Eight Tips to succeed in Your Communication.

14 replies
To succeed in your communication, you need to follow the following tips:
1. Be sincere and interested in what you say.
2. Know well your recipients.
3. Pay attention to the non-verbal reactions as well as the verbal ones to adjust your style.
4. Make your message direct and concise.
5. Avoid the terms that your recipients may not understand.
6. Keep in your mind that the way you speak is as important as what you say.
7. Construct your message and reactions on what you hear from others not about them.
8. Do your best to improve your listening skills.
What else can you add for developing communication style?
#communication #succeed #tips
  • Profile picture of the author Tony Tikos
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    • Profile picture of the author Michael Lee
      Great tips. Here are my 7 ways to become an effective communicator:

      1) Start your discussion on the right track.

      One of the biggest mistakes people make in communication is that they start talking about a topic or situation that the other person is not yet aware or familiar with.

      I have a friend who often dives into the middle of a story or subject, which leaves me (and I assume many other people) clueless on what he's talking about.

      It's important to start your discussion on a point that people can relate to, preferably from the very beginning, unless you're sure that they already know the foundation of the topic of discussion.

      2) Be crystal clear in imparting your message.

      When you say, "He's mad" do you mean he's angry or do you mean he's crazy? Whenever you're going to say or write something that is vague or may lead to miscommunication, it's highly recommended that you change the words in a way that imparts a clear message.

      3) Give them a summary or an overall glimpse of the big picture.

      This is vital when talking about something that takes a little (or a lot more) time to comprehend. This way, they can better relate the discussion to the big picture and "absorb" what you're saying.

      4) Stay humble.

      Never brag or be arrogant because it's a big turn-off. The other party may think (in his own mind) that he's better than you, and you'll just bruise his ego.

      Give him the impression that you are an ally, and not in competition with him.

      5) Pay attention to what is being said instead of thinking what you'll say next.

      This may be a little difficult for you to do initially. That's why it is critical to practice & enhance your communication skills until it becomes a part of you.

      When listening, don't interrupt while they're talking. Wait a second or two before you speak. Avoid changing subjects because this indicates your disinterest.

      6) Choose the right time.

      When they're not in the mood or when they're pressed with time, your communication efforts may just fall into deaf ears because they will not give you attention.

      Ask first if you can have a few minutes of their time. If they say it's not a good time, ask for a time that fits their schedule.

      7) Never disrespect anyone.

      Watch out for the body signals that you are giving away. You might be pouting your lips, breathing heavily, shaking your head, or rolling your eyes without you being aware that you're offending others.

      Watch your language too. If saying "Whatever," "Oh brother," or "Yeah right" is part of your lingo, practice taking them out of your vocabulary.
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      • Profile picture of the author Vikram Anand
        Body Language plays a vital role in your communication. These are the non verbal cues that radiate through your behavior. Here are a few ways to have a positive body language for effective communication:
        1. Sitting or standing in erect posture
        2. Maintaining eye contact
        3. Smiling and laughing
        4. Confident hand movements
        5. Relaxing your shoulders
        6. Nodding when people are talking

        Practicing these body language tips will help you to become a better and confident communicator.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Agency
    Pretty good tips I am very agree with number 8, indeed good listening skills is very important for a good and effective communication.
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  • Profile picture of the author William Veasley
    Hey Michael,

    Awesome list of communication tips!

    Both list are right on point, I really like the tip on staying humble. In this world we must learn how to stay humble to everyone, because there's something you can learn from everyone. When you stay humble you continue to learn and develop for the better.

    Most of all you never want to disrespect anyone, because that is the fastest way to turn someone else away. It's easier to say something quick and someone else take it another way. Its always best to think about what you say before you say it. There have been times I've been turned away from help, because of that person's rudeness. I always try to keep and open mind to everyone no matter the size, color, or race.

    God bless,
    William Veasley
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  • Profile picture of the author jushuaburnham
    Good communication skills is very considerable for success as it is one of the savor for business to get more customers. I really appreciated the list provided here, indeed valuable. Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author wulaishiwo
    I agree with Tip 8. To communicate, firstly you need to be a listener. People feel comfort and happy when they are being listened to. That's also the reason they search for someone to communicate with. In this way, you can be a great communicator even without saying a word.
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  • Profile picture of the author JustinDupre
    Awesome tips in communication. I strongly agree with number 3,6 and 8. A great listener will always have the stronger advantage.
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  • Profile picture of the author Bhekizwe
    "Put yourself in your prospective customers's shoes [empathy]"-Unknown.What would you like hear in that position?
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  • Profile picture of the author dbrwn
    If you want to communicate more effectively, then you need to remain posative and confident at all times during your presentation. People will grab onto that and they will pay more attention to you if you're confident and ready to present the material without acting nervous and such.

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  • Profile picture of the author Natniszakov
    Being a good listener is the key.
    Sometimes I come across with people that just won't listen to you, and that is really frustrating. After a while you are even afraid to talk to them.
    So it is really important that you point that out.
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  • Profile picture of the author createvalueshare
    These are great tips and I only want to add:

    - ask probing questions to encourage the other party to talk
    - be a good listener and do not guess what the other party is going to say
    Sibo | Home Learning Experience
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  • Hi CommunicateBest,
    I like the list you have going there, . . .pretty comprehensive I would say.

    If I were to add anything to your list I would suggest the following tip:

    "Promote good grammar not simply to be correct but to be able to more effectively convey your chore concepts."

    Of course there are always exceptions to the rule of "good grammar" and most copy writers are keenly aware of this as well.
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  • Profile picture of the author mert
    Here’s how I deal with people.

    1. Be objective rather than subjective.
    2. Grab their attention first.
    3. Respect their opinions.
    4. Accept criticism.
    5. Be cool and admit mistakes.
    6. It should always be about them, in sales matter.
    7. Talk about a common interest.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cobaki
    "Paying attention to what is being said instead of thinking what to say next." is a very important tip that we should all keep in mind. Most arguments heat up further because the other one refuses to listen and is just so ready to explode to say something just for the sake to have a comeback. This is very common to married couples.
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