Is Dan Pena any good?

25 replies
Hi y'all,

Just spent an hour talking with a friend about the self-help/success-scene and how everybody in it seems to be saying almost exactly the same stuff, maybe excluding all those "Pray to the universe and you will get money" morons who have been flooding the market recently.

Anyway, changed the subject to Dan Kennedy, who doesn't spend quite as much time telling everybody how wonderful they are and how much they will achieve, once they write their goals down, but gives actual strategies on how to get money in a "Get to work"-kind of attitude. I like that, if I want to feel good, I'll pay someone five bucks per hour to read a Tony Robbins book to me, I don't have to pay thousands of dollars for a seminar.

Somehow we got to a point where I voiced some curiosity about more ambitious goals, Kennedy focuses mainly on small businesses, and while big businesses aren't necessarily different, I was nevertheless open to new ideas. He told me to check out Dan Pena, he personally found him to be helpful and free of feel-goody bull****.

I'm in the process of getting his book and if I like it, maybe I'll check out the seminar, but I was curious if any of you can tell me more about the guy - if you've made any money through his advice, even better. (Lots of people are completely certain that some fraud has given them the keys to million dollar incomes when telling them to stop cursing because it makes the universe angry or something similarly stupid. I've fallen into the trap myself (hint: gross != net), so I'm always a bit cautious when reading testimonials like "Haven't made money yet but this can easily make me 7figures/yr!")

Thanks in advance,
#dan #good #pena
  • Profile picture of the author DesV
    Hi Henry

    Absolutely right about Dan Pena - no feel-good fluff, just commercial reality. He focuses mainly on exponential business growth - which, in my experience, 99% of small business owners and entrepreneurs are NOT comfortable with.

    I worked closely with Dan over 10 years ago, and my own income tripled as a result. And over the years, I've kept in touch with a few of the people who went through his programs and seminars. If I disclosed some of the financial gains they'd achieved and experienced, you just wouldn't believe it...

    I stand to gain nothing from being an advocate. To help you research further, you're welcome to listen to my (free) interview with Dan:

    Good luck!


    Discover a simple and proven way of making a six figure income. Get more details here:

    Are you in the WRONG niche or business?

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    • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
      Thanks Des,

      Enjoyed the interview, I've been going through the newsletter series a couple of times now.

      The "pay price to action" concept hit me pretty hard - sure, I've always known that my commercial & social goals would not leave much, if any, time for family and private matters, but I never really made a conscious decision for one or the other - either I'll continue living a relaxed, comfortable life, or I'll start working on my dreams, but the two aren't really compatible.

      I don't really care anymore what other people expect me to do, but I sure as hell want to do more than own a couple web-businesses long term, even if my friends tell me to be satisfied with what I've got. You're probably right, most folks do not really want more than a small business to "pay the bills" and live the good life, so it shouldn't surprise me that much that I don't regularly find people (let alone "gurus") that match my way of thinking.

      Anyway, if such a small bit already gets me thinking for a night, I really gotta dedicate some time for the book.


      Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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      • Profile picture of the author apl
        Do you know what "Dan Pena" means in Spanish?

        "Dan" is "they give"
        "Pena" is "pity" or "shame"
        "Dan Pena" is used when you feel shame because of somebody else's behavior, when you want to hide and say "I don't know this person", or when you feel they are just worthless. Not a nice-sounding name in spanish at all...

        I don't know anything at all about Dan Pena, though, surely he's a good guy
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        • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
          Originally Posted by apl View Post

          "Dan" is "they give"
          "Pena" is "pity" or "shame"
          He's certainly making the self-help industry feel ashamed, or he would if he marketed himself a bit more aggressively - his site is certainly not above industry standard.

          It's "Peña" though, I'm just too lazy to type alt+0241 every time. Doesn't that mean rock or something? Would be quite fitting.

          Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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          • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
            Just a short update - I'm going through the "Raising Capital" program right now (which has Joe Polish as an attendee, pleasant surprise!) and it is awesome. Never looked at financial presentations that way - I'm not sure whether Dan's tactics would work as well in bureaucratic Germany, but I'm probably not gonna base much of my long-term business here anyway, so who cares.

            I'll still wait for the book to arrive, but I'm pretty compelled to give the castle seminar a try, even though that money would buy me a fine new workstation.

            Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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        • Profile picture of the author Alex Barboza
          Originally Posted by apl View Post

          Do you know what "Dan Pena" means in Spanish?

          "Dan" is "they give"
          "Pena" is "pity" or "shame"
          "Dan Pena" is used when you feel shame because of somebody else's behavior, when you want to hide and say "I don't know this person", or when you feel they are just worthless. Not a nice-sounding name in spanish at all...

          I don't know anything at all about Dan Pena, though, surely he's a good guy

          His full name is Daniel Peña but his americanized name is Dan Pena. It sounds more commercial to the Americans who are the ones who really spend money on coaching and video courses.

          He has Latin American origins, I think from Costa Rica.

          He's a real successful entrepeneur that has really made lots of money with business and companies, not just selling self help books like most gurus
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        • Profile picture of the author richmarsol
          Originally Posted by apl View Post

          Do you know what "Dan Pena" means in Spanish?

          "Dan" is "they give"
          "Pena" is "pity" or "shame"
          "Dan Pena" is used when you feel shame because of somebody else's behavior, when you want to hide and say "I don't know this person", or when you feel they are just worthless. Not a nice-sounding name in spanish at all...

          I don't know anything at all about Dan Pena, though, surely he's a good guy
          I am from Mexico, and his real name is Daniel Peña... but because of the English Alphabet lack of a "Ã'"... his last name changes to PENA.
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  • Profile picture of the author internetsweetie
    the things ppl say ^^^

    I've never heard of Dan Pena. Thanks for sharing.

    Internet Sweetie

    Freedom from the 9 to 5 can be so sweet.

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  • Profile picture of the author DesV
    Hi Henry

    I have a copy of one of Dan's early books, which is now out of print. Very detailed account of how he built up a big company, along with what it takes, etc.

    Not available elsewhere, but quite happy to send you a copy - no charge. If you're interested, just complete your details here, along with a mailing address:


    Discover a simple and proven way of making a six figure income. Get more details here:

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  • Profile picture of the author superr
    Copy/paste the ff. in your address bar. You may want to also check his bio in Wikipedia. Good luck!]Cyber Crime, Fake identity may lead]Three foreigners swindle thousands from B'lore - India - DNA
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    • Profile picture of the author OliviaHoang
      Originally Posted by superr View Post

      Copy/paste the ff. in your address bar. You may want to also check his bio in Wikipedia. Good luck!]Cyber Crime, Fake identity may lead]Three foreigners swindle thousands from B'lore - India - DNA
      Wow, crazy!

      With his wealth, he didn't need to do that. Man...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5782691].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
        Afaik he's innocent, though:

        The cyber crime police also filed a report clearing Pena from all charges.

        Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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        • Profile picture of the author OliviaHoang
          Originally Posted by HenryDicks View Post

          Afaik he's innocent, though:
          I would hope so.

          I hope the charges weren't dropped because he bought his way out.

          He sounds like a great man to learn from, aside from those charges.

          His book "Your First 100 Million" sounds like it's a mixture of Psycho Cybernetics with some deal making strategies thrown in. It looks interesting.
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          • Profile picture of the author flanderssanders
            Yes, i believe he is bull****ing people. hahaha

            Trust me folks, nothing to learn from this old fart. Barely browsed his book, it's just all about his glory days. He just loves to brag, and he is quite arrogant. I don't care if he made millions...on swindling! haha But the book is lousy. Try buying and see for yourself.

            Basically his book is quite dumb, self-help gurus might even be better! haha

            A former boss of mine said that "if you are crooked and have lot's of money..." follow him. That's the "Daniel Peña way". hahaha

            These guys are actually currently residing in the Philippines. We're it's easier to get away with illegal stuff. I guess all the money they swindled have earned them a place to live in the wealthiest village there. They're pretty pretentious, shady, and smart dumbasses with alot of money. haha And that Bill Smith, that's Daniel Peña's lapdog. hahaha

            But anyway folks, nothing good to be associated with these guys. So the questions: "Is Dan Peña any good?"

            Answer: if you are crooked, you might think he is. :-)
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            • Profile picture of the author loldongs
              Can't comment on his ethics, but the website is dilettantish to say the least. Protip: If you want to sell something, don't leave the download links lie around in the open.

              Having had a short look at his 2012 program, here are some impressions:
              - The editor seems to be just as inept as his webmaster. the first video was broken and had to be manually fixed. Can't you hire a guy on craigslist to get your video formatted right? Also, who uses high-bitrate WMVs for recordings of powerpoint slides?

              - Weird selection of information. He's mentioning everything from Carl Icahn to US debt, usually with very little depth or relevancy. Also, there's a short bit on how Google doesn't want you to make money that was completely incoherent.

              - On a positive note, the information on structuring deals and preparing public/private offerings seemed insightful, but I'm not an expert. Maybe you could get similar information through professional literature or consultations.

              All in all, his strategy comes down to extremely aggressive raising of capital and external growth, followed by getting rid of the company. I don't think it's a particularly good one, lots of companies have gone broke through M&As. And whatever his spiel, why can't he hire someone to get is marketing, presentation and delivery done right? Right now, it's embarrassing.
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  • Profile picture of the author stopper
    This dan pena seems like a real life figure worth checking out. He also seems worth his weight in salt
    Signature Are you interested in 200 to 400 visitors a day to your site
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  • Profile picture of the author brute77
    I'm making a post after like months on this forum.. just couldn't resist to comment on this topic when I found it on Google..

    I've immersed myself in Dan Pena stuff for a fair amount of time now, I'm probably the most qualified person in this forum to talk about his stuff. (no pun intended)

    Here's my review..

    If you're looking for security in life, some savings, some real estate investment to stay comfortably rich then you don't need to take the pain of listening to anything he says. It will probably be meaningless to you.. and you can probably achieve all those goals by simply being normal with a little hard work and risk. You can even make that kind of money online.

    BUT if you do have big financial dreams, humongous business goals and dedicated to put everything on the line to achieve it.. only then can you relate to his methodology and only then can you get comfortable with the strategies he shares.

    Even the personal foundation that he lays will be priceless for the rest of your life. I've read a ton of great business books from many different business leaders but without a doubt his stuff is a ZILLION TIMES more powerful than anything you'll ever come across in life. (BUT only for a handful of people who's ready to pay a big price in life)

    You won't find too many people discuss about him or more importantly talk how good his stuff is on the internet like you do about other Gurus & business leaders, because most people who implemented his stuff successfully is busy being successful and making real money in the real world. They don't engage in things like online discussion and blogs kind of thing. But luckily for you, I'm still sitting on the sidelines and have the time to write this note to a handful of you .. it will probably inspire you to read his stuff and change your life forever.

    If you have big entrepreneurial dreams and the gut,dedication,passion and some capital - then getting this book will a pivotal moment of your life.

    Feel free to contact me for a chat.

    Personally I cannot recommend Dan Pena high enough..
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    • Profile picture of the author HenryDicks
      Nice to see I'm not the only one Dan's message resonates with.

      Thought about going to the Castle next year, but I'm still skeptical.

      PN me or mail xxxxxxxxxxx ou're up for a chat.

      Want to know how to make millions of dollars with little work? Just sell books on how to make millions of dollars with little work!

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  • Profile picture of the author Ernie Lo
    Henry the feel good/writing down goals, staying positive messages are a lot more powerful then you realise. Most here already know how to become successful but they don't have the right mindset, work ethic etc to do it.

    Something simple like writing down your goals 10 times a day as if you have already achieved them on a piece of paper can do wonders believe me! No it won't make magic fall from the sky but will help you get in the right frame of mind to achieve your goals.
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  • Profile picture of the author DesV
    brute77 - good points.

    I attended Dan's 1-week event at Guthrie in 1995 - well worth it. Excellent ROI from a financial viewpoint.

    Feel free to contact me to compare notes

    Discover a simple and proven way of making a six figure income. Get more details here:

    Are you in the WRONG niche or business?

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  • Profile picture of the author RogozRazvan
    Dan Pena is not a guru per se. He's no expert with 500 books.

    He knows a few things and he knows them right.

    His castle seminar costs around $50.000. I know four people personally who went there.

    And came back ...

    And back.


    1. Networking.

    He's more connected in the business world than the top 50 business best sellers combined.

    2. Wisdom.

    He may not have a book about a fancy business model, but he's been there in the real world.

    But Dan Pena is not for everyone.

    I've studied him a lot and he is like a military instructor. If it is money what you are after, then he can teach you a lot about WHAT WORKS. If it is family, health, life work balance, etc, no.

    So for me, it is either a hate it or love it type of deal.

    You'll either hate his guts for being arrogant and boasting ...

    Or you'll love him for his no bs attitude and actual know-how of what works.
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  • Profile picture of the author PriyaN
    Wow amazing info here... I just became a part of a mastermind group and our coach's mentor is Dan Pena. I checked out an interview of his and was so impressed that I'm going to his now 8 day seminar once I save up enough cash. In the meantime I would love to read his books, are there any that anyone would recommend?
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  • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
    Just finished a video for Dan Pena,
    I'll be flying in 10 days to his castle!
    I've packed this with a ton of value, the first 60 seconds are profound words of wisdom by Dan Pena, followed by a 10 minute summary of the first 2 chapters of his book.
    I also included a link to a FULL SUMMARY I've made of his entire book.
    This video is REALLY important for me and I would appreciate any good comments on the video page!!
    Thanks in-advance, enjoy the value! ******* EXCITED!!

    Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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  • Profile picture of the author Tomas Gabriel
    Originally Posted by HenryDicks View Post

    Hi y'all,

    Just spent an hour talking with a friend about the self-help/success-scene and how everybody in it seems to be saying almost exactly the same stuff, maybe excluding all those "Pray to the universe and you will get money" morons who have been flooding the market recently.

    Anyway, changed the subject to Dan Kennedy, who doesn't spend quite as much time telling everybody how wonderful they are and how much they will achieve, once they write their goals down, but gives actual strategies on how to get money in a "Get to work"-kind of attitude. I like that, if I want to feel good, I'll pay someone five bucks per hour to read a Tony Robbins book to me, I don't have to pay thousands of dollars for a seminar.

    Somehow we got to a point where I voiced some curiosity about more ambitious goals, Kennedy focuses mainly on small businesses, and while big businesses aren't necessarily different, I was nevertheless open to new ideas. He told me to check out Dan Pena, he personally found him to be helpful and free of feel-goody bull****.

    I'm in the process of getting his book and if I like it, maybe I'll check out the seminar, but I was curious if any of you can tell me more about the guy - if you've made any money through his advice, even better. (Lots of people are completely certain that some fraud has given them the keys to million dollar incomes when telling them to stop cursing because it makes the universe angry or something similarly stupid. I've fallen into the trap myself (hint: gross != net), so I'm always a bit cautious when reading testimonials like "Haven't made money yet but this can easily make me 7figures/yr!")

    Thanks in advance,
    True! The law of attraction and more metaphysical & spiritual things that people are talking about is kind of too much, BUT there is a truth behind it that's been diluted and miscommunicated. And that underlying truth IS that EVERYTHING...

    Dan Kennedy, the holostic feel good people spouting law of attraction and mysticism and stuff, Dan Pena, and all people surrounding money/greater health/love/psychology have a few things in common...

    Changing one self internally to get what's coming to you externally.

    And because it's the SAME foundation, but observed through a different perspective, a lot of information IS THE SAME.

    No matter if it's "real-world" gurus like Dan Pena or Dan Kennedy...or more spiritual gurus like Abraham Hicks or some snake charmer and fire breather walking on hot coal.

    Although I do agree that for some people it might seem like the "real-world" application is the way to go. Other people might not agree.

    But that's the funny part man...

    It's ALL THE SAME!

    AND IT ALL STARTS FROM INSIDE YOURSELF, no matter HOW you package it.

    The right question you should be asking is...

    "Has anyone developed themselves internally, to the point where they are able to get millions of dollars from a given program?"

    It's pointless to ask if someone has made money off of XYZ guru. Because it's NOT about the SYSTEM!

    It's about the PERSON DOING the system.
    Signature - What if you couldn't fail again…EVER?! No matter how hard you tried! What if you were guaranteed 99% success rate, of reaching your highest goals? Check out this site for your ABSOLUTE success and get the first chapter of the book!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[10331812].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Wayne Equity
      Originally Posted by Tomas Gabriel View Post

      True! The law of attraction and more metaphysical & spiritual things that people are talking about is kind of too much, BUT there is a truth behind it that's been diluted and miscommunicated. And that underlying truth IS that EVERYTHING...

      Dan Kennedy, the holostic feel good people spouting law of attraction and mysticism and stuff, Dan Pena, and all people surrounding money/greater health/love/psychology have a few things in common...

      Changing one self internally to get what's coming to you externally.

      And because it's the SAME foundation, but observed through a different perspective, a lot of information IS THE SAME.

      No matter if it's "real-world" gurus like Dan Pena or Dan Kennedy...or more spiritual gurus like Abraham Hicks or some snake charmer and fire breather walking on hot coal.

      Although I do agree that for some people it might seem like the "real-world" application is the way to go. Other people might not agree.

      But that's the funny part man...

      It's ALL THE SAME!

      AND IT ALL STARTS FROM INSIDE YOURSELF, no matter HOW you package it.

      The right question you should be asking is...

      "Has anyone developed themselves internally, to the point where they are able to get millions of dollars from a given program?"

      It's pointless to ask if someone has made money off of XYZ guru. Because it's NOT about the SYSTEM!

      It's about the PERSON DOING the system.
      But regardless, he is called the $50 Billion Man..
      It's because he helped his students create over $50 billion in equity

      Success Coach | Traveling | $2,000 / Month Coaching | 5 Videos Per Day

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