The Truth & Future Of A Real Hero
I was dubbed a real hero.
I lost 150lbs. I ran a few half marathons. I inspired many to lose weight and raised lots of money for charity.
I am half deaf. I talk a bit funny but now it's because of my heavy Brooklyn accent. However, it used to be because of my speech impairment. Lots of hard work to sound "normal".
I used to be bullied as a kid. Now I help others to stand up to them and value themselves much more.
I was called a real hero.
I spent years serving kids with cancer and other chronic illnesses, making them feel normal and special. Showing them it is possible to have a good time, have friends and live life.
Some made it. Some didn't. I have grown much because of these kids. I learned to appreciate life and what I have. Physically. Mentally.
I spent years in the dormitory helping others, being the go to guy for advice, teens, adults, made no difference. I was there to listen and advise if I could. I was in charge of hospitality giving guest an experience that they enjoy, making sure they are comfortable and happy.
I was called a real hero.
I now do NLP and hypnosis. Studying it. Practice it and getting good at it. To date I have helped someone stop nail biting, stop smoking, rid the fear of height, breaking a wrestling "losing streak" and many more.
I am not special. I just practice and want to see people succeed.
And yet, I am called a real hero.
But only if they knew.
I started out in the Network Marketing/MLM world. First Lifepath Unlimited, then TVI Express, then LGN Prosperity and ended with Send Out Cards. I listened to my sponsors but found no success. I was burned many times spending lots of money on mentors but nothing. Spent lots of money on marketing but nothing.
I had nothing to show in that world. But on I pushed.
I joined the internet marketing world. Heard about the wonders of niche sites and then doing coaching clients. Sound good to me.
I got myself a mentor then. But nothing. He abandoned me (and a few others). He is rich. He knows his stuff but he did not invest in us.
But I pushed on.
People think I am wealthy. They think I am rich. Yes, I have a walk of someone who has it all. I am a happy person. I greet people with smiles. I care for them. In a way I am rich. Grateful for what I have.
Hey, I know a lot about internet marketing too but that is all conceptual.
They called me a real hero. But only if they knew.
I procrastinated. I was confused. I didn't know where to go. Where to begin already. Where to end. But I knew I wanted to be successful in the internet marketing world.
Very. I wanted to do be successful and get what it is I want and also help others do the same.
As you can tell, I really enjoy working with people. The coaching industry is where I want to be at. At the same time, I want to have my own results in many different areas so when I do *truly* coach people, I come from a level of service and understanding.
But where am I to go?
I got sad. On the outside I am still Roy. I laugh and smile a lot. Help people. But where am I at? Am I successful? Am I really a real hero?
If only they knew.
I gained a bit weight. I used to be 360lbs, went down to 210lbs and went back up to 270lbs.
I allowed others and myself to decide how I am going to be.
I did not follow through on the methods I know conceptually. I did not make things tactical.
No, I am not a hero.
I do not come from a rich background. The opposite. We were a poor family but my parents made sure we had everything we wanted. Mom and dad would sell their shirt on their back to make sure their son would have everything.
I am a smart kid. Straight A's. The kid who did other people's homework even (at first because I wanted to make friends but then because I really wanted others to do well and not fail. Of course, now I would have done things a bit differently). At my graduation where I was named valedictorian and my principal said "Roy Naim, the man who is graduating 35 times tonight." (Because I helped others do well).
I can talk for hours about philosophy, psychology, business, anything really. I love learning. And I love helping others, advising them accordingly. Which is why I took up NLP and hypnosis. The training gave me the tools to go further to communicate with others and myself.
And communicating I am.
I am back out running. I am back out serving others in a big way.
I know what I have to do. I have to get rid of any TV times (yes, the old shows like Who's The Boss? Gotta go).
Gotta wake up early and sleep early.
Gotta put in productive hours. Gotta seek out more people to help out.
But let's talk internet marketing.
I am going to do two things here. I am trying one method out from Commission Overload that I am a part of and niche sites from Bring The Fresh.
I promise I will succeed in them. I will make them work. I will say "I DID IT" and I will come back showing you the paycheck.
I promise I will not go back on my promise. (Thank you Eminem).
It is time to make the conceptual into tactical.
A few months ago a friend of mine said to me "Roy, you know a lot about the mind, the business and so on and I wonder, are you living it?". I couldn't answer then but I will soon.
I am out to WIN. I am out to SUCCEED.
I am out to truly be called a real hero.
I wrote down a few things I want. I wrote down the numbers I need to make everyday to live it.
I am going to live it.
And when I live it. I am going to teach it.
And there is no better teacher than the one who does it and teach it.
Time to make the conceptual into tactical.
So here's the "mini" goals. Within 30 days, I want my first 100 dollar day.
Within 60 days, I want 500 dollars day.
And then 1000 dollars day. And then I revise the goals.
I may achieve them faster. Permission given.
I am putting this out there to display my lacking and to show my determination.
The time has come for Roy to live the talk and the thoughts. I a good communicator. And now I will be even better at what I do.
Today's the day.
Today I shine.
Today I will succeed.
I recognize who I am, my weakness and my strength. I know where I stand and I will act.
No longer will procrastination win.
First I will get the results and once I do, I can truly advise.
May G-d give me the strength.
P.S. Looking forward to sharing with you the news of the first 100 dollars day, 500 dollars day, and 1000 dollars day.
I further look forward to the day can write the future story from procrastinator to success.
And the story of A Real Hero.
Recent domain flips : $8->$1000 Social recruiting Software dot com $8->$2000 MobileSalesSoftware.com
Invest in domains without the hard work !
Email for details...Mike McAleer at me dot com
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