What if Their Was A News Station That Only Aired Positive Things?

35 replies
Think about this for a moment. A majority of the news that we see today is based on War, famine, despair, murder, and an occasional ditz from Hollywood that is going to jail for being an idiot and who is only famous for God knows why.

Now, obviously there are many scary things happening in the world every day, but rarely will a news station try to report on good things that are happening. Things that are inspiring.

Imagine an experiment where a news station ONLY reported good things around the world. This station would not air ANYTHING that was bad or depressing. It wouldn't cover the wars going on right now.

It wouldn't cover any murders or stories about a con artist. It would only air things that were of good nature.

What if that station could start chipping away at the collective consciousness in some positive way or another? I'm almost positive that this experiment would be ridiculed and criticized but people would have more options to either focus on the strife that is happening in the world or they can watch a station that is only talking about a story that has a happy ending.

I know there are good stories out there and I am not being specific about what a good story is because there can be so many different types that are positive.

It would definitely be biased, but with all honesty, what News station isn't?

It seems that misery is a more important story and I believe it just adds to more of it since that is the only option one has when trying to see what is happening in the world.

If people were able to only focus on the good things that were going in the world, do you think that may change the world at all. Imagine if everyone chose to only focus on good things and news stations left out the strife. It would be a different world all together.

Do you think this would impact the world at all?

Or do you think that We as humans choose to focus mostly on strife which eventually manifests more of it?
#aired #news #positive #station #things
  • Profile picture of the author assertiveone
    If there was a quick buck to be made doing positive news someone would have done it by now.
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    • Profile picture of the author Hagitt
      That is the greatest idea!!!

      For me it will be like a dream comes true, that's why I have build my website - so I can have a homepage that is just about good things.

      Great, Amazing, Fantastic, Wonderful!!
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
      Originally Posted by assertiveone View Post

      If there was a quick buck to be made doing positive news someone would have done it by now.

      "If" is the question. You are absolutely right about the biggest concern being the money in this type of world. However, no one would know unless they tried it.

      I guess the producers of the news feel that the money is in the misery. They could be wrong though.
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      • Profile picture of the author Claude Whitacre
        Originally Posted by RyanHaus View Post

        "If" is the question. You are absolutely right about the biggest concern being the money in this type of world. However, no one would know unless they tried it.

        I guess the producers of the news feel that the money is in the misery. They could be wrong though.
        Money isn't in misery. It's in conflict. It's in controversy. That's what people want to read. They want drama.

        Ever see a movie about nice people that just go through their life being nice to others? Neither have I.

        The problem with only giving good news is that it isn't exciting. It isn't dramatic. It doesn't make your heart race and your blood boil.

        There are no "Good news emergencies".

        It isn't that good new isn't fun to hear.....it's that it's boring.

        I know this is the wrong thread to post this. but the rest of the world doesn't think about pretty flowers all day and chant.

        Bad new is news. Good news is expected and not stimulating.

        Everyone slows down in traffic to see a car crash. Nobody slows down to see someone be courteous to someone else.

        This isn't something to change. It's simply the way we are.
        One Call Closing book https://www.amazon.com/One-Call-Clos...=1527788418&sr

        “Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise; seek what they sought.” - Matsuo Basho
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
      Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko View Post

      Would it impact the world? Of course it would. For the simple fact that countries, nations, cities, towns, etc. are ruled by mob psychology. Which means that these places are shaped after the psychology of the people living in these places. When the majority of a nation is focusing on fear, that's when we have recessions. When the majority of a nation is focusing on prosperity, we have prosperous times. Think about what we could achieve if positive psychology overruled the negative....
      That is precisely what needs to happen but the powers that be seem to have the most fear of change and therefore keep instilling fear into the general publics' lives.
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  • Profile picture of the author donnarn
    Ryan I think it would be a huge impact to have a positive station , Negativity has taken over in the world, that is why I live for the Lord only to be positive there is none greater than my Lord Jesus Christ.
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    • Profile picture of the author Roy Naim
      About 7 weeks ago I was listen to an Hypnosis training (I study hypnosis and pretty good at it though I am always learning more) while walking around in my neighborhood.

      The man speaking was saying how the world feeds on the 10 percent of negativity happening in the world. How the news know that have to "grab" the people with scary news so that they can keep coming back to see "who's next?" and if it will be them.

      But imagine if the news decided to one say "There's this man name John. John wakes up in the morning, has a beautiful healthy breakfast with his wife and kids. Kiss them good bye. Send them off to school. Goes to work. At work John created many cool things for the world, made lots of money. And had a great day at work. After work John came home to his wife and kids, had a great dinner and spent a good evening at home".

      Sounds boring to the world. The world doesn't see the beauty in it. Actually, the world does see the beauty in it, those who take time to recognize it. But we are trained by others to ignore the beauty of it to be drawn into the negativity.

      As Gordon Gekko said people will attack you saying you live in a dreamland if you think only good things. People think you are in "lala" land.

      Yes, I know what is happening in the world. For the most part, I ignore the news but I do know what is happening. I don't need to spend more than 10 minutes (and that is more than enough) to be kept up. Heck, I just have to listen to my friends who do report to me what is happening.

      Recently I was telling a friend that I don't watch the news much because it is a waste of time and does me no good. He said I was wrong.

      Mind you, he is a good friend of mine, but I can't stand being around him anymore because he gossips and likes the negativity.

      I am no saint. I just work hard on myself. Try to anyway.

      SUCCESS Magazine lead by Darren Hardy is doing just that. They are trying to fight the media by spreading good news, success stories.

      We can also join the fight by sharing our stories.

      For a long time now I will admit, I wanted to start a podcast/show just sharing the good news that is happening out there. I even reached out to Darren Hardy with this idea.....not just a once a month magazine but a daily podcast with success stories and stories of people doing something that matters.

      What we are doing here as entrepreneurs, we are creating these success stories to share with the world. We are not only showing by saying but by living.

      I beg myself and others, please be successful so that we can show that the good news are indeed good.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nereah
    My thoughts are, that people are tired of the bad news all over the world and a Goodness Radio, TV etc would certainly be welcome, unfortunately the owner may just have to get a donor to help with the initial funding until a majority appreciate it enough to make it self sustaining.

    Planning an event

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    • Profile picture of the author Aussie_Al
      If I remember correctly - I am pretty sure some millionaire started a "good news" paper in the 1970s and promptly went broke

      Seems like we prefer to hear bad news then good
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
      Originally Posted by Nereah View Post

      My thoughts are, that people are tired of the bad news all over the world and a Goodness Radio, TV etc would certainly be welcome, unfortunately the owner may just have to get a donor to help with the initial funding until a majority appreciate it enough to make it self sustaining.

      As fas as funding, you are right, but thanks to the internet and you tube, that can be possible with limited resources
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  • Profile picture of the author Mike McAleer
    What a great idea! Too bad it doesn't happen. Someone here should do that and call it the positive news channel or something like that haha.

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    • Profile picture of the author justgr8
      I thought a positive news channel or program had already been tried. Probably went bust.
      People prefer train wrecks.

      I avoid much news. I hear just enough to keep up and not so much that it's overwhelming.
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  • Profile picture of the author BlueGlobeSeo
    It's all about perspective and how you react to negativity around you. I believe positivity and negativity could not exist without the other, even in an ideal world. From the existence of negativity emerges the strength and will to go through the rough times, i.e. positivity, which makes us stronger.
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    • Profile picture of the author GlobalMedia
      Originally Posted by BlueGlobeSeo View Post

      It's all about perspective and how you react to negativity around you. I believe positivity and negativity could not exist without the other, even in an ideal world. From the existence of negativity emerges the strength and will to go through the rough times, i.e. positivity, which makes us stronger.
      Even I have the same opinion about the negativity theory. It's always better to overcome the negative thoughts, so as to taste the real success.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chad Masters
    That is a bold idea. However, there ARE people that are trying this now. Check this out:

    Happy News - Real News. Compelling Stories. Always Positive.


    Only Positive News
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  • Profile picture of the author Larkrise
    I've always wished for that - I know we are meant to be pumped full of every hateful, horrifying, negative pile of ****e that goes on but wheyyy hayyy - I avoid all of it and would love to hook up to a 'good news only option'

    I have noticed I infuriate some people by my very naughty attitude and refusal to watch or read the nasty stuff - I just say, hey ho, my body chemicals are all the better for it - I cant trust myself not to get sad or have nightmares and the funny thing is, I havent missed out. People have a habit of 'blurting' bad news so I usually end up finding out whats going on in the world.

    great post!
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  • Profile picture of the author bobsstuff
    Years ago I heard a saying referring to the news media. It went, "Bad news is good news, good news is no news". I think that pretty much sums up the news then and now.
    Bob Hale
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  • Profile picture of the author msmir75
    Oh people are totally not ready for a positive station, it would have happened by now as already someone stated. The best thing to do is to just cut yourself off from it. People thrive on low energies because it is easier that way. Higher energies are more difficult to attain if you are not ready to work on attaining it. That is why those who give out higher vibrations will repel the ones who feed off of lower energies. Sad but true.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    I think if this was a station it would be full of birth and wedding announcements, ha ha.

    There would be no sports as the result will always be negative for someone. And the weather would only be reported when it was a nice day.

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    • Profile picture of the author msmir75
      Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

      I think if this was a station it would be full of birth and wedding announcements, ha ha.

      There would be no sports as the result will always be negative for someone. And the weather would only be reported when it was a nice day.

      Well the odd time you actually do see that on SOME newscasts, especially after a successful birth happened after a close call like it did the other day to someone in the city (gave birth in a car that ran out of gas, holy wow but all was well). But that is the exception, not the rule with the news!
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  • Profile picture of the author mustas4
    Check this out Good News Network. People do love good news.
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  • Profile picture of the author vpsean
    In theory it's a good idea ... and I've often pondered this myself ...

    My question though is, if all the news were to be positive, how would you stay up to date on the important happenings around the world?

    For example, things like the Japan Tsunami's ... the floods in Australia ...

    No we don't need to go all doomsday about it ... but contrary to belief, ignorance is not bliss ... It's just ignorance.

    So, how would you propose staying up to date without being taken down by the negativity of most news?

    With Love & Gratitude,
    --Sean Patrick Simpson
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    • Profile picture of the author RyanHaus
      Originally Posted by vpsean View Post

      In theory it's a good idea ... and I've often pondered this myself ...

      My question though is, if all the news were to be positive, how would you stay up to date on the important happenings around the world?

      For example, things like the Japan Tsunami's ... the floods in Australia ...

      No we don't need to go all doomsday about it ... but contrary to belief, ignorance is not bliss ... It's just ignorance.

      So, how would you propose staying up to date without being taken down by the negativity of most news?

      With Love & Gratitude,
      --Sean Patrick Simpson
      Co-Founder of Adventures in Manifesting
      I thought about this, and my answer is: Watch ANY other station out there, because it will literally be all over the news anyway. However, that's not to say that you can't write a good, positive news story about a traumatic event. I'm sure a creative journalist can write about a positive thing during trauma. Like an inspiring rescue story or something like that.

      I'm just thinking a balance is needed.
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      • Profile picture of the author vpsean
        Makes sense :-)

        I guess I was thinking from the stand point that some people suggest getting rid of the negative news altogether!

        Good stuff.

        With Love & Gratitude,
        --Sean Patrick Simpson
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  • Profile picture of the author rickfrazier1
    Interesting observations, but I think there are a number of things involved. As usual, things are not so simple as tney might appear, when it comes to human interactions.

    The old saws for the media industries ("if it bleeds it leads" "put in a fluff piece to end on a good note" "Bad news is good news, good news is no news" and "bad news sells newspapers") are all well known and have basis in apparent fact.

    One might question WHY this is true. Perhaps it is because people are attracted to sensationalism, as a way of escaping their own relatively dreary lives. Perhaps it is because seeing the ills of others in a public forum, they can somehow feel superior that they aren't in the same situation. Perhaps it is just because they find this sort of journalism entertaining. When I say people, I refer to the mass-market folk that are attracted to this sort of media or controlled by it. Unfortunately, there will always be a certain percentage of our society that falls into this category.

    On the other hand, there has been a movement of sorts, of people with a positive approach to life, a positive approach to their own situation and the exploration of the knowledge and techniques needed to create change. We have the opportunity to grow this segment of our population, while enriching our own lives and fortunes. Will this sell newspapers? Or be featured on newscasts and other mainstream media? Probably not, at least not until we finally achieve the "tipping point" where a majority of people find that they can affect their lives positively, through active steps to bring their lives into focus.

    I'm not suggesting we ignore the public press, after all, we do need to keep an idea of what is happening in the world. I'm just saying we don't need to dwell on it needlessly, or let it negatively affect us. By the way, it's not just the news media, but some of our "entertainment" as well. I've a relative that watches one of the "America's most wanted" shows all the time. It scares the hell out of her every week. She lives near a little podunk town in rural America, and is highly unlikely to ever encounter anyone ever featured on the show, but nonetheless watches it every week, without fail. I've not quite figured out her motivation for watching the show because it creates such fear in her life, but that's her reality, not mine.

    Given the explosion of information, and the reporting we see, we might easily fall into the trap of thinking the world is becoming a worse place to live every day. This misjustice or that, a murderer here or there, siblings mistreating or killing one another. Accidents and disasters that are covered in excruciating detail. All of these things make one wonder what the world is coming to. I believe these things have been happening at much the same rate for our entire lives, but with the currentl availability of information, we are now able to hear about things that would have been held locally, not all that many years ago. I don't think people are fundamentally any worse than they were, say, in the fifties or sixties, we are just able to hear about it easier.
    Of course, there may be a small segment of the population, the "copy cat" folks that are affected more these days due to the sensationalism and noteriety from some of the negative things being reported. They were there before, just not affected as much because the information travelled slower.

    I think it may still be a while before there the "good news" programs outnumber the existing media outlets, but am looking forward to seeing more of the positive and less of the negative over time.

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  • Profile picture of the author majay
    such a station would come in handy,especially in countries like the one im from,where being an election year..the media houses are giving more airtime to politicians airing their competitors dirty linen

    If only they could focus on the positive side of each of the aspirants!

    Its all about Kenya ,all the time

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  • Profile picture of the author QuelThalas
    yes, i think airing bad news is just going to add more bad people because they learnt from it. but the good thing is, we could be more careful with new bad modus and stay aware. but this kind of news station is a lot anyway.

    so this idea is so inspiring.

    how about someone who knows media make a proposal for this idea and offer this to some channels? maybe it's gonna work.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Knowles
    Nobody would watch it or at least it would die from lack of viewers and that's what pays for it....viewers = advertising sponsors. There is a certain element of enjoyment people get from watching disaster and grief, let's be open about that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gary Ning Lo
    I think that this concept had been tested some years ago.. But did not work..

    if it bleeds it leads


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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    If there was a news channel that only reported good and positive things then the rating for it would be down and not a whole lot of people would even consider watching it.

    You can't tell someone to watch this type of news when you brainwashed them since they were kids to watch bad and sad news.
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  • Profile picture of the author SuccessMarketer
    The irony is that the "personal development" industry is focused mainly on positive thinking and this industry is worth BILLIONS of $$$...

    So... why would this not work as a news programme? The market is there already and it could be monetise easily by simply selling audio programs or books at the end of the program.

    I believe most people enjoy seeing success and rag to riches stories as they make us feel inspired about the world...

    My 2 cents
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