learned. And every time he learned, he grew and tried again. And one day he didn't fail.
    One of our goals is to get to that point that the end result is not failure. In fact, we can look at it this way -- every failure we make brings us one step closer to success. And if we are not experiencing failure, I doubt that we're really making much of an effort at all.

    To Your Success,

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  • Profile picture of the author Mike Williams
    It's very reasonable and SMART to be very concerned about the niche and keywords you pick. Dumb marketers will pick one, it fails and give up.

    What you need to do is pick several combinations of keywords and product, and keep failnig (yes I said keep failing!) until you find the right combination of product-niche-keywords that works. THEN you run with it.

    So you need to find a way to get into a niche (or keywords within a niche) quickly and get out of there so you can find out if it's worth pursuing.

    You need to be able to do this without losing your shirt.

    PPC is the way I would do this, but you'll need a couple tricks up your sleeve so doing this sort of testing doesn't cost you 5 bucks per click. You can PM me for a technique I just learned on how to do exactly that.
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    • Profile picture of the author dorothydot
      I think it would be very wise to change the title of this thread... LOSE the LOSER.

      This shouts out to everyone that you've given up. Focus instead on something more realistic... How about Info Overload? or, I am a Student, Please help, etc.

      Again. Lose the negative self-labeling. It helps nobody and very very likely harms you.


      "Sell the Magic of A Dream"

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      • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
        Originally Posted by dorothydot View Post

        I think it would be very wise to change the title of this thread... LOSE the LOSER.

        This shouts out to everyone that you've given up. Focus instead on something more realistic... How about Info Overload? or, I am a Student, Please help, etc.

        Again. Lose the negative self-labeling. It helps nobody and very very likely harms you.

        Dot speaks truth here. You are what you say you are, and every time you say (or write) those words, you are reaffirming it to yourself. But, you have shown that you're tired of that! Always keep your mind on the positive - a venture didn't fail, you just learned more than you earned, right? You're not a failure because you haven't taken action, you're just needing help moving through the planning phase!

        You said you are a 'what if' kinda girl, right? The more you focus on what could be, the more you lose focus on what is. The truth is, no one here can predict the future. We can make guesses based on our experiences. So, the answer to all of your 'what if' questions will be "I don't know, I should try it and find out!"

        So take a step, even a tiny step forward. You'll be glad you did.

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  • Profile picture of the author Spike SpiegelIM
    Wow, some really excellent advice here that even I could use. Anyway you do sound like you know what you are doing, and you're on the right track. But you'll definitely need to lose that negative approach. It's all right to be worried of something, to acknowledge the potential risks and failure, but don't let it impair your ability to try. Take that step, and work your way up, focus on something and give it your all.
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  • Profile picture of the author vanessad
    Wow! Many, many really great posts in this thread.

    I just want to add a quote that helps me when I get in this mode of having so many options I become immobilized:

    "You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going."

    I'm sorry I don't remember who said it, but I thank them from the bottom of my heart. I know that if I just get it going, I can always tweek it later.

    Also, I realize that it can be difficult to change a lifetime habit of asking "what if?", so if you're going to ask the question at least make it work for you. You could change the question to "What if I don't do anything?" or "What if I do this and need to change later?" or "What if I do this and it turns out great?" or..... Well, you get the idea. Focus on the positive side.

    Live with passion and purpose!
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  • Profile picture of the author GoldenRule
    Wow guys and gals, great posts everyone! Stay positive there, Susie Que. I personally know how easy it can be to get down and overwhelmed. But don't give up and just have faith in yourself. I like the Michael Jordan quote.

    As for picking a niche, I would recommend picking something that you are passionate about it at all possible. This will be important because when you are passionate about something, you will keep going even when there are some obstacles. And since it is a passion, you will not only be excited with the project, you will have knowledge about the subject and your passion will show thru in any articles and/or ebooks you write about it.

    Remember, the saying 'the journey of 1000 miles started with 1 step'.

    Best wishes and keep us posted on your inevitable success!


    Ken Schumacher
    Golden Rule Enterprises
    Experience the supreme muscle car http://www.PontiacGTOs.com
    Do Remember, Expect Abundance & Miracles

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  • Profile picture of the author SusieQue
    Wow, this is like the family I always wanted, every time I go to talk to my family they are like well no one can make money on the Internet because every one else is so they try to discourage me but, Thanks to everyones post I am no longer going to make finding a niche my problem I am going to use the tools that I have and make it happen, I feel if the Micro Niche Finder and the SeNuke program give it the green light then I am going to go for it. Trial and error right, trial and error. I was watching the movie Meet the Robinsons and it gave me motivation as well since the moral was to keep moving forward and not dwell on the past and if you fail then you are closer to succeeding because you learn through failure right.

    Today I am going to research niches and see if the previous ones are any good, then I am going to apply Amy niche blogging since she answers posts when you are stuck. Today is the day where I will stop 2nd guessing myself and go for it If I lose ten buck oh well so be. Now more pitty partiess I have to take the plung and get it going. Wish me luck
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    • Profile picture of the author SickHippie
      Originally Posted by SusieQue View Post

      every time I go to talk to my family they are like well no one can make money on the Internet because every one else is
      This sounds like my family - and when I point out that they are complete idiots (nicer than that, of course - it's still my family) they get rather upset.

      If I like pie (money), I go to a bakery (the internet) to get a good pecan (my niche) pie. If I tell my family about it, they'll say that the bakery pie is no good because it's always so crowded there (market saturation). They say they would rather make their own pie (day job). I say they are idiots (which they are), get some money together (investment capital), call the bakery (market research), order a pecan pie (niche site), and go to the bakery to pick it up (paypal). Of course, I have to give them a little bit of money (fees), but I get a nice pie. I can then take that pecan pie and let people know that I'm willing to sell it by the slice - and if people bring me buyers, I'll give them a small slice of the pie (affiliates). Of course, I get contact info from everyone who comes to look at the pie and maybe buy some (build a list). Then when I get more pie, I have a way to let them know.

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      • Profile picture of the author vanessad

        What a cool analogy.

        I loved it!
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        • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
          If your having trouble picking a niche here's a real inexpensive way to find out if it converts. Go pick a few things to promote and grab a couple of domain names. Set up all the domain names to redirect to the products you want to promote. Write one or two articles on each niche for 7 days and submit them to ezine articles. Make your articles are exciting enough to make people click on you recourse box so that when they land on the affiliate page from your redirect they are ready to buy. Let the products sales page do the rest. After a week or two see which ones are converting. Now that you know they convert you can spend you time building landing pages, blogs etc. If you are not getting the conversions you were at the start then rework your landing page because you know the affiliate page already converts. It's cheap and a real easy way to know what is going to sell. Worst case it cost you a couple of dollars in domain names. Just start a blog with the ones that did not convert and flip them to make money.
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          • Profile picture of the author GreenEyes
            Originally Posted by Bryan Zimmerman View Post

            If your having trouble picking a niche here's a real inexpensive way to find out if it converts. Go pick a few things to promote and grab a couple of domain names. Set up all the domain names to redirect to the products you want to promote. Write one or two articles on each niche for 7 days and submit them to ezine articles. Make your articles are exciting enough to make people click on you recourse box so that when they land on the affiliate page from your redirect they are ready to buy. Let the products sales page do the rest. After a week or two see which ones are converting. Now that you know they convert you can spend you time building landing pages, blogs etc. If you are not getting the conversions you were at the start then rework your landing page because you know the affiliate page already converts. It's cheap and a real easy way to know what is going to sell. Worst case it cost you a couple of dollars in domain names. Just start a blog with the ones that did not convert and flip them to make money.
            Wow! Thanks for that bit of extremely helpful information. I'm just starting out myself and feel a lot like SusieQue. Actually, I think SusieQue is more ahead in the game than me but your short piece of information reads so simple and with instructions I can follow. Thanks again!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Nehs
      Originally Posted by SusieQue View Post

      Today is the day where I will stop 2nd guessing myself and go for it If I lose ten buck oh well so be. Now more pitty partiess I have to take the plung and get it going. Wish me luck
      Congratulations Susie. Be sure to keep us posted. You don't need luck you just need action and commitment and we know you are going to do both!!

      All the Best, Mark Nehs

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    • Profile picture of the author merigot123
      Wow! Many, many really great posts in this thread. Everything has been said already. All I can add is that failure is success turn upside down, you can learn from your failure by avoiding next time the same things that made you fail. To succeed you've to fail a bunch that's how you grow.
      I hope I made sense.

      "WARNING" The Truth About 100% Commission Programs You Are Not Being TOLD. CLick Here To Get It!
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  • Profile picture of the author Li Weng
    Hey maybe this will help.

    For research you can go to:

    Google Trends
    Ebay Pulse
    Ebay Catalogue

    - Insert backlink here -

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  • Profile picture of the author KelvinLee
    I understand your feeling because I was once like you. I behave in this way because I am starting this business on a shoestring budget and I always have the thought that I must do it right the first time.

    However, I finally found out that there is no way you can find something perfect and you got to make it perfect yourself through the experience of doing it.

    "Make it happen" is what I have to add here.
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  • Profile picture of the author FitJerk
    Ask your self this and be honest. If you answer an honest YES then IM is unfortunately NOT for you. Your trying too hard. If you are doing the right thing, it should flow, it should feel good, if it doesn't then your going against something. so STOP.

    so here's the question:

    and if you need more help, well here are MY sources of motivation.
    Maybe they can have a big impact on you as well. Read it!
    Sources of Motivation

    To be brutally honest, it seems that you are afraid of success. It sounds
    odd I know, but that's what I personally felt after I read what you wrote, in that case you need to resort to extreme measures. (A hard self assisted bitch slap works wonders)

    Cheers! ;-)

    - Sahil M
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    • Profile picture of the author SusieQue
      Originally Posted by metalslug View Post

      To be brutally honest, it seems that you are afraid of success.
      Metalslug, I think you hit it right on the head I do feel deep down that I am afraid of success I don't know why but yeah I am more scared of going above low-middle class or the fact that with success comes failure and I feel like if I fail when I am successful I will have more to lose than I gained, is that stupid or what, even off line I just noticed how I would quite a job as soon as they offer me a promotion but I am pass that and am willing to go the extra mile and get out of this rut.

      To answer the question mentioned earlier, no I am not confortable living a mediocor life so IM is for me.

      Right now I am writing a plan for me to stick with and I am researching niche with my Micro Niche finder and the google keyword tool as well.
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      • Profile picture of the author doylesoft

        I think the best thing you can do is JUST START!

        I opened my Clickbank account August 8th 2002 and my first sale came September 9th 2004. I have cleared the first hurdle. Now I am working on the second hurdle, getting consistent conversions daily. Then, I can really dig into the meat the potatoes of my goals.

        You just have to start, no matter what it is, START! You have the tools, you have the knowledge, now it's time to step outside of your shell and get your hands dirty.

        Please report back with your first conversion.

        Brandon Doyle
        http://doylesoft.com Simple, effective, and affordable software. Knowledge Base software.

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      • Profile picture of the author cnwoods
        Originally Posted by SusieQue View Post

        Metalslug, I think you hit it right on the head I do feel deep down that I am afraid of success I don't know why but yeah I am more scared of going above low-middle class or the fact that with success comes failure and I feel like if I fail when I am successful I will have more to lose than I gained, is that stupid or what, even off line I just noticed how I would quite a job as soon as they offer me a promotion but I am pass that and am willing to go the extra mile and get out of this rut.

        To answer the question mentioned earlier, no I am not confortable living a mediocor life so IM is for me.

        Right now I am writing a plan for me to stick with and I am researching niche with my Micro Niche finder and the google keyword tool as well.
        Susie, 3 things I want to share with you.

        First, looking at the fact that you have one of the most viewed threads in this part of the forum you're already a winner. You know how to catch attention. Critical skill online.

        Second, maybe you're feeling stuck and reluctant to progress because the things you're trying to do are things that have been sold to you, rather than things you've chosen for yourself. If they're in conflict with your core values, you need to stop, ask for a refund, and find something that makes you eager to progress.

        Finally, I thought from reading through your posts that you might have had that fear you mentioned above. Along with perfectionism (which I also suspect) they can turn you into a deer in the headlights. Since this is an area I love helping people in, can I suggest a fun exercise that can help? It won't be easy, I can tell you, but once you start on it, you'll find yourself laughing so hard your perfectionism won't have any hold on you anymore.

        The exercise is simply this: each and every day, you HAVE TO allow yourself to make 3 mistakes without correcting them. THREE. Even if it's as simple as misspelling a word and leaving it (didn't stop this thread from becoming hot, did it?) you need to ignore it and move on.

        It's been said that failing forward is the fastest path to success. If you take action on something expecting that it probably will fail, but you'll learn something in the process, the pressure comes off. I can't think offhand of a single example of a successful business/blog that was the first one the owner did. So, relax, sit back, and go with it until you hit that failure point. Who knows, there may even be some mini-successes that surprise you along the way. Then, pick up what you've learnt, and start the next 'failure' project. You really shouldn't expect any kind of success until you're at least on project number three! Meanwhile, you want to get through the first two as fast as possible...

        Best Wishes,
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  • Profile picture of the author Darrel Hawes
    Originally Posted by SusieQue View Post

    I feel like such a stupid loser and I feel bad.


    Please Help - never leave a warrior behind,
    Susie Que.
    Well I appreciate your honesty, but you haven't given up yet... therefore you're no loser in my book!
    Darrel Hawes - Blog
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  • Profile picture of the author homejobcreator
    Hi SusieQue,

    Great advice from all the other warriors!

    I am more or less where you are now and realized it had to change or I'll get nowhere.

    A sound method that I've started using is the following, and when I do it it works every time - it is a strategy for productivity as taught by Eben Pagan:

    When you start to work in the morning to use the 60, 60, 30 blocks strategy for the first couple of hours, i.e. work without any distractions (email, telephone, people) and only on your most important tasks. So you start completely focused for 50 min, take a 10 min break (drink, stretch), go back to another 50 min of focused work, then take a complete break, maybe a bit of exercise, small meal, etc.

    Try it!
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  • Profile picture of the author Neil Aberle
    Hi Suzie,

    I can totally relate to what you are feeling, because at first the IM field is so overwhelming!! So many offers, products, emails, it's enough to make your head spin!

    I know because I was just in that mode, trying to sort the wheat from the chaff and find something that WORKS, for over 3 months. I bought this and that product, (some very good ones mind you), but didn't apply them.

    And that was my mistake. And I suspect yours too.

    I think the biggest challenge newbies like me face is staying focussed and not getting distracted. Which is very hard, because everytime you do some new research, you get literally bombarded with all kinds of "cool stuff" that looks like it's the answer to your prayers.

    Anyway, I've moved on. I am now in "just do it" mode. And you know what, just typing this now is giving me a good feeling. I'm doing something!! Yay!~!

    So my advice: DO!!! Write an article and submit it. Post to a blog. Post to a forum. Every day! Don't spend all day browsing, looking at your emails, and spending more money, this won't get you anywhere. Apply all those things you've learned and get going! NOW!!!

    Hope this helps!

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  • Susie, you're awesome, and I know you can do it, and that you're GOING to do it.

    Breathe deep. Step out. There's nothing to fear.
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  • Profile picture of the author ThomasW
    After you succed, and you will, be sure to follow up your success with an ebook, or report about how you did it and make a WSO out of it to help others who are stuck.

    Sometimes thinking of how valuable you can be to other beginners will be the motivation you need to focus and get 'er done!
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  • Profile picture of the author SusieQue
    Wow, you guys are so nice and motivational I can cry really, you guys have faith in me and your trying to bring out what you know is already in me and I never had that before not even from my own family and I just now realized how I was lacking someone anyone to have a little faith in me as well as me having faith in myself, and you guys came along gave me hope and made me realize that if I commit and put the time in this I can do wonders and I have so many Ideas in my head that I get excited because once I get pass the whole finding a niche part I can branch my ideas in so many ways I get overwhelmed and don't no where to start because I think about everything I can do for marketing and branch off for more traffic but I will take it one day at a time one step at a time. I made a plan for my ventures and with the ideas I have in mind I will add it to my plan in a check list format. But I am on my way because I have so much free time at work that its like working on my computer from home so Mon-Fri I can invest like 5-6 hours on IM daily not including 3-4 hours at home and the weekend. Man writing this as open my eyes to the realization of what am i thinking I need to jump on the ban wagon, NO MORE GAMES, I am WINNER I AM A WINNER, I will make 10,000/month someday or years from now but that's my goal.
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  • Profile picture of the author writerval

    Thanks so much for starting this thread, and thanks to all that have participated.

    Susie, I'm so glad to hear you change from "I'm a loser" to "I'M A WINNER". We all make a lot of mistakes along the way. One of the most common mistakes is trying to go in too many directions at once. Pick a direction and go.

    Best of luck on your journey.


    "It's never too late to be what you might have been." ~ George Eliot

    Web Writing That Converts...Web Content That Captivates

    Learning About Happiness One Thought at a Time

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  • Profile picture of the author PowerWealth247
    As far as family or friends who can be discouraging, I recall an important bit of advise on being successful: If you can't change the people around you, then change the people around you. Very important.
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Flask
      Hey Susie,

      Gosh, you sound so much like me and what you are going through.

      With that, you are not the only one and what you struggle with is
      not unique to just you.

      All this second guessing and "What if's..." can be quite paralyzing.

      It's not so much about others having faith in you...that can be quite
      a motivating force.. but it's really about you having faith in
      yourself and your abilities.

      Fearing success is a normal response to change, positive change,
      you may not have experienced yet. Yes, there is always that fear
      of added responsibility that comes with it.

      But me personally, it's fear of being unable to do anything, being
      paralyzed unable to make a choice of what direction to go in.

      Look within yourself, you know you. And...you know you can do
      whatever you need to become successful.

      This forum is a great source of encouragement and guidance.

      This thread and a lot of the responses jut helped me get out a

      All the best,
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  • Profile picture of the author borilbogoev
    Hi SusieQue,

    You are doing pretty well, apparently the problem is with your motivation. I hope this will help:

    1. Know your outcome (keep an eye on your goal all the time).
    2. Take action (action is the only way to succeed ).
    3. See the result (there's no failure, there's only feedback).
    4. Adjust your actions (towards achieving your goal).

    Good luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author Todd Hallstrom
    Hi Suzie,
    I know your mind is really busy and the first thing is to quiet that down. Some times everything is overwhelming and to start up something new it seems like it just adds to the fire. I was in a profession where the organization brought in the best motivational, best mentors, best everything money could buy. When you're in a highly viewed business (NFL) there is alot of pressure. Number one don't get involved with anything until you are alright yourself. Your mind can do amazing things and I finally found a guy that teaches no RAH RAH no fluff just plain simple self help that is guaranteed to settle your mind down and have fun with your new business whatever that might be. Enjoy the Holidays.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yankabilly

    My son Brandon is only 16 and you should see his site, where he learn how to do all of it I don't know. I'm just glad he took ACTION and did it. He has written his first book and This SUNDAY night everyone will be able to get a FREE COPY I recommend you get a copy, again it's free and read it. Hopeful you will get a clear picture of what YOU have to do.

    Like I said he is 16 and Brandon makes me proud because of how fast he has learn. He knows he has a lot more to learn and I know he will and that's all that matters it's not always about the money. You yourself can do this No Doubt about it! Just take ACTION and do it.. Don't think for a minute that you can't...

    Remember anybody can talk about doing something.
    Right here is the best place for help and the best place to learn.

    May God Bless You in all you do
    John & Brandon McCollister

    Discover A SIMPLE System For Generating Fast & Easy Money On Money On Complete Auto Pilot!
    Grab This Free Report Now!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    Some great advice in this thread. Thanks for helping her out. There's no such thing as a "stupid loser" SusieQue. Would you call yourself something negative because you don't know how to play golf? That would be kind of strange wouldn't it? And I don't see much difference because learning how to earn a living online is a collection of skills and takes practice too. My experience is that I feel one-hundred times better and achieve better results and learn a heck of a lot when I take action and everything goes horribly wrong. Rather than if I procrastinate and put off implementing what I learn. Very rarely does anything go horribly wrong you may be glad to hear. However that would be much better than doing nothing. So start taking action of some sort. I hope that was somewhat helpful.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      And here's a quoatation which my Brother gave me which I look at from time to time and it helps me to stay focused. I'm not sure if it's going to be helpful or not however it's always inspired me.

      "There is no such thing as failure. You either get the desired outcome, or your learn. No matter what the result, you win. The past does not equal the future. Every time we face a challenge we have a choice to make. Will we get bitter or better? Decide to get better. Face the challenge it's there to make you stronger. You will need that strength further down the road when you'll be facing even bigger challenges. The difference between people is there are those who are interested and those who are committed. The key to success in life is going from being interested to being committed. Once you are committed you will produce results. At the point of commitment, you mentally burn all bridges and you do whatever it takes to make it happen. That's when you become unstoppable."
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author twistedpixel
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  • Profile picture of the author Scott84
    I am only just recovering from an infromation overload after 2 months of starting my internet business. And now need to start from scratch, but still remain very optimistic that it works as my mentor brags about his earnings and have contacted people on facebook with the same system who I idealy would prefer to work under. I'm trying to gain as much USEFUL information as possible to try and drive free traffic to my capture page and feel this is the place to be.

    Always be optimistic and never give up, otherwise you would have lost precious time.


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  • Profile picture of the author Sid Kaplan
    You sound like a perfectly intelligent and energetic person who does not really need motivation... what you need is inspiration.

    Motivation comes from outside of us, inspiration comes from inside. Find something you are passionate about and forget what other people are doing with one exception... find people who are successful and do what they do... no need to reinvent the wheel.

    Amy Bass is very successful because she determined that she would be. Once you know what you are inspired (read passionate) about, apply Amy's focus and you will make it.

    First rule... no more buying, instead more working. One domain, one arena, one passion then wash rinse and repeat.

    Will be looking for your success on net. Oh yeah, I was reminded by a friend today of Mario Andretti's great quote

    "If everything is under control your not going fast enough."

    Best to you.

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    • Profile picture of the author John Henderson
      Originally Posted by Sid Kaplan View Post

      I was reminded by a friend today of Mario Andretti's great quote

      "If everything is under control your not going fast enough."
      There's another one that's gonna be printed out and stuck to my wall!
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  • Profile picture of the author AnneE
    Here are my thoughts on your What If?? thoughts.

    They all variations on 'What If' this doesn't work?

    Well, all that is, is a swing and a miss. I always like sports analogies and if you take a swing and you miss, so what? You can't hit the ball without taking a swing. And no one hits it every time. And while in baseball they limit you to 3 swings before giving up your turn, you can swing and miss as many times as you want online. No one is counting.

    As a society we tend to look upon mistakes or failed attempts as some kind of big deal. Get over it. I know I grew up, like a lot of kids... focusing on how many I got wrong on a test. That was always what counted, how many wrong versus how many right. And you better have a lot more right than wrong. But that is only true in school.

    Who really cares how many niches you set up that earn next-to-nothing or nothing at all before you hit pay dirt. All it matters is that you keep going until you hit pay dirt.

    So go ahead and jump in, sounds like you've got good advice on choosing a topic and how to proceed, so give it a whirl...

    And what if.... things don't go as you hope?

    So what.... it's just a swing and a miss. Just get ready for the next pitch!!!

    And I agree with the comments about 'the loser' title. To think of yourself that way is to make it very hard to succeed. You are simply finding your way. No losers here. All of us are on a journey and you are still finding your way.
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  • Profile picture of the author JoshuaGM
    You are smart, brilliant & ready to move forward!

    Just realize that!

    God bless!
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  • Profile picture of the author P_Cerrito
    It's like that Rocky movie when Rocky got knocked down and his face was bleeding and he was tired and he just wanted to quit- his coach says something like, "Get up Rocky- I didn't hear no bell..." Has anyone ever been successfull that didn't get the tar knocked out of them at least a few times before they found something that worked for them? haha Just gotta get in there and try. Phil

    PS- it sounds like you have some training material. All it needs is your golden touch.
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  • Profile picture of the author Topgunb
    Hi Suzie,

    You must be a winner with so many people wishing you well. I guess we must all be on your side.

    The way forward:

    I suggest you think of putting together a joint venture with all your well wishers here. We all put in a product, and we give you a launch second to none.

    I am ready to assist you 100%

    What do you say?

    It is very difficult to feel like a looser when you earning $1000 in one day!

    Pm me anytime.

    swdcomputers@gmail.com For the best real deal in town!
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    • Profile picture of the author SusieQue
      Hey TopGunb I am up for that but I need to read a little about joint ventures because I am not really sure how this works and what should be done about it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Topgunb
    Hi Suzie,

    Just sent you a pm.

    swdcomputers@gmail.com For the best real deal in town!
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  • Profile picture of the author jireh
    First, I must have to express my gratitude to all the folks in this community that has made their contribution to this thread they are all wonderful giving very useful suggestions.

    Personally I will like to say one or two things and that will be in the area of positive mental attitude.

    First if you look at the topic of this tread; "I AM A LOSER PLEASE HELP!"
    that is actually the source and cause of the failure because when you think yourself a failure, you become a failure. You must have a positive out look toward life. Believe in yourself, believe you have the ability to succeed in what ever you intend to do.

    Do not be afraid of failure or focus your mind on failure because failure is not final it is very temporal.

    Failure is a part of the learning process and any body who has never failed has never learnt anything.

    Now my advice is that you take some course on self improvement to align your mind positively for success.

    Start seing your self as a success not a failure.

    Here some positive affirmations you may care to make at least thrice daily to drive the failure concious from your mind.

    1. I am created a success not a failure, therefore I succeed in what ever I do.

    2. I always make the right choice in what ever decission I take.

    3. Every day and in every way my life is getting beter and better .

    As you start to make these three simple confession daily, visualise your self succeeding in life with the confession and you will star to see a dramatic change in your life.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joe Campbell
    What if your one day away from success?

    You're only a loser if you think you're one and a loser wouldn't have gotten this far.

    Change your thoughts, and you change your world.
    Norman Vincent Peale
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  • Profile picture of the author mark10
    sussie cheer up, take thing slowly reavaluaite and im sure you will find your doing great.

    Little minds are subdued by misfortunes, but great minds rise above them


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  • Profile picture of the author dksnyder2002
    SusieQue I know what you are going through. I too am a newbie and I look at all the niches out there and find one I like then I get hit with a new idea and spend too much time reseearching it and the original idea goes to the backburner. Information overload and procrastination are killiing me. I have decided to start 2009 out with one idea and build it from the ground up. I will place all the other ideas in a notebook to research later.

    I try to do too many things at once and get nothing done so it is going to have to be one and only one project to get me stared. I will get it up and running and then seeing that I can do it I may be able to work more than one at a time. That first one though is a have to project. I have to get it started and keep it going.

    David K. Snyder, And which guru said that you could do this without working at it?

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  • Profile picture of the author Kelvin Nikkel
    Originally Posted by SusieQue View Post

    Hello Fellow Warriors,

    I feel like such a stupid loser and I feel bad. Here's the deal over the past year or so I have been studying IMing and I recently read Niche Marketing on Crack, I am registered with Amy's Niche Blogger program and have been on it for 4 months, plus I have the SEOpress Formula as well, Now I know that with the combination of all three information products I can do wonders plus I have the senuke program, a hostgator account, Micro Niche Finder and an income where I can purchase domains like 5 - 10 domain names a week if I wanted too, but I get stuck at finding niches, I haven't implemented any of Amy's stuff because I wanted to be a couple of months behind so that when I start I will not have to wait till the next day or week for the next step. I know one I am a smart person and I can do anything I put my mind too but I feel like I won't make it because I am not as savy as other people at finding niches and I feel like I need someone to hold my hand and walk me through the niche finding process, I guess I am scarred to waist my money on a domain and the niche turns out not to be profitable. yeah I know you have to do it, focus on one thing then branch off to something esle. I want to be able to make an extra 2-3,000/month maybe more, give out free ebooks or make one, it's just I am lost at the most basic step and thats the finding niches. Yeah you can make money in any niche if you know what you are doing and I do sort of. To be honest I am always putting things off because I am a What If girl , like:
    What if I buy this domain and start on this niche and something better comes along.
    What if I can apply Niche Marketing on crack with SEOpress Formula and Niche Blogger.
    What if , What if What if, thats me all the way.

    Please fellow warriors help me motivate me give me some obsticles you have to over come in the begining to be able to be the success you are today and any advice you can give me to get out of this rut.

    Please Help - never leave a warrior behind,
    Susie Que.
    Susie Que. I am also a Month 4 Niche Blogger Member and to date have 5 sites that need attention. I have tried to follow Amy's instructions (which are second to none) and found that I have missed some steps.

    Then today I read a post on WF about Goal Planning. You can find it at http://www.warriorforum.com/mind-war...our-goals.html. This is something that I think you should read! It got my head on straight and with the New Year just around the corner, I have some special things planned.

    If you set your goal planning up right, you can achieve ANYTHING!

    Wishing you luck Susie as well as everyone else on WF!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all!
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  • Profile picture of the author HervinBalfour
    Never give up and NEVER allow anyone to take your dream away from you. Not freinds, not family no one!

    I at one time thought about giving up but I refused because I know that I am destined for success.

    As long as you work and continue to maintain persistence you will make it.

    If you haven't started reading affirmations start! They will inspire you to act and help mold and shape you.

    I go through the emotional roller coaster like anyone else but anytime I do I say one of my affirmations to change my mindset in a split second.
    And it works.
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  • Profile picture of the author sheyi
    Wow, it is good to be here. A big thank you to all warriors who have responded to this post by SusieQue. I am doing this not because of her
    but because of myself.
    The reason is because I am new on this forum. My challenges are also similar to that of SusieQue. I have been following this Internet Marketing trend for almost two years now but I have nothing to show for it that at
    a point I felt like quitting. Besides, I am also not getting the needed support from my family and friends because they do not understand what Internet Marketing is all about.
    I have been motivated and inspired too by all the beautiful replies. I took my time to read thru the replies and have made up my mind to succeed.
    SusieQue you are not a looser.
    I am not a looser too.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eric Seed
    The family and friend thing is kinda hard... being that most people only believe in the 9-5, monday-friday "job" thing.

    I try not to tell others what i'm doing online, because its only really viewed as a scam.

    My suggestion is to keep it under your hat until you get your act together. At that point it really wont matter what others think... you're out-earning them anyway!

    Keep looking at what others are doing on here... I've been on this forum for about 2 hours and already I have stumbled across some great ideas.

    The keys to success are creativity and action.
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    • SusieQue - There is only one obstacle that anyone needs to overcome to achieve
      what is termed as 'success' or 'being sucessful', and that is:

      Fear comes from:
      1). Negative thoughts/mindest that trigger 2). Emotions

      Realising that fear is a complete fantasy conjured up by your mind which then triggers an emotion can lead you to learning that fear is simply a feeling with a negative label.

      Fear is what stops you, me and anyone who 'fails' from doing what is needed to 'suceed'.

      Complete this statement:
      "If I wasn't afraid, I would..."
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricky Martin
    There is a lot of great advise here already....

    Just getting started with anything creates purpose, then more energy then motivation, then on and on.

    "Action creates the energy to keep you going "

    I hope all works out for you.

    Thanks for article Ricky

    " As we think......so we are"


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  • Profile picture of the author PhilAnthony
    You are the Light of the World!
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  • Profile picture of the author jroth728
    Just checking to see if things have brightened up for you since your last post.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    @ Susie - If you keep calling yourself a loser, you will eventually end up being a .... loser for real.

    NEVER visualise yourself as a loser, just take a look at all the winners on this forum and think, "What makes these guys better than me?"

    The answer to that question is simple "knowledge and hard work". If you have some good IM knowledge, then all you have to do is work hard!

    Don't think of IM as a piece of cake. We have all worked hard to achieve our current status. Keep learning and working until YOU get there!!
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  • Profile picture of the author James Seward
    My advice is: pick a model and stick with it. Let's say you start a blog. Okay stick with it, write content everyday and try to monetise it trough adsense, affiliate programs, cpa... And then work on traffic... But stick with one money making model, don't go around playing with every model that is out there because ultimately you will do very little in each one of them, so little that it won't bring you any money...
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    • Profile picture of the author Auriana Jensen
      Susie, it has been said by some other posters and I agree, it seems you are trying to do too much.
      Stick with the one niche and work it until it is established, then go and build another site. Stop buying stuff, you most probably have more than enough information already.
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  • Profile picture of the author wearehere
    i'm a loser too. I have joined AM (CB) for 4months, but I get zero. I also need help or advice. NOw ,I have a domain, (direct link not a site) and 10+ blogspot but get zero income, what can I do next? help!I am going to give up ......
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  • Profile picture of the author Samsmiles
    What a magnificent, positive, generous and genuine bunch all you warriors are!

    I've said it before and I'll say it again- the best decision I have ever made in my life, (other than asking my wife Janey to marry me), was to join the Warriors!

    Prosperity to us all!

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  • Profile picture of the author metafever
    Hey Susie,

    Here is what I do when I get stuck on a Niche.

    I go to Wal-mart and start going up and down the isles. (or best buy or fry's).

    You would think that every niche is taken, but if you get really detailed such as looking at re-chargeable phone batteries at Wal-Mart, you just might uncover a new online niche not being exploited.
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  • Profile picture of the author Flagstaff
    Fail as quickly and as inexpensively as you can. Learn from what didn't work, adjust what you do next accordingly and then act again.

    As Woody Allen said, "if you're not failing every day, you're not trying/ risking enough."

    I use this formula:


    P= plan (ANY plan-- not what, but THAT you plan)
    SA= Sensory acuity (notice what works, no matter how small AND what doesn't work)

    Then, go back to P again, adjust it according to what you learned from noticing what did and didn't work.

    Drop what doesn't work, focus on doing MORE of what did work and forge ahead.

    Rinse, repeat; rinse & repeat until you get where you want to go

    European Proverb: "The power to do something comes from the DOING of it."
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  • Profile picture of the author GoGreenGo
    You can't have success without failure, you have to just start trying things you are excited about and eventually it will click
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  • Profile picture of the author edward_james
    Susie - many of the biggest and most famous business owners have failed numerous times - they just don't tell you about them - keep going and taking action and you will be successful
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  • Profile picture of the author clubvikram
    Yes i agree negative self talk is detrimental to our lives success both personal and professional.Though it is tough during difficult times we face but if negative self talk is replaced with positive self talk then success is not very far.
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  • Profile picture of the author SOT
    Susie -

    So much great info has been given by the other Warriors. You sound a little bit like I feel on my least motivated days. I find that when I have "bite sized" chunks I can cope so much more easily. Pick something - anything. Make your first topic something you feel you can stick at for 4-6 months. Then start. You won't get it right first time but the fact that you don't have a blank page any longer will make it easier. Keep going in small chunks.

    DO NOT try to make your research exhaustive. Your product cannot be all things to all people and more research will only get you more confused/overloaded. Small steps.

    As greater warriors than me have said "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!"

    Hope this helps

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  • Profile picture of the author rainspeak
    One of the things I discovered to help me refocus is to realize when I am becoming overwhelmed. Becoming overwhelmed can and usually does stop us in our tracks. We jump from program to program and perpetually stay at the starting gate. When you feel that overwhelmed feeling coming on just take a step back focus on the next step, the next step only (see it through to the end,) and realize this isn't going to happen overnight. Spend the money on the domain they're cheap. You have to take that step. This is a business. Don't look at it as a failure if it goes not as planned but rather as a paid educational experience on your journey to the end goal. Please never reference yourself as a looser. Hope this helps some.
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