Would Robin Hood have good or bad karma?
Karma is a subjective term, and my take on it is rather loose. In fact, I subscribed to the following philosophy for a long time before realizing that this philosophy is more or less karma:
Let's assume I do good in life. I create things, I help others, and these things bring me joy. This joy and exuberance will both lead me to others who are in a similar state and will draw others in a similar state to me. Their presence then improves me and my life. Good begets good.
These are, of course, my takes on what is "good," which may also be subjective. I above qualified "good" as creating things, helping others and being joyful. That's what came to me first and what feels like "good" is to me. It may vary, but the end results are usually the same: make good, get good.
I guess my ideas are pretty much karma with some extra joy thrown in.
Oh, then I thought about Robin Hood and I couldn't decide. I think he's, like, the most karmically neutral person ever.
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